The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, December 31, 1846, Image 3

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Philadelphia Light Guards, Capt. Bennett; I ami the Cadwalader Greys, Cupt. Scott, i left Pittsburg for New Orleans, on Mon- i day last. The remaining six companies were to leave on Wednesday. The con- ! tract for transporting the volunteers was i taken by the following steamboats: Mes: I senger, Aliquippi, New England.Circass- : iau and Si* Anthony. All the Govern- I merit stores to l>e forwarded will go with- ‘ out any additional charge. Col. \\ ynkoop has appointed Lieut, j Brown Adjutant; J. E. Farnurn Sergeant Major: anl Edward llaviland Quarter Master's Sergeant of the Regiment. iV. Y. Journal of Commerce Dec. 25. V. S. Senator from Illinois. —On the 12th inst., Stephen A. ' Douglass, Dam., now a j member of the House of Representatives, j was elected Senator of the United Stales for i eix years from the 41 ii ot .March next, in place of James Semple, Dem.. whose term of service will then expire. The vote stood— Douglass, 100; Edwards (Whig) 45.— A. Y. Journal of Commerce , Dec. 20//V. iJT The Mechanical Volunteers, of j Baltimore have tendered thir sevices to i Gov. Pratt to act during the war with I Mexico. 1 his company was organized ! alt a cent my ago, and the Republican i says it held the second post of honor in i the Offi Regiment at the battle of North j Point, was one of th e companies detailed ! in ihe advance party to feel the enemy and bring on the tight. ~ r> j — r ~ n —r~ i —i mu n i hmm I’OHHERCIiLi' LATEST dates from LtvKRTOOLdec. 4 latest Oates from hA vßKdec. 1 Wednesday night, Dec. 30, 1840. v OTTON.—There has been a fair amount of business done to-day, and prices have been more steady than they were yesterday, and fuily up to those paid on Monday last. CEI ARLES TON, Dec. 30. Cotton.— There has been a fair inquiry for Cotton since our re port oft be morning of the 25th inst., hut opera tions have been Somewhat restricted in conse quence ofthe high pretensions of holders. The transactions comprise 6,300 hales, and the market closed yesterday with a decided upward tenden cy in prices. The sales are as follows: —44 bales ut it; i:u at OR 28H at 0$; 548 at 0*; 378 at Os; 310 at OR 15 at Hi: I560"al Id; 769 ul 10J; 44 at id 3-16; 1355 at lOR 101 at ids, 551) ut lOi; 85 ut 10J; and 30 hales at iOfc. NEW YORK, Due. 26.— Cotton. —The market | our last has been dull, hut we have, however I .us yet, no change to noiice in prices. The kudus 1 lor the two days are loot) bales thus: Upland <k Ha. Mobile &. N. O. 1200 bales. 300 bales. Inferior none. none. 4) rd. to good ord .. 9*{a> 94c. none. Mid. to good Mid.. 10 (a) 10*c. KR(a> Itifc. Mid. fair to fair... 101(2)11 c. 11 (a)] lie. Fully ft-, to gd. fair lUfSHHc. 12 f«)l2£c. Fine nominal. nominal. The arrivals have been 3,123 biles, j Total import, since Ist inst. 21,218 bales. ; Export, from Ist to 22d Dec. 13,966 bales. [Shipping List. Office oj the N. (J. Picayune, f Thursday Evening. Dec. 21, 1846. > Cotton. — Ihe sales of the day amount to 2500 ■ .bales, at very full prices, taken for France ami the North. COTTON STATEM ENT. 3Stock on hand on the IsttSept. 1846, Bales. ..6,332 Arrived since to date, 267,521 , Arrived u# day, 5,060 | 278,913 j Exported to date 128,753 Exported to-day, 5,088 —133,841 ! Stock on hand and on shipboard not el’d,... 145.0/2 1846. J 845. 1844. 1843. Re’cts on Dec. 24, 272,-81 365,208 368,753291.609 Freights. — We did not hear of-a single cotton engagement for Europe. A brig was taken for Antwerp at $1 60 for Flour, and the Bremen ship (fibers for the same port at $1 50 per bbl. for Flour. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. CHARLESTON, Dec. 30. Arr. ship South Carolina, New Orleans; Dr. barque Mundane, Liverpool. Went to sea, ships Columbiana, Havre; Corio lanus. Trieste. SaVANNAH, Dec. 29. \rr ship John *Mc- Lerran, Liverpool; barque John Denson. New Or leans; Reform, Mobile; brigs Wilson f uller. New York; sehr. Oscar. Philadelphia. Went to sea, barque -Marietta, Boston; brig ('lias. Henry, do. Brilliant Military Silver Bullet Vo.-t Buttons, as were, made by the subscriber for Hens Jackson, Glasscock, and many other*of our military worthies of the l ist war. Manufactured i,y JOHN GULMARLN, Watch Maker, at No. 153, Broad-si. Augusta, Ga. N. B. They are made with the same old punch j with one of which Gen. Pakenham was mortally wounded at the battle, of New Orleans, on the Bth January, 1815, of which the wonderful incidents therewith connected mid recently republished, .can he seen at No. 153 Druad-st. Augusta, Ga. dec 31 ___ ts Ts AtUIMA A ill ILL Kli Y GUA it 1)S. AUGUSTA, 31 st Dec.. 1846. ! Appear on your Parade Ground, in front of | the Met ho list Church, This Dry, the 3ist j inst., at 2 o’clock, P. 31., armed and equipped j as your by-laws direct, with 6 rounds blank j cartridges, to escort the SSonth Carolina Vol- ; uuteerTto the Georgia Rail Road Depot. By order of Capi. .Us. Adam. Dec. 33 1 LEW 18 LE VY, A. O. S. SITUATION WANTED. A LADY from the North, who has had several cjL year’s experience in teaching, is desirmw of procuring a situation as ENGLISH 1 EACHER, in a school or family. A retired county location preferred. Satisfactory testimonials can he given. For particulars,address E. G.. Office of the( nn ititiitiuuuJist, Augusta, (4a. Communications post paid. 1 _ FRUITS! FRUITS! JUST received afresh supply of Oranges. Le noons, Raisins, Currants, JJrazil lNnt>, liuh Walnuts, Citron, Dates. Turkey Figs, Al monds, Shell Barks, Cocoa Nuts, Prunes in beau tiful fancy boxes, by _ TT . tier JOHN K. DOW. .ETNA INSURANCE COM PA NY OF HARTFORD. CAPITAL fL>SO,OOO. fRAHE undersigned has been appointed Agent for -fi the above Company in this City, and is pre pared to insure Buildings, Merchandise, furniture An-., against loss or damage by Fire. All losses will be promptly settled here. JOSEPH MILLIGAN. Agent, sept. 13 bin 38 T%TOTICE.— All persons are hereby forewarned firm trading for a NOTE made by me in fa vor of Benj’n, L. Kirkland, for three hundred and eighty dollars, dared on or about the tweilty-first day of April, 1845, and payable, one day after date. The consideration of said Note having failed I will not pay it unless compelled by law. Bald Note tested by L. J. Kilpatrick. JOHN D. KILPATRICK. Darke county, V h A oc. 1316. 6 jo k_ i 1 rencli and Spanish Languages. I. Ll BAIIBIER, who has been engaged for many years as a Teacher in several schools of the j L nited States, and of the Island of Cuba, gives lessons of french (his native language) and Span- \ ish, either at his residence or in private families. . His mode of teaching is simple, and will enable a I scholar to acquire either language in a short lime, j Ilis prices are moderate. Apply to him, at the -| 1 I nited States Hotel, every morning before ten j. ; o'clock, and in the afternoon between two and i four. References —Messrs. If. H. Cummirtg,J. Ad-sms, J. Gardner, J- W, Jones, G. T. Dome, Dr. Du gas, N. Delaigle,—t.ardel!e& RhinJ. dec 31 75 fit (irvil i, s:: r r io Ns. On the second Saturday in January. 1817, the City Council of Augusta will elect the following | Ollicers for the ensuing year, with tlie salaries, j Ac. annexed to said offices. Candidates w ill deliver to the Clerk of Council their written applications, (namingseciirilies when required by ordinance. &c.) on or before the day. marking on tlie envelope the office for which they offer.except Candidates for City Watch, who will report their names to the Clerk. SALARIES. 1 Collector and Treasurer, §I.OOO ! Clerk of Council, 750 ; City Marshal, 1,000 Two City Constables, 600 each. Bridge Keep r, 3 ,COJ ; Super. Streets, Pumps and Water Wor ks, 800 Keeper of ike City an 1 County Jail, 500 and t ! o ird. Clerk Lower Maike*, 500 Clerk Upper 31 irk* t, 40 Keeper of the Magazin ', 200 Keeperof the. City tlaP, 75 Keeper of the Ci y Cloi k, pn posals to accompany application. Keeperof the Hospital, proposals to accompany application. City Surveyor, Fees. City Sexton Fees. Vendue 31asters, Clerk of the Court of C ommon Pleas, (elected for two terms,) Fees', j City Sheriff, (elected fur two terms,) Fees. W. MILO OLTN, Dec. 30 Clerk of Council. ELECTION NOT 1C if. DCF 3 On Saturday, the 9th Janua ry, 1847. an Election will he held fur a Member of tiie City Council of Augusta, for Ward No. I, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Foster Blociget. Esq. Said election will he held at the Fodder and Hay Scale House, under the superintendence of G. F. Parish, Jesse Kent and ! 11. B. Frazer, Esqrs., or a majority cf them. Dec. 30 L, D. FORD, Mayor. DR. WIST AIDS 15 VESA 71 OF DIED CHERRY. OCT The extraordinary success attending the use of this madicine in diseases of the lungs, and the many singular cures it has ef fected . having naturally attracted the attention of many physicians, as well as the whole fraternity ' of quacks, various conjectures and surmises have arisen respecting its composition; some physicians have supposed it to contain iodine, other ignorant pretenders say it must contain mercury, and to some such substance ihey each attribute its singu | lar efficacy. As such opinions are altogether er roneous, and calculated to prejudice many person 8 against it, we PLEDGE OUR HONOR that it contains nothing of this kind, or anything the least injurious; on the contrary, it is composed of the I most simple substances, the principal ofwhich are the extracts of lar and wild cherry bark, and the ; whole secret of its efficacy consists in the mode in i which they are prepared. ! None genuine without the written signiture I. Butts. For sale by HA VIL AND, RISLEY &CO., and i THOMAS BARRETT & CO., Augusta. Dee 39 3 74 MECii AN ICS’ DAN W , ? Augusta, Dec. 2S, 1846. > DCT NOTICE.—An Election will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, the 4 h January, 1847, within lHe hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 2 I’. M., for N ine Directors, to manage the affairs of this Institution during the ensuing year. M. HATCH, Cashier. Dec. 29 id 73 DC/ 3 *Agreeable to a resolution pass ed at the last meeting of the Rail Road Convetw tion, an adjourned meeting of the satimwill he held in this place on the first Tuesday in January next. JOS. I>. JONES, Secretary. Waynesboro, Dec. 12 th, 4846. Dec. 16 3 65 Oflice ot* Jacksoii-st. Ice Co. A Meeting of the Stockholders vvil 1 be held on Wednesday, 3Jih inst., at 7 o'clock P. M. Full attendance is earnestly requested. Bv order of the Board, dec 17 66 ; G. W. WINTER, Sec’y. CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND NEW YEAR’S PRESENTS. One of Johnson’s Daguerreotype MINIATURES, a perfect likeness, put up in a fine morocco Case, may he had for three dollars. ; His rooms are over Messrs. Clark & Racket’s j Jewelry Store. Entrance one door from the Post Office. What pr 'sent during either of these holidays ; coul 1 he more appropriate than a Miniature of a I dear friend qr relative, true to life and stamped | upon metal by the great luminary of our system, dec 13 if 67 [T7 3 R- S- Jackson , Teacher on the Piano Forte, Flute and Violin, respectfully lenders his services to the citizens of Augusta. References —Henry Parsons, Thus. Richards and T. S. Metcalf, Esq’rs. N. B.— Fur terms, &c., inquire at 11. Parson’s Music store. 6m Dec. I j YOUNG LADIES’ SEMINARY. Conducted by Miss L. 11. Williams, (.FROM THE BRITISH PROVINCES.) The Course of Instruction in this Seminary is the same as in the best Institutions in Europe. Miss W. lias been long in the practice of teach ing, and wiih confidence invites parents and guardians to place their daughters and wards under her care; pledging herself to give the strictest at tention to every branch of education, as well as to morals and manners. Drawing in Water Colors, taught by .Miss Eliza E. A. Andrews. A limited number of Boarders will he received. Fur further particulars, apply at ifio Seminary, Broad-street, next door above the Bridge Bank Building. References: —E. E. Ford, D. D., Judge Dye, D. Hook, M. D. Augusta, Sept. 23, 1816. ly 42 (lA3IPIIIN E Dili. —This article is to he had 9 fresh, at J E. MARSHALL'S. Dec. 11 61 rr,r .•j-.-TCEwafKO»e T'»«^Ter.-aacar..*« CANDIDATES Full OFFICE. OnVe are authorized to announce WILLIAM SKINNER as a Candidate for re j election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns ’ for Richmond County, at the ensuing Election iu i January next. net 11 10 DC/ 3 We are authorized to announce j WM. JOHNSTON as a candidate for Receiver of ! Tax Returns, ut the next election in Richmond county. 22 id august 12 Usf 3 We are authorized to announce I ROBERT A. WATKINS, as u candidate for rc- j ejection to the office of Tax Collector for Richmond Colfnty, at the ensuing election, to lake place on ! the first Vlonday in January ne.xt. If elected, h-- pledges himself to serve again shoo'd a continuance of his services be called for, at ajut are election, by tiie good will and confidence of his leHow-citiz j ns Nov. 14 37 YCT We are authorized to announce Major ISHAM THOMPSON as a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Rich mond county, at the election on the first Monday in January next. td oci24 Dusmi ;ards. b rJdaniell, MAeoN, CJEOHGIA, Practices in the following counties: —Pike.Up- son, Monroe, Twiggs. Pulaski, Sumter, (.Taw ford, Houston, Dooly and Jones. [dec 2>) ly D. G. WILDS, - «>>«■ mt m aa a / Xti m •da L A iia, *» J SPARTA, GEORGIA. Will practice in Hancock, Warren, Washington and Taliaferro Counties. Dec. 8 ly 53 GEO. G. McVVTIOiiTER, AT T O R N E Y A T J. A W . OFFICE LAW RANGE, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA oct 23 6m 29 DAVID ADAMS, Attorney at Law, Hamburg, So. C; Office over the store of Sibley &, Crapon—will practice in the Law Courts of Edgefield and Barn well. 39 ly sept 21 W. WILSON, PORTRAIT PAINTER. A few PORTRAITS will he undertaken if early application is made at his Studio, Unitarian Church, corner of Greene and Jacksun-streets. nov 25 if 47 CL EVE LANDS. SPE A P., iIM n^tlKimTS NO. 21 5 broad - ST., (Over Aldrich fy Green's tShue Store. J nov 11 ly 35 G R 0 C E’rT K S . E GOODS, remaining on hand of the JT Stock «( the late Ihomas J. Parma lee. are offered for sale, ai the old stand, on favorable terms. The stock consists of ag neral assortment of GROCERIES, IRON and BAGGING, with some very superior WINES and LIQUORS. Dee. 3J ts 74 GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT S7 © T T J. \V. MAUity & CO., SUCCESSORS TO J. Oi. GUEGOiCV A CO., MANAIikKS. EXTRA CLASS No. I. To be determined by the Alexandria Class A., I Saturday, January 2, 1846. GRAND SCHEME. , 30,000 SI2,OUU! §7,000! §3,270! 50 of 51.590 ! 50 of §SOO | 182 of §300! Besides numerous others Tickets only §10 —shares in proportion. CLASS No. 102. Determined by the South Carolina Lottery,Class No. 53. Thursday Dec. 31, 1846. SPLENDID SCHEME. 7,000 DOLLARS. $2,590; §1.561; 5 of $1,000! Besides numerous others Tickets only $2,50 —shares iu proportion. Forsule by JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, t w'o doorsabove the Slate Bank. i s from tiie country promptly attended to. Dec. 25 T O TE .V C IIE 11 S . rjSPHIE Trustees of the Law rent eville Female JbL Seminary wish l<* engage a competent Teach er ur Teachers, to lake charge of said institution after the expiration ofthe present year. A gentle man as principal, assisted by his lady, would hg i preferred. By order of the Board of Trustees. JAMES P. SIMMONS, Sec'y. Lawrenpeville, Ga., Nov. 4, 1846. nov 8 stf 33 BY U , E. JACKSON & CO. On the first Tuesday in January next, at the lower Market House, at II o’clock, w ill he sold, 25 valuable NEGROES, field hands. Among the number is a good Cook, Washer and 1 rouer. The intention of the owner being to change the investment. The Negroes can be i treated for ut private sale, until sale day. Terras j at sale. dec II w 61 FOR SALE. UThe subscriber Intending to leave Au gusta, oilers for sale two improved lots, Walker and Fenwick streets, near the Jail, containing very near an acre each. On one of them there is a variety of first-rate fruit trees and grape vines, and in the yard of this lot there is a well affording most excellent water. Persons disposed to make a profitable investment of this kind, can have an opportunity of doing so ; by applying to C. A. BEARD. Nov 21 s7 44 OFFICE STEAMBOAT CO. OF GA. ) Savannu, December 22, 1846. \ j AT a meeting of tlie Board of Directors of this i I Jm. Corporation, held at this office on the 21st | ! inst., it was Resolved, That a'general meelhig of the Stock* j holders be held at this office on the 2uih of Janua ry next. A meeting of the s lockbolders is therefore re- ( quested on the day above mentioned at 12 o’clock, | M., when business will he laid before them of im portance to the Company. ! Extract from the Constitution of the Steamboat Co.. “Art. 5. When four stockholders, holding to gether fifty shares, concur in desiring a general meeting of the stockholders, they shall have power to call one by giving at least thirty days notice in a Savannah and Augusta newspaper, cf the lime ami place of such meeting to he held. ‘.‘The quorum of a meeting of stockholders shall be a majority of the stockholders, either present of represented, who shall be holders of two-thirds ofthe capital stock. The Presidentapd Secretary of the General Board of Directors, shall officiate in the same capacities for the m cting of stock holders.” The terms and conditions of the above article having been complied with, the meeting of stock i holders will take place as above mentioned. K. M. GOODWIN, Pres dt. S. B. C. of Georgia. dec 21 li 72 MISCELL AN ECUS. TO HIRE. For the ensuing year—a good I BLACKSMITH, accustomed to work eitfi -er in town or country. Apply to JOHN A. BARNES. Dec. 29 ts 73 ! TO II ill OeliTTniT rent. 1 T&JKGROES. —Carpenters, Carriage Drivers, IN3 Grocery Waiters, Field Hands, Cooks, Washersan'd i rnnere. Boys, &c. —Some of whom are for sale. Also, for sale;—A small FARM, near Quaker Spring; The well improved Field South of Turknett Spring Road, adjoining Geo. W. Lamar and Rail Ru id. Also, to rent —The Resi dence and Cleared Land attached, with a good Spring of Water convenient, near Governor Craw ford > at Belair. PLEASANT STOV AL T . Augusta, Dec. SjS. tw3 73 TiODIDA Y READING. AT THE DEPOT. favorite resort is now supplied with a Ja. most complete assortment of Light Litera ture fur the Holidays, and any time thereafter, se lected expressly for its patrons, by its Agents in New York; comprising, among many novelties, the following new publications : Lucre!ia. by Buivver, 25 cts.; Beauchamp, by James, 25 cts.; Rory O’Moore, by Lover, 5B cts.; Legends of Ireland, by the same, 50 cts.; Acte of Corinth.or the Revenge, by Dumas, 37f cts.; Spir it of the Age, by Haziitl, 50 cts.; The Roman Traitor, by Herbert, 2 vols., 25 cts.each; Christ mas Stories an 1 Letters from Italy, by Dickens, 25 cts.; Literary Essays, by Mrs. Jamieson, 50 cts ; Win wood, by Ingraham, 25 cts.; Amy Her bert, Gerti tide, and Laiietcn Parsonage, by Miss Sewell, 30 cts. each; with Dumas, Sue, and other established favorhes. Also, a few copies of “Wealthy Men of New York.” Stationary, plain and fancy; Illustrated Papers; Foreign an i Do mestic and other “Curiosities of Literature.” a* usual. JOHN A. MILLEN. Dec. 29 1 73 s an LSPECTir I LLV invites ilie attention of the S** citizins of Augusta, ami of all dealers in and consumers of buyit g in this market, to an entire new stock just opened in the elegant block of iron-front stores recently erected on the north side of Broad -street, and known as‘‘Metcalf’s Range,” (his afore is the lower one of the block, three doors above P. Mc (Jnil's, and three below the Drug Store of J. K. Marshal, formerly Dr. H ray's.) where tie is pre pared to oiler one of the richest and choisest stocks of Foreign &* Domestic Dry Goods ever opened in this city. He would especially ask their attention to the advantages prepared fur the convenience of customers in the extensive charac ter of his assortment, which he intends shall em brace every article that can he called for under the name of Dry Goods, and in the ample, room and perfect light to aid in their selection. Fur advan tages in buying, for the comfort and conveibence of purchasers, for saving their time and money, no effort has been spared, and none will be spared, w hich the interest of buyer and seller can suggest, I or an enlightened economy dictate, to make his j business in every respect deserving the patronage '■ of i lie public. To his former customers, to whose liberal confi dence and past patronage lie has been so long in ; uebted for business in another Slate, he would es i pecially extend this invitation to call upon him at ! ins new location. i Augusta, December 17, 18-16, 66 LTC MTS TTIgTITS! ~ A FEW more of those beautiful Patterns of the 1 L improved double Cup, Sohr hard Humps, just received. Also, side, and suspending Lamps, (flohcs, Chimneys and Wicks, handsome paper Shades and Frames to read by, all of which will be sold very low by J. E. MARSHALL. Dec 15 64 _ NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OE COPARTNER istJ' SHIP.—The Co-Partnership heretofore ex- I isting under the firm of MASON A. TUTTLE, | isthi. day dissolved by mutual consent. The bus iness of the old firm will be setlled by Joseph Ma son. JOSEPH MAMIN. Dec. 3d, ISIS. E B. TUTTLE. The undersigned will continue the Advertising Agency business, on Ids own account. New York, Dec. 3J, lßi6. JOSEPH MASON. Dec. 18 67 AND CONDIMENTS, SUPP LY able for the season, of the purest quality and choicest flavour, viz: MACE, Nutmegs, Cloves,’ Cinnamon, Pepper. Red Pepper, Ginger Roof and Ground, Mustard, Isinglass, Gellatiue, Irish Moss, Russia Shred Isinglass, Vanilla Bean, Extract of do., Oil of Lemon, Ess. Lemon, Extract Lemon, Sup. Carh Soda, Tart, Acid, Saleratus, and every other article necessary for culinary purposes. Having obtained a Powdering Mill, persons wishing Spices in Powder, may depend upon their purity and freshness. J. E. MARSHALL. Dec. 9 39 SPLENDID GIFT BOOKS. rSHIE OPAL for 1817; Scenes in the Lives of .IS. the A posties; Scenes in the Life of Ihe Sa viour; The Floral Year; Friendships Offering; Christian Keepsake- Christinas Blossoms; The | Gift of Friendship; The Hyacinth; Oracles from | the Poets; Illuminated Gems of Sacred Poetry; Nature’s Gems; Imagination and Fancy; Poems by Amelia; The Rose, for 1847; The Odd Fellows’ Offering for 1847; The Amaranth for 1847; The ! Evergreen for 1847, ten elegant engravings; The i Floral Offering, ten beautiful bouquets of flowers, | elegantly colored; The Diadem for 1847; The i Gift; Bryant’s Penns, a superb volume; Childe ; Harold's Pilgrimage, splendidly illustrated; Hi-s --1 tory of the Kings of France, illustrated by twenty | two Portraits. Also—Splendid editions of the standard Poets; I Byron, Moore, Scott, Southy, Shakspeare, Long ■ fellow, Campbell, Mrs. Piemans, Airs. Ellis, Cow per, Burns, Milton, Dante, Tassrt, Eliza Cook, Norton, Hovyitt, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Rodgers, Miss London, Goldsmith and Gray, Elliott, Mont gomery. Kirkwliile, Young Pollok. For salt, by THOMAS RICHARDS. Dec. 21 4t 70 1 FASHIONABLE Silk and Straw BONNETS; . plain and fancy Dress Caps; Artificial Flow ers; Ribbons Tabs; Mourning Collars; Needle | worked Chemisettes; Lace Edgings, &c. Fur sale i on reasonable terms, by MRS E. O. COLLINS, Dec. 23 dim over W. H. Crane’s store. DECIDEDLY NEW. TMIE stock of CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Vestings, Fancy Articles, and Trimmings, just open - | ed by John Bridges, Merchant Tailor, next door i below the United States Hotel, Broad-street, Au ! gusia. The public gre respectfully invited before 1 ordering their garments elsewhere, to examine the ! above stock, which they will find to comprise the ! best selections that can be made in the New York market JOHN BRIDGES. N. B.—Making and Trimming as usual in the most fashionable manner. sept 25 F U RNITURE . BESIROUS to compete with the ‘‘defyers of competition,” the subscriber has taken much pains to select a well asserted stock, which he offers low, at the store long known as H. Par son’*, where lie vvili be happy la see all, whether led there by curiosity or a desire to purchase, hoping that his prices and the quality of articles will give him a fair share of patronage. Dec 9 59 D. CHAFFEE. rip II K PELICAN M UTIJ A L INSU m ANCE Company of New Vo-k continues to take Marine *and River risks at its agency in this city. Its business will in all respects be conducted on the most fair and liberal principles, and its pro fits dividedamuns its customers. JOSEPH MILLIGAN, Agent sept. 18 6m 38 PUBLIC SALES. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order of die Inferior court of Rich mond county,sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at the lower market house, in the city of Augusta, | between the usual hours of sale, all the remain ing property of Janies Fraser, deceased, consist ing of real estate and stocks of various kinds,viz* House, and lot occupied by John A. Barnes, Esq., lying on the North side Greeu-st., having a front on said street of 824 feet, and running half way through or 132 leet towards Ellis-st., bounded on the W est by lot of Dr. J. B. Walker. Also, house and lot occupied by Mrs. Bowen, same size of the first lot described adjoining it on the easlside. Also, house-arid lot occupied by Mr. J. A. Sim nvuis. fronting on South side E!lis-st. 3ui feet and running hack towards Green-si. 132 feet or half way, bounded on the West by lot of Dr. J. B. Walker. Also, brick hotfse and lot occupied by Mr. J J. Clayton, adjoining the last mentioned lot fronting on South side of Eliis-st. si)i feet, and running back towards Gjven-st. half way or 132 feet. Also, house and lot occupied by Mr Martin Crawley, adjoining the last mentioned lot and bounded by it on the West, having a front on South side EilL-st. of 821 feet and running back ' half way to Green-sf., or 132 feet. Also, house and lot occupied by Mr. E. W. i Doughty, fronting on Fast side of Mdutosh-st : 264 feet and running back 1241 feet, bounded on the North by Watkins-al. and South by U alker slreet. Also, one vacant lot, same size as the last men tioned lot, bounded by it on the West. Also, two vacant lots adjoining each other on the West side of the Savannah road, each fronting on said road 38 feet, and running hack to Mcln tus!»-st., bounded on the Noilh by W alker-st. A 1.50,. 134 shares stock in lire Bank of the State of Georgia 157 s shares stock in the Augusta Insurance and j Banking Company. 66 shares stock in the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company. 186 shares stock in the Bank of Augusta. lOOshares stuck in the Marine and Fire Insu rance Bank, Savannah. 2share*stock in the Planters’ Bank, Savannah. 3J shares stuck in the Steam Boat Company of » Georgia. 2 siiares stock in the Jackson-st., Ice Company - j ALSO. Will be sold at the court house in Wilkinson j county, on the same day, 52 3-10 acres of land ly- j ing in said county, being lot No. 235 in the 7ih i District. Terms made known on the dap of sale. H. BOW'D RE, Adra’r. Dec. 22 ul. 70 Adviijisirator’s Sale. , On the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold, at the court house in Canton, Cherokee county, between the usual hours of sale, A tract of Land, lying in the 7th district 2d sec tion, in i lie comity of Cherokee, known as No. 285, and containing 169 acres —belonging to the estate of Alexander Mclver, late of Richmond county. — i Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of j said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. 1 W. EWING JOHNSTON, Adm’r. nov 7 wtd 32 SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. On the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house in the cilv of Macon, vs ill be offered at public sale, without reserve, within the usual hours, the following described Lands belonging to tlie. estate of Paul Fitzsimons, deceased, A Plantation, containing two thousand acres of choice land in one body, situate on Keel’s creek, in the third district of Baker county, about eighteen miles from the town of Newton, on Flint,and twen ty-three miles from Fort Gaines,on the Chattah<*o cliee River, being lots Nos. 348, 349, 372.373,374, 375.386 and 387—six hundred am sare cleared and under good fences, with overseer’s house, negro raid as, gin house, packing screw, stables, tkc.— The cl -ared land is fresh and in good order for a crop. The superior quality of the land, the healthi ness of the settlement, its good water, w iih an abun dant supply at all seasons for stock and an exten si\e range convenient, rentier (ins plantation one of the most desirable in Baker county, ALSO, 375 acres, contiguous to the foregoing, one hun dred of which are cleared and under good fence, being lot No. 378 and half of lot No- 3*3. At the .same lime and place, will be sold , j Lot No. 12, in 3d District, Baker county, cun* tabling 250 acres. Lot No. 209. in 13th District, Lee county, op j Muckalce creek, containing2o2l acres. Lot No. JlB. in 7th District, Randolph county, '■ containing 2', 2i acres. Lot No. 85. in 9th District, Dooly county, con taining 202 i acres. Lots Nos. 236 and 237, adjoining a good mill seat on Line creek, in 28th District, Suinter county, containing4Us acres. Terms—-One-third rash; one-third January Ist, 1848; and one-third January Ist, 1849, — approved notes, aud mortgage on the property. ROBERT F. PUE, ) WILLIAM J. EVE. > Adm’rs. GEO. W. OR A W FO RD, ) nov 12 wtd 35 ipj~ The Charleston Mercury, Savannah Repuh ! licdti, Albany Courier, Macoq Telegraph, Federal } Union, Columbus Times, will publish the above ! three times, and forward their accounts to this of fice for payment. Executor's Sale. Will he sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door in Elbert county, , The following properly to w it; Two hundred and fourteen acres of Land, rpore j or less, on the waters of Vans creek, adjoining ! lands of Thomas Johnston and others. ALSO, Two hund red and forty-four acres of Land,more j or le>s. on the waters of Beaver dam creek, ad joining lands of B. C. \V all and others, and known as the Colson tract. ALSO, One thousand and sixty-four acres of land,more | or less, on lHe Savannah river, adjoining lipids of \ !Bingleton W. Allen, Joseph Rucker and others, and known as the River Plantation. This tract of land will he sold in two separate tracts if thought to he desirable. The foregoing lands sold in con formity to the will of Beverly Allen, deceased. Terms of sale made know non the day. LINDSAY H. SMITH. '> Exetutor , BEVERLY A.TEASLY.* Lxetulors - Elbert county, November 20, 1846. jjCrThe Chronicle & Sentinel will please ropy the above three times weekly and forward the ac count to the Executors for payment. nov 25 47 ‘ LANDS AM) MILLS rfl’HIE SUBSCRIBER offers fur sale a Tract of Jk LAND on liip waters of Butler’s Creek, Containing about 6*>U acres, with a Saw and Grist Mill, and a comfortable Dwelling House on the premises. A I,so, A part of the Tract of Land late.iy owned by Mr. Wm. Longstreel, containing about6oUacres, with good improvements on the same. The lenns w ill he made easy to purchasers. Ap,- '■ ply to Major Geo. L. Twiggs, John Rones, or ! JOHN P. EVE. P. S.—ls not disposed of by private sale, it will be sold at public auction in the City of Augusta, up the first Tuesday in January next. Dec. 19 sluthS w 2 68 TajOTICE. —On the first day of January next, jl\S at the lower Market House, in the City of- Augnsta, within the usual hours, will be hired lor the ensuing year, the Negroes belonging to the Minors of William Ton, deceased. JOHN 11. MANN, Guardian- Dec. 17 Svvimtd 66 OTICE.—On the first day of January next, at the lower Market House in the City of Augusta, w ithin the usual hours, w ill be hired for the ensuing year, the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Asaph Waterman, deceased. M. J. WATERMAN, Executrix. JOHN H. MANN, Executor. Dec. 17 3wfni td 6«> i:l ACKSJI ITUS TO i 11R E. fMIHREE good BLACKSMI PI IS to lure by the SL year, Irom the Ist January nest. Apply lo JAMES GARDNER. Jr. | dec 6 ts 57 PUBLIC s&LES. -' -rsrz'Tm rW»n 11 d Adminrutur's Sate. Will he sold at the late residence of William John son. sr.,deceased. fn Warren comity, on Wed nesday, the 3*l of February next, all the perisha ble property of said estate, consisting of Horses, cattle, hogs, (stock and fat.) mules, sheep, plantation tools, blacksmith tools, house hold and kitchen furniture, corn, fodder, cotton; &c.&c. Terms on the day of sale. ; I expect nl>o to rent the lands and hire the ne groes, men, women, boys ami gifUf, on the saint* day and lime. thile, renting and hi re mg tocotiliuue froiti day to day until all is ilisposed of. ' * «jer 23 WILLIAM GIBSON. Adm'r. On Wednesday, the 6 h of January next, at 1U o'clock. A. M., will he sold before ihu office of meGeorgii Insurance ami Trust Company, the following properly, belonging to the said Com pany, namely ; HEAL ESTATE, A lot of Land on the north-east corner of Broad and McCarton streets. next above the brick build ing of Ben j. Pyne. subject to an annual rent of SIOO. payable on the (irstof January of each year, to the Coy Council of Augusta. A lot of Land with Wooden Dwelling ami other improvements t hereon, on the north side of Broad* street, in the upper part of the city, lately occu pied by John J. Byrd.. A lot of Land on ihe south side of Ellis-street, between Kol lock ami Cuniming-slreets, known aa Lot No, 17. i A lot of Land on the sr»utj»side of Broad at reef, opposite the Upper .Market and next below the Richmond lloiet. Three vacant lots on the nor lb side of Broad street, below the I poer Market. 130 feet front in ail, more or less, late J. K. Kilhurn's. A lot of river land in Murray county, 3d Seo, 9ih Dis. No. 215, having the river Conuesuugiv running through ft, 160 acres. A let of Land on the corner of Race and Croxs slrects in the city of Baltimore. Two shares in the Florida. Peninsula Land Company, of sl>dU acres each, in the Hackle/ Grant. A lot in the town of Brunswick, Ga., with Bank ing House thereon, in which is a first-rate Vaults which cost SOOO, STOCKS AND BONUS, 30 shares Stuck of the Central and Western Wharf Company. Augiista Canal Scrip, $1,016 50-100. . , s Bonds of Alabama Life Insurance and Trust Company, S4OOO. interest payable semi-annual)/ in New Vurk at 0 per cent, per annum. ALSO, The Stock of the Bank of Brunswick, belong ing to the Georgia Insurance and Trust Company, unles- previously disposed of at private sale. AND, A number of judgments, bills of exchange, notes and open accounts —a catalogue of which may Im 1 seen at the cilice of the Company. Terms declared at the time of sale. JOSEPH MILLIGAN, Secretary. Dec. 10 td 60 | - - - ~ Executor's Sule. On the first Tuesday in January next, at the lowf»f market house in ihe ci’y of Augusta, within lfe> usual hours of sale, will he sold, - A negro woman, named Jenny, about 55 years of i age; one named Sarah, about 65 years of age; and a man named Major,about 35 years of age, belong ing to the estate of Asaph Waterman, deceased— fur the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. s# M. J. WATERMAN, Kx'x. nov 3 wtd JOHN If. MANN, Ex’r. Executor's Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court Home door at Appling.Colum bia county, the following named Negroes; Festns. a w heelwright; Sub moil, a blacksmith* Maria, and little Maria. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate us William B. Luke, late of said countr, deceased. JAMES LUKE, ( TURNER CLANTON, \ Lxecutor *- dec 9 w 59 Executor s Sale. Will he sold on the seventh day of January next,' at the late residence of Beverly Allen,deceased, in Elbert county. Corn, Fodder, Oats, Horses, Mules, three yoke of vvork Steers, a Colton Gip ami many other urlß cles too tedious to mention, ALSO, Will he sold at the River Plantation of said de- I ceased, on the eighth of January next, Corn. Fodder, Oats, Mules, one yoke of work . Steers, Cattle. Sheep, Pork Hogs, Stock Hogs, three Cotton Gins and many other articles too te- I dions to mention. The above named property sold ’ in conformity to the will of Beverly Allen, de j ceased. Sale to continue from day to day until ■all cold. Terms of sale made known on ihe day. LINDS \y H. SMITH, ) BEVERLV A. TEASLY. \ **«culo«. November 20. 18-16. Adminfsh {itrix Sale. j Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door in Jackson boro,' between the usual hours of sale, the follow ing tracts ol land, belonging to the estate of Thu*. VV. Oliver, deceased, viz: r One tract us land, adjoining lands of Robert W. j Lovett and Jackson Oliver, containing eighty acres—one tract of land adjoining lands of George Foiiock and William D.Campbell,containing fifty | acres —one tract of land, adjoining lands of George i Pollock and A. H. Rue, on Savannah River,: ! containing half an acre. 'Perms made known on' I day of sale. Ai ARTf IA OLIVER, Adm’x j Oct 22 4 J 9 Administrator's Sale. On the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold,' at Appling, Columbia county, agreeably to an i o.rder of the Inferior Court of said county, when | sitting for ordinary purposes, the following pro- I perty, to wit; One hundred and seventy acres of Land, more or less, lying in said county, ami about 14 miles from Augusta, adjoining lands of Charles A. Craw-’ ford, Mrs. Gibson, and others. Also, five Negroes: Stephen about 40 years old. Send about 25 years old. Maria about 17 years old, Martha about 12 years old, Miiey. about 7 years old —gll of said property belonging to the estate of Henry CRelt, deed. Sold fur distribution amongst' the heirs of said deceased. oct3l JOHN CLIETT, Adm’r. Executrix's Sale. By permission of the honorable the Inferior Court 1 of Richmond county, while sitting tor ordinary purposes, will he sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, at the lower market house in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours of said, A Negro Girl, named Sarah, the property of the es ate of John Winter, late of said county, deceased —for the benefit of tlnf-heirs aud creditors of said estate. Terms cash. ANNA WINTER, nov 2 wtd Executrix. Executor's Sale. Under an order of County, w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court ibmse tu Warrenton, on tiio first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale. Four negroes, viz : Ransome a man about 3& years old, Mitchel a man about 30 years old, Tay lor a man about 25 years old.and Lemeneofia marv about 22 years old. Sold as the property of the. | estate of Elizabeth VV illtaios late of VVarren conn ty. and for the benefit of creditors. Terms cash. Nov. 4 HENRY BAKER, Ex’r. Executor's Sale. Will be sold at the' Court House us Hanroek cour*-- ty,oa the first TUESDAY,ifi January next, the following property, to wit: Two hundred apd nineteen acre* of Land, more or less, on the waters of Shoulderhone creek, ad,- A joining Bonner and others; one negro man Moses* about 67 years old; one negro woman Lucy, about 60 ytafs old; Ann, 23 years old, and her boy Simon, about 3 years old. To lie sold niider the will of John Hill, late V ' s. id county, deceased, for the purpose of <1 is I rib A tiun amongst the heirs. 'Perms on the day of sait?% HENRIETTA HILL, Executrix f of Jghu Hill, deceased. \ - Hancock county, Oct. 23, 1846. I oct 27 wid 23 , jl NEGIU)KB FOR f bj VHE undersigned have just arrived with a fresl\ * 1 Ji lot of likely young Virginia NEGROES, J which they offer for sale at their place of husines* m Hamburg. TIIOS. I. JENNINGS & • on as ' 1*