Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, March 29, 1838, Image 4

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|?OU HA 1,13.—500 acres of Lund 13; miles u i » n Augusta, through which the ( ieorgia nail UmiU dx*', known as iho laic residence ol • .oorge Magrudor, deceased; upon which are a good dwelling tuque, an I all necossary out buildings in good repair, a good garden and fine spring of pure water The situation is rjoito healthy Apply to maecM'? 6 A J &T U Ml 1.1,Kl( Itcnard. I OST nnTuesday cveniptr last,ntlior in Angiix ■* * ,n i or on tho AVrightsdioro' road,w it Inn ■) miles ol Augusta, a Red Morocco POCIxKP JK»OK,con taining 310 or $316, in hills, the harkr net recollect esl The name ol the siihscriher is written inside the . Forget Book. The above reward will he gj\en tor ' the deli ve!y of the Pocket Rook and Mote v to Mr M. Little, nl the Globe Hotel, or to the stihseriher in 1 C'rnwfooJville. THUS. J WKLBOUN. vine SO 163 ts iimiWIANTS AMt PI.VMLHs Look at Thisl! President of the Princeton Factory, tie- 1 m. sires to make known to the public, nnd cape- 1 .cully to the merchants in the interior and tip- i . country ofGoorgm, than 1.0 has during the winter been running pail of Ins, machinery in tba-immii ol Georgia Nankeens, wit h u view to sop- i ply wbnt may he wanted it. dns Mato the com mg season. Having ndvuntage over the Northern inanuiaeinrer m the saving of the cost ol traits Isolation hollt ways, ns also tho rale ol' exchange, items which must In' paid on northern goods by the consumer, or by the merchant t hat brings them mil, I cun sell my nglikc'ais on belter terms than the Northern urtiilc call he sold, for the merchant i to make any thing by bringing it out. In otlcnng my goods to tho public, I stiino pledged to furni.-di -is fitir, ns hanihiiiiir and ns good an inlicle as cm ■ hr* procured from iho north, or any oilier (jiimrr My iiankfMMiH urn til) inunufaclmiMf from Mtriclly I |>mnn dorp dark r«duri*d i.muKcum coUun, gri.wn , in iho nf.uhhoriiif'counlu’H, ami ii j.s a knirWM lurt llmt I lie gomln will 11< >t ).»!<■ liy w thin:. My j ore 3‘i inclu** widu, lh« first width I • ousid j (O cut to ndVllllUl"*', Mini Jll'O JXll Up 111 ( Ills oj ] thirty yard* nnd upwards to I)>#• jkw c, l»y ulm h | liability lo rcmiiMiii.v, in retailing, it- ideally le-h I hail iiujip(*iis lo tho northern mode ol pullin': tl up in niooi'S of lb 1 'I yard* cm li. An 1 nhtll hau* by the middle nt April a ;tn?U . <m band sufficient l«* supply n'.l tin i will iiepj bably wotitiwl tlift mining mmimhi, lor the us/ i'er I part, ifnnt oil (lie populous eoimties in ih m; > I Ml it duo to merchants in (• mn;»h l ax well ..lo myself, o rnohe fluviC lucln knuwn to ijicm Iml t they go north to Iny in tlcor N|inng Hupjdie .flint i bev nmv be hot ter prepared to art nth j h dly Nolnru.s ivjjtirds the articlo of naidn'cna 1‘ nl< 1 t is but loir ih til the mi Icm peojde puimiii/.o ( Iheir own industry and trdio mra id their own do- I inoatir iiimiinimns, rtnhar thnn lx* tributary to the j nwrili lor articles 1 1 ml etm ho li;e( nt Inmiv mi nt | least mh good terms up d a* /'<md (jimliiy. I Milie.t tho ol (’enreisjv., to /.n vc men heme market lor my fulvncw, -uiiii iisNiiriiijecs on my nan, lbat they hdiall nlw nys lie p'eiieruiialy and ju*l )v dealt hy. I keep tilnout all times by me a larpe -iiipply ol cotton yario , Kpi»!i Irom primo while rot ion and pul np in bales el ~10 lbs each; « udira iingiii Miiiahlo proportions all iho dillerein IS’om. ilint tire in demand, and run supply .orders to any extent tit a nioiiirnt.s warning, and metis good terms ns ran be had in ibis Mum AUu cotton O/.nahur ges It I niches >vidc, mule heavy niul good. I also am non ire unite public that lay VUeol raids urr imw , in oppe.ration, in llrsl rnlo order, .and etirding of Wool for country nistoyieru is done at I’nun um Fart »ry, in tho best uiuincr and vmili protnpi iless mid disptcli. My woollen iinieliinory i, » \ t**HMve, And 1 expeel during nmnuer to maiml ie .lured fine article us Jveiitngky lor the fall market, of which Inrtlier notice will bo given in . tune For nil goods and yarns of my manufacture, 1 ; lake prime cotton in exchange, either the white or | nankeen at /logmla p ices, with the freight oil The Primnlon Fat tory is hituuted two milts fm,i;» j Alliens on the iiiiddlie fork of tin* Ueoiica river, .on ibe load lending to Watkinsvillo. jnaruh 8 4iw3t \N ni WILLIAA/8, Pros’t PrineelMn Faeinry. BOaylr llolt‘l. flOlEsuhscriher iiHving purclnisril this ilemra : X blaslt.ii, in ilia < Jackson, silunlcil m. ■ the lu.rlh siiliiul the Hfalo-Iloiisn hijnurc, is .Icier mined (o rnraovo o ilin a (few days, and assures all <ln .so who may call on him that every aUculiou and provision shall ho made lor llmir accomiiimlii turn, which iho muuiool the ccmnlry will pcnnil; mid that his nocoiFinodalions for liavclicrs, horses, and boarders, shall he equal lo any in iho Slate,of) of the immediate hank of I lie Mississippi river, an. I ! <n so far ns the circumstances oi lh. ronnlry will j |H'rmil,his shall,not be am passed by 1 any. lie uledges linnsc ll to kcopa good tabic,good j liar, Turn island with the hesf of Jnpiors; good com- j fort a hie rooms; good clean wholesome beds; a quid house, (rim fro i u not and noisy intemperance; and good dry stahlas furnished w ith good osilors, and h plenty of corn nnd fodder, and at ns tvasonab[c . loiin* as practicable, /’mnipt pavnionl, m ghurt I . (Hin.uls, will, in all cases,be required. . Tw members of the la>>gislaturc,niid those having r business in the courts nt Jackson, tho subscriber I will luruish good comfortable rooms, both in sum l incrmul winter, either in bis main Tavcui building, or in one a low yards distant, which he has lately prucureil, and lined up ter the purpose, at their op- 1 ■ t ion They are invited to mill and examine his nc coui.nodnlions lor Ihstnsclvcs, and il they like, I . try them, lie is perlccijy aware olTliesccninmotla- ; lions Idllierlu utiorded illffu;i town, and is deter- i iiioiHd to improve, thete. Hut thoso who favor linn | ■ wiilitheir custom, shall not mil go aw nv rcasoimhly I diSMiitislied. U. I!. UTufilNß, Jackson, Miss. Sept.J2. JHount Vernon. Jan I m3m 2 iTO BOAT OWNKUsi \,\|i PA‘i'KUUr\S ; .Vavit'alinf' Savannh anil liroml viva s. | an act ol theticncral Assrunhly of iho stale | ■ X of(jtsirgiu.assunn.d loiliiclfdih Ileccinbcr, Ibiio, 1 gilds made he duly .of the inferior courts of the sev- ! oral counties of-said, state, bordering on,or which 1 ■navigable waters puss through, u,. cause to he puli llsl ffii.JtotWfl*tXnnil drhl~e ~sev eml ki’ls oT 11 1 e .... "■“TierMl assembly, rcgiihumg boot ow ncrs.lbcir agents nnd palroons, navlgaiingsaid wnters. By the aforesnm acls w p/v bout navigating llip biiiviumah or .(Iroad rivers, arc required in have a while patroon.with a Rill ol Lading ready prepared to exhibit to nuy while person, who may w ish to examine the eontaulu.olThu boat under iheir elniige, show ing the name ol said palroon nnd consignee >| the cargo iihoanj..d said boat, nnd furthermore for , sods any nor,their agent or pulroon.lo pcnnil nny boat hand being aslnve; lo pm on hoard ol tin ir bout,any corn, cotton, pens,slock of any kind, ponl try or oilier articles in w hi.di hy law they are K..;bid to trafliak, except .the snmrrs exhibited in the lull nt lading of the ow ner ot said boat or Ins agent,mid nn tier his or therr direction entered, making 1 1 penal iigiiiu't every .'(lender of the nt. r. said acis. Therefore,nil concerned will lake notice, ihnt the nets of which the foregoing is cvtxr,. ted will be en forced ofion.lcr-; .who tiny he lakoll in tl c r oinily of Lutgoln. .•I.kivis Pun;, - , IV. 11. Caxtki.ow, John Mas b rr phkn Srox xm, Purl;a I.amaii, ■siot ‘,’d Jf 27S Judges of Inferior court. TO TSUT t*: BiS< S*'. ■ i*ax m: xV jam viivs rlAfttcnt Lexer I‘iess, for Hailing and t »mp rcsMiig t'otton. fl'lll'. attention ol Plunicrs find shippers i. res I peel fully invited to 111 ■ nhovo vnlnahle inv. n linn, XX lib the Confident hrhel dial n \\ dI be Inline •uperior lo every improvement oi the kind yet .1- . fared to the public Th ■ eomparaiive'y ir !l . expense required Ibr ils ere. lion and successful op • ernlion, together with iho qunnui v ol cetiun it n cnpahle of p»e king, six or eight hands hem.; able , lo lnriiout aOtsaUs per day,) give il nil importan, which they trurt a liberal community wnl uj'prc-' rian-. As someevidenco-of the favorahle opinion a| ready cxcno.l in the public mind, the pr.ipn-tors l.beg ioavclo inlmdiicc die l.dloxxing repmt nnd r„- . s.ilmian of lUmaelocl committee fppoiiiKnl by th« ll Misu.ef’ I’liprcsentalivcs ol the Slate <1 Mis.-:s . sifipi “ I’l.o/"elect committee to whom was referred the nuanoria'.i 1 Mo'fd Pnyn-* and January,.b. .. the samo.iUdecr - c.»nsidi*raHtui. Ihe committee have examined die model ol the * oil. :i 'cess pr. - seined by Mr. January ; from saidcxaniiin i. n,..ind the slaleiiienis of .several gendemen ,xv ho ' ive n the same in operation, the eounnidce 1--hew t a valuable improve- lent, nn.i one well r mi n .e die pulioiinge of the Coinoi plantar, both lor packing and compressing collon. Pbe ib.crcloo recomnieiid the mloplim of the lodoxvnig n .-di t.on ■ II sulcal htj tie IsaUhihirr »/ Uc AVu/- of Me >i»-i///-/, 'le*sf< P.yneA J.miarv, hy them ( V€Ji till!l lA ill tlf Ajtmll ( jf r I Isl pp ', lia V> ('un ■ trilmti'il in mi e , l( i iiiinn'rr t" lht* operm lon oi chi toj i ■ -111 A»lo]i(cil hy ill'* 11 I i«• ■• i '•aeii'.uiiven ( on |lio 6IL day ol Way, IK:?, Recommendation* '1 Ur Turin ’ ; him of llm Senate ol the Stiilo ol Mi»i*i.*,M|i|ii, lake ; t;rt a ( ! ■■ i.uirc in rei*oinniondit>K to lie* coiiou plunt ; era 'll Mii-*.NKip|)i an il Ihe lllljoilniiy Stc-.I *, i'uyiu; <V January'■< I'ntnil Lever (kitlon i’n s, lor [Kick ing an<l i oinpressiug eullon. I’roiil llio i v iiiiiiki linii \m Icuo (mil lime lo m ike el the load* 1 evlu | lined In on hy the pmen ecu, mid akin from the re* : port ol ii coininitteo of llm lloiine ol liepn m utii : liven ol I hit ■Mute, we have no hesitation nisuyinii j that the general mu* ol llm patent lever i otlon pres,, j will ho highly beneficial lo the cotton plat ting in* ■ teresl ol llm -Southern Males | (Signed,) A. <l. Mi Mull, Stephen Vikc, .him \ Wall, Fralll,tin \Vnll,Uubt. 11. Hacklier, U. \ Jin ■ I a’l.t, Jana t Ahllunn. | Ido certify that 1 have one of j -hinnary’s patent lever Colton presses erected on tay i plantation, and find n in every rc*pi*ri superior to j any thing ol the kind I have ever seen, and would recommend the adoption of it to evei y planter m Iho South With oight liamh., hi) 1,,1ei per day ■ can he easily baled, and when erected, will, no j doubt, last, from twenty to thirty years. Jl mil* euutily, 7lh April, 1H37. A. STO.W. [<’ujiy. Nulelicz, lllh 7’i h lfl:;7 - I have vvil ne-i ii' the o|ieralion of Mr .ianoary's patent lever | cotton pros in I'OinpresMing a hale ol eultnii horn the size oil), inelins to the size ol g() inch's, ami do with pleasure nlal*', that 1 believe it a eheap and durable machine lor packing or eninpn ,v m> i oil m. ■N O All DAUI-OW. : ( 'opv., Vaicltez, S!7tli /•'. h. I i‘.S', - Having wit the "pei ution ol ila lever pr i Intel) put up m this plan* try II U .limiiary, Ksip lire the purpose ol i on t pit - - nig cot ton, I have g real pleasure to say in;’ llllil I was hilly J iaalied of 11, ellirie y and W' lild oa ne>tly icceinmend it In llm noliee ol planters who are vvtur.ii g pn set ul their gins Ihr Pickitig cotton. J). M. STRUMA.A 1 j ffarpy.J NalMioz. Oil Mill, Fch «7 IST —We, | I Mm* undersign! d, having examined h.o patent lover | nmipiVM, of .Mr Jammy,uttd *een u in openuion, i pi l lt■< i 1 v » iii.' li'd vvlio/i ilu; machinery is I j i • »pi -Jv i'i!, :i» i»(! il will nor n tjuirc more I lum i oi 110I 10 wrr <>i two ihoii lo coiilprdM* a bain t I cotton; 1r ' \ 11 ' ■; 1 1 ha ft in mll ill < 1 1111 > -11 yjo 11 v HH from (lii I it .'ml stfw pri.s *. Wo would cordially recoin j mi (id it lo ill, mid mol * particularly lo those delta j m i'• I upon crut ling a e mipreis ing iiuiol)iiM > , oh ! III!' prel ruble oil ninny nrcniiuU:, and iilmiily | tW'oot I! *■ !»nI illlpunO'KO, VIZ kspeilHO Utld poVV Cl*. 15 \.\ Is A. IMLCOM, 1 JA >II.S MI! \si’Ms, JollsV A VP.M.U, s/-jin voiitVi;. I have examined the eompressing machine ol Mr. January, and fully concur in opinion with the a Van t*. I), AMRIaKU. Ur, the undersigned, luc\ j n s o cn llm above? named maelunn m oper. iioo, lolly Coin ui in llm .statoiiiunt (-xpruHMi d by llnuihoso nmiu cl yrnilcnicn. WA/ KA M s (•: V, viion. j. siiKovi:k [Oopy.J .Nairlic*?., Fol». ‘JI, —Mr Uob’l .larnnry -- dear nir I as an uninirrc.Hird porson.buvt* ' • w Hu*l, v\lub> Iho ship d/onl pclmr, ol which 1 1 have llmrotniiiuild, wan lying m tin- coilon press | hntiiing, iln power of your c I lever press, | and can all os t il has redact »1 one of my larj t.;| halt's ol I he? I«»t ol t oiitui nittrkod “i .linn (diills,” as small as uny Iha I 1 have ever had hum f lie sieim press ol tin* sajor size; ami il e» my opinion Ihat your press run leijiu »• eoilon bales sim*!l a t ompass as ; any hUmum press, us I was c’unvincetl from thi* trial made with Iho eoilon hale above relerretl 10. I ! j was one of the llueo individuals .that (.'(impressed! > said hale. | l oall I*!ant< tnin want oi prossrs, who malm large j crops ol eullon, vvlm h they are in the hnhil ol j sblppm;- t Im. p«,. ()f (u , | v ~1,1,1 m ,|, . tnigly leeoinuieiul llie adoption ol has pros*, as n would enable them lo have* iheir t ollon carried at ; less rales ol freight, and llm eompreshion can bis done by I heir own planiaijons while ginning. lam very sorry lhai vonr press had not been in opeiali.m before my cargo was presst d, us yon would have bid a holler chance to have t\hihiied ibe peihmu uiee ol your |Vt ss belbminy d(’j»urhiru I Wishing Vutiall ihe gooti muctas tlial you jnsl- I ly merit lor your industry, I remain, your sincere friend, JAA/KS MKK.S, ; | Onboard of thesliip Monipolier. j , Rurkß Countv, (>co. Jan. 31st, 1H;I7. , I cerfily that I have packed seven or eight bugs ( ol rollon on Payne \r January’s patent lever | ; press, anti find it in every way Hiiperior tt> any thing , ( ol llm kind I have ever seen, and can with pleasure . i recommend the adoption oi n lo every planter, and I > I leivfi no doubt .vv jicr. creelod, will lasi twenty or , i thirty years. JOHN (J. lIATCJIKU. ( t /Jurkk County, (»eo. Jan 31st, 183 H. I do certily I lull 1 have one ol Payne A' January's patent lever presses on my | l nUuiion, llit fust that ( has . ver brrn creeletl in tins Slate, and cun stale . vv uh pleasure to I lie public, that it surpasses any thing o| | 1 have overseen m point t I’ppu'd, ease and convenient* >, and I see no danger, in pres sing eoilon with proper care, and it gijn-bo attached i it* lhe gin.hoibr,sor.s to bo hooutv from all vventh ei Jho et*«l of vv hieh inay be t 'Vt'retl with {£>27 / or J?3(Hhit farihckt, and when built of good mulct I als, will no doubt last from twenty lo ilnriy years, . ami I believe it is ealmlatod it) press two bales in the time any anew run press one, and would recoin mend ibo adoption of ii to all planters. ; I:i)\V . J/ATCHKR. ( J T ‘ b.( » / \ at t'ounty I Wo the mulersigncd do*certily ibafwo wa re pr«'- seiii anil wnnessed the o perm ion of Messrs Payne ! iV January's patent lever rollon | r > , creetotl on llm plantation of Mr. I twartl llaleber, anti take j lUoasiiro in allying that v.e bt'lieve* t will answer ; the pnrpo r mesl mlinirably, and will be a decided rulvunia .e to every colton planter. Ihe Colton bale pressetl in onr presence, was live lc< t long, ivveniy j live by sev .uter i inebes, vvloeli wcighctl lour In.n* 1 tlretl pounds. The I rde was pressed with lour : hands. A. J. I.AWSON, J \S. W JON Ids, \ t*KM HKKTOA, jo.s’Kph s. uio, i». w i'L.w nvv ( I« b. 7, IS;H I I eoncur with ilic above named gcnilcmeu, \\ M. il WX'HKU. I concur with llu Maiementsof I fit* above namevl j I gem lemon. W M N i'. MOKKJN i. fiuc'- ri:"uhr I tlo bt'irby eortily iln 1. was employed bv Mr I’Mvvard liaiel er lo build one of Pav ne »V Janua v s • .foil pre* s.’s >lt< r a motlel protlneetl 1 y Mr. John I‘oiiiM, vvhnb 1 euin(deled and saw in t*ra i lion, wh’th per'orniod beyond inv expcela'ions. i Fur.her I Ivbeve two i'iH-1 meeh .on s e.m eomplele j one in three weeks, timber and iron furnished; I Lalmo iliiitk it vvurilr. llw . onsideraiion of all rollon 1 planter.-, also all those who vvisli to e« eoilon I bnU. JA.MI’.N .NKI.NO.V, ! Fob ‘Jlh, It?3S. (•! Ol\Gl. l, Burkr county I et nils 1 have seen the performance of Messrs Payne Ar Jmm ry's patciil lever \ r« ss ami can say with pleasure that it surpasses any thing 1 have ev er seen or known In pack colt »n with, and is not ■ surpassed in point of speed, ease ami convenient*!*, ] anti w her. creeled, v\ ul no doubt last ivvonty orihir- I t v years, and tl<* most heartily recommend thoud >p | tar of n !•> all planteis. i'iven uiivlrrmv hand, ibis Sih Feb IB.v-. jamfs MeAku>rf*:R Ido heartily concur with tho above certificate. SAMI Fk S. I.OVKU-. 1 most e truest,, concur w iih the above eeriificale I K«-h. IHh, JOHN OWEN.* Persons tlesiroU"' ofol>iamiivg llm nb ve named . Paimit Press, either for Hoorgea or will . 1 please midrtts Jon.* IT uiiiN, W ayneshoro’ I'urkt* I | ( ounty. (b'Oigi». In otleiing lie above named Press for sale In the j 0.0. !•« « t I Georgia and Florida v i t s utility having j | alreeuiy l*ocn provciP we he>ilaio not tus- y. that, in eVcrv insinur* v\ here « trial ol Us power is made, that it will be found greatly mipermr to any thing ot Iheliiiid cverollered ibepublic Wt hope for, and awM ext eel, the patronage ol the public. a i:uvm:. JOHN PKKKIX j hh it JmdfrwArw 37 la Kiehmoud Superior < ourt- Feb i~, 1838 i Catharine Charles, j xs ,■ Libel for Divorce. Nutlinniel Chailas ) Tbo Sbcrill having relumed that the defendant is not lo he funnd ft it therefore, ordered, that he I be required In appear ul Ihe next term ol line Court I and answer, or the Court will proceed as in cave of i judge, cent by <J -fault, and it is further ordered that j this role he published 01 one of the Ouz.eixcs of the i city ol Aug .tin once-a month lor throe Ufutjlhs ' pre, ceding to the next term ol this Court. Ftb- J ruary 17, 1838. A true extract Irorn the minutes, | mar 3 som3t JAMILS' Mi LAWS Clerk. i AII'OHTA NT-TO Tin: SICK, in. VV. Mviins’ Cmnimiile and Ajicricnt I* 1 I. L S . Rid OM J! ENDED hy thousands for Desoen fail and i.K liioinacli eoiiiplainu. Liter couijiltjinl U:.i i/rara ntutflirip. Mrs ll.imiuh Browne, wile ol Joseph JJrowno, Worth Sixth st near second street, Willjamshurgh, ;:■ Hiii led lor the fiat ten years with the Liver Com plaint, completely restored lo health through the treatment of Ur. Kvaos. Symptoms:—Habitual constipation ol the bow | els, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain ol the j epigaslrie region, groat depression of spirits, lan guor .and other symptoms ol extreme debility, dis turbed , I up, ino’-ihimte (low of ihe menses, pain in the right side, could not lio on her left side, ; without an aggrivalipil of the pain, urine high col- I ared, with oilier symptoms indicating great do ' rungenicnl in the funelions of the liver. Airs Brown was attended hy ihrno of the first I physicians,hut reeeivud hut little relief from iln-ir ] ni ah.-me, till .Mr llrowno procured some of Ur. Wm Evans invaluable preparation which elfectual | Iv lehcved her ol the above distres.aiu ■ symptoms, with others, which it i,; not essential lo inliui.atc, Jo.--Ill'll niiou m;. For sale by ANTON V it 11 AI.NJtLS, Suleagi ills for Augusta, 232 Broad st. S' 0 FMN'f JI.VfTOIt S*—'Che ( otiunission fl. era of Public Buildings for Edgefield District will loeeivo written proposals until the 16’ltnf J April next, for the erection of a now Brick Court j House in said district: The outlines ol the build. i mg are as follows;—GO hy -IS feet, gd foot pitch; u ] passage running lengthwise through the lower J slory, with three offices on each side; tho court rooms nud two jury rooms to he in tho upper slo { ry, and also Iwo )aligns of seats for spectators. A two slory portico at I he end. . j, Further information, us to ihe details, maybe had, and a plan ol the building seen by applying to Ihe undersign'd. A B ADDISON, Cli’n. Edgefield C 11. .March 15. fl'J wfit Georgia, Simla: county: Court ol Ordinary—present, I heir honors G \V Ev nus, Abel Lewis and L Biilrin r, Esqrs. ■Man h i>l/i )H.!B. J 3 TI’ON she petition of Dennis Carrol, td’Murray s ’ eoiitny, suiting that Abner E Holliday ih-c'd, ul Burke eeunty, tid, iu ihe county of Miniroe, on Ihe fall day ol October, 1835, try his bond of that date ; a copy ol w Inch is filed ni litis court, bind him self, bis heirs and assigns, to execute to onu U (I liuin Daniel, and Ins assigns, ol .Murray county, by the first day of (January, 183(5, titles to that lot of li-tul known hy lh,< nnniher one hundred and sixty, in Ihe lotii district, Kith section originally Chero kee county; and staling that said Abner F. departed l his life w ithuut executing said title; and that the said Dennis is ihe assignee nf said bond; and | praying this court to direct Aim hew .duties, tho ad ; ininislraloi on Ihe estate ol said Aimer M. to exe j cute title to said lot lo the said Dennis. U’hereup on, il is, on motion id Million! Marsh, counsel lor said Dennis, ordered, that unless good cause is shown lo lhe contrary, that on ihe first A/ouday.n. July next, this court will direct said adiuiinislratnr to qxucult) sajd-Utlo. And n is further ordered, that a copy ol Ibis rule he published once a month lor three months before said time. A true extract from the minutes, inarch 21 ni3t T II BLOI’NT,|U cl’k. ! Georgia, frmju:< onuly; I C'mirtol Ordinary—present, their honors C VV Kv ans, Abel Lew is, and li Buhner, K»qs. March itlh 1838. 8 T i’O.N the petition of Burton McGhee, Mating ; J Ahiroi K Holliday,dec., late oi Burku eoumy, i did, on the 15lh day nl September, 1831, by Ins eer- I: ' lain bond ol that dale, nhjigule himsell, his ho rs j i I and, assigns, lo execute to one \\ m Daniel, of At or- . i gnu county, titles lo the lot ol Land in iho town of i '■ Bulnset, in the county of Murray : eommeneing on I ’ the street at the corner ol lot No 3, in the first divis- i ion ol said tow a, running south with said street six- ; s l)-fair, to a street. M loot wide, thence wnh said s struct one hundred and sixty feet to a cross street, c thence up tun! iMeet, lo lower purl of lot No 3. And iilsn stating that lie is the assignee of said 1 hon I, and I hat said Abner K. departed this hie w itliout executing said lilies, and praying that Ala- ! I how Jones, the administrator ol the said Abner E. | may he directed to execute lo the said Burton Me ! v (dice titles to said lot. Whereupon, on motion of j ( Mullbnl Marsh, counsel lor.said .petitioner, il-ia or- j h deroll, iluil unless good eiiuso he shown to the eon- j I trary, ihe said Alallhew Jones,aiim’r. us aforesaid, i ti will he, at July term of Ibis eoinl next, dircclcd lu p make said titles- And it is further ordered that aJ c ropy of ibis rule ho published onto a month for i c three mouths, before said court ! t A true t;xt{aet Irum the minutes. I inarch 21 m3t TII BLOUNT, D ol’k. j i I i Georgia, liurUc county: Gourul Ordinary—present their, lionora G W Lv- ( uus, Allied Louis, and F. Palmer, Esqrs. , March a th , 1838 , H TPOA’lho petition nf James Buchanan and Win , a. I Hosier, staling that Abner E Holliday, dec'd. , late.ii Burke county, died in the county of Murray, , on the o glii day ol t-eptember, 1831; by Ins certain x luiiul'Ot mat dale, a copy of which is filed in ihis | court, obligate himseil to one U ilhaiji D.-mel,.of Morgan county, Ins heirs or assigns, titles to two lots in the tow n nt Poinset, known liy tlie :Vo2, 1 and one hall of No Hi. And iil.sft by; hj.'i. 'yy’.tii.i.B. v olher bond, nnnlfP trnliesTnue county on the Gth day i jd.N.y.p'ember, 1834, the said Aimer E obligated I | himselt to execute |to the Jsaid William Daniel, his j | hens or assigns, the ether half of said lot No 1(5, in j [ tho said tow n ol Poinset (n copy of which last i I mentioneil bond is tiled in ibis court) and tho said I James and W illi no are the assignees of said bunds, 1 I and also that said Abner E depleted this life without 1 exeeutmg said titles; and praying tins eourl todi- I reel Matthew Jones,administrator ol the estate of j ! said Aimer E., lo execute the said titles lo tho said 1 j James and illtam. li is lliercupon, on motion of | A/nllord .Marsh, counsel for said petitioners, ordered, that unless good cause be show n to the contrary, 1 j that tins court wilJ, at Julv term next, direct said administrator to execute said lilies. And it is tur tlu-r ordered, that tins rule he published once a ] mouth lor three month* before said court. A true extract Irom the minutes, march 21 milt T 11 BLOUNT, D el’k. Another Test of U e efficacy. • Dr Paris’s Soo thing tfyrup far infant's t’eothing, | »Afr Wm ' Johnson, .New York. Dear Sir; Tho great benefit afforded to my suf i sering infant hv your Soothing ciyttip, in a case ol J proiraetod and painful Demi ion, must convince ov ; cry feeling pan nt how essential to an curly applica tion ol such an invaluable modicum is lo alleviate infant misery and torture. Aly imam w hile teeth j mg e> ponoiieed such acme sulienngs, iln.t it u;s ' attacked with convulsions, mid my wife and family supposed that death would soon lelease the babe i from anguish, wneit we procured a brittle of vour j N'yrup, w lueli, ns soon usupjilied lo the gums, pro i din ed a wonderful change, ami after a lew appbea j ttons, the child displayed obvious relief, and by con j tinning in its use lam ghullo inform you the child ! has eouipleiely recovered, amt no reeiirrepco el that awful complaint.inis since occurred; the teeth.are ■ emanating daily , and the child enjoys perfect health. ! 1 give you my cheerful permission to make this ac- . } knowledgement public, and w ill gladly give any in formation on itu* c rcumsnmee. i\ Af.JUHNt>OA. V hlCßsiug u> J|,plhcrs. 11. .1.1.. I’AKKI.-s’N celebrated f-oothiug .Sy. rup,.li>r ('inldren cutting their teeth. To mothers and purses. I bis infallible remedy has preserved hundred* of children, when thought past recov Irom convulsions. A» soon as the Syrup is ru bed on the gums, the cht/d will recover. T preparation is so innocent, so efficacious, and sp 1 pleasant, that no child will refuse, o let its gums b, riihhcl wnh it. \V hen infants are at the age ot four months, though there is no appearance of i teeth, one bottle ol the 4>yrup should te used on I the gums, to open ihe pores. Parents should ne ver be without the B>rup in the nursery where here are young children; lor if a child wakes in ! the night with pains in the gnms, the Syrup im mediately gives ease hy opening the pores and heal ing the gums: thereby preventing convulsions, f,. 1 For vale by ANTONY & HAINF.B, Augusta j Ha. ihe only authorized Ac ms for Augusta when I may at all times be found a large supply of Drug* i .Medicines, Paints, GBs Stc Fen 13 I, AW HEX EVILLE HOTEL. ■ . The subscriber having removed to Mil ledgeville, would lake thin uppoituniiy • M!*M 10 reluni thanks Cor former patronage, [ill isMci and would stale that his house is now kept by Ins brother John N. Alexander, , lor whom lie solicits the pationego of his friends ami other*, and assures them that every attention will be given by the present occupant to render them oomfonahle. ' TJIOS. W. ALEXANDER. Having taken tite Lawrenceville Hotel, I solicit a share of public patronage, and promise ilnil 1 will use my utmost exertions tegivo general lyitisfactiun to all who may cull. JOHN N. ALEXANDER. Lawrenceville, Ow innelt eo March 22. w3m EMANCIPATION, so-y.. THIS celebrated English Racer yiT'SK and splondin Stallion will occupy liowlon's Stand, at W. Hampton's Wood lands Estate, live miles below Vs under the direction of.Ur B*.* fe 3=’sawa Wm J. Geiok*, and he lot to Mares m s7fi the season, 81120 to insure, and one dollar to his groom; the money to bo,paid in advance. The season will commence on the first of February, and end lha Ist u( July. Extensive rye and grass pas tures provided lor Mans, and separate lots lor such as may have young luals.rind mares vyel! fuel at fifty cents per day. Every cure will -be taken to guard against accidents, hut no responsibility, should they occur. Emancipation, so named under the groat excite w. in about the emancipation oi l he Roman Catholics was bred hv Mr, Riddle, and was foaled in 1827. lie w h got by Whisker,(own brother lo W hale bone, At j sire of The Colonel and Meinnon, winners of tips St Huger. His dam was got,by Ardrossan; one o 1 tile best sons of the famous*'John Hull; his g dam, Lady Eliza, by Whitworth; his g. g. dam, X t Z’s dam, by Spadilie, out ol .S'ylvia, by Young Marshe, At;, liy reference to llieTth vol page 101 of the T, R. and .V. Magazine, his extended pedi gree may hi seen, as also his performances on I lie tori, which latter are but little inferior to any horse over imported into this country, lie is a beautiful hay, with black logs, mane and tail, sixteen hands high, of great length, and commanding figure. His botiu is large, with muscles well defined; bis ac tion good, and accompanied by indications of nn eo .iiuoii power. His stock are considered very premising; bis oldest w ere two years old last spring ml these, some few were trained last season, arid woof them have been winners, viz., Angela, who won the Clnllinglon stakes, August sth, beating s field offivo others, tit Wolverhampton; and Cum pensation, winner ofa stake at lleducsford, October 31st, healing three others. For Hlaek servants sent with Mares, no charge will be made; having no accommodations for white persons on the spot, they must board elsew here. Jan 1.0 wta 21 i' 'j A letter,l'rotn Doct. S. P, Gilbert to Duel. Evans. Dear Sir: had the immortal Cwwper known the medical qualities of. the Camomile Riant, he ns well as thousands since {besides myself) would have experienced its Aonderlul effects* vm the ner vous system. The public utility of Coyvper was blighted m the bud, through tho natural effect ol ids nervous debility upon the mental powers vvhlrii made it necessary lor him to seek relief bu rn nili the rural shade, but the calm retreat gave his physical nature no repose. If some one Uien Ijad known the secret of concentrating tho medical vir- j lues of the Caniuniille, the discoverer, would have | been immortalized with poetic zeal, as the henefac- [ lor of suffering man. The above lines were prompted from the effect 1 have experienced Rian Dr. M'mvEvans’- Camomile Fills. Yours,&c. oIIELDENT. GILBERT, Durham,Greenco.N Y Another recent test of the unrivalled virtues ol l)r. W m. Evans’ Medicines.— Iti/spejitia—Ten years standing. —Mr. J. McA'enzie, Was afflicted with the above complaint fur ten years, w hich ineapaciated wilh hint at intervals, for six years, in attending lo his business, restored to nerlect hualth, under tim salutary treatment* of Dr VVm. Evans. 'J'he principal symptoms were, a sense of disten sion and oppressin i after eating, distressing pain in' the pit of the stomach, nausea, impaired appetite, giddiness, palpitation of the heart,; great debility and emaciation, depression of spirits, disturbed rest, sometimes a billions vomiting and pain in the right side, an extreme degree of langour and faint ness, any endeavor lo pursue his business causing immediate exaustion and weariness. Mr. McKenzie is daily attending his business, and none--of iho above syippmms have recurred since hejjaed the above medicine He is now n ; strong and.hei llhy man. Ho resorted to myriads 1 ol remedies, but they wereall ineffectual. Forksale by ANTONY it HALVES , march 8 Sole agents for Augusta, Geo 1 Asthma, three Years standing. JtOIiERT MONROE, Schuylkill, afflicted with llie above distressing malady. Symptoms: Great languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous I head indie, difficulty of breathing, (tightness and stricture across.the bieast, dizziness, nervous irrita nility ami restlessness, could not lie in a horizontal position without the sensation ol impending suffo cation, palpitation of the heart, distressing cough, oo.stjyeuess, pain in the stomach, drowsiness, great debility and deficiency <d the nervous enurgy. Mr. Monroe gave up every thought ol recovery, and dire despair sot on the countenance «f every person interested in lus existence or happiness, till by tie indent he noticed in a public paper soipe cures ef fected by !)r Ufa Evans Medicine in his comp 1 .11 111 which induced turn lo purchase a package of the pills, which resulted in coinple.tely removing every ■symptom ot Ids disease. i/e wisfsui .u say his mo tives fur tins declaration is, that those afflicted .will) the same or any symptoms similar to those from which he is happily restored, may likewisereccive tho smne inestimable benefit. For sale by ANTONY & HAINES. 'V VS!I N't.ton FEMALE SEMINARY. ' Miss SARAH W. lUI/VCKBTT, Principal. r |pJIE second term of tins Seminary, commences I A on Monday, 2d April, and for tbe general in formation ol applicants from a distance, notice,.is given, that board can be obtained in the,res pectable families in our town, at pr.ct-s varying from ten to twelve dollars per month, fuel, lights and washing included. 'J'he course ot instruction in this Institution, is | thorough, complete; and as CAlpnsive as in the most j , approved northern Bemina r The discipline and | | studies, in each department, are carefully adapted to • j the ages ami standing of the pupils, and in nil, the j i Bible is a daily study and recitation, being 1 regarded not only ns die means ol snlightcning the i conscience and purifying tho heart, hulas it,a basis j of all correct education. BOOKS USED IN THE SEMINARY. The Hi bio. Walker's or Webster's Dictionary, ‘ j Child's Guide, Mount Vernon Reader, Analytical I Header, Porter’s Rhetorical Reader, National Road- ! | or, Young Ladies'Class Book Peter Parley's Geography, American School Geo ■ graphy, Mnltuhrun's Geography. Goodrich’s First Rook of History, Feeond B ok ’ of History, Willard’s Republic, Worcester's Lie- ; merits of History, with Golcsmiih’s Git ere, Rome and England, Goodrich's Ecclesiastical History. Andrews' and frtoddard’s Latin Grammar. Good- ] rich's Latin Lesson's Latin Reader, Virgil, Cicero's I tiolccl Orations Emerson's First Arithmetic, Emerson's Second Ariiemctic, Adams’ New Arithmetic,Colburn's Pint Lessons, Ikulcy's Algebra, Playfair's Euclid. Smith's New Grammar, Mrs Phelps' Botany, Lincoln's Botany, Hayward'' Physiology, Combo's Physiology, Aleolt's House-l-livo in, G nllambT Natural Theology, Paley’s Natural Theology, Al d.en’s Class Book of Natural Theology, U alts < n the Mind, Mason pn Sell-Knowledge, Kidd's Physical Condition of Man, Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History Comstock’s Philnsojdiy,Comstock's Chem istry, Wilkin’s Astronomy, Hedge's Logic, Aber crombie on the Inlelleclutl Powers, Newman's Rhetoric, or Blair’s Rhetoric, Alexander's Evidences ol Christianity, Sullivan's Political Class Hook. IIATrS OK TUITION. For children under 9 years id age, per quarter, S 8 00 “ “ nvertl and less than 12 years, “ 10 00 “ “ over 12 years - - - “ 12 00 The only extra charges in this Seminary, arc for Music, porquqrlcr, - - - • 15 00 From h, “ - - - - - 500 Draw iuganJ Puinomr, in all their varieties, 500 II KKMISNCES. The Trusters beg leave to refer to the fo'lowing gentlemen; Rev. S S. Dav's. Augusta; Rev. S. J. Cassels, Macon; Ur. W. 11. Weems, and D. P. Hillhouse, Columbus;* Daniel Chandler, Mobile, Ala ; and Win. L Harris, Colambus, Miss.; Cid, 11, 11. Long, Ma rianna, Florida A. L. ALEXANDER,Chairman. SAMEEL BARN Ki'T,Treasurer. K. M IU'KTON, Seerctarv Dr. JOHN 11. POPE, MARK A. LANE, .1 VMIIS W INGFIELD I .V«rch iw Hoard tug School lor young Ladies AT j \,r Madison N Jersey, near Morristown. JltJ ADAME 6’HEGARAY having competed the arrangements necessary to the removal Iron) the city of New York of the establishment alto has had under her care and management for a number of yean, intends to transfer the same to Madison N. jersey, on Hie first of May next. This village, celebrated for its extreme heallhfnlness, is of an easy access in the short space of two hours from New York, by means of the rat/rood from Jersey city to Newark, and thence by the Morris and i Essex rail road to Madison. The bouse intended for the reception of young Ladies has boon built with the utmost attention to wards,their cotyifoft, and particularly with a view to protect them against the excessive heat ofsum ' mer, or the severity of winter, ft stands on the ' declivity of a hill within an enclosure of several 1 I acres of ground; ts sufficiently distant from the village to he free from noise and disturbance, while it is nevertheless far front being solitary. The 1 Boarding School at Madison will ho conducted on 1 the same principles, and urgler the same regulations as tire one now in New York, with the exception of the division es time respecting the hours of study and exercise; these will be arranged so„au to be less objectionable with regard to health, and in olfcer respects more productive of good. Professors,on the Piano, ringing, Dancing, &o. known by their long and successful services in the above establish ment at New York, will continue to be attached so the house; in short, there will he no a leratiop but such as has appeared to-be ol mutual advantage, namely, the change nflocnlity, and inconsequence, a reduction in the price of Board, Tuition, A'o. March 13 67w2m The Georgia Journal, Milledgevi/le, will copy the above weekly 2 months, and charge tjie same to he Chronicle <te Sentinel office. Is;} tv Notice. W.J. V.IMf.V-(Lute of (ienrgin.) HAS removed to the City of New Orleans, for the purpose of devoting himself to the prac lice of LAW REFERENCES—CoI. T F Foster, Colqnctt Holt A’, A. hqls, A. 11. Chappell,//on W C. Daw son, //on. John P. King, Mai. E. B. Beall, Augus ta, Geo.; A/iller Ripley & Co. Charleston, S. C. Jan 4 Srn ‘3 SAW NOTICE.-—The undersigned having 2 associated in the practice ol Law at Warren ton, Ceo., respectfully lenders their professional ser vicej to the public. They will attend Courts in the counties ol Hancock, .Taliaferro, Wilkes, and Warren; of the Northern Circuit; and Columbia, ot j the Middle. An •misino&s, intrusted to them, will meet with prompt attention. JOSEPH IV THOMAS, EDMUND VV. BU IT. I Warrcnton, Ga., Feb. Wth, 1838 [leb22 6tw IV W NOTICE.--The undersigned has open- J ed -a. Law Office in the town of Lafayette, Walker county, Ga and will attend the courts of the adjoining counties. A'ft business entrusted to lu» care w ill he promptly attended to. mar 3 50w-R CHARLES J //OOPIIR. j E. V.*J. HILL. MTTOnxnZs .IT, Moticcllo and Eatenton, Georgia, 1 ’6/&/ ILL practice in the several courts of the coun l *T ? tics of Jasper, Junes, Morgan, Pulliam, Bald j win,Watts, Hbnfy, Newton, Monroe, Walton, and in tlie Federal Court for the district of Georgia. REFERENCES. Atgutta. —A.J.&T. W. Miller; Webster, Par malee &Co , Hurvilnnd, Risley, Co. Mucon. —Poe & Nisbil, Henry G. Lamar, Charles J. McDonald. Savannah. —Berrien and Cuylor, G. B. Lamar, Jo seph W. Jackson. Charlcsujn. —.l amns' 1.. Puligrnie, Wood | Fannin, C.Jk G- 11 Kelsey <fe //a(stead. •The Charleston Courier and Mercury, and New York Conner and Enquirer w ill publish the above twice a week lor 0 months end forward their accounts to this office. hov 17 wGm 2i9 Law Notice. rip HE uedersigned having lUnited in Die , practic I_ ol tlie LAW,offer their services to Die public They w ill attend the courts of Muscogee, '.Marion, Slew art, Randolph,, Early, Baker, Lee and Sqintpr, ol the ChaltahiKiclien Circuit; Houston,of the,Flint Circuit; and Twiggs, Pulaski, Lowndes, Thomas, Decal ur and Dooly, of the Southern Circuit. Bu siness entrusted to their cure will meet with prompt i atuu tion. Their office is in Americas, Sumter I county, w, here one of them mav always be .found I when not absent on,business. LOTT WARREN, WM H CRAWFORD | oct K» tfW wy j UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Thejaahseritier has taken , . tiur contract for carrying me | ilflK United States Mail between lirainbndge, Ga. per steam bnulß, ami have selected tor that purpose, tjie. ‘ii*,: and staunch steamer Free Trader, which is ac knowledged to be unu of the fleetest boats on the river. At H iiubridgv tlie Boat intersects with the Stage Line running bom Augusta to Mobile and New-Orleans, on what is known as the lower route, and also the line running from Georgia to | Tallahassee, and will afford to travellers an easy and salb.-COtiyeyanee to the ports of tlie Gujf.of Mexico, and with greater case and expedition than can lie obtained by any other route. The Free Tra der has been thoroughly overhauled, mid will afford every accommodation lor the comfort end cqtjveni once of,ptqeicngeis, usually found in packet ' boats of theplyst class. .This arrangement has already been some timu ,u operation, and the trips have been ' performed much within the hours prescribed, and i io the satisfaction of all parties. Times of Dkpautphe. i The Free Trader will leave Apalachicola every Sunday and Wednesday at,ll o'clock P. M. anil reach Bainbndge 'he next day gt 9 o'clock P M. Cn reluming she will leave Bainhridge every Tuesday and Friday at 1 o’clock P. M. and arrive at Apalachicola, at 10 o'clock tho next day. A. T. BENNETT. | feb 26 vvlm 35 1 TWENTY DOLLARS REaVARD. & KANAWAY from the > plantation of J. W. Ramsay, dec'd, in Columbia coimiy, a holl* the Ist December, a JVe / gro man, by the name of Lkw- I is, .about twenty-eight years i ol ago, of a yellow complexion, : but not a mulatto, stout and square built, and stut ters very badly. Ile is supposed to be lurking about j the. city of Augusta, a* he has a wife here Th« [ above reward will he given for his apprehension and I confinement in any safe jail, or delivery to , ISAAC RAMSAY, | ,|anl3 d&wtf 10 Columbia county. An extraordinary and remarkable cure. Mrs Marv Dillon, ot Williamsburgh, was restored i to health by the use of this medicine. —The j toms of this dost rosing case were ns follows: Total loss of appetite, palpitation ol the heart, twitching ; of the tendons,with a general spasmodic affection of the muscles, difficulty of breathing, giddiness, langour, lassitude, great depression ol spirits, with the tear of some impending evil, a sensation ol fluttering at the pit of t he stomach, irregular tran sient pams in different parts, great emancipation with other symptoms ot extreme debility. The above case was pronounced hopeless by three of the most eminent physicians, and a oissn -1 lotion ot the patient daily awaited tor by her friends, | which, may be authenticated by the physicians who wore in attendance. Mie has given her cheer lul permission to publish the above facts, and will also gladly give any information respecting the benefit she has received to any enquiring mind. MARV DILLON. Dfy Mr. Charles Semple* who had been afflicted for five years with Immoral habitual A>:lli ma, applied lo Dr Evans on the 4th of Nov. labor ing under the following symptoms; A sense ot tightness across the chest, with the greatest diffi culty in breathing, distressing cough, generally ending with cure l us expectoration ol viscid phlegm, disturbed rest, the face turgid and of a laid hue; could not lie‘d a horizontal position without the sensation ofnnmediate suffocation, languor, drow siness, and dissinss* in the head, and lossyfap pefte. Mr N. applied lo the most eminent physician in the t-it/. likewise used several other remedies without obtaining any permanent benefit un til bis triends persuaded him "o place himself nnAr Dr c, vans' treatment. He is now relieved oiiis complaint, and called at the office yesterday, j a you ing that be had not words to express Ids grati -1 tide for the benefit he had received. / For sa'e by ANTONY i //AIN E s . Notice to Contractor*. SCALED proposal* will be reeeivinl by the Board of Trustee* of Oglelhorpu University at the office of their secretary at Midway, Geo. ■ where a plan and specifications may he seerD until the first of May next, for ths erection oi tho main College edifice of Oglethorpe University. The building to be of brick, throo stories high, in , eluding the basement story; the mam part of tho building running back 89 leet by 52; the wings to i be 34 by 30. One tenth of the contract to be paid when the same is entered into; one tenth when the base ment story is raised: one tenth on each succeed ing story; one tenth when the building is covered in, and one tenth when the building in completed. The time ior the payment of the remaining four tenths, to be specified in tho proposals. The undertaker, if he would prefer, would be 1 permitted to make the bricks on tlie lands of the i University. Necessary wood lor burning the brick and timber for the building, standing, will ' be furnished. The proposals must distinctly state the time within which the building is to be _ completed. The undertaker will bo required to give bond and security for the faithful performance of the work. Tiie board of trustees will give the lik» security, ifnquired, foriiio payment of ihe seveial instalments as above specified. .SAML K T.l ■ M AGE, Sec of Board nl Trustees Ug. University. Midway, Geo. March 17 Gi» w3i TalimbU! ileal Estate tor Sale. * LL that PLANTATION or TRACT OP 11 2%. LAND, situated on Horse Creek, containing between nine hundred and a ihoussnd acres, 'i'here is between filiree xiad four hundred acres of Savan nah and Creek Low Ground, of which there ,* a good proportion inclosed and in good planting or ker. The whole tract is well covered wit(i oak, hickory ami pine timber, and abound with fine springs. The Plantation is bounded by Horse Creek, one and a half miles, ond no where more than one hundred yards from the Kail Koud; tho lower lip.o, only 2 miles irum the Kail Koud Depos itory, at Hamburg. This Plantation possesses the ad vantage of as good a mill scut as any upon the Greek, which could be erected salely and cheap Upon the premises tf.iere is some improvements, and an excellent orchard .of fruit trees. It can be treated for atpnvale sale until ! Itli April, when, if nut disposed ul it will bo sold at public auction, to the highest bidder. Tim terms will be liberal and made as convenient as possible to purchasers, but a proportion must be paid on delivery of deeds.— There will bo offered for sale, at the same time and place, a lew Hogs, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Ac , together with all the plantation implements. Terms .for the latter will ho cash on deliveay.— 'the whole wilhbe sold at the residence ol the sub scriber, on the premises. The lalo is to effect a division amongst rhe belts, and to satisfy a lew small debts due by thq.qstate. Titles w ill be made satisfactory to purchasers. S. HAMMOND, Surviving Trustee ol tlie estate ol L• A. Hammond, march 22 w4t SPUING RACES. I HIE SPRING RACES of the Millodgc villa Jocky Club will commence on the sue cond Tuesday, ( of April next. 50 Dollars entrance. Ist day, Colts sweep stake, 3 or uioro to make a race. A fine silver goblet pul up by the pro prietors, .worth, 2d day—two mile l heats, free for all, —purse $3OO 3d day, 3 do do 500 4th day,4 do da 800 sth day, .Colts s lake, V two mile heats, $250 entrance for the ‘ Voting pl».le' worth $lOOO, 3 already entered; open until the 251 h Mar. h. The money hung up each day. Ti T. VOTING A: Co. Proprietor*, pan 15 wifi 'll Georgia, flurkegouiity: Wll/dIbA.S, T ,L Kirkladd and Win Duke, applies for Letters of Administration, on tho Estate of Madison Duke, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred on .creditors of said deceased to file their objeffions (if any they havo) in my of fice within the time prescribed by law, t> shew cause why said lotfors should not be granted. . Given under my bund at office, in Waynesboro’, this 7th Match, 1838. mar 20 w3od T H R I,OIINT.D fTk. i.rimna, Burke county: WHEREAS William Hatcher,applies for let ters, pf administration on the estate of Ma- I tllda Hatcher, deceased. These are therefore to rite and admonish all ond tiipgtihir the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo apd appear, at my office within tho lime pre scribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should nut be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Waynesboro’ this 7th day of March 1838. mar 20 T UjHLOUNT, d ccoic. Georgia, .Burke County: J/EREAS, Alfred Hudson applies tor Let » » tors of Adminislration ou tho Estate of (Matthew M Spain, Jr., deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said (deceased, lo be ,and appear at my office within tho lime pre scribed by law, to shew cause, it any they have, why.giud letters should not he granted. _ (liven,iindei my hand, at office, in Waynesboro’, . this ~lh Marsh, 1838. inarfiO' T II BLOUNT, I) el’k. CBOL BROWN of Brown's Ferry, took from the 2lndians one head guard Chain with “Win f lour noy August 22; 1834,” worked in it with gold beads; also, one full jewelled double-cased hunting watch, with gold guard chain and key—the watch has three letters on the front case—the owner, or any ol his relations can get it by describing letters and prov 1 ug properly. If no application bo made t.t four months, the watch will be sold and tho proceeds di vided among the troops,—application to bo madejlo the editor of the Columbus Herald for the beau chain, and lor the Watch to Col Brown. The Columbus Hefald will copy the arward the account to Col Brown, nov 27 112/ / EAOU K months alter dale,application will be rrado to tho honorable the interior court of Jeffer son county, when sjuing as a court for ordinaiv purposes for leave to sell the land and negroes ol I Richard Hudson, deceased. , , march If. HAKVEV 1! PIPKIN, Adm r. OUR months after date, application to tho l»oi>u all io Inferior Court of Co lumbia county.while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging In the estate of Robert Allen of said cnnntv deceased ! march 8 \Vm,J RHODES- EiT. months after date, application will be ] made to the the Inferier Court of ’ 1 Scrivtn County,,when sitting for ordinary putpo | ! scs, for leave to sell ail the Lands belonging to tho 1 I Estate of Jarpes Boston, dee'd. THOMAS BOSTON, Adm’r. 1 i months after date application will be | K made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of t Burke county, when silting for ordinary purposes. I for leave to sell ail the real arid personal property of • j Henry Utley, late of Burke county, deceased. s l WILLIAM UTLEY.) * , : I GREEN UTLEY, < Adm ‘” ! dee 1 281 m4m EAOUU months afterdate apiplication will he roado to tho honorable the Justices of the Inferior ! Courtnf Nerivon county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lauds belonging u> 1 1 the Estate of John M. Roberts, deceased, late of ’ i said county. STEPHEN MlLLS,ndra’r. f DELIA ROBERTS,adtnTx. 1 Feh sth, 1833 4tm 33 lAOCR mom Its after date application will |>e rnado to the honorable Inferior court, of £ohtmbia ‘ • county, when sitting for ordinary purpose <u.k> ,o, 1 • leave to sell the following lots ol Lgnd, via: A’>' tba estati * in 4lh district; 287, 2''tb district; 78 and 46, llli*. district; all Early epupty, belonging to the estate ol James Blaekstone, deceased. d WM P BEALL, M 1 I W M. YARBOROUGH. ML 1 I ian 19—15 ’ art minislftl ors IAOUR months after date, application will - made to the Honorable Interior four of j son county, when sitting for Ordinary pirpnse. ■ leave to sell the Real Estate of tho hte Aathanm’r. I I Brussel, dec'll ofsai*' county annetel NATHAN BRAS.vf .adm' I 1 jun I—mil 2 With ihn-ar