The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, December 03, 1799, Image 2

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I Crcat-Briuin than hy all the! odier powers of Eirope. With ! blockading ports and navigation laws, p "manent and temporary the conditions upon which our fhips may unmojettcd i’o multiplied, that if is hardly poffible for the honcft merchant to know where he may fend a cargo without the rifque cf fei 2ure and condemnation. The 1 friends of government look with impaliene/ for fome bold and j inanlv efforts of adminiflration i to refrur ouY commerce from its degraded ftatc." Latejl European Ecus. Lower Elbe, Sept. n. The French letters of the 2d, contain an official account of the French head quarters being before the gates of Genoa, and that every preparation was ma king to evacuate the Ccnocfe territory. The French letters of the 3d, Date the drccafe of Pins VI at Valence, in the 82dyear of his a^e. 6 The miniflers of PrufTia and Saxony have decidedly declared, at the diet of Patisbon. that their governments would fumifh no contingents to the new army of the empire, and that their governments were refolved to abide by the fyflem of neutral ity. which in faft is a complete feiffion of the Ge» manic confli tution. It might almoft be attced, what other bufinels thofe miniflers can have any longer at Ratishon except that of giving a negative to the mod important concern of thataugufl aflembly —the adopting means for their very exigence. '1 he letters from Holland feem to agree that the Dutch and fiench foices are by no means adequate to ihe Fnglifh troops, which, by their own eflimate, amounted already to 20,000 men. Letters from Hague, of the 7th, announce die arrival of the duke of \olkin Holland. Vi en n a, Augu fl 21 . Fieldmarfhal lieutenantcount Belirgarde anived here yetter dav, fiom Italy. He is to go as amballador to Berlin. Gen. Dictrichftem will depart for Berlin to night, with extraordi nary dtfpatches. The emperor of R uffia is rai ling a new army on the frontiers of Poland, which is’to confrfl of 120,000 men. Plymouth, September 8. Bv the Sylph, from the chan nel fleet, we have advice, that the Spin 1 ih fleet which were at F orh c fort had failed fiom thence widi a convoy of 16 ihips, laden with naval flores, for Brett, to refit the fleet theie; that they attempted to pafs the pailage Du Kaz. in order to avoid the Bri tilh fleet, which the convoy cf •fc/Td, hut that the men of war (were obhged to anchor in a bay to the r oulhwaid of the pattage. Very fortunately, hoivevcr, Keats, in his majetty's ttiip Bo adicea, of 38 guns, fell in with the convoy before they readied Brett, and captured and dettroy cd the whole of them, and in (lantly difpatched a veflci to lord i Bridport, to acquaint him of the fituation of the Spanifh fhipvS, who immediately ordered a de -1 tachmcnt of the fleet, under the command of admiral fir J. B Warren, to proceed to the bay where rhe Spaniards weie at an chor, and to attempt their cap ture or definition, which there is great reafon to hope has been by tills time effefted. INSURRECTION. Paris , 10 o’clock at night , Avg. 30. A violent infurreftion lias broken out at Chartres, and tfie dire6lory has marched 800 men with cannon towards that city. It is (aid that the conttituted authorities have all been matta cred, hut v;e arc ignorant of the j details, [y harties is an ancient and confiderable town, 45 miks s. vv. of Paris.] For the thoufandth time we are allured, that the empeior of! Rudia has declared war againfl the king of PrufTia, on his rc lulal to join the coalition VVh t (ceins to be a confirmation of the above is. that the king of Pi uffia has difmiflcd the Ruffian amballador, and recalled his own fiom Petersburgh. How ever the tiuth will appear in a few days. BOSTON 1 , o&hrs\ . Ft om the Eajl-Indies. The Aurora, capt. Sprigg, bound from Gib altar to Bain-j more, fpokc in lat. 39, with the Danifh Fall-India company fliip, the Courier, fiom Calcut ta, which place (be left the mid- j die of May, when official ac counts had arrived that a dcci fivc aftion had taken place be tween the armies of Tippoo Sultan and the Britifh. in which the latter had entirely defeated i Tippoo, who loft his life in the , a6lion—his country was futren dered to the British, and peace is again reflored to India, with a gieat extent of territory and revenue added to the Britifh poffeffions. i N f W-Y (.) R K November 4. | On the arrival of the fliip I Penelope fiom Gottenburg, wc w r ere not able to lee the captain. etterday however, we had the pleafurc of an interview, and were informed by capt. Felt that ’ the king of Sweden was making i preparations to join the coah -1 tion ; 20,000 troops were ready to inarch, and that 7 fail of the line and 4 frigates were getting ready to fail from t Gotten burg. Capt, Felt further into:ms, that the Ruffian fleet had joined that of the Knghfh. The above news capt. Felt had fiom the American and Fnalifh conluls jufl befoie he failed, which was on the 16th September, November 5; Yeflctday morning arrived here, the new armed (hip Dif patch, captain Richard Ward, From Sr. Sebaflian's, lafl from Lifbon, where (lie put in in diftrefs. Capt. Ward is the bearer of difpatches fiom the American conful at Lisbon. The brig Three Filends of \ew-York, lying in the port of Lisbon, with half of her cargo on bo ~rd, caught fire about a fortnight befoie the Difpatch failed and was burnt down to i the water's edge; 32 pipes of: gin and about 200 pieces of linen were f ived Extract of a Idler from LiJbon t : 1 dated 1 Sept. 1799. “ We have had the Infur -1 gente frigate here for r few days: the appearance of lb frne a ffcip under the American flag, recal ling the glorious heioifm by which fhe was added to the Ame rican navy, has greatly exalted the Arneiican cha*ader, and will no doubt render our go vernment more rcfpedable and | our navigation more fafe—All nations will be difpofed to fhew j more refpebf than they have hi therto done, for a flag which waves over fuch a fhip. i “ Yefterday, Mr. Smith, (at tended by Mr. Bulkelcy, the conful of the Uni ed States) and his fecietary, went on board the Infurgente to breakfaft with captain Murray ; the regulations of the port not pcimitting a falutc, every other m rk of ref | pc6l was (hewn—on the minif ter’s arrival the yards were man ned, the ofhceis and marines | were drawn up on deck, and prefented their arms, while the mufic played the prcfident’s march. After breakfaft, Mr Smith had vifited every part of the fhip, the men were exerciled at the great guns, and went thro’ a ! l their manoeuvres, amongft others, thofc of the pike men or boaiders, a l of which were ' performed with great fkill and adivity—on the minifter's de parture the yards were again manned and the officers drawn up on the poop gave three cheers,! which were repeated by the whole crew, and anlwcred by j the minifler and the company l in the boat, who returned to l Lifbon highly gratified by the excebcnt difciplme, good order 1 and fine appearance of the crew, and the gentlemanly deportment and judicious regulations of the gallant captain and his brave officers. “ I introduced capt. Murray to the Britifh captains of men of war, and they have exchang ed lignals.” November 8- 1 He capture of the SpaniHi Rochefort, tnuft create frcfli embarraftments at Brcft ; from whence we learn that an inlurrc&ion had broker* out in the Spanilh fleet, which had been quelled b y the inter. vention ot French force the Spanifli leamcn confined and their place fupplied by con- Icripts. The next intelligence will be of the capture of the Spanilh fquadron from Roche fort by rhnt dafhing commander hr J. B. Warren, November 9. The envoys to France (ailed from i\ewport in the f igate United States on Sunday laft It is laid they will firft land m Spain. November 12. 7 he following important in telligence was. handed for pub lication to the editor of the Mer cantile Ad vernier, by a refpeft ab!e commercial houfe in this city, who received it yefierday morning from their correfpon dent at New Orleans: “ New Orleans , Sept, 25, 99. M We inform you with regret, that the difpatches from Spain, arrived heic fince eight days, bringing an order from (he king to flop the entry of all neutral vcllels in the Miflifippi. This I orde;r extends likewise (0 the Americans, who will not be. per mitted to difpofe of their cargoes in the city, but will enjoy the privilege of depofiting rhern,fo be taken to their pofteflions up the river, as is agreed by the treaty between Spain and the United States “ Our intendant has already put his cider in execution : but the merchants and planters knowing the evils which would attend it, have joined to make lepreientation to government, in order that wc may be allowed the fame privileges we have cn« joyed heretofore ; and as we ate almoft convinced they will favor our requefl* However we btg yru will not fliip any thing to this city until you receive mote poficive advice from us, fc that you may not experience any dilappointments in your opera tions ; and reft allured wc ftal always inform you exaftly on j this lubjeth We remain with fnencifhip, your obliged humble fervants, “ Little , Sarpy, Coljfun & So- BALTIMORE, November p James Winchefter, cfq. are informed, is appointed < * tri6l judge, for the diftdft tk Maryland, vice judge Faca, ceafcd, November 5. Tile fur render of J° nat 1 Robbins has given rile to clamor in various parts of United States. T he dil'u has been condudled in ll,l11 places with too much part.' andanimofity to aftord 1 did enquirer the in for rxia- *