The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, December 31, 1799, Image 2

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i' -W-aVfip'' —1 TRANSLATIONS From paris pipers to the 16 h of ' Bober, received at N’rw. York, hv the ffiip Argus, from St. Scbafti.n's. Patavmn Army. Brune , commander in chief D the mini Her of wnr. Head quarters, at B me * wick, 14 th J'tndnnaire, Ott. 6. I was confident that our po fit-on in the rear, woold have decoyed the enemy ioto fdfe meafurcs; ’ he balde of Kar-. kum has undeceived ♦h- m Wei fought fr- rn 7 in rh* morning till 8 at » ight T he enemv was lepulfed and purfu* d a* Egmont. 11 pieces of cannon 1500 R uf fian and Enghfh prilbne’S, arc the fruits rf the vißory Gene* rals Gouvion, Roftodand, Van djimme, Bonhornme, A übree, Simon, Malker and Durctte, exhibited fucli talents as d- cided the fate of (he dav. I’ll Toon fend you a lid of thofe brave men who diftingudhcd them fclves. 1 falutc you, lepublican, BRUNE. P. S. Lord Chatham, brother j to Mr. Pirt, is wounded in the; neck. The general killed at the bat le of ! ergrn is not Mr. Knox, but the Ruih nli uten rt general Gerefplow, who c m-1 manned the expedition under 1 general Hermann. The general of brigade, to citizen Dubois Crane p mtoifter of war . Head quarters . at Btvrwi k , 24 Lh Venae moire, ft. 6, Th enemy attacked ou* lines 1 this morning at five o’c'ork.j 'I he b *tt e w *s i dtcibve d n mg the mofl of he day. At three o'clock the commander in rhi I Brune Tallied forth at the herd, of h’s ha talion. which mea'uie decided th vißory. 11 pieces of cannon 1500 Englifh and Ruffian p'ifoners, a great num ber of flain, principally Kufli ans, with a great number of wounded are thetrophies of this vißon , During 8 hou;s, lan giage and balls thundered amidft our line. 1 faiute yru with rrfpeß, ROS ICELAND. Executive Directory. MeJJage lo the councils of ancients and five hundred —hyA Vende . maire . B th^ar. Citizen repielentutives, Vißory has returned to her fide itv. She ag in embraced the fGndards of the re 'uhhe. In Igyft, Buonaparte has rif-; pla) ed prodigies of valo f . 18,! 000 m- n, who comp .fed the amiy of ihe - nerm , have been all either flain or tak n In Batavia, Brune has defeat ed the I ulfians and nglifh The French d>mv diiplayed the moll heroic courage agamd an enemy of far fupenor force The Anglo Ruffians hid a / eat number Cain, and we took from them 11 pieces of cannon, and 1500 pri r oncr*. In Switzerland . the republicans h;ive acquired additional glory. 1 In a teleg aphic il meffa/c ficm Maffena, dated yefterday. he; fays: I have complete y dt/eald : i Suwarrcw. His army is in full flight. \ medage received yef iterdiy, dates as follows :—I he Ruffian army has loft, ft* thou-i fand men, and a great number j of ftandards and pieces of can non. uwarrow has retreated into the country of the Gn'om, and fknlking in the mountains The loffes of the republicans on thefe feveral ocrafi r 'ns, arc very trifling; which we attribute to that heroic enthufiafm fo pe culiar to French republican ar mies. LAGARDE, Sec. Gen . COHIE’\ Prefident P A r IS, Ottober 11. T he enemy have been driven from before Mentz a*d the hi ckadr rail ed ; 10,000 tea farts dr/armed and ■ 3000 men taken rrifoners, oneflad ard and two cvred ammunition waygons, this took place in the dif fered’ attacks from Soltz lo Mentz • j This mom nt it is faid the head- j quarters of the. French D *tch and Batavian army are removed to Aik maer , | Among the 1 sno5 no prifonrrs taken 1 on the 4 th in ft in the battle of Caf irfcum 9 by the French and Dutch tr ops , is the king of England's r-gimrnl of guards; this regiment i cnmpofrd of fame, of the firfi nob t families in England. 14 7 h a ha f tle in nhich Suwarrcw w s defeat'd and put to flight took \p ace at It rf Maffma command- . ed here in per on : he had previonfly J feat to the. divifion f general Le -! courbe , a reinforcement of 12,000 mm . Ottober 15. Buonaparte at Paris A nvffage of the executive direc tory of yefierdav , contains the fol lowing particulars ref petting Buon ap rte: *’ 7 he directory announces to you, | citizen reprfen atives , with pleafure. ! that t- ex h >ve received the news of the armv of Egypt. General Ber- ! thur who landed the 9 h infant , at F> ejus , with the general in chief l uonapa te , the generals ! anef Marmonf , Murat ani Anercnffy , and the tiiizcns Monge and Btrtho let, informs (hat they have left the . French army in the mo ft favorable function" Cries of “ vivr la republique" \ w re hard from every p irt of the hall—Corel in a - ifeour/e ce ebrates the vittoties of the French armies— h'Jigns the oraif scf g nerals Bu onapfi'le, Maffma and Brune—he fin 1 J he s A dem mdmg that the Fren . h ai my in Batavia have not ceaftd to deferve well of heir country, Otto her 16. Binnaparte paffed fame days at Corfca , where he was v fil'd by the office*s of health, who p > tftnied him a certificate of difpcnfciionfrom the quarantine . 7 a11.0n has Icjl an eye and is at Malta with many other cf the departed. Bunn par e went cn j board a frigate , which was efloritd hy three others, His hath is feme what impaired*— hr will re/l iwo or • three days at Frejus. Lucian and \ Joflph Buonrparte have gone to meet him . It is impojfdle to deferihe the def pair of th when they heaid of the d feat of the fleet at Aboukir . tvery ore indulg'd the mojl faal conjectures. The countenance of Buonaparte, always fi m and always immovable, reflated hope and con fidence to the arm y. His name al re s in that cmnt'v a i a>my of 50,000 men % 1 his reputation and this rnvinc ble often ant , are not m>re due to the glory of his arms than to his pro four d policy SIXTH C VGRESS OF TH i UNITED STATES. H US. OF h- tPP F.SENTATIVES, j Wedne/day ijecember 4. The hou c h rvmg met, rcfolv cd it tlf into a commit ee of the whole, Mr. Rutledge in t l e chair; and after having under 1 confideranon the t'u hdent's fpecch, Mi. J< utledgs- icpmted . the folk wing resolution viz. 1 I *• That it i' the opinion of this committee, ihat a iclpi ttful addrtTdHghr to be prefen ed by the h ule of reprrleuatives to he p efic*en» ol th. U States, in anfwe r to his Ipeecu to both houles of Tong es. at the corn men em nt of the leilion, con taining .illur me s, th t thishou r e O * ( wi I duly <xi end lo the mpor.ant objefts ruomimnded by hiurro, ;tfui. Cv.nfideration winch was j afcrrwa.ds agreed to by the houle, and Mcllrs. Marfhal Rutledge, S* wall, Li ing! on and icho las, wcie appointed a committee to piepare ihe addieis accord ingly, c n motion of Mr. Livingfton, the Ltter from Mr. Trumbull, was referred to a leleft commit , tee. | On moti. nof Mr Thatcher. ; the houle then p-oceedcd to ihe I choice of a ch .plain, to inter change weekly with the . hapla n of the ferrate ; and upon exam inmg the ballots, it appeared that Dr. Green was duly eledled. having forty four votes. The houle then adjourned, till to-morrow morning, at 11 o'clock. In the fenate, the rev. Bilhoo White. was chofen chaplain. j Ihurfday , December 5 The Ipeaker laid before the houle a letter from the fecretary of the treafury, accom anying document from the rommillion ets for luperimcnding the pub ic buildings at the ci;y of Walh mgton, containing flatements of the expenditure of monies, and j the ptogrefs in the objc&s for w hich they were appiopn .ted, from the 1 Bth November, 1798, to u\e ;B.:i November, 1799. A mcffage was received from the Prefident of rhe U. States, by Mr bhaw, his fecrctary, con* taining fundry documents prow toiled in his communication to both hot fes on Tucfdav. i ft, relating tothc mfuneftion >n certain counties in the Hate of Pennfylvania. a renewal of inlcrcoutfc with St. Domingo, by procla mation from the Prefident. 3d, relating to the opening of a negociation with the French Repul lie* The documents relating tothe mfuneflion in Pennfylvania contain* d. ift. A letter from Richard Peters efq. diftri& judge to Timothy Pickering, *fq. f ecrc . taiyof (late containing a Rate ment of h s proceedings on the fr fl information of an cppofi tion to the laws for laying a di r 61 tax, and a tax on houfes, &c when he iflued his warrants tor apprehending the offenders. 2d. A report of the nrnfhal of the diftrift, to the fe nctary of (late relating his evi dence of the cxiftence of fuch opp ifition, and its preventing him from executing the warrants, iflued by the diftrift judge, on the offenders, 3d. Several depofitlons to corroborate the fa6fs which ex cited the interference of the exe cutive. 4th. A proclamation of the Prefident of the United States. sth. A letter from the fecrc tary of war to the governor of Pcnnfylvania, requefting him to order certain militia companies, to >he aid of others, in order to quell the in(urrc6lion, and aftifl the tnarfbal in , apprehending offenders. 6th. Inflrudbons from the fe cretarv at war, to brigadier-gene ral M'Pherfon, who was appoint ed to the command of the expe dition. The documents for renewing negotiations with the French Kepublic contained, iff A letter from Patrick Henry, efq. late governor of Virginia expreflive of his fenfe of the honor done him by the appointment, but which he de clined 10 accept, on account of his age 2d. A copy of a letter, dated Paris, Auguft 28, 17981 f rom citizen Talleyrand to citizen Pi chon, fecreury of legation at the Hague, expreflive of the readmefs an§| defire of the French dire&ory to renew the regoci ation with the United States. 3T An anlwer thereto. 4th A letter from the fecre tary of (late, in confluence thereof, informing Mr Muna), the mcruan minifies at the Hague, tha* the Prefid' nt ha commiffioned chief jutliee Ell - worth, and Mr, Henry, i° con juu&ionwith himfclf, (Mr* M uf * ray) to treat with »hc French public, but, that the two forn r gentlemen would cot de; t ir