Augusta chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1837, September 18, 1837, Image 2

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a.- 1 . i" -■ • THE KONG OP FAME. Win n dealk sUiotrd* ihy ininmij, l.c>\c it no shrine; The dear exes that weep fur liter, Som asleep like thine! * The wail murmured over llree, Fainteth away— Amt the heart which kept love foi (lire Tin in into city' But wouldst thou rcmcrnliered lie, Make me Ihy vow— Thitverao thol tlowa gushingly, 'Fatteth ibeu how: I. ink ins ihy hand in mine, Listen to roe, So note (limightnfil.ioe, Dielh with thee. Rifle my poising hcait Os the gift love made— -111.1 lim.e eye’s light depart— l<el iny cheek fade! <3i*e me ike slumber deep, W Inch night-ion;’ sinus— tliic me the joyt lint creep Into ihy dreamt! Give me thy youthful years. MeirietUhal lly— So the word spoke in tears, Live tor aye. So thy sc, ucllrral stone, Nation* may raise— What lime thy soul hath known The worth of praitc! Tan {mi'inci or Christianitt—Let us conceive it pnssihlc lor a moment that the beauti ful personifications of scripture were all icalnced : that the trees of the forcat i lapped rheir liands un -4o God, sml ilibl the isles were glad at his pres ence ; that the little hills shouted on every side, and the rallies, covered with ri rn. sent forth their notea of rejoicing ; that (he sun am) the muon prnisod him, and the stars of light joined in the solemn adulation ; that the voice of glory to God was heard from every mountain and from every walerk.ll; and that all nature, animated through out by a consciousness of a pervading and presid ing lirilv. burst into a luud and universal song of congratulation. Would not a strain of greater loftiness lie hoard lo ascend iruin those regions where the all-work ing God had It-li (heir irat ea of lira own immens ity, than from the turner and the humbler scene ry of an ordinary landscape? Would not you look lot a glader acclamation from the fertile field than from the arid waste where no character of grandeur made amentia for the hatrenness that was around you ? Would not the goodly tree, compassed nhoul with the glories of ils summer foliage, Jill up an nnlliem of louder gratitude ilinii the lowly shrub that growelh beneath it ? Would not Use dower, from whoso leaves every hue oi loveliness was reflected, send forth a sweeter rap ture tbau tho eye of an admiring passenger 1 And in a word, whether you saw tho lowering •eminences of nature, or the garniture n( her mote .rich and beauteous ornaments, would it not be tbew that you looked fur lUe kndorcsl and must exquisite of its melodies ! Conceive, that a quickening and realizing sense of the Deity pervaded all llto men ol our sjieiies, slid thaleurh knew how to refer his own endowments, with an adequate expression of gta- Isnude, to the .unseen author ol litem ; from ■whom, wc ask, of all Uuwr various individuals, would you took lot tlie hallelujahs of devout ec si ary » Would it not ho from him whom find I had arrayed in the spleen lor «f nature's brightest eaccompliiibmenls 1 Would it not be from bint, ■with whose ciuioliuvtimud hidings the iimvemenis of honor and IttMtcvolenee were in tho fullest liar unony • Wnubl it not be from hint whom bis .maker had cast into the hippiest mould, and at tempered into the sweetest union of all that was 4iind, and gcnarouc,and lovely, and molded by the loftiest emaltans, mid raised above all his fel lows Mils the 'finest lyandscle of all that was giaeeful, anil ill that was manly? Mutely, if <lhr possesaioa of Ihoso motilities bo just aim ■tlirr theme of acknowledgement to (be 'Lord of tho gpitila of all flesh, t'ten, if (the OB 'knowledgemeul lx- withhold, and these moralities ■ havcUkeu »p tluiir rcsidouce in lire hosum of him who is utterly fltwoklwf piety, tin ty go to aggra vate the approach of his ingratitude, ami to prove xhat of tho men upon lbe earth who are from God, ‘he stands at tin* widest disUneo, ho temnins proof against the weightiest claims, mid ho of tho dead rill trespasses mid sins, is the most profoundly asleep lo the call of religion, and lo the suprema cy of in righlaoua obligation*. Loco Foreran n«ria*ii.—Ol all the defini. .(ions of a Loco Fooo pslilician it rat wo have over read, tho following from llto lUica (N. V.) Ob server. is incomparably the hcsl. A man might virile volume* on the aubjccl, and nut hit the (tutli so nigh.— -He.i-.Uiit. \Vn*r is a lidco Fucu ?—A Loco Foeo, in the present acceptation of the term, is a man not aiitidlievl with any thing that exists; but is in fa vor of an equal distribution of prtqierly, an up rooting id tbo iiistiitilions of the country, and lbs substitution of some imviiatrous and imprurlieublo fancy of Iris own in their stead, lie professes lo )«• in a favor of “Equal Rights, Equal I’rivileges. and Equal Laws,” by which ho mean* rights, privilcdgea. and laws, which wil l nvdte him as itch, as influential, and as <ons. , . as Ins moteindiitlrioua, prudent, able, pi irvin ig anil thriving neighbors, without my [airtn ular tulonts sir exertions of hit own. A Loco Euro vv ds a new Coiuliluliot); he desires (hat llisirt* should be no credit.-; that all tlebl* should bo vlclils of honor, ‘.lint no man should be superior lo him self; that w’ I have no ne’iiitmi olexelian gea hut gold ; i; that tho whole form of society g.-xeinmeut should be el. mged, and that they ,1 .. iM luve tboprivilego of eti.'"'icting ala-tier, lie is a restless, uiisatiefiid mortaj' nod could he have all his heart's desire to-day, Jir* would grumble to-morrow just as lustily as ever. Sam Si.ick'h Opinion ok tiik Aukiii reuis' —1 believe we may slump the Unitcrso; -wo improve on every thing, and we have im proved on our specie*. You’ll search one >wliil«, I tell you, atore you'll find n man that take him by and large, is equal in one of our' .free and enlightened citizens, lie's the chap Aliat-has both speed, wind, and bottom: he's ■cleur grit—ginger lo the back bone you may •defend. It's generally allowed there amt the beat of them to be found any when*. Spry as a fox, supple as an cel, and cute ns a wen •ael. Though I say Has glmuld'nt say it, they fairly lake the slime otf creation —they ute acidly equal lo cash.— The ('lorkiaakrr, Bvilou Punsters, —The sailors in her ma jesty's navy aio had hands fur making out tiuim-sv The Bcllerophon is always Hi Hy-ruffian —tht' llirondcllc,llto Iron devil —the Ptarmigan is the 'l'ermigant —and the Nautilus, the .Youghly Into, ami so ml infinitum. When th • Queen was proclaimed at Portsmouth, one .lark, with a two fool tail lo his head, and a "ne quid Minin” in his mouth, cried out, the moment the ceremony was over, “'i’here, I Mid you so—she wont have none o' the radicals, they call her Queen II hig tori/, and that’s a conservative all the wot Id over.” ■John Hull. 81-Him k.—A fellow giving an account of be ing ehiscil by a mad bull said, ‘The hull roared like thunder, and I ran like lightning, and on lumping the fence, as quid: ns the stars full from the galaxy, lorn my breeches and as though • the heavens and earth were coming together. Tito question “why Printers do not suc ceed in business as well ns Brewers?” was thus answered, “became Printers work for lire head, and Brewers for lire stomach, and where twenty men have a stomach, but one has a Jisad." A good lady, in speaking ofone of her grand children who had been married for some time, said ‘they most now he perfectly independent,’ for continued she, they have a snug little baby, and a small psg. “A Haw Ojtc —Fine chance fur yon to live > -on wind,” said an old fellow to a Graliannte, slier the last cast wind had been blowing con (nattily for'a week. “Vos,” said Hie man of saw dust bread, "but then out doesn't relish it «o well raw.” Aa nn old tv etna n lately walking-through one of the »t reel so) Pans at midnight. * pal- I Mlc r.alir-tl mil, ' Who's there?'' “Ilia 1 pal role; don't be afraid." During the Congressional ranvas* in Gel. Johnson’* district, (ltd Colonel pave two nr throe (ree barbecues for the benefit of Mr. Pito pa. At one of them about >lO of his host bscmt hams wore devoured. The poor old fellow npitlier saved Ins Ir-.cmt not Ins D.s --1 net . —Louis r die Journal. As aonn a* Amos Lane (mind that ho was beaten („r (Jongo-ss in. tied Irnm Indiana. • Pis -aid Hat a pi.icock, tl you p-tll Ins tail, stte.aks .awny and hides Itimsell/ — th, TltcGlnbo anil Mr. Hive* are fairly “til it ’ They are playing tho good old comedy of "Family Jars" to full houses with tremendous tipplaiise.— Hi. CUROm“ AND 815NTINCL«r loiiflu y Cninlug, Kept, 18, m:»7, run GOVERNOR. (.‘ROISMBi E2. ItiilaHSiß. Stlnte Right* Tlrln-I for Uieliiiionil Co. for si a vrn, ANDREW J. MILLER. roil nf.rnKfiKVTATivx*, CHARLES .1. JENKINS, GEORGE W. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM J. RHODES. We perceive that meetings have been held in several places in South Carolina at which Dele gates have been appointed to allend llto convi-n --lien (o he held in litis city on the 3d Monday in October nest, fur the purpose of taking measures lu enable the South lo become (lie exporter of her own produce and the importer of her own goods. At Wynsburo H. C.. the following are appoint ed delegate*—Harn'l. G. Barkley, Jaa. K. Aikin, and Jno. J. Woodwind. Wc have heed Informed by some gentlemen, heller acquainted with such mailers Ilian our selves, lliul our estimate of the monthly expenses of Governor Schley's army In the Cherukcc Na tion, is very much too small. We made the es timate upon the supposition that lire pay would be tin: same ns that of the U< 8. troops, and upon mere rccolleelion of what ilia! pay was. Will some of our Milledgcvillo *ol*mporaries, who have tho means of ascertaining the truth in relation to (Iris mailer,look into it and inform usrorrcclly? The breach in Che administration ranks in Congress appears lo widen every day, esp’cinlly in the Senate. The Commiltco on Finance id which Mr, Wright, of New York, is (lie Chair man,in reporting hills, responding lo various parts of the Message, reported nunc designating lire funds in which the public revenues should he collected, intending thereby lo leave that discre tionary with llte I'resident and Secretary of the Treasury, who of eourao in accordance with lire recommendations of the Message, and in obedi ence lo tho commands of Gen. Jackson, would determine to receive nothing hut gold and silver. A short discussion arose upon the subject, In which Mr. River rose and said "it appeared lu be the wish of many Senators not load on any out; oftho measures until the whole should bo before Senate. It appeared to hilt that une of the most important subjects which was recommended by llte Executive, a bill to designate the funds in which tho revenue should be collected, hud not been brought forward as yet by tha Cornmillec. Hu therefore would move an adjournment until Monday, Vo give time to tho Chairman lo make ■ his final report.” . Monte further conversation look place, in which | Mr. Wrlghl distinctly declared that llto Commit tee d d not intend It) report any hill specifying the description ol funds tceeivahle for the public dues, when he was followed by Mr. Rives in the follow ing pointed remarks; “Mr. Rives said the Committee hail an advant age nut possessed by any other members of the Senate ; and be now merely asked llte usual parliamentary courtesy of being allowed a 111 lie lime to make up bis iniml, Tbo object ol Ins ruiislituenls was not so much lo have relief for the Government as lu obtain relief for the Coun try. Mu saw no Iting in any one of the measures which had been reported calculated lo give relief lit the Country. Il was for that purpose he came here, and not lo register llto edicts of the Execut ive. Ho wished to see the only remedy applied, which could bo effectual, by which llto country could he placed in an erect position, and that was the restomtion of confidence. He xvus put to gioat inconvenience to come tici , hut he would sacrifice his personal interests and remain here through the long sessiorqlo obtain relief for tins counliy. We had it in our power lodo what the Government bad done in parallel passages in the history t-C our country, and which we hud i: in our power lo do again. If ho hud not the facility of understanding the measures which had been proposed, his mind was weighed down widt a feeling of their vast importance, Tho following article from the Columbia, S. V. Times of the 16th ins!., ex plains a nui'ter, which 1,,-d been previously somewhat of a r.i’slety to in. Wo w ere confident that no such man vs .Mr. Illicit, hau over been elected lo Congress I-m |U MoiuJrd'aroliuv:. N >altt. Riixtt ok UfoUTit Cahulika.— As sotm' < of our readers may boil, llte sumo predicament wo were m, but lately, ourseitex, to account for tho name of the Hon. K. 11. Knur r, among (he list of tm-tuliera of Congress from Moiillr Carolina, we will state for their inhumation, that il is the pit-s --ent cognomen of the gentleman hitherto well knownns Robkht Baiin well Smith, Esq.— We learn inou-over, that the name of Riixtt has been assumed by Mr. Miami,.with pci mission of the Court of Equity, for (lit- purpose of reviving an an ancient and honorable name which had be come extinct, and of inheriting a legacy, to the possession of which the assumption ol the name The Uiitidt barque Ida, from Kingston, Jam. bound to London, has arrived below at New York, disabled during one of the late gales-. It is stated that Iweiilu of her crow, were washed from her dock and drowned. Ivor vi. Visiron.—Wo learn from the Cornier Francais that that Prince ofJoinvillo, third son of the King of the French, is about to nuke a voy age lo this country, lie was lu embark us it Lieutenant on llte Tub of August, on board tho Hercules, 100 gmt ship, commanded by M. Casy [roa Tin: cttaoNiciK ami sextixkl j NO. 108. Jhether Schltj) —Can you give me the com mand of the ten companies that you have raised to keep the Cherokees in order ? It’s just the appointment to suit me ; plenty of pay, and no thing lo do. ,FII drill (hern too for Van Ottrenism for you in handsome style. But mind, it I lake them, none of your Meriwether tricks upon me. If I (my necessaries lor them on your ciadtt, stick Up lo vour promise, and dont leave me to pay for them. Ifyou put otto of those tricks upon me, I'm bark lo the nullificrs like a shot ouUit a sho vel. Nothing, wc Van Boren men halo more than paying ; but lot receiving we turn our backs to t-o man. 808 MHOKT. 1 run rrtt cdnesui.r. ash tmtltl, At a n ee'ingul a portion of (be udiddrants of : fit, Peter's Parish, at Matthews BiulT, M, C„ for lire purpose ol appointing Delegates to a eonvrn ’ lion of Mciebanls and Planters, lo be balden at i Augusta, Geo. on the third Monday in Oclolmr I - nexl, for the purpose of finning a society, for the 1- direct importation of goods lo the Moutbetn state-*, ■ | on motion of Moses A. Cohen. Major Win. G. Hola-rds, wav called to the chair and Doctor O. J. s | Gray appointed Secretary. It was moved by John Wallace Jr. dial a com j notice of live be appointed by the chair—lo no ' ruinate Delegates, and under Ibis order the chair s! man named lire following gentlemen lo compose * j lire said committee, viz: Richard A. Williams, I.M. A. Cohen, 11. W. Uobcrds. A. R. Williams j and Richard N. Kittles. Tito Committee returned and after a short pe riod reported llto following resolutions. Resolved, That Capt. Michael Brown, ml Major William O. Roberds, 1 m unpointed U-i«- gatesto said convention. It vvas moved by M. A. Cohen and srcondei that the above proceeding be sent to the Augtsla 1 Chronicle &. Menlincl, for publication. On motion of R. N. Killies, the meeting ad journed. W. G. ROBERDS, Chairman. J. O. (Just,Secretary. Matthew* Bluff, S. C., Sept. 12. I'OR TIIK CIIRONICLK AXU StCNTINEf/. ' Mr, Jones—Willi great pleasure have I seen and read, from time to time, the bold and piaisc-' • worthy sinnd which the editor of tbo ‘.Miner's 1 Recorder,” has taken against llto “ ajijioinlmcnl ” lof the famous Col. Bishop. In one of hi* late f communications on ibat subject, he says, “our ■ opinion ol (but man, and that appointment, re - main* unchanged. Wa yet look upon il as a dis , grace lo the Mlate ol Georgia, (reader mark that,) and an indeinblc blot upon lire public as well as private reputation of lire power that confirmed il; inenute, (reader notice,) because they were fully apprised ol the innumerable (piok at that) rxsn xi ka a n i.u uutruguouH offioneea charged upon him." Ur. Nuw the above remarks are all good,very good, especially for a Union Paper, and for which (he editor has, no doubt, (be unqualified oppiobation of all the better informed and more thinking part of llte community. Afier many oilier excellent and pertinent remarks,he geos on lo say, “seeing then a portion of our Union friends rushing ge hu-likc,’ agiiinsl light and knowledge lo destruc tion, wo fell disposed for a while, at Icasi, to give ! them up to their‘idol.’” Mo fur this is us it ought to he; hut strange lo tell! alter all this, the vvri i ter comes lo the conclusion that bo will still ‘sns , lain' tho principle* of (he Union party! What! sustain a parly, or the pi incipitur (which is worse) of a parly who have " disgraced ” tho Stale of Georgia!!” What! sustain a parly who have brought an “ilidelahlc blot upon their publ-x private reputation!” Support a r.;(y who have j advanced lo high ar M o iltnumel . nb i e outrageous offence': c l-, jrgeJ UJJ on i liln! » Support i a I 1 ,rl y u l '- 1 ' arc now— now, ru-hing ‘gcliu-bko' , j agii-.n.t iijjLl and knowledge to destruction!!! — j Strange, passing slangc!! How truely is it said, that "when God,would destroy,ho first maddens,” j Moreover, there is such a glorious inconsistent f ey tietwoon (lie editor’s premises and conclusions; , or, wo might say, hetweon his preamble and re , solve. A fair paraphrase would sland somehow thus, —“Whereas tho Union parly have disgraced j llte Stale of Georgia—have cast an indelible blot D upon their reputation both public and private have advanced to high office a man who bus in numerable outrageous offences charged upon him —and arc notv (thia parly) rushing, "gehu-like,” against light and knowledge lo destruction:— Therefore, resolved, —what? Why that I will abandon, forever, any such a parly,—what else could I resolve? Oil no! but, resolved, that I will, ‘sustain the parly lo the utmost of my abili , ty!!!” Does not this cap the very climax of ab- I surdity. 1 But there is one crack on which the edi -1 lor probably has his eye, ami out at which he may try to jump; therefore I hasten to stop i it. Ho will possibly say it is only a " por * lion” of the Union parly that tiro thus high ly ctiininal. lie it so. What portion? Why _ that very portion, most certainly, that are at r tho n kari, and arc leading all tho balance!— 1 The Editor being judge, this leading portion arc, "rushing ‘gehu-like,’ to dislruction." Now wo , would ask, where are tho vouchers that this load ■ ing poition, if they will rush on against light and knowledge to destruction, will Holland ihorc, and | carry lltuir patty with them? yea worse' —If the I Union parly have, “disgraced, the Slate of Gcor t gia,”—where is tho voucher that (hey will not, I destroy the Stale? And as they are, “rushing gehu-like,against light and knowledge to dealt no tion,” —where wo ask; is the warrant that they will not carry Stale and all, with them? We do humbly conceive that if the Union k parly and principles bo "sustained” llto above consequences aro unavoidable, litis same good (J < t ~ Union Editor bimself being, judge !! How tru doth the word of God say,—"When tho wick | x-d bear rule, the people mourn.” Wc ask them, , i,s there no remedy? yes, yes follow citizen, Ihorc f is y -H hope,—yet a lingering ray of hope and ' light, ..‘isms above this chaos ol dark clouds and 1 misrule; ttlu ' that ray points to, and hovers around tho hallol- Then let every true patriot,every true lover th'his country do his duly, on die first Monday in O. 'tuber next, and all will be well, 1 order restored, u, 0 cl Georgia saved! Q. IN TIIK COUXEII. yS* Prom the Savanna ' fseorgian ol the 16M. FKO HUM. The St. Joseph Times .-"d bth inst, has the fol lowing item of intelligence, furnished by Capt. Jenkins of U. S. steamer Lin, '*• Lard, three days ‘ liom Suwannee. t Gen. Jesup loft Suwannee for Tampa on the 27lit till, after making a tour for th o' inspection ol the posts. Had a talk with‘the In, Cans, about r 600 in number, at Camp King on ot about the , 23d. r No(hing satisfactory grow out ol l.**o talk. J'beJliulisns scorned lobo afraid oftho Mica 'Okies. • They wore told, however, to come in ana .’hey a would la* protected by tho whites, er lo move L . south of Hillsborough. The General thinks there is little reliance to be placed in their professions Tho Van Baron members of Congress who ex pect lo la- assisted »ut of their ditCoultiea by the Whigs, are about as reasonable us the wagoner, - in the fable, who sat ealli.-; on Hercules to take j his wagon from the slough into which his careless ness had [dunged il. They have involved the l ' country in bankruptcy, & brought ruin to the lire ’* sides of thousands, and now stand amazed at the n effects of their miscondnct, hoping that the Whigs r wilt assist them out of their troubles. Bunco hope they will be disappointed. The Whig mem bers xvi 1 stand aloof, and h-axc the remedy to be *• applied by those who caused the disease. Whcn r ever the people shall have become sulliciently -, nauseated with the quackery of the knaves who „ have produced the present condition of thing*, they will send honest men to Congress; and then, r and not till then, wc hope, will the whig* of con r gross undertake to interfere. Give them the pow |ct to restore public confidence and prosperity, oral j |it will lif pr.,rtilv ftecolrfi. Br.i. until tlx f ' people jo ififiLjf nm.i cantina* lo betlie •» tis rj-f>n. j it*. — Jiii'Chntn, j A I)\i 11 ‘ l Of*i u• i f f»>. —‘'l***® Govern- | menl** aro |>ay olf, |«aily it* ad v *nct. "Ort> e " J j 1 Uic member* f ConjrccM in !joUl and •‘ilvrr, r while the mtv anic who earn* h money by the i* sweat of his h w, mu»t accept the bill* us the 1 pel IJaulis or ikc nothing. Well, wb»t‘’o those i mernltem of O ngre»4(l<> with their pol>H w»iy, , iiiHttad of piyi %it fir bonrd, &c. in unhington, _ • they sell it f.»rja premium, to the agenlrf «>1 tin' New Vork briers who in turn m*!l it l » tlic rner . chants to be k hipped to England to pay debts i with. This iJthe way to make a circulation of t | gold and silver How modi of this specie w ill • j ever reach Ilif [pocket* of the people? not one • ! dollar in a hundred.— Will* Com, Herald, V Mexico.—The.Nrw York Courier has \ <*rn 1 Cruz papers to the IClIi August, They arc said to contain a manifesto of General Santa Anna on i the late occurrences of Ilia polil.col life. He has i left his hanendn. Mango tie Cl.ivo, and gone to , , j .laluppa, in flic hope of restoring his health, which ' has lii'i'ri grcntly olTecied by hia campaign in J ox ■ as. The Mexican fleet had sailed from A era j 1 Cruz on flio 7th Augnct ill search ot the i cxian ; i squadron,— Halt. C hr on , • '■ • i IS I EXPRESS MAIL, j 1 ‘ ' r " " ’ * " [niOM OCR eORIIESrONHENT.] WASHINGTON,Sept 14, IB3T, HIGHLY IMPORTANT. The fiat has gone forth! 'i'bc people of the United Slate, have hceu this day told that the I Administration means to do nothing to relieve ■ I the country hut that all their measures were in i j tended to promote the convenience of the Gov ' | crnmcnl. The Finance Committee of the Sen s | ste made their final report this morning. I have ■ given to you the names and objects of the hills • which wore previously submitted by them, ami I • now odd the last results of their labors. They I consist of three hills with the following titles. ' i Ist. A hill to authorize goods and merchandise ; to b» deposited in the public stores. The object of this measure is to authorize the . deposit of goods in the public stores, under the i requisite precautions, allowing them to he trails porled to other districts, or to he exported oncer , tain conditions to lie sold, if requisite, at the end . of three years, so far as to pay the duties, storage, and oilier necessary expenses. 2d. A Hill imposing additional duties; as dc , positories, in certain Case's, on public officers. This is tub Sou Theasiiry Sennits, and provides for the receiving and safe keeping of the , public revenue by the various receiving postmas ters &c. until regularly called for by the Depart ment. The bill contains many details, especial-, ly of precaution to secure the faithfulness 0 f offi cers having the custody of the r; a \,i; Q moncy> lid. A bill to revoke tfo cnar ‘, crJ of tho u anUs in the District fC C^im n y <( which shall not re sumo ' 3 p ßC ic payment in a specified time and for i tho suppression of small notes therein. I These bills was all read once, and ordered to i receive a second reading to-morrow. The Senate then proceeded to tho considera t tion of the hill to postpone the October instalment of the Surplus Revenue. Mr. Webster spoke at - great length against the hill and a debate arose , which was still going on when it became ncecs ’ sary to close this in order to ho in lime for the . Express Mail. ; In the House a number of petitions were pre sented from different slates praying for thecstab r lishment ot a National Hank and may, also, rc -1 monstrating against the annexation of Texas to 1 the Union. Mr. Camhrcling, from the Committee of ways . and means, reported a bill for tho extension of the i time of Merchants Hands—The same as that rc ’ ported to live Senate by Mr. Wright. Tlic House then went into the consideration of j lire report of the Committee on the Rules and or , dors of the House, making various amendments I thereto, and were still in session when this packet was made up. M. WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. The Finance Committee of the Senate has (in . ished its labors; and without bringing forward i any measure having the slightest tendency to re i lievc the people from the embarrassment and dis . tress, which spoilsmen and experimenters have , brought to their doors. I informed you yester day of the last results of tho dcliluiralions of that Loco Foco junto, the majority of tho Committees , and you will have seen that the trio, Wright’! Benton ami Hubbard, have acted as if the solo , purpose of the National Legislature at this extra , ordinary session should he to promote the con" veuience of Government—contribute to the per -1 senal aggrandizement of the federal office-holders , —and establish tho doctrine that the people of a . country are not to expect the Administration to lake cure of any interest but its own. r During the brief discussion that arose alter i l . was understood tho Committee hail made their final report, Mr. Rives made some declarations which gave a more distinct idea of tlic relation in , which, he stands to the administration, than any , thing that had previously occurred He said he I had not the advantage of pee communication . with the head of the Treasury Department, . which w as enjoyed by some other Senators i 11k am not been aware ok the 9 OK THE PbSSIDKKT’s MkSSAOK TILE IT WAS COM | MUNiCATEi). These are significant words, com- I ing from a man who once possessed so much of j I tho President’s confidence. Not less so was the P i remark, that his constituents did net expect him j merely to aid in setting lire government machine 1, lin operation, and then return home—they sent | him to relievo the people and the government only as it was a part of the great whole. Nut less so was the declaration made, with the great est emphasis, that the Committee had not recom- I mended a solitary measure to relievo or restore confidence to the country ,- and that if np one s else understood the task, he himself would bring forward a measure for relieving the public embar rassrnents and distresses. Not less so was the t pointed and energetic observation, “Government 0 can no noon as well as bo harm!” Mr. Calhoun is manifestly extremely dtssalisli '■ ed with the miserable results of tho Committee’s f deliberations - All their measures he declared amou.'tled to nothing. The only principles in the President's Message which wete, in hisopin. ion, of any value, and which could have given , character to tho, r measures had been left entirely untouched by the committee. 1 .Mr. Webster’s speed'.' against the postponement ' bill, was the great incident,' of yesterday. It was in tho main strictly argumor.’talivc; though, in , tho first part, he look occasion to touch upon sev r oral collateral topics. He commented upon the Treasury report in a lone, at one time of ind'g- J nant censure, and at another, of the most cutting l . sarcasm; exposing its mistalements, blunders and ' inconsistencies, and ridiculing and condemning ’ its recommendations. He pronounced the Se j j erotary’s scheme respecting the issuing of Trcasu . | ry notes to he nothing less than a proposition to ■I bring up again the old Continental money I I "Wcte the Genius of the old Confederation to 1 .fop, through the Ber.aU Chamber nott,' - " r -1 Webster, “be could not give us a l etter model for I the continental money (liars has been presented by the Secretary.” It was remarkable that the . proposition to raise up, from the mouldy vaults o' old t it's, this obsolete cur en y shou'd oc made first in the fourth or fifth year of theexper ment to reform the currency Mr. Webster dwelt upon the inconsistency between the theory and the practice of the government in respect to the pretension that government had no authority or power to control the currency; and illustrated this contradiction by many examples. After some remarks front Mr Calhoun, tho bilk was ordered to he engrossed and read a third lime - The Senate then adjourned. A number of petitions and memorials were pre sented to both Houses to-day, praying for tho es tablishment of a National Hank, which were re red ,o the Committee on Ways and Means; and a number also remonstrating against the annexa tion of Texas to the Union, which were laid on tabic according to the rule. Mr. Cambreleng.from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill, for carrying into effect the Sub-Treasury scheme, imposing certain du-1 lies on certain public oflicers as depositories of the j Government, and making provisions for the safe keeping and disbursement of the public, monies. It was read and referred to the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Garland of Va., a staunch leader of the “Conservatives;” and a friend of Mr. Rives, gave notice that he would, on Monday, bring in a pro ject of another and counter character. Mr. Cambrelcng, in reply to a question pro pounded to him, said, that it was the wish of the House Committee, that their own b 11s should he proceeded with, and not the measures now under discussion in tlic Senate, Tho House was occu pied during the principal part of the day with a debate on the Rules and Orders. ’The Senate to-day took up the hill postponing the October installment of the surplus icvenue; and altera brief but animated discussion,in which Messrs. Preston, Calhoun,Crittenden, and Brown of N. C., participated, the hill was finally passed, and sent to the House for concurrence. The bill for the issuing of Treasury notes was next taken up, and Was undergoing discussion, when it was necessary to dose this m or dec to be in time for the express mail. from Ike N. Y. o ttmiutrciul Ado, S rpl. 12. Wall stb'et —One u'ctoch. —The business transact*;dis morning at the slock board was wv ',arge, particularly iu Delaware and Hudson of which no less than 1070 shares changed hands. Prices, generally have sustained themselves, though in some instances there has been a slight fulling off Specie.—Tho sales this morning were $2600 in half dollars, at Bjj premium; and 1200 sover eigns at $5,34. We note American gold at 8 a 8 j premium; quarter dollars 7 a—do; Spanish dol lars —a 10} do; Mexican do. t) ja 9} do; five franc pieces $1,03j; sovereigns $5,32 a $5,36; doub loons sl7 a 17,50. Treasury Drafts — have declined, sales were made at tho board of $ 1689 at 5} premium. We note them at 5J a G per cent. A draft on New York lor SIOOO was sold at .he Philadelphia Stock Exchange yesterday, at j per cent premium. Stocks sold at the Philadelphia exchange Sept. 13.—120 shares U. S. Hank at 118}. COHIIEKCIAL. SAVANNAH MARKET, SEPT. 15. Cotton —Arrived since ihedlhinst. 1807 bales Up land and 00 bales Sea island, and cleared in the seme rime (or Wow York 1050 halos Upland; for liallimore 55 holes, making in all 1105 bales anil leaving a stock on hand inclusive of all on shipboard not cleared on tire 15th ol 3591 holes Upland and 963 bales Sea Island. Ourcolton Market has been quiet this week and ralher lower prices again have . been snlimitled lo for cftralilies under fully fair.— The sales comprise 286 hales at the following pri ces: 39 at 7i; 13,8; 16,9; 14, 9i; 103,91, 136,10; 6,101; 9, H i. NEW YORK MARKET, SEPT. 14. Cotton —The transactions in our market for the past 3 days have.continued moderate. The demand lias been fair to good fair,at prices varying from 104 to 114; and some prime at 124. Sales chiefly for shipment amount to 900 his. including 600 Upland /at 9 lo 111 and 121, the latter of prime quality; 200 Mobile at 94 to 12: 100 New Orleans 11; and 124 cents, the latter also for prime. MOUILE MARKET, SKPT. 15. Colton. —We have nothing ot interest to notice. The stock on hand is gradually decreasing by expor tation, as per tablo. None has been received, since our last report. The rivers are lower than ever,and an elfoclimfstup has been put, for the present, upon all steamboat communication with the interior. W'e have no variation in prices to notice. 1 1,1 .j. . m~ ——l Marine Intelligence. Charleston, Sept, 10. — ship Benjamin Morgan Tubbs, Liverpool; line ship H. Allen, Wilson, iVevv-York 3 ds ; Union Line brig Jones, Hull, New-York, 3 days ; Lino big Buenos Ayres, Stu art, A'cu -York 4 days ; Line brig Ahnena, Doane, Boston 9 days. Cleared, Line ship sutlorj, Berry, New York ; schr Lovely Kezia, Stein, Havana ; U. S. Mail schr Hope, South wick, Key W'est and Indian Key. Went to sea yesterday, U. I. brig Lawrence, Her best, A’evv-Vork; Steam packet Homo, While, JVew-York. — ■ ■■ (Lj*Mr. Editor—Please announce W. EDNEY ns a candidate, on the Union ticket, for the Re presentative branch of the State Legislature for Richmond County. MANY VOTERS. (EJ’We “re authorised to announce FREE MAN W. LACY as a candidate for the office of Sheriff/ of Richmond county, at the ensuing elcc on in January. June 7 DKXTISTSIY. rIMIF. subscriber having returned from Iris call in A the eounrry, is now ready to watt upon any who may need hisjProfessional services. He can be lound by calling at Iris residence opposite the Masonic Hall. E. OSBORiV, sept 18 ts 330 Surgeon Dentist. Coivarlm'pviijsp. rSMIF. undersigned having taken A. ROWLAND ■ into partnership, tho H'AREHOUSE AND I OMMISSION B('SNILSS will b- 1 conducted un der the firm ot Uaird >V Ilouland, after Ist of Oclo her next. BLNJ. BAIRD, sept. 18 120 Hooks, Klalioiiai'v, and FANCY GOODSr RICH ARDS & STOV, at their old stand No 293 Broad street, are receiving fresh supplies iu the above line. They keep constantly on hand an extensivCstock of School, Classical,Law, Medical ami Miscellaneous BOOKS, and every size and description of Blank Books ot the best Materials and Workmanship, also, foolscap, Letter and W rapping l’n|)er of all qualities. Music and Musical Instruments ol almost every description. Fine Cutlery, Pocket Books ol all kinds Pencil Cases, Purses, Brushes ofall kinds, W'ork Boxes, Dressing Cases, | Pistols. Paper Hangings, Bordering, Portable Desks, Picture Frames, .Screen Patterns, Toilet Glasses and a great variety of other articles in the fancy lino. All of which they offer at wholesale ami retail at tho lowest prices. Country Merchants will find it to llioirinterest to call and examine their stuck, sept IS It “20 Southern sieanTPackct < o. Augusta to the n.pital .Stock 1 I- 1 of the above Company will pay their lifth In ! stalment 'one hundrev dollars on each share) to Leers & Hope. JAKES ROBERTSON. Prrs’t. Charleston, July 10 |sep 15] -it 218 .\cw Herring;. liOXLS NEW HEURING, just received t-P'* and for sale by W. E. i J. U. JACKSON, 1 -ff 1 U Auctioneers. »t* | Spanish Lrcclic*. K /’ill-SH supply, jut received and lor diU by I I l\ ANTO.VY A J lit INKS, I , pi 13 832 Broad-itreel. i B>och*l &rovr for «ale. | jr OFFER lor sale, on, very reasonable and occom- t i ii modnnng ti-ntu, tire place where 1 now reside, ! l,n.m nas the Locust (' trove— There arc ( )no Hun- , i dad and '1 liiny six Acre* of! attached to ills : place, between seventy and eighty o( which arc in wood. and well timbered ; lh» p’oee t» well wa tered with several never lading springs of line water, and in the yard llierc is a well of a» good water as can be found in the up-country id Georgia. The place adjoins the pleisantjand beautiful village of , Greensborougb.aml is in good view ol the rail road lliatis now being constructed fcom Augusta to lliat village. It is a most desirable residence a- to heallli, water, and lacility in travelling to Augusta and the sea-lxiard. I’ersons wishing to purchase are desired to come and examine for themselves. DICEY LUMPKIN, sept 13 swlw 280 GEORGIA, Columbia county: WUEHEAS William Varbnrmtgh) administra tor oil the estate of dinner Yarborough, de ceased applies for Letters Dismissory, Theso arc therefirto cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of said d-c’d to be and appear at ray dlHei within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, .f any they have, why said | lellers should not be granted. (liven under my hand, at office, in Appling, this ! 15lh day of Sept., 1837. sept 18 mCt GABRIEL JONES,clerk. I K. Lacassag’HC) HAIR DRESSER,from Paris,residing at Charles- I: ton, S. C’., No. 114 King street, having just arrived with a large assortment of Ornamental Hair I'fall kind, invites the Ladies and Gentlemen of Au gusta to call and examine his stock, which ho will dispose of at very liberal prices, w holesale, at Mrs. C. IC. Kuber's Boarding House, on Ellis street, mid way between Washington mid Mclntosh strcc's. Gentlemen wishing Wigs, will do well to call as [ soon its possible, having but a few days 11 reside in Ibis place. [sept 10—210—2 t i Alabama A: Florida Money, I SOUGHT by the subscriber, No. 197 Broad Jk street. [sept 10J E i» COOKE. Wanted. 1 A Good servant to Cook and Wash for three per i A sons— Usages paid in advance*. r Address Box 2CU Post Office. I ’ sept Jo «»vv 2IS i | To SCont. i »jia A LARGE STORE, nearly opposite ImnvJlS 010-hpuse, well calcula- < , llilraro ted for close storage; at present occu- I pied hy J. W. A I. T, Heard. I’os- i S-GtirAtiS. session given o n the first of October next ' 1 For terms, apply to 1 A. 1. HUNTINGTOJV& SON. ' 115 __ 3>* 218 ' •Hast Received AND for sale, a supply of Osborn’s P'dlotokan or Female's friend A liberal deduction will be made to those who purhease to sell again. ‘ HAVILAND, RISLEY * CO. ’ June 19 143 i Kea(Sy Made JLiuen. , SUPERIOR Vine Linen and Colton Shifts, cut t k 3 and made in the best possible manner expressly ] to our order; fine Linen Ruffled and Plain Bosoms, | , also, 5U do/., best round and square end Collars, by ’ li. B. KIRTLANU & CO., ■ march 31 75] Merchant Tailors, 2.70 Bruad-st. , , -- ACHILLES D.‘SHACKELFORD, •monies/ at Ijtnv, Spuria, Gu* J Sept 13 210 wlm Apothecary Rail [ JXD GENERAL DRUG STORE. fipHE subscribers having recently opened ibises- 1 JJ- mblisbmeiit at the stand lately occupied by , Dr. Cloud, and formerly by James M. Curler, at So. 232 Brood Street. Augusta, opposite Ibe new r ! Rail Road Banking House, will keep constantly on ’ hand a fresh and lull supply of all articles in the t Drug line—consisting of Drugs, Medicines, Instru ments, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stull's, Hatter’s | Materials, Window Glass, Brushes, &c. Ac , all of , which they ofl'erat the most moderate prices, and on r ’ liberal terms. Physicians, Merchants and Planters are invited | to inspect their slock. The details of Apothecary’s business will be [ ' promptly executed, and faithful attention given to Physician’s and Family Prescriptions «t all hours, t day and night. Orders executed with neatness and dispatch, with ( care in packing, forwarding, &c, MILTON ANTONY, M D. WM. HAINES, Jit. aug 13 2 If. DCrThe Athens Whig, Southern Recorder,Wash. 1 ington Nows, Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Mountaineer, and Pendleton Messenger, will insert the above lour times. i Onioais and I'olntocih This dan bit the Hail Hoad, BUMI. ONIONS, tP 20 bhlt Potatoes, 2.0 boxes mnv Cheese, in fine order, 10 I ibis fresh Crackers. —also— -2COO lbs <S'nioked Reef, ' 2000 lbs Loaf and Lump tSJngnr, I New Mackerel, and Canal flour in bbl.s and ball IV. &J. NELSON &. CO. 1 •eplll 214 lvv3t J liaeoai, A’c. QAfk ps. superior Dumieo Hemp ; BAGGING. 100 do light do suitable for Square Bales 150 Coils Usst Hemp Rale Rope 500 do Bogging Twine 10,000 do Bac in, Middlings With a general assortment of Groceries, landing and for sale by THOMAS DAVIS, sept 11 3tw 214 189 Broad it ICE L ICE !~ICE I' ' AT LAMBACK’S. aug3l 205 if I Augusta Sfaccs. WILL come off over the La FAYETTE l COURSE,on Monday, the 4lh day of De j cemher, 1837, the day preceding the regular an nual Jooky Club Knees, MATCH TOR SSOOO ASIDE. GEROW vs. CHARLOTTE BARNES. Tuesday blh. —Colt stake, 2 mile heals, S3OO en I trance, half forfeit—6 snhseribcis and closed. Wednesday (Hit. —2 mils heats, Jockey Club purse §4oo. Thursday 7 th. —3 mile beats, Jockey Club purse, S7OO. §2OO of ibis purse lo begivon to the second best horse in the race, provided more ’ban two hor ses start for said purse, and is not distanced in the race, which will entitle the winning horse to §SOO. Friday, Sth. — 1 mile heals, Jockey Club purse, §ISOO. §SOO of this purse to he given lo the second , best horse in the race, provided more than two hor „ ses start for said purse, and is not distanced iu the I race, which will entitle the winning horsetoslooo. Saturday 91h. —1 mile heats, 3 best in 5, Jockey u Cub purse, SIOO. JAMES LAMKIN & CO., ~ sept 12 215 Proprietors. i Fire Wood—fwrecu or ])rv' | WILL DELIVER WOOD in any part of Au -8 -*• gusto, at the following prices—cash on delivery: DRY WOOD. GKEKN. 6 cords at §20,00 5 cords at $17,50 10 do -10,00 10 do 35 00 s 2O do 73,00 20 do 65,000 * do 180,00 50 do 150,00 ' The woo 1 must be delivered during the months of ; September, October, and November, 1337. 1 \Vfitter, orders foil at Messrs. Bones & Carmi ■ chad's,or at Dr. Paul F. Eve’s, will receive atten tion. WM. J. EVE. sept 120 f, (j if '//ERA W, Hamburg,and Hank.if Aueustsnote* ' Vy bought,by JOHN G. WINTER, j se P t 1 206 2t I’rhiar Fork. , BBB S Prime PORK in Cue order Jnuttc r*s\j ccived.nnd for sale by ■ sept 4 208 lIOIBE A COHEN. j 13R1NTING PAPER—From A. Pat tenon i A Son’s Paper Mill. Greenville, S.C.—Just te ceived and for sale Q tthe manufiai turers prices, by I Jut* 7 tfl TlLa. 1 c. PLANT j I To Rent. Iff!WO comfortable Dwellings on Broad street, X near where Iho subscriber resides. —ALSO— Two others on Ellis street, just below Dr. Me ! Wlioner’*. Possession given on Ist day of Octo ber next. I*. If. MANTZ. sept 11 214 wft Privnlc KSoardin^’. f IjIHE subscriber has luken the Brick Building of Ji- Mr. lb niiex, on Bridge Row, one dour below Mr. Joseph’s, where lie inienils lo take in Private Boarders low'. J/is table will lie supplied with ns guild as the market affords, and he hupcs lo share a part ul public patronage The house w ill he open ed on the first of October next. Persons w ishing board will pfousc give him a call, sept 11-217tf §. J. .STUART. SIX per rent premium given for notes of the Cen tral Bank ol Geo., also a liberal premium for n tea us the Insurance Bank ol Columbus, and Spe tidy JOHN G WIMTErt. sept 8 207 240 Broad st. fcJoorjfia Rail Road. ®SgSSßSs*«!fcis ■ C 3ss«3tfs f V' - d. v . • • ::z:a { ||IROM ibis date, the Cars will leave Ibe Depot ! ® every day, except Sunday, (or Verdvry’s, at j ■o’clock, P M.,and leave Verdcr/’s at 5 P. M., al- I so on Monday, Thursday and Saturday inurnings a i 18 A. ill , and leave Verdery’s at i 9 A. M. Parties cun be accommodated, lit any lime, by j giving one day’s notice lo sept 14 217 C. B MARTIN, Agent. Music More. A IVERSEN respectfully informs tin- ladies in. • and gentlemen of Augusta mid the commu nity in general, I hat he has taken the NTOi.E at. present occupied by A. B. Mallory, Np. 247 Biuad | street, w hich be intends opening, in the above line, early in (Jet her, when he will have the pleasure of offering to the public, a choice assortment of those superior and justly celebrated PIANO FORTBS, inaimfueliircd by Mescrs. U. Nunns, Claris ij‘ Co. ol New York. With respect to these Instruments it is unnecessary to comment, ns they have attained the highest reputation with the principal professors and ainofours in this country ; they are peculiarly adapted to the Southern climate, owing to the cir cumstance of their remaining well in time, and not being liable to sustain injury from a damp atmos phere, which renders them well worthy the atten tion of country purchasers, us there generally ex ists a difficulty in obtaining tuners. He will also keep on band all kinds of S3IALL INSTRU MENTS and musical merchandize, w hicb be pledg es himself sha ! l boos the best quality that can be procured. With regard to printed MUSIC he would remark, that having in bis p ofessional occupation suffered great inconvenience from the scarcity and almost entire absence of the new and Ihsbionahla Music ollbe day, be lias determined to obviate this difficulty lor the future ; in order lo accomplish which lie has entered into arrangements to receive from the principal and most popular publishers at the North, all the most admired productions, as soon ns issued. In short, it is bis intention to ren der his establishment nil that can be comprehended by a General Music Store, and hopes, that his strict attention will meet the wishes of his patrons. N. B.—A. Iverson returns Ids sincere thanks to this community for the liberal patronage be lias re ceived as instructor on the Piano Forte, for the two years past. From the first of October next lie will instruct only such pupils ns may be disposed lo take lessons in his Piano Room. Terms—§l per lesson, august 18 191 If 18 80“ Ihe Sentinel will copy the above twice a ■ week until forbid. iiiibi’m.Ttioii lo Travellers. rSHIE following lino of Coaches leave the general J! Coach Office, Augusta: United Slates Mail Coach for Montgomery and Mobil', by the way of W’arretton, Spann, Mil ledgevillo, Macon, Knoxville, Talboton, Columbus, ■ &c. leaves every day, at half past 2 P. M. Telegraph Coach, lor Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, . and Coluitt bus, Mississippi,leaves daily at ball past • 7 P. M., after the arrival ol the ears from Charles ton. United States Mail Conch for Washington city, • passing through Columbia, Camden, Cberaw, Fay- • etvtlle, Raleigh, Petersburg, Kichtn ond, and Frcde rickshug, leaves daily at half past 4 P. M. Mail Coach lor Clinton, Forsyth and Thomaston, . leaves Iri weekly. Mail Coach for Powelton Greensboro’ and Modi- -■ son. leaves tri weekly. jl/ail Conch for Covington, and Decatcr, leave* 1 twice each week. Mail Coach.for Marietta, Golden Mount, Allas, . Cassvillo, ond Rome, leaves tri weekly, Extras furnished as the shortest notice. WM. FULLER* CO. sepl 13 216 Ira Propretors. Notice. AU * C. E. LATIMER having associated • with them Mr. W. H. WHITING, the busi ness will hereafter be conduclsd under the firm of Latimer, Whiting & Co. Sept 1, 1837. , sept 13 2J6 gt. S3O Reward. WAS stolen from my cabinet work shop iu Bridge Row, 2d house from the Market, a large Double Cased English SILVER WATCH, with Stiver Cham and Gold Key. The Watch is numbered 1260, maker's name not recollected.— The thief was seen to enter the shop, and could rea dily be i ientified. He was a genleely dressed per son, with a red face, and wore a while hat. The a bove reward will be paid for the recovery of the Watch. Any information that may load to the de tection of the thief will be thankfully received by JOHN BAKER. sept 13 216 ,3t Law Notice. PERSONSi haying claims m Edgefield and Barn well Districts, Sir. Cu., are hereby informed ■ that the Return (lap's for said Districts are near at hand. JAMES T. GRAY'. sept 12 2)5 2t Fcmiak’ @ei:alnai*y. ] fSlllE Winter A’essibn of I his Institution will cum ) if mence on the first day of October, under the su perintendence of Mrs. IT. L. Moise, assisted by a competent Maieand Female Teacher. Every effort has been made lo render this Seminary equal to any in the Southern Country. All the branches com prising a complete course of English Education will be taught. Also, French, Spanish, Music, and i Painting, together with the Classics and a Course of Lectures uadia higher branches. TEIDIB, per quarter oS IB weeks. First Course —Orthography, Reading, Wri ting,’Arithmetic and Elementary Blanches of History, Grammar and Geography, ,$8 00 Second Course. —History Sacred and Pro fane, Modern, and Ancient Geography, Cram mer, Pasing Orthoepy and Dictation, $lO 00 Third Course.—To llio above will be added Reading, ami Parsing Blank Verse, Natural and .Moral Philosophy, Botany, Ornithology, Composition, Mythology, Biography and Lec tures ia Rhetoric and Belles Lcttrcs, sl3 po French, Spanish and Latin, each, $8 00 Music, on the Piano, (Entrance lo new Pupils §5.) sls 00 Do. on the Guitar, $lO 00 Drawing and Painting §lO 00 Boarding, SSO 00 fuel, lor Winter, Session, $1 00 Every effort has been made to render the Board ing Department comfortable, and strict attention w ill be paid, as heretofore, li*Sne morals and man ners ul young Ladies entrusted to Mrs. M’s care *•> 213 B(’'OUR months alter dale, application will he x made lo the Honorable Inferior Court of Burke comity, as n court of Ordinary, for leave to sell Five Hundred and Thirty Seven Acres of Land, in said county, belonging to the estate of E. Duke. Also one negro girl by the name of Thebe. LEWIS JAMES, Adm’r. „ In the write of hi* wife. * ept 8,1817 m4m 211 ~TiToe~sT SP KING AND SUM MEH ASSORTMENT B. W. FORCE & CO. I 1 AVF, received 500 packages Boots and Shots 11 comprising every article in the line. Allir raugemer.i*being with Manufactures direct, tbrv can be sold as lo w as in the -Northern cities, 1 or Sale, all hinds ol Leather, iMoroco, Seal, afeil Li ting Skins. WANTED. —sooV2idcaGcorgiatannrd light Sih leather, 500 do do do UperLeafi en 11 rough. A prill! 'Wayiicsboi’o’ Academy, f|N HE Exorcises in this institution will bo ream X cd on the first .Monday in October, under ie direction of Mr. E. Nason, who lias been appoint Rector lor the ensuing year. Iu addition to the blanches which cunstitut a good English Education, the Latin, Greek, Frefb and Italian languages will be taught in this Acifo- I my, and boys will be fitted for entering any ofhe j in the United States. *epl 12 215 w3t