The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, December 03, 1799, Image 4

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Richmond (Vir ) April ij, *99* To the Republicans throughout the United States % PROPOSALS For publifhing, by fubfeription, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftorical REPOSITORY. CONDITIONS. I. The prriodi of publication to be (eml-qnarterly. 11. Each number to contain 96 rflavn pages rf letter : refi printing, upon large line paper, neatly excelled on an entire new type, fewed and glewcd under a thick bit e covVr. lit. P ice to Subfcriheri 4 dollars a year, two dollar* to be \ aid in advance on the icceipt of the firft number, and two dol lar* on the reteipl of the fifth number. IV. To each four numbers, wh'ch will make a volume of 400 nages, will be added a title | age, and 1 table of contents. VIEW 0/ the WORK. TRIUNF Dedication ; firft, to the Republicans throughout the United State*, fccovi, 10 John A< tint, efq. preftdent nf ; *hr United States ; a"d th rd, to the Arif lorrats gene'ally ; Declaration ot Inde- 1 pendenre; ConOitution of the United Stares j Refoln tjoni and Addrefs of the 1 legifla ure of Virginia ; Refoluth n» of Ihr Leg fliture o' Kentucky, Mr. George Nicholas’, defence of them, in a Lette to his friend; flan of a Co dilution p c- ' fen e to the Convention, by Alexander ( Ha ilio 1 ; a definition ol par irs, or P‘>* | Ibical effcAs o* the paper fyfletn con fi lered ; a ie* iew of the revenue fvftcm I ad med by the fitft Congrels, and an d-• 1 amination of its pernici us rfieft , in thirteen letters to a friend, by a citizen, laid to be Mr. Findlev ; the Conliitutton of the ‘ felf-createct” f ciety, or 'he order of the Cincinnati; Extracts from Mr. Adam’s Defence ; from Mr. Gall uin’ Sketches of the Finances of the United Stales ; from an Addrefs of Mr. Jchn Page, of Rofewelt, to bis condiment ; from Mr. G tler’dar’* Sketches of the HU tory of the Unled States, Annual Regil te , ai d Hiflory <f 179 ft, in which he ’lamtles wi h as much delicacy as they deferve, many of the Murders, inevsn liilencies, and en rmiti r » of government. James Lyon. November tq. PROPOSALS Por publifhmg, bv fubfeviption, A NEW WO UK, entitled. The PROSPECT BEFORE US; O R, An Impartial Examination of the Principal Features of the. Fede ral Government; minding an Explanation of the infant ne cejjity Jor a New Cenfus, m But, fir, it has an a*u r ul fquintivg ;it Jquints at Monarchy ! P. Henry. CONDITIONS. I. The w tk will be printed Its in oAavo volume confiding of »b ut ten fh'fts ; on good paper, and with a new and elegant 'ype ; and will be del.ver d lo Suhfcrib'rs m board*. 11. The pree wi Ibe One DolV per ropy, to be paid at the time of fu) fer’b ng. 111. The volume w’ll he pul 'o pref* as fo >n ns a ihoufand copies have been for. IV A hheral allowance will be made to bookf lie t s, and others, who take quantities. From the encouragement which this Work has already received, no doubt is entefan d that the ftpulated number of copies will be engaged for in a fhori time. Tie vo'um; will be ready to be dc! yered about the fit ft of December dcx*. A MONO ti e various inconCftencies j wh'ch diflmguifh human ra ure, Uete is peihaps none more extravagant than (ha hi in<lfoM adnrrafinn arid enlhufiaftt w h which the bulk of mankind follow particular names iu a politics! coatru- verfy. The leaders of every adminiftra tion commit numerous faults; aod thrr an'agonifte, who come after t 1 cm inva r ably tread in the fame trick. In pri vate life, we,can hardiy hod ten pedon* in the courfe of as many years, whoj pnftcfs, or who deferve implicit truft. Yet with this knowledge and dtftruft of each other by experience, and in detail, we do not frrup'e to give urqua* lified and unlimited confidence to the leaders of thofc rcTpcftivc part es under j wl cm we have cnh’ftcd. We can f ardiy j truft one man whom we know, and yet 1 we fruit an hundred, all together, of whom the greater part of us know no* thing hut by report. Thuslht profound nvi/dom of Gallstin, and the virtues of our illuftrioua Prefidcnt, from each of them, a favorite chorus, with their feve ral partizens; while it is beyond al quettion that the continent contains itioufands, and lens of thoubnds of men, who are quite as wife as the one, and quite as honeft as the o'he r. This publication wll unto'd a very extenfive fceoc of wcaknefs and abfur d ty, of the profligate wade of pubhc money, and the profligate dtfertion of public principles. The ft refs of cenftire will reft upon the pref nl governing party, bccaufe they hold for the time the national purfe, *nd have therefore the moft extenfive opportunitita of per petrat'ng mifehief. But, at the fame time, the reader will not be forfeited W’th encomiums on the champtons of oppofitton. The bufmefs of the nation haa been abominably conduced ; but a gu-at part of the blame is equally due to both paries. Part of rhe contents of th’s volume refer to fubjefts but little known to the cit zens of this country ; and moft of them arc fuch as cannot fa : l to excite furprize ind indignation. For inftance, I wi'l print the name of a Senator, who, at the difeuffion of Jay's treaty, injure 1795, fpokc thus to one of his brethren s —Damn the “ trea y. I deleft it as ** much as yon do ; but you know my “ fnuation with Mr. J<iy. lam obliged “ to vote for it on account of my friend* fhip for him .'** I (hall alfo give the name of a Sena’or who harangued in the Senate of Con urefs, for fevcral days, againft the fedi tion ad. He thru voted for it, and d dared to two of his brethten. that he Iti!! hdd that ad as hnr t' at it was neccflary to keep at nun the darn'd praters , Wh tn examining a multiplicity of complicated fu k jeds, it is difficult to cfcape the probability of being forne -1 mei miftaken. In relating afucceflion of (ads, where every ftep excites con tempt or dc r cfta r ton, it is difficult to svo dan occasional feverity of expreffion. Even this will be pardoned, if it cannot be defended, when 1 am to defenbe f enes of plunder, which might force a blufh into the beak of the moft hung-y Cormorant, that ever took his fight from Connecticut to rood on the federal treafury, James T. Callender. Richmond, Sept . 3, 1799. Subfcriptions for the work, will be received Day, at the Office of the Louifville Gaz• tth. Oft. 29. FOR SALE, At the Of Lie F. of the LOUISVILLE GAZ ETtE, cbtufi Jor A variety of Gold Ear-Rings, GILT SEALS, ° To tell the Day of the Mnntr, Silver and plated Bottle Lables, Silver Boot Buckles , E'egant SILVER and PLATED TEA CADDIE LADLES, Plated Spurs and Whips , A quantity of and elegant PEARL BUTTONS. ALSO, Befl White Chapel Needles, September jo. Jefferfon Superior Court, j April term, 1799. Prcfent the hon. Geo. Walton. UPON the petition cf Nathaniel M'Mbkin, Ricturd Curry, and Ben j iinin tVurner, piaying the forcclofurc of the equity of redemption, in and to a certain tract cf land, containing A ur hun dred acr-i lituate, lying and being in ihc (aid county of Jefferfon, one hur dcc acres cf which was granted to Frederick Dnglafs, and the other three hundred acros t > ifaac A<’£rr, mortgaged to the fail Nathaniel M'Mickin, Richard Curry •and Henpmiu Warner, by Ifaac Anger, for the fccurirg iht payment of a fum of 1 w'vey contained in a bond beaii g date ihe 10. h day of July, one ihoufand feven hundred and ninety eight. And upon motion of Mr Career, alter nc for the petitioners I it is ordered, that the principal, imerell and cofls be paid nto C urt, within twelve numbs from the cia c hereof, otherwife the equity ol icdemption will he forever forecloitd, and other proceedings lake place, agreeable to m ac‘t of allcnibly, in fuch cafes made anc p ovided ; and that this ru!* be publtfhed in one of the gazettes ol this hate, at leaf! nee in every month, until the expiration ol ihe (aid eweive mouths, or leived upon the mortgage, or his fpecial agent, at lealt iix moiitos |>ievi o 11 * to the expiration ol the laid twelve months. Certified this 4th day of Ocb. *9). Win. M'Dowell, clerk. NOTICE. rHAT after the erpiration of nine m nthi from the date hereof, there wnl be an application made to Ihe honor able ihc Inferior C >urt of Jefferfon County, f>r an order of fale, «f one hundred acres of land, lunate in the County of Jefferfon afor laid, adjoining land of Jofeph Chairs; it being part of the real eltatc of W Ilian* Jenkins, deceafed. The fait thereof wil. ■ e for the benefit < f the heirs and creditors of the afore fid Jenk ns, deceafed. Henry G. Caldwell, Attorney for the Executors of the aforefaid Eilat*. September 25, 1799. NOTICE. THAT after the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, there wul be an application made to the h< nor ab’c the Inferior Cour» cf Jrfferfon Coun tv, for an order of fale of the reul eflate of Rcbe-t Hambleton, deceafed, to wit j lliree hundred acies of Land, firuate in the county of rfon, adjoining land of y >hn Ingram and Lcnnf- j dy. It being pan of a Tratf of Land,! containing four hundred and fifty acres, gi anted I*> Robert Cooper, Alfo, one other Tra£> of Land, contain ing three hundred anti fifty acres, filuate in the county «>f Burke, on the waters of M Been C'eek, adjoining lands of ..... ... granted to , j The file of the anovc and foregoing Trucks of Land, w II be for the benefit of - heirs and creditors of th« faid Robert Hambleton, deceafed. H, G. Caldwell, For the Adminiftrator oj the afurefaid EJlutt 7“”* 26, 1799. NOTICE. r T"MIAT nine months after the -*• date hereof , application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court cf the county of Jefferfon , j r leave to fell a trafl of land, con taining one hundred acres , within fix miles of Cambridge , in nbbe ville county , in the fate oj South - Carolina : part of the real efate oj Robert Spence , deceafed , to fa tisfy the demands of the a editors of Jaid Robert Spence, Samuel Andrews, admr . oa. 14, 1799. WANTED TO HIRE, B\ the Month or Fear, A NEGRO MAN. Enquire at this OJpce, BLANK LETTERS 0/ ADMINISTRATION, AND BLANK BONDS, For Sale at the Office of the Louifville Gazette. I The SUBSCRIBER Has juft received , in addition to his former flock , The following ARTICLES: BROAD Cloths and EuJfCaJft meres M Cajftmere Vejl Shapes Bah Coating Dufftl Blankets, Rose ditto Linen , Calicoes , Mvjhns , Durants Oznabuigs , CoMm Bagging Plain and colored Cotton hose Velvoets and Thicksets Royal Ribh, Writing Paper Patent Medicine of all kinds Gun Locks of the heft quality Fine scented Pomatum Be ft Black Ball Bridie Bits, Plated Spurs Womens Stirrup Irons Hardware of all kinds Pen Knives, Saddle Tacks Cotton Cards t No, 10 Ribbons , Sciffors Ladies Hair Com l s Sewing Silk all colors Pocket Handkerchiefs Girt Webbing Thimbles , with fteel bottoms Neck Laces Be ft White Chapel Needles Razors in cases. MANUS LEMLE. N. B. All those indebted to the Subscriber 9 are earneftly requejled to come forward , and make imme diate payment , or their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney . ' L, Nofcmbcr 5. 3 One Thoufand Five Hundred DOLLARS 1 WAS delivered to the Poft - Mafter here, in the Pojl Office, on the evening of 7 uefday the 27 th ult. in a I etler din fled to Mr. |ohn Mills, merchant , Bal timore, containing two Alexandria BANK NOTES , No. 4320, in favor of William 7'aylor, and dated 30 ih April 1798, for ORE THOUSAND DOLLARS , and No , 4522, in favor cf John P. Plcalants, and dated the 10th of December. FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS, which letter has been fuppreffei in a Poft-Ojjicr, and the BANK NOTES taken out —as the Public Mail was not flopped, mo'efled or robbed. Bankers and Merchants are par ticularly requefted to watch the cir• culation of /aid Notes, and Jhp them ; and any perjon giving information as will lead us to our money [hall have FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS Reward. WILSON & SWANN* Frcderldburgh, (Virg.) Sept. 10* NOTICE. ** THAT nine months alter tn* date hereof, application ni be made to the Inferior Court of Jeff er[on County, for per miff f fell a trail of two hundred and ft* v acres of land, in Wajhing oncou - ty, part c) the real eftate of Murray , deceafed, for to fti ft) Creditors of jaid Eftate. Wm. M‘Dowell, admr. OFlohcr 29, 1799* i