The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, November 06, 1832, Image 3

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sents. accompanied tins beautiful chest. Among others, a sot ol chimney ornaments, a la Jran caisc, consisting of clock, candelabra, and vases, composed of oak leaf, green enamel, and gold. A breakfast service to match, with a beautiful plateau of the same. Another breakfast service ofsilver gilt. A dressing case work box, and writing desk, ensu/le of chrysfal and gold, lined with rich velvet. Several beautiful cm** of or iental japan, filf-d with birds of paradise, heron s feathers, marabout and ostrich leathers, and the richest plumes, in all their varieties. Several pieces ol velvet,brocade, blonde, gold and silver Ktufls, and rich silks of every description; be sides an infinite variety oftrinkets and ornaments for the embellishment of a dressing room or boudoir, each contained in a travelling case- of the richest kind. The trousseau, or wedding clothes, presented by Louis Phillippe to bis daughter, were of corresponding magnificence, and were forwarded to Brussels some days pre vious to the marriage. Remarkable Longevity. — \ highly respecta ble merchant of this place informs us, that he saw, a few weeks since, in Wilkes county, N. ('. a man named Itani* I Rash, who was one hun dred and three years cl age, and that Ins bodv was healthv and v igorous, bis mind and memory whollv unimpaired, his sight perfectly good— having never iwd speetaef'S. and what is per haps more remarkable than ail this, our inform ant tides, that within tin* last three years, his mouth has been supplied with fire nnc front teeth ! Had we obtain -d our information from a b'ss veracious and source, we could not have given credence to this and many other particulars which our friend communica ted to us concerning this aged man; and whilst conversing with him on the subject, we jestingly remarked to him. that even Ins acquaintances might hesitate in their belief of such a tale; he good hnrnoredly replied that the old man was poor and would ride here and shew himself for ten dollars if occular proof of his veracity should to required. —Abbeville If lug, 'loth alt. Con flirt with a Hear. —< >ll the 7th instant, a large Bear was discovered in Concord, \ t. The alarm was immediate!v given, and thirty ■or fortv men surrounded the woods in which the hear w as; he was soon coni'; up with, and six or seven halls brought him to the ground. An Irish man bv flie name of Dennis McCarthy, with a pitchfork, advanced and ran his fork into the bear. Bruin did not like this, and with one paw knocked the fork from Ins hand, and w ith the •other drew Mr. MeCaitiiv under him, Lit him in a shocking maimer, and would have killed him for all that a dozen men could do, but for the timely appearance of a man with a loaded mus ket, who despatched him instantly. — St. Johns- Jury, f I. paper. Cancer. —Mr. Thomas Tyrrell, of Missouri, advertises that a ('ancer upon his nose, which had been treated without success by Dr. Smith, of New Haven, and ablest Surgeons in the West ern country, had been cured in the following manner: — He vvns recommended to use strong potash, made of the ley of the ashes of red Oak Bark, boiled ilown to the consistence ol Molasses, to cover the (’ancer with it, and in about an hour afterwards cover this plaster with tar, which must he removed after a few days, and if pro tuberances in the wound, apply more potash to them, and the plaster again until they all disap pear, after which, heal the wound with anv com mon salve. Cautery and the knife had previ. -ously been used in vain, this treatment effected a speedy and perfect cure. OBITUARY. Departed »1 l i■» life, at Ins residence in Barnwell I>i <• . tnrt, SouilM 'arolina, on Monda> .’nil November, Mr. -Jamks Mki.hs, h native ol Galloway, Norfh-Britain, in the 52d year of his aye.— Mr. Boggs has left n widow and seven children, with numerous triends and acquaint, •necs to laineni Ins loss. They however, have the eon. notation to hoj*e, that his soul is with his saviour in his “father’s house, where there are many mansions.” rOJB KRU'IAIi. BALTIMORE, Oct. 27.— Howard-street Flour.— The sales from stores have been uniform at s*(i perbhl. rash, or equivalent thereto. One parcel of 300 bills, was sold this morning at the same rate, and we quote accord ingly. Thr wagon price Inis been uniform and steady throughout the week, including to-day, tit No 87A prr hht. Cit> Mills Flour—Several parrels have been taken for export tins week, at n.i To per bid. 60 davs, in some east,- with, and in others without interest added. Cotton. — A small lot ot Louisiana was sold this week at 121 cents per lh. ; 30 hales ot Georgia Upland at I H; ami 54 hales ol Virginia at 10A cents, all on six months •credit. Corn. —This article has been very scarce this week, and has advanced in price. The sales of the few good parcels, of either color, that have appeared, have been tcady effected at >0 cents per bushel, and we quote the same rate to-day. Whiskey. —'The market has declined a shade. Sales st copper distilled hluis. have been made at .SI A cents pr. gallon, and the same price prevails to-day. The wagon price of bids, is S 9 cents, exclusive of the barrel; and “Uie sales from stores hare generally been made at 33 ■•sists tor good quality. Provisions. — A sale of 150 bids. prime Pork was made s' 81J To per bid. on time. Sales of Western Shoulders Bacon nt.s cents cash. Western asso-’cd Bacon is worth 7 cents per lb. During the week there were inspected 763 kegs Butter, and TO kegs Lard. NEW.YORh. — Remarks. —The week has been unusually busy. Freights have improved, and the different lines South find an abundance of goods going that way. Cotton. —Since onr review of the 20th inst. there has been a good demand tor this article, at rather improving prices. The sales amount to about 2500 bales, consist ing of 1100 bales Uplands at 10A a 12Ac. including about 100 bales new crop at 12c.— 1100 bales Ncw-Orleans at 13c.; 200bales Florida.* and Alabamasat 11 a 12$e. and mo bales Xennessees at 10 i a I0?c. The sales have been to skippers .V spinners in nearly equal proportions. Coffee. —The market has been rather inactive, and the demand lor home use farted- We have to report 420 bags ordinary and fair Cuba, on terms not tr anspired ; anal 400 baps St. Domingo, front 13A to 13(, all for ex. port. In filar present state ot the market we do not vaiv mir quotations. Flour. —Onr supplies of \\ estern and Trov continue to hr very triffng. and an advance of fullv 3T A cents per barrel has been paial. and a good business done during the week. Onr market has seldom been so bare as at present. Molasses. —A considerable quantity h as recently arnv. ♦d eoastwavs in small h'ts. which has depressed prices 'bout a cent. Sales have been made ot Ncw-Orleans at 32 to 33; Cuba.3o; English Island 31; Trinidad 32 to ; and Sugar House at 48. Spirits. — Brandy is very dull, and if forced lower Tstpj tnaist he expected. Small sales of Violett’s brand. staali packages at 140. Holland Gin sells slowly, •leder Swan at 111 and Hour Glass at 110. Whiskey dull at 30 cents in hhds. and 31A cents in barrels. S’lgar. —Nearly all the New. Orleans in market is held house, the price is therefore steady ; about 330 bhds. have been taken at Ta TA cents. In other de 'eruptions we have had but few transactions; 30 hhds. Tortn R co sold at S cents, and small parcels of Brown Havana at Si cents. From Levey's Nrtr-Chlenns Price Current. Oct. 2T. Lie health ok thf C ity. — This topic ot conversation bas been more agitated within the last twenty-four hours, 'nan we recollect to have heard it at anv time daring the ’ en Preceding years. It is remarked that there have not «en so many new eases of Fever this week as there x ’ere last, but several very sudden, and some almost in. "'vrtaneous deaths, without anv prior indisposition, has S lv en a nexv turn to apprehension, and rumors are afloa' • s t' the C hollia hs* m-sd* i*s appearance. Indeed | several of the city newspapers have given currency to the report, and for aught we know to the contrary, they may be correct; and though the promulgation of the tact may be highly detrimental to our just opening market, vet, on the other hand, it is be't' r to know, perhaps to anticipate. and as tar as human foresight and moral couraire can aid us. to be prepared for the worst. The alarm may, at least, have the effect of arousing the city authorities to the necessity ot prompt measures preparatory to the hour of trial ; it will put the unwary on their guard, and the public mind will be prepared for the emergency. So tar. it may He productive of good results : but, that a few sudden di tubs should give uneasiness to the inhabitants, or prevent strangers who may have business here, trom coming into the citv, is unreasonable, for. to our certain knowledge, and to that of every permanent resident, these things occur every autumn, particularly to those ui irregular habits, and are more frequent in seasons like the pre-ent, when the Fever has been unusually malig nant. The .Mississippi is ah mt 12 feet 9 inches below ( high watermark. 'Flic- arrival of several vessels, from ! coastwise and foreign ports, that are now engaged in dis charging their cargoes, and the receiving of cargo on hoard of others, for exportation, has given a lively ap- ’ pearance to the Levee, and business has made its annu- | al commencement. Cotton. —Arrived sinee the 19th instant, of Loui siana and Mississippi 5096 baits. Lake Point-chartrain 51 ; together 5150. Cleared in the same time, for Mar seillcs 3*6, New-York 501, Philadelphia 215 ; together : lIIT2 : making an addition to stock of 4058, and leaving J on hand, inclusive of all on ship-board not cleared on the j 25th instant, a stock of 17,514 bales. The demand con. tinues good, and prices steady, with, it is thought, an occasional improvement in the lower descriptions : the quality of the receipts has not materially altered since our last report. Choice is rare, and fora lot ot this descrip, lion 11 i cents is otic red, hut not sold, the holder having no orders to that etf< t. Prime readily commands our quo tations, lU.J, a 11 cents, and for handsome lots 4 cent more is sometimes obtained, we have reference to that verging on Choice, but riot fully entitled to the deno mination, in general, holders have every reason to be satisfied with the market,.ard the only complaint is that there is not choice Cotton to meet the demand ; it is, however, now thought that there will be more of this description than the hitherto unpropitious weather would justify anticipating. lor the last ten or fifteen days, the weather has been every tiling that the planting interest could desire, clear, dry and cool, and bid ling tnir to continue so ; there is now no obstacle to securing the crop. The sales ot the week, of which we have speci fic knowledge, are, viz : 300 bales at 9i round, 154 do. at 10j do. 1602 at 10, 2T9 do. at 9J, and 60 do. at 11 A cents per lb. Sugar. —We heve not heard of much doing this week, owing in a great measure to the scarcity of the article. A lot ol 30 hhds. prime quality, brought 6 , cents per lh. the season is now as favorable as can he desired, and it is expected that the present crop will (contrary to eve. ry anticipation) turnout abundant. Cleared, lor Haiti more 162 hhds. brown, and 116 hhds. refined, Philadel phia 5T hhds. brown. Molasses. —A small lot of new has been sold—we did not learn the price, and quote as before, nominally, at 24 cents per gallon. Cleared this week, for Baltimore 118 bids. Philadelphia ITT bids. Ity the Tally. Ho at Norfolk. LIV F.RPOOL COTTON MARK FT. Sept. 19 Tlie business done in onr Cotton Market has been ra ther increased the sales being 8000 bags, ol which 4000 are on speculation, and prices ot all descriptions, except Lgyptiaiis and Pernarns, are Jd. per lb. higher since Monday. The sales on Saturday and were from 1500 to 2000 bags, and yesterday 4000. Extract of Letters, by the ( »Vu. Canning, at Savannah. “ Ll\ F.RPOOL, Sept. 18.—We wrote vou on the 15th, and wo have not since received any of your esteem ed lavors. The Cotton market continues steaciv. The total sales yesterday were 2500 and to-dav they have been 3000 bags, which we consider a good business—this being market day in .Manchester and w here, consequent ly, the dealers are mostly engaged. We quote, Up land. ordinary to middling, 6d a 6jd ; fair to good fair, Td a 7*d ; good to fine, TA a T ;d per lb.” “ Ll\ Fit POOL. Sept. 19. At the Manchester market yesterday, there was a fair business done, and an advance ot IJd per piece obtained on power loom cloths, which has given increased firmness to this mar ket. 'Die sales to-day have amounted to 5000 bags at very full prices, and in some instances, an advance of Id per lh. has been realized.” “ L/\ KRPOOL, Sept. 20.—Wc wrote to r«n yes terday hy the present conveyance, and have again toad vise yon ol considerable activity in our Cotton market. The total sales to-day have amounted to between 6000 and TOOO bags ; of which about 2500 have been taken on speculation, and prices are fully supported.” “ /./I F.RPOOL, Sept. 20.—The sales of the week are 26,000 hags, with an advance of 4d per lh. in prices. The arrivals are 6 Americans, and 2 from Brazil. , JCpv , XVv icws. ertwriiaa tigrnfiixsi Al TINS PORT. Arrived, Nov. sth, steam-boat Savannah. Lyon, three days and 14 hours from Savannah, with boats Nos. 4 and s—full freighted. To Agent steam.boat Company. Consignees, A B Cox, .1 Leverich, W Allen, \V A Mitchell, J K Mora A Co. Sibley A Morrison, M Hoff, II Aldrich, E l> Cook, T I Wray, .1 Danforth, .1 G Dun. lap, L Hull, .1 1’ Seize, A Gardellc, F H Cook, Well, ster, Parmelec A Co. Wright, Van Antwerp A- Co. J M Carter A Co. Dortic A- Lalitte, B C Baldwin, S H W oodniti, II II Field A Co. A Boggs, A fvnowlton. F A II Clarke, I. Cress A Co. Luke Reed A Co. IF A H Bryson, B IV Force, N Smith A Co. Havilands A Co. Kerrs. Graham A- Hope, L H A S Hamilton, Mcrri niiin A Johnson, .V G Thorp A Co. Squire A Rodgers, II Parsons, N Carter, .1 B Bishop A Co. Adams, Par melee A Co. Rathhonr A Holland, G H Metcalf, Stew, art A Bent, S I! Clarkson, 1. Dwelle, .1 D Crane A Co. G R Jessup, Hand A Barton, N K Butler A Co. A Rowe, Stovall A Simmons, A B A C F. Latimer, J C Holcombe, A’atmtei Hale, Rees A Anderson, .Slaughter A Lahuzan, Amis, Williams A IVbolsey, Musgrove A Bustin, Heard A Wilson, Watts. Williams A Young, Graham A Huggins, Clark A Willard, Jordan A Buch annan. Geo. Parrott, Fort A Bitmap, F 1. Newton A Co. (tram A Hall, N Dale, E Wells A Co. .1. .S’ibley, A A G Walker and Agent steam-boat Company. Arrived on Sunday morning. Steam Packet John Stoney, Green, from Charleston. To A. Mackenzie A Co. Agents. Consignees, H H Cook, .1 G Dunlap, Heard A Wilson, M Frederick, .1 Frederick, J H Peck, Roes A Anderson, Sims, Williams A Woolsey, Slaughter A Lnbuzan, S A E Beall, L Hull, 11 H Haviland A Co. Musgrove A Bustin, Oliver A Mealing, A A G Walker, R Ladeveze, J Smith A Co. W A 11 Bryson, A Row, Dortic A Lafitte, .1 C Holcombe. Steam Boat George Washington, Poinsett, Savannah. To A Mackenzie A Co. Agents. Consignees, .Mus grove A Bustin, W A Mitchell, W A H Bryson. A Row, A A G Walker, J C Holcombe, IV Micou, IV H Ma harry. .Stovall A .Simmons. Heard A Wilson. Aims. Williams A Woolsey. Aldrich A Above, G Collins, H Cosnard. .1 Gibson, .1 Amith A Co. H Parsons, A R A C F. Lattimore, Wright, Van Antwerp A Co. L 11 A C A Hamilton, G H Metcalf, .Slaughter A Lahuzan, J P Aetze. Rees A Anderson. Kerrs, Graham A Hope, L Cross A Co. J P Greiner, Richards A Ganahl. J Jewett, R Ladeveze, Anowden A Ahear. 51 Rdf, G Parrott, A Knowlton, Mrs. Aera, L Dwelle. IV II Maharry, A A (j Walker. Gould A Rowland. C Hall, Aibley & .Morrison, Dortic A Lafitte, Lamhack A liuse. Arrant Boat Caledonia. Lewis, from Charleston, with a full cargo. To Bennoch A M'Keitzic, owners. Con signees. .1 A A Bones, J Moore, J .1 Bird, 1. A C Fow. ier. B M Rodgers. R Anderson, J B Taylor A Co. A A (4 Walker. N IV .Sullivan, A Drew, .1 A .1 .Mcßryde, R Allen, A Cunningham A Co. J Coskery, L Hull, T Bar rett A Co. Collins A Man ton, J A IV Harper, E Jones. Departed, Nov. 3 i. steam-boat Augusta, Norris, xvith low boats Nos. T and 11. full freighted. “V—P. H. MANTZ, Esq. is my duly authoriz -1 ed Agent during my absence trom the city ; and has for sale three valuable family House Servant*, and two or three good Horses, well broken to die harness and saddle. HENRY MEALING. November 2 1m 89 JLan casterian Iti stifttfion , AUGUSTA. rjIHE above Free School is now opened for the re ception of Pupils ot both sexes.—Benevolent par sons would promote the cause ot humanity by urging the poor in their neighbourhood to send their children. XT Children from Hamburg cheerfully admitted. Editors favorable to popular Instruction will piease give the above two or three gratuitous insertions. October 9 J. A. C LEVEL V\ R dent is r RESPECTFULLY offers his Professional serxn f ce sto the ciruens of Aug ns's He may be seen e.r Mrs. C AMFtEI.n’3. October 19 I For Charleston, via Savannah find Beaufort • Steam Packet JOHN STO EY. Capt. Green, will leave on i'bursdav inomintr Bth inst. at 9 o Vlrw-L- For Passengers only ap ply on board, or to A. MACKENZIE As Co. November 6 It 40 For Savannah, The steam boat SA U. 4 A A .4 H. Capt Lyons, will leave here to- morrow morning, with two tow rjft- .rrJ -^sh. ■;.r- For freight or passage, ap p!v at the steam boat company’s office, to W. ROBERTSON, Jr. Agent. Nov. 6 11 \Viii(l*or Hill Academy, Wriuhtsburo' Geo. fH3HE subscr.ber. having purchased the above estab. HL lishmcnt from Henry Gibson, the late proprietor, in tends opening a SCHOOL on the first Monday in Jan. 1833, under the direction of Daniel Mahonv, well known us an able teacher and a fine classic scholar. WINDSOR HILL ha s been long known as one of | the healthiest situations in the state. —For ten years du ring which time there was a flourishing School at that place, there has scarce occurred a single case of fever among the scholars. The buildings are extensive and well adapted to the purpose ofa school. •Vhould the patronage be sufficient to require it, a fe male assistant will be employed.—Children from a dis ; tance are expected to board with the proprietor, where j they will at all times have the advantage of the superin | tendance and instruction of the teacher both in and out of school. Hoard.—Pupils will be supplied with well furnished | rooms, board, washing, fires, & candles, pr. month §7 50. Tuition per term of fire months, Latin, Greek and French Languages, 15 00 History, Geography, Arithmetic and English Grammar, 8 00 Spelling, Reading and Writing, 6 00 The above with Philosophy and Geometry, 30 00 The subscriber informs the public that his house will still be kept open as a TAVERN, and that he will be thankful for a continuation of their patronage, and will spare no pains to render comfortable such as cali on him. A. A. HEARD. November G +tlJ 41 «A( ki:Ks:r a\d hue, I mHE subscribers has just received a small lot of H new MACKEREL in whole and half barrels. Also, new RICE ol prime quality. BAIRD A GREEN. November G -It 41 TOBMUO, 1 suhsribers has on hand, prime chewing Tobnc. J 3. co—and will keep a constant supply tor retail, ing, of the best quality. ILVI Rl> A GREEN. November G (it 41 AT PRIVATE KAL.J2. ItY LATHAM HI LL. HOGSHEADS superior Baltimore Whis- November G 41 o\ ga n a-: at. ’ iuubsuuk Is uu if i erri rinis by the John Stonei/ ts- Monjfin, and of* J'ers for sale at moderate prices : «0 HHD>V. prime <S't. Croix .Sugars 9 40 Bags prime Green Coffee 20 “ good “ “ 18 M. .Spanish Cigars 40 Boxes best fancy .Soap 1 Pipe Madeira IVine 2 do Cognac Brandy 4 do .Swan Gin AT,SO, BY THE SAME BOATS. 1 Case super Gingham Prints 1 do do Fancy do 1 do ♦! 1-4 Checked Cambrics 2 do do Cotton do 1 do Fine Cambric Muslins 1 do Furniture Dimities 1 do 14 1-4 Marseille Quilts 1 do 12 1-4 Knotted Counterpanes 1 Case 12 1-4 Chintz Counterpanes 1 do Bed Spreads, 1 Bale American Carpeting G do Negro cloths, a superior article, 2 bales 4 A G point Blankets and Sattinetts 1 bale Kerseys, 5 bales Kinseys, 1 do Lowell Kerseys, 3 do rod and white Flannels, 20 bales 3-4, 7-8, & 1-4 A 5-1 blenched and an bleached Shirtings and Sheetings 1 Case 10 1-4 Cotton Damasks 1 Case Cotton Diapers, *v Bang up Cords 2 do 3-4 blue plaid Homespuns 1 do Linen Fold cotton Shirtings 5 bales brown Drills, 1 bale Lowell Cottonades A I.SO, SUNDRIES—CONSISTING OF Super 8 A 10 1-4 Valencia Shawls, an elegant article Super Fancy Thibett wool Shawls, white A colored Cravats, brown Linens, 7-8 A 4-4 Irish Linens Women’s white and black cotton Hose, do do do Nilk do white, cotton & silk nett Suspenders Setts Knives and Forks, Pocket and Pen Knives, Scis sors, Ac. Ac. Ac. The above goods will be sold in lots to suit purcha sers at private sale, and are worthy the attention of city and country purchasers. November 6 41 20 DOLLARS REWARD. fHIEN Dollars will be given to any person who will deliver to me, in Augusta, my Negro girl CHLOE , or secure her so that I will get her, and ten Dollars more will be given on proof of her having been harbour ed by anv white person or free negro—Chloo is 19 years old, about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, dark skin, ofa plea sant countenance; a small space between her twe front teeth, lisps a little in conversation, has a large flat foot, and is very intelligent; she was raised by the late Robert McComb, and is generally known in Augusta and its vi. cinitv. Bhe probably is lurking about the Sand Hills, or Beach Island, where she has some relatives. .She absconded about four weeks ago. THOMAS EVANS. [LT The ettv papers will publish the above 3 weeks. November 6 Gt • 41 Twenty Hollars He ward. 4BSCONDED from the undersigned on the morn ing of the 25th ult. a Negro Woman, known by the name of JUDY CHANNEL.—Judy is l.kely and intelligent, of ordinary height, very dark complected, rather spare make and inclined to be sickly, and when closely interrogated Ims an impediment in her speech— she is well known in the city and on the Swamp Plan tations of this county and Beach Island, South-Caroli na. She has a sister and mother in Augusta, and is pro bably harboured in the city or its vicinity. I will give Ten Dollars for her apprehension and delivery to me in Augusta, with an additional reward of Ten Dollars for proof to conviction of anv person having harboured her. JOHN FOSTER. November 2 3t 40 GEORGIA, Columbia County. '®W / ’"HEREAS Mary Prior, applies for Letters nf Y \ Administration, with the will annexed, on th« estate of Sarah Collins, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin. gular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the legal time pre scribed by law, to file their objections ;if any they have) to shew cause why said Letters of Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Columbia county this 6th November, 1832. : 41 S. CRAWFORD, Clerk. GEORGIA. Columbia County. ■WWT'HEREAS Elizabeth Olive, applies for letters Y of Adminisranon »n the estate of Berry Olive, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the legal time pre scribed by law, to file their objections (if any they have) to shew cause why said Letters of Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Columbia county this 6ih November, 1832. 41 S. CRAWFORD. Clerk. ' IRISH POTATOES. m BARRELS Fnme Potatoes, just received and 1 for sale lo w bv LATHAM HULL. AuctT. j October 2 C ij FALL GOODS. 11HE subscribers have in their warehouse, a complete STOCK OF GOODS purchased for the country. [ in New. York this fall, by an experienced merchant, but i owing to his sudden death, they are now offered for sale by the surviving partner) at cost and charges, for cash or approved paper. Country merchants are invited to call and look at them, as a bargain mav be had. MUSGROVE w BESTIN'. Nov. G if 41 New Goods. COM DEX A SHEAR, Hare Just received fiom Ncic-York per ships Macon, Emperor and Florian , A VERY LARUE SUPPLY OF STAPLE & FANCY DRV GOODS, I COMPRISIN'; A GREAT VARIETY OF TUK MOST FASHIONABLE ARTICLES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMENS WEAR, AND MANY OF THEM ENTIRELY NEW STYLE. AMONG THEM ARE. IN XTRA Blue, Black, and fancy col'd Cloths and A Cassimeres do Buff Cassimere and French Cassinetts Super. Blue, Black, Steel and Adams mixt Sattinetts i Extra Heavy German Goats Hair Camblets do do Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ blue Camblets do Double width. Green, Purple, Crimson and Black Merino Cloths Super i Imitation and Printed Merinos do | Circassians and Scarlet Salisbury Flannels do White, Red and Green Flannels (superior quality and very cheap) Wild’s improved white Flannels (warranted not to shrink) Extra 1-4 white Welch and Gauze Flannels I Super French and English black Bombazcens (double width) Extra Rich and most fashionable watered and figured Silks (new style) Super Plain, black, green and fancy col’d Gro de Naps Superior black Gro de Swiss and black Italian Lus trings (very cheap) do 4-4 and 5-4 black Italian Lustrings (very cheap) do Green, Crimson, Purple and black silk Velvets Extra 4-4 and 5-4 Plain 6c Printed Thibet wool Shawls do 5-4 white black A- Crimson do do do (very rich) Super 5-4 A 7-4 Scarlet and black Merino Shawls and Hcrnani Shawls and Hdkts. do Cypress, Cashmere and Cassimere Shawls Ladies’ super white, brown and spotted Fur Vandykes Extra rich and most fashionable bonnet Ribbons 1 Box new style rich figured Velvet Belt Ribbons Extra rich figured and watered Belt Ribbons Super Mourning, Blond Gauze Veils and white A black Lace Veils Extra rich, white, blond Gauze Veils (extra size and very rich) Rich white blond Gauze for Ladies’ fancy Dresses Plain and figured Bobhinetts and figured and plain Book (Muslins Super plain and figured Swiss, Mull, Jaeonett 6c Orien tal check Muslins Rich thread and bobbinett EJgings and Inserting.® and plain Quillings A very large supply of Needle worked Muslin Edgings, Inserting.® and f’louncings (new patterns) Super Lace i Hdkfs. Collars A Collarelts Ladies’ and Infants I,ace Caps Ladies’ fancy Bead Retticules and Gold and fancy color ed seed Beads Carved and plain Shell Tuck Combs A very large supply of Gloves and Hosiery Ladies’ super long white and Misses’ Gloves Boys Mixt and white Lambs-wool half Hose Ladies’ white and black corded Skirts A very large supply of new style A low priced Prints Rich London and American Furnitures Super Furniture and Cambric Dimities A large supply of German and American Cut Fringe Super 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens and Ling Lawns Do Irish and German Linen Sheeting Do 8-4, 9.4 and 10-4 Damask Table Diaper Do 6-4, 8-4, 10-4 and 12-4 rich Damask Table Cloths Russia and Scotch Diapers, and Russia Sheeting Super Scotch Ingrain and Venitian Carpets, Wilton and Brussels Rugs Super green Blind Cords and green Venetian Tassels Ladies and Gentlemens Cloak Tassels Ladies and Misses super plain and wide braid Dunstables ALSO, A large supply of brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, checked and striped Domestics, ’Pickings, A pron Furniture Checks, Suffolk Drillings, green and red Surges, green Friese Cloths, Duffil and Rose Blankets, Negro Cloths, red Paddings, Topsail Duck. And a complete assortment of Tailors Trimmings. The above, and many other articles, have been select, ed with great care in the New. York market, and will he sold at reduced prices. Large invoices per brig Madison and schooner Georgia are expected daily. Country Merchants will be supplied at a very small advance from New-York prices. S. A S. will continue to receive their supplies by the regular packets from New-York, and will sell wholesale or retail, on the most reasonable terms, Augusta, Nov. 2 6 40 _ C j iEW ~ 7 UNRULY grateful for the liberal patronage received fIL from his friends and customers, still continues to carrv on the TIN, SHEET IRON, and COFFER SMITH MANUFACTURING, at the same old stand No. 2ID Broad-street. All orders in his line shall he quickly attended to. A large supply of Stoves, Cop per and Tin Ware, kept constantly on hand for sale at as low prices as can be afforded in Augusta. Together with all kinds of (intiering done at the shortest notice, cither of Tin or Copper, with Ornamental Hoads, Ac. October 12 34 JUST REGHIYKhT" COILS first quality Bale Ropo _IL m 9 n W 50 Pieces flax Bagging 25 Dozen patent Coffee Mills 20 Bales brown Shirtings 10 do do Sheetings 4 Bales Duffle nnd Point Blankets 2 do Red Flannels 5 do Linseys 2 do Cottonades 2 do Stripes and Plaids 2 Cases bleached Sheetings 2 do Irish Linen 2 do Low priced Prints 1 Case Cotton Handkerchiefs 1 do Silk Bandannas For sale low for Cash or approved paper bv J. MARSHALL. October 23 37 FALL GOOD*. THE subscriber has just returned from New-York, and is now receiving at his old stand a full stock of fresh goods, comprising an assortment of staple and fanev British, French, and American drygoods, suited to the season. As, also, a general assortment of GROCERIES. All of which lie offers tor sale on as favorable terms as any can he afforded in the market. WILLIAM BOSTWICK. Augusta, October 19 6 36 OIAVFK'IF FACTORAGE AM) Commission business. THE subscribers have formed a connection for the transaction ot a general FACTORAGE dp COM MISSION BL SI A ESS, in the city of Charleston , un der the firm of Malone, Cohen A Co. offer their servi ce® to thc-ir triends and the public, and will he prepared to make the usual advances on Cotton and other Frndnre consigned to their care. They will also pay particular attention to receiving and forwarding of Goods, and re spectfullv solicit a share of Public Patronage. ROBERT MALONE, HORACE .SIBTARE, AARON COHEN. Savannah, 25th Oct. 1832. Malone A < istare continue their business in Sa vannah as usual. October 30 3t 39 .11ST RECEIVm ■JS DOZEN WOOL HATS, £.2. VF Twentv-four Cases Black RO RAM HATS. For sale by J. -MARSHALL. October 30 39 WATCHES, JEWELRY A>D Silver Ware, A MONG which are fine fashionable EAR-RIAGS | and BREAST PINS. Ac. Jasr received by i JOHN GUIMARIN, Watch Maker. No 145 Broad-st. Augusta- October 26 *f 32 i LOTTERIES AT BEERS’ THIS WEEK. 30,000 Dolls. TICKETS ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. •Vcir York Consolidated Lottery* Class No. 39. tor 1832. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 830,000 1 Prize of 83..*"0 1 “ of 15,000 5 “ of 1.000 1 “ of 7,500 5 of 400 Arc. Arc. Arc. Ac. | Pickets $5, Halves 82 50, Quarters 81 25. Bi/ Saturday's Mail icli! be recrired the drawing of the IM»\ n\AL LOTTERY. Class No. 22. IISGHFST £3O-000, LOWEST PRIZE '£l*2. CAPITALS. 1 Prize of 830,000 1 “ of 4,000 1 “ of 10.000 1 “ of 3,704 1 “ of 5.000 30 ’• of 1,000 Ac, A c , Arc. Ac. Pickets onlv 8 1 0, Halves 85. Quarters 82 50. O* Prizes sold and cashed at IS Bail ECS* Fortunate LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 241 Broad-street. UJT Address orders to U'. P. BEERS. November 6 It 41 AO TICE# A MEETING of the (Member.® of the several Ma- Ybl sonic Institutions in the city of Augusta, will be held at tlie Masonic-Hall, on (Mondav tlte 12th instant, at 7 o’clock, P. (M. lor the purpose of electing suitable persons to fill the vacancies in the Board of Trustees of the (Masonic-Hall, occasioned by the removal and resig nation of James C. (Morgan, Robert R. Reid and J. S. Beers, Esqrs. SAMUEL HALE, Chairman. November 2 td 40 AND CO3,TI£iSSION BUSINESS. FHNHE under-signed intending to remove to Aavaunah, _SL early in the month of October, offers his services to his friends and the public, in the transaction ofa Gen eral FAC TORAGE and COMM ISSION BUSINESS. He will make cash advances, or acceptances on actual shipments of Cotton. In addition to which, he will continue tho carrying trade between (Savannah and Augusta, for which, he is now finishing a large new <S’team-Boat, the FREE TRADE, of light draft of water, built of the best mate rials, coppered and copper fastened, with two twenty-six horse Engines, and at the proper season, will run one or two <Steam-Boats, with Tow boats, well manned, be tween .Savannah and Macon. He has large Fire-Proof sheds, for the storage ol Goods and Produce, directly on the Wharf, to save the expense of drayage. All articles intended for shipment by any of his boats, whether to Macon or Augusta, will be stored gratis. G. B. LAMAR. October 5 32 <iIIKK.SE. BOXES CHEESE, just received and for sale bv JNO. MARSHALL November 2 40 1R B£ M POTATOES. -{g Als BBLS. Irish Potatoes, just received and lor sale by L. HULL, Auct’r. November 2 40 SIiAZAs 15 EADS, OF all colours, Cut, Plain, and Gilt—also Bead Needles. Just received bv JOHN GUIMARIN, Watch-maker, No. 145, Broad-street. October 26 38 CANAL FLOUR & CHEESE. BBI.S superfine Canal Flour & 25 half Bhis do do 30 Casks and Boxes prime Cheese KOU SALK BY E. W. DOUGHTY. October 26 3t 38 " THO.H.ift AVERELBc, DRAPER A TAILOR, 227 BROAD-STREET, leave to inform his friends nnd the public generally, that he ha.® just received his fail and winter supply of Cloths —Blue, Black, Brown, Green, Mulberry, Ac. Ac. O’ All orders for Clothes filled with neatness and dispatch. October 23 8t 37 NEW GOODS!! rwviE.s übscriber has just received from New-York, ja per sliip .Stutira, the following scarce articles, viz : sft Corded Skirts, 48 cords, 20 pieces English Long Cloth Shirting, 6-4 Super Black Italian Crape, Green worsted Barege, Green (Marsalun and Light Blue Gro® De Naplc, Bottle-green Gros De Naplc and Sarsinetts, Thread Lace.® and Edgings in great variety of patterns, Quilling Laces, all widths, Book .Muslin, Scollopped and Inserting Trimmings, 30 dozen Ladies White Cotton Hose, all prices. Superfine do Slate colored do Gilt, Black, and Colored Beads of all colors, 1 Bale 4-4 Osnaburgs or Burlaps, 1 C ase bleached Cotton Shirting, And expecting daily to receive further supplies of | fresh Goods now on the River. J. P. SETZE. September 4, 18.32 23 SiU’Bmtvai cf the GEORGIA HAT 3FAM’‘FACTORY. B'gr gg, INFORM their Ibrrner customers xS and the public generally, that they have rc moved their establishment from No. 279, the Store they formerly occupied, to the Store No. 282, Broad-street, directly opposite their old stand, i and a few doors above the Globe Hotel—where they j keep a® heretofore a large assortment of Hats of all i qualities, of their own manufacture, warranted; which | they offer at wholesale or retail, on as good terms as they i can be obtained in any other market. They would par ticularly invite the attention of Gentlemen who study’ | economy to their FIVE DOLLAR HAT, an article | which they had made expressly for retail custom, and | whose beauty and elegance of stile will be sufficient to recommend it to the purchaser. they also keep a large assortment of Gentlemen's and Bvt/'s Caps, OF THE LATEST PATTERN.®. Ladies Dims!afrit* A Fancy Bonneh. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. October 16 35 Rirhmond . Sradeniy. THE Trustees of the Academy of Richmond < 'oun tv, will on the first .Saturday in November next, proceed to Elect the following Teachers, and officers, for the terms and space ot Twelve month®, from the first January, 18.33. A reernr with a salary of SBOO, and half of th<-- Tui tion money, received in his department. An English Teacher, with a salary of §SOO, and one half of the Tuition money, received in his department. A Teacher for the Sand-Hills without salary hut with I the use of the House and Lot, at the Sand-Hills, the i teacher to receive the whole of the tuition money. | A Clerk, Steward and Treasurer, with a salary of! \ §4OO. Written application will be made to the under, i signed. [ By order of the Board of Trustees. JAMES McLAWS, Clerk. UC N. B.—The preßcr.r Rector. James P. Waddel, Esq. and the Rev. S. Tavlor.thepresent Eng' «h Teach er. decline a re-election. September 25 33 , ' 1— —.o i■ » —fW AUCTION *ALI>. 25V li. Sin.L, THIS /Ml . at 12 o’clock pnisely, will be sold aI the Ixjwer niarkt t house, 4”) SHARKS STATE BA \K STOCK.—rr.uviot - to the above. 10 hols. I: sh Potatoes. 11)00 bimrhes Onions, A lot oi II >us> ln>l I ami K hen Furniture, 1 hale A > I'loths, j b;nprime green Coiler, Flour, &c. &c, Ac, 1:d at Aiirvh ct! It'-’I past 0 o'clock, \ laree as-mrtment of Seasonable, fancy and Sto[4e Die <lootls —salt positive. November 0 A EirR * IES IT l IICTION. BY .5. THIS ])A V r 11 ~vl *‘. a: tin- Power Market-House, T’ie errors : Renb -n, S irah an.l M;in . belonging to the Estate of .Mr*. Martha I> n, deceased, and sold, a n eably toon Hon ruble the Inferior Court ol Richmond county. Terms ('ash. Sox. 6 ADMINISTRA TOR'S SALE. cl V .1. JIAK«SI lUa. On Monday M->rntn:r next, the 12th inst. at 10 o'clock, will hr sold tin i ist reserve, belonging to the Estate of John Phelan, d< -eased, and sold agreeably to aiumh-r of the HenoraiJv ;holnterior Court ot Kiefer mend county ; 11,000 feet Lumber. ( Mb Plank) 2 Road U'agons, small U’agons 1 second hand Baroueh 7 work Benches, with 'Pools 3)00 Spokes 3 setts Blacksmith's Tools 21 do Bedposts L/Ot of Carpenter's Tools 1 Cooking Stove, complete Blacksmith’s Bellows, Anvils, Axletrecs, FThneJs, Plough Moulds, C airy Logs, (<ruul Stones, lot oi Iron, and a variety ot other articles. AI.SO, llostcwliold & EUSrSacat Furniture. TERMS CASH. Novemher (i 2l dl EJr. JOHN V. BUfiFIWCII X OFFERS his services to the public in the practice es M EDI Cl X E and SI’RCERV. Ile is associated w ; th Dr. A. Cmm’mitham, and will be found tit the office on the south-east corner ot Broad and Macintosh-streets, October 13 •> 4o Na,k<*. AVill be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at the Market House, in the City of Augusta, within tka legal hours ot sale ; The unox pi red lease of a Lot of Land in the city of Augusta, joining Lot of AVm. Jackson, levied on and returned to me by (1. A. Parker, Constable, to satis fy fi fas from Justices Court, W m. C. Dillon and W in. J. Hobby, seu’r.both vs. Isaac Hendricks. PETER F. BOISCLAIR, Sheriff It. C. October 5 32 T;a\ $ , oilcrS«r , ?> Suit*. Will lie sold in the city of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in Xovember next, at the lower market house, the following property, or as much as will satisfy those state and county Taxes, with cost. 41 If) acres of .-’ine Land in .Muscogee County, levied on to satisfy the state and county tax of T. B. F. Brown, for 1831. Amount of tax 03 cents. AI.SO, 490 acres of Pine Land, in Irwin County, le vied on as the property of Berry Chisolem, to satify his state ami comity tax tor 1831) and 1831. Amount of tax §1 31 AI .SO, 202.1 acres of 2d quality of Land in Musco gee county, Ist district, No. 270, levied on to satisfy the state and county tax ol John R. Cahagan, for 1831, Amount of tax $ 1 82. a Min, 490 acres of Land, 11th district in Irwin county, levied on as the property of John liarsey, to> satisfy his state and county tax lor 1830 and 1831. A mount of tax ijjil 73., 50J- acres of Land in Muscogee county, first district No. If), levied on ns the property ol Hcze kiah Pannell, to satisfy his state and county Tax for 1830 and, 1831, amount ol Tax sl,oG. ALSO, 400 acres in Irwin, second district Xo. 248 ; 490 do. m Lowndes, 10 district No, 420 ; 202 J do. ia Lee, first District, No. 2ft!), levied on to satisfy the state and comity tax, of Benjamin Roland, lor 1830 and 1831, Amount of tax .§3 47. A I.SO, 202 i Acres in Mnscoirec countv, 15th Dis trict, No. 118—202 iin Houston county, Diet, levi ed on to satisfy the state and county tax ot Robert B» Burk, for 1831. Amount of tax Ssl 031 cents. AI.SO, 250 Acres in Early county, levied on to satisfy the state and county tax of Joseph Butler, lor 1831. Amount of tax 50 J cents. OLIVER REED, 'Tax Collector of Richmond county. October 5 32 | JRJB G fTJL. iRI - f I L. .T ItIJVMi. 'J'o commence on Thnniflay, 4.1 !i October next. THE Steam Packet JOHN STONEV, Capt. (Juken, having la i.ii newly coppered, with heavy fij|i[ii;r. during flic summer, and ia all other respects put in complete order, will eommonco her regular trips for the set.sou, at I liarieston, on 1 burs* day the 4th of October next, and continue to leave Charleston every other Thursday, and Augusta every j other Thursday, during the boating season.—Her ae | commodation for passengers has been improved, and every attention will he paid to their comfort and conven ience. A. MACKLX/I Co. A g- nls. September 23 3m 3ft SPORTS OF THE TURF. , '■'.A-.. \ “ /S '■ x - \\ N 'v' < * i r F'ls<* Wavncsboro’ Jodit'V Flul) Kiicws, Will commence on TUBS DA Y, 1 Dlt of December next, and continue four days. : First dav three mile heats for a purse worth 03ftO : Second day two mile heats for “ “ “ 2iio Third day mile heats three best in five for a Handy Cap purse worth 909 The above free for any horse. Fourth day mile heats, free only for horses foal ed in Burke county, for a purse worth from 8? 130 O’ Editors friendly to sport of tills kind, will please ! republish the above. October 9 ’ till) 33 ’TO RE-Vr, “~ ArA And immediate possession given, two g'iy commodious Fire-Prooi STORLS, near the Market. Apply «> A. Al ii \\ A 1 uh.'iAA . October 3ft ts ~9-) I'Oil SALE. o _j The Subscriber being about to leave • the State, ©tiers for = .-e the House and L/it {J ' j'fSgJ s . •• - . ■ ■ ’ r-‘. -~e Sau l11;1 A. f t js an aer-i.-aita- -iti atio: , and die rescrip i tion of it need not be given, ns those disposed to pur chase, will come and examine the premises themselves. The terms of purchase will !» made accommodating. ' Application on the preniis- i to the subscriber. JOHN NEILS ON. October 19 ts 36 TO IZEI'VT* application is made soon.—Thfe »»«»' '|jjr S > ore nnv occttpied a: a Lererv Office, ut ' M|l Metier 'he Eagle and Pho»nix Hotel. Apr » o H rOSNARD I C\ a po