Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, July 03, 1838, Image 4

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I Oil ' \ 1.l IllM'i oiler* I*l ’• ill * ’ laiul ill ('i.lhiii! I I enmity, ■ ■ ■g** lln* mam (■ i I !•• ;i‘ •■ *i l mi An ' I • I I olinnbt' < uni! Hon «*, tl'in* i n mio £rn.: above <tm• It rm« i , mnl nine i*ni»• ■t I*- I■ *’tlu» fatter pl;i<i on inurj G.iU in I'* ,;o«l I . so fntunir.l rli.jl uvn i|. -ii ,■ 1 ii. Li. m . li*- ; made, shoiiM tin: wllofa be Ihi Him It I»l oil- I . ■l . I With improvement* mi •• i. ,i t-nliwi .»! wlm. i v-.i (k> nold .supamlc, hbunbl ibe (•nrrli.iv i d no H The terms an.! land ran !>.■ i nnwn m .■■••• n by .*»j• plying to tl\c ovni: ni*r, on l!io j . - n.i • 1 *ro\ i ion can ho had on t hi; |m mi • also. June 1, ! u .:Ks mil HAIOIH.NH LAMAK. A CK I ll' jK A I \ . HAH I' slihx nln . being •hi.i imm*d In i mi/rali- lo JL the Uosl, odor li»r s ilr In.' v.iiuuhn- Ira. I ol land, containing three lhoiis:in<) acres, Mtnai« jmid lying in Jan) .on enuMy, (• i,on lln- Mulberry Fork ol Oconee river, ibu n anJeiinn immediately on iho hog mountain un.l main Alabama road, \aiioiit* other roads iiilon-mling rtl the nno plaee, \ i/. . iho j j Afillodcevilln toad loading to U inn h Kerry, on' Cbaltuiiooebee, Hurricane Shoal road, loading to, CorncMVillc and South Karolina, (iieai part ol tin; ahovo land is red mulatto lurid, ol Htiperior quality ; 100 acres ot rieb river low grounds; ahout HDOam floured, gre at part lu , :di and m good repair, abound mg with an pe»h NpringN, w»:II irupnwm.l, vviili a con venient filmed dwelling I. .in...*, tun aiory high, on a most Hphmdnl eminence; an excellent Lotion and 7'lin shmi! ma. Imiery, ami all olio i hit. «ry 011 l bouses. N’opla*. is hfllfi rid' nhllcd I'm pul)* •1m business ol any kind, in the up rotiiilry. Seve ral convenient belllcmriilK on I In* pivmi. , not in leiienng wilhfHcli other The whole can ho pin * chased lor nine thousand dollars, one third m ad vance,the h.ilhimo in two ki iiimi I payment.*, which ih not more than two thirds ol the nail value Likely young negroes will he la! anal ileir value apnl JJ vvOiii II \KKISOiN TJ|HK.M( »NH. ivu ki;m non;!,. PL ■ The fiber hit v»ng removed lo Mil* k-’dgnville, wotif.l lake this oppotlnniiy TlllSlfiL lo r,ll,rn I haul for lormcr patronage, IIHIBf vv,,, ‘kl atati I hat Ins house is mow by lon brother John N. Alexander, lor whom he holjcilh the pnlioiiugo ol his friend ■ % Hlid others, and a ;;jur<’s lliem that every iiLleiillon j will he given by the pica .on ... eupant !«• render them aomfortabJc. TllOfci. VV. ALLKAN DLU. j Having taken the I awroneevlllo Hotel, I soli, it a share ol puhhe patronage, and promise iball will uw> my utmoNt exertions legive general hnii.*>liieiion to oil who may call JOHN N. A LKX A!N DKIi. I.aurern-eville Hwinnelleo. w.'hn HA<ToN ; HOICK AM) KAUI). < k| |LBS. Hallimore A ( annniiuli Hiteon ****** 18 hhls nrimo Fork . r »(HK) Ilia Leaf Lard, (or sale on accommodating term a hy ISAAC MOISi;, Juno 7 W ,’l| I Hnmil street | ( AW.—The midi,raignn.l will in (iiinro prar ! M-A tii,a Inw in riipartnaiHliip, nmlcr Iho (inn n( i FLOYD .y AVv’fi.V/,;, Mini will ulloml I 111! i null:; I ol (ho nevornl roiinli, s c,( Iho ( < "hirlc Mini I Walton, o. tho wi alorn, mid Nowlou of iho l lintl I circling. Thoy will also ulloml lo tho collect ion u clnima in (ho iniildluami unnrr part ol (ioorum. m i;wART ri,ovi>, AUGUSTUS KKKSIi. Madison, May *l, !83h, vvSni , ITS" The Chur'cstoii Courier is n i|iiusl«.l In pnh 1 lull iho above weekly, three months, ami charge his office. Me CUL; A- HA It USTHAW, AI tornisc nl Law, Covnighni, (in. nlll r thoirgorvlcna tor the general adjustment ami oollociion ol clnhu in tho Circuits adjoining that in which (hey reside, , and will attend regularly at Iho' Courts in the conn fins ol Tuyotlc, //enry, Nov. Inn, .laspci, Morgan Walton, Gwinnolt, OoKaJlv, (.'ouclu and Cumiiholl. spnl 11 wdm ,7" " JUA W SOTICIS. TjeiiMCucdarsignod having nniiod in tin, pructic ol tiio I.AW,oiler llioir services to iho pnhtie They will attend tho courts of A/nscogoo, Marion, Stewsrl, Kandolph, Early, linker, Acoand Siiimlit, 1 o( thcChuilnhoochoo Chmiii; llniislon, ol iho I'liul 1 Cm,nil; and Twiggs, I’, l.nwndes, '1 humus, 1 Deeulnr and Dnoly, of ihe Sunlhorn Unenil. I!n- I silicas cnlru.ilod to llnareare will mod will, prompt 1 attention. Their ollico is in jlniciiciis, Sninier county, where one nl ilioin muv always ho lbuml when mu absent I Id nr VVAKRE.N, WM II CKAU EOUI'. on in 837 wtl . I~AVV NOI ICU. •1i... uiidertiigned hnvnig 1 -A removed from Chirk connly in Einonhilon, 1 wdl nllond lo the prnclicc nl Eau in Iho rinponnr ' anil Inferior Conns nl Enicolii cminlv, and iho ml- 1 lucent eunnlios. Hnsincsaitiiriinlod lo his caio udl 1 ho pioniptly ultcmlod to. < HKNNIN.i li. MOOUE. 1 References.—lion Charles Donglieriy, linn. A, ( S. Clayton, Mon. Thomas W. Morns, l.'i'n, Ed.vard 1 Harden, Athena; C. .1. Jenkins, (I. \V. ( r.iwlnrd, 1 A..). Miller, Col. John Millcdge, William E. .lone.:, I Augusta 1 Linculnten, March 24, IBUB. wif < I’ AW NOtl.'lii-tho siilimiilh i ha.T bOl lied I -i in Columbus, H.i and w ill give liia punnpiJil- ' ionium lo any Imihiiichm imrn .ird l<> lmu. Ilisollien p »m in Mr. UepliiHii'H brick leuenieiii, oppohite I ii< K. M^UIjT. HolumbuB, MaVeli ‘J?. w lm I BUOULHT TO VI (H STV JAIL, un i tho IBib mst. n negro n»;m, eullw huu.NA ll ' hfiya bo belongs lo Ho/.oKiuli Ibibim, Columbm to. . v (ui ,bo ih *J. r > vraih old, b (eel 7im bfh bgbl ' eomnlecU'd. r rbe owner ia leqiienied lo imliiu lur I ward, pay expruihcs and lake bun hum p il. June I‘d wdl Kl.l .MI)U<iAN, Jailor. 1 ti:n doll \hs ki w mid. jmv. STUA\ LH Irom the Hiibherilirr, TVCSMK nl IMr. K. J. Olive’.. ie idmee, in I u lumbia county, on ibc I Dili ultimo, a ,S|,U, H ‘kirk brown, [nr mor<‘ properly brown bay liome, about IT. bandi, b', between li\o and m\ >ear« old, loiu; (lowing mane and tail, two white hpols on rneli side ol bis bin k bone, < an rd by ihe saddle, no olhei inuiKs reeulleeUal , iveeiilly aboil belore, no shoes on the loud leri,\eiv o iay mold ibu saddle, ftitivme uevi r boon woiked in any oilu i loi ;n ; he i well known about Augusta, being lonnerly the properly ol Hi 11 I’unnine.baio Any per.,on giving inloimotion at Mi. Kielmrd ' Allen’s, Align-la, so that 1 •■» I kim, -liall reeeim ibe above reward. JAIMI.JSIV ALLI’.N. Ojrln a pivvioua od\ ei I i.m 11 leu| m ibe Lon litn Holla list, 'bo above Inn. o \\;a» dusciibed us a tlaik bonel—lns eoloi is dm k Inuw n, or rattier brow n bay . Juno 21 wit TU LNTV.I H I) imidiAKSUCDM Ml j-, ltd N \\v \ \ I nan ,he siiliserdier j while in camp, near I /andnng, .V C ztOTljM a ten.nn iiegm mnn named I'm nr, mjfls v a;;ed al.out 10 vein; , d.ark enmplex flWji mil, chunk. *v, heavy I mil, nhuui l.s‘l H ».«■ 11l inches high, lias ma etal "'i* 1 ’" "l'l H l l "ie icelh missing, and Said negro was pm. hiiM'd from llm workhouse mCharleston. Any person who will apprehend smd negro and deliver him lo .Ur. U m Tinner ol Hamburg, or secure him so (hutsaid Turner can get him, willroeeivc tlic above reward. j*n< 8. WILLIAMS AI V 1)180N 8 1* it i pros.-Thtsesißblishmoni V.B- IS now open lor the reception ol hoarders or i visiters, under the superintendence of Mr and Mrs 1 allier. Ihe proprietors th em il nnneeessarv lo suy any thing in commendation ol ihe vniiie.d its waters, .V. . they have been so lolly tested lor Ihe lasi litteen or Ivveulv v eats Janolt Hi IiUAUUOE MANAtiEUS. %Vfll.t. be sold HI Ihe nnukei home lb.. lowa V » ol Coinsvdle, on ,(„■ f„ , Tuesday in An gtlsl lle.vl, v\ ill,in Hie usual hours ol sale. Uoee Inn, died and sixty ..lie acres of pine I „„l -less lithe waters el Km k.v < mnloi ( (Creel ,i Inn. - ihe eal estate ol Ihe hue Nathan lha.-el,d.-e. ~and sold by order ol the honorable Inferior Court ol I, | (arson eornly. Terms ol sale onlhedav Nathan liKAssEi . Adm r. may 10, ls„s With Ihe wdl annex,-d Georgia, Columbia County. A RSALOM EAUT tales he I ore me one llav 21. Mate, aho,it live years old, ll.nioei. hand’s b'gliher tail ilockivl, thick main, no brands d - . nvered A pi.raised hy John Walker ami din ha, 1 Megahee, at Twenty Hollars, May Ist , |s;is JOHN MEU AH EE, .1. T. A true extract from Estray Rook. I'AVID HARRIS, CtcrL June JG IVToriCl-; —All persons bavins anv cjshini ' ""‘“l'’ AI «j«T John lierrien, lale ol Jr tiers,m eoumy, dei ascl, are reoierod lo re.,,(ei an account ol their demumls n, the ■ nh-, riber JNU ai .U niEKbON CCKUii a V, , Juw-iei.isaa uu --'> lx f \ • ;? . *• t u.c < omxcc. I JI 15 1 .;!! 1•i Mi id ill! ('IIIMIUJIIMU V s ill be "I ' " n nil W t III:,! A tlio ItUfllJi'T id I' I' -.1, I ii is i«> tm• d* sired line thn-e who >li .-c.mi in ' u;, cb mid apply .a the begin UUIg "I I la* II I Ml. *■ Kcmari. oit I'* mail* Ldmnlion is iulliChand of Ibe pniit«*r, and w til H>toii Ihj published. An J'l:,y un ilce 'I he »ry ami Uradn iol Mil. ic, and .dmi;ji<*. , *Vr ,1. V L; ia>t* , ITuh ,v mr ot Mu ■ • id I be. Institution, an* al i In* bool- dole .. Our friends .an- min mod tied (Ins iiuUlalion • now in a vary llomi-Jmi;; condition, in spu ol ih'* \■ 11 ions rum ", ullmupled lo fa* spread by those who «on id* r n ioi imdiibjtMippoiifttil.s, or ihoy would la -oi lo put us duVMI l»y lair im ms. lin y bavt* up orb'd that we urn not purcim-ed by i< spectable I poo pic, mid ollu-r things equally g* unrons mid d - • cut. In c*oiiti rm I ion ol i!h Irulb, wo roler all 1 w idling correct information, to .lc . cf*. Ur* n",VV. I* f»r* ♦am, .laiiii,s Anderson, MsqrH. Hurkocounty ; John Morel, I-: •|. Savannah; John I. Lester, La- I vid I .<■ ,i**r, I.mjs. J oia h county; David Jlill, 8l"- 1 plan Ibviijs, Issqrs Lot- Itochwoll, ALq. Win , Ilan.vll, iV tVr. Baldwin comity. Tluh ih pio- IJt-rs rdlyu Souilmn Jnntiiiiliou, and .Southern men will Kiippoil it. L I.ATAS'I’K, / I'rr.i i Juno iJ 4t ANNA 1M LATASTIS S pals. 'iii.ii snmob. 9 2 \ll 15 subsetiber, lain principal ol the IN ndluton 0 dead* my, has taken the largo and elegant hou ' late)y o* • upa d hy Ur., ie a hoarding house,and h i < otiverled ii into a Hoarding School i lor young c nth-men, on Inc Unglidi plan; a plan ! matured in I hat country by centuries ol o pci icm i, and which w ill In ultimately found the only seen- I rily lor complete attention to the morals and man- I hits nl iho pupils, while ala distance from llioir > parents frayers will he read every morning and evening; and w Ik n there is no church on the Sun day, there will Ik* .scr\ a e in I he school,and instruc tions in Sacred lli.u .rv and tcography. Vonrig genii* (lien are icquirud lo read and write and to I Know Iho iimliiplicaiion table, before admis..ion. ( This S( loot will be foond well adapted lothc sons of prof ,-• ioiiul gentlemen, and lo youth.; of arnbi timi and latent, desirous ot attaining the classics in a liondiodmanm r before going lo (allege; and also to pupils desirous ol sound mat bemalical disupfnc and instruction, to (it llieiu lor merehuniH, < nginccis j and tlm business ol 1 1 10. 'l’he Mifaerlber was born j and educated in Knghind- wan lor several year • I pupil ol the celebrated Ur Vnlpy and after passing j ihronj'li t/Minbridgc collci'inte course ol ninlhenia lics, w inch he pursued almost exclusively (or near I ly lour 'J'oars, fie entered himself of Lincoln’.; f on, ! London,and prut!lised at Iho(-liaiiceiy bar, 'i hcro will be room enough in the spacious house to oe coiuiriodale parents who may wish to sjtnnd llieir cummer months' with their sons, (iyiuiiaslic i, lo impro\< the carriage, and rcnittlioiiHoh iho prim i jdc developed by Mr 7’helv\all, Ur Kush, and Ur Knrber, hn the purpose ol ensuring an equable? and j rood emniciaiion, arc practised every day. Tae i I'remdi laogn.ige, according toils polite Lmopean i proniuieiuti* n, and Drawing, without extra char ge.*. Hoard and tuition, (net, washing and candles, j ftlbOa year ol ten months,to be paid quarterly in | advance. Vacation one month at midsummer, ami : one inonib at f 'lirisimas $l2 l«>r slaying during the vue.ation in (Im Himmicr, and in the winter. l*u pils received at any poriud, and charged only from the time of admission. Dancing a r»l music #5 a quarter each. Jirjcrnn rs. Ur Ar I lion Jay, Professor of /.an gauges, (ail toll, N. VurK. The i lon John (/Cal houn, Pol John K ( alhomi, ot J’endlcton. >1 (nicn nehauli, I’ioli ssor ot i he I‘rench Language, Charles ton, and member of the Ac alemy and University of Paris. Col //iiger, ( hiiiriiiaii of the Hoard of Trustees ol the Pendleton /Inidemy. Kev.'JVupier Keilh, id ‘(fcorgelow o, SC. Col VV L Slone, editor ofihoNew Vorlv Commercial Advertiser. H PSloan, Lsq. ol Pendleton. Dr. Wuj land, I’roddont ol Hrovvn University, Khode Island. tjiomas WAVLANI). iii ty JO vv' Ivv OTK 1 11. The exainimuion ot the scholars of lhe Male and female Academy, al Lincolnton, will take place in the Male Academy, the first Tims day and Wednesday in July, and Thursday and Friday Itdlowmg in the female Academy, at w Inch the relatives and I Mends ol the scholars will bo ex pected, and all woil wishers to iho eau.eol litera ture are invited. TUK TUUSTKKS. Juno 21 w2t \\ A U A! SPIUNGS, N. C. ‘ fjj IJI U. juopneior ol’ this cslublisliment. hegs p ave ■. lo intonn Iho public, dial bo has made exten sive improvements during the past winter, winch will add much to the eonilbrl, and convenience ol those who may visit this healthy, romantic, and delightful summer region (he coming .easoii. IK would also iiiciiiion n»r the benefit of: (rangers,that u a well cslubli.shod White Sulphur Spring, near Asheville, which lias ahaS undergone extensive mipmvim* nis dining flic past winter. Poisons from Soul Ii Carolina, North Carolina, and Ctorgia, who have turn in the habit of a siqonrn at r the Virginia Sjirings, ov«t bad roads, may enjoy all I (h • benefits ol such a nip in Hnncoinbo, with much I less labor, laligiie, and expense ; besides all the bills ol the ililforcnt Southern Hanks arc talvcn in Hun combe at par. The stage line i’roni CVoowv ille, via this place, bus changed hands within a lew months, and the prn cut cult rpri«ing proprietor promises to spare no I rouble or expense to meet all iho wants of * ih** traveller. Ihe Hunem.ihe road has never been 1 mas good order since it was made, as at this time. * The piopnelor assures visitors that no trou ble or expanse wiM be wauling, on bis part, to lender this la nine a place of pleasure to all who may call; and to the invalid, lie would say, the climate ol Huncombe, vviih the aid ol u mineral waters, will be able (o restore him lo health, unless his disease be incura ble. In conclusion I would aoy, with such a ch ib.Ue as Huncombe, and Ibe romantic scenery ol its mountains and rivers, with public establish ments as flat Kock, Asheville, Sulphur Springs, Warm Springs, and the inicinicdmte hotels, Itw parts ol our country cun boast o( superiority. niayiiH wfit J. 15. PATTON. ail NIT II l> ST \TIS S HO TII L, f taini , «viUi , t i *ro. f B II f* subsetiher mlorms his friends ami the pub * he, that be lias taken charge ol ihe huge anil commodious house, Minuted on Iho northwest cor ner of the public square, recently oe< upied by Mrs. i Holland, and having considerably improved the 1 prcmi.M • , In* is pu pared lo act oinniodali' company as eomtertably and in i s good style as any other 1 public house m the up country. 11 is table will he 1 furnished with the host the country atlbrds ; his bar .* appled wdh choice liquors and wine.,; and his stable vv ill I- attended a. ami prov itlc.l tor m m 1( b a manner as to Ibo lovers ot line horses. In sliorf, no tioulde or expense w ill be spaictl to make all • 11 mini table vv ho may .* »•«• proper to p.u roi use the establishment. WlLl5\ SSiASDUi;. June 11 Ivv Sixty H<dinis ICcwanl. V /jv, I»\.N;I\VA I tVoni the planlu , “, ,MM of Jolmldrealmia and U m 1 /. m \N alien cuuni v, (fit. ! //LI./. Negro fellows, of the follow ing descriptions, viz. about 3o or d(» years ‘>l a"«“, ,i| il.'irl, compli'xioii, lugli I'lioiK Imnes; 6 foot U or 10 mrlicH * - 111 lii-isht. iiml u liimi iiiicrroqmi'd M„ lK , rs . oiisidcralily -liis | r .ml Ici'lli issomowluit doc-moil. .lo«>, lilioiu -J8 or 2i) yunr« »r iik*’, alsu ilurk 11 nii|ilt..\ion. .i Uti. *.i lo II in* In s iii lii'iglil; nl u liw o|K'n I'ouillciitinri', nml Kponks nunlil, wlun spoki'u lo; no ollin- piirli, lilar nmHoi ri.viillodnl. l\r«l , iilkuii :t,i \ oiii'N ol niro, has mlowui-usl look , dark roinploxioil, ami ol ordinary m/.0. Tin. luo I in, I am ilio properly ol John lireslmm mid the killer ol Um ll is aupposed ikul l key will attempt lo mi ke tkeir way to Amnes ia, an I pel haps place, hv the So Va •'''l KiHid.lo (lliarli sion. Sixty dollars reward " ill ke rim n li.r I heir uppn 1 etisii n, mid eouline ■nciil in am . ike iait or delivery 1» lludr ownorn, or I to I'ltben li 11( d, in Aintn.sla. .1 reward ol .‘rJO wdl loreilkcr ot llieiu. Any nd'oiiniuion alioul them will he lhankfully received hy (he proprielore, or lo -“"J l>ial .It I//.V CItKSH A M .. , WM. OKlisiiAM. ’ 11 akon county April 24 1838. if V. 11 '' Kollnrs ueuanl, , 11 Umiawuy Irom Iho >nlis.u- UlfL V'T’" 1 ‘ l>, > '“ki'rlasl, a nepro man nmm.d *'asO J " nK '' ,! ttbuu ‘ I'M-my eight rears I s m‘l m«rois lour keel eleven inches hid, -•r/ e/ Vl ' ry ~ Il,rk ''""M'lrwimi, mid when inlerro 'fcfV ‘"sidy Sinners a little; he has a «3SS3lull lace,and a great many marks ol ihe whip oil Ins kaek. Said m-am was cmlined n Ma last summer I lin o months, ami htdone. ,1 n iiml time to Air. Hill, of .Monroe eo. I wonld re ipiesi jailors to he parli. nlar in evandninp jasl- a, j the said in pro lay mv moiulis in tad u nlnn ten J milt-a ol Ins master. llVnd iit jro i., eonlineil in jail, so tkat led lino, I wdl p.u tin akin e rv vv , r d I have no douM hot linn ke ha. id lend In. name 1 apul 1! wOni COUMEML'S L) TOlilN V TEA* Tli'.iv WANTED- for the reman) 1 Ift in:, l p:iii id lim pre. i• .I y:n In take charge ol 1 11" * )ak I (ill Aeaib.'inv, ( k dumber i nil; I ■/, 1 or'gi '■ t ■! Ev.b iiK I*i*: I Ollii O, A "t‘iill<:m:.ii -bo ' :nt produce .-alel aelory testimonial. ol i i.arai ter and qnabfinal ions '.vill in* *■ 1 v, i! Ii liberal <•!•*'■* Hiriini 11 inn I I i urml i;.i: Tneaei-!, A BEARN I’, '■ r’>. may Si I 4tsm j • , It VIS' \ U V V fr**ih llio .iil.f ii tn-r., reading in Creenvdle, Ha, a A nnil i in buy, liy the innne ol 1)1(1.', ! I c - - . ■-v ■ (calls 1:1111. ' ll Kiebard.) mill liny i I uliiinl C lent I inch high, raw bomd, : \\ v,’;\ uud weighs iiliinil IT.), nr HO 1b... r*.'.-'v« nr - ■ <!>>)< I spoken, with one of lii.i (ore; -.-a.--. - 'I, , ili lirnl.cii oi!', innl lon little hair mi his licml; intelligent active,and Htrongan to nnscnlar (nivver. We brought said negro from tbo line ol All o sippi and Alabama, Euuiler County. Dick liu'l on w lien lie went away a mixed coat ami fur lial.ollierelolliino not rccolloclcil. He formerly cunio from N.C. Al.-.o al lliesanto time ramuay, iLbrigbt mulatto boy, bylbe nanioof W E-STLEY, belonging to (.'ol. (looper, near lbic |ilaee, about 115 years ol ago, quick spokon, obont 5 Irel 2 or Ii inches high, spare made, nod a barber by prole -sion. Tins boy was bought bom Air. Woolfbrko’n, at Columbus, in ibis Elate, and by him was brought from Maryland; bo has Ireipiently llireaK'iieil to go bnek. Westly bad on w hen be went away, a striped pair of pantaloons. They left without any provocation, and with money enough lo carry them sonio distance, j mid it is supposed will mal.elor some free Stale. It ’ j '* |.r(;liabli I bey may have lie pisses, or may be j i arried ol by sumo while per an Whoever will apprehend said negro' s,amj lodge I bom in tail, so dial we gel Hieni, shall be liberally rewarded June IS HARDAWAY*. HAWKINS IT Vf* H01.!.A Its REWARD. »»-«». STRAYED from tho subscriber, 1 . A'vgi living in Augusta, on Tuesday evc- I (no I'.llll Irish a sinullroan po | f.e, iicy, with short mane and tail, a scar ft i f'jjfon bis bark,caused I y the saddle a TT'e-rASSi iidge round one ol bis bind legs, be tween bis hoof ami fetlock Joint, and branded C. E. Tlie above reward w ill bo given loany personvvho will di-livi r ...till horse to mo, or give any informa tion, so (.bat I yet bint. 8. M. CALHOUN. / June 2a lie (-TAII tll t .\)K Nit hK. ON the first Tin sdny in A ngujt next, will bo sold al llie < annt House m Columbia eiunity, with in the legal hours of sale, and in pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary ol said county, the undivided ball of 700 lo res ol land, more or less, in .‘i'lid county,on ibe waters of Kiokeo crock, bounded by lands of Martin, Clanton, liastiun, and others, belonging to Cazuvvay Bcallc, a minor, limy 22 id VV. B. BEALLE, Guardian. A I > tl I \IST If VT( JR’S S A I, li. Wild, be sold, agreeable to mi order of the honoruhlo Inferior Court of Jefferson coun ty, w beu sitting (or ordinary purposes, on the first Tuesday in August next,within the usual hours of sale, to the highest bidder, before the Court House door in lie town of Marietta, Cobb county, let of land No 1038, in the Ifitb District of the 2d See lion. furinerlv Cliorokeo county, now Cobb. Also, oi llio same day, boloro tho Court [louse door in the town ol Canton, Cherokee county, lot ol land No. 491, in the 3d District of tho 2d Section; each lot containing forty acres; sold as the teal es lateol the late David Alexander,deceased. Tonus ol salo on (lie day. JOHN W, ALEXANDER, J , , , WM. S. ALEXANDER, < All '“ ra ’ June I, 1833 Id Wild, be sold,at Elbert Court House, on the first Tuesday in August next, agreeable to an order of tho lion, tho Interior court of Elbert county, while silling lor Ordinary purposes, all the Lands lying in Elbert county, belonging lo llio estate ot Patrick McMiilliiii, deceased, consisting of olio Intel <■ i*n l a i 11111 e> one hundred and seventy acres, more or less, adjoining Horatio I Cuss and others ; one trai l containing three hundred and ninety Hi res, more or less, adjoining Richard IS Caines, Richmond Skelton, and others; and one tract containing seven hundred mid filly acres, more or less, adjoining John Eurmnr, Allen Can ter and others. Tho above lauds will bo divided into lots, and sold to suit persons wishing lo pur chase—l’luts ol which will Ec exhibited at llio lime of snh . 'J lie lands will bu sold subject lo Iho Widow’s dower. 'Terms made known on Iho day ol sale. ELIZABETH AkMI LEAN, Adin’x WILLIAM JWeMIJLLA.N, .'.diuT. may 3), 1833. mid A D:\II\tSTTtATORN’ S I EM. ft \J I Id. be sold on the first Tuesday in August v * next, at llio lower market house in Augusta, ; within the legal hours id sale, in pursuance of an order uflJin (lotirl ol t Jrdiuary of Richmond county, two negro slaves, named Ann and Joe, belonging lo the estate Crcen if. I lollmid, dceooseil. HEAL HOLLAND, Adm’r. may 29 Id MAUV HOLLAND, Adm’x. [ft] OTICIIL—AII persons indebted lo the estate -Lsl ol Ccorge C. Bass, late of Burke totally, de ceased, arc requested to make payment, amt those having demands arc requested lo r<aider them in ac cording to law. R. w. BASS, Adm’r. npril 17 8 HOUR months alter dale, appliention will he ft made to the honorable Inferior Conti of Burke comity, fur leave lo sell a purl of llio real estate of Soutliworlb Harlow,deceased. REBECCA HARLOW, Admrx npril 2li m Im £ R months after dale, application will bo * made lo ibe bon. the Inferior Court of Elbert eouniy, while silling (in ordinary purposes, lor leave in sell u negro man named William, belong ing lo Margaret Aim Dcadwyler, a minor heir of Joseph Deadw yler, Jr. deceased, lale of Elbert eo ALEXANDER I'. HOUSTON, Cnardian. may 31,1838 mlt Georgia. tolmuhia county : Us il EREAS James Carllirlgc, iitlniiiiislrrilor de bonis imn, applies lor letters dismissury on the (‘slate ol Athmi \V,deceased. These are tberoliire lo cite ami admoiiisli nil and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said de li ‘used, lo file their objections, if any they have, within the limu prescribed by law, in my ollice, lo slew noise why said letters should not bo grant ed. (liven under my baud and seal at office, lids 2d day of .lime, 1338. C Al!lt,i:i. JONES, Cijik. <.■ oi gm, J,■ (let .on County; I \ HERE AS W illiuiu I, dy, Abminis . * I rat ol mI John Iv ig 1 it, lal ei it this e utility, de. ceased, applies li»r letters disutissory from said ud niinistiation, Tin sc are iheref >re to eilo summon and admonish all and singular, tho kindred and i redilors oi lin' said deceased, lo he and appear al my iilfiee uilhm the lime preset died by law, to shew cause, if uuy they have, w hy said letters shall not he granted (oven under my hand al oflieP, in Louisville, this Slh June, 1838. June 9 ERE.NEZER 110THWELL, Clerk. j Georgia , Hill he < 'omit y : \% /111 .Kl .AS Little Berry Burch applies for v * letters disutissory; On tho estate ut Abish Jenkins, deeensed. 1 hese are tbeiefiire to cite ami nrlnionisli all and singular the kindred and , redilors ol said de. eased, to be and appear al my etiiee within the lime pro- j scribed by law, to show r an.,e, it any they have, why surd letters should not bo granted. CH.n until r inv band I ollice, in Waynesboro lui.s ‘J.d fliiv ol iMun h, mar Bl> Cm T. 11. BLOUNT, Dep. Clerk. | Georgia, itinke ( rnuity. 1 ft V.’ Ht.iil.AS James (.rubles Adminislrater of * ’ (he i slate wl W in. Bryant,deceased, applies lo Ino I'lf lolUt.s ol i I J lii’.sf aiv i luTolor to eilo and admonish all and tungulurllio kin Irovl and ot said dir’d to be and appear ai any ollice, within the time prescrib ed by iaw, to show’ any they have, why sanl lot lot's should not ho grateni. (oven under my hand al ollieo in Waynesboro, ibis 221 day of January 1838. Jan 20 21m0m T H BLOUNT, oucon c. <leoi’gi.a, .li'llcison t'rmuty ; ft HE UK AS Roger I, (ramble, Admiiiislmi«r • » et the estate ol the late Alamiing Siiradley el stud eoliiiiy, deceased, applies lor dismission trout said adimiiistrulioH. These are theivl.ire to cite and admoiiisli all and singular Iho kindred and ere, blurs ol said dee’ll i„ he and appear al lav ollh e, within the lime preserih nl 1,1 law, cause, (limy they have,why s.ud lelU'is bhuuld nut ho uranted. (oven under my hand, .<■ I ,| im i diy el Kb. 1838. LLU'NEZER RuIJIW El I nwr 1 Clerk C \ \ MV' I i | kizats.i A *if ' _ .'i-'V. ;c /. : Tho following is an extract from a lorihcoming work ofDr. Fetors, the discoverer of \ I m celebrated Vegetiiblc Ant i-Hilions frills* “ Health, wealth and enjoyment aro tho throe i prime ejects of life. 'i he two former are 1 only Nought as a moans !»> obtain the latter.— Man seeks lor wealth as the moans of enjoyment. Ihit vain is r.ncli pursuit without lb-* possession of health. Without bodily strength ami vigor, noil her 1 the physical nor the mental—neither the inner nor , tho outward inrm K capable of any achievement, wh' vherof width or i-iij ivinon-. Mens sana in ; » oij)ore ,sano a .sound mind in a sound body—ia 1 the nine qua non —tlie ah,solute reqni; ilo,fbr;any eiTi » eicnl effort in the attainment of human ends. Tho mind may he actixe, but if the body la* feeble, then is the mind active to little purpose, iin joy meat is not there; and the finest laid plans are rendered abortive by the .shuttered condition ofonr tenement of clay. Ihn. nay that a man could obtain wealth—lhul he I'onld acquire (ho gold ofOpldr, and bring home all the treasures of the mint's ol Golconda, yet w ithout health, where would be his happiness ? He would bo miserable in tliu midst of his gold and his dia monds; lie would pine away hi wretchedness and despair, and he would exclaim with the wise man ol old, “all is vanity and vexation of spirit.” His liinh.a are rucked with pain and ke cannot rest, his appetite is genu, and ho loathes his food; his sto macli is oppressed with nan <a, and ho turns sic k omngaway at tho bounties of a munificent provi deuce. I le would give all he i \\on h—nay,all the world il he hud it fur the poor hut healthy man’s appetite. “ J’lease give mo,” said a hungry wretch to a wealthy feeble man, “ please gi\e mo a sixpence to buy mo a morsel of food; I am almost starved !” I would give a thousand dollars fur your appe tite,” said the rich man, as ho handed the hungry one u dollar. Os so much importance is health to the enjoy ment of life ! Mill whereto, rnclhinks I hear the reader nsk,guh servos this homily on so plain and hackneyed a sub ject ? Ho wo not all know (ho value ol health ? Ho we not a 1 ! attend to it as one of ( Jin chief, if not the chiefost concerns of our mortal existence ? Ho we not employ the means to attain and preserve it ? Ho wo not lay out money—do we not fee physi cims—do wc not follow their advice—do we not swallow their prescriptions ? True—most true —gentle reader, t hou does!, all things, wo dare .say, and more. .Still, we cannot believe our homily on health to he altogether unne cessary. 4s in morals, so in physic is it requisite to have “ hue upon line, and precept upon precept.” Men in health forget that they may be sick, and men in sickness do not always employ (be must ju dicious means to attain health. Very true, Hoc-tor—nu n do not as you say always pursue the right road to health. Now, I know of some people who are always dosing themselves with physic, ana running to the doctors and apoth ecaries every day of their lives. They take, I verily believe, a cart loud of drugs m a year, and yet they aro not well after all Ho you know the reason? Why, yes, in my opinion there are two reasons. In (he first piaco they take too much medicine, and mi the second, they do not lake the right kind, i use dto make the same mistake. Hut lately, that i: to say for two or three years past, Tve hit upon a bolter plan. I lake Hr. Meters’ Vegetable bilious Fills,and I derive mere benefit from one dollar laid out in (.hern, than J used in paying fifty in any fir mer pursuit of health, besides saving a world of nausea and disgust in swallowing an enormous quantity of medicines. Ho you know Hr. Fetors ? Very well. And have yon ever taken his medicine ? I were n blockhead else. They tell mo lie is none of your quacks, who un dertakes to mend and regulate tho human machine without so n'ncli ns a knowledge ol its parts, and how (hoy are put together. '1 hey say ho un derstands anatomy unci physiology, I think limy c all them, and is a*’ familiar with hutuny and chemistry as I am with (he,rend to mill. You are rightly informed. Hr. Holers is no em piric;. Ho doc s not undertake w hat he does not understand. He; was regularly tired to the healing art. lie has spent years in the acquisition of know ledge; he has devoted himse.flo the study of the human frame, and the diseases to which it is sub ject, and now he is applying Jus acquisition to (ho relief of sullcriiig humanity. lie does not put forth the absurd claims often ad vanced by the inventors of patent nostrums —name ly i that of c uring all diseases with a single pro* scriptiou! Such a pretence he would deem about as ditiic ult to swallow as to take the nostrums of those who put it forth. There is no such medicine. I here is not, and never was, a panacea tin* all dis eases The Vegetable Bilious Fills protend to no such miracle, lint what is infinitely better they effect what they undertake They keep the word of pr anise to the stomach, and the prima via which they make to thoearaud eye. And tHat indeed is no slight recommendation. Nor arc the complaints to which these Hills arc l adapted few nor far be tween. The disorders arising f rom u morbid stale ol the bile are, unfortunately, many, distressing and fatal. A large putt ion ol all the fevers, especially tUllic :uwlh and in the marshy districts, arc owing to this cause, from the distressing ague and fever, which almost asunder life and limb, to the fearful “ \ellew .lack,” which seldom quits his \ic tiiu without sundering soul and body us ho takes his leave. Coti\er*anl from his previous practice, with dis ease, in all its limns, w inch originates from the dis order of the bile, Hr. Folds was fust Pal to employ his knowledge and experience in the preparation of a medicine which should prove clii-aeious in tins large class us diseases, w Inch should relieve the ac h ing unci the dizzy head, Un i restore tin- nauseated mid loathing stomach, at the same time that it pre vented those more tital cil « s which arc so apt to follow from tin ir imprudent m leet. Tor this purpose he prepared with much care and just adaption to lhe* purpose, (ho Vegetable Bilious Hills, which he is happy to say, from long experi ence*, and the abundant testimony us these who have employed them have answered, more than answered his sanguine expectations. It is not his own more assertion you arc call ed on to believe. Jl is not the ipse cf ixit ufany single mun—though ho was us great as Galen or Hippo crates —that you are to pin your faith upon iNei ther—although ii is said in the sacred volume that “by Ihe mouth ol two or three witnesses shall all things bo established”—are you to believe in so small a number only ? A cloud of witnesses is be fore you. They are 100 numerous to bo easily overlooked; they are too intelligent to be carelessly beard; they are too respectable to be slightly re garded. Believing the spontaneous testimony of those w hose experic nco is the best lost us tho truth they assert. Hr. Holers has thrown together in tho fol lowing pages, n few of the many hundreds of te. li iiioinuls received from every quarter where his pills hav-eomo into use. They are loft to sp- ak lor themselves. They are tho words cd those who “speak wlml they do kn »w, and tea ily to what I they have seen and experienced.” Ik* careful and inquire lor Holers’ Vegetable ! Fills; they mo sold in Augusta by 7/avilnnd, Kis j ley A- (’u Thomas Burnell & Co, iYelson Harter, and James Lcverich. april 17 ; Georgia, Coluidbiti county : U/ H Kit HAS J miles Harihdgo, administrator, applies for letters di sniissory on the estate us Robert W. Walker, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said do c i .ised, to lilo their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, in my of. , i.i shew c ause w hy said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this *Jd day of June, fsqs. GABRIEL JUNKS, c lerk. months alter dale, application will hi; made lo liie lion the Inferior v’unrt of Klbcrl « ciuniy, wbile stUing lor ordu.ary purposes, fur leave to .s- II ail the finds and negiucs belonging to tho estate of Abner Ward, deceased, late of said county. TliO’6 JOHNMVN, Adm’r. may dl, I'JJ.* mil Georgia. JelTcrsou County: j b. 111.11 i-.AS kiln ■-; M };til, ::ilminir. | % 9 tra'or >;i; I lit: «-l ite ol'.lantu; E Well#, lult: | of said i iiiiiily, (!•:■ .-a-c-d applies lor letters of dis mi. ;ni iioin int i Kiliv !in ■ lire line, .o.i i<> rim and i.dmoni.- h all fil I* i hi ; a 1.,. 111,. 1 iudo >1 mid creditois ol said dm eased, Id lie- u'liti :t; aat in’, oliii-j within I lie- time jifu .:i I'iljs-l hy law, a. iu.-w cause, if tiny liny have, whyiaid letters should Udl ho granted, i 1 \ on tin.!. r1 i v hall lat office, in l.omvdlc, thin ■ ill (lay of .iiny, lo.ii> J, iSOTIIW laiji.. dork. may In Om (Cijoiyi.t. .hiiibvsi'u ci/iuuy: lli-.RKAfj, ihuriok 15 < nnnolly, Admlniritra* # J toroutllO Jslalo of Tandy C Jones, late of said county, deceased, applies for Loiters dt> 1 missory. These are therefore to cite mid admonish ail and , sing-ilar the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to , ho and appear al rnj office within the lime prescri ! lad hy law, lo file their objections, if any they have, lo shew cause why said Idlers should not he f granted. 1 Given under my hand, al, office, in Louisville, this 1 (5 1 1 1 day of March, 1838. ; march 1C EBEN EZER HOTHWELL, Clk. Georgia, Jt fferson com!; : \fkf 11 EKE AS Ashley Bhillips, administralor j. on the e late of Siephou (Jotter, lalo of said county, deci i od, appli i fur letters diarniasory. 1 1 li. so an-tin r i ire lo cite and admonish all and r singular I lie kindred and creditors of tho said do ' ceased, to he mid appear id my office within the 1 lime pit-: crihcd hy law, lo show ciiaso ifanylhey H have, v iiy ;.ui-l letters !ioi;!d not he craulod. Given unde.- my hand at olii'-e, in Louisville, his 1 Gill day of March 1838. J mar JO EBEN EX. Ell BOTIIVVKLL.CIIt I Goorgtri, fj-.t'l.i; comity: I \,y DEUEAS Elijah Altawcy, administrator no * o the estate of Bedding l'J ijyranl, late of said . county, deceased, applies lor Iclleis disiuis.iory. I 'J Ik.m; are therefore to cite and admonish all and i sigylar the kindred apd creditors of said deceased, 1 to he mid nppoarat my office, within llio litre pre . scribed By law, to show cause, if any they have, 1 why said letters should not he granted. , Given under my hand, at Waynesboro’, ihis 17ih , day el feln, 1838. T J1 BI.UUIVT, IE Cl’k. s fob 21 ndim - Georgia, HarkcCoUntyJ - Court of Ordinary—present, their honor* GW Ev mis, Ahul Lewis, and K fainter, Esqs. March blh 1838. s fc TI’ON the pehlion of Burton McGhee, alating *t-J Abner E Holliday,dec., lalo of Burke county, 1 did, on (he day oi September, 1831, hy his ecr > lain houd of I hat. date, obligato himself, his heirs and.assigns, lo execute lo one Wm Daniel, of JVior - pan e miily, lilies to the lot el Land in the town of > Boinset, in ihe comity of Murray ; commencing on the street at llie comer ol lot No 3, in the (li st divis • iunolsaid town, running soiilh with said street six ty-four, to a street, 40 leet wide, thence with said street one hundred and sixty feet lo a cross street, theme up said struct, lo lower part of lot No 3. ■ And als'i sliding that he is the assignee ol' said I bond, and that said Abner K. departed this life 1 without executing said lilies, and praying that Ma • thow Jones, the tuhniiiislratur of the said Abner E. may he directed to execute lo the said Burton Me 1 Ghee titles lo said lot. Whcrpupoii, on motion ul Million! Marsh, counsel (or said petitioner, it is or- I dored, that unless good cause bo shown to the con trary, the said Matthew Jones,udiu’r. us uloresaid, will be, at July term ol this court next, directed lo make said titles- And it is further ordered that a copy of ft is rule ho published once a month fur three months, before said court, A li no extract from the minutes. march 21 m3t T H BLOUNT, 1> ol’k. Georgtu—Burke county. ~ Court of Ordinary— present, their Honors G. W. Evans, Abel Lewis, and E. i’almer, esqs. liuhi {hi, At., March blh, 1838. yi’ON t lie petiliotiol Elisha Hay mans, executor oi Samuel, deceased, lalo of Burks eoiiuly, slating that he has fully exeeuicd the last will and testament ol said Stephen Daymans, de ceased, and praying letters dismiasory. it is there fore, on motion ul counsel, ordered, lliat the clerk doissuua citation requiring ail concerned,lo ho and appear al the court at September term next then mid there to show cause w hy said letters aliall not ho granted, and that said i itilaliun be publish ed once a luunlh till said court. Air no extract Irom the minutes, march ~ 1 fini ’i’ H BLOUNT, D ol’k. Georgia, Butko Conulfi Court of Urdinury, present their Honors G VV Evans, Abel Low is and E Buhner, Erqrs. Kid,-Mi Si, blh March, 1838. S Ji OS the petition of Samuel Barron, executor of Alisolem Kin.-ey, deceased, lute ul Burke eo statin” that ho has fully executed said w ill and set tled the estate ul said deceased, and praying letters tlismissory. It is therefore, on motion of counsel, ordered that the Clerk do issue a citation, returna ble to September Court next, requiring all persons interested then and there lu show cause why the same should mil ho grained ; And it is further or dered that said citation he published once u month till said court. A true extract Irom the minutes. mar 20 6m T. H. BLOUNT, U. Cl’k Georgia— liurke County. Court ol Ordinary, present, their .Honors, G W Evans, Abel Lewis, and E Buhner, Esqrs. Rule NiSi, blh March, 1838 ÜBON I he petition of Million! Marsh, Adminis trator ul John Watts, deceased, this day tiled, praying that a Citation may issue lor letters distuis sory hum said Auministruttui. Jl is on motion ordered that the sumo do issue and he published oiioo umouth fur six months. A true extract Irom the minutes. T ii BLOUNT, n c o o a o. March 20 Cm Georgia, utu-ke County. t lourt of Ordinary, present their Honors W G Evans, Abel Lew is and E I’auiier, Esqrs Rule Mi St blh March, 1838 B Tl’ON the application ol Mulford Marsh and fielding Eryof,praying that the Clerk do is sue a citation lor letters dismissory us administra tors on the estate ul fielding fryer, deceased It is sit motion ol Counsel ordered, that the cainedu issue returnable to September term next ol Ihis Court, lo be published once a month till said Court A true ex tree I from the minutes. march 20 Cm Tis BLOUNT, 1> ccoit c. Georgia, llnrku county: Cum lot Ordinary—present their, honors <5 W Ev ans, Allred Lew is, and E Buhner, Esqrs. March blh, lcJB |j j BOA the petition ol James bltclianaii and Wm y Howler, siuiing lhat Abac/r K Holliday, deqM. lutOiU i>uri«o rouiity, died in ihc county id Murray, on ino day ul fc>c*|»Lcmbcr, 1831; by liis certain bond ul Ibut dale, a copy oi'which i.s liicd in this court, obligalo iiimaoii lo one- V\ i.ilium UuuicJ, ol iHorgaii county, his heirs or assigns, litJcw to two lols in ihoiovvn ol Puinsct, known by the No 2 , undone hull oi'Mo 10. And by his cerium other bund, made in i lie sumo county on iho Gtli day ol fcVpU mbcT, 1831, the said Abner K obligated Uiinscli to execute {to the (said W illiam Daniel, his heirs or assigns, the other hall o! said lot JNo 10, in the said town ol Ikniisot (u copy oi' which last mcnlioneil bond is liicd in tins court) and the said James and Willi.mi aro the assignees oi said bunds, and also that said dbner K departed this lilo without executing sui«l lilies; and praying ibis court lo di rect Matthew Jones,administralor ol the estate of said Ahuer lb, lo execute the said lilies lu the said James and W illiam, li is thereupon, on motion ol Mulluui iMarsh, counsel lor said petitioners, ordered, that nnlcs;i good cause bo shown lo the contrary, tluii this court will, al July term next, direct said administrator to execute said titles. And it is lur thcr ordered, that ibis rule be published once u month lor three months bolorc said court. A true extract Irom the minutes, march ‘3l m3t Tll ULOUMT, I) cl’k. vU’oigia, iinrkc county: Court oi Ordinary— present, their honors G \V Ev uus, Abel Lewis and E I'almer, E. (ji*s. March blh 1838. n T I*ON the petition ul ilonuis Carrol, ul iVJurray county, staling that Abner E Holliday dec’d, ol liurke county, i id, in the county ol lUunroc, on the 6th day ot October, JB3o, by his bond of that date; ;i copy is tiled in this court, bind him self, his litirs uiM assigns, to execute lo one Wil liam Daniel, and his assigns, ~1 Murray county, hy the first day of January, JS3(j, titles to that lot ol land known hy the number one hundred and sixty, in the 10th district, 13th suction, originally Chero kee count'.; and staling ihalsaid Aimer 1-1 departed this lift) without executing said title; and that the said Dennis is the assignee of said bond; and praying this court to direct Mathew Jones, the ud iimiislrutoi on tl.o (-statu of said Aimer E to cute title to said lot to the .-.aid Dennis. U hereup on, it is,on motion of Milliard ’dm m, loini.d |„, said Dennis, ordered, that unless good cause show 1 1 to the cmtr.iry, that on the first Monday in Jniv next, toi., court will diicct ;aud adiiinnistrutur to execute stud title. And n is linlhci uidc.ted, a copy ul I In.i rule be published oiu ea month lui tnree montiis h-doie said lime. A true e.vrai t itotu the nunnles. ■H.o. it H met Tll BLOUNT, L) cl”; \ UTRHNGTUBNING PJ.AKTEUS, pro ' , parud weakness in the In cast s„j t . | liii 1:, 0.r limbs,etc, they will give almostimmediate ( ami (toollung reln.-l, uuil lor pleasantness, safely <!!!.<•■, and > .Tlainty. aro decidedly superior iu most oilier remedies, lor sale by ANTONY & HAINES, !I |dil --■' «.*’l Jlroiul street. ;• ’OL. BROW N ol' Brown’s Ferry, look Irom th '-•’lndians one bead guard Chain with “Win P lum noy Angml - “2; 183-1,” worked in il with gold beads “iso, one lull jewelled doublo-ciued liunling watch, "dii gold guard chain and key—tlio watch lias line loiters on the front case—llto owner, or any ol his relations can gel it by describing letters and prov n g property. 11' no uppliculioh be made i.i four months, llie watch will he sold and the proceeds di vided among tho troops,—application to he made to the editor of the Columbus Herald lor tho head chain, and lor the Watch to Col. Brown. Tha Columbus //crald will copy the above ami forward tho account to Col Brown.fl nov 27—tf277 APMIJVISTUATOItS’IN OX ICE. A LL persons to wliom tho estate ol Henry Zinn, 21 deceased, is indebted, will render their claims within the time prescribed by law; and all indebted to said esiale are requested to make early payment to the undersigned. JANE H. ZINN, Adtn’x. may 9,1838 Cw JOHN FOSTER, Adm’r. ij months idler dale application will bo made A to Justices of tlm Inlenur Court of Kiclintoiid county, silting ns a Court of Ordinary, for leave to ■ sell the real and personal estate ol Henry Zinn, late ol I-.clunoud couuly, deceased. Jamb h. zinn, Adm’x i may 0,183 d dm JOHN FOSTER, Adm’r. jV«TICii.-F u jr months after date, appiica -4 d 1.1 n will he made b> the honorable Interior Court ol Richmond comity, w hile sitting lor ordi i nary purposes, lor leave to sell a lot of land in the I loth district mid 4th section in Cherokee county, belonging to the orphans of Lott Williams; also 1 one oilier tract drawn by Bolt Williams, in,Lee co. , sold for tha benefit ol iho heirs of said Williams. may 2,1638. F. H.MANTZ, Guardian. ’ jC''OUR months alb rdnlcapplication will he made A to the honorable the Justices of the Interior 1 Gourlof Ncriven county, while sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lands belonging to the Estate of John M. Roberts, deceased, late of said county. STEPHEN MlLLS,adm’r. ULI.IA ROBERTS, admTx. Feb sih, 1838 -inn 33 fklOTiCiE.— F unr nionlhs after date, application i » will he made to tho honorable Inferior Court of Lincoln county, when silling for ordinary pur poses, lor leave to sell a part of iho real estate ol 1 John Willingham, deceased. ISAAC WILLINGHAM,) . , , NELSON GARRLTT, f Adm tm. 1 March sth, 1838. mar 23 4m gpui K months utter dale, application will le A made to the honoiahle Inferior Court ofCoi , lumhiu county,whilc sitting lor ordinary purposes, liir leave to sell Iho Land ami Negroes belonging i« llto estate of Hubert Allen of said comity deecasedv march 8 WmJ RHODES, Ex’r lAOLlKmonlhs alter date, application will bo made to thoHonoraolo the Infcrier Courtol Scriven County, when sitting for ordinary putpu sos, for leave to sell all the Lunds belonging to tho Lslatc of James Boston, dec’ll THOMAS’ BOSTON, Adm’r. March 8, 1838. IjvOUK months alter dale applicalion twill ho made to tho honoiahle the Inferior Court of Taliaferro county, when silting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to soil the real estate of James Laim don, deceased ; all persons concerned will please akenotice. V OROTHV LANGHON, Guardian. June 12,1838 hu | months all it date,application will he made •i. iu the honomblo the inferior court of Jellor son county, when sitting ns a court for ordinal y purposes for leave to soli the land and negroes o Richard Hudson, deceased. march 16 HARVEY B PIPKIN, Adm’r. J/lUIJR months alter date application will bo A made to the Interior Court of Lincoln county, when silling (or ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the interest of (Samuel Coulter, lute of said county, deceased, in a negro man Moses,as part of the estate of said deceased. WI LI AM REYNOLDS, Administrator- Lincolnton, May J'J, 1838 f)' Oil 11 months after day application will ho made to tho bon the Inferior Court of Burke courtly, while silting lor ordinary purposes, fef leave to sell all the real estate belonging to Hilliard .1 Roe, deceased march SO A HKoE, Adm’r tjftODß months alter tilde applicalion will he A made to the honorable Inferior Court of Burke county, when tatting tor ordinary purposes, to sell the real estate of I.leaner Lewis, deceased, ol said county. ELEAZLR L. COWART, Executor may 22, 1838 m4t months alter dale, application will he - made to the honorable tho Into tier Court id Burke county, when selling tor ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of John J. Roe, deceased. A. H. ROE, Administrator. Waynesboro, 23d March, 1838. 4m IHHJUiI months after date application will ho A made to the honorable Inferior Court of Jeffer son, silling for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell the lands in said county, belonging to the estate ol tho lalo ! homas B. Wells, deceased. Also two ne gro women, Mary and Lucy with her child. Wold lor the benefit ol the creditors of said estate. Tins 23d April, 1838. PHILIP ROBINSON, ) ~ , april 23 4m JOHN R WELLS, $ 1-x rs I ('CUR months after date application will he > niailo to tho hon .Court of Ordinary, of the • county of Jefferson, lor leavo to sell 60a acres ol pine land in tho comity of Burke, on ihc waters of Davids Brunch, adjoining lands of John Lodge, T J. 31 orilacl, and others, sold lor the benefit of the heirs of Benjamin Brown, deceased, minors. J A3l IkS CROSS, Guardian. Louisville, May 24, 1838 . 4m (O'-01-U months afterdate, application wililie made lo the libnorablo Inferior court of Burke county, for leave lo sell all the real estate es George 1-. Seonyers, deceased JANE SCON VERS, Adrax april 2d mini All cxlnumliiuuy mid remur buffer 'Jntc. Mrs Alary Dillon, of Williamsburg!), Vv;ais j-eferored lo boullh by the use of tins medlcinb.---'l’liA symp toms of this deslrcssiug case were |is followfe: Total loss of c.pporile, pglpilalioii ol life heart',lwi itching of the tendons,w iih a general spasmodic affliction ol the muscles, difficulty, of breathing,’ giddiness, langour, lassitude, grout depression 6lApjrit&, with the fear of some mipciidiiig evil, a sensation of fluttering at the pit of ihc stomach, irregular tran sient pains iu different parts, great emancipation with other symptoms of extreme debility. Tho above case was pronounced hopeless l.y threeof the most eminent physicians, and u disso lution ol the patient daily awaited lur by her friends, which may he authenticated by tho physicians who were in attendance. Alio has given her cheer bil permission to publish tire above facts, and will also gladly give any information respecting iM benefit she has received to any enquiring mind. MARY DILLON. 95* Mi - . Charles Semple, who had been afflicted (or five years with humoral habitual Aslh inn, applied lo Dr Evans on the 4lh of Nov. labor ing under tho following symptoms: A sense oi lightness across the chest, u : ih the greotest dilli caliy in breathing, distressing cough, generally ending with copious expoi-lm.-i, ~,n ol viscid phlegm disturbed rest, the luce lur, I and of a livid.hue; could iiollie in a honzoiile. ......cion without the sensation of immediate sail -muon, languor, drow siness, and dissinvss iu the head, and lossolap pel-10. Mr S. applied to the most eminent physician m the city, likewise used several other remedies without obtaining any permanent benefit un til his friends persuaded him ~o place himsel under Dr Evans’ treatment. He is now relieved ol his complaint, and called at tho office yesterday, avowing that he had nut words lo express his gruti ude for Ihc benefit ho had received. For sale by ANTON V A //AIN ES Georgia,Columbia County: * \#7 HER EAS Benjamin H. Warren and John W McGar, Executors of the Bill of William 31, Gar, decoa- d, applies for letters Dismisxory. Th.-. care tlicrelnn lu < uc ami admonish all and .-in ir ului ihc kindred and ( redilom ol said deceased lo be and appear at my office within the lime pro si ribed by law, lo shew cause il any they have, why said teller,; should nut be giauied. Given umlci mv hand at ollice, ibis 24th day of 1-1 bin n-v I -38 GABRIEL JUNES, Cfell’ sch 2- 4?