The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, December 17, 1799, Image 4

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Ruhmof d, (Vlr.) April 25. *99. To iht Republicans throughout the. United Stales , PROPOSALS For publifhing, by fubfcnption, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE ; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftorical REPOSITORY. CONDITION?. I. The period* of publication to be , If mi.quarterly. 11. Each number to contain (jSoiTavo', pngesof letter prcfj printing, upon large fine paper, nearly executed on an entire nrw type, fewed and glewtd under a thick blue cover, 111. Price to Subfcriher* 4 dollari a year, •wo dollars to be paid in advance on the receipt of the firft number, and two dol* Jar* on the receipt of the fifth num her. IV. To each four numbers, which will make a volume ol 400 page*), will he added a title j:age, and a table ot contend. VIEW 0/ the WORK. TRIUNE Dedication; firfl, to the Republicans throughout the United State*; lecomi, to John At’ arm, cfq. prelident ol lh< United States ; and third, to the Aril tocrais generally ; Declaration ol Inde pendence; ConOitution of the United States ; Refoluiious and Addrefs of the Legillaiiuc of Virginia ; Refoluijons of the Legillature of Kentucky, Mr. George Nitholas’i defence of them, in a Letter to his friend ; flan of a Confutation pre feme I to the Convention, by Alexandei Hamilton ; a definition ol paril'S, or j;o -1’tical clicks ol the paper l>(tcm con* lidered ; a review of the revenue fyfVem adapted by the Tuft Corgrcfs, and an ex amination of its pernicious efTeift , in thirteen letters to a frend, bv a citizen, laid to be Mr. Findlev ; the Conllicutio «t the “ felf-crcated” fociety, or t he order of the Cincinnati ; Eeirafls from Mr. Adam’s Defence ; from Mr. Gallatin’s! Sketches of the Finances ol the United States ; fr m an Addrefs of Mr. J< hn Page, of Rofewell, to his conltjiuenfj ; iVom Mr. Calendar’s Sketches ol the Hlf* lory of the United States, Annual Regif fer, and HiOory of 179'', in which he handles with as much delicacy as they ‘ deferve, many of the blunders, inc»n fidelities, and en' rmities ofg> vernment. I James Lyon, November 19, PROPOSALS For publiflung, by fubfcripiion, A NEW WOKK, entitled, | The PROSPECT BEFORE US; O R, An Impartial Examination of the Principal Features of the Fede ral Government ; including an Explanation of the mjlant ne~ CfJJity for a New Cenfus . Bui, dr , it has an awful fquinting ; it J quints at Menarchy ! F. HtNitY. CONDITIONS. I. The work will he printed in so rftavo volume, confiding of ab ut ten films ; on good paper, «nd with a new and elegant type ; and will be delivered to Snbfcribcrs in boards, 11. The price will be One Do! f ar per ropy, to be paid it the time of fub fcribmg. 111. The volume will be put to prefe m food as a (houfand copies have been fubfcribcd for. IV A liberal allowance will be mide to booklellcrs, and others, who ukc quantities. From the encouragement which this wotk has already received, no doubt is entertained that the ft puUtcd number of k copies will he engaged for in a Ihort f time The vo'umi will be ready to be delivered about the fiift of December next. AMONG the virions incor Cfteneies which diflmgu fh human ra ure, Here is perhaps none more extravagant than lha r blindfold admiration and wth which the bulk of mankind follow particular names iu a political coulro- verfy. The leaders of every *dmin’|rt tion commit numerous faults ; and 4eir antagonist who come after tl em i|va pigbly tread io the fame trick. In pri vate life, we can nardly find ten peifon* in the courfe of as many years, WhO : pofiefs, or who deferve implicit fuft Yet with this knowledge and difruft of each other by experience, anj iu detail, we do not fcruple to give urjtia hfied and unlimited confidence tc the leader® of thofc refpcftive parties under whom webave enlifted. We can hardly truft one man whom we know, ao4 yet ! we trull an hundred t to K cl ber, of whom the greater part of us know no’ tiling but by report. Thus the profound wi/dom of Gallatin, and the virtws of our illuftrious Prefidcnt, from each cf. them, a favorite chorus, with their (eve-j ral partizeos; while it is beyond all question that the continent contains thoufandi, and tens of tbouhodt of men, who are qni’r as wife as the one, and quite as honeft as the o'h r. This publication w 11 untold a very extenfiwc fccne of wcaknefs and abfur d ?y, of the profligate wafte of public money, and the profligate defertion of public principles. The ftrefs of ccnfure will reft upon the prtf.nt governing parly, becaufe they hold for the lime the national purfe, and have therefore the moft extenfive opportunities of per petrafng mifchlef. But, at the fame time, the reader will not be forfeited with encomiums on the champions of j oppofiiion. The bufmefs of the nation! has been abominably conduced ; but a I ereat part of the blame is equally due to both part'es. Part of the consents of th’s volume refer to fubjefts but little known to the cit zens of ibis country ; and rnoft of thrm arc fuch as cannot fail to excite furpnze and indignation. For inftance, I will print the name of a Senator, who, at the difeuffion of Jay’s rcaty. in June 1795, fpoke thus to one of his b r ethrtn ; Damn the “ trea y. I ceteft it as 1 44 n uch as you do ; but you know my 1 44 fituation with Mr. Jay. I am obliged I \ 44 to vote for it on account of my friend (hip for him /” I (hall alfo give the name of a Senator who harangued in the Senate of Coo grefs, for ftveraldays, againft the {edi tion aft. He then voted for it, and ! dec’a’cd to two of bis brethren, that he ftil! held that aft as unconfitutional , hot t* at it was nereflary to keep down the darn'd printers , When examining a multiplicity of complicated fubjefts, it is difficult to cfcape the probabih'y of be ng fome limei mift.ken. In relating afucccffiou of fafts, where every ftep excites coo lempt or deftfta 'on, it is difficult to avo d an occasional feverity of expreffioo. Even this will be pardoned, if it cannot be defended, whto I am to defenbe Lcnesof plunder, which might force a blufh into the beak of the mod hungry Cormorant, that ever took his fight from Councfticut to rooft on the federal treafury. James T. Callender. Richmond , Sept. 3, 1799. dt" Suhfcriptions for the work , will be received Day,. at the Ojficc of the Louijville Gaz ette, OH. 29. FOR SALE, At the Oh LICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ , ETTE , chea/t for Cajby A variety of Gold Ear-Ring*, GILT SEALS, ° To tell the Day of the Monti-, Silver and plated Bottle Lables, Silver Boot Buckles , Elegant SILVER and PLATED TEA CADDIE LADLES, Plated Spurs and Whips , A quantity of la'ge and elegant P E A R.L BUTTONS. ALSO, Bed White Chnpcl Needles. Sc f tca.*:tr xo. • Jcffcrfon Superior Cour f , j April term, 1799. Prefcnt the hon. Gee. Walton. UPON the petition of Nathaniel M'Mickin, Rirnard Curry, and Ben jmiin Warner, placing the forcclcfuie of liic equity «>f redemption, in and io a certain traft if land, containing four hun dred aerrs fituate, lying and being in the laid county of Jcffcrfon, one hundred acres ( f which was granted to Frederick Duglafs, and the other three hundred acros 1 > Ifaac Auper, mortgaged to the faid Nathaniel MMickin, Ricimd Cuny and Bcnj.tmn Warner, by 11 npc A'trer, for the fecurirg the payment of a fun ol ino ncy contained in a bond bear! g dat* the tOih day of July, one tboufand feven hundred and ninety eight. And upon motion of Mr Car e», att r ne» for the petitioners : it is crdcied, that the principal, interell and cofts be paid into C urt, wi.Jnn twelve mrnthi from the date hereof, otherwife the equi of icdcmpiion will be forever forccioicd, and other proceedings lake place, agreeable to an aft of aficmbiy, in fuch cafes made an«t provided ; and that this rule be publ fil'd in one of the gazettes of this f a r, at lead once in every month, until the expiration of the laid twelve months, or feivcd upon the mortgage, or his fpecial agent, at lead fix montns pterions re the expiration of the laid twelve months. Certified this qth day of Oft. ’97. Wm. M'Dowell, clerk , NOTICE. after the expiration rf nine X m nths fiom the date heteof, the e will b» an application made to .he honor- ( able the Inferior C < un of J, fferfon County, for an order of fale, of one hundred acres of land, fituate in the County of Jcfferfon aforelui.t, adjoining land ofj.feph Chairs: ; it be ng part of the real eilatc of W iliam le kins, clereaf'd. The fait thereof will be 1. r the benefit < f 'he beir* and creditors of the aforeftid Jenkin«. drecafed, Henry G. Caldwell, Attorney for the Executor* of the aforefaid EiUle. September 25, 1799. NOTICE. THAT after the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, there will he an application made tn the honor able the Inferior Court < f J'fferfon Coun ty, for an order of fale of the real eflate of Robert Hambleton, deceased, to wit ; three hundred acies of Lard, fituate in the county of jfeffcrfon, adjoining land of yohn Ingram and J hn Kenne dy. It being part of a Traft of Land, containing four hundred and fifty acres, granted t" Robert Cooper. Alfo, one other Traft of Land, contain ing three hundred and fifty acres, fituate in the county of Burke, on the waters of M Been Creek, adj nning lands of granted to , The fale of the above a n d foregoing Trafts of Land, w 11 be for the benefit of the he rs and creditors of the faid Robert Hainbjcton, deceafed. H, .G. Caldwell, For the Adminiftrator oj the afore faid Eflate June 26, 1799. j NO TICE. iHP HAT nine months after the | date hereof , application will he made io the Inferior Court of Jefferfon County , for permijjion to fell a trail of two hundred andfixty acres of land , in Wajhingion coun ty, part of the real eflate of John J Murray, deceafed, for to fatisjy the Creditors of faid Eflate . Wm. M*Dowell, admr , OHober 29, 1799. Notice is Hereby Given, HP HAT there will be an appli cation made to the honorable the inferior court of Hancock , ajltr the expiration of mne months , for leave to fell a certain trad of land , on the waters of the Oconee , con taining ninety four acres, more or lefs , part oj the real eflate of John Jones, d'cen/ed , to jatisjy the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed . John Booth, fenior, Admiuiiiraior. ? Number 26. The SUBSCRIBER Has juft received, in addition to his former flock, The following ARTICLES: BROAD Cloths and Buff Cajft , meres Caffirnne Vcft Shapes Ba h Coating Duffil Blankets , Rose ditto Linen , Calicoes, Muffins, Durants Oznabuigs, Cotton Bagging Plain and colored Cotton Hose Vclverets and Thicksets Royal Ribh , Writing Pater Patent Medicine of all kinds Gun Locks of the be ft quality Pine scented Pomatum heft Black Ball Bride Bits , Plated Spurs Womens Stirrup Irons Hardware oj all kinds Pen Knives, Saddle Tacks Colton Cards , No, 10 Ribbons t Sciffbrs Ladies Hair Combs Sewing Silk all colors Pocket Handkerchiefs Girt Webbing 7 himbles, with fteel hAtoms Neck Laces Be ft White Chapel Needles Razors in cases , MANUS LEMLE. N, B, All those indebted to the Subscriber, are earneftly reqwjlei f o come forward, and make mmc• diate payment , or their accounts will be put into the hands of on attorney , M, L, Obi. 14, 1799. One Thoufand Five Hundred D O L LA R S WAS delivered to the Pofl - Mafter here, in the Pofl Office, on the evening of lueffay the 2 jth ult, in a Letter dire bled to Mr. |ohn Mills, merchant, Bal timore, containing two Alexandria BANK NOTES , No. 4320, in favor of William Taylor, and dated 30 th April . 1798, for ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS , and No , 4522, m cf John P. Pleafants, and dated the 10 th of December, 1798, f0r FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS, which letter has been fuppreffed in a Toft-Office, and the BANK NOTES taken out—as the Public Mad was not jlopped, molefted or robbed. Bankers and Merchants are faff ticularly requefted to watch the cir • filiation of jaid Notes, and flop them ; and any perfon giving /uch informal ion as will lead us to our money fhall have FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS Reward. WILSON & SWANN* Frederu/bnrgh, (V.rg ) Sept. io. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION, AND BLANK BONDS, For Sale at the Office of the Louifville Gazette. November ~ 1 SHERIFFS’ BLANK DEEDS Cf CO NV EY A For Seth ot the Office ej the D - • Title Gaze: e.