The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, December 13, 1846, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, JR. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1846. NEW SERIES—VOL. I.—NO. 63. THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. office in .Mclntosh street, Third door from the Sorth-Wcst corner oj Broad-st. Sales of LAND by Administrators, Executors or Guar dians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the non h between the hours o*Teu in the | forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a public Gazette sixty , days previous to the day of sale. Sales of NEGROES must beat public auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, between the usual hours of sale at the place of public sales in the county where ! the Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guar- ; diaiiskip, may have been granted, first giving sixty Days 1 notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes of this State, and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to be held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner forty days previous to day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published for forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell LAND, must tie published for FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must he published four months, before any order absolute can be given j by the Court. Charleston Advertisements. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. fHMIE subscriber begs leave to call the attention 3 of Country Merchants. Planters. Ac., to his -very extensive stock of STAPLE AiSJ) I ANC 1 J)liY HOODS, which lie oilers at New York prices, for rash or approved notes. His stock ol J)OMESTICS are direct from the Factories, and Stress Goods just received per last arrivals irom JKurope, consisting in part of the following : 3, 4,5,6 and 12- i Brown Shirting and sheeting 3* 4,5, 6, 10 and 12-4 Bleached do. do. Prints of every deserip’ion Cashmeres, Cashnier lies E Uasse Mouse Ue Laines, Chally’s Printed Bareges and Balzarines. AL.SO, •Black, Brown. Bine and Green Broad Cloths l»la<-k L)oe Skins and Casstm-res -Silk, Satin, Cashmere and Valentia Vestings Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks and Collars, ! And every article to he found in the Dry Goods line. E. W. BANCROFT, 253 King-street, Charleston, S. C. sept / M VICTORIA HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S, C. iiHLJL CORNER OF KINO AND PRINCESS-STS. •! J*- V ,,ASK ' I Proprietors. J. H. Atwood. > This splendid, elevated and commodious Estab lishment combines advantages equal, it not superi or, to anv Hotel in the city, particularly on account j of its central location and airy construction. j Board, per day, . Do. per week, 6 00 feb 23 ly 103 i C O NS T IT UTI ON A LI S T Jill! OFFICE, j II’INTCBS ST P. 3 ST, Having recently put oiitJobOffick in complete order, ami made extensive additions to our former assortment of FANCY T\ PE. we are now pre pared to execute w ilh neatness, and at short notice, ai.l kinds of PLAIN. FANCY. AND ORNAMENTAL JPJMMTOfO, SUCH AS II VNDBILLS, VISITING CARDS, LABELS, COTTON RECEIPTS, -CARDS, BLANKS, 'CIRCULARS, CHECKS, NOTES, BILL HEADS, Ac. {Cr All orders from the Country will meet with j prompt attention. Augusta, June 21, 1815. CANDIES! CANDIES!! AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY AUGUSTIN FREDERICK. .l/.IAW./C/TK flit. :200 BUO A D-STR EFT, A LG IST A, GA. HE keef>s constantly on hand for sale various other articles in the Confectionary line, viz : FRENCH FANCY SUGAR ORNAMENTS •GERMAN TOYS. BASKETS GREEN AND DRY FRI ITS PRESERVES. PH KELS .SPANISH SEGARS LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. Ac. Those who are dealing in such articles, and ■w ish to purchase, ran obtain good articles, and at Join prices. Please call and examine lor yourselves , before making your purchases. Sept 28 Bi3tn 42 : CABINET FERN HI HE CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Always importing and manufac turing the best and most fashionable styles of FURNITURE. I would particularly cal! the attention of pur rfliasets to Chairs of my own manufacture, the ■w trkmanship of which I guarantee to stand; if not, return them; likewise all articles ol my manu iacture. Also, on hand a beautiful assortment of WINDOW SHADES AND TRANSPARENCIES, of numerous patterns, and I propose to sell for such .prices, as will leave no excuse for purchase 1 s. gilt and metal cornices, for Curtains and Shades —something entirely new 4i nd cheap. . . Tassels, Cords. Ac.. for Curtain 1 nimarungs. The undersigned defies all competition xx ill sell the best, cheapest, and most fashionable styles of furniture, and articles in my line, that lias been or over will l*e in the City of Augusta, at as low prices as in the Charleston or Savannah markets. If <voU do not believe it. come and try at 5 CHARLES A. PLATT’S. 'Oct. 1 & 1 | PAPER, BOOKS AND FANCY STATIONARY, aV NHAM & BLAKELY, Paper Manufac- JLP turers, are now receiving from New Wk ond B<>si«*n a very large addition to their former etocli of Books and Stationary, together with a •general supply of Combe. Buttons Pms Needles, jSpool-Thread. Razors, Scissors I n.mbles, I cn- Knives, Gold and Silver Pencils. Gold 1 fits, Card- Cases, Souvenirs, Tablets. Sancere, Ac. so \ large assortment of I ocket Books, kid, z alf and morocco; Banker Cases; \\ riling Desks, Port Folios; Bill Files; Bill Heads; 1 ost Office Deliver*; Ink Stands, something new; together with a complete assortment of t rend, and English Toys, Fire-Crackers, and a large variety of other i’m usually kept in Book Stores. OnrGoods are all new and well selected to suit both the country and city trade. Our prices are also reduced in proportion to oilier goods now of fered for sale. Country and city merchant* are. ni tiled to call and purchase cheap.goods- Next door ■ q Messrs. J. A. S. Bones A Co. s Hardware w.tore. «ep2B - vi ■’ K MISCELLANEOUS. LIS TO F LET T E US REMAINING in the Post Office at Augusta, | Ga., on the Ist day of Decemlter, J 846. Persons wishing letters from this list, will pleasesay theyareadverlised . A Averill Ed Antony miss Levine Antony Livonia L 2 Anderson Elbert 11 Battey miss Eliza Broome \\ D Bell William 3 Broom James W Bennefield Harriet Brown Joseph Bell Win M 3 Broil wax miss Beal dr L B Broyles A A Barefield miss Emily Broom mrs Mary Ann Heal! J Britton M 8 Thos Bird M A Bradford Hester E Berry miss Elizabeth Brown Joseph R Bolder John A Brown Henry Bouyer B F Bradford mrs Mary Bliss William W Bryon John Bunnell K J Burroughsinrs Elizabeth Bowie W Capers 2 Butler R T Blair Hugh Bush miss Eliza Brown J B 2 Burnet James C Campbell rnrs Ruby A (’ook Arthur S Cade John 2 Colby Win Carter dr John Cormick William Carter Merrill E Copeland 31 M 2 Miss Mary Randolph care Cook John 3 of E Cam field Clark SC Cattail Patrick Copp George A < ameron John A Collier Thomas Cade Polly Coghlan John Christian Adison 2 Crawford Matthew Chavous John Crawford mrs Sarah 2 Charles Cecelia Cureton John M Chambers Isabella Cron James Corlev Overton D Danghtv Richard Davis col William Dicks A N Duran George Davise Thomas Dolley Lucretia Daw n Duvall George Daniels mrs Elizabeth Dunbar I 1 Dennis Lazarus Duxeli t M Dickey B K E Ellington Wiley T 2 F Ferguson Augustus Fowler Asa Fay Samuel Howard ford JO B Freeland James M Francis Jus E Frazier mrs Geo G Gibson Wm Griffin miss .Mary Gibbs dr Thos F Green Daniel Gilbert Cleland J Glen miss M R Gass David Green John G Gridin miss M L Graves C has 11 Hager Thos F Hill John L Haiti r mrs Elizabeth EHeadley A Street Harris John Jlesler William liackelt Thos Henson Rohl Hart Abram C Headley C Hawkins Ricbd Hill M M Hackelt miss Eliza Hicks Irw in Hayney Cornelius Hopkins J 11 ■ Hines dr 11 C Hopkins S H Hill mrs L A Matilda llowardton C has Hilt J M llaiighton J W Hill John Hungerford James T I & J : Jarmon capt J Johnson rev N\ B Jinninsmr (Trader) Jones David Johnson Wm JacobsM James col A G 1 Jennings Thos J Jones Thos M 2 Kenland A M King mrs Clara H Kerinse Herne L lieonard mrs W B Lee James M 1-ewellen miss E C M . j j McGrand mrs Susan Melville J McKee 11 C 31 itched L Me A Hee Jas C 3 Mitchell Thos II McKinly Jacob Mitchell 1. N i i Mure dr W 8 Myers Phillip 4 Matthews J D Mucahie Patrick Marks mrs Catharine More John L Malone. Jas F Myers Law rence 3 Malone mrs A II Myers Mmmerhne >1 archant Henry A Mu>grove Harrison May son mrs Sarah Dickinson care Morrison Martin miss Margaret A Dickinson ! Metcalf mrs L D Moore James B i Alittendorf mrs John Murray miss Amelia A I Mehr R Morris LS Milchel William Mundy Harrison N Nesbit col Wilson Neil miss Elizabeth Nelson Isaac New slat 31 A Co Norrall R New house AS i Neil Thomas B O O'Neil William O’Conner Michael Odum John O’Sullivan U B O'Conner John PA Q Pnge E Pee hard Philips mrs Nancy Perryman Elden E Packet Wm L Parr mrs Jane Page 98 or M D Saunders Pan ton mrs ( harlotte Pearse Samuel G 2 Peay mrs Martha C Phole O B Pan ton Jane Pickring mrs ElizalietliPrice John care Wm Pickring Printnp Wm Perryman rev Elisha Pleasant mrs Eliza 2 Pace G T Price Rohl VV R Ramsey David B 2 Rice mrs M L E Raymond dr 11 P Rhodes I R Reynold W in Ryan Thorne D L Keaney John Ryan Patrick Riidisiil Edmund 2 Roberts mrs Elizabeth Keede Silas Russel Abraham Red tireeii B Rooney P 11 S Sarling Isaac Smith John R Sawyer Parker Smith Rufus Schoolfiehl col James L Stone G V\ \\ Seibles miss O L 2 Starr Elvira Sams W D C Stromes miss 3lary E Schley Wm Strange John S; go Abraham Stillman W in Sanders Marshal Sturzernger miss Eliza- Selhek mrsSaran Ann belli Z ShocklyC N Stoy miss I, 2 Shields John Spellman R P : Sibley Willis Sturges miss Frances Sherman Stiles S Stork Z S Sibley mrs Cornelia Styles dr Samuel r Sharp James Stanton miss Lucinda ! Society Liberty Sturges Wm 31 Smith CW Spaulding A 31 Somerileld miss Amelia Stephinson James L ■ Stuiges miss 3lary A B T Thomas Floyd Toulnin John B Thomas JC* Townson mr Tinsley mrs 3larlli a F Tucker James W Thomas Robert 'Fucker W L | Timerman W A Toby Solomon ! Taylor miss L J 2 1 urley 1 at rick 1 Thomas George Turner miss Martha 1 Thompson miss Julia P Trowbridge * red rick W Walker 31oth-r2 \Viess A 2 Waldron Michael Wilkinson John 2 Ward miss Geogia A W ilbams James Wad kins Thomas Wiggins A mos Wayne Anthony 3V iliiams Nancy \Yi s * e Williams John 31 White D 31 Williams miss Jane Weeks Elizabeth Wigfall Lewis T VV hitehouse O C Wol f George Wnule mrs Hampton care Wol ley Louisa Wheeler W uod E I V Young L H Young dr Andrew 3 Yarborough James 2 ,\„v I E. B. GLASCOCK. P. 3T. ~ POTATOES, POT ATO ES. JUST arrived 20 bbls. of the real 3lercer Po- Mtoeo,in fiwt nae °"* c,l j o jj S u . uow . oct 18 16 PATENT MEDICINES. COMPOUND SYRUP OF SARSAPARIL L A . FOR the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula, rYphilis, &c., tocouiueract the destructive effects us Aler : cury. and for the relief ot all diseases arising from an impure state of the. Blood. Prepared ai cording to a f«r --1 imda which ia universally approved by the Medical Fa ; culty. Put up iu large bottles at §I.UO each—a discount I made at w holcs.dc, sold by Oct 1 HAVII.AND. RISLEY & CO. 'FRUSSEsi, TRUSSES. A LARGE assortment embrardng almo.-t every size of H ilFs, Marsh's,Chase’s, ('orbet s, Hard’s, Bau i ning’s, Thompson’s Mrs. Bette’, French Patent, Common, and Improved Common TRUSSES, for the relief and cure ofHerniaor Rap’ure,Prolapsus, &.C. A supplyeou slautly ou hand, and for salt- bv h vviLand, risley & co. N. B.—Persons ordering Trusses should specify for which side and hat purpos Wanted, and give tlie size : (in number of inches) round the hips. The prices vary from 75 cents to $lO oct 3 PAINTS, OILS,” WIN DOW (i LASS. &C . HAVTLAND. RISLEY $ CO.. DRUGGISTS. Have on hand,and are roceivintr. constant supplies of ‘pure,’ ‘extra,’ ‘No. I’ and No. 2’ White Lead, in kegs from 25 to 300 pounds, of warranted quality; Paint oil; tannei’s oil; lamp oil: spirits turpentine, var nishes, of all kinds ; chrome yellow ; chrome green, dry i and iu oil; imperial green ,in oil; verdigris, dry and in oil; emerald green; Prussian blue; ultra-marine blue; Vermillion; Venetian red; red lead ; rose pink ; Spanish brown, dry and in oil , yellow ochre ; litharge; ter de-si | enna; umber; lampblack ; drop black; bla<k lead ; ivory | black; whiting; chalk; putty; gold leaf; glue; sand | paper; pumice stone; rotten stone; emery; pointer's I and tanner’s brushes ofaH kinds; window, coach and | picture glass, of all sizes ; paint mills and paint stones; i together with every article usually found in drug stores, i of the best quality’, aud at very low prices, at wholesale | and retail. j 01/’Purchasers will do well to call. Orders promptly attended to. Oct 11 PERFUMERY. LUHIN’S CELEBRATED HANDKER- C //1 E F EX T R ACT S. MONPELA’S, Hand's, Roussel’s and others. Cele brated Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Pomatum. Co logne water, Lavender water. Eau Lustral, tVe., with a general assortment of fine Toilet aud Fancy Articles. For sale by lIAVILAND, RISLEY & CO. Oct 11 WORMS! WORMS!! CQ3IPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF PINK ROOT. \ PLEASANT, safe and effectual remedy for the destruction and expulsion of Worms, from the svsteai. Sold wholesale and retail by IIAVILAND, RISLEY Sc CO. Oct 11 l>K. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC RINGS AND 31 AGNETIC FLUID. THIS remarkable invention, which lias received the almost universal approbation of the medical pro | session of Great Britain, comprises an entirely new ap , plication of Galvanism, as a remedial agent, by means of < which the ordinary Galvanic Ba teries, Electric and Mag j netic Machines,&c., are entirely dispensed with, and the ' mysterious powers of Galvanism applied without any ! of the objections which are iuseperable from the gene ; ral mode now iu use. The strong doses, and at irregu ; lar intervals, in which Galvanism is applied by the Ma- I chines, has be< n pronounced, as es a fair and impailial j trial, to be df.cidedlv injurious, and it was to remedy this radical defect, that this new application was pro i iected, which after unceasing toil and perseverance, has ■ lieen brought to its present slate of perfection. The 1 Galvanic Rings answer all the purposes of the most 1 expensive .Machines, and iu many other respects are i more safe and certain in accomplishing the desired ! effect. j The Galvanic Rings, used in connection with the i Magnetic Fluid a e confidently recommended in all j D BORDERS WHICH ARISE FROM AN FNFEF.BLED OR UN j HEATHY STATE OF THE NERVOUS OR VITAL SYSTEM, ami I these complaints are among the most painful and uni ! versal to which we are subject. They arise, withontex j ception, from one simple cause—a derangement of the ' Nervous system—and it was in these cases that other ; “ remedies” having so often failed, a new agent was 1 greatly needed, which it is confidently believed, has i been found in the proper and judicious application of ; Galvanism. Tlie Gxlvanic Rings have been used with entiresuc cess in all cases of Rheum atism, acute or chronic, ap plying foflie head, face or limbs . Gout, Tic-Dolorf.ux Toothache. Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous ok Sick Headache, Indigestion. Paralyses. Palsy, Epilepsy, j Fits, Cramp, Palpitation of the Heart, Appoplexy, Stiffness f Joints, Spinal Complaints, Kumrago, Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Head. Pains in the Chest and Side, General Debili ! ty, Deficiency of Nervous and Physical Energy, and all Nervous Disorders. In cases of confirmed ! Dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the digestive organs, they ha\ e been found equally .suc cessful. Their extraordinary effects upon the sy stem must be witnessed so be believed, and as a certain pre ventive for the preceding complaints they are equal ! ly recommended. The Kings are of different prices, being made of all sizes, and of various oi nameiilal pat terns,and can he worn by the mo.-t delicate female » ilimul ; the sligbte.-t inconvenience. In fact the sensation is | rather agreeable than otherwise. 1 The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands, Garters, Necklaces, Ac. In some rases of a very severe character and of long standing, tlie power as applied by the Galvanic Kings is not sufficient to arrestthe progrrs- of disease and nlri ) mately to restore health. The improved modification in the Galvan c Belts, Brace .kts, &.c., entirely reme dies mis objection ; any degree of power that is required c.m readily be obtained, and no complaint which the 1 in vsterioiis agent of Galvanism can eft’ecl will fail lobe permanently relieved. These articles are adapted to the waist, arms, wrists, limbs, ancles or any part of ihe body with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Necklaces j are used with greater benefit in cases of Bronchitis or affections of the throat generally j also in cases’ of Ner vous Deafness; and with almost uniform sncce.-s as a preventive for Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints. Christie’s 3l;vgnetic Fluid. Is issued in connection wilh the Galvanic Rings, and all their modifications. This composition has been pro , iiounced by the French Chemists to b-one of the most extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It is be lieved to possess a remarkable power of RF.NDERIIIG THE ; Nerves seiisitivf, to Galvauic actioii, by these means ; causing a circulation of the influence at the seat ol dis ease, and thus giving rapid and permanent relief. No other composition in chemistry is known to produce the j same effector to impart a similar property to the nervous system by nieansof an outward local application. The Magiietic Fluid contains of tlie slight est injury, its application is agreeable, and it is harmless in itsaction as it is beneficial in its result. Full explana tions and directions accompany it. The combined in ventions are in every way perfectly harmless; they are at prices within reach of all, and the discoverer only re i quests a fair trial, as a test of their surprising efficacy ; and permanent benefit. CUriistie’s Galvauic Strengthening Plas teis. These articles form another valuable application of the mvsterious inlliience of Gal van ism. They are an important adjunct to the genuine Galvauic Kmcsand their modifications, acting upon the same principle, but having this advantage of more local applicu’iou. They are confidently recommended as a valuable addition in the speedy cure of Rheumatism, acute or chronic ; in all nervous complaints,and as a positive remedy in cases of Pain and Weakness i . the Chest or Back, Pain in tlie Side, in Asthma-ic Affections, and in Weakness or Op pression of the Pulmonary Organs. In Spinal Com plaints; their effects are of the most decided character, and they have often been used with complete success. They are also of the greatest advantage in Pains and Weakness of the Breast, and are highly recommended for many of those complaints to which females are especially liable. As an effectual means for Strengthen ing the system when debilitated with disease or other causes; us a certain aid iu Constitutional Weakn •••--, as a Preventive for Colds and in all affections ot the Chest generally the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will be found of great and pcrnianentad vantage. Ina few words, it embraces all the virtues of the best tonic preparation with the important addition of the Galvanic Influence, which is neither impaired or exhausted, while! he action continues. Thes< articles will be found entirely free from those objections which urea constantsourreof com plaint with the ordinary Plastersin common use. JjTThe great celebrity and success of these articles, have caused them to be counterfeited by unprincipled persons. To provide against imposition* Dk. Christie has hill one authorized agent in each city of the Union. The onlv Agencv in Augusta,Geo., is at the Store of ‘ HAVII.AND. RISLEY Sc CO., Druggists. ( All articles of the kind sold elsewhere are worthless 1 counterfeits. 42 fcept. 28 PATENT MEDICINES, GARDEN AND FIELD SEED. A FULL assortment of blue Grass. Orchard Grass, Herds Grass, red and w hite Clover Seed. Also, an extensive assortment of Fresh Garden Seed, always on hand, suited to the season. WM. H AINES. I Oct 11 BAILEY’S HIGHLY CONCEN TBAT ED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRAC T OF SARSAPARILLA. THIS preparation of Sarsapurrilla, is in most cases, found to Ire preferable to the Syrups, on account of not creating acidity of the Stomach , w hich the sac charine matter contained in the Syrup, is apt to do, where its use lias been long continued. The Fluid Ex tract effectually obviates this difficulty; and may be used lor any length of time, w ith increased benefit. A supply of Haile*’a Sarsaparilla, just received aud for sale by WM. H \INES, Agent for Augusta. XT Price oulv 75 cts. per bottle. Oct 1 ' 1 | DRUGS, MEDICIINES^AiSTD PI‘IRFU3I FRY • f S’i'lE subscriber has now ou hand, and is continually JL receiving fresh sup piles of genuine Drugs and Medicines, selected expressly for physicians and family nse. A Iso, an elegant usortmeat of Perfumery —Cologne and Lavender Waters, fancy washing and shaving Skiupg, iluir Oils, Ac., Sc.r.. all of which are offered at reduced pr.ces iot cash. Visitors from the country arc invited to call. WM. HAINES. Oct 11 DR. ALLEN’S BALSAM OF | nORFHOUND LIVERWORT AND PLEURISY ROOT. N excellent compound for l oughs. Colds, difficulty Jtm l of Breathing, Oppression and Soreness of the Chest. Just received aud for sale by WM. HAINES. Oct I 1 I IMPROVED BA L M OF COLUMBIA. celebrated Article, is one of the best prepara tions for Restoring Hair now in use, and seldom ! failing to produce Whiskers in a short time, though there were none on the face before. For sale hv WM. HAINES. Oct 11 PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. ' TIJSTHiTF LEAD, in 25, 50 and 100 lbs. of all quali fr V ties Clnoine yellow , Chrome Green, Venetian, Red, Linseej Oil, aud a large assortment of Window Glass from 6 ><B to 32 X4S. For sale low for cash, by WM. HAINES. Oct 1 I BLEACHED WIATER STIIALX- Kl) LAMP OIL. A LSO, a good article of unbleached Oil, for kitchen Use. For sale by WM. HAINES. Oct 1 I BRUSHES. EVERY variety of Hair, Tooth, Hat, Scrubbing, Scouring, Sweeping, Dusting and Shoe Bru-thcs, alwavs kept on hami and for sale cheap, by WM. HAINES. Oct J 1 i HOW AWFULLY CULPABLE, TO NEGLECT USING THE GENUINE I DR. TAYLOR’S BALSAM OF LIVERWORT. 375 Bowery, N. Y. MUST those !«* who have Pulmonary Consumption, or any affection of the Lungs. Liver or Chest, after reading the following letter, just received from a in ist respectable inhabitant of Westchester County i New Yoik. Tarkvtown, Aug. 9, 1844. Dear Doctor—li is difficult to find words to express the gratitude w hich 1 feel towards you for the interest you : have tak' n to relieve me in my distress. In the year 1812 I contracted a heavy cold, which finally settled on my lungs; in a lew months after I commenced coughing and raising offensive matter, which smell very bad. Having heard that Sherman's Lozenges were good for a cough I tried a few boxes of them, but they had not the least effect on me. I then called in ihe best physician in the place, whoa tended me a few mouths, hut without su cess; I then saw au advertisement in one of the city p.ipej>of Wislar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, ot’ which I pur hused three halt b»e, at the corner of Fulton and Nas -1 sau streets, hut I could not perceive t e least beneficial j effect from it, on the contrary I think it was a great in | jury to me. Shortly alter using it I commenced raising blood in large quantities; 1 Was taken dowuoick and confined to ibe bou.-e lor three months, during which time 1 lost my appetiie and fell away very fast; 1 was then induced to consult Dr. Curtis of New York, (one of 1 the best ph\sicians in the city,) but he could do me no good. I again become worse, and was confined to the house all la.-t winter and spring, and I gave up all hope of ever petting any better, as I again raised blood and my congli was very severe, together with a pain in my breast and under the shoulder blade. My friends now gave up all hopeuf my recovering, and Thought every day was the last. A bout this time I heard of your BALSAM OF I.IVERVVORT bring good for consumption, but I was like many others, and was fearful that it might he a regu lar humbug; I however finally consented to try it, as I thought it could make me no worse. My brother th n purebred a bottle of it at 375 Bowery, N. V. and I com* nieiiceti taking it and by the tine-1 had used one bottle full I could sleep all night, and in the morning I had an appetiie for my breakfast. 1 still keep on taking it and find g reai benefit from i‘—the pain iu my breast is entire ly gone, and I raise no mot e blood. W ithin the lust two months I have gained in weight six pounds and much in strong li. I would therefore advise all who have any alfec ion of the Lungs or Liver to try the Genuine Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort, for I truly believe it to betlie best remedy in existence for diseases of the Lungs | or Liver. Should any one doubt tlie.ibove statement re la! ivc to your valuable medicine, let i.m call o.i me, and i I will convince them of its virtue. Yoursre-paetfully, DE REVERE. Beware of counterfoils, the only genuine has an engra ved label (over tli-outside wrapper of each bottle) with j the signature of Dr. GURDON J. LEEDS attached. Tue genuine article for sale by WM. HAINES. Oct 11 i PRICFS REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES. Family medicines, choice perfumery and FANCY ARTICLES. The subscriber respectfully invites the attention of Physicians, Merchants and Planters, who may be visiting this city, to his stock of Medicines. Great cure having been exercised in their selection, he is confident that the quality of each article is such as cannot fail to afford eii tire satisfaction. The assortment of Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Brushes and Combs, are the finest varieties of French and Ameri can manufacture. He recommend * the Gentlemen to confidence, in their estimable qualities, tlie Shaving Compounds of Fiver, Gucrlain, Roussel, Glenn and others, which relieve the operation of shaving from many of its disagreeable at tendants. Also, to the Ladies a splendid assortment of highly perfumed Toilet Soaps —the Roman Kalydor and Milk of Roses, hothdeliglitful preparations for the complexion, together with agrcal variety of hair Oils, hair Dyes and other Perfumery. Sands’, Carpeutar’s and Bull’s Sarsaparilla, Jaynes Expectorant,Carminative and Hair Tonic. Evans’ Sooth ing Syrup forchildren teething, Powell’s Balsam of An niseed, an excellent remedy foi coughs and colds. J hb’s Rheumatic Liniment, and all the other popular Medi -1 cines of the day. Orders from the country respectfully solicited. A liberal discount made for cat h. WM. HAINES, Jr., No, 32 Broad-st., Augusta. ■ Sept. 28 J COOK’S PILLS. COOK’S celebrated Southern Anti-Bilious PILLS. Sold wholesale and retail by HaVILAND, RISLEY & CO. Oct 1 1 S” l liGIC Ai A\ » DI STAI- INS I’Kl - _ MENTS, DENTIST’S FOIL, TEETH, See. A '“Su 3* ! o rU “' , ‘ t “« vril.ASn, RISLKY t CO. WAG 1C TOOTH-ACHE MIXTURE. YSM7ARR ANTED TO AFFORD I3I3FEDI- W ATE RELI EF TO TOOTH-ACH E; ami superior to any similar article known. Pre ' pared by hd experienced Dentist, from a receipt furnished by one of the ablest Dentists in the Uni ted Stales. Price 25 cents. For sale by D’ANTIGNAC & BARRY, HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., W.M. K. KITCHEN. THOMAS BARRETT A CO., J. E. 31 AKSHALL. VV3I. ILTUTT, And at the Drug Stores in Hamburg, S. C. HCjT Agents are requested to refund the money in anv ease where this preparation fails to gyve sati faction. i COTTON PRESS,GINS, &.C. BULLOCK’S PROGRESSIVE J’OWER^COTTON THIS .Machine is now offered to the public as tiie most durable, the most convenient, the most jtowerjul , (and all things considered,) th? cheapest and best Cotton Packing Press in the W d rid. This Press has now been in use four years—sev eral iiundreds of them are in successful operation. In one that has been in use about two years, there has lieen packed, over jice thousand Bales ot | Cotton / ami it works belter (if possible) now, than when first put tip. Not one dollar has been ex pended on it in repairs—nor ever w ill he, if well used. All those persons who have tried them, have de cided to keep them their life lime, and then hand them down to tiieir children to the third and fourth generations. Not an individual that has seen them in use hut what pronounces them "Just the thing." 1 challenge tiie world to disprove these state ments. Now, can as ranch l>e said of any other Machine ever made? And yet Igo still further; w hen required, I will put tip the Press on the plan tation, and if it does not answer the purpose, will make no charge, j And again—being well aware that the planters 1 have hut little confidence in new things, from the fact that nine out of ten are Yankee tricks," in tended to deceive, 1 have been to the trouble and expense to fit up an establishment in Macon, with several Presses, for re-packing Rim ml Bales into Square, and to show to the planters that the Press is i just the tiling they want. These Presses are now, j and will l»e kept in daily use, and ojieii to inspec- ; ! lion. Now’, therefore, to induce the planter to ; make an examination, 1 give below a certificate, I signed by a few of the many who have very kindly : offered me their names, since J started my Presses 1 in Macon. To prevent had work, and all sort of meddling or tampering with the Machines, I have them all made under my own direction,* nd sold at one price. All those wishing to give them a trial, will please give their names to my Agents who call upon them, or send them to the Commission House, w here i they wish to go for the Machine, in order that the Agent may he prepared for them, otherwise they j may be delayed in getting a 31achine w hen it is wanted. For Sale at the following places: Hardkman & Hamilton. ) „ na UoBERT S.NI.I.AV, U' - G N. K. Butler & Co., Augusta, Ga. Greenwood & C 0.).. , J. J. Sutton, j ( Noble H. Hardee, Savannah, Geo. S. W. BULLOCK, Patentee, No. 27 Peck Slip, New York. CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we 1 have seen S. W. BULLOCK’S Progressive I Pow’kr Presses in use in the City of 31 a con, end ' believe th in to lie all they are recommended, and ■ can say of them w hat can he said of \mx few thing* now-a-riays—these are "no humbug.” We cheerful ly recommend them to tlie notice of the planters, l ami hope by their universal adoption, to see no more round hales of Cotton. Signed 1 Scott, Carl tar’. & Co. 3\ atts <Sc 3loulton, Hardeman A Hamilton, John 31. Field, Rea & Cotton. D. <fe. W. Gunn, Russell Ac Kimberly, Wheeler A. Harrold, Joseph N. Seymour, H. A J. Cowles, J. A. White, John Jones, Cowles, Nicoll A Co. J. T. Wootten. A. B. Hartwell. Thos. B. Gorman, Graves, Wood A Co. Robert Findlay, Chas. Campbell A Co. E. AR. R. Graves. Macon. May, 1816. June 17 6m 154 GRISWOLD’S IMPROVED COTTON GINS. Till E subscriber will continue tlie manufacture of these GINS at his old establishment, in Clinton, Jones county, Georgia, i He can offer no better recommendation in favor ; of his Gins than the fact of having supplied more | than twelve hundred planters with them during the last two years—while no other factory has proba bly sold in the as many as one hundred du ring the same time. No expense will he spared to sustain their high reputation, and render them still more perfect, if possible. They will he warranted,as usual, to per form well, ami delivered at the purchaser's resi . deuce. Engagements can he made with his trav elling Agents, or by letter directed to him. SAMUEL GRISWOLD, march 27 130 I COTTON GIN FACTORY. ! fß3HEsubscriber w ill remove on the first October I. to his SHOP on Green-si reef. two doors | alwive the Baptist Church, where Planters can he supplied with Colton Gins, Thrashing Machines Corn Crushers. \c., of his make, which xvill he warrant! d to perform well. Do not mistake the place. Be sure to look at the sign before yon en i ter the shop. JA3IES 'l'. VN ADE. Angn>ta. Sept. 25. 1816. ly DK. JOEL BKANKA3PS LIVER AND DYSPEPTIC MEDICINE. JIN offering this valuable medicine to the people j JL of Georgia, for the relief and cure of many dis eases incident to a southern climate, I do not claim for it infalihility; neither do I say it w ill cure all i diseases. Hut in Chronic Liver Affections and Dys ! pe.psia, 1 can confidently ad vise and recommend its use,from my personal observation ami use of the article in my own practice. This article is favora bly received w herever it has been used. lam al i lowed to refer to Mr. George Heard of Troup, 31 r. John Warren of Columbus, Mr. McKaffee of Cobb, 3lr. Asbtiry Hull of Athens, 3lr. William D. Ter rell of Putnam, Rev. John E. Dawson of Lagrange; to which a great number of names might he added, who bear their testimony toils value. Dr. Henry Branham has used this medicine in his own case, and has prescribed it to many others, gives it as his opinion, that it is one of the safest and most valua ble medicines that can be used in imperfect diges , tion, liver complaints, constipation ami irregular j slate of the bowels. It is useful in bilious coro | plaints, to persons recovering from bilious fevers, : and in sick or nervous head-ache. To pregnant , women, who are subject to costiveness, this niedi j cine is w’ell suited. In regulating the state of the : stomach and bowels, and promoting digestion, it is ■ particularly useful. I could append a long list of certificates, hut for ; hear, prefaring to rely on the virtues of the medi | cine to sustain itself. The medicine is a gentle 1 and certain cathartic, tonic and sudorific. JOEL BRANHAM, Eatonton,Ga. Price $1 —For sale hv j march 11 A. G. WILLIS. TOBACCO AND SEGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS. CIO UNTRY .MERCHANTS and gentlemen ' who visit Augusta, and who desire to enjoy a i good SPANISH SEGAR, or chew- the WEED. I put up in splendid style, or who purchase to sell, j will find me at all times ready to supply their de mauds, at H hole sale or Retail. OCT 1 would respectfully request persons who ; visit the city, to supply themselves in my line— to examine my Stock, before purchasing elsewhere, as ! it is selected by competent judges, and patronised I bv old Smokers and Che wars of the favorite. Weed. | * GUSTAV VOLGER. j One door below John P. Seize's Dry Goods’ Store, Broad si reel. sep 23 40 LAUD LAMPS -4 SUPPLY of rich and beautiful Solar Lard Lamps, from the factory of Cornelius A Co., iu>t received and for sale low by CLARK, KACKETT A CO. j Oct. >9 25 WARE-HOUSES, &c. I “ DAWSONA WEAVER’S ’ 1 Extensive Fire-Proof Ware-House. IHIHE undersigned respectfully inform their JL friends and tlie public, that they still continue the WARE HOUSE A COMMISSION BUSINESS, at their old Stand on M’lntosh Street, w here they will devote their ;>ei.sonal attention to all buxine** i entrur-ted to thetreare. Their rates for Selling and Storing Colton and other Produce, w ill be the same as other regular | houses. Orders for purchasing Groceries, Bagging. Rope, Ac., will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. DAWSON A WEAVER. July 31 6m 17 WAREHOUSE <fe cmIMISSION BUSINESS. THE UNDERSIGNED continue to transact tlie above business at their extensive FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, on Jackson-atreet, near the Depot of the Georgia Rail Road, and to receive ( Cotton and other consignments per Kail Road, without any charge for drayagr. Their personal attention will he given to the in- I terest of their customers in the storage and sale of | all Cotton and other consignments entrusted to i their care, and liberal advances made when desir ed on produce in .‘ lore. D'ANTIGNAC A EVANS, sept 30 43 WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, GIBBS &, McCORD. 13HE undersigned, having entered into co-part . nership under the firm of GIBBS A McCORD, beg leave to offer themselves to their friend* ami the public generally, as WAREHOUSE AND COM3IISSION MERCHANTS, and trust, by strictly adhering to those rules which should go vern all Warehouse men, to merit a liberal share of patronage. They have taken the well-know n stand recently occupied hy Andrews A Woollen, and will make all Cotton stored with them as safe 1 by insurance as any other Warehouse in the city. They’ also pledge themselves not to pmchase any i cotton in the transaction of their business, hut vx ill | give their undivided attention to the interests of i their patrons. I Theircharges will he in conformity with those j estabii'hed in the city. sty Liberal advances will he made on produce j in store, when required. TIIO3I AS F. GIBBS, GEORGE .McCORD. Augnata.Julv 1.1846. wtf July 17 M. M. DYE, K. D. ROBERTSON. DYE & ROBERTSON. Ware-House and Commission Merchants East side of Mclntosh-st., Augusta Ga. THE undersigned have entered into partner ship, to lake effect after the first of Septem ber next, for the transaction of the above business, in all its various branches, at the present stand of M. M. Dye. Their personal attention will be given to all cotton or oilier produce entrusted to their ! care. All orders addressed to the new firm, after the first of August next, w ill he punctually attended to. Liberal cash advances made on cotton or other ! produce in store. Their charges will he in con. fortuity' to the regular established rales of tlie City. DVE A ROBERTSON. July 10 rs 8 PLEASANT STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT WYUTILL CONTINUE THE ABOVE BUSU w w NESS on ft is own account, on the first of September next, al the Warehouse of Stovall A Simmons,at which time that firm will he dissolved. Arrangements have been made with Messrs. An dres, Spears tjf Wootten, (to whom said Warehouse is rented for the ensuing year.) for storage of Cotton and other produce consigned to him. He has also engaged tlie services of his present part* ner. 3lr. G. Simmons. Augusta. July 30, 1846. aplO aug26 Map of "Georgia! THE undersigned has been, for months past, engaged, under the direction of His Excel i lency. Governor Crawford, in compiling a Map of the Slate of Georgia, tin a scale of six miles to the inch. The undertaking is now nearly completed, and he flatters himself he will receive the favor able patronage of his fellow-citizens—sufficient, at least, to have it published and placed hi a durable form. i 'That a revised delineation is called for, of ottr extensive territory, independently of what exists in the labors of Sturuks and Grkknk, will not be questioned. The accumulation and possession, since their times, of a vast hotly of lain! designated I then as wilderness, or the temporary domain of the Indian tribes, with natural objects w ell worthy “a habitation and a name,”havi been converted into organised counties, presenting a dense population, flourishing vidages, and extensive public aud pri vate improvements. The Map to he published (so soon as a sufficient number of subscribers will warrant,; is five feel by four feet and eight inches; and is dt signed to exhibit as w ell as perpetuate th*- present condition of the whole topography of the Stale. In addition to the ordinary met»*s and hound.-—courses ol ri vers, and ranges of mountains. Railroads, Canals, County Sites. Post Offices. Factories, in fact all remarkable places of the past or present day, will | he shown. The attention of the compiler has lieen particularly directed to a faithful drawingof coun ty lines and public roads, and to accomplish such important ends, he has not only consulted the. ori ginal surveys and the acts of various Legislatures, i hut he deemed it the better plan to make rough I sketches of each county and submit the same to the Justices of the Inferior Court. Postmasters, and others equally competent and obliging, and to ask ’ | for such additions and corrections as might he ne ! | cessary.and further to designate any and all ob jects of natural curiosity that might exist, 'if* many, if not all of his requests, kind, prompt and j satisfactory replies were given. a** that many glar ing inaccuracies in tlie maps heretofore published , j have l>een corrected; ami the compiler takes this occasion of returning his acknowledgments to those who favored his objects, as rendering a service n<«t merely to himself, hut aiding most materially iu ’ the thorough and correct developenient oft he whole plan. To his brother Engineers of the different Railroads, his thanks are due for the use of maps 1 w hich enabled him not only to lay dow n the true courses of those important works, hut likewise to make profiles exhibiting the elevation above the sea. of every station from the Atlantic to the Ten nessee river. 'The map will l*e embellished w ill) views of the State House and th** Executive Man sion. and will Ih* furnished to subscribers al their | residences at ten dollars per copy. W3I. G. BONNER. Civil Engineer. ! P. S —Subscription Lists may he found »s the | sex-era I Court Houses in the State. nov 27 CHAMPOO! SjS For Cleansing and Bemitiftfrig Ihe Hair. BEING entirely free from any of the ja-epara tions of Alcohol or Ammonia, this article possesses the most decided advantage over any similar compound ever yet discovered. While tt cleanses the Hair and Scalp from all the impuri ties. peculiar to them, it imparls the most beautiful lustre and healthy appearance, also darkei in 2 the hair, it deprives it of the dead caste so common in : thesuminerseason. Try it, and i| will rec < mitu ud itself. For sale by 3\ 3f. 11. 11 IT/ inly 29 » UECEIVEI) THIS DAY! by JOHN P. SITZE. 'ix\ PIECES SUPERIOR f VGfc Y/A, AND JP THREE PLYCARPETJNGS , ol i w\k designs, and brilliant colons, whic h he eff rs at I prices to suit the times