The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, July 09, 1909, Image 1

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/ PROGRESS. Vol. IX. Thomson, (hi., July 9, 1909. No. 7. NO. 9302 Report Of The Condition Of The First National BanK Of Thomson in I lie .Stale of (Jeorgia, at the close of business, .111iu* 2t!rd: liMJ'.t. RESOKIM K.S. 1 .onus anil I liscounts (iverdral'ls, secure)I mnl unsecurcil l • S. Murids to seen 10 circulalion I’remittms on I . S I ’nods Hanking bouse, furniture, mid fixtures Hue from Nmionnl Hanks inot reserve agents! One from Suite ami Private Itanks and Mankers Trust Companies, and Savin” Mariks Ibiu from approved reserve agents < 'hecks and other cash items Notes of other National Hanks I' lactional paper currency, uicklcs, and cents I.awful Money Reserve in Hank, vi/: Specie I .egal-tender-noles Redemption fund witn I'.S. 'rreasurer i5 percent of circulation i Total iil.\ Ml UTI i:s. < 'apilal stock paid in Surplus fund I ndivided prulits, less expenses and taxes paid National Hank Notes outstanding Due to State and Private It inks ami Hankers I >iv blends unpaid Individual'te|K>sits subject to check Time certificates of deposit Hilts payable, i icluding certificates of deposit for money borrowed 1 00 ‘10,000,00 l,a(i(i. Id l.', (it Id. i'll :;..s()2,ss 4.<ioo.n2 1.410.00 ! lad. 00 x;;.o;; 2.N22.50 .Ratio.till r,all l.atlO (HI Sd."i(S,!>02.22 till,000.00 ;!0,0( hi.wo • >,225.-S!) 00.000.00 2,000.00 10,00 72.i:;ti.(i4 17,52!).lid 0l,lili(j.:!:s ltd, 1100. oc Total . 002.22 STATE OK OKORtil A, Mil )l III K COINTV, I. Paul A. Mowdeu, < 'asliier of the above-named bank, do solemn;/ swear that the above statement is true to the best of my know ledge and belief. PACK A. ROW DEN, ('asliier. Subscribed and sworn to before me ibis 2!Ub day of May, 1000 A I.. Mol.IRAN, Notary Public. < orreet—Attest: K. 11. Mi (OKI). IS. K. JOHNSON. IRA lx. e ARM Kit. I lirectors MiDUFFIE PROGRESS I ’on i.isji 151) Eviottv Friday Subscription One Dollar Per Year. IRA E. FARMER, Editor. 1. K. Faumku, I ... \j. M. Fah.mku \ 1 11 > ushei’H. j jCutcivd /it tlm Post)dlico in Tliom- *tnu as socnn.S class !iiatt<;r. IV C' Oki-ici a I. One ax lit' McDpti't : County. j. Advertisements from ivspotisihln j»:irti* ,c i will Ir* published until ordered oul \vli< file t 5 1IM5 is not .specified oil llie copy and payment exacted accordingly. Column meat ioiws for individual ltd • r of a personal character, charged f ,r | s ad vert isements. | Obituaries, the first. lniia<1r«;«l words free I ol clang '. lOaclicxtia word, one. eerd p- r word, cash with copy. j THOMSON, (!A., .Jl'LY 9, 1909 i Miss Annie Lenc Oates ,daubgler of Mr. H. 11. Oates, of Waco Tex., is visi ting ibe families of her aunt Airs. it. K. Smith and her uncles Messrs. \V. II. an I It. K. iienslee. Baptist Church- l’reathingll A. M and 7:45 P.M. i Sunday School 0:45 A.M- Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7.45 P. i M. i Ladies Aid 4 P. M. Monday. 1 Every collector for the “Calender Plan 11 is requested to collect all dues I and bring them to the Aid meeting Monday. '111is is so important that we hope all will do their best. . Lincoln County Barbecue. I want to call the attention of the ! people of McDullie county to my bar becue August the 4th and 5th at Craw fords Park Leverell, Ou. Every bo by j come, and let us show yot a good time. I (tome over and let us shake yotu hand. A.H. Sims.