Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, May 19, 1847, Image 4

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if ►*•* n- 'wwrrf- v / PATENT MEDICINES. NOTitii. dissolution or copartnership. rf[V!r: <op .rtner-hip hereniiore t.x i.-tn»“, under the U. liitno us vVAI. 8W I.V.M A SON. was dissolved <nj ttiwi*si o! J j)\ tisi, !jv tin; decease of ill*; said u in. I- *.u.n, 4ba tin; P-i'fat is now, and will be in future. a, iduct dex.bi-.vt-.iy by the subscriber, who lias had t .o m»is tU.n .1 ui tin) in mul'ictm ing of me Panacea and Vermifuge tor the I a.-1 ioiirl< en years. ’i'uf Paitai i'll n id tie f• ut up as usual in round bottles, flitted I lin.il Iy. with tile to low in. r letters blown ua litetri iss: — ‘•S'cuiii's Put ecu Ptululn." a ul the only , i ( - . . ale s tie* i! uiie oi JAS. SVt AIM stamped on t i ; sL.iii.,' wax. sad icritliu on the label covering tile ,-jr -;Uii .i i. i*,vl tel lor liie tide oi .l*et>o‘ le.COnlpOsi-d us ffumotric lx; h-- *v..rk. c*;i!tpfi.- ug lam different die-, v, Inc i have been turned for tin cvi Ui.-ur use of the pro- I r . i ir. I. !>• .ocr «V f'o.. Icnik a.«• engravers of I'i.ilu iijlihni. io 1. d.f s ol'diffi ri nt patterns form fin Irody of i .ns wo -k. i el ; i i <• tre rs i portrai tof the late \\ m. Swam, , leil roil* Ike borders by two circles of lathe work. The words ‘Swain’s Panacea,” are ea- cave*! * ntspicu v on two tin lied strips, and a large senu-cii!;u i*rdn; lonnb the tipper margin. The borders afe c< imposed (4 pain litbevs <n k sir-ips, out-id*' ol which u caiji actd i.i si.ia.i le’.n ra the entry o I the copy-right. J AIES SWAIM. SWAIM’3 rni-MBKATED I’ANA' FA, FOR IHK CfllF. OF Scrofula. General Debility. While Swelling. Rheu men is in. I) isc a se -- ot lh* fjieer one! Snin, end, nil discuses arising born It/ipui i iies vs Ihe Wood, or the ej "tieis <f Mer urij. SWA ni'? PAN V LA has h en lor more than twenty - five vein's *T-I riucd in this counti y and in Europe for its ~x ; raoH nary cur: toi the* erlil rales of w(licit refer ence is in *d* to the directions a i cl books [w Inch may be h id sti 1 ili-j ae *>!>•! allying the P. nacea. It tins he n iis--il in lio-pha) and private practice,and has iiad the sin”ul ir fortune of being: recoin mended by the most c ideal rl physicians a.a other eminent per- Vjxs Among others, 1• v W. Gib . >n, M. D Professor of Surgory, Pa. Univcr e i ty. V ilentiun ' ott. M. 11., Profcssoi of Surgery, N. Y.Uni ▼er.-.iv, VV. P. Dcw cc-.M. D.. Professor cl Alic!wifery,Pa. Uni versity. V C:. ipmr.n, 'I. D , Professor Physic, I’.* University T. Puke, vl. *).. Pre ide it t’allege Physicians, Pin a Hr. fid V, ,!c, Pooies'or Medicine Havana. Jn- fun eic dtl.nz Prole .-or Surgery. I,islion. J. Cnip • an, Member i, oyulColic"c Surgeons, L.ondOn. <■. U Irving, lat • '.Ln.st r to Spain. Sir Tnon* - Pe irson. .*1 .jor (* neral British Army, tinbe.- Ilohctson, Brit: h LnimuL <fcc. JLc. And als *. be wonderful cures etfect.od I.v Swaim V n icei have formally year- made it all invaluable rein eily. The Pnnac * does not contain mercury ir> any form, and t. • 111 ;r an ian been t p e par a. ion it may be git en to i i i.v ll ,i tei iuf..at. .\, .-re- « io *re e-uiPtied i i 'core numbers on plant-a lioiisui not cbm ites, are peculiarly liable to such form of di-•a e, arising from a vitiated state of the blood and want of ‘cleanliness a* I* riety of food. These diseases so frequently set regular pre bee at definite, and len der their im.-erable vi tini.~ bolh u.-elets and t-xpen-.ve to their in .-t is. dial pi inters would study t. eirown inter est as well *is that ol bum old y, by keeping ab* aysa sup ply ol SwannS Panacea, which appears to be the 0..1y thing which can be r< ii d on in -in-h <-a-i-s. TilK RETAIL PRICE HAS BEEN REDUCED t« One Dollar and I- dry cents per bottle. |containing three half pints.} or three bottle.-for Four Dollars. A I.SO—S\VA IM> VKR A!IFUCE. A vain abb Family Medicine, being a highly' approved remedy for all diseases a ising front F* -oil ty of the Di gestive < )rr ins -in h a.- Vi'ai iii.', Cliolera .Morbus. I) v-eti lery Fever arid Ague Bleeding- Pile-, Sick Headache, iic. Jkc. See ih-pampliDt [which may bo bad gratis | hccoutpalivingilie Vc-rmifng I Prepared at Swaim’s Laboratory, Seventh street, be lovC.i - 1 .■ 1 1 Pdi nle paii and for gale by all respecta ble Driiggisttfiii t ie United S o i ... AHLVTS. New York—H. U. SeiiielTeliu .S- Co. I. udon.Eng—K\ n i- A Lescher. Liverpool. I'ng —Fvaiiy.Soii Si Co- Havana—l..lL 'leiizet. Valpar* :-*iv—Al«x < rr>-s. Buenos Ay res—O J. Hayes & Co. St. Thom; .—.A .11. II m,*-. Canton—J . S vvortls. Sandwich Islands—F, L. Benson. Culeiitl&r-i/uffnagic .v Co. March 17 w 4 1M to Tata: :;rArj’Bs-Ti-:RSi <:f the COMPLEXION. _ X urpnsin g h'lfienr.y. M\ rat; nivi\‘i in-; vf,\us ami nymph oap : composed of.an Fa.st°rn Botanical discoverv of surprising etticacy, for rendering the Skin sos, and fair, as well as imparling a Jelicalu roseate line to tlie com plexion. As a creator and cacsPi-vetor ol’tliat most .listinguish ing charni of fan ilo lovcbn*-s, a traiispareet fair .-kin, Jnla» H iuei’s N vunph Soap or Fan Divine Os Venus may l;> exeft an .lim-i-t magical power Composed for the most part of Orient a ! Bab amic Plant-, to Che utter < x cinsion of all mineral ad mixture, it i dis.iuguishfd un-<l iciually for its extreai'-ly liiaud, purifv mg and soothing cictio/i onSllie -Iv n; and I>v acting on the pores and inin ut-eweretorv * ssei- 1 , expels all impurities from the sur faea, allays every tendency to inflammation, and by this U’ -lhod done, effectu illy ai.-sipates all red - ess. tail, pini jdes, frecii les. sutiiiui-n, and other un-ightfui cutaneous v isitations, so ini uic il to fam de lovelin s-. Its use will chatiffo the mo-t hil on-complexion into one of radiant w liilene.--; w iile on the ne* U , ban 1.-’ and arms it he.-low s a delit-acy nn i fairness w Inch ils c-ontinm d u»e w ill happily -protect, and every appearance of youthful charm, to th» most advanced periods of life. For sale, wholesale and retail, hy JIJLE? HAUFL, Pr ».fi xil Uheinist and Pcrfiime r , No. I ‘2O Clifgn n t st. Viui h> i. m\rs ni,b, havila' d, kislcy &. CO., and VV. HAINES, Jr. * A prerniuui aw arded ai the Franklin Institute. April I 1w 153 HOW AWFULLY CULPABLE, . TO NEGLECT USING THE GENUINE DR. TAVLOU’S 15 .LSA3IOF LIVERWORT. U~a Bowery, N. Y. those be who imv e Pulmonary Consumption, ha 4. or any atT * tinn of the Lungs Liver or C liest, after reading he following letter, just received fia.ni a in st respectable in habitant of Westchester County New Vo.k. T-irrvtowjc, Aug. 9, I'll. Dear Doctor—l: is di Ti.'u'l to lind w oiuls to expre-.- the gratitude which I f.-el towards you for the interest you havotuk -ii to relieve me in my distress. In the year 1?I2 I contracted a heavy ca’d. w liic'i filially settled on my lungs; in a few month.-after I commenced coughing and raising offensive matter, which smell very bad. Having he trd that Sherman's Lozenge- were good for a cough 1 tried a few boxes of them, but they hail not the j least elf ctou me. I tie i (-ailed in the best physicittn in the place, whoa tended me a few months, but without sa ves*; I then -aw mi advertisement in one of the city p ipersof W’i-iarx- Ha sain of Wild Cherry, of wliicli I pur Ii ise.l lh fie bottle-, at the corner of Fulton and Nas sau -Ire I-. but 1 could n d perceive t e least beneficial effect from it, ou the contrary I think it was a great in jury to me. Shortly after using it I com noticed raising blood in large tpi intities ; 1 was taken down vick and conti led to the hou-e for three months, during which time I 1-i-t civ aopetiie an-,I f-11 away very fast; I was then in! red to on-nit Dr. Curtis of New York, (one of lh« b-st physicians i i the city,) but lie could do me no good. I again became worse. ai d was confined to the house all bis t winter and -p a ag, and 1 gave upa 11 hope of ever gelling anv belt-r, as I again raised blood an Jmy c i digit was very severe, i ig.-i her with a pain in my brea-t and underthe shoulder blade. Mv iViemis now g:ive up ail hope of my r--eoveri ig. and tlionghl ever-y day was tbela-f. A boat this time t li.-anl of your BALSAAI Ob' l.lVEll'VOI! 1’ tr njT vnod fur consumption, hut 1 was like many others, "id w-*>- fearful that it might be a regu lar humbug; I however finally consented to trv i*. in 1 thought it Spo-.ild m she me no worse. My brother then purchased u lini n' .fit at d7.> Bowery. N. V. and 1 com menced taking it and by tln-liin - ! bad n.-eil one l» t le full I could sleep til night, and in the morning I .' -a * I an nppetiie for my breakfa.-t. I -till !\e.-p on taking it ami find great b uu lit from it—t'm pin in my hrea.-i is entire ly gone, and I rai'i! -oiiio e Mood. VV ithix the last two niontbs I have gained m \v ess ht -ix pounds and ntucb in Stren? h. I walk! therefore adv i-e ail who have any nffec ion of the Lungs or Livcrto try the Genuine Dr, Taylor’s B dsam of L'-v-rwort, for 1 truly believe it to be the best remedy in ev. si erne for diseases ol the Lungs *.r Liver. S-lioiUd any <• n doubt the ihov e st-itement re lative to your valuuble medicine, lot i. n call on me, and 1 wiil con vi nee. iheui of'its v irtn -. Yoursre-pe";fu!iv, DE R EVER F. Re warn of eon ut TteiG.tlie oulygen tiuelias tin engr.i ved label (over tn ■ 0!T-:!- wripperof each bottle) with the -IJH *t o:•! ol I >". *i I ft Di IN J. I, LH -s aII i.-hed . TT'c genuine article- ;ot .-ale by \VM. HAINES. Ucl 11 TO Till} LADICS IN IVVIITICT LAR. T|rjV l-EPILATOKA POWDER has been found A* H h g-hiy hen*-f; a! and of great n-e lo ladies vno have been afflicted with - ip'ifl ious h ir. principally when its growth !i'- been . onfl ;rd to the upper lip and side of the face 'givii.g a masculine turn to tint whole teatures. V\Ni*!!i us 1 w ilh pi oper care, and according to t ie directions . It will he found to be a great addition to the toilet, as the u eofaitv sharp ins ' unient i- eulir* ty avoided, an the hair is removed in five or ten minutes ufter its app'icatim*. This com|>osi!ion is infallible and vv arranted to remove supeitluoushair. Aft* r numerous trial- 1 have received certiliooie- of sucee-s w hicb cannot be contested. For tub., wiiilesuie aj;.; n tail, a* JULES 11A URL'S DF.ROT, ISO Cllesnul -trees. Philadel) hir«. And l.v J. E. AIARSIIAI.L, lIAVILAND 11 IS LEV &, CO-, and W. H AINES Jr, Premiums awarded at the Pn.iikliu Institute. Apni 1 L 73 S 3 OUR mouths ii! - :or (hue. npplk-ntioii will he made I li»e Iloimrulil* lnferi*>r ('ourt of Scris \eu courtly, when siumg ft ordinary pur/voses. f*»r leave to sell the whole of the real estate of Zichaii.th Co.i\er-. deceased . !aie of said county. JA'iE-’S U KITTLES, Adrn’r. j. m. 14 y: PATENT MEDICINES, j JAYNE’S ALTERATIVE. rgIHIS valuable prejraration comV.ines all the I EL medicinal virtues of those articles, width j ! in *•':-nei:( • ha- proved to possess llie most safe 1 and oflicieut altsrative and deohstruentproperties, i. ,r the r-nre of Scrofula King's Evil. While Smell mgs i'Ue.s; Scrofulous. Cancerous and Indolent Tumours; Mer. trial and Syphilitic A factions. Rheumatism. Gout . Scurvey, Siuralpiu or Tic- J) mt.m-evx. Cancer. Goitre or Bronchocele, [swelled A Enlargements of tile Bones. Joints, Glands or higuitinits orofthe Ovaries. Elver. Spleen. Kid nees. fc. All the tiis *ases of ihe Skin, such as Teller , Rina worm. Biles. Pimples. Carbum les tyc.. Dyspepsia mid I Aver Complaint. Serious Diseases, Drops teal S’veJUngs. Constitutional Disorders anil diseas*-- originating from a depraved or Impure j j state us the Blood or other fluids of the body. The proprietor of this Alterative'wonld most re- j specifuHy assure the public that lie has not offered | this preparation to their notice without due reflec- ; tion, and close and rigid smdv. nor until alter j twelve years' experience had manifested its great t superiority over every oilier article of the kind.— , and lie now recommends it with confidence, fully i | believing that the above combination of medicine I j wiil * In rtoally eradicate from the system a class i 1 of disease some of which have heretofore been con- i ; sideretl incurable. He has prescribed it in almost every variety of I disease and w ith unparalleled success, especially j i in cutaneous affections, cancerous, scrofulous and | scorbutic diseases, and diseases originating from obstruction or enlargement of the glands or impuri- ; ty ol the blood. Cancer and Cancerous Tumors. TT- Ims used tin- preparation in upwards oftvven- i ty well defined cases of cancer and cancerous to- ; mors, and in every case but one with perfect and ; entire success. IJrmichocelc or Goitre, (Swelled Neck.l He has prescribed it in over a hundred cases of j , goitre,and it ha- never failed in a single instance I I > completely remove the disease. Not a solitary ca-e of failure. All were cured. The success lie has met with i.v curing broncho- j eeie an i cancerous affections lias convinced him \ that liit-se dangerous ami horrible diseases may be removed with as much certainty as Fever and ■ Ague. He does not wish to be uu ierslood as say- j ing thru ti.rv cart be cured as soon as Fever and Ague, lint with as much certainty; and further, that he has good reason for believing that this prepara tion will not only i urethese diseases when formed, but that it destroys tin \ inis or poisonous principle : : lurking in the system, from which that peculiar j class of diseases, as well a-that ofserofuiaemanate. Scrofula—King ? s Evil. 'l'liis preparation has been used in numerous cases of Scrofula . King’s Evil, find scrofulous swellings, and always with the most elect ed success. Ski it Diseases. He has prescribed it in a great variety of cutane ous affections, and found it successful in curing salt rheum, or letter, biles, blotches, pimples,morphew ami jaundiced skin, &c. Dyspepsia and Diver Complaint. It has been used in numerous cases of liver com- : plaint an I Dyspepsia, and wit lit he happiest ellhct. j Tic-Dotilonreuz* It has been used in several cases of Neuralgia, j and in every case it was successful. Rheumatism. This preparation has been prescribed in a great j main cases of chronic rhemuai-m, and in every case in which it was used until the system became j affected by the rat dtcine, the disease was removed ; Gout. A number of cases of gout have been cured by j this preparation. In one ol these cases, tiie man ! I had been afflicted with it so severely for thirteen years as to eotoely disable, him from business, and for live months immediately previous to his taking j t lie Alterative * bad been con lineal to bis room; hm before he hail finished tlie third hnt’le, lie was enabled to walkabout the streets ami .-non after re turned to bis business, from which lie had so long j been excluded by his afflictions. Diopsicttl SWFilings, This medicine increases the pow ers of digestion, excites the absorbents into healthy exercise, by which watery or caicaretyis depositions, and all unnatural enlargements are reduced. Jt imparts 1 tone and vitality lo the whole system, removing | jjjck and morbid headaches, giddiness, wandering painsand nervous affections. in fact, in every case where the medicine has j been taken forsurae time, no matter for wh t pur- I po-c, tiie ecu nil health oi the patient lias aivxays been improved oy ft- In conclusion, the proprietor would say that some i of tin* must a-tonishiog cases of skin diseases, can- ■ eer. bronchocele, and scrofula, have been cured t»y this medicine, that have ever been recorded; but : want of room in this sheet precludes their publica ! ion at this lime. CANCER. An interesting case cured by Jayne s Alterative. In the spring of 1831. a cancerous tumor appear el in the r i a lit breast of Airs. IMioehe, wife of Peter Stretch, of Salem, N.J. It was examined hy many Physicians, and was considered hy ail as cancerous, ani i besides bore a 1 the characteristic marks of one. All provable, means of removing it were used without the slightest benefit. It continued to in crease both in size and painfulness, until all hope of saving li*t life, but by a painftil operation, was abandoned, which, altera consultation ol eminent Physicians, was performed. Jan. Ist, 1832, by Dr. John Rhea Barton, as-i-iml by Dr. Redman, the proprietor, and tw o other medical gent'emen. The whole and entire right breast was rciDO"“‘l,-and af ter examination of the tumor, was pronounced by all present a cancer of tiie most malignant ctiarac ler.' In about three months,aftereoduring ineredi ble sufferings, she was enabled, though broken in I spirit, to get about again. J?he remained feeble, and her general lieaiiii was exceedingly bad, as in deed it had been for years before. In the ,■ pringof 1837, upwards of five years after her bieast laid been rein >ved, a painful tumor made its ap- j pearance on the rigiit side, immediately over the ] (.art formerly occupied by the nipple of tiie right , breast, prev ions to its removal. This tumor steadi- I j y increased for several months, and became so | painful as to deprived her of rest. The glands un derihe right arm were enlarged; and scirrhus, and a hard, irregular, and at limes painful tumour, ap peared in the left breast. No operation could now arrest tliedisease. Indeed her w hole botiy appear ed t.) be a mass of disease. Her case was consid ! ered hopeless. Blie was of a very scrofulous habit, both her parents having died of Pulmonary con sumption. The experiment was now made with this Alterative. It was nt first given in small doses, three times a day, and tlie- doses very gradu- ( ally, but steadily increased daily, as long as she t*.ok it, which was about -ix months, and the skin j over ai d around the tumour was wet night and morning with a strong solution of lodine and Hy t driodate Potash. The tumour continued increas ing in size for about six weeks, and was at times very painful, when I lie pain suddenly t eased alio gether, and tiie tumourswetled out at the base.and | became soft and then began to diminish, and con- j tinned gradually decreasing until every vestige of { disease was removed. The tumour in her left breast, and those in her right axilla were also dis persed. No cancerous of scrofulous tumours ever appeared afterwards;an ! hergetieral health,which had b-eti bad for fourteen years as U> make life a burthen, waseffec ually and permanently restored, i The proprietor is in possession of the diseased breast, and those who choose may examine it. He would also say that lie could mention over a dozen ; cases equally’ interesting, wherein his Alterative«i has subdued "cancer and cancerous tumours, but lie j has not room hereto record them. Mrs. Sarah Young, of Quinton's Bridge, N. J., 1 had a goitrous tumour on the left side ol her w ind- | pipe, a- large as the half of an orange, which was , • aired by using ibis Alterative fur about four \ months. 3E-s R , South Fourth-street, Phila delphia. was also cured of an enlargement of the | throat, w Inch filled the entire space between the j chin and hreast-honc, and extended around on j each -ide of her neck to behind her ears, and fr< m her ears lo her shoulders, and produced awful de j formity. It commenced growing when .-he was but five years old. and continued gradually to in crease until she was nineteen, at which time site commented using lids Alterative, which she took for seven months, which entirely reduced the en largement; and *die has now a> smooth and pretty a neck as can he found. The proprietor is not at iberty togive her name in print, but will refer per son * to her. Fur sale by WM. K. KITCHEN, sep ‘2B ly 2 Sole Agent for Georgia, Mf * K - qawgr -V l ' ■’ ’’ wi 9 1 ■ i—i jy».r;rj« W-H o^ * CITATIONS, &u. GEORGIA, Scriven County. TO A LI. WHO M IT 31A V CONCF.RV. w V applied to the Honorable the Court >f Or dinary of S( riven County for Letters of Adminis tration on the estate and effects of JOSEPH DOUGH E TRA . late of said County, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of slid de ceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause (if any they | have,) why saui letters of Admiuistion should not , be granted the said applicant. Witness the lion. John S. 3la.nr, one of the Justices of tiie Court of Ordinary, of said County, this 2d day of 31arch. 1847. ALEXANDER KEMP. Clerk. ! March 9 133 ___ ■ GEORGlA—Deivulb County. 15 RESEN T, the honopuble John N. Bellinger, Lochlin Johnson, Ezkiel A. I/avis and U il* I iiam Hairston, Judges of said Court. To all whom it may concern■ Whereas Peter i 3Titchell, administrator upon tlie estate of Nimrod 31 ilt hell, late of said county, deceased, applies for ; letters of dismission from the administration of said ; estate —therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased are Jierehy cited and admonished ff> tile i their objections, if any they have, in my office, in ) terms of the law, otherwise letters di.-missory will he granted the applicant, at the November term | next of the Court of Ordinary for said county. By order of the Court, thi- March 3d. 1817. ALEX’R. JOHNSON, c. c o. March f 6mo 130 v; EORGIA —DeKalb Couhty. ESRESENT, the honorable John N, Bellinger, EL I.ocklin Johnson, A. Davis and W il liam Hairston, Judges of said Court. To all whom il may concern. Whereas 3\ ill inm i Hairston, administrator of tir estate ot D. D. . Hairston. Into of said county, deceased, applies for I letters ofdismission from the administration of sa|d | estate —therefore I lit; kindred and creditors of said deceased ore hereby cited and admonished .0 file 1 their objections, if any they have, in my office, in terms ol the law, otherwise letters iismissory will he granted the a(»p Scant, at the November term next, of the Court of Ordinary of said comity, - j I ordcrol the Court, 3larch 3d. 1847. ALX’R. JOHNSON, c. c o. March 5 omo 130 GEORC • 1 A, — 1 )eKa!b County. P RE-8 UN T the honorable olm N. Bellinger, Lochlin Johnson, Ezekiel A. Davis and VV ti ll, nn Hairston, Judges of said Court. To all whom it matt concern. —\V herea® Louis 'Powers, administrator of James Crowley. Jr., late ■of said county. deceased, applies for letters of dis mission from the administration of said estate — therefore the kindred and creditors of sail! de j ceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, in terms of the law, otherwise letters ofdismission will he granted tlie applicant, at ihe November term next of the Court of Ordinary for said county. By order of the Court, this .March 3d. 1817. ALX’R. JOHNSON, c. c. o. 1 March i 6mo 130 GEOIIGIA—DeKaIb County. PRESEN T, the honorable John V Bellinger, Lochlin Johnson, Ezekiel A. Davis and Wil i liam Hairston, Judges oisaid Court. To ail whom it may concern. —W hereas Kohf. D. Greer, administrator upon tlie estate ol'W illi,mi Anderson. late ot sy 'd county, deceased, applies (or letters ol dismission from 1 he administration of said estate —therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased tire hereby cited am! ftdrtvmjshed to file I their objections, if any th-y have my office, in terms of the law, otherwise letters dismissory will he granted tlie applicant, at the November term next of the Court of Ordinary for sard county. By order of the Court, this March 3d, 1817. ALEX’R. JOHNSON, c. c. c. March 5 Grao 130 ' GEORGIA, Wilkes County. Lewis S. Brown and John IT V V Dvson, Executors of the estate of Nancy A. Mcßea. late of said county, deceased, applies tn nie for letters dismissory. '1 hese arc 110 . • - : - • ’ - .1. ,ti ~„d singular tlie kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, tube and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they ! have, why said lettersshould not he granted. Given under ray hand at ofli''" in Washington. G G. NUIiMAN, Clerk. March 31 6ro _ ,; >2 (i EORGIA, Burke County. tau*/'HERE AS Isaiah Carter applies to n?e for ww letters of Adtn nutrition on the estate ot Frances Galphin, deceased. The>C are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tile kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within tlie time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not fie granted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro, March 20, 1817. EDWARD G VRLICK, D. Clerk. March 27 147 GEORGIA —Scriven County. To all whom it may concern. Tr’SrTHIERE AS James Pai k«-r applies for Letters V V of Administration on tlie estate of Benja min Parker, late of said county, ucceased; These are therefore to cite am! admonish all and singular tlie kiudre I and creators of said de ceased to be and appear at my o/lice within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if anv they have, why letters of adminktratioii should not lie granted tlie said applicant. Witness tlie Honorable Peter Jteddirk one of the Judges of the Court of Ordinary of said county, April 12th, 1847. ALEXANDER ICE3IP, Clerk. April 16 165 GEORGIA —Scriven Cointy. To all whom it may coicern. Ti ITT II ERF AS James Parker atplies for letters w w of administration on the stiite of Sarah Parker, late of said county deceasd : These are therefore to cite and fdmonish all and singular, the kindred and credinrs of said de ceased. to l»e and appear at rnyofiee, within the time, prescribed by law, and shov cause (if any they h ive,) why letters ol idiniijotratiun should not be granted the said appli-ant. Witness the Honorable Pier iiahlicßone of the Judges of the Court of Orctiary of said county, this 12lh day of April. 1847 ALEXANIER KE3IP, Clerk. April 16 165 GEG RGIA. Scriven ounty. tBCJBET H ERE.\S, Stephen I Bevill. adrniriisfra | V w tor on the estate of iancis Hecks, late ot 1 said county, deceased, hppls for letters dismis i sory. These are therefore to ciieul admonish, all and j j singular, the kindred ami critors of said ileceas- j ed, io be and appear at myllce, within the time j ! prescribed by law, to siu> cause (if any they I have.) why said lettersshou not he granted. Given under my hand at ice in Jacksonboro January 20, 1847. ALEXANDR KE3IP, Clerk. Jan. 26 < ■ GE O R GIA—S c riv eC oun ty. To all whom it no concern. TVST"HERE\t> James Pair applies for letters W w of administration ojie state ofiyntlia j Parker, late of said county dtased: 'These are therefore to cite|d admonish all ami singular, tlie kindred and rditors of saiil de- j : ceased, to be and appear at r office, within tlie I ! time prescribed by law, an hew cause (if any they have,) why letters of ministration should not fie granted the said appliit. j Witness the Honorable Peißeddick one of the | Judges of the Court of Ordffy of said county, 1 April 12th, 1847. ALEX AND; KE3IP, Clerk. April 16 165 j (•GEORGIA, Richmoijcounty. ISfCHEREAB John 11. An and MilchedJ. »w 1 Walterman, executojd executrix of the j • will of Asaph Walterman,(fused, apply to me ■ for letters dismssory. These are therefore to cite I admonish all and 1 singular the kindred and creirs of said deceas ed, to lie and appear at my ofj, w ithin the time pJescribed by law, to show c;», if any they have why said letters should not banned. Given under my hand it o<m Augusta. LEON DUGAS, Clerk. ‘ May 7 183 ~ ~, , •mm —■»-.» ■■■- mmmmmtm ertt qa ———■a« —mlg ■■ m mmjmaaßmmnmmms ■ 1*21« n—■ Tiates of freight on the GEORGIA AND WESTERN k ATLANTIC RAIL-ROAD. jjl. GEORGIA RAII.-KOAIJ.__ || W. & A. R. KOAU. • BETWEEN AUGUSTA AND | F rst Class —Boxes of Hats, Bonnets anti I Furniture, per foot 10 ( 8 8 10 1— J, 15 IS Second Claes —Boxes and Bales ot Dry Goods. Shoes. Saddlery, Glass, Paints.j j f Oils, Drugs, and Confectionaries. perlUO j Ihs jCo 40 50 GO . 70 90 100 Third Class —Sun-ar, Coffee, Liquor, Bao irinir. Rope. Butler, Cheese, Tobacco, Leather. Hides, Cotton-Yarns, Cooper. r Tin. Feathers, Sheet-Iron, Hollow-Ware, i Crockery, Casiinn’s. Hardware, and other i | heavy art ides not enumerated below, per; 5 100 lbs ! 37. L 30 30 35 -15 55 GO ] Fourth Class —Fionr. Rice. Bacon, Pork. 1 Beef, Fish,Lard, Tallow. Beeswax, Bales { | of Raps, Ginseng, Green and Dried Fruit. Mill-Gearing’, Bar and Pie Iron. Mill and Grind Stones, per 100 lbs 95 25 25 25 30 35 40 Colton —Per 100 lbs ! 331 25 25 25 32 1 40 45 Salt —Per Liverpool Sack, not exceeding 4 . j bushels 1 60 30 35 40 50 GO 65 Per bushel g ]o 10 13 1G 18 Molasses —Per Hogshead 550 4 5 5 i 7 8 850 Ploughs, Wheel-Barrows, Straw-Cutters.: r and Callivalors, each... | 75 50 50 50 75 75 75 1 Oats in sacks per bu.-hel, by the car load. G (j 6 6 8 9 11 J Corn, \\ lieat. Peas, Beans, Bye, Nuts, am \ Gra.'fe-Seeds, per bushel,, by the car load 8 j 10 10 10 14 1G 18 1 Lime —ln Casks cr 80-tbs not exceeding 2. * bushels, each ' 30 30 30 i 30 40 45 50 ' Car Load,*f Live Stock !J5 35 35 j 35 10 15 50 ii:rßacon in casks or boxes will be transported from Dalton to Augusta at 30 cent 8 per 100 lbs. | O'For other articles s«re list. !_• freight lor Atlanta, Athens.and all stations on the Western & Atlantic Rail Road, payable at liio?e stations. Tor other staliuns it niu-t he paid in Augusta. F. C. AKM S, Suuerintemlant of Transportation. ' Transportation Office, Rail Road and Banking (Company, f Augusta, Ga., March 22. 1847. March 27 ; GEORGIA, 3IAUON AND WESTERN' ‘ AND ANIiSTERN AND ATLANTIC 1 RAILROADS. r pjcs?a pssia iflTl rgjJHi: Passevger 'Train, carrying the Grea S Southern Altai! bet ween New York and New Orleans, leaves Augusta daily at 7o’clock.P.M. | arrivingal Atlanta at Gi o'clm k. a. m., leaves At lanta at 8 o’clock, a, M., and arrives at Griffin at 10 o’clock. a. m. Returning, leaves Griffin at 1 o’clock, p. m., arriving at Atlanta at 3s p. m., I leaves Atlanta at 4o'clock, p. M., and arrives at r Augusta at 34 o’clock .a. m. In connection with this train, a locomotive j leaves Union Point for Athen.-, on Mondays, Wed . | tiesdays, and Fridays, at 6.3 o'clock, A. 31., and , on 'l’uesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 1 j o’clock, A. 31. j The Passenger Train upon I he State Road leave; r Atlanta dai y, (Sundays excepted.) at Bo’clock. a H.; and arrives at Uotbcahura at 3* o’clock, P. m. Returning leaves Ootiicaloga at 7 a. m., ami ar lives at Atlanta, ill time for the evening train t< Augusta. Stages run \c. connection with the. cars,asfol low s : Doily. —Tlie Express 3lail Line, the Georgv Rail Road Line.and the South (’arolina Rail R..ai Litie.from Griffin to New Orleans, passingthfungi 1 Greeriviiie. La Grange, West Point an ! Auburn . *Li iUmii - u ‘•by*.. G r 11 Itn Mnnlgoru . ery. Also, from Barnesville vie Columbus, tt C fie haw. From vVarrentoa to 3lacon via Sparta and Mil edgeville. From .Madison,every 3londay,Wednesday.arn Friday .via Ea teuton ami Clinton to Macon and v in Eatonton to Milledgerille. From Athens, on 'i'nesdays, Tlmrsilavs and Sa r turdays, \ia Gainesville to Cass\ille, and Dahlo [’ nega. From Douhle Wells, on Tuesdays. Thursdays 1 ami .Satin lays, to Washington, Wilkes county, and Abbeville, S. C. from Covington, on Jlondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, through Griffin, and Greenville to La Grange. From Kingston every day, (Sundays excepted.) via Rome. Double • ■'firings, Warrenton, and De catur to Memphis, R’enn. From Atlanta on Tuesdays, Thursdays and : Saturdays, to Jonesboro' and Griffin, j From Stone .Mountain on Mondays, "Wednes | days and Fridays, fur Lawrcffceville and Gaines ; vilie. Fmm Ootiicaloga on Tuesday®, Tliitrsdays and ; Saturdays, for Chattanooga . Term. {Kr THROUGH TICKETS, from \iigti-iaio j Huntsville, Decatur, or Tuscumbia. Ala., can be had at tlie G. R. R. Ticket Office, for SIS. Office Geo, R. K. & 1 > k’g Co., March 28, 1847. SOUTBT CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. 173 The Special Train for A.ken will here /p7- Ar:jv^after not leave on Sunday afternoons. Hamburg, S. C-, August 28, 1846. aug. 31 30 | v | 71 A fti:r the ioiti i,vsr.,aii < 'nitons -2». remaining at the Georgia Rail Road Depot | over 24 hours after it is turned on the platform, w ill be sent to the nearest Warehouse, at the ex pense of the consignees. Transp'n. Ofkice nr the G. R. R & B. C. ) Augusta, Jan. 12,1817. Jan. 11 87 PRICES REDUCED TO SLIT THE TIMES. IN AM ICY MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMERY / and FANCY ARTICLES. The subscriber rea|,ecilnlly invites the attention ol , Pcysieiiois, Merchants and Planters, w ho may be visiting 1 this city, to his stock ol Medicines. Great rare having been exercised in their selection, he is confident that the j quality 01 each article is sucll as Cannot fail to afford on tire satisfuctio I '. The assortment of Perf unery. Fancy Articles. Brushes j and Comi s,are the finest varieties of French and Atncri 1 j Can manufacture. He recommends with confidence to Gentlemen, in thei estimable quaff i?s. the Shaving Compounds of P.ver 1 Gucrlam, Roussel, Glenn and others, w hich relieve the j operation ot shaving li om many of its disagreeable at ! tendants. Also, to tlie Ladies a spfeadi<l assortment of highly > perfumed Toilet Soaps—the Roman Kalvdnr and Xiilk Ot Roses,botlidelmhlful preparations for the complexion, ! together with a great variety of hair Oils, hair Dyes and i Ollier Perfumery. Sands’, Carpenter’s mid Full's Sarsaparilla, Janies’ I Expectorant/! arm in Hive and Hair Tonic, Evans’ Sooth j inp Syrup forchildren teething, Powell’s Balsam of An -1 niseed. an excellent remedy forconchs and colds. J bids j , Rheumatic Liniment, and all the other popular Medi | t ines of tile day. Orders from the country respectfully solicited. A liberal discount made for cosh. \V .'il. HAINES, Jr., No. 32 Broad-st., Augusta. Sept. 28 '1 - , Four (> NT IIS after date application will he made to the 1 lonuraKe the Court of Or dinary of Burke county, forL-ave to sell all the : real estate of Matthew Jones, late of said county deceased, for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. 31 ITCH EL B JONES, ? . , . ALLEN INM AN, \ Aura rs * Jan. 16 4mo 89 COTTON GIN FACTORY.! rgMlEsuhscriher will remove on the first October : U. to his SHOP on Green-street, two doors ! above the Baptist. ( hurch. where Planters can he supplied with CHon Gins, Thrashing Machines Corn Crushers. ,of his make, which will l>e j •warranted to perform well. Do not mistake the place. Be sure to look at the sign before you en- I ter the shop. JA3IES T. WADE. Augusta, Sept. 23. 1846. jy ■' J 0 a P 1 , '-f -r- ' p ..i X f¥iS!ilW[;itii|fea -r. 5 ri#Sa::M d ! c H £ ; £ * e ■E> r. CIIEWoIK •rs for sale a Inrge assort | .»1*» irient of Factory ami Cook STOV ES of ths I latest fashions and most approved style, for Wood or <’<>al, opposite the Eagle A. I’hcunix llotci, Broad | street, Augusta, Ga. sent 21 still chr Li*rr! • | ON ir A.V 111 A GTON-S TRE E T , i Three Doors South of Thomas Duels ’ Store. :l a _ gq .T 9 t*ri r V': \ ■• *i T \f“ 5 JtAj I ■ ■ ! 7 „ EIACTOKIE'«.HL , II,I»n«S WD It MLROADCOSI 11’ P \NIEB, AND TO ALI. WHOM TT MAV CON(CRN. t( j i’He sub-cnbi nukes tiiis m■•fliwd ofiiifonning his friends (i sud ( ('stoiO Ts, and tlie j» uh*i r ecirraMv, that lie lias 1 been induced *o lower is prices for tvrnk on ecrou :t of toe dullness of business, ail with tile hopes of doing i ni<ire business, lie will uoik at the following rates ; d Tin Hoofing put on at.f 9 per IPO -quare ft. or 125 c. per * 1 . square when t lie materials are furnished. , t.aree Gutters, formerly d! c. per ft. redactd to ITr. ■ Large Conductor Pipes 25c. “ “ 15c. i Small Gutters l , 2Uc. “ “ J-Jjc. '* Small Conductor Pipes S'c. “ “ 12^c, Gutter Hooks, Inc. “ “ fir. i, Oil Cans, all si/rv., 20 c. pertral. “ I Ur. ? Battling Tubs, .?13 00 apiece, “ $8 00 He will go to any part of the country to put up Gutters a/'Vf Roofing and no extra charges w ill be made for it, if conveyance uid board are furnished. l * Any reference or security' will beeiven fortheperfnrm a nee of any work or contracts made by him, and the best ) materials will b Used that the m i rket can afford. - | Having one of the 1 est workmen in his employ, he flatters Himself that he will please any who may give j him a cal! both in price and quality . j Sept. 28 B, F. BOUYER. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS' i I.HAL), in 25, SO and 100 lbs. of all quali | I >▼ ties Chi nine Vellow,Chrome Green. Vn etiati Red, Linseed Oil. and a large assortment of Window • Glass fiom b p<fe to 32 Forsale low for cash, bv ’ W.U HAINES. Oct TO COl NT R\ MEItCUANTS, A.\D I*Li V \TfiKS. W3l . HOWL AN D . North Earl corner nj King and Market streets, Cli AI! LEST ON, S. C. f keep constantly on hand a large and M well selected stork of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DliV (iOOI)S, iii which .Merchants | ; and Planters are invied. as every article in his i line can be found. There is in addition to his For i ' eign importations, an agent constantly iri New • York, which enables him to offer one of the best ; | selected Slocks, and at prices that cannot be nil- , dersold. wf—2m Feb- 28 TAYLOR’S HOTEL, (E o rmerl >/ SI. N irhola s ITn tel,) 28 COURTLANDT-STUEET, .NEW VO Hi:. | subscriber, late of the Tremont rJVmpe i M. ranee House, lias taken the above Hotel, j painted and put it in good order, and opened it as j a Temperance Hotel , where he would be glad to | i wait upon Ids former patrons and 1 1m public gene- i j rally, who may feei disposed to give him a call, I ; pledging himself to use all endeavors to make : their stay agreeable while with him. Brice of board per week, ss7. ** 41 day. I 25. ELDAD TAYLOR.. Teh. T 6—c2 108 30 UOKE WHIiF, GKAY Olt RED- It AIK. A IS.EAI EDV which enhances considerably the beau I ty ami alters the appearance of the countenance 1 from that which is much dislik'd. Il is pleasing to have ' : eiKcient mean* tu remote these defects. 'ioeftVrt this i , c bango of hair so much wished for, is the grand air’ 1 never fnl ng property of JULKS HAUEI.’rS VF.GFI « 1.1. f. ElUt ll) HAIR DYE, which the propr'e o* hd with jiintH e state is far beyond any thing of th. .id ever yet known in this or any other country. Its properties are very powerful, though very innocent. This chemical j result is a wonder, as it enables per-ons to dve instauta- I neously their hair without the least inconvenience. For changing r< tl or gray hair, whiskers, eyebrows, &c.. to a brown, black, or chesnut color. The sliuhtest evil, con sequences need not be feared from its use—it is altogether harmless. I'his.coniposition is the only one sanctioned j by the science of Chemistry to live, in an indelible man- j ner, the various gradations of colors, w ithout danger or i inconvenience and has justified theliberal patronage and tin imited confidence of the public. If bl'ck is required j as' for box m irked N.; if bruini. box marked B, For sale, wholesale and and retail, by JULES 11VFF.H, Perfumer and Chemist, 121) Cttes int street, Philadelphia. And by J. E. .’UUI»II\LL, II \ VII.AM), KISI.EY At*CO.. and W. HALVES, Jr.,andutmost all Druggists , throughout the IT.Slates. Revvare of Counterfeits.—Ask for “Jules linnet’.- Veg- ; etahle Liquid Hair Dye, ’if you want the genuine aril- ; ; cle. Price Tacts, and «l box. A premium awarded ultlie Franklin Institute. April 1 tw 153 SOUTH CAROLINA 1 KAIL ROAD, > ilA.MEt’ttG. Feb. 23d, 1847. $ j ON and after the Ist March. Grain and Flour will l>e transported to Charleston by freight j trains at the following rules, viz: Grain per bushel, 7 cents. Flour per barrel, 40 44 do. per half barrel, 25 44 Ftb£s. W3I. J. 3IAGRATH, Agent. l 4 i t i: *rrvter-a■■■——arr——^ SHERIFFS SALES. .4 d-niaistrntor's Sule. Agreeable to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, when fitting for ordinary uurposes, will he sold on the first Tues dav in June next, at the .Market House in the city of Augusta. Eleven shares (Georgia Rail Road and Banking Co. Stock. belonging to the estate of Win. Bngg, dt-rM. Sold for toe benefit of ihe heirs and cred itors of said deceased. W.M. JL W EL, Atim'r. March 71 33 St imi N SIIEIUEI’S SALE. \\ ill be soiii he ore the court house floor in Jack sonhoroiigh. he ween the legal hours of sale, uu the lir.-t l ijcsduy in June next, the following property, to w it: Four (1) Negroes, viz: Cudgc, a man about 50 years of age; Sam, a man about 2a years of age; Kohm. a man about .»a years ol age, anti Ha be, a man about la years of age—levied on as the pro perty of JimS Kieves. deceased, to satisfy two mortgage fi (as from ihe Inferior Court of Scriven county, in favor of Thomas 11. Humes vs June 11. Kieves, executrix on the estate of John S. Kieves, deceased. Propi riy pointed out m said (i fa. Also, at the s unu time and place will be sold, , two negroes. tz: Litnhrick, a man about 50 years | of age. and Petty, a hoy atioin 10 years of age—le | vieii upon as the property of Daniel x.. Howell, to satisfy one mortgage li fa in favor of Thomas 11. iUirnes vs said Daniel C. Howell. Property point ed out in said li fa. EDMUND B. GROSB, D. Sh’fT. April 2 154 lilt 1 1 M ( N O Ni 1 1 .li i I I NS v\ 1 1 E. On ihe first Tuesday m June next, will he sold at the lovver Market House, in the city of Ah giisia. within the legal hours of sale, the fol low lug properly, to wit: A Negro \S oman named Aberdeen, levied on at the property of John \\ (.raves, to satisfy three fi fas is.-ued from t he 6 <oth District Justice’s Court of Uichinond coin.ty, in favor of John Roherlson vs John \S . Graves ami John O'Brien. Levy made and relumed bv a constable. WILLIAM V. KER, D. Sheriff. April 30 177 PV«r'3:at*j> . th-thi —i r m i tm munn ~ mwtw—■— ■—i—■ wi STEEL. THIS celebrated Racerand Stallion ipfT' will make, the ensuing season at the JLLCX. Hampton Course, Augusta, Ga., and will aiiemi alternately, every ninth day, at Cher okee Ponds, S. ('.. at the moderate price of S3O the season, cash, with $1 to the groom. 'The season will commence the Ist .March and i end Ist June. ; For pedigree and performances see hills. .limes sent to Steel w ill he grain fed at the rate of twenty-five cents per day, and good pasturage furnished gratis.- JAMES GARDEN. Feb. 5 4m JOG PAPER, BOOKS AND FANCY STATION A KY. BUN IIAM *fe BLAKELY, Paper Manufac turers, are now receiving from New ork and Huston a very large addition to their former stock ol Books and Stationary, together with a general supply of ( oralis, Huttons, Pins, Needles, Si>onl-Thre,td, Razors, Scissors, Thimbles, Pen- Knives, Gold and Silver Pencils, (»old Pens, Card ; Cases, Souvenirs, Tablets, Pink Saucers, Arc. Also—A large assortment oFPocket Hooks, kid, ! calf and morocco; Banker Cases; Writ iug Desks; Pori Folios; Hdl Files; Bill Heads; Post Office Deliver;; Ink Stands, something new; together ; vvith a compb-te assortment of French and English Toys, Fire-Crackers, and a large variety of other i articles usually k pt in Book Stores. Our Goods are all new and well selected to suit | In ill the country and city trade. Our prices are also reduced in proportion to other goods now of fered forsaie. Country and city merchants are in vited to cal! and purchase cheap goods. Next door o .Messrs. J. iV Bones «fe Co.’s Hardware Store. sep 28 ly 4 i PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW i> L ASS. A c . HA ' fLAXD.iUSLEV 4 CO.,DRUGGISTS li 3 Kmi tm.ui.anrl ttreror-eiviug, constant supplies it i of‘pure,’ ‘extra,’ *.\o. I’aiid No.2’ White I,cm!, ; in kegs irom 25 to .’toil pounds, of warranted ipialifv ; I'.onl oil ; l-oine 'soil; Innpoil: spii its turpentine, ur i nislies, oj all ktucs ; chroute y eliow ; chrome greett, itrv am; in oil; imperial green, tit oi 1 ; verdigris, drv and ik j oil; cine laid green ; i’rn.-siaii blue; oil ra-inanne blue; v■ nuihimi; vein t m red; rerflcfej; ro.-e pink ; Spanish brown, dry and ni di . yellow ochre ; litharge; tei tie-si | enna ; iiintier ; lampblack ; drop black : black lead ; ivory | black: whiting; chalk; putty ; gold leal; clue; sand paper; putmee stone . rotten alone ; emery; painter's ami tanner's brushes-olall kinds; Wu/daw, coach and j picture ”l.e s. ol dlsi7.es; paint mills and paint stones; to" etiiei with every arlirli; usually tumid tit drug stores, ol the l)i si <{ti;ilii\ , and at very low prices, at vv h olesate arid retail. O'l 'urchasers will do well tv call. Orders promptly j attended to. Oct 1 GEORGIA. fScriven County. 'HO ALL WHOM 1 i’ MAY CONCERN. "LIA Hl'.iv 1-AS Bryan applies for letter* v of administration, on the, estate of Isaac Bryan, late of said county deceased : '1 hese are therefore to cite and admonish all anil singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ■ ceased, to he and appear at my office, within the fime prescribed by Jaw. and show cause (if any they have) why Letters of Administration should not lie granted the said applicant. witness the Honorable Peter Reddick, one 9t the .1 mlges of the ('min ol Ordinary ofsaid county this 3Uih day us April. 1817. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. J April 23 175 ! GEORGIA, Burke County. ’©lSniFßEfs, Isaiah Carter applies to me v V for letters disini'-sory on the Estate of George \\ . < arpenter, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred an creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed l.y law. to shew cause, if any they have , why said lettcrsshouid not be granted. i Given undermv hand, at office in Waynesboro, January 25th, 1847. i T. 11. BLOUNT, Clerk. Jan. 27 yjs GEORGIA, Houston County, Mu. bearer barrow, you are hereby notified that it is my intention to apply at the spring Term of tsnmpter county Superior Court, on the third Monday in May next, for the benefit of the act entitled ‘‘Art Act for the relief I of honest debtors.” Signed ANDREW T. CAMPBELL. Jan 3d vvH 101 nui.ur iihmkri: CONSTANTLY ON HAND. always importing; and MANUFAC- I A TURING the best and most fashionable styles of FURNITURE. I would particularly call the attention of pur chaser to ( hairs of my own manufacture, the w irkmanship of which 1 guarantee to stand; if not, return them; likewise all articles of my manu facture. Also, on hand a beautiful assortment of WINDOW SIIADKS AND TRANSPARENCIES, of numerous patterns, and I propose to sell for such prices, as will leave no excuse for purchase-8. CHARLES A. PLATT’S, Jan. 19 Jy yj Brilliant Military Silver Bullet Ve.-t Buttons, l CH as were made by the subscriber for Gena. Ft Jackson, Glasscock, and many others of our military worthies of the last war. .Manufactured by JOHN GULMARIN, Watch Maker, at No. 153, Broad-st. Augusta,Ga. N, B. They are made with thesameold punch w ith one of which Gen. Pakenham was morially wounded at the battle of New Orleans, on the Bth January, 1315, of which the wonderful incidents therewith connected and recently republished, can be seen at No. 153 Broad-st. Augusta, Ga. dec 31 ts _ 75 PINE OIL. A CONSTANT supply of Pine Oil or Com - A. phine, will be kept fresh. Persons using Murphy’s splendid Letups, can always be furnish ed with tlie above Oil on very reasonable, terms, by •March 3 L E. MARSHALL.