Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, April 17, 1847, Image 3

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ECr* Dividend No. 12. —Georgia I Rail Road and Banking Company.— A Dividend of $2 per share on the capital slock of tluscompa ny, "iil be paid lo llie stockholders on and aftei ihe 19lh inst. J. W. V\ ILDE, Cashier. April 16 G—lc 165 N EAPO LIT AN DO ME TS . PATTI.SON. NOE & CO., Patentees and Manufacturers, 2D Deiaucy Street. New York. Feb. 23 Dm— 121 [Cr* R. S. Jackson , Teacher on lie P iano Forte, Flute and Violin, respectful!) Voider* his services to the citizens of Augusta. References—Henry Parsons, Thus. Richards and T. S. Metcalf, Esq’rs. N, B.—For terras, &c., inquire at 11. Parson" Music store. Gra Dec. 1 “w. \\TCSoN7 portrait painter. Studio—Unitarian Church, corner of Greene and Jackson streets. April 9 160 DEMO CR A TIC RE> IE W » This splendid ami popular Monthly Periodical xs now published at $3 per annum—evt-ry number containin': a likeness of some prominent man. March 11 A. G. WILLIS, Agent. [From the Host on Daily Times. ] WIST A It’S BALSA.HI. The following certificate has been handed us for publication, and as the ease is one of a very remark able character, wc comply with pleasure. Certain!' w ell attested cases of cures of severe diseases by the use of a particular medicine, should be made known to the public lor the bene lit of others similarly afllictcd : No 4S Unio o*l., Boston, April IS, 181 G. Mr. Seth W. Fowlk.-mr: A sense ofgrati tude lo vou, and of duly to the public, prompts luc t > make the following statement, which, if o any service to you, is entirely at y ur disposal. I may have the effect *o induce some otiier (sufier ers to make a trial of gour invaluable medicine, which I can truly sav, has literally snatched me , from the grave to which 1 was fast hastening.— L'st Julv Iwa r attacked by u sudden cold, w id, resulted in a very severe cough, with violent pains in the side and chest. !• roni that time 1 be gan lo waste awav, notwithstanding I was under the treatment of skilful phvsicians. They prr scribed for me in vain. I became so much re duced that iny friends frankly told me that 1 must die, and that I was liable to do so at any hour At this crisis 1 heard of WTSTART BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, byway o. a neighbor, w hose life had been saved by it, and immediately sent fur a bottle. The effect pro duced was indeed wonderiul. My physician, one of the most respectable in B iston, who had previously told me that a cure was hopeless, came in, and I informed him what I had taken, and told him the soo i effects 1 had expciienced. He c* a mined the Balsam, and told me to con- j timie the use of it; since which time 1 have con tinued to improve daily; and the same physician who had given me up entirely, told me a few days since, that 1 might yet !i-e many years. 1 feel that I am now nearly recovered, and gaining strength every uay. MARY ROWE. W c can cheerfully testify to the truth ot the above statement, Mrs. Rsvve having been an in mate ol our family for sore months past. WILLIAM DENNETT. MARTHA DENNETT. Fur sale in Augusta, wholesale and retail, by II \VILAND, RISLEV A CO., and also by THOM \S BARRETT A CO., and Dealers in Medicines generally in Georgia. April 13 t 3 lt>2 SAND'S SARSAPARILLA. In the wise economy of nature there has been distributed through the mineral and vegetable kinkdoms a variety ot medicinal substances adapted to the relief of various diseases; but it is believed that in no product of the earth are so many powerful sanative properties combined as in Sarsaparilla. Vet. to render these latent pro perties practically useful, they require tltd elope ment, combination, concentration. In Sands’ Sarsaparilla, it is believed all these objects"have been effected to the fullest extent. It is now ad ministered in general practice as a sure an 1 uni form remedy in cases of scrofula, leprosy tumor, swelling of the joints, rheu nut ism, erysipelas, king’s evil with every •,ompluint symptomatic of impure blood. Fur further particulars and conclusive evi dence of its superior value and » fix racy, see pam phlets, which may be obtained of agents, gratis. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B & D. SANDS, Wholesale Druggists, 100 Fulton, corner of William street, New-York.— Jb-old alsc by, IIAVILAND, RISLEV & CO., Augusta. And by Druggists generally throughout the j United States. Price SI per bottle, or six buttles far sj. 13 April 13 —»H ■ ■ I ■■ 11 11 I 11 g'r.S =•>»-* Dikd—On the Ist ot April, at her residence in Know lie, Tennessee, Mrs. Ann Ei iz* WniTK, re ict ofthe Hun. Hugh L V\ hile, h>r liianv years a distinguished member of the U. S. {Senate from that Slate. JDO )1 M Kill 1 ML. Latest dates from li verpool,::;:::::march 5. LATEST dates FROM HAvRE,2B. MACON. April 13.— Cotton. —The few hal s offered since nur last report ha ve commanded full prices. 'The quantity off-red, however, is unusu ally small fur ilie season. VV e quote to-day JO a lUI. Receipts from 2d to lOt 1» hist., 434 bales. CHARLESTON. April d—Cotton —Tim Up land market yesterday came to a d ad stand, in consequence of holders generally refusing to meet buyers at such couces-ions as llie latter eenn-d lu exr>> ot. The sales of the day amounted to only 82 hales, at I**4 a I ' 4; being about the same rates as for the last two days. I a I d *cline. Rue. —The demand ye-terday continued good at improving rates. {Sales between 600 a TOO hbls at prices ranging from s3s anil 4i. being at an ad vance of l-16c in addition of ic which we reported the day before. NEW YORK, April 13, *2l p. m.—0 otton, small sales at Je decline. Flour, 30 > Troy on spot, and 500 Genesee, next week, at $7,75. 300 hhl« We«tem floor, on the spot, at $7,60; Corn cheaper, 5000 Southern yellow so'd at 97c. Sterling 4e a 5 prem; Francs 5,421 a 45 per dollar. Freights dull. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS FROM CHARLESTON. Ship Columbia, Robinson, Boston. Brig ADiqu&sh, Pratt, New York 9ebr. Altamaha, Lace,J39ffon. arrival from savannah. j Ship Lancashire, Lyon, .Mobile. Sehr. Adelaide, Brad dock. New Orleans. Schr. Dart, Soaer.s, Providence. - memoranda. The brig Excel, Maeey, for Savannah, cleared at New York, 12ilx inst. The schr. Curlew, Miller, for Charleston, Fail ed from Baltimore, llili inst. Theschr. Notus, Gibbs, for Charleston, cleared ed at Baltimore, 13ih inst. CHARLESTON. April 16. Arr. ship H. Al h-u. Wilson, New York; bark Belvidere, Cook, intwa-rp; schr VV. 15. Jenkins, Mania, New York; Cynosure, Rodgers. St. Marks. Br. Imi k Argvl'*, Broekhank. Liverpool. Vt ent to sea, shifts Thetis. (Br.) Hall, Liverpool; Vlliance, Tucker, Havre; bark Wave. Bogardus. Boston; brigs Sarah Louisa. Doling, West In lies; Montezuma, 'Thomas, Boston; Emma, Hughes, Baltimore; schr. Z me, Kelly, Philadelphia; Char brio, Kelly, do ; J me P. Glover, Withered. New York; E iza Brown, Brown, Boston; 11. Westcutt, Lodge, Philadelphia. S\\ ANN \ 11, Anril 15. Arr, schr. Timoleon. >l< Farlaud, New York; steamer Chatham, Au gi st i. * Id, Br. ships Sherhrook, Vigg u rs. Liverpool, Scotland, Mills, Havre; brig Chas. Joseph, Leigh, Bi ston. Departed, steamer Chatham, Hu bird, Augus ta. AUGUSTA ARTILLERY GUARDS. Augusta, April C, lsl7. f| Appear on your parade ground in front of $7! the Methodist Church, Tins Day, the iTih t|a inst., at 3 o’clock, F. 31 , armed and equipped Vilf as your by-iaws direct, with white pauta \lf loi :,s. By order of Capt. Jas. Adam. BA MB, a. o s. April 17 2 165 STEAM BOAT COM I* ANY OF Git 4 D! VID EN i) of thirteen dollars ami fifty cents per shrre, having been declared from the assets ofthe, said Company, the undersigned i< pre pi ed lo pay the .-ante to Use Stockholders, ur their I gal representatives, on ihe surreii ler and trans fer ot ttietr Scrips. FRANCIS SORREL, Trustee. April 17 3 106 NEW LOOKS. WWTASHLN ; TON AND HIS GENER \ LS, j V w by J. T. Headley, uulltor of Napoleon and his Marshals. ALSO, HE VD LEV’S SACRED MOUNTAINS. AM*, N \POLEON AM) uIS MARSHALS. New supplies just received hy An il 6 2 C. E. GRENVILLE. M \GF~Tot» Til- VCIiE 515 A i I R E~ AkKA.N TED m afford immediate reln-l to f 'TOO'I’H-ACHIS. and superior to any sim ilararticle known. Prep red hy an experien ed Demist, from it receipt furnished by one of the ablest Dentists in the United States. Price 25 cents. Fur sale by D’aNTIGNAC & BARRY, HWILaND. RIsLEY CO, \\ M. K. KTTt li EN. THOMAS BARRETT it CO., # J E. M ARSH V LL, \VM. 11. TUTT, And at the Drug {Mores in Hamburg. S. C. (K?“ Agents are requested to refund the money in any case where ihi.- preparation fails to .give sa-is faction. 9tn [April lu I GEORGlA—Sariven County. To all whom it may ro'ic rn. WII ER E\ S James Barker applies for letters cf administration on the state ofSjmha Barker, late of s ml couiitv deceased: These are therefore to ci.e and admonish all and singular, the kimiied ami creditors ot said de- I cea#-d. to be and appear at my office, within the i time prescribed hy law, and shew cause tis any j they have,) why letiers of administration should ' not he granted the said applnant \\ ii ne>s tie J Lmora ble Beter Reddii k one of the Judges of the Coin t of Ordinary of said county, | April 12ih, 1817. AL EX AND E R KEM P, C lerk. April !6 165 GEORGlA—Seriven County. To all whom it in ty concern. It FAS James Parker applies for letters j \ w of admioistration mi the estate of Sarah Parker, late of said count V deceased : These mrr* therefore to ciie and admonish all ami singular, the kindred and creditors of sail de ceased. to he and appear at my office, within the I time, prescribed by law, and show cause tis any ; they b ve.)why Inters of administration should , not he granted the said applicant i Witness the i ionorahle Bder Reddicn one of the I Judges ot the Court of Ordinary of s.iid county, i this 12th day of April. '317. ALEXANDER KEMP, rierk. April ifi 165 I GEORGlA—Scriven County. To all whom it tuny concern. ' IIEitEAs Jy.mes Pa; ker applies for Letters j V J dI Administration on the estate of Benja | min Parker, fate of said county, deceased; \ Phene are therefore to cite ami admonish all J and singular the kindred and creditors of said de j ceased lo he and appear at my office within tlie j time prescribed by law and show cause, if any j the) have, why letters of administration should not he granted the said applicant. Witness the Honorable Peter Reddick one of the J udges ol the Court of Ordinary of said county, April 12th, 1847. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. April 16 165 a tl FOR SALE. I |3 A commodious I)W KELING on the Sami ! A-St mils. with suitable tint houses and large j lot attached. All in good order. If no' previously sold, the property w i'l he pub licly off-red at the Lower Market, on the first j Tuesday in May. Apply to JAMA6 GARDNER Jr , Agent. April 15 164 NEW SPRING GOODS. non opening onr assortment of new \ v and beautiful styles of JStuple and Fancy Spring Goods, All selected from the latest importations in New York; and as we are known for keeping good ami preltv goods, we therefore invite custo mers to call ami examine our stock, as v\e intend to utfer goi ds us low as th-v ran he bought for. BOW DRE & CLAGETT, First Dry Good fttore below U. S. Hotel. March 20 143 TOBACCO AND SEGARS, - Os the Choicest Brands. COUNTRY .MERCHANTS and gentlemen w ho visit Augusta, and w ho desire to enjoy a | Spanish Segnr, or chew the \\ e<d. put up in splen did style, or who pun base to sell, will find me at j all times ready la supply their demands, at whole j saleand retail. I would respectfully request persons who visit | the • ify to supply ilit-rnsel ves in my line, lo exam [ ine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as it is selected hy competent judges, and patronised by old sta -kers and cliewers m the favorite weed. GUSTAV VULGER, I One door below John P. Setz's Dry (ioods Store, Broad-st. g ej>t 23 ENTIRELY NEW. SCUIM. AND M.’iMlEI! STO Es . JOHN BRIDGES. FASHIONABI.K DUAI'EU AND TAILOR, Next door below V. States Hotel, Dro id st. fQAIJE Springand Summer styles just receiving H of CLOTHS, tas itpercs, Drap D’Ete, plain »n«l figured; Mixed and Drab Cashmerertee, Drills, Vestings. Fancy Articles, Trimmings. Ac., fir gentlem -n’s wear Under Vests for ladies The public are respectfully invited before or dering their girm-nts elsewhere, to examine jhe jibove {Stock, which they will find u> comprise I lie very best selections tlutt, can be made in the New York market. N. B —Making and Trimming as usual, in the most fashionable manner. March 26 148 STBfiK .11, AND DEIVTAf, ISSTBI MENUS, BENTIST’S FOIL, TEETH. &.c. A large sssortmer ' for ealc bv »::3 HAVILAND RISLEV iCO ! Slone & McCollum's Mammoth _l f ( h . v\ / V*i -A. vlf GREAT WESTERN' fißflS, ArTiTWwledaed the finest company in the Union, 7®JTU MBERLNG amn 2 the croupe the most tal- ented performers in ilie world, vviih a very superior stud of ynng and newly broke Horses, and decidedly the finest Brass Band ilial ever tra velled. Tliis Mammoth Company will give three repre cen* • > joiis in Augusta, commencing on Thursday, April 29. In announcing the exhibition of this truly talen ted company, the proprietors annex liie following, to show the genuine worth of the performances and the respectability of the members composing the troupe: We. the undersigned, member* of the respec tive Municipal Councils of the city <d New Or leans, testify to the general worth of the perfor mances and the respectability ol ilie mctnlvrs at tached to tin (Treat Western Circus of .Messrs. Stone A: McCollum, who have been playiffg in this city' the past winter, and we cheerfully re commend the comp my to the municipal authori ties and the public generally, of the dill rent ciii-> and towns in which they may appear during the coming travelling season of 1847. A. I) CKO *SMAN, Mayor. Fi rs! Mn n I dpi 1 11 ty. Joseph Ccnois. Recorder; .1. I. Fabre, Cvprean Dufi ur. 17. GigoeL Jackson Duplessis. Lnail W itz. I Alex. Derbes, Z I.atotir. Richard Hagan, J. 17. Fauces, J. tSlingerland. I*, shields. Aldermen. Second Muni' i/Jufity. Jo-bua Baldwin. Recorder; Samuel J. Peters, John Duggan, D. St. Ashourne. ,M .M. Reynolds, Samuel Jamison. John W. Smith. James Daxeiie. John Good win. If. I '.d wards. Janies P. Freret, Jo seph Landis, J. N Hawthorn. Aldermen. 7 7/ 1 rd Mu me {polity. p Sewz-nean Recorder; G. Lugenhtild, S. I. ! N'icomede. F. B Bernard. Francis Serwersseii, John B. Hale, L. .M. Doinillier, Aldermen. The company consists in part of YOUNG VIcCOLLU Vl. decidedly the best Two-Horse Rider in the world. I ETO N S LONE, acknnwlctljr. d the only sue ; cess nr to tiie far-famed French Equestrian, Le | tort. i DENNISON STONE, the Milo-Dramatic Horseman and Equestrian otal! work, j Mr. B. IEN.mNGS, the Classic Posifionlst ! with his extraordinary sun. Master UE.NR.IE ; JEN MNGS. J. )fIN J ACKS fN,the most c. I« brated Corde | Volante Performer > n the l.nion. i Mr. E. KINCAID, and A. LEVI, two very I celebrated Horsemen, t umblers. Acrobats, Ate. I hese gentlemen an- at the vary zenith of : their profession, and arc aided in their laborious I dut es by T. H. Coleman, I'. Graven. NV, V\ ii i son, W. Sullivan. .1 Barrett. W A nung, F. j Ross, J. Hicks, 11. Long, D. Van Zitidt, M. j Heminguc, T. Sharpe, making a company in j point oi talent and gentlema till» a ring tliat Can not be equalled in the Union, with the mirlh- I provoking Jester and great Southern Giotcvque. i green Johnson. Toe BRASS BAND i* another great Tea * ture in this ‘ Paragon of Circus t 'on pa i* s.’ and ; nu nbers fourteen performers, who, in point of la ; lent as musicians, cannot bec.xcelhd tin y hav j ini been selected wi ll care and precision from | the Orchestras of the St. Charles, Am riean and I Frencii Ftieatres. New Orleans, and are under I tlie guidance and supervision of Mr. ii. K. GAUL. l b s splendid Band will note the company’s j arriv J in the differ* nt cities and towns, en mute, i by pi tv ing a varied and beautiful selection fiom j the latest Operas ot the day. I he proprietors assure their patrons that no i word o actum that would tend to cause a tint on the most modest che k will be allowed within the Hug ofthe Great We tern; hut in the repre sentations. the audience will have I heir minds a well as e . es satisfied, and it will t nd as a resus citation from the more laborious duties. There will also lie a Grand Day Performance on Friday and Saturday Afternoons,, tor f.r.i.i lies and children. Performance to commence at "2\ p. m. | D -or* will i pen at Gj o’clock, and performance 1 com uence precisely at 7| o’clock, j Tfjt Admittance —Boxes 50 cents—Pit 95. i S. U. STOKES, MANAGER, j G L. EATON, AGENT. The Mammoth Great Western Circus will be ■ exhibited at Edgefield. S. C , on V!outlay, May | 3, Watson, May 4, Colombia, i\!av 5. for three Ida s. » IGG + [April 17 HANK STATE OF GEORGIA. Savannah, Gib April. 1817. ON Monday’the 3d of ‘av next, an Election will tie held at ihe Banking Home in this city, for EIGHT L)I U F.t "I ORs of said Bank, on : tlie part of the individual Stockholders. A. PORTER, Cashier. j April 11 >tu — 1 62 i GRISWOLD’S IMPUOVKD COTTON <GI\S. FBNI IE subscriber will eon lin ue the manufacture ofGINSon liis usual extensive scale; and embraces this opportunity to thank his numerous customers for iheir liberal patronage heretofore.— The estimation in which his Gins are held may be known from the fact of his having sold more than two thousand within the last three years; proba bly ten '<> one over any other factory in the State. | This evidence of the superiority ot its Gins, is ac l counted for, hy his being the first to introduce the late improvements, and keeping the h ad. hy year ly adding new ones. His first and second im provements, made the quality of cotton perfect, though some were rather slow, his third made ; them sufficiently fast, it then only remained to j I make them more durable and convenient, which l has been done effectually, by several new improve ments. tbe present year, besides, be ha* iHe exclu sive right oftlie State, anil the privilege of other sections, to furnish Reed’s Patent W ater Boxes, which are believed to be ten times more durable tlnn anv other, by those who have made a fair trial of them, and are infallibly secure against (Ire by friction. His fin" (tins, w jll gin Mastodon Cot ton as well as any Baw Gin can. His agents will visit planters generally, andexbihit specimens of bis late improvements, and point out their advan tages. in time, for all to engage, and he supplied be fore next ginning season, or, engagements ran he made by letter, directed to him at Cli ton, Jones county Georgia. Gins, will he rblivered at the purchaser’s residence in any part ofthe State, ex cept the Cherokee counties, where they will he left at the Rail Road depot, most convenient to the purchaser. All warranted to perform well if used according to the printed directions sent wiß* S-VW’^L'UUISWOLD. March 25 th-c H7 j GF/ UDna, Wilkes County. W^ T HKiIF*AS Lewis {*. Brown and John TT. V w Dyson. Efcntors of the estate of Nancy A. Mcßea, late of-aid county, deceased, applies to me for letter* dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of saitPdeceag ed, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cau-e. if any they have, vvhv said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office j n Wa-liinetoq fr G. NORMAN. Clerk. March 31 * fim 15‘2 FOR THE TOILET. AN invoi e of Barret’s SHAVING CREAM and other Soaps, with a great variety of Essences and Extracts. Brushes and Combe. E u Lustrael. and Hatr Dye' Fowder Boxes and Buffs. With a great variety of other articles of Foreign and Domestic manufacture. Jan 19 J. E MARSHALL SPRING BONNETS.&C.! MXiS. E. PRITCHARD, First d ’or above the Augusta Insurance and Bank• iug Company, and immediate’y opposite F. Turnback 'i Confectlonery, open, on Monday next, a fashionable y f assortment of Spring & Summer Bonnets, AMONG which are French lace. aM \z*»n : S HP E PE \RL. RICE GOBI’KG, LEGHORN. DEVON an 1 STil V.W. MI-Nks’ BONNETS, a good supply. She will also open a tine assortment of Fashionable RIBBONS, FLOWERS. TABS, CAPS, CAPES AND IIJI.M Its, which she will sell low for cash. BO NN El’S repaired or made to order nt the shortest notice. hn— [April IG RLE.YV sWiLNGS,' Spartanburg District, SoHtliCarolina. rjJMUS delightful Watering Place has under- M. gone thorough repairs, arid will be ready to receive company hy the first of May. The beneficial results of the water can be testilt- j e I to hy hundreds. ,w ho have experienced its in fluence upon \ arious diseases. I'he accommoda tions shall be suited to the wants of a 1 visitors w ho may v istt the place, iijtun the following terms, viz: Man per day, “ ** week. T.t 0 Over one and less th n four weeks, per week, 6.UU Four weeks and over, “ “ S,UU Children an I Servants half price. Horse per day, C’-J per week, 3.5 U i J. c. ZPIMERM \N. Fir the benefit oft hose who are loud of music, 1 have purchased a fine Piano Forte, and have on- 1 gageti a fine hand of music for the season. *|so, Mr. R. A. Cates has repaired his Billiard | Table, and fitted up a new Ten Fill ALey, which will he in good order fur the u-e of those fond ol | that kin I of■ xereise, Ac. Gambling not allowed j on he premises. J. C Z. April IG G—'2m ! i u m \ s-’ i. i.vi .. i.. C'l EOR;>, Lor tlie Planter of the Isle ol France, > JIT 5-' ns. Also, Father Tld-ffonso, or the Priests of ST. Omers.byJ 11 Kobin-on, Esq.. 2a cts. The Dowcrlesa or the Last ill, by Madam Rey bau !, 25 i ts. Tin Wdnd- rs - f Nature and Art, by the author of tlie Past ral Li team! Manufactures of lHe An cients, Hxty-one engravings. St’cts. 'The Letter Bag of ilie (»rcai West rn or Life in a Bieam* r. by the author of Bayings and Doings of Bam B|jrk. 'Tin* Kings High Way. by James. 25 cts. 'The Comic w undering jew, with one hundred j engravings. 25 cts. Legends and Stories of Ireland.by L »ver,so cts. | ®{orv O’More, by th-- stun-. 5 > cts. Fortescue, by J. Sheridan Knowles, 2 vols., 25 j CtS.JMch. 'lTte Roman Traitor, hy Herbert, said to be the I best novel now extant, 2 vojs., 25 cts. each. In addition t<> the above life subs nb*r has on ! hand a variety'of new and oopnl.tr works. JOHN A. MIL!,EN, Oppo-tle the Masonic Hall. April !fi bit A N 7\ ( T alter and amend the third section of the fi set ond article ofthe Constitution of tins State Whereas the Third Section of the Second Arti- j cle o! the Constitution o| this Mate reads in the follow ing word', to wit ; —No person shall be el igible to the office of Governor who sit,ill not have been a citizen of the I oiled States twelve years, ami an inhabitant <>f this Ma c six years, and wbo has not attnined to tlie age. of thirty y cars, and who does not possess five hundred acres of land in his own right within this State, and other properly to the amount of four thou sand dollars, ami w hose estate shall not on a rea sonable estimation, be competent to the di-- charge of hi-just debts over and above that sum and whereas said proper y qualification is in coos- rent with the genius of.iur institutions, and trie popular spirit of tins age Section I. Be it emu ted by (he Senate and House ut lit present,i ici‘3 vj the Slate of (J cons in in Ch-tieral Asscn't'y met and it is hereby enacted by the authority oj the same. Th.it so soon a< this Vet sha.fi have passed, agreeable to the require ments of the Constitu ion. the following shall lie adopted i.t lieu of;he Section above recited, (to wi :j—No perron shall tie eligible to the office of Gevernor who shall riot have been a citizen of the I oiled Mates twelve years and an inhabitant of this Siatesix years, and who hath not attained the of ih.rty-yeara. —-Approved Dcctpiber 2fi/A, 1815. April 13 N 17W K M HOUSE— EI,LIS STREET. H'll£7 subscribers having cotnpiefed their ICE B tl<)( BJ7 on a new and well adapted p’an for preserving Ice during all seasons of the year, re spectfmly inform the citizens i f Angusta and its vicinity, that they have received ami will keep for sale, a large snpjily of this necessary article. 11 ties —3 cents per pound; 2* cents per pound to those purchasing Bio worth of ickcts, vv Inch will entitle them tons small a quantity a* 4 pounds at a time; 21 cents per pound io those purchasing j 5(10 lbs and over, delivered. Ice pin up in the best manner fur country cus tomers. .Term* of '.lie, cash on delivery. The Ice Hon e will tie opened from snnri e un til dark, and on the Sabbath From 8 till (I o'clock a m. W M. HAINES A CO. April 14 lfii (TG \ US! C (JARS! CIGARS! < KJARS. received at Oust. xr Voi.GEK’s ( tear and Tobac co Store, one thc r below J. F. Setze’s dry good store. F- r safe low at wholesale and retail. Acril 11 IG4 wanted to iiiht;, the month or year, two Negro boys from fifteen to twenty years of age. Inquire at thisoffne. April 15 DAG I ERREOTVPE PICTURES. What should we cherish more in this brief life, Than Father, Mother, Sister, Brother , Wife ? The mcm’ry of the firm and constant Friend, Who aid and counsel in distress would lend ? Let Art from Nature their true semblance make— j Affection claim* it for our kindred’s sake ! fSpHE STBS 111 HER has taken the rooms A lately occupied hy Mr. Johnson, and will take FICTCREB in his well known style. Hav ing received instructions fn-m him and operating i with hi* iri'trument, he hopes to please all who i call at liis rooms. j . PETER STRAFF. April 7 • Im 155 A GARIK , H £R. T. P. CLEVELAND having temporarily I jLr withdrawn from the practice "f his pmfes ! sion, 1 would inform the citizens of Augusta and i the jajblic generally, that 1 have fi-rmeil n courier j tion with hie former copartner. Jno W Spkar. in i the practice of DENTAL SURGERY. The bit i sinews will he conducted un-ler the firm of Cleve ! land Spear. Office over Aldrich 6c j Green b shoe ;,j oret JNO. A. CLEVELAND. I Feb 1i ts 117 ! ’ DRV goods; /V rnKLESTO.y. c. AV. BAXCROI-'T, 253 King->t.. would itt vite the attention of country planters and others, who may 'Lit the city, to is stock of rich Fain y and Staple Bn Goods It will be foilin'one of tHe most extensive in the. city, and is intended to embrace every article in the Dry Goods line. Par ticular attention paid to la ies* rich Dress Goods’ Shawls, Mantles, &c. ALn, a full assortment of Domestic Fabrics, both (’often and Woolen. In room* in the rear and over our front sales mom. will he offered to merchants. a large stock of the same goods, at wholes Ic. at prices well worthy the arention of close buyers. April 11 —lO l RECEIVE irTIITsILVY7 BY JOHN P. BF.TZE. PIECES SUPERIOR IMG RAIN, AMD i Til RE E PL Y CA RPE TING S, of new { design*, and brilliant colora, w hich he offer* I pricTs |o s'u\ th? titr.-:? august 2S (S EO ii(i 1A L( )I'l Ei i 117>. I>. PAINE & CO. MANAGERS. AGENCY AT AUGUSTA, GA. Drawing Due Monday Morning, SALES CLOSE SATURDAY. Grand Consolidated Lottery. Class No. Id, Extra, for 1817. : 13,<M)0 DOlaL’Rfs.’! s.i.Oi i ! 53.00 b! lit prizes ol $ I . 00! &c. Whole Tickets only *4— >h ire* in proportion. Drawing Due Tuesday Evening. Grand Consolidated Lottery. i * Class No. Ifi. r -r 1847. 30.000 sio.ooo! 100 of Sl.OtfO, <fcc. Whole.*only SB* —Slctres in proporti ,u. close Tuesday, Savaiix J all Lottery. Class No. tv for tie. To he drawn‘l’ues.l t% » Npni 20. doixams. 52.0 >‘‘l Sl-50 ! B|,2>u! <Cc. &c. j *7B Numb r —;s D awn Billots. Wh des only §2—shares in proportion. Fa»-k'.ges warranted fur half t.eit. For sale by 17. 11. PEZ ANT. Agent. Bi-in l-st.. I door below the Bank of Augusta. JCrOrders from the country will meet wi h j orornnt att<*niinn if ad ir-*se ta* abnve. f April 1(3 j i (111;7 c,N «, ALI;T 1, VNivi >li)A Csl d.v i V (fi r.i Z* *3) T •;} f J. W. M VtJItV & CO., SUCCESSORS TO J . (4 . CrRI<:G(»3SV A ( C.. •S VA.UtLKKi. CL\ -S (J j To be drawn at Savannah, April IT. 1317. SALES CLOSE ON SATURDAY. fifi Numbers—lo Ballots. - # CAP. TA L PRIZE. /TN4NA b*4tv T fi 3LJ t y ZJ ih *-o' e Tickets § 1,50 —-Shares in proportion. KXTIIA CLASS No 10 By Alexandria Clas- <1 . Ajui! 17, 1347. SALES CLOSE MONDAY. 78 Numbers —1 1 Ballots. i 35,3D4 filOiX’HS. j siu,oou! sfi.s u! sl.OPb! 3J of -jI.OJO! Tickets 810 —-ill ,re> in proportion. CL A.S.'S .V>. Hi. J By South Carolina. Glass No. 1 i, April 22, LSiT. j SALES CLOSE THURSDAY. 78 .Sum its—l 3 Ballots. 15.000 IM>LL 9 HS. t>o,-ov'! «.! s2.i'Ud si.2 (;! toot .m.ja.o! Ticket* >J—sli ires in proportion. For sale by JOHN \. MILI.EN, Agent. Opposite the .M isonu- Hail. 53rOrdtrs from the country promptly iiieini d j to. April 16 EXECUTOR’S SALE OF Y'LUAB .17 DEAL ESTATE AN D Ol'lli. II 1* HU P 1711 TY . In pursuance >•( a D-cree in Eqniiv , wiil be sold, on tlie fir.*t Tue*day in May next, at the lo ver market bouse in rue cityol Augusta, the follow ing property, belonging to the estate of M. .Nel son. deceased: 'The improved Lot on the north si !e of Brnad-st-, ; on which there are two three story brick houses, i occupied by W. Woodbury & ( 0., T, Barrett & j Co. and others. Also, other t uprovements. The improved L>l on the sourh si !e ol Broad-st.. i on which i here i* a two story w ood n but ding and j other iraprovcinviits, at present occupied by .Mia. i CaVen. Two in proved Lots on Walker-*!., near Mo- Iviinie-si . c'l eai h o vvhicii there is a one story | wooden building. One Hoii*e aod Lot n the town of Harrisburg, No. 13. near the Canal, on which there is aunt* | story wood n house. 'Two vacant Lot*. Nos. 83 and 84. on the south | fide of Broad street, through which the Canal run*. j Three vacant Lots on the east side of .YcKnme, I near Walker-street. * j One vacant L-*t on Mr Kinne-sirect, south ofthe ■ last described lots. , 'Three vacant Lots. im:n alialely north of the j Bra\b-n lots, on** on the cast side of Mr Kume ; street, an I near the < anal B iHn. One Lot of Land. No. 192.22! District, 2d Sec j lion Cherokee, con’aining ifiO acres. One Gob 1 Lot. in the 2d Di-lrict utid llh Sei liutt Cherokee, containing 40 acres. i t Shares of the Capital Stock of the Georgia Rail Road &. Banking < him i tuy. 5 Shares of tlie Stor k of the Central and Wes tern Wharf Company. A Negro Woman ii.mv tj Jane. Terms m nie known on the d ry of sale, and pre viously on application to cither of tlie undersigned Executors. J \ Ml7B H \ R PI7R ) Executor* of M. JOHN NELSON, J Nelson,deed. April 7 t 15i TO THE OWM7HS AND AGENTS OT < i t I'TON F C 'I'OR 1178 JOHN O’NEILL. Woolen, Cation and Sill, Fancy Dyer, inform* the public generally that he wi-hes to he engaged in lus line of busi ness for the next year. He is at present in the employ of George SclTey. L*q . of Richmond comity, and has been superin tending for trim the CO I’ Ti )N DV INt lof Bkli.e --( vtLLE Factory for the last eighteen months j Hi* engagement will terminate on Lie t,r Uct*»l»er i next. i Any person wishing to obtain Ids services may | address him by letter, directed to th>‘ cure of W in. I Haines, Angu*la. Geo. Reference —As to capacity and skill—George j Schlev. Esq. j Aprils _ S 159 AVO mis ! WOH3IS I WORMS! I iiane of childhood, and the certain pr -enr- M sor of many dangerous diseases, if allow ed to remain in the human system long in great num bers. The season i* close at hand w hen they be come must tioublesomc to children. Dr. WOODRUFF’S WORM SPECIFIC, is a safe and effi Sent remedy for Worms Try it. It is as good as tlie best, arid cheap ns tiie cheap st 90"'] he Worm Specific s• ■ 1!s well where tried. Griffin. Pike conn’v, July 12. 1816. Dr. Woodruff—Please forward immediately 3 dozen bottles of ynr Worm Mtecific. W’e have calls for it daily. Send it without d-l *y. Respectfully. JOHN (J. Jl] 1.1/ & CO. Burnsville. Ala.. Aug. 2; isifi. ! Dr. Woodruff— Dear sir; e have sold the last j Bottle of your Worm Medicine received. We I " Uii you to send ns two dozen more, at least, a we now know of some footer fixe bottles wanted. Respectfully. ANDREWS & HARRIS. Mr. Joseph Sliipncy.rtf Mtt*cogee co., Ga., says it brought away 20) worms from a negro child, bel ■ngiog to him in :r short time. Air John J. Little, of VVbites* ilie, Ga., says. 1 gave it in one case ami brought a Way 5 t worms In another case it cured hth negro woman ol Tenia or Tape Worm. Mr Thom is Boyd, of Coweta, county, Ga..sav* I gave it to a negro boy who was in bad bealt’o; it brought away immediately sfi worm*. He was soon well, and remains so up to this time. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicines for sale, wholesale and r tail, hy WM. K. KI FCHEN. Druggist. Augusta, and in most of tlie. Counties in the State Georgia F. W Lacy, Wgvticshorougb. W T . M.C arr. Jackson bo rough. Thomas White & Co.. AVrighlsborougu. ('. C. Cody. WaTenton. J W. Jones. Mayfield. W T Da'i«. Poweßofi. 11. 8. Brcman. Mount Zion. J. R. Simmon <Sr Co., Sparta March 2! 141 I'LIiL.UJ [ t >, ‘*/ponfd. SCCIVEN Sll*.lillT»S SALE. Will be -old. b fore the .*in house door in the vi!l.t_ ‘J .lack.®ooo*iro. between thr tiMial lour* d1 n ibe first i u-.sday in May uexi, tlie follow in Negroes, to wit: Jerry. ; ij; Judy,* woman; Aurelia. a girl; J; ck mmi , • (.}; Kmuiuel. a hoy; ami Abac , a •«>y h via nas the j>r«>p rty <•! Ja.C’Ai lityan, eieased, tos.ti fa nun Igage (i. fa. in tavur of 1® iae Bryt.n- ( ro(i**rl\ poiu id oui by ®aid ti la, JLi’Fivli -ON RGBMII PS, Siril. , April 13 103 i'o*!p”Hrd A. I 'to n ls>f rutor i Sale. oy virtue i.l tm nnler ». the Honorable the I;Te nor ( <>tm o| ntuoi county, when silting for , r ‘l'mry purposes, w ill lie sol i at tin* court house coor to ■- ,1.1 comity, on the tir.-t Tu -stiay M ‘* ’ ,i ’ xt - between t| ie iisua.l hours ot trale, the lolitnvttii* property, \\z: hoit; Jots in la** v iliage «<t Jacksonburo; on said ■ -t® are a go,, t Liv\, iitng and <>iher<>ut building*. \lsotuo hmnlre,i ami fifty ac.v> LmJ. ;u|join ing latjif of Be j intiu i aylor, I.,hit 'i liV l,, r lu , t l } J# rrs, so d its the p operiv of Jacob Rryaii, deeca®t*d, a>r the benefit o' the heirs and creditor- of b.iid de < ’1 tri iiis uli ilk* da:, I^A AC hll\ AN, At'iu'r April 13 163 - *ArAf.CTmwinirßiini I LSPECTACLES. N£iTiILR nit; F I \( H .MKMfiCI ti NUU VVOL LAsTii.N’jj L.VGLiSii FLUJaCOI’IC. - ' • —®® .. V ■ i ... I * JHO all w lio t‘\;>;irnrf inconvenience in the nr.Q j of ibe common i>n ! of Glosses, and •spefi , ally in nit'h! rradi as. tin-si® Spectacles will be found . mo-t vain , hie substitute; in tp> rase, exec [it u here t!:e optic nerve Inis been pronounced diseased, bave they failed, when properly fitted, to give satisfac tion. No better proof of their superior merit can be given to each individual who may need Glasses than the satisfaction he will experience in the use of t hem. These Glasses can he obtained in this place only of i L \ RK. ii.U KFTT A CO.. Agents for the Manufacturers, who have now on hand a good supply in gold and silver frames. Perifocal Glasses lilted loany frame, j fur attv \ is ton. • Spectacles in gold. silver and steel. for safe very low bv CLARK. UACKKTT&CO., Dealers in Watches, J< welry, Sil\ er Ware, &c. may 8 137 k-0n & cy„ **s, 11.V\ i i Just received a h'J'\ new and hiree slot k of GO Mi ami MLVF.R W \T< HKS. of the ffestsA-iXI in ; Iter-, Watch Trimm tigs and omaii ents; JLW • ULIIV. OF A f.L lvf\l)S; Silver Spoons, fork®, Knives and <-in-; Pitted Ware; Waiter®. Castors, 1 Candlestick®. Ten Sets. Cake B.n ket®. Arc.; BH taiinia U re; Painted tmd J.i pa lined Waiters in set®, a pew si'.lf; Tabic Mat.® :>nd Brush -s. id it finefjita-itv; Mam!.* Oonm ots. g;J. and ~ , n il, with drips; tine Mantle < locks, in wood and mar ike; a great \ trie|v of Pan: V Goods, Work Boxes, Bead Hags. B r and i’nr-e < jasp®; ( »ilt, silver njel steel Beads; Cologne Bottles, silver, pearl, shell, , ivorv and v.-lv< I Car l Cases; shell and tine lufla j lo Dressing Cirtils; Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, i we Jsi\ Barrel Uevolxiug I’I>TOLS. 3 siz- s | another lot of ti e famed " Lecuitllre" RAZOR; : v i:h3 blades; a good supply also of Updgera’ ond j other makers; [lodgers. Mei lti. Chapman, laund ers. “ Befoul re. ” and Mmerson Strop®: Shaving ; Cream •■.* Gned tin’’ in 1 oilier-; O.’d .Naples Soap; i fitoic- Lather Bru-ltec; fine i’oclvct Cuthry. ic. spi:cTA(u:s. The Perifocal Sp-■■etudes, sold by ns. w;» still 1 recommend, with £rr)'.ai confidence, to our cus tomers. We have a good supply in gold, udver. Hud steel frames, an 1 are prejiared lo m thtm la ; old fram*‘s nt short notice. Gold an 1 Diver ei tael*s. witii tlie ordynary j convex glass, for sale at very low rales, aad glass iesfi * ted to suit the sight with acctiracv.; , N. B —Cioeksntid \V (leltcs repa r- 1 art 1 regu lated with care. v\ an It Glasses, 'j'oois and jiu • tcria's ( >r sale to the tra ie al low rates. i ot 22 13 Ni;v/ SJ ,jjj^Tf(7 Y)c i)s’ ! O I’ilicK &,CO. l;r.ip.*t® and Tai* j w V lor®, have now in si rc. :sml are weekly ! receiving from the Fr-oj- h an.i f'ngii b markets, i ( l.( * 1 11 •*•. (1 \S-I di tß.iiS and \ ii>'[ J\i S, ; and Trimming- for r i :,i, it®, s. to which they t would o ill the a lie mi n of those v Lit mg this Ijriar j ket. as they c:iii sell theta hv ; fret or pall* rn. as i low n® tbe v can be porch tsed in .New York: C,,»b ri; i ret I®. ( rot on (’outing-. >l3 rn ner < am ‘ lets. Lug !li lt ami uteri-an w-ei®. white an 1 colored I i i ten Drill®, ‘ 1 • iff r," I.J*k. and coi’d fig'd, Matioguir D-lain-s. aril ail 'he n--vves-t patterns |an I styles of \ LS’i iNiiS i f Silk, (kishtnere, j white mi j col’d .Morse Te®. Valencias. &e.&c., I with a foil aml g-neral «®®oriinent of the newot j patterns and styles t f UKADV Ai) F. CLOTH ING. and vv ■ 11 in t ie Sltiri® an ! Drawers, 11. its an 1 | ( kip®. I tubrella®. steel frame and all kind®; n' sie* rv. Gloves, pemb-r®. ( ra v it®, IS atfs, llandker i chi- fs. Stock®. Ci Bars, Bosoms. older Bfaccs, i Riding B' lts. .Mo.n y Belts, liaz >-s and Razor : Strop®. Dressing ( uses. < lodn ® B.iisi cs. 1..,! 1 Brushes. II -t Idtislte®. Nail and Tooth do. Night ; Cap®. Money Pit: - ®®-®. Po imr Book®. Tablets, j Wau-h Guarii®. Ho ly Guard®, T .tit rs shears, j Points.'P: i ! >>r® Incli ■ on.® ii res, ( rayon®, at. J t Very I article tt-eful for dress. I h fin* as®orun -m of HICKORY SIIIUTS. i We vv tii make to order ail kind® of f.iSHION ; ABM’, CLO I’i I! N(« at hurt nut ice. and its cheap as can he bad in the Son hern m irk r. “253 BIIOAD-b Ik. o| jt cite State Bank. March ft HI M V skN GobDS. WOIIN P. Ski ZL. lia- : tsi 11 eetved the cheap- C> est assortment of 1,1 Nld * GOOD S, ever of fered in litis rn*rke .to wit: 4-1. Cndrc.-svd Irish i due an in wh !c and demi pieces. 3- Fin* 1 and heavy Pillow C.t®e Lm- n, fi, lit, 11 and id-1. Lim n Shevti;ig, some very fine, d. ‘J and 10-1, Single and doable Daraa. k Table Diaper. 8-4, Karnsh*y Diaper, 8 4 unblejiched Dittper. 8. y. Id-1 tin leached Table Cloth, Bird’s F, e Diaper, Long La w n, » r-late and Grass Linen; White and colored Drillings, While and brown iioll.uid®. ’ Bleached and unbleached Russia Sheeting, i French and Irish Lin it Checks. Russia twill 'coii it Diaper, t ra®h and Creqnila 4- Burlap® ami O nnhurgs Linen Cambric iian Ikfs. at 12i cents and up wards. Grass Skirts Bleached ami unbleached Linen Socks Damask Napkins Bleached and unbleached Towels with colored borders. Huckaback Dowlas Genu. Linen Gloves. ALSO, & A general and extensive selection of FANCY and STAPLK GOODo, worthy ihe aUention of cu®tomer® generally. .March "ill 144 ORANGES AND LLfiONS. T7P ECKIVKD on ronsigmqettf from New York, 10 I.CX-JS OR\NGLS. 10 ** Lcntans, which will be sold low. JOHN R. 1 OvV. April 6 f >7 C.IBWMIM CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 4 LWAVS mrORTINO AND MVNUFAI - ia. TURING the he.-.t and most fashionable styles of FURNITURE. I would particular!v call the attention of pur c|ias<‘iß to Chairs of my own manufacture, the w >rkfn insltip of which 1 guaruitee to stand; if not, return iiictu; likewise till articles ot mj inanu® Net ore. Also on bam! a beautiful -"ovorent of WINDOW BIIA HRS AND TA vNH’AiUTNC IF,*, if numerous patterns, and I p opo.-e to sc.Pwor surat pricce, ue will leave no excuse tor purcija.-.e s. nr ARLES A. PLATT'S J-vn n ]Y - 1