Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, December 30, 1849, Image 4

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■ri ■%. ■ ■ ... ' - "■ #• * -- ' . v ‘ " ■*’ # KATES OF FREIOHT ON THE c;eokgia and western and Atlantic kail road / - ' GEORGIA R ROAD. W.&A. R. ROAD - ■ ’ i - - ‘ ’ » ©'® ** -5 C 5 * c 33 C ® • ■ O . OK J ~ Oi C fig y BETWEEN AUGUSTA AND § a S -a “ S g £’£ £ * o ~ <* -S "S O g<,3 ; <so< s * ~ g ij < CYujs—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets and j ! 1 „ . i ~1 I „„I Furniture, ptr f00t..... $0 10 $0 9 $010,50 IC. 0 J2£ $0 16 $0 If jso ~o|so 10 Second l '>ass —Boxes &, Bales of l>ry Goads Shoes, Saddlery Glass,Paints,Oils, Drugs/ j I and Confectionaries, per 100 bb15...... 55 -Vo 60 60 | 70 90 10( Ito 50 Third Class —Georgia Domesucs, Sugar, Coffee, Liquor, Bagging, Rope, Butter, Cheese,Tobacco, Leather, Hides. Cotton Yarns, Copper, Tin, Feathers, Sheet- j Iron, Hollow-Ware, Crockery, Castings, Hardware and other heavy articles not j enumerated below, per 100 lbs 35 30 33 35j 45 55 GO 67 25 Fourth Class —Rice, Bacon in casks, Pork, Beef,Fish, Lard Tallow,Beeswax, Bales of Rags.Gjnsong.Green and Dried Fruit, I Mill-Gearing,Bur and Pig Iron, Mill and I Grind Stones, per 100 1b5...... i| 25 25 25 25 30 35 0 4j 25 Cotton —Per 100 lbs !l 30 .10 30: 30 37 45 45 o 5 26 Suit —Per Liverpool Sack, not exceeding!. i I | 4 bushels 40: 30; 35 40 50 60 65 >0 40 Per Bushel ; 12| D’ II _ 12j 1;> 18* 20 21 12 Molasses —Per Hogshead ....- 500;400 500 5 Os) <OO 800850 *0 00 500 Plows, Wheel Barrows, Corn-Shelters' j j j J Straw-Cutters and Cultivators, each... 50 50 : 50 50 75 75j 7. 1 00 7o Oats, in sacks, per bushel, bv the Car Load! G 61 0 6 8 9 1! 06 Corn « “ “ « “ “| 7j 7; 77 II 12 »i 16 07 Wheat, Peas, Beans. Rye, Nuts and: Grass-Seeds, per bushel, by the Car Load j 8 8 S ; 8 12 14 It *°| Lime and Potatoes —ln Casks or Boxes,not j I J j exceeding 2k bushels each j 30' 30 30j 301 40 45 i 50 30 Car Load of Live Stock | 35 00j35 00 35 00(35 00j 45 00 50 00|55 0( jfiQ 0U 35 00 [fj=* Refuse Lime for Agricultural purposes, transported during the months of May, June, July and August, at half the above rates. (LJ’Freight for Atlanta, Athens, and all stations on the Western & Atlantic Rail Road, payable at those stations. For other stations it must be paid in Augusta. * F. C. ARMS, Superintendent of Transportation. Transportation Office, Georgia Rail Road and Hanking Company, ) Augusta, Ga.. April 14,1848. S my 10 Patent DR.HOOFL AND’S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS; PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, At the tinman Medicine St re, Xo. 120 Arch strect, Philadelphia. WILL effectually cure Lirer Complaint, Dys pepsi», Jaundice, Chronic or "Nervous De bility, Disease «f the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood :o the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nau sea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swim ming oi the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breath ing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing sensations when in a lying posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest. Limbs, <Scc., sudden flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of evil and great Depression of spirits. The Genuine are entirely Vegetable and free from Alcoholic Stimulant Syrup, Aloes, Rheubarb, Calomel, Acids, and all Mineral and Injurious In gredients, they are pleasant in taste and smell, and mild in their operation, never griping or giving any uneasiness, they give strength to the whole system whilst they drive from it disease. Thsy can be administered to the most delicate inlant with perfect safety. the following Article. It appeared in tht leading uc. u.„„ a | n f Philadelphia - toe “Philadelphia Democrat."— The editor was personat'y acquainted with Dr. Hoofland, and prizing the services of this great man be Could n»t quietly look upon the assurance ot an imposter, without apprizing the p-.Ulic of approaching danger. CHRISTOPH WILHELM HUFELAND. I!N ENGLISH I HiIISTOPHER WM. HOOFLAND. "■ One of the most renowned physicians, one of tha greatest benefactors of modern times, was born at Langen Ssalza, Germany, on the 12th day of August, 1762. Aftera careful scholastic educa tion, he. like his father and grandfather, (two cel ebrated Doctors,) voluntarily devoted himself to the stud / of Medicine, at Jena and Gottingen, and in 1783 obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine, at the last- r Uinveruty. From 1793 to 18ul, he utliciated as I* . ■. ssor at the University qf Jena la 180 he . /pointed Private Physician to the King of Ft . . Member of the Academy of Science, an . upon .he establishment of the near College at Berlin, Professor and Court Physician by the Ministry ot the Interior. His character istic profoundness and deep penetration enabled him to combine the theoretical and practical) to imiie old and new systems) produce in common the practical and useful, and thus draw therefrom the results ami necessary applicable means. <« It was Dr. H. principally, who exposed and destroyed the ‘ Brown’s System/ which, notwith standing the brilliant exterior, could not conceal its many imperfections, brought to light by Hoof land’s noble impartiality, sound truths, and deep penetration. Independent of his practical useful ness as Fhysican Bid Professor of the healing art. he has canned undying fame 'or his superior know ledge in Materii Medic a, as well as for his manifold works on Medical jurisprudence. Among these may be mentioned his world renowned ‘ Alakro btolik, or the art of prolonging life/ 'System of practical healing art.’ ‘ Leas es Pathogenic/ • Journal oi practical Medicine,’ dec. He has be sides all this, gained eternal lame and praise from suffering humanity for the discovery and combina tion of several infallible medicinal-*, among which is the far-famed and justly celebrated compound, known as DR. DOCKLAND S GER'i Pi BITTERS. The application of aciduou Uv the cure of Sulphuric diseases —the cr- ny.l ) Diaphoretic remedy—and numerous invm ocorded re cipes. After the celebration of his fiftieth professional festivity in 1833, upon which occasion the King ot Prussia honored him with the insignia of the Or der of the Cross o’ the Red Eagle, and many other - Royal Ordeis i i marks of disunion, he died on the 25th da/ v . ng ust, IH3G, (as the King of Prus sia's private ... :il Counsellor,) without any le gitimate mat&nei. o. offspring. “ Dr. C. M. Jackson, of Philadelphia, has had the means ot obtaining the genuine receipes ot the great medical counsellor, ‘Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland/ and these invaluable medicines are pre pared with the utmost care at ihe German Medi cine Store. The bitter mixture ; Hoodand’s Ger man Bitters, is the result of many years study and experience by the great inventor, and known and priced in Ei ope as an infallible remedy for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. 6c c. Dr. C. M. Jackson's preparation of this medicine has obtained the same celebs in this Western world. The testimonials an numerable con firmations of thousands of the most severe and dif ficult cases cured, is ample proot of this. The medicines compounded by Dr. C. M. Jackson have produced the very effects and the same happy re sults, which the immortal inventor indicated and intended, and consequently must be prepared with scrupulous accuracy. In view of the above facts it seems singular, that any body could have the hardihood and impudence to abuse the name ot this distinguished Doctor, who died thirteen years ago. To pass off a charlatan quack preparation as the real and genuine medicine, and to give a sem blance of originality by affixing a sac site' of the deceased, is indeed extraordinary! T,, üblic will undersiand what to expect, and v. .to do under such circumstances." _ f A number of German paper.- the above and are therefore entitled to our mail KB. These bitters are worthy the attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the liver and lesser glands, e* M eising the most searching powers in weak? •* affections of the digestive organs, the- j si, Bate, certain and pleasant. lldware of Counterfeits. This Me disine has attained that high character which is necessary for all medicines to attain to in- duce counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocent ly deceived. Look woU'ito the marks of the Genuine, \ They have the written signature of C. M. JACK SON upon the wrapper,and his name blown in the bottle, without whieh they are spurious. For sale wholesale and retail at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 ARC ti Street, one door below Sixth, late of 278 Race street, Philadelphia. Also, by Win. Haines, Augusta and Madison, G. L. Penn. A gent, Edgefield C. H., S. C.; I’outright &. Miot, Columbia; and respec able dealers generally, thoughout the Southern States Nov 9 d&dcfimos « DR. ROGERS’ COMPOUNDS YRUP OF LIVERWORT AND TAR, A SAFE and certain cure for the Consump .cX. tion of the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Pain in the Side, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and all Pulmonary Affections. Statement of HIIiAM COX, late a Profssor in Ihe Eclectic Medical (College, and a Physician well k nown , who has an extensive practice, in relation t the case of Miss Belt, after liar g been given up to DIE with the last stages of ■ ' 'XSUMP TION, by a number of able Pli VSi’ /. I XS. Mr. A. L. Scovir.r.—Sir—However ductanCl have been to permit my name to appeal .cached to a certificate recommending Patent . .Heines, Nostrums or Catholic.mis, 1 nevertheless >iuk it my duty-, not only to my patrons, but to the com munity, and ail afflicted with diseases requiring Cough Medicines, to state, that in three particular cases of incipient CONSUMPTION, viz; Miss r Belt, step-daughter of Mr. John Carr, of this city, [ _ i -i n. vr VV.,„.10.., j butcher, and Mr. R. K. Cox, one of our City Coun ■ 1 cil, that DR. ROGERS’ COMPOUND SYRUP ‘ of LIVERWORT and TAR operated more LIKE a SPECIFIC, than any remedy of a similar char acter in its operation that 1 have ever used in nil/ practice. One of the cases above, viz; Miss Be J, appeared to be laboring under the last stage r/ Scrofulous Consumption, as pronounced by several PHYSICIANS who were in attendance previo- s to my being called to treat the case. She is at his time in the enjoyment of as apnareut good | health, and from appearance, aslikelt > die with 1 any- other disease, as any- other young I dy of this city. As it respects the health of the other two cases, all the threatening premonitory symptoms ' seem to have subsided from the use ot a few bot -1 ti.ks of the Syrup above. Very respectfully, &c. : HIRAM COX, M. D. Cincinnati, Jan. 251 k, 1847. j. To show the high standing of Dr. II Cox, we 1 give below the statement ol the Hon. Judge Hen r ry Morse, of the courts of Ohio, at Cincinnati. 1 lam well acquainted with Dr. Hiram Cox, of ‘ Cincianati, Ohio, and his practice, i■' having been ‘ my family physical! for many years, and can y cheerfully say that 1 have as much, or more con -1 fidence in him, and his skill as a practising Physi -1 dan,as any man living. HENRY MOUSE. , Cincinnati, Nov. BUi, 1847. 1 I Dr. Cox is also the Physician of the Hon. Judge J 1 James Saflin, our late city Marshal. 1 j I From the wife oj C. W. Motley, city Missionary and * j Pastor in charge of Maley C /. uel. I have been afflicted with my lungs for several * j years; have tried various prescription> with but * j little success. Last winter 1 was advised by a * j female acquaintance to try Dr. Rogers’ Coi pound ; Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. I used several . bottles and found great relief, and would recom . mend it to such as are suffering with diseased lungs as an excellent medicine. ■ | S All AH MALEY. 1 Cincinnati, Aug. 12,1845. Price $1 per bottle, orsix bottles for $5. 1 SCOVIL & MEAD, No. 11], Chartres street, * j New Orleans, wholesale general agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be ad dressed. , Sold wholesale and retail by 11AV LAND, : RISLEY & CO., J. BARRETT & CO. Augusta; POND &. WILCOX, Columbus, Ga. J.A VI LA ND, HARRALL & ALLEN, P. M. COHEN j Charleston, S. C. wf dec 21 BE WISE IN TIME! »TIS FOLLY TO DEFER! AFFLICTED READ. , f| THOUSANDS are suffering from disease X which there is no difficulty in being perma nchtly and speedily relieved, provi led the right i means are used. As every vice has i s own punish ment, so it won d seem cverv disea-i lias its rem edy. This is true, and there is nothin in this h more certain than that the AMERIU \ COM POUND, is the most speedy and certain remedy of all diseases of a delicate character, known to the world. Adapted to every stage of the dis ease, sex and constitution, at ail times and seasons, there is no fear of exposure, detention from busi ness nor restriction in diet, from the certain and speedy relief that it gives, it is now the most popu lar remedy of the day. Ten thousand cases have been cured effectually by it during the past year. Prepared by a practical physician, the public can rely with confidence on its curative powers over diseases of this character. Full direction accora pany each bottle. 0“ CAUTION.—Ask for the Amkrican Com pound, and purchase only of the Agents, corner of 3d and South, 3d and Grecn-sts., Philadelphia) P. Moise, Augusta. Ga.; R. M. Turner A; Co., and J- Sullivan, Savannah, Ga ; G. Payne, Macon; Kpi;se &. Ware, Athens) Coster & Coxe, Montgomery and by respectable Druggist throughout the South. Price. 51,50 per bottle. fimcAul ie 22 : G. P. GREEN. FASHIONABLE TAILOR, 1 210 BRO.UhSTKEKT, AUGUSTA, UF.OROIA. HAS JUST RECEIVED a choice assort ment of FRENCH, ENGLISH, and BEL | GIANj( ’LOTUS,CAST MERES and VESTINGS j which will be made up in the most fashionable i stylo and workmanlike manner. The above Goods i will be sold to customers at New Yo/.k prices. I Making and Trimming at tha usual prices. ' Sept. 18 Patent fUebieiues. W J 3 A 5 "W q| (TJREAD THIS ATTENTIVELY !XB .4 TTESTED by thousands and approved by 1 J. A all who use it,Dr. Keeler's Cordial and Car trinative, stands without an equal for the speedy and certain cure of Diarrhcra, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Cholic,Fatulency, Grip ing pains, and for all derangements of the stomuch and bowels, cuscd by Teething, improper food, drink, etc. O* Asiatic Cholera. —While this scourge of na tions is passing over us, leaving here and there t ible and sorrowing marks of its pathway, Spe cifics like musroons spring up, possessing no merit or confidence even by their concoctors. Amid liie excrement and fear which this despoi'er ol the threshold occa ions, credulous people catch at straws. Think a moment, wherein consists the pathological difference between this disease and Cholera Morbus. There is none; one is more vio lent than the other, only because it exist epidemi cal!} and appears to present strong evidence of being contagious. These wonderful specifics are never thought of to cure Cholera Infantum, Dys enienj, etc., they despise such plebeian diseases.— Be not deceived. Dr. Keeler’s Cordial and Curmi native will speedil} cure more cases of Summer Cor plaints, yea Asiatic Cho;era too, than any re medy before the public. It has been tried in i Mexico, in the South, the West and North, with the most flattering success. Mothers never be w iout it. 1 ean point you to living witnesses who vjre saved by this Cordial w-hen given up to die. Read carefully the following important letter : Philadelphia,June Ist, 18411. D . J. A. Keeler—Sir: I have received your not this morning asking lor information as to the distribution I made of the package ot Cordial you Eutinto my possession while in command of the n’ted Stales transport during the Mexican \\ ar. According to your directions a part was distributed in Vera Cruz, the other I kept for the use of my seamen and others on board, believing 1 saould have use tor it, as I had on board fre qii'-vly from one to three hundred persons, and that many on leaving Mexico would be on the sick list. Such was the faet, Dystentery and Diar rhera, extensively prevailed. 1 used the Cordial freely and not inasingle instance do I recollect of its having failed to completely cure. My own crew would often be attacked with Diarrhoea, Disentery, etc., peculiar to nearly all alter getting on shore and eating fruit and vegetables—in all such cases the Cordial tailed in none to cure speedily. When in New Orleans a friend informed me of a Philadelphia gentleman. (S. Churchman, Esq.,) who was sick with l)y sentery, and dispaired of by Doctors—l mentioned having a bottle or 2of your Cordial; he sent it to him and in a few day s 1 had the pleasure of seeing him on ’Change and well. lean give you many names and testimonials of the efficacy of your Cordial if necessary-. I have given it to one shipmaster of this port in par ticular (Capt. Whipple, ship Monongahela) and he informed me he would never be without it, and from my own opinion of it, I think it the safest and be st medicine I ever used or have known to be used in affections of the stomach and bowels. I remain yours respectfully, D. S. WILCOX,2BS South Bth st. fn these days, abounding- in fruit, it behoves every one to be prepared with a remedy for evil effects which it sometimes produces—we have been told by those who know and who have tried it—that Keeler’s Cordial is an article which has been used in some of the severest cases of Summer Complaints, both infants and grown persons. The Cordial can be procured at the corner of Third and South streets. —North American and U. S. Gazette. Sept. 4 th, 1817. Dr. Keeler’s Cordial.—We would call the al ter.; ion of our readers to this invaluable medicine, which will be found advertised at length in our columns. As a corrective in cases of DiarrcCa, a disease very prevalent at the present time, it is highly spoken of by all who have used it. It is perfectly safe in its nature, and we speak ex perimentally, when we say that it affords imme diate relief.— Neal's Satin day Gazette, Auer, i>B//i 1847. Dr. Keerler's Cordial and Carminative.—This .o QjKU'tiuwl in another part ot our paper it is warmly recommeuded hv t.n.i.!»vt tried it. It is especially useful amoung children, and has effected hundreds of cures. The doctor is abundantly supplied with testimony upon the subject, some of which is very strontr- This Cordia! is not a quack nostrum, but a carefully prepared medicine, and perfectly free from any thino-in jurious. ITT* C3ee Circulars. Price only 2o cts. per bottle. DR. KEELER’S SARSAPARILLA. For the permanent cure and removal of all dis eases arissng from asperities of the blood, or habit of the body-, viz.: Chronic diseases of the Chest. Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Pleurisy-, Scro Tula in all its forms, Tetter, Scald Head, Blotches on the Face, Chronic diseases of the Stomach. Liver and Skin, Cutaneous Eruptions, W'hite Swellings, Hip-joint Affection, deep-seated Pains of the Bones, Swelling of the Joints, Ulcers. Sy pbiutic Disorders, Mercurial and aU Hereditary Pr dispositions. Females suffering from Obstruct tier, Sallow Complexion. Nervousness, dtc. will find the Sarsapr.Hlla an elegant remedy- for their removal. (O’For details, certificates, &c., see circulars. See. —Price § 1 per bottle, large size; 6 bottles $5. Prepared and sold Wholesale at W. Cor. 3d and Sou l ii and 3d and Green, Phila. Where also may be it.td Dr. Keeler’s Cough Syrup, Vermifuge Sy rn Rheumatic Lotion, Liver and Sanative, Pills. — Ft” sale also, by 11. M. Turner & Co., and A. Sol omon .Savannah ; P. Muise, Augusta) G. Payne Macon; Reese & Ware, Athens; Coster A Cone Montgomery; and by respectable Drugjifts throughout the South. firaos d&c June 22. DYSPEPTICS READ THIS !~ DR. ALLEN’S VEGETABLE COM POUND, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Comphint, Nervous Debility, Billions A flections, Scc,6tc. This medicine is offered to the public under the assurance that there is no article in ex* istence having stronger claims to their considera tion. Being compounded by a regular graduate of Jefferson College. Philadelphia, and a practising Physician of twenty years standing in Phila delphia, his long experience has confirmed him in the opinion, that a compounded medicine was re quired to PREVENT and remedy the DEBILITA TION produced by residing in low miasmatic cli mates, and to counteract the prostrating inrtu ences of the many nervous disorders with which (he human family are afflicted. Dr. Allen is a weli known Physician, and has use'! the above medicine in his practice for tew lve YEARS with the most astonishing effect, having tested its qualities in above FIVE THOUSAND CASES. Nv/ medicine ever received more flattering re commendation from Physicians of eminent stand ing than has been bestowed on this. Read the following: The late Dr. GEORGE McCLELAN, of Phila delphi ~ pronounced it one of the BEST TONIC preparations he had ever used, and recommended ; strongly in cases of Dyspepsia, Nervous Debili ty .vc. . ; c following is an extract of a letter from DR. ROBERT AGNEVV, an eminent Physician of Lancaster county, Pa. “Dr. Allen.—Dear Sir;—lt is with great plea sure that I inform you of the success attending your Medicine, while employed in my practice, ijfirmly believe that in eight cases out ol ten the Dyspeptic may, by the use of your Medicine, rid himself of this thorn in the pathway of life. Not only in Dyspeptic cases, but in all casess of con slipatiou and diseases depending on a dcbi'itated state ol the nervous system, togesher with a tor pid state of the Bowels, will your Elixir be of in e*limablevalue.', Prepared only by the Proprietors G. W. Allen M. I)..Philadelphia,and J. A A- "-‘Cleveland No. 207 Fling street, Cba'-V-CU ..ft. C. Agents for Augu-jj, JExglxvt tmbe A Co., and P. A. MoiSE, iy „ . , ‘ by the principal OruggLts in t un |J r^tate S . 7 P None genuine unless signed by Dr. G. W. Al LF.N, and countersigned by J. A. Sc W. L. Cl.Et K LAND. The bottles having the words ‘'ALLEN’S DYS PEPTIC MEDICINE, Philadelphia, ’ blown on the glass. aug. 24 NEW B^OKS^ THE LITTLE SAVAGE By Caplin Mary at, R. N.j 3rd Pan of History of Pen denis, By Thackery. 2d Part of the Caxtons, a family picture, by Sir E.Bulwer Lyttou. 7lh vol. of Chalmers’ Posthumous Works or sale by J. A. CARRIE &C« oct7 patent iilcbleincxL 111 1 lUA Vi itA. ] A the name of RIEL CHRP ha. eu-aped with a »oon» aw- ofll.e iu.nl- of S. P.-Tcwnnend, and Hies hii name to put up «• SHwariUa Which the. call Dr. Tuwn.end’i SanapanUs, deBOBUB*- line it *GESUISE, Original, etc. Thu Towniemt J no docior .nd oe»ar aa. but m formerly a worker on railroad., canal*, aud tha like. Vet he aiv.mea the title of Dr., for the purpose of 1 lor what he U not. He 1* alio sending out card« her..ed l nek. ot c Uaacks.- in which he taye. 1 hare .oW he use of my name for CT j a week 1 will n»e 3. P. Townsend gSOO if he will produce one tingle solitary’ p. oof of this. This it to 'oLO C ceiled, ami purchase none but the GAAfL/.Vfi ORIGINAL OLD { Ur. Jacob Townsend’S Sarrvpardla, fcaymg on it iho Old Dr. a like neiL so. family coat of arms, and In. Principal office, 102 Km-Yurk Cup. ( °tn DOCTOR Jacob irffpl Townsend. ; THE ORIGINAL OiSyKt DISCOVERER , TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA- I Old Dr. Townsend is now about TO vears of aze, and has long beet - mown as the AUTHOR and UIS h'VKHEIi of the GENUINE ] ORIGINAL “ TOWNSES D SARSAPARILLA.’’ Being poor, he ‘ wae compelled to limit its manufacture, by which means .t has i.e-n i kept odl of market, and the sales circumscribed to those only who had pru.ed its worth and known iu value. It had reached the e is of ma ny, nevertheless, ns those persons who had been healed of sere iiis- 1 eases, and laved from Tsatli, proclaimed lie excellence and wonderful . HEALING POWER. This ami L'uequailed Preparation | is manufactured mi the largest scale,’and is called for throughout the length and breadth of the land. 1 Unlike young d. P. Townsend’s, it Improves with sge, and never \ changes, but for the better ; because it is prepared on trlenliftc prin ciples by n scientific man. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the An, have ail been brought into requisition i in the manufacture of the OLD DR.’S SARSAPARILLA. Toe Sar tapaiiila root, it is weil known to mcdica; men, contains medicinal pro* perlies, and some properties which are inert or useless : and others, which, if retained in preparing it for use, produce fermentation and arid, which is injurious to the system. Some of tire properties of Sarsaparilla are ao volatile that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepara tion, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, know a oniy to those experienced in its manufacture. -Moreover these volatile princi ples, which fly off in vai-or, or as an exhalation, under heat, are the very essential medical properties of the root, w hich givea to it all its value. The GENUINE Old Ur. Jacob Totvnientl’g Sarsaparilla le eo prepared, that a.- tire inert properties cf the Sarsaparilla, root are first removed, everything capable of becoming acid or of fermenta tion, is extracted and rejected ; then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure and concentrated form ; and thos it is rendereu incapable of losing any of its valuable and healing properties. Ptw pared iu this way, it is made the most powerful agent in the Cure of Innumerable Disease*. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every side in ita favorby men, women and children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of CONSUMPTION’, DYSPEPSIA, and LIVER COMPLAINT, atH* in R HEU.M ITISM, SCROFULA and PILES, COSTIVENESS, at I CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES , asd aL afi'ectiona arising from ■*- Impurity of the Blood. » r j It pjMe*sc« a marvellous efficacy In all complaints arising from In* ' digestion, from Acidity of the Stomach ; from unequal circulation d«- j termination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold fest and ! cold hands, cold chill* and hot flashes over the body. It has not had * .ts equal in coughs arn! colds ; and promotes easy expectoration, and I gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, and every | other part. But in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and ickaow ledf Jd than in ail kinds and stages of Feuialc lumplnii^ts. It works wonders in cases of fuor r.ihn.t or whites, Fulling of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Mnifo-s, 1; t ug- n i?y ol the menstrual periods, and th© bite ; and i* effectual iu ( ;'.ru.g all toruis of tha Kidney Disease. By removing obstructions, and regtilaiing the general system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and cure* all for-ns of Nerrous uucl Debility, nad thus prevents or relieves a g r e.xt variety of other diseases, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fils, Con vulsions, Ac. It is not possible for this medicins to fail to do good ; it has nothing la it which can ever harm : it can never sour or spoil, and therefore can never lose its curative properties. It cleanses the I lood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the stomach and gives good digestion, relieves the bowels of torpor and constipation, allays inf animation, purifies the skin, equah7.es the circulation of die blood, producing gen tle warmth equally all over the Itody, and Iho insensible perspiration ; relaxes all strictures aud tightness, removes all obstructions, and in vigorates tii# entire nervous system. Is not this, then. The you l*rp-(‘niiurittiy iVeetl I Bat can any of the-se things he said of S. P. Townsend’s inferior article 1 This young man’s liquid is not to be Compared with the Old Dr.’s, because of one GRAND FACT, that the one is INCAPABLE of PE- I TERI ORATION and Never Spoils, while the clher DOES ; it so irs, ferments, and blows the buttles containing it Into fragments ; the sour, acid liquid exploding snd damaging o* her good s I Must not this bon Able conqoimd be polsor*- ous to the system? What I put acid into a system already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspepsia but acid? Do we not all know, th«u when food sour* in our stomachs, what mischief* it produces ?—flatu lence, heartburn, palpitation cf the heart, liver complaint, diarrhoea, dys* ntery, cholic and corruption of th© blood? What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body ? What produces all the humors w hich bring on Eruption* of the Skin, Scald Heed, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, While Swellings, Fever-Sores, and all ulce ration* internal and exter ! oal ? It is nothing under heave* but an acid substance, w hich sours, and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or Ics'a. What causes I Rheumatism but a sour acid fluid, which iasimiatea it.elf between the j joints and else where, irritating and inflaming the lender aud delicate tissues upon which it acts ? Eo of nervous diseases, oi impurity of the blood, of deranged circulations, aud nearly ail the ailments which i afflict human nature. No», i» it not borribl* to x»-k* and sell, ai,d iufiuUely Worse tO USC Nourlng, Fermenting, Acid “ Compound” OF S. P. TOWNSEND. ! ’and yet he weald fain have It understood that Oil Jacob Town .end’s GENUINE ORIGIN AL SARSAPARILLA, is an IMITATION ot his inferior preparation ! I Heaven forbid that we should deal in an. article which would b-.»r the most distant resemblance to S- F. Townsend’* article ! und r,-.V,;b should bringdown upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of com plaints and criminations from a gents who ha-re toll, anti purchasers w-.~« used S. P. Townsend's FERMENT RING GOMPOI'N D I W* wish it understood, because it is the absoitxte truth. ,thatS. P. Townsend's article and Old Or. Jacob Towusen<!’» Sarsaparilla arc hsaven-wide apart, and infinitely dissimilar ; that ther are uu ;ae iu j Particular, having not one single thing in common. A.9 8. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never was, is no chemist, no phar maceutist—knows no more of medicine or disease, than anv other common, unscientific, unprofessional man, what guarantee can th© public have that they are receiving a genuine scientific medicine coc i tsining ail the virtunes of the articles used in preparing it, and which are incapable of changes, which might render them the AGENTS of i DISEASE instead of health ? It is to arrest fraud* upon the unfortunate, to pour balm iuta wounded humanity, to kindle hope iu the despairing bosom, to restore health aud bloom and vigor into the crushed and broken and to banish infirmity—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity aud means to bring his Oraud ITnivc-rsal Conccuti-ated Remedy, I within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it, that they I may learnand know, by joyful experience, ita Transcendent Rower to Heal! and thus to has* the unpurchasabl* satisfaction of baxing raised thoa sands and mil.; °o> from the bed of tickness and despondency, to hope, ksAlth, and aloi 2 Ids of rigor and usefulness lollieioselrea, their fam ilies and frisnds. Principal office 102 Nassau-atreet. N. Y Fo.’ sale on consignment. Ly HAVILAND, KISLEY %CO. april 27 dfcly SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. O’ At a Meeting of the Southern Mutual In surance Company, held in Griffin on the 7th inst. 1 the following members were elected the Board of Directors for the year 1819. DIHFCTORS.—Hon. Asbury Hull, Athens, I hesident and Treasurer; J. G. Hill. Esq., Griffin, Vice-President; Rev. J. U. Parson, Griffin, Sec retary ; Prof. C. F. McKay, Athens, Actuary ; H. J. Sargent, Esq., Griffin; Wra. W. Chapman, Guilin, Hon. Lot Weaver, Albany; Hon. Wm. \\. Clayton, Athens; E. L. iNewlon, Esq., Athens;!, j H. N swte i. Athens; A. Chase, Athens; J. J. Hug- i oin?T—*»’. hen?; Fielding Bradford, Athens; W. Lefchei Mitcbel, Athens; Dr. H. Hull, Athens; VVm. M. Morton, Athens; Dr. E. V. Ware. Athens Thomas Cunningham, Greensboro; John Robson; E&q., Madison B. King, Esq., Roswell; Miller Grieve. Millcdgevillej Isaac Winship, Maeon ; N. C. Miinic., Esq., Macon; Jolm L Jones, Esq , Ma con ;V. R. Tommy, Columbus ; J. J. Ridgeway. Columbus: Henry Hall,Columbus; D. F. Wilcox, Columbus. This Company commenced business on the sth ot Foot i ary, 1848. The report submitted to the meeting shows the follow-ing gratifying result for the In si ten months,ending the sth inst.: Fire Kisks.... .480 Marine -65 Inland... 258 Servants 83 1,066 Kisks Premiums. §55,628 43 Paid Losses §1,663 07 Incidental 728 25 Salaries 1,820 00 K 'turn iC on risks terminated. 504 00 4,715 32 50,913 11 Risks terminated §69,425. On all expired poll cies one half the premiums has been saved to the red, equivalent to a dividend of 60 per cent, ol their premiums. Communications addressed to the Secretary- a Griffin will receive prompt attention. .31, U- PARSONS See.S. 2.1, Ins. Co. THs O will insure Houses, Stocks ot io :ds, '.-Otton in Store, or on shipboard, and Ne v>r< es —and will take all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks not exceeding §IO,OOO, on any- one risk, on as reasonable terms as any office iu this city. Those who insure property for five years pay only j one-fifth in cash, and will probably never be call ed on for an assessment the remaining tour years and at the end of five years be entitled to their share of accumulated profits then on hand. Open policies, for shipping merchants, for Marine and Inland Risks. CHARLES HALL. Agent, Jan. 14 Sou. Mu.lns.Companv,242 Broadts. NEW BOOKSTnEWTbOOKS ! ! Memoirs of the ope op wil liam WIRT, Attorney General of the United States, by John P. Kennedv. THE COURT AND REIGN OF FRANCES i THE FIRST, KING OF FRANCE, by Miss Par doe, author of “Louis XIV,” “The City of the 1 Sultans,” etc For sale by «ot S§ JOS A. «\RRIE 6c C©. * patent iiliftkinrs. DR. CULLEN’S INDIAN VEGETA- < BLB PANACEA I ' READ the names of the gentlemen, testifying | to the cure of Mr. Brooks. They certain ly must give confidence to those that need a modi- j cine of the kind. Call upon the Agents named be- low, and get a pamphlet—a kargk pamphlet, j containing more testimony, and more convincing g than any other medicise in the woulh ! ISAAC BROOKS’, JR., CASE! ' Go and see him and you will say the half has not been ' told!I! Wc the undersigned having visited Mr. Jssac | Brooks, Jr., at the office «>t Messrs. Rowand &- ( Walton, 373 Market street, Philadelphia, consider his case the most remarkable one we have ever witnessed or heard of. His disease was Scrofula, and terrible must have been his twelve years comliet with the destroyer: His Palate,the entire roof of his Mouth,Nose,Upper i Lip, and lower lid of the Eye have been destroy ed. his Face nearly eaten up. and part of the Jaw i Bone carried away. And yet we can give no de scription of his case* Mr. B. informs us that in January last, the whole interior of his mouth, as well as most of his tacc, was amass of deep and painful ulcers. * Oivthe 14th of January last, he commenced ta- j king Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea,which checked the disease in a few days, and from that time the cure has progressed without in'ermission. . New flesh has supplied the place of the deep ul cers, and though badly disfigured, his f ace is sound and his general health is restored. We are assured that m the treatment of Mr, Brooks’case no Mercurials, Ointments,*r Caustic applications have been used. —in fact, the Panacea alone, has wrought this wonderful change. Phillip S. White, Esq. J. W. Jones, MD , Rev. John Chambers, W. Steeling - . M. D„ Rev. A. 1). Gillette, T. P. S. Roby. M. 1).. Rev. J. R. Nicholas, Jacob Frick, M. D., Rev. Wm. Urie, S. B. Coles, M. 1)., Rev. E. Kincaid, J. W. Ashmead, Esq., Rev. Levi Brink, P. Sken Smith, Esq., E. Guillon, Esq., L. A. Godey, Esq., And thousands of others equally respectable,whose names might be added if necessary. Residence, west side of Jefferson street, third door from Schuylkill,ruuningtrom Schuylkill sixth between Locust and Spruce. A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE PILES. Ur. Cullen 1 s Indian Vegetable Piles Remedy, ‘ Is a domestic preparation, which has been used with entire success for many years. Being an in ternal medicine, it has decided preference over outward applications, which are br.t paliatives and not curatives. This medicine acts upon the dis eased parts, producing healthy action, and a per manent cure, which we warrant, or refund the mo ney. NO CURE NO PAY. Dr. Cullen 1 s Indian Vegetable Remedy. Warrented to cure, or the money returned. — This medicine is prepared from an Indian receipt, obtained from one of them in the far West at great I expense. Those who have been familiar with the Indians know that they can and do cure Venerial without the know ledge of Mure ary, Balsam, or 1 anything of the kind The atflicted have now an ! opportunity of being cured without the danger ol J Mercury or the unpleasant use of Balsam. This , | medicine is pleasant to the taste, and leaves no j I smell on the breath. I> (’ulliti- Vegetable liufiau Specific for IlVuiale CtomplaiutM. This medicine is fast taking the place of every preparation heretofore used for diseases arising from wcaknes or other causes. All that is neces j sary to secure this medicine a place in the Do mestic practice of every family where such a ment is needed, is a trial. It speaks for itself—is innocent in its operation and n.» injury can arise from its n<e at any time. For -aie wholesale and retail by Ramond Wal ton, proprietor, N'o. 21 north sixth street. Phila delphia: Win. K. Kitchen, and I*. A. Moiso. Au gusta 5 P. M. t'ohen. Charleston; G. i). Per.n. Edgefield C. H. S. C.; Boatwright A: Waist, Co j Intnbia. lyd&c je 2.1 EPPINGS COMPOUND FLUID EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA AM) HUEE.VS DELIGHT. fBIO THE PUBLIC.—This preparation has A acquired a very extended and established ce lebrity in most of the Southern States of the Union —both in tile hands ol Physicians and private use —which i s etiicacy alone has sustained for several years, as a remedv for Scrofula cr Kings's Evil Ulcerated .Sore Throat, lung standing Rheumatic Affection, Disea; es ol the Skin, old Csores, W lute Swellings, Diseases of ihe Bones, and all causes ol an ulcerous character. It is also particularly use ful in chronic and nervous complaints occurring in debilitated and cachetic constitutions. Over Sy phiilis and the host of painful, disagreeable and hitherto incurable affections resulting therefrom, i such as Ulcere of the Throat, Larynx. Nodes, Ac., and all those evils occasioned by an improper and injudicious use oj “ mercury ll it displays complete control. It has been loan# to be a most useful pu rifier of the blood in all such diseases, i In fell complicated cases of Scrofula and Syphi lis, and in cases where the Syphilitic virus of the parent causes a development ol Syphilis or Scro fula in the child, this is the only remedy upon which the hope of recovery can be reasonably : founded. It relieves the disease, and at the same j time imparts vigor to the whole system —under the I use of this medicine, the patient is enabled to tak< nourishing food, which in other practice is with held. In many cases where the horrible ravages of disease have taken so deep root that patients have been given up by he roo>t skilful physicians. ; the disease has been arrested and the patient re- I stored to good health, Ac., ami the most reasona ble expectations fully satisfied. The cures performed in this city alone, : rc sufli cient to establish its reputation on a permanent ! basis, ami too solid lobe effected either !>v the ' malignant or envious. It is worthy o( note that I the greater part of the patients cured, had previ on ly to using this preparation, recei"°d the hes medical treatment and given up by their Phvsi- I ciansas being beyond the reach of medical skill, 1 It is, however, advisable that it should he given, if j pi acticablo. under the - m erinteiulence of a Phy i sician, for him to prescribe such other remedies in conjunction with this, as the necessity of the case may require. This preparation has put into the hand of Physicians a remedy, by which they can master a variety of diseases, which have hithertoo bullied the greatest skill and study. It is a safe and harm less medicine, and removes all those evils which an unsuccessful use of mercury so often occasions. Price $i per Hottie, or %b for six Bottles. Pre pared and lor sale by J. P. M. EITING, Chemist and Druggist, 277 King-street, opposite Society street, Charleston, S. C. For sale in Augusta by PHILIP A. MOISE, aul6-5m Sole Agent for Augusta. TO~THE AFFLICTED. HAVE you a cough, cold, or the consumption? If you have, try Dr. Hastings, Compound Syrup of Naphtha. This medicine is the discove ry of the celebrated Dr. Hastings, Senior Physi cian to the Blenheim Free Dispensary of London. Dr Hastings had his early attention drawn to the consideration of the causes of, and the cure for consumption, and after numerous experiments and long years ol patient and laborious study, discov ered that Wood Naphtha com; minded with other vegetable substances, was a certain and speedy cure for consumption, and all diseases of the Tunas. The Naphtha being of a very volatile nature, im mediately rises to the lungs, the seat of the dis ease, and attacking it in its stronghold, destroys all tubercles that have formed upon the lungs, and prevents the formation of others. For coughs and colds it is an invaluable remedy, curing the most severe in an incredible short space of time. A single bottle will prove the virtue of this remedy. In tact, a single dose will effect an almost instanta neous relief. Hastings’ Compound Syrup of Naphtha is now being ti ed in nearly all our hospitals, a::d is also coming into rapid use among all our besl physicians, lor coughs, colds, and all diseases ol the lungs. It has been recommended in the worst state of consumption by the celebrated physician. Dr. Mott, of Now Yorkj and Dr. Arnold,of Sa vannah, Geo., writing to the agent at New York, under date of Jan. 30th, 18i8. says :—“ 1 received the half-dozen Hastings’Naphtha Syrup, ordered from you. and am convinced that Naphtha is the principal ingredient. Enclosed is twenty-five dol lars. ior which you will send roe two dozen aud-a half bottles more. 1 have two patients in the Ma rine Hospital, whom I think will be benefited b\ it.” Dr. Lenoir ol Lenoir’s Landing, Tenti., writes as follows:—‘[procured some of Dr. Hastings’ Naphtha Syrup from Philadelphia, and enclosed send you tea dollars fer one dozen more bottles, i mttmmm n inn t n rrrtr \ r i nrwu i Patent <lUbinnis. consider it a very valuable medicine for all dis-* eases of the lungs." Savannah, Feb. 9th, 1348. Mr. M. A. F. Hakrison Dear Sir: —At the suggestion of Dr. Arnold.the Physician of the Hospital of which 1 am one of the director*. 1 tvould like to supply myself wilh Hastings' Wood Naphtha. The Doctor ordered, some days siqce, some for the use of the Hospital. Should you deem proper to send the article on liberal terms, 1 can forward the sale of it in our city. Yours truly, J- TURN ICR & BROS. ITice $ per bottle For sale by HAVILAND, KISLE.VCU. tm dec. lb LAND FOR SALE. riNHE UNDERSIGNED offers forfsale his valuable PLANTATION, 18 miles below Milledgevilte, and b miles from Fish’s Depot on the Central Rail Road. It joins lands of Col.-H. A. Blount, on the East and South East, and on the South a tract of land known as the Me Loud tract, whi eh is offered for sale, and contains 1.400 acres. The Flantatloirof the undersigned contains 930 acres —of which 300 is cleared and under fence, and of this 100 is in cultivation. About 300 acres is swamp laud—the remainder choice hammock land The place is healthy and has fine water. There is on it a Gin House, with Gin and running Gear complete,Overseer's House, Negro Houses,&c. The property will be sold ou the most reason* blc terms. Letters addressed to l)i Win. Taylor, \r a! . lace’s P. 0., Jones Co.,Ga., will meet with prompt attention. WILLIAM TAYLtijl. July to —ti PIANO FORTES, MUSIC &C. -r- fr .- r , CH ARLES CATLIN A having purchased f { f||RY PARSON’S stock of no F(srfcs and Music, invite the attention of the p*alic to their slock of CHICKERING’S CELEBB VI ED IKON FRAME PIANO FORTES ; also those made by Atoms Clark, with and with out the .Roman Atta v hmini. These instru ments, for touch, tone, and durability, are unsur. passed, and will be sold at Factory Pricks—and warranted perfect in every respect. Persons wishing to purchase, are requested to call and examine their stock before making a se lection, as they are confident that the variety, quality ami prices cannot fail to please. All or ders will receive prompt and careful attention. New music received bv the steamers every week > O* PIANO FORTES TUNED and REPAIR ED. A good variety of GUITARS, VIOLINS, FLUTES, &c., always keptfor sale. Jan. 23 f GUNSMITHIHG, >s The subscriber continues to carry on the above bust ness on Broad street, next ijy) door to Volger’s Segar Store, aD( t keeps for sale every the S PORTI N< 1 LINE, ; makes RIFLES, with all the modern improve | raents; Ke-Stocks and Repairs Double xi. J Sin ! gle Barrelled GUNS, &:c. in the best manner, and ! warrants all work done at bis establishment, febl 5 ly F. IS. ROGERS. PIANO FORTES. - j-rry¥7~i. TDK Subscribers would respectful!} f J S f f i cal! the attention off f f? J J| their friends andthe public to their assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTFiS, from the well known ami justly celebrated Manufacto ries ol Bacon &Kaven, A. H. (Iali: & Co., and Dubois A* Sf abury, New Vork, which are \V ar- KAMi.u in every respect, to be at least fiiliy equal to any instruments manufactured in this country or Europe. Hr* The Subscribe s would aisn state that the instruments now on hand arc of the latest pat - terns and fashion, and fresh from the .Manufactu rers. For sals at vert low prices for Gash or city acceptance at GEO A.O ATES & CO.’S, 3 doors above United States 15otct,Bd.Sf nnv 1 WM. O. PRICE & (;6~~ DRAPERS AND TAILORS. j % RE NOW UECEIVISC. an extensive us -e a. sort merit of Ciotiw. Oasimeres and Vestinas. sailed to the Full and Winter trade. They h-vi - ’.so assortment of Iteady-maile CUohiniy ol Grinds, together with Moniiii® Robes Drawer- Siiirts. Suspenders. Gloves. Hosiery, !la's, Caps. Umbrellas, Acc. Ac. _ CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, AS CHEAP AS READY MADE. HAVE now got in a fall and conoir'e % ? Stock of (1.0 fHS, C \BLMEREB. and VESTINGS, of all the newest patterns, and are J prepared to make to orrter, any and every article of dress in the Lest manner, at New York prices. Also, CLOTH LN'G of all descriptions Ou hands READY-MADE, Which will he sold as low as at any of (he North ern cities. HOSIERY. UNDER SHIRTS and DRAW EUS, SCARFS, CRAVATS, SUSPENDERS GLOVES, with every article desirable for dres> sept. 30 ‘ WM. O. PRICE & CO. INSURANCE. mHE SIJBSL’RIHEIL Agent for Hie St utii .l. ern Mutual Insurants Company, lor Angus j | ta, ccntiimes to take Marine, River, and Ware- \ House risks. Only seventv-five per cent, in rasli is required—the balance in a good note, which may never be celled ior. Merchants in (he city and up country, are invited to take open Policies, so a? to keep in Georgia the. heavy Premium* heretolore paid to foreign offices. He Is also pre pared to make Insurance on Life, in the same In stitution,at reasonable rates. Office at the Provi sion Store, corner Mclntosh and Reynold's -treef*. July 12 T. W. Fi,TIMING. WM O. PRICE oc CU.. DRAPERS AND TAILORS 4 RE RECEIVING WEEKLY from New il York SPRING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASIMERLS ANi)V ESTINGS.of the newest style of manufacture.LlNEN DRILL, COTELINNES, and all the new styles for Spring and Summer Wear. READY-MADE CLOTHING. of new patterns of goods and cut, and very cheap . TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. &c. &c„ at their Furnishing Warehouse —Old (Stand —2s9 Hroatl W. O. PRICE, March 12 W. T. INGRAHAM The Greatest R emedy of the A DR. KNIGHTS. Celebrated Remedy for Tetter, (Scrofula, and other Diseases of the Skin. | YR- KNIGHT, was formerly a Skilful a. * Physician of Philadelphia and the present proprietors were put in of the receipt* by him upwardsof twenty years, since which time*, there has been hundreds of cases, cured gratui tously. many of which were of long standing, and not until recently has if been offered for sale. The proprietors are daily receiving orders and certificates from ihe country, which has induced them to publish it benefit of the public. » For sale wholesale and telai at the S E. Come of 12th and Washington streets, Spring Garden, Philadelphia. " Bkn k.soi.l V Co Price SI,OO per Bottle. for sale also by \\ . HAINES, Augusta, and JAMES La ROCHE, Savannah, nov. 22 # ly NEW BOOKS ! ISTEW BOOKS ! 'StHF. WESTERN WOULD, >r TRIALS J Jt IN THE UNIT 1) STATES IN 1846-47. / exhibiting then in their latest developments, So- J cial. Political, and Industrial, including a chapiter on Cal fnrnia ; By Alex. M ackaj*. Esq , oi the Middle Temple. Barrister at Law. ESSAY IIN CHRISTIAN BAPTISM. By Baptist W. Noel.M. A. THE OGILVIES. A Novel, I MEMORIAL OF JOHN BARTRAM AND ? HUMPHRY MARSHALL ; YY'ith notes of their Botanical contemporaries. By William Darling- , on, M. !>., L. L. D , etc., with illustrations. SKETCHES OF REFORMS AND REFORM ERS OF BRITAIN AND IRELAND. By Hen yB. Stanton Porsale by dec 7 JOSEPH A CARRIER CO.