The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, November 26, 1799, Image 3

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and fu veyor general \Vhficup on the P ?cl,t,enf fj members of the ferrate attended, and being leated tn the rep.e fentative chamber, the two bran chef of the legrflature p'oceeded bv joint ballot of both houfes, Jthe eUaion of a treaiuter, fecrerary of fia*. and .urvetor general, and f e ba lot. being Laratelv taler, and examined for the (aid federal officers it appeared that M* in Mouriger* r a K was dulv eletl“d (realv.rer, Horatio Marfury. efq. lerretaty of (fate, and Daniel bturges, efq- (urveyor genet,'l. The prcfiHrnt Mid members of the fenate bavin? w ;< the houfe proc< rdf d to take up t he bills in order—The b II to be entitled, " an aft to amend the conftitution of this Hare, by adding a feft’on to 'he arrirleto prevent entails, and to ye? ulate inteftate eflatcs," was taken up Whereupon Mr. Walker moved that the bill Hand commute d to a committee of the whole, on the firft Monday in November next ; and on the queftion put, the yeas and nays being required, are as follow : Ayes, 16—Noes, 20. So it was confthutionally Gai ned in the affirmative, rhere not being two thirds againft the motion. The bill from the fenaV fo ! be entitled, *• an *6 to empower the inferior courts of the feveral counties in this (late, to order the laying out of pub’ic roads, and to order the budding and ! keeping in repdr of public bridges," was read ?he firf> time, and ordered to pals to a fecond reading, A meffage horn the fenate by their ferretaiy Mr. Roberdon. Mr, fpeaker—-The fenate have concurred in the bill from the houfe of reprefentatives to be entitled, “ an aft fupplementary to an aft, entitled an aft: to re- I gulate the general eleftions in this (late, and to appoint the time of the meeting of the gene ral affembly; and an aft for the appointment of county oflu- f crs > with amendments—and he withdrew, fhe houfe then arjourned till t 0 morrow morning, 9 o'clock. A correfpor den* vdflics ' o be informed, whither it is prob ble ecoulo find a lawyer ’ is ou ld he be charged with I ,h f fame with Ppainil Pidu.cnf, Jetterfon, as Luther Baldwin! V, S fine< * for againll Pielident Adams. I ~T rials for (edition are loGng I co^on!'’ thCy bCCOmlng ‘ ■ P'»s n by te a m Geo aS ma<Je ’ “ 3P ‘ H t 0 'Ob dig m G ?? rge '°' vn P a P er . I , u jlt h 1 from Alexandria' II f'Howir. b ; three b|a^ I th ' coachmen 0 eiftar ! ing,and I nmen g’vmg them the | wliip, thtTe funs of darbnefs weie difappoin'rd in their aim. New*York, November 2. Cnpt, Truxtcn has re fumed his command in the navy % and is about to proceed again to Jea in the Con- Jlellation . The circvmffances attendant on 1 the return of capl. 7 ruxton to his command in the navy having b'en variously reported, we are. deftred tn flale i that it is cn the following Jootirg that cnpt. Truxton returns in'o fervice : in a letter to the Pre fiJent he offered to wave the que/lion of rank , and to leave that point between cnpt. Talbot and him [elf as ■ t flood ; in confequence the Prefi dent declines accepting his resigna tion , and he rejumes his former command . Gaz, U. S % Charlrfhm , November 14. Tne brig Augullus. Smith, which arrived yefterday, was taken 18 days ago by an Englifh orivateer, called the Flying F1 fh, of (amaica, which put a prize mafler and (even negroes on board, and ordered him for New Providence : they left captain Smith, Mr. Davies, the taper cargo, and two boys on board. Captain Smith, with thia abid ance, after the privateer left him, took ah opportunity and gained pofleffion of his vtflel, and made for ibis port - . We iearn that the great qtief tion refpefting the conftitution ality of the 45th feftion of the; laws ofcongiefs, iftvol.p 203, and ißth fee. 2d vol. p. 110, giving a preference to debts due the Urifpd States from an ta talvent debtor, even wheie fne cific property is already veiled in another creditor, and before the United States have acquired any judicial lien on it, came be fore the lalt Federal Circuit Court in this city, in the cafe of the United States againft Hop kins and others, affignees of Holloway ; butthatit Wasthrown into the fhape of a fpccial ver di6t, to go before the Supreme Court for their decifion, where fore the opinions of the Circuit Court on the fubjeft were dif penfed with. It is to be regret ted, however, that a decifion did not take place as the law, ff tappered, will affeft in a moll important degree the interefts of thofe who reft fathfred with rbe idea rhar they am fafe in I having mortgages and other fe * curities for their debts,and which | the law of congiefs rontcmp ates to fit afidc in lav 01 of the Uni ted States. From the reafon of the thing, however, the compa- Iratively narrowed regal prero gatives in this refpeft of the crown in England, and the great incooveniencies refulling from tach a law, as well as the una nimous opinion of our (late court, (in a late cafe) againft the j conftitutionality of the law, it is more than probable that the lame will be declared void by the Su preme Couit of the U. States. > ' Or 7 he jtfufon Troop of Light Horfe, wil parade at Lou tpoille, on ike tail Saturday in tins month—Each Mtmber is leqmjied ■ to attend . ; By order of capt. Connolly, Wm. NVOowtil, fere a*y, November tg. . Not ire is Herrby Givrn, HTHAT there will he an a h pli -1 1 cation made to (he honoiahle ■ the inferior court of Hancock, after ; the expiration of ivne months, fo> have to /ell a ceruin traft of land t on the waters of the Oconee, on taming ninety four acres , moi tor If, part if the real e/ia f e of lohn Jones, d> cenfed, to fatisfy (he heirs Mia credit rs of fad dcaafd. John Booth, frnior, Admiaiftrator. November Is. N OTIC THAT mne mon'hs after the date hereof, application ui/l he made to the Inferior Court of Jefferfon County, for perm if [ion /o fell a trafl of two hundred and fixty acres of land, in Wajhing' on coun ty, part of the real rjlote of John Murray, deceaftd, for to fatisjy the Creditors of Jaid Eflaie. Win. M‘Dowc!l, admr. Oftobcr 29, 1799* NOTIC F* r T'HAT nine months after the date hereof, application mil , U made to the honorable the Jnfi nor ' court of the cnv'fy of ~Jeff L rfon, f r leave to f ll a tract of laud, inn lairing one hundred acres, within fix miles of Cambridge, in /I'be ville county , in the fate oj Siuth- Carolina : part of the real <fate of Robert Spence, decea/ed, to fa tisfv the demands of the Cl cditoi s of Jaid Robert Spence . Samuel Andrews, admr, 9 I on. 14, 1799. ! By Wm M‘Dow- j G EOR O I A,r ill, CU> kof the *f r Jf r fon County. Court of Ot dinary, w >l. M'Dowill. I of the County of 1 j rs 1 non. WHEREAS Kcziah Titflcy hath ihii day applied to me foi letter of ad immflration on the eflaie of Thus. Tirfley, : lc of Hus County, det(..uo: ihtic aiC therefore to cite and admnnifh all ; nd (tabular (he Kindred and Crcd ion ot ihe laid deccafcd, to be and appear bef re the Inferior Conn ■ f the county n'oie d, tor fomc one of the members there* 1, on lor before the 18111 day of Deceit er nn?, to (he w caufe, if any they h e, why tellers of adininiilratioa /houldnoi be granted. Given under inv hand, this iB'hda> of No vtmber, 17< 9, and in the twciy* I f Mirth year ot om. Auic>i.aii I title* penitence. Lly V\ in. M I)ov • GEORGIA,/ ILL, CUri of the Jfff-ntjn County . '> C„urt of OrJtnaiv Wm. M'Duwill. I of the C w.ty oj J J Jf< WHEREAS Eliz. Afleew, h.nh this day a 1 ico t* ' < 1 i - ie i of admnullration on the eflate of William Aikew, dfieuJcd ; thefe a.c • herefore Co ciie and admonifh all and fmj’Ular the kindred a d c editors of the laid deeeafed, lo be and appear before the Inieii'r Couit of the cntmiy a(<»re fiid, or foine one of the members on nr before the eighteen'h day of Dc ccmlrcr rex', to (hew caule, it any they have, why letters ofadntiDi.franco fhuulcl not be g amed. Given under my hand, this Bth day ol Nov. >79';, «*od in t e twent » fourth y*ar ol ;hc Inde- J pcudencc. \ ■).?, ,rIT A TTf, GT.O R C f A, / Ci >k ttj ike Csi,rf 9 f if j/i. ugtan County, C Or,t ia y,JbrH'mj 'b* 3 ingion Connty, WHERFAS El zaUlh Cannon hailt »»»i lied JO Wf for let'cn of ndrri nut ration on i»ir eftaic - f Junta Crnnvr, itfiC-Tc- ; ihclc tl eremre io cifc and ndmo r ifti al! and liignlar the kind.rd atd ccniioisot ihe liuu decealed, to be a d u pe r at nu cflke, on t>r brfore the 131J1 lay of December neat, m fliew raufe, if “y the- have, why Inter* or admiulk.a* uoa Ihcu’.o not br granted ihem. Uivcn under my hai.d, this thirteenth t'V • t Nov. 17. y, hpel in the twenty f urth »ear 01 the A uer can Inde pendence. *J. Watt®, clcik c. o. R'chmprd, (Vir ) April jj, *99, To the Republicans throughout the United States , PROPOSALS For pnblifhing, by fubfciiption, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftorical Repository. CONDITIONS. I. The period* of publication 10 b f (emi.quarterly. tl bach number to contain rdavn i age* < 1 leer | reft ( timing, upon large fine pajer, nearly racru cd on an entire new type, tewed and glewcd under a ti.ick nine cover, 111. Price to Suhfcribrrs 4 dollar* a year, two dollar* to be , aid in advance on the receipt of the fir ft number, and two dol lar* on »h# rcrei| t - f the fif.h I.umber. IV. To each four number*, which will make a volt me H 400 ngn, will be added i title l rfif, at d n table of contents, VIEW of the WORK. TRIUNF Dedication ; firP, to th« Repnb icm» throughout the United State* ; Icconn, m John A. ami, e(q. prefuient of the United States ; a> d third, to the Arif, tocrats gcrcally ; Declaration ol Inde pendence; Conftitutiun of the Uni ed State* ; Rcft'lurim *j nd Addrefi of the Lcgiilaarre of Virginia ; Hr folutimis of the Leg:lla.urc ot Kentucky, Mr. George Ntchours’i defence of them, in a Letter to hi* (riend ; flan of a Conftitution pre fen'Cd to the Convention, by Alexander Hanrril'o* • h definition of par.ies, or po -I’tical ttt.ft* oi the paptr f> 'em con« it fttCil ; a re irw of tl.e revenue f* Item ad crcd by die firft Corgref*, and an tn* amination of it* perniciutu effects, in thirteen letters to a fnerd, bv a citizen, laid to be Mr. Findlev ; the Conliituiioa of the “ fell-treated” f< ciety, or the order of the Cincinnati; E*ira<ni ff m j Mr. Adam’s D'fenre ; from Mr. Gallatin** Sketches ol the Finances ol ihe United States ; fri m an Addief* of Mr. J< hn , Page, wf RofeweP. to h’* conlli urni* ; Imn M'. Galei dar’s Sketches ol the Hif tory 0/ tlx (Juried Siatev, Annual Rrgif tcr, a-id Hittorv if 179 b, in which be handles *i h a* much uelicacy as they defervr, many ol the blunder*, incon liucnctes, and en rmilies of government. James Lyon, Subfcriptions for the work , will be recavtd by A m b ros i Day, at the Office uj the Louifvdle Gaz~ ette. Oil. 29. WANTED TO HIRE, Hy the Month or fear, A NEGRO MAN. Enquire at ikit Office. November 13, 17;';* SHERIFFS' BLANK DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE , For Sale at the Office of the Lcu f~ ville Gazette . September 10. BLANK LETTERS OJ ADMINISTRATION, AND BLANK BONDS, For Sale at the Office of the Louifviile Gazette. September to.