The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 04, 1800, Image 1

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VoL. H*j ——' ’ ~ . --REASON s/ND TRUTH IMPAKII >l. u t .t, l/ir *O/r GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE. Pubhlhcd every 1 uelaay, by AMbKOoh i>A\, at 3 dollars per ann. payable halt yearly. Irm the Independent Chronicle, Mr. Rhodes, THE piece fign(M u Fufebi us" in laft Thurfday's Chroni cle, in condemnation of Jona than Robbins, fo far from jolli fying Judge Bee, is an evidence of the impropriety of his con duft This writer fuppoles Robbins to be an Liftman, and on this principle ought to be given up to the Fnglift for trial; but Judge Bee does not decide on this cafe on this ground; but on the contrary declared that if he was an American , he was bound by the treaty to deliver him to the Riiiifh. If Kufebius means to maintain hi> pica upon the idea, that Robbins was an Irifhman, yet he does not help the Judge, in his declaration, that if Robbins was an American , he mull have buffered the fame fate Poor Liftmen; upon Fufcbi tis’s principles, are not to receive the piivileges of Americans. AI «s I when I arrived in this county, I was in hopes to enjo\ this bleffmg; The only differ ence between Judge Bee and Eufcbi »s is, that one doesn't admit Infhmcn to the ptoteftion of the laws, and the other, that nor only Liftmen, but even Americans are fubjeft to the fame urfnppy lot of the unfor tunate Robbins, If ruftbius tt\ ans to defend udge Bee. he lhall take the whole ground 0 herwilc I is obfervations < nly fene to reprobate the doings ot th Judge, provided bobbins had be en a real American, A WILD IRISHMAN. ih( 'allowing Dialogue [it is /aid) latrly took place at Elizabeth I own t between two blacks: j Peter. What a new lack. Jack, N 'cws enough—one you hi® fedal genals up a dair in *ay he foul's his own. PcUr, You toll lark—Maffa now all bout it. and he fays he kill em—tab em—leab em I dead on ground, den fay he be Tjiet now, Corro cum rd jurys he kill em. What a dcb*a would a you have more, Peter, What! whv, whit a fay, you gram demcrat— and you Corro he jury all fool— judge r a y he fl , U t um Jack, Ah ! judge fay what he Jfi'ne to, I know when one man 4,aa , n man—Coats fays c no battaa— ftm lay hebattaa K me tlme fnan own himfelf he r ttaa Uutur Baldin fay, he C £ rc d ey ftoot cannon tru b*. THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. February 4, 18 >o. Peter, What you mean, j ck afs. Jack, Yes, I call him als—l no like to call him a*s. c. ufe my name jack, I know afs, h f old fciipfurc name—no matter, fome m n own bode, feme afs Lutur B Jdm Gy he no care if de feddal blue ftoot Uuc one al of a great mar—nudderveiy cleber peaceable man great fnerd to Lutur Raldin, ecrr-plain bout it Marftal rum take him, bimr by he go to c» re ( c dte n ake him pay tw or three hundrc' dol lar, once for f. y he » o care if feddal Hue ftoot jack-afs belong ro big mm. Peter. You 1 jack, I u‘m Pafdin did nor. lay ais, he I«iu ar—ar. Ja<.k, Hlc tongue—l know wha you men, he laid no lelia t ng ; he faid afs. Peter, Why a :awie» nouke adv mage den, and ptetd for him. lack. Caufe he o? cfs demcrat —lawyeis all giee no Ipeak fur him. Peter Fimciat! he ro dc zaave any pity d< n, let him turn fedalifs. Jack. Peter you f ol!—Di m . crat Left and blnod—! fay gib 1 bsy man chance, let him h ft 'air play, no make him flae caufe he dimrrat—you no uke v ourfelf to he Have. Peter No, no! 'us too hard, I would be dimciat myleb to be Lee. EXECU I IVt Dl-P R I MINT, LOUISVILLE, January the 13 th, 1800. ORDERED, That the ad entitled, an a£l, to give j further time to the officers ot j this Hate, to Uke and fubhnbe the oaft requned by the atl entitled, an a£t t > compel all officers, civil and milita d I within this Ha e to t ke any fubfenbe an o th ro lupport the 1 conftitution rhereof be puhlilhed in the feveial gazettes of ibis Hate, and a'l officer?, civil and military, with in its purview arc required to govern thcmfelves according y ThOMVS (o 'NjON, Seer e ary. An ACT to give further time to the ijjiiers oj this Jiate. to take and fubfcrihe the oath rtqu ied by the ad entitled. an ad to compel all officers, civil and military wiihni this /late, to take and an oa h to fupport the confutation thereof f iff the 1 6th day bj Fcb/ucry , ofo thovfand /even hundred and ninny nine. q er j l* it enaLfed ly th X > Senate and Hov/e oj Repreje> tauvrs of the State of Georgia in Gene* al ' ffmhy met , a d by 'he auihonty 0/ the fame. l h 1 the i ivi . military, and all other officers of thi Hate, who 'inowfcrt ir rommiffiun, and ha* e not ht etofore t fen and lub-! (cubed the rath nquucd by the foie'aid a6l in toms iheieof.i ftah mveuh lefs be permitted to hold, e’rit cife and enj».y their refpe6l ve dpp*'inim< nts. u til the fit (I da\ of xt, 2 And he it further er ad e^% bar if anv o( the officers! of hi Hate ff»all negktl or tc-l fu to Ike and (uHcnbe the! rtiuiel id oath in terms < f this i tl, every inch offict r 6 officers ftiall, for luch iis negl d or re uf I be lenioved from « Hire, las in cafes of mnl-pra6lice o» (difobedienre of orders v ec. 3. And be V further enaH ed, h t all cv il offi« ers hereal ! ter to be app inted ft 11, bef re l thex ei fci o dunes r»f then 1. ' 1 reipefd ve appom men's, take . and fuj| übe the laid oath, in, to the naih ot office; and at fhilitia beiCafter to he appointed, lhal; tak» and fuh'c ibe the fame hehne the clei k of Ihe (up nor 01 inferior cour of ihe ro* ntv, and obtain a reit fie ae th df, before (uch riftr er (hall ake any command bi 01 under fuc h app in rn n f . Sec 4. And ”e t further enad ed t fi t all j?oc< t wiiit h haveb fTi had o obtain d hefcjre j any of he af »el id offu e.« who have not t*kcn m fub'ciibed th oath, in tenrs of the laid a6f, or (hat may in fu ture be ha : and ob ained before them or any i»f them p evious ro the afo e aiU frrH day of Oc ro er mx , fhall b* he d. deern < d and <*nfid«“»ed, o b< as lega . a if uch oft e» or oHc'is har* taken, nd lubiruf * d the afore (aid oa h in teim* ol the laid a6t er. 3. And he it fu ther enad ed t Iftit anv pa t os parts of the afo eGH ftt, wh rh m \ mihtat agtinll this att (hall he and the fame is he eby repealed Davi ’ VfcUl wether Speahr of the H u/e oj Ktpref n attves. Uav dI ma uf.l, Frejideni of the Senate. A (Tented to Dec. 5, i/QQ. Jam [acksom, Governor ■ W TED TO HIKE, D\ the Month or Y"ear, j ' A NEGRO MAN. i, tiii 5- r iei;t»cr 10* NOTICE. TH K Public will pie fe to take r>oiice, t 1 at a ne gro wrnrh, b( the name of 1)( LLh Y, and her offspring, now in the poflefl ( n of 1 forge of this county, was C' nveyed hv xi \ g and-m* thtr Phillips, to the lawful oFTsp-iog ol Mrs. ( athann I r rneP.whirh was »n bei gat the nine ol »he conve\ante b< mg r roidtd m the c flice of I omfa ro» my, \ itgihia, in the \ear 179- when called on will maU tfi davit to the above, . / /Jlia White. January 21. j LOS T| O v the 18 r h inflant on the rad letwien ire houf <>f Btr arum Grc n a d Hnijnnn \Ccrnrlu,s t in Huth■ co>nt , /MV/ NOl't'S of b.i>D 9 £>;ir> by Dudley Snr dfn Jbn t i(k pax abi the thirty firjl dav ot January, 1800, / r e % hire n drlla s rah. j ore ditto fiutdb /a dSn d 0 | John Luks t for fume u 1 lla s fi/ y cents, pay b e as (Ur jo rn>r. Any p fo'i fmd'Vft he !a>; e , by rejion ft limn wi'i muck hi .• kt / ih/criber ; ana alpn/on d'e far* iuu ncd admg j>* th m | i1 n liters, January 28. The SUBS CRIB K ft V, »e 'o 11 oiin hi - F»ie di and *h® Pu lie, lint hr It • rit t c • - nr ih r p ’HN P II LI M ON, ..nd c r ’it net oi »r y < ti c Fjf.loiagc and I omn ilii >n BUSINESS, Under t c FILM > Hammond (3 Willi mfon , t I is S " r, 01 If f i r s '■ I a I, v ’’*re pvn vant 'O will 1r) ai t tcn'r-ik of 1 ImO wtu m.i> favor ihr in wi h their bulmeli. Samuel Hammond. c ’*vannnh, Dr . FOR S A L I, It the OI J’ICF of the ViUlsrii I E G IZ* £TTF, ht'ift for njh , A variety of 00l 1 Ear Ping , GILT SF.AI S, To irll the Da* • I r M f> ‘ , ilver and plated B >rt»e Lablc S’lv r Boot Bu<Des t Fr* . t LV i- M I O TEA CA0 1)1 E I. \ HI KS, Plated Spurs an I Whip> 9 A quantity o* la-tf-* »• * « n» ?E A R L HUTTO v S. ALSO, Beft White Chapci .Reedies, Nfverrber 19. FOR S A L>7 About two hundred huflels of COR N. ' To pavtnt vnne effiry np ca'r rj being mad , the price wli o> an: dnl r per hujhd Enquire at this OjiCC, Jduua y 28. [No.