The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, November 29, 1900, Image 1

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t )L. XV 2 . LOCAL LEAFLETS. Cotton is worth 10c today. Bring us some pine and si.ovewood at onee. Election Saturday. W T Eaves has been right sick the past wee*. R R Ayres, of Felton, will move to the poor farm next week. We need the little amount you aro due us on subscription. Don’t wait lon¬ ger about paying us. Claude Moore went over to Atlanta Saturday to attend the North Georgia Conference. 1 DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the Yieat pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe H D Lastei We understand that ^telephone will be put tip sliortlyifrom Rremen to Ce darlowu, by way of Buchanan, A V Howe, of Tallapoosa, was in town Monday, Mr Job n Wilson, who lives near town, bad a fine steer to die a few d*v« ago. Mr W E Wilson, of Carroll, visited Vvt&tives in Haralson first’of.iieefc. it you have cotton seed to sell, hold them until you see roe. H. D. Lasseter. When you want prompt, acting little pills that never gripe use DeWitt’s Lit .tie Early Risers, k D Lasseter. Tax Collector Wilson informs us that he is gathering up taxes very slow. His .■collections ..are $2,000 short of what they >were last year at this time. RiF Saaford’s little ten year old son, who has been .going to school here the past few mouths, while taking a little 'exercise on a.pole on the school ground yesterday, fell and broke his arm just above th e wrist. He was carried to Mr. Wm Johnson’s, and Drs. Reid, Crum bley, and Smith -were called an and set .the broken limb. , J B Griffith 4*0o‘s store tX ad . quarters for Christinas goods. If .you '•’Want something nice call on.them FOR SALE. I have a Bradley Gin Saw Filer, nearly (Sew, that I will sell for $18.00 cash. G, M. Daniel). Bremen, Ga. Wrile us tfiie nows from your coinmu isiity next week, Mr 1i U Roberts bus onr thanks for a bucket of nice potatoes. They were •of the pumpkin yam variety and were •unusually large and very sweet. George Roberts, Jr, dropped in Satur¬ day aud authorized us to send the Ban tier to Miss Lizzie Sheffield, of Hunts¬ ville, Ga. Thanks to you, George. Vfhilelat Temple Tuesday, we saw Griffin Bros’, safe, w hich was blown up by the burglars a week or two ago. The doerjof the safe was smashed up badly. If they had succeeded iu drilling a hole in the vault, they would have secured about a thousand dollars. We^want your ebickeus and eggs butter birds etc. J. K. Griffith & Co. Two lbs of soda for Sets at J R Griffith * Co’s Thauks to the following gentlemen for the payment Cf their subscription: W H McKibben, L C Lowe, R R Ayres C Hanson, J M Rutledge, Wat ozone, - J E Loworn, J C Bi own, 8 W Brown. -J R Summerville, T V Camp. Whit Causey, of near Dra.ketown, who was thought to be dj f ng last week from the effect* of a lick given him by Jas. Agan, is improving slowly, and it is thought now that he will recover. 1 have some very desirable property in Atlanta that I want to awap for a good farm. Call on or address me at Buchanan, Ga. K Daniel. The Best Proscription for Malaria chills aud Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 25c. Ret. Verdel, who ie to serve the Methodist church at this place the coming year, comes recommended as an able, earnest minister. Landrum Gray happened to the mis¬ fortune of getting the end of one of his fingers mashed off last Friday at the Phillips * Holcombe gtu. He carelessly laid his hand on some cogs about the gin, resulting as above stated. J R Griffith has bought the Dr Crum bley stock of groceries. Mr Griffith is a clever gentleman and deserves a Pol¬ 'S* ion of your patronage. If you want to buy groceries, shoes oheotine, eotton ckscks cheap go to MeCalman. The anner-Messenger. BUCHANAX, HARALSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, - Not. 29 1900. Read the advertisement of the Rack et Store and then give that store a busiuess call; you’ll be treated right',. Jass Ayres, of this place, was married last Sunday to . Mias Ezsali, of Drake town. Heath for 10c. Cascavets make the bowel 8 and kidneys act naturally, de¬ iousuess stroys microbes, cures headache, bill and constipation. Ail druj uggists We call your attention to the change of A C Cobb’s “ad.” Hia stock is large and complete and no doubt yon can find just what you want at this stun*-*. Born to Mr and Mrs W H Hilton, of near Felton, Wednesday a bouncing boy. It is only the seven th boy ft* the family. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will quic ly heal the worst burns and scalds and not leave a scar. It can he applied to cats aud raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for piles aud skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. H D. Lasse ter, Miss Anna McKibben, of Walthall,is confined to her room with fever, Mrs John W ilson, of Youngs, died last .Saturday aud was buried at Pleas ant Grove church Sunday. Our sympa thy goes out to the bereaved family. Aleck Rowell got his hand badlv cut on a saw at the planer last Friday afternoon. Had the saw been moving swiftly it would have cnt his hand iu two. Steam in the engine had been out off or thie : belt had been thrown off and the saw had nearly come to a stand still. There is no pleasure id life if you dread to go to the table to eat and cant rest at night on account of indi¬ gestion. Henry Williams of BoonvHle, md., says he suffered that way for years till he commenced the use of Kodoi Dys pepsin Cure, and adds: “Now I can eat anything l like and all I waut and sleep souubly at night.” Kodal Dyspep¬ sia cure digests what you eat, II, D. Lasse tor . We are turning out some job printing fW the feBo-vving geptlejpiiti: H H Sewell, Temple. Roop Bros, Temple. W A Entrekin, Temple. Copeland Bros, Bremen. Beall & Moore, Buchanan. J R Griffith, Buchanan. Wm. Anderson, Riggers. Jim Worthy, Bremen. Loveless House,Bucnanan.Aud others, TO CCftK A COLO I ONE DA V Take Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fans to cure. E. W. Grove’s sigua tuve is on each box. 25c. JURY DRAWN For Buchanan District Court S D Lands Wm, Johnson G W Gentry. Wm Bennett, Jud Barry, R R Ayres, A C Auchinuty, R E Loveless, b F Williams. VOB KNOW WHAT VOU AKF. TAKING. When you take Grove’s tasteless Chil; Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine In a taste less form. No cure no pay. Price 25c. POPE SPEIGHT. Miss Delphia Pope, of near Rainwa¬ ter’s ford, and Mr W. R. Speight, of Newsville, were united in marriage Nov. 11, 1800, Deacon C J Allen officiat iog. They are of honored and highly res¬ pected families. We join in with their many friends in wishing them all the real enjoyment that life affords and a home in heaven when life it ended, A Friend. J* R. Griffith &co have just receiveed a nice line of Christmas goods. I Am Going To;Sell. 108 acres of land, 60 acres iu fine state of cultivation 8 acres bottom land 43 acres limbeied, oak and hickory, three goon tenant houses, three wells and sev oral springs of the purest free stoue water. New three story barn orchard and vineyard of the best fruits. Two public roads from this place to Bremen not ene mile from the College just one milb to the Union Depot where the C. K. & S. eresses the SouthernR. R. where no better traveling and shipping facilities can be found. Call or write me at Bremen tf you waut tlie best bargain you ever had. Joe W. Kelley. Appointment of Ministers. T8fe following* ministers were appoint ed by the North Georgia Conference to serve churches in the Rome dis¬ trict: J W Heidt, Presiding Elder. Rome—First church, W W Wads worth; Second church, W T H.iMby; Thiidchurch and mission,P L Station; Howard aveuue and Mission, C P March man, V North Rome Circuit,—.1 F Davis.: West Rotoe Circuit—W S Gainei. Silver Creek and mission—C C Ijkvia. I Cave Springs—? J Masbburn. Cedartown—T R McCarty. Rockmart—S Cedartown and A Harris mission—E m Stjinton. Dallas—A FNunn. Everette Springs—S Leake. Buchanan—C u Verdrel. Tallapoosa—A G Shank!#. Tilla Rica and Temple—D u Edvards. Waco Mission— J N Myers. Do not be scared if your heart troubles you. Most likely yon suffer from iodi gestiou. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon oat and give the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the obIy preparation know:/ that completely digests all classes of foods; that is why it cure the worst cases of indigestion* and stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may* be taken in alf conditions and caunot help but do you good. H. D. Lasseter & Co. ~ Died With Hydrophobia. The little nine year old sou* of Mr James Carter, of Draketowu, died Ust week from the effects of a mad dog bite. The little boy was bitten about a month ago, and Dr. Eaves burned the wound out with-caustic in a few minutes after it had been made, ai-d it was thought that this might prevent the poison from being absorbed. We Lam that Mr Cartel, was also bitten by the same dog. The bereaved family have our sym¬ pathy. C^u notes and aeoounts arc, past due and must be”' 'HgBaec n, If. VOW ovyb ns settlq^before anything this is t > V Come up gnd we have to call on you again Beall A Moore PLEASANT HILL. F.ditor B M: Hog killing time; but we just “aint ’em.” The heavy rains havo hindered wheat sowing and other plowing to some extent. Meeting at the church was rained out Sunday. We bad the plcasuro of hearing a sermon Saturday from Rev Anthony, an old time settler of Haralson county. Mrs Tolbert and Lonnie returned from Texas last week. They will live near the church another year. Mr. West Braswell has rented from J T Wright. Mi. M. H. Mosley lias bought the Steelman place Mr King, of Atlama, has rented or bought the Tom Weaver place. Candidates are hustling in this corner of Polk. Lumber is still coming in for Hie school house. Work on it will begin at once. Hugh Wright will be fore¬ man We regret to lose our neighbor, Tom Marks, wbowillgoto the Gus Wood old place next year. He is getting to be well versed in rlie ministry. The early feeze did considerable damage to the potato crop. The wheat drill is being used exten¬ sively this year. It is claimed to be a success. With fond wishes, I remain PAT First and foremost in the field of medicine is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It posesses unequalled merit ani cures all diseases caused or promoted by im¬ pure or poverisbed blood, including rheumatism, dyspepsia, catarrh. All liver ills are cured by Hoode Pills 25c. Cedartown is to have au ice factory another year. Celero-Pepsin, delicious, refreshing, tine for nervous ana stomach troubles. Call and take a dink. Bring your cotton to Buchanat. Our buyers will .five you all its worth. HOW do yon like the B M these days? NOTICE. I will now offei the balance of the G, W. Bullaid stock of good at less than first cost. G M Woodley, I hereby offer my services to the poo pie of Bucbaimu and surrounding coun¬ try. All calls promptly answered. Office atBucfianan Drug Co’s, Dr. Crumbley. Gut Price N For Next In order to reduce our stock of CLOIH ING, DBESS GOODS, MILLINERY Etc. We will give you some very tering Bargains. m You can’t get the same 1 goods ch eaper in Atlanta. Come at onee and get prices. ; Yours to Please, A C COBB, Bu cha nan, Ga» LATHAM. Dear Ed: As I have not written to the B M. in some time, I will give the news from this place. No sickuess nor weddings to report. The rariiicivf arounti ar$. about done gathering. The com crop is very light, but cot ton crop is very good; better than we expected. Ybs, the idle water has been indue trious at tiis place for several weeks geftiug thu fleecy staple leadyfor mar ket, and eyerybody seems to he well satisfied, with a little exception If the readers reraembei David said iu haste that all men were liars. lYe will not fret because of evil doers nor let the suu go down on our wrath, nor keep the hireling’s wages over night, Mr. W. O. .Cook, of Latham, is a hustler. He halls his cotton and seed away and pays ter his bagging and ties in advance. This speaks well for Mr Cook, aud means business on a sboit lino. Mr. W. H Latham takes up bis school at Philadelphia church Monday, 26 iust. Hecry is a good teache , and we would be glad to know of every body sending to school. Mrs J B Weaver is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Anna Bishop, at Drake town, this week. There was no meeting at Mt Zion Saturday nor Sunday. Rev W P Whi ton, the pastor, has a sick daughter and could not leave home, so I am informed. We have for bailiff four candidates for this (Mountain View) district. Poli¬ tics unknown, although we expect a warm time. Mr. E. G. Wood is candi¬ date for justice of the peace, aud has no opposion that we know of. What has become of the correspon¬ dents? I would lik i to hear from Buddy Pat, Reckless Boy, Greasy Jim, and others. If this CBcapeB the waste basket, I will come again. Good wishes to Ed. and readers, remain J. B. W. Hisgen Bios., the popular South Side druggist, corner 69th street and Went worth avenue, say; “we sell a great deal of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and find that it gives the most satisfactory results, especially .among children f >r severe colds and croup.” For sale by II.D L assQtter. <S co Druggists ooco-cola, cherry cider and root beer at thjs office. Gail aud got a glass 4* Ship Burns at Sea. New York, Nov. 23.—The i.tcamar Uller, of the United Fruit Company’s line, came into port today from Port Antonio, Jaimaoa, with a story of the burning of a ship at ttA son Tuesday morning m. saw in the distant hoi 'ityXf rockets fired from a ship in distress. Later he saw that the ship was afire. The Uller made for the burning ves se’, an d prepared boats aud linea to render assistance to the crew, but when she came along side it was seen that lie vessel had been burned to the ter’s edge, aud their nas no sign of life aboard jft jffij fijg Sggf Hf /fl Rb u& ok „ _ " Jw BgW; f3fcS3J at j* se . all „ right, . , it .. . IS you are too rat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor ; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Oil, There are many causes of go ting too thin; they all cc ^ under these two heads: over work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you can but, whether ycu can or not rake Scott's Emulsion cf Co Liver Oil, to balance yours... with your work. You can’t IT. on it— true—but, by it, can. There’s a limit, however; you’ll pay for it. s, t’s Emulsion of Coil Lb • Oil is tiis readiest cure fc "can’t cat,” ur.icss it comes t j, v OL doing no work*-vt 5. cun’ t 1 R * bO' >1 T:>-t creti har, t no it; other, n it., J ou havo triad 11, so free sample tasta its will a- it; a graaabia surprise SCOTT you. SOWNE & 409 Chemists, Pearl Street, -^1 New York 50c. and $1,00; all druggists. ¥ Tucker Appoint' ..' >v Waskingtca'. Nov Ol Oliver P. Tu ’ker lima ba t in A, temporary t> river of the G. National bank of Nev.-por , Ky . here .-oueider it ascoui -'hing that falcRtioii amounting to more 6hr reserve of ‘.be bi.-.-.k, which -v,. could have remained b•••.■*■'*..• ar.y length ,.f time, but they - offer no furuis'tieu explatatk n. m itf. ”v.,; - . not yet toy ■ v.^ INSPECTING THE CCOSs* River and Hai-bcr t-r,t>m)t.t-« V'rit Rome end Ute:iit<ex Romu, Ga., Not. 18.—Ifeatotfs o' ki concession d rvent auu imr vjts oo-, mittee today began an inspej; -,a < ■i Coosa river for the purpose of datcrEtia ing the advisability of is 5 5? u.oa looks ou that stream botiV.-.’-o Ho the gulf, giving an ope;; passage .a greatly mannfctcturing increasing the IrorsepDyvi.. r pnr;>os The party is composed of fscpres t tivas Bishop A Michigan, -xcr;d Now York, Lr.nveuo* of Me, saenp ” 40 ® i:)£ °oh^^'u-r r * oi the f ;; a met ' ' ' Gadsden U:w in .is* d*v. la 4b i Interest •X / Ch« Nov. II ■L of the Interstate G rod rv tion opened oday iu C with delegates from. tates -i. eut - Tiv ’ i ,v p°;' 0 perfect influence a national to hear «. ur«>: - } au<l it-. 1: 'Q&S cure an aamrourinff li u j meat iijtlWO' ©••m. loi'fi .roiltoe s a wii ■> arp-. l OUUfl to ^ :i l'A-1 ’iH tuftt co i :**»•*£ S m ” , I ikrcii ■ Mai Mice to Credit: IN TH S IltaTBIOT < :eU Sta Fob the Noa TKI UrSTBICT il. l:r Bixancrr In thy Matter J lv L*AVW tx F, r 1’UHh ■t. ) To tliO Cimi I poo. J a, in rhff if. n Notice Itoreby g’ivu. t: >i*m*rab< A. D. VM, .Inly 1 ttrst Looting b T Heeomi'er. A. .>■ n ■,k in ■li tsi the biVhkvuvn u business a« m; o»,P lUeotlh^. ;ui K .ri" C/.MOV r-ATtsAWT'i.