Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, December 28, 1849, Image 1

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,;V .1 AM US CAIU'M’.K, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER -.>B. 1840 VOL. XXViI!.—NEW SERIES. VOL. IV .NO. J*T 'the CONSTITUTIONALIST. iN McINTOSH-STREET, TL door from the North-West corner . ‘ Broad-Street. i r.'.NU by Administrators, Executor* or Guar • t>l mlU irod, by law, to be held on first Tuaa t! ., m. jitSi. between the hours often in thefore , iIU mrco in the afternoon, at the Court House in rr/ith u«e property is situate. Notice of those Sales uu-! he piven m a public llazeite SIXTY I>A\t* pre ( to ms dav of sale. . i - > ,'j v.f SBGRUES must be at Public Auction, on Hi , i ’ j „V>.lav of the month, between the usual hours o | 1 1 ne place of public sales in the county where , ' letters Testamentary,or Administration, orGuar- j .nip, may have been granted, first givingSlXJ t \V~ notice thereof. in one of the public Gazettes ot . state, and at the door of the Court House where «u li sales are to be held. v ee for the sale of Personal Properly must be given ‘ see . > inner FORTY DAYS previous to day of sale \ ,■ i.i the Debtors and Creditors yf an Estate must be 1 nubuide.! mr FORTY DAYS. > : , i. that application will be made to the Court of Or- ' * b ;rv for leave t.» sell LAND, must be published for For I! MONTHS, tsi-'-a <■ u>r leave to sell NKGROEH, must be published p,V' B MONTHS, before any order absolute can be • given by the Court. j 13usincs0 (Hariis. To Professional and Business Men. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CA RDS no; exceeding six lines, will be inserted under this h. aj at the rate of sf 10 per annum. Cards exceed- lines, will be charged pro rata per line. j ( ITV HOTEL, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. P. CONDON. ■“ALEXAND£R MACKENZIE, Jr. attorney at law, W A V N ESBORO’, G EOR( 11A. AptilSO ly ns JOHN L. HARRIS. ATTOII NE Y A T LAYV , ATLANTA, GEO., Refers to Henry H. Gumming. Esq., A. J. A 1 VV. Mill£«, Esqs.. W. T. Goulu, Esq., £ Starnes, L=q., J.vs. Gardner, Jr., Esq.,C. A i!:tKiNi;n, Savannah; C. J. Jenkins, Esq. April 7 w. wTmontoomeryT ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALG I STA GEORGIA. Will practice in the counties of Richmond, Jef ter«.’!i. Burke and Columbia. REFERENCES: —lion. G. W. Crawford, W ashington City ; Cel. W.T. Gouli , J.vs. Gard ner, Jr. Esq., Augusta ; Messrs J. P. C. White head, and A. G. Whitehead, Burke county; .Major J. P. GairD.ner, Jefferson. ovci the Warehouse of Gibbs \- McCord. sept. 7 THA.DDEU3 A. OAKMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A PPLJNG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GEO. \ WILL pr dice in the several counties ol the ' Middle Cucuit. Refers to Jlon. \\ m. W. Holt, Col. T. Clanton, Wm T. Gould. C. J~. Jenkinn, li. H. Gumming, i A J%nd T. W. Miller. Esqrs.,Messrs. W.M. Dye, ! and Oha-. E. Grenville, Augusta ; Messrs. James | ,nd Joseph O’Hear. Charleston, c*. C. lab. -D Iv JOHN W. EVANS, ATT OR YE Y A T L A VV , DALTON. GA. Wl business entrusted to his care will meet with ! pri-mpt »ite/H*ou Refers to VV m. If. Stark, of tbe bniDe of Scranton & Stark. ly feb. 21 ~ P. M RAY, agent and inventor of the INDIA RUBBER CAR SPRING, 4 I SO A»ent for Steam packing INDIA RUB :\ HER HOSE. EIRE BUCKETS and ali oth er UrilBKR GOODS, applicable to Rail Read , purposes. The above articles can be furnished in any quan tise- at the shortest notice, and at the lowest rates. 98 Broadway, i doors from VV all-street, march 7 ly New York. J. A. THRASHER, VTTO RN E V AT LA YY', McDonough, ga. I ‘ v ’ - ]L JO YIN t. shewmake, a TTORN EYAT L A VV, Will practise hi the counties of Burke. J tiler- j »zn Kmarinei, Richmond, Scriven and Washing ton. Office at Waynesboro', Ga. Promises to be prompt in the execution of his business, nag. 7 i v JOHN F. LAWSON, A TTORNEY A T LAW, .sept. Id WAYNESBORO'. GA. JAMESGOULD, ATTOIt NE Y A T LA W, AUG I STA, G.A., CervMoissioner for Massachusetts tmd Connect!- | cat, will practice in the several counties of the i Middle Circuit. HP Office over F. A. Moise’s Drugstore. uov2(j JAMES GARDNER, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW AUGUSTA. GEORGIA DR. HENRY A. BIGNON respect fuilv tenders hi. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of Augusta, and vicinity. Office at •he residence of Mr. Jos. Bignon, BrouJ-st. jane 21 ly SAMUELBARN ETT, ATTO RN E Y A T L A VV , , WASHINGTON, GA., s sAV ILL practice in the Counties of Wilkes, VV'ar ff 4y Hancock, Taltaferfo, Elbert, Oglethorpe LiutOs'n, and Madison. ly .fan. 5. LAW NOTICE. O'Ti'te I ndersigned will psacticc Law in the Wev* rn Circuit, and adjoining counties. HOWELL COBB. JAMES JACKSON. iIT Address Cobb & Jaikson, Athens, Ga., or Monroe, Ga. fimo'* aept. 4 L r line J N A lY 7 m i*k in, J 11. Lumpki.x. I w. VV. Lumpkin ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ROME, GA. »l»nl 13 ly KOSiIND ALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT, warranted <>f the best quality. IQHS ARTICLE is extensively used forcon * Hructing Reservoir*. Aqueducts, Cisterns, Mill Dams, Foundations. Cellar Walls and Floors, andfor stuccoing Walls, Basements, dec., either to jive ih?ni the appearance and durability ol Slone, r I°keep out dampnes*, it is unrivalled. his Cement is manufactured trom a superior quality of Slone, from the Quarries at Ulster county, N. Y., and lias been by eminent Architects, Engineers, Contfac anj Builders, upon tiovernmenF, Public, and Livut 6 Works, with unqualified satislaction. 1 be subscribers liavi ng made arrangements with v *«elulale Hydraulic Cement Company', lot b*.'Jdle ol their Cement, in Augusta, can luruish !(i ir customers and the trade with Cement, at the L _ ” an y’s rates, with the addition of expenses. French and American WINDOW GLASS, o ' ‘ ,; *es and of six different qualities. superior Calcined PLASTER PARIS.- ’•ofsaleby 11 VVILAND, RISLET & CO. c °b -5 Druggists Augusta, Ga B YR.CONVERS’ I N V IG OR AT 1 N G ' » * CORDIAL—for General Debility, 1m j potency, Incontinence or Nocturnal Emissions jvc <Vc.—This justly celebrated Cordial is now con sidered the only efficacious remedy for these said ’ derangements of body and mir.d. caused by early, indiscreet, secret habits of youth, or inordinate indulgence of the sexual passions in riper vears. The following are some of the effects of this I violation oj the taut of man's physical ami social hr in „• Prostration,nervousness, dyspesia, pain in the head, and dimness of vision ; weakness of the back and lower extremities, impolency, or premature and to tal decay of virility. Weakness of memory and power for mental ap plication, dejection, aversion to society, timidity , self distrust, and love of solitude. ! Young and middle aged men may here learn why they are declining in health ; why they be come pale, eye sunken and insterless ; why they are losing their youthful appearance and vigor.—■ | This invigorating and renovating Cordial, has restored scores of persons who have ignorantly I injured themselves by self pollution. N. if.—Com j pounds of sarsaparilla, dock and other nostrums, has no effect in these cases; nor is the fiction and nonsense which appears in wonderful little books j on this subject, of any use to the patient. Young men if you would avoid burning with cos tic, blistering, pills, and powers, vVc , which are I usually prescribed to no purpose, procure this Cordial ; it is the only anchor of hope for you Y on can me it without exposure, or hindrance from i business,at home or travelling—and be restored. N B.—Those involuntary noctural emissions j which are so harrassing and destructive, and pro- I tdactive of so much mischief to the nervous sys ! i tern, incapacitating tlie man for physical or men ! | al exertion; will be speedily removed by this ! Cordial. Mark ! this Cordial contains no opium, | mercury, or any other mineral or offensive sub- j . stance to expose or injure tbe patient. Each hot- | tie of the genuine has “ Dr. Convers" Invigorating Coidial, blown on the glass. Price $2 a bottle ; 3 bottles for $5, $lO the half doz. or j£2o a doz. Important remarks to the married ar d single, with j ample directions accompany ing each bottle. N. B—Person* whose conjugal relations have not been produc ive; and th >se contemplating i marriage, concious ol physical inability, will re- j ceive such advise and aid, as will remove such | disability, by addressing Dr. CONYERS, at his Office, No. 5.7 Third Avenue, N. \. (Post paid.) i N. B.—The Cordial forwarded to any- part of th.» j country by addressing as above. For sale by WM. HAINES, Augusta, Ga., and 1 J. A. Laßocbe, Savannah. Ga., Childs <sc Co., No. I ! Ledger Buildings; E. Taylor, cor. Third and j Green streets, and W. Haliovvay, 170 Market ; street,Philadelpb a; Dr. McPhi rson, 8 South Se- i ) ennd street, Harrisburg. Pa.; W. Jackson, 89 Li '• berty street, Pittsburg, Pa.; C. A. Heinit-z, near the court-house, Lancaster. Pa.; J, C. Brown, Potts ; vilie, Pa.; Cor. Gray red Saratoga streets, Haiti more, M i.; \V. C. Mil'er, 170 Brown street. Rich mond, \ a ; Messrs Gilmr.n, U ashington, D. C.; \ . Thompson, Hagerstown,Maryland,and Dr. Nones, I corner ot South and Third streets, Philadelphia; i Dr. KecUlcr, No. TJlMarket street.o. dfcly NOTHING BETTER. 8 T seldoms happens that any remedy' is better 1 tested, or so creditably vouched for as DR. j LITTLE'S VERMIFUGE. The statement of a I distingubhed Physic.au oi an adjoining county, is I appended, as well as others, out oi the raany B that might be published. Monrok County. November, 13+S. Dr. Little—Sir : I have had much experience I with your Vermifuge ; and as you wish my opin ion, I will cheerfully state that 1 have very rarely' found it necessary to use any thing else to itliere ! children from Worms iu my practice In dozens ' of cases I have fully tested the medicine with en | tire success, and unhesitatingly declare if is the 1 best preparation 1 ever knew, and far in advance j of any thing of the kind offered. By itsfiequent ! use in families, doubtless many bad, if not fatal cases of worms might be pievcn'ed. (Signed) D. B. SEARCY', M. D. Matos, October, 1818. Dr. Little—Sir; Your Vermifuge medicine by | the advice of Dr. Gorman, ha- teen used with a ; faappy result in my family, without the least un pleasant effect, or any other medicine, it was given to a very sick child, who afterwards discharged a quantity of worms, and was immediately relieved Yours, truly, (Signed) GEORGE W. SEYMORE. Cured in Half the Time. The French Surgeons and Physicians have ever been noted as being superior to all others, in their treatment of venereal affections (gonorrheua) iu all iU forms. The extensive compound known as the french Mixture has and will cure in half the time, more cases than any thing to be had, parti rularly those that are so pleasant to t ike, and mild in their ope ration. All who are interested ought to know'that any remedy of this kind must act p-omptly, if at all successful. Hence the importance of a reme f dy like the French Mixture,that will speedily a;* 1 complish the object without nauseating the stom ach. or any deleterious consequence following.— More than one bottle, with the dose gradually' in creased, is seldom necessary even when the case is of months standing. It is peculiar to this combi nation, that the secretions are so soon arrested as : well as perfecting the cure otherwise. Every Physicians knows, it is in ispensable to treat this I affection according to the grade of irritation, with out which it would be quackery of the lowest or der. Hence tlm safely and absolute importance it* having a remedy modified for the acute aud I chronic stage as the Nos. markeu Nos. 1 and - ot I ifie French Mixtures are. Being thus improved i and perfected, the cure is mo e safe and certain in I a ll tic forms r.nd peculiarities of the disease, espe cially if its use is peisisted in for a few days. For chronic disorders of the kidneys ana blad der which arc so often met w th. nothing perhaps will give quicker relief or afford more permanent I benefit the faking of a bottle No. 1 trench Mjx tUßeware of imposition, and avoid the use o* *“ b ' 1 H tituies The sac simile of the signature of Dr. ■ VVM G LITTLE, will he found upon the outside ' wrapper ot each article, and none others are genu '"sold bv the Proprietor at each of his Drug Stores, Miliedgcville and Macon. Also, By Dr. Robert Carter and J. F. Winter & Co., Columbus; D_. Young and T&lbotton, Americas: Dr. Dickersoc, Rome; Dr. Wra. Root. Marietta; J. Lowther, Dub fin; Shnrlcy & Montford. .Knoxville; D. S. Holt, Greensboro'; J- A Kendric, Port Valley; M S. 1 awson. Greenville; A. F. Johnson, Hamilton; Dr. ! Wade Cox, Half Acre; Galt & Co . Spr.ng Piace; John M. Thomas, Newuan; I. D Carpenter A C m | Cassriile; Lamb & Brown. Buena \ ista; Hurd & 1 lluneerford, Mouticello; McClendon & Co., Jack -1 son?ltiehard Maury, siberty HiU. Stewart co.; Pace & Co . Covington; Carter A. Harvey,Eaton 1 tan; W. W. Buck, Hebron; Dill & Alexander, Fort i Gaines; Murphy & Olivcr.aad Ellis Long, Raines Store- Dr Th mpson; Thomaston Brewer A 2SS;S«S.| Or' To«».d «d S. Feldrr * Co ; Perry; T- M. Turner St Co., Savannah; Scott and I Carhar! !t Co., Atlanta; Cook & Eckols and G. . W Fouci e,Culh>den; Moultrie &. Cone, YY ashing* | ... . j Carlton. Petersburg, Campbell co.; s. !S. Kindrick. Barnesville; Messrs. llnl & Smith, i Athens; Mayo and Suddeth Starkcsville; James G. Johnson, Newton, J. E. Ac 11. Thompson, loud ' | T ° Wn ‘ EDWARD WILLIS. Agent, I | Aftt is dfdtcfw Constitutionalist Office. i FANCY ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, , r • &c.. &c. , 1 AND GERMAN Cologne Wa i i Fliers Ilandkerefcief Extracts and Lsscuces, - Hair Oils, Moele d* Boeuf, Pomatums Hyperion J 1 Fluid, Toilet, and a great variety of fancy -oaps Shaving Soap in round and square eakfj. Saving h Crgam/Hair, Cloth,Crumb, Nad, leO h and! Sba r ring Brushes; Ivorv. Horn, and Buffalo Comb., h fame) Card akd Fruit Baskets Mantel Ornaments e of Lava Ware, Fancy Toilet 3oiil«. • ! would call the aitention of the pubhe to onr do ,t I mestic COLOGNE WATER, which «• sell m j bottles or by measure, _ D. IK PI.EMB CO. Betwaen U 9 Hotel and P O Corner 1 e i'■inininn iiMimlll —— in , IMPROVED COTTON GINS. OV to the almost unparaile! d satisfaction which their GINS have given, particularly those ol last year, the subscribers are induced to cal! the attention of the planters of Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina to their FACTORY IN NEWTON COUNTY, and request a continuance ot their patronage. No better guarantee of the excellence ol their G.ns i" needed than their wide circulation, and the ex pressed satisfaction of some of the most experi enced and extensive planters and Cotton buyers ol Georgia. \s to the workmanship, material anti performance of their Gins, they- are willing to back many ol their purchasers in saying that there are none superior in the United States. 1 heir Gins are on the improved plan, possessing several essential improvements this year overthose of the la«t season. Every exertion is made by ex perienced and skillful mechanics to render them convenient and durable. Their travelling agents, who will be constantly passing through the various sections of tbe country are authorized to scllon tbe most accommodating terras. I he Gins will be delivered at the purchasers j residence free ol charge, and its performance war ; ranted, it the directions which accompany each j Gin are followed. O 3 All orders directed to the subscribers at Covington, Geo., will be promptly attended to. HENDERSON St ENRIGHT. n.uyl7 dfcly UNITED STATES MAIL LINE N. YORK A r CHARLESTON STEAM PACKETS, Every Saturday Afternoon throughout the Year. THROUGH TO NLW YORK IN GO HOURS. The splendid Ocean Steam Ships NORTHERNER and SOUTH ERNER.wiII leave Adger's wharves PgZffßgßaESj alternately every Saturday After noon throughout the year. For Freight or Passage, having splendid State Room accommodations, apply to the Agert.at Charleston, SC. HENRY MISSUOON Corner East Bay & Adger’s South Whar.. Price of Cabin Passage, $25. “ Steerage “ 8. July 31 9nio FARE REDUCED TO 20 DOLLARS From Charleston toNew Y ork. TIJEGEEAT MAIL ROUTE FROM CHARLESTON. S. C. IEAVING the Wharf at the foot of Laurens J st. daily at 3, p. ra. after the arrival of the Southern cars, via WILMINGTON and WEI, DON. N. C., PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, to WASHING TON, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL Pill A and NEW YORK. The public Is respectfully informed that the steamersof this line, from Charleston to Wilming ton, arc in first rate condition and arc navigated by well kno't n and experienced commanders, and the Railroads are in fine order, thereby securing both safety,and tiosnatch. A THROUGH 'TICKET haying already been in operation, wid b' con tinued on and after tbe first of October, 18-19. as a permanent arrangement from Charleston to New York. Passenjers availing themselves there of, will have the option to continue without delay through the route or otherwise to stop at aav of the intermediate points, renewing their scats on the line to suit their convenience By- this route travellers may reach New \ ork on the third day during business hours. Baggage will be ticketed oa board the Steamer to Weldon, as likewise on th* change of cars, at the iutermedi ate point, from thence to New York. Through Tickets ran alone be had from E. WINSLOW, Agent of tbs Wilmington and Raleigh K K. Company, at the office of the Company at the foot of Laurens street, to whom please apply. For further information inquire of L. C. DUNCAN, pet 2 d&c a* the American Hotel. FALL FASHIONS. Twenty per cent. Under Former Prices. U. D. NEWKIRK, Merchant Tailor. 246 Broad-Street- Has received his Fall and Winter supply, enibia °BßOAD CLOTHS, CASIM ERES VESTINGS, Arc., which he is prepared to make up to order in the best style and short at notice for cash at the a or rate. Those who want a good and cheap article of Clothing, should call on Lira. JOHN BRIDGES, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 250 BPOAD-ST-, AUGUSTA, NestDoorßelowths UrrtedStateaHotel, IS NOW IN KEt’UPT of a splendid varie ty of Fa-hionable FALL AND WINTER GOOD?, Suitable for Gentlemen's wear, viz : CLO THS, CASIMERES, VESTINGS, and TRIMMINGS of all colors and qualities. Also, SHIRTS and COLLARS, NETT UNDER SHIRTS, and DRAWERS of Merino, Cotton and Silk, Do., UN DER VESTS, for Ladies’wear; Made DRAW ERS of Cotton, Flannel and Twii’ed Jeans, (Ml A VATS, STOCKS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS &e., &C. Military Work and Making and Trimming in the best manner. 1 * desired 7 per cent, off of the regular terms for cash. oct. 3 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS U LALLERSTEDT & WIMBERLY Have received this day', a com plete assortment of Ladies and Gem’s Super. Paris Kid GLOVES. Do. Do. Silk and Cotton HOSIERY'. Hemstitched and Corded Bordered L. C. HAND KERCHIEFS. Thread and Lisle, LACES. Muslin COLLARS, Demi V EILS. Green and Blue BAREGES. RIBBONS, great variety. Splendid Changeable Raw SILKS, new atflele. Extra Fine Gessemond VESTS. Do. do. Silk do. Superior Black SILKS, extra width, T which they Invite particular attention, oct. 7 _ INDIA RUBBER GOODS. PRINCIPAL DEPOT AT 246 BROAD ST AUGUSTA. GA. 11. D. NEWKIRK IM7OI’LD INFORM his friends and the pub- Y 7 lie, that be now has on hand, and is daily receiving, one of the largest and best assoi ted stock INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Ever offered in this market, consisting of New styles Mclntosh COATS, White and CoTd; •• Hunting “ <« “ Cloaks, with sleeves; Air Cushions, Pillows, Beds and Balls. Long Hunting Boots, and Leggings, Saddle Bags, Door Springs, Camp Stools, Tobacco Wallets. Elastic Bands and Suspenders, Money Belts, Canteen#, Horse Fenders. Drinking Cops, Water Buckets aud Basins, Lile Preservers, SYnnges, Jockey Ca<>*. Maps United States. Table Covers, Finger Cota, Bathing Caps and Shoulder Braces, (ipntlemcn’sand Lafli.es* Over Shoes.&c. Call and #e the /lock, as I have a variety ot other articles too nnfrft'ious to specify. VIOISIIu VIOLINS !! At geo. a. oa&'E* a co.»s found the largest aainrtnient of VIOLIN! over offered in this market, «f 4 I- aH< * »i* e » betb of French Italian and German raanulaaUre dec 2 T I Charleston (sliding Establishment , This is the only regular establishment of the 1 kind in this city, the Y proprietor himself be in» a i practical workman, and employs none but expe i rienced assistants Rich ornaraeijlal and plain | Looking Glass, Portrait, Picture Frames and Win | (low Cornices furnished at the shortest notice. Rosewood, with every variety of Woods, fur iiished to order, in frames or by the hundred feet. I Fancy and plain Looking Glasses and Glass Plates, of all sizes and descriptions, at wholesale and re i tail. | Also, a general assortment of Artist Material.- , at wholesale and retail. Address i EMANUEL CURRANT, 116 King Street. AMERICAN HOTEL, COARLESTOX, C. F. A. HOKE, Proprietor. B. F. SMITH & CO., 70 East Ray, Charleston, S. C. f PAINTS, OILS,' AND GLJSS, AM> MANUFACTITKERS OK ■ Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Pitch and Varnishes. M. SCHRUDER & SUSSIio IFF, ~ | Fancy, Dry and Millinery tioods, Straw Bonnets, Silks, Gloves, &c. No. 149 Maeting-st., Charleston 3. C. VICTORIA HOTEL, BY COOK & M’CONNELL. King-Street Charleston. MILLAR S BISlf lT BAKERY, 'No. 137 Meeting-street opposite Market Charleston, S, C. JOHN VV r . CALDWEJJ , Agent of New York and Boston COMMERCIIL line ot PACKETS, Merchandize forwarded to all parts of the world ree of Commissions. Chari. estov, S. C. G. & 11. CAMERON, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE HEALERS IN Crokery, China and Glass Ware, No. 153 Meeting-street, Charleston, S. C. Have always on hand a large and exfen.sive a*- , sortrnentof the above Goods, which they offer for i sale at as low rates as they can be purchased in j any city of the Union. VV. W. WILBUR. Auctioneer, Commission Merchant and Manufacturers’ Agency Depot No. 176 King-st, Charleston. *So Ca. J. VV. BOEi3€H, COPPERS M 1 TII. Al! kinds of STILLS, SODA FOUNTAINS, and ail kinds of Copper and Lead Pipes for Steam Engines, A:c., made in a workmanlike manner, j and with despatch. Also, constantly on hand. 1 Stop and Guage Cocks lor Steam Engines and j VV »ter Works, which will he sold on reasonable : terms at the corner of Market and Anson streets. I ChaklestoS.S. FDGERTON & RICHARDS, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, No. 32 Broad-street, Charleston, S. C. A. lUisTI, MANUFACTURER OK Railings, and Gates, of all kinds, Iron Chests, Scales, &c., No, 31, Queen Street. Charleston, S. C. JOHN B. DeSAUSSURE, FACTOR, No. 1 Adger’s South Wharf. N. B.—Will attend to the sale of Cotton, and al i descriptions of Country Produce on consignment. ) h JESSGVj COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Wholesale Dealer in Groceries, Wines and Liquors, and Agent for Wells’ Cider Distillery. O’Eresh Groceries and Liquors received weekly. Charleston, fcL C. JOSEPH WHITE, SEN.. Wholesale Confectioner and Can dy Manufacturer, No, 356 King-st. South of Boundary-st. Charleston, S. C. p. V. DIBBLE; Fashionable Hat and Cap Ware House, NO. 37 BROAD-STREE T , Charleston, S. C. " ~S. FOG ART IE 169 King-street, Charleston. S. C. Upholstering, Curtain, and Paper Hanging and Window Shades, Mufrases of Wool, Hair, Cotton, Moss, &c. made to order at the shortest notice. All order* for supplying Hotels in Georgia or Carolina will be promptly attended to. R. A. PRINGLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER BROGANS, BOOTS AND SHOES, | No. 30 East Bay—Charleston, S. C, Also, Plantation Brogans, fitted to measure. j£J* A!I orders received, promptly attended to. JOHNSTON, CREWS"& DRAW LE v" 1 IMPORT KRS AND PEALK.RS IN DRY GOODS, No. 28 East Bay, Charleston. £.( J, H. TAYLOR Auctioneer and Commission Mer ; chant, ; 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C. Agent for the sale of Charleston riteam Mill Goods, aud of various Georgia and South Carolina Shirtings and Osnabnrgs. e. c. tharinT Auctioneer and General Commis sion Merchant^ No. 24, Vendue Range. All Graia consigned to me, together with other Country Produce, will meet with prompt sale and attention, having large Store Rooms. Charleston, 8. C.—Refer to Col. James GaJ -J< » nd M. C. M irdecai. JOHN S. BIRD & CO, Military, Looking Glass and Fan i cy Store, TUB SIGN OP THE GOLD SPECTACLES, (223 and 225 in the bend) of King-st. Mathematical and Surveyors Instruments; Spec tacles and Optical Instruments of all kinds; Plated Casters; Candlesticks; Cake Baskets, Arc., &e.; 8 Oil Paintings a*d Engravings; Picture Frames s, made ta order, and old Frame* Regilt and made e equal ta now, N B —Cheapest Store in Charleston IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 104 East-Bay—Charleston, S. C. HARRAL, HARJE & CO~ SADDLERY WARE HOUSE, No. 4 llaync-street. Charleston, S. C. iIA U MON 1C 1 NSTirri'K, ; . I K II D ■ N A M) ZOG IS A I M , J i.'Ti'ORTER OF MISiC k SIC AL INSTRUMENTS, ol all descriptions. No. 201 King-st., Victoria Range, Charleston, JS. C., Every Hi ! icle in the line sold at Northern prices j7E. WALKEIi & BROTIIE MARBLE YARD, 133 Maeting-st., Charleston, S C. Monuments, Tombs k Gravestones | All o;uers neatly and handsomely executed at j less than New Y ork prices. JOS. LAWTON &, Car Impoi ters of Foreign and Domes-1 tic Dry Goods, Ni> 40 Fast Bay, Charleston, S. C, JAMES VV. MAY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cnurt Douse Square, Charleston, S. C. march 7 ly A. V. Wii.mans. IA. Price. IH. A. Block. VV'II,MANS & CO., IMPORTERS OF HARD WARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, No. 12 Hayno-street, Charleston, S. C. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, (sign of the huck,) corner or SOCIETY and KINO STREETS, CHARLESTON. S. C. By STEEN & DIVVER. lO*Thi* Hotel is kept on strictly temperance principles. coNnicr, Jennings' & co., No. 157 Meting-st., opposite Chariebton Hotel, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Car pet Dags, AW ’, i complete assortment of Saddlery, Har wart, Skirtimr. Harness, Bridle, Band and Top Leather; Hoy, Calf, Deer and Sheep skins ; Leather and India Rubber Lpnds, Saddle Trees mid Couch Trimmings. Ate.. See., fiec. GREGG, HAYDEN & CO., IMPORTERS OF FINE Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Guns, Military aud Fancy Goods, Charleston, S. C. E vVViSUN CLARK, Factors and General Commission Merc units, Fitzsiunoc Wharf- Will give thei; . • ict a "ion to the sale cf Cotton, Grain and Flo n if w CA ‘- E l , wrw&t A han Lome, large :.- oil selected assortment ol C a rii ages always on ,d of every description. Yv ttors to ■ city, are . ited to give me a call Opposite C- ileston ilo I.Meetjngstreet,Charles ton. S.C. A. ROULAIN 0. J. HiAF 7 EE ~iV~a r J'. AMam7, No. 94 'Cast Bay, Charleston. S. C. IMPORTERS Oh AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AN I) DOM ESTIC LIQUORS, Wines, Cordials, Cigars, Tobacco V r -. and manufacturers of Lemon Syrup of supe rior quality. They alwnj s keep on hand a very large stock, to which they invite the attention of country Mer chants front every section of the Southern and Western States. PLANTERS 7 HOTEL’ I COILYER OF CHURCH AND QUF.F.N STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C., (FORMERLY KEPT BY CHARLES H. MIOT.) J. MES W. LAMKIN and JAMES M. HURST havi ig become the Proprietors of the above ex- I tensive and well known establishment, solicit the ! patronage of their friends, and the public gene ra!’ v. juij'26 M. C. MORDECAI, Auctioneer and Commission Mer chant. CHARLESTON, S. C. Agent, U. S. Mail Steam Ship ISABEL, sailing from Charleston to Havana, on the Ist and loth of each month. T. a7 WHITNEY, ' Broker, Auctioneer and Commis 7on Agent. Charleston, S. C CHARLEST JN STEAM SUGAR RE FINERY. Loaf, Crashed,Powdered and Clar itied Sugar. Abo, assorted Steam Candy. JOHN L. HEDLEY, No. 165 East Bay, Charleston, 13. C. PROTECTION INSURACE COMPA NY OF NEW-JERSEY. CAPITAL $200,000. J. V. \\v>rh££S, Sec'ry Wm. Thompson, Pres, it. S. Whitney, Gen’l Agent, 69 W all st., N. Y- 6 Fire and Marine Risks are taken in this Office on the roost liberal terms, by i JOHN HILL, Agent, Next door above the Mechanics’ Bank. Sept? Iv AUGUSTA, OCT. 22, 1849. 1, ALIKE, RACKETT «5r CO. have now / in store, a full and beautiful assortment of WATCHES and JFAVELRY, iust received from New Y'ork and elsewhere, and algo their usual supply of he best quality of House-keeping Ar ticle*. making a a desirable a stock as was ever o sered in the market. They in vite their friends t call. oct 24 LIFE INSURANCE. Provision for the Widow and the Orphan ! rfiitE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSIi- JL R A NCE COM PAN Y, are now issuing poli cie» for life as well a? for shorter period*. Annual payment for insuring £1000: Age. For 1 year. 7 year*. Life ‘iff *12.50 521,80 « 35 15,30 16,50 31,70 45 20,00 21,90 40,00 Only three-fourths of these amounts payable 1 the first year. All the profits divided annually , among the insured. * ABBURY HULL, !*v«sideat. t C. F. MeCAV, Aetaarv, •marl** Wall.), I T W Ftwnwo, \ sept 8 1 t~w7iXkT'’ IMPORTER ASH WHOLESALE DEALER Ilf French, English,German and Domestic* Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hutton-, ami ail kinds of Trimmings; Coomb*, Brushes, Violins, Fans. Suspenders, Fins, Needles Jewery, Perfumery, Toys, Marble*, Slate*, Pen' cils, Steel Fens, Jif. Ao. 208 King-si(Opposite Victoria House.) au K- 26 Charleston. S. C. G. FOLLEN\ MANUFACTURER, IMPORIKR A Nit DEALER IN SEG.IRS, SNIFF AND TOBACCO, j No. 167 Meeting-st., opposite Charles ton Hotel. Charleston, S. C. MORTON, COUKTNEY & CO~ IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Hard Ware, No. 8 Hayne-street, j VVw U. Morton, 1 VVm. C. Courtney, SCharleston, ; Gilbert B. Tennant. j i DRY ROODS FOR FALL TRADE IN CHARLESTON, S. C. • IHE SUBSCRIBER is now receiving one of i the largest and most desirable stocks of Goods that has ever been offered to vhe triends nnd customer* of 253 King street. He has, during the patft Sum rner, made extensive additions and alterations to hi* Rooms, and is now prepared to show, in hi* Retail Department, a most splendid assortment of RICH FABRICS for Ladies’ Dress: such as elegant Silks, Cash meres, Muslin Del,nine-, Alpacas, Satin DuChinoe, Embroidered Orleans Cloths, Fluin Merinos, F.m broidered Cashmeres, Chamcliou Lustres, Giug hates, Prints, &C., die. Lithe SHAWL DEPARTMENT, he is pre pared to ofl r every variety of long and square Shawls, both Plaid and Printed; elegant Silk do.. Plain and Embroidered Canton Crape do., Cash mere and Bloc he do. Also, a great variety of Rich Black and Color ed Silk and Satin Mantillas, Visetts and Sacks. Also, a large stock of Linen* and Linen G.hml*. Marseilles Quilts. Fringes, Dimity, Curtain Stuffs, and ever) variety of Hosiery. Also, Goods lor Gentlemen's wear; such u.> Bi oa ( lolhs, Casimeres, Vestings, Cravats, dee ; and i i looms connected with his Iront Salt s Koobl he is prepared to oiler to Planters and others, nna of the most complete assortments to be found in Charleston of BLANKETS, KERBE i S, SATINETS JEANS DOMES J IGS, eVC. He confidently invites the attention of ail who vLH the Oty, to his stock as one of the largest in the Southern country. It is his intention to e«u brace in his stock, every artic e of Dry Good* flail may be new or desirable, so that purchasers e*n always be supplied with the newest and besf style* of Goods in the market, and at the Lowest Possible Prices. V B.—ln Rooms over Retail Department, he of fers to Merchants and others, a complete as-soH meat of all tine above goods at Wiiolesale, and invites the attention < t close buyers to his stock and prices. VV. G. BANCROFT, aeg 2(i No. 253 King-st.. Charleston, S. C. McKenzie, cadow &, ca WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, No, B*2 East Bay, Charleston, S«, Ca, JOSE I*ll WALK ER, Charleston, S. C. AGENT FOR JOHN T. WHITE, Type Founder, of the “ Hoe" Printing Pres.* Manufactory. Also, Printing Ink of the best quids ty. all at New York prices—actual expense* eult added. Large stock constantly on hand. t’arriage Repository, i w. J. GAYER. South-East comer Meeting and Went worth-streets, CHARLEUTOy, S. C. Has constantly on hand, a great variety of Car riages of every description, calculated for the Southern market. t. c. nisiTet, Factor k Commission Merchant, No. 23, Hayne Street, Charleston, 8. C. PAVILION HOTEL, BY 11. L. BUTTERFIELD, (Formerly of the Charleston Hotel,) Charleston, 8. C. ~ LAWTON & FURMAN' Factors k Commission Merchants Fitzsimoas’ Wharf. Charleston, 9. C GEORGE OATES, DEALER I,V Piano Fortes. Music, Musical In struments, Books, Stationery, &c, 23 4 and 236 King-st., at the Bend, Charleston, S. C. AARON H. COHEN, JR. General Commission Merchant, 15T East Bay, Charleston, S. C., AGENT FOR VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO AND HAVANA CIGARS, Keeps constantly on hand a supply, and will fiir wish order* for any brands or quantity. Also, attends to the receiving and forwarding ol Met chandise and Produce. M’CARTER & ALLEN, Wholesale Booksellers and Sta tioners, At the eld stand. Meeting Street, oh.j Aasi north of the Charleston Hotel. E. B. CREWS, SUCCESSOR TO DICK k CREWE, Auctioneer and Commission Mer chants, CHARLESTON, S. C. CHARLES D. CARR, DRAPER AND TAILOR, No. 30 Broad-stkekt, Chaki.estor, S. C. # Has always on hand a handsome assortment of Cloths, Cassinoerrs, Vestings, and Faaey article*, which he offer* on the usual terms, or at IT) per 1 cent, discount for cash. LEWIS M. HATCIL 1 No. 12, Meeting-st.—Charleston, S. O AGENT for thr Brooklyn SPERM OIL Factory, For the sale of Metallic Rubber Belts, Patent Riveted-Stretched Leather Belts, Gutla Perch* Belts, booms and ail kinds of Cotton Machinery, Laths. Mortising Machines, Iron Safe, for Book* Fire and Thief Proof, Platt’s Cora and Wheat Mills, Labarta’s Mcaies, Shuttles and Card Cloth ing. Keeps ou hand a good stock of Roller Cleth and Skins, Lace and Pieker Leather, Pickers, Ring Travellers, Brushes of all kinds, and such t things as cannot be found else where. Also, Agent r for the Hangerlien White Lead and New Bedford Linseed Oil Companies. The heaviest of the above articles are sold *.t the uiatmfaeiurer’e prices, er d the others at New Yo.k prices. Th» utmost oerc *<ren when «rt:ei«» erdfc. have to be made