The McDuffie progress. (Thomson, Ga.) 1901-current, July 16, 1909, Image 1

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J ————- / ■WSSp^ the McDuffie progress w Vo!. IX. THOMSON, 6A., FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1909. No. 8. MONEY SAYING BARGAINS The following fragmentary bargain list can convey only a slight idea of the immense gathering of values that we offer. A multitude of others in addition to these In The Dry Doods Department* J. & P. Coats Thread at * 4c Collates Talcum Powders at . 13c 5c Ladies Handkerchiefs at - 3 3-4c 10c Ladies Handkerchiefs at - - * * —7c 25c Ladies Handkerchiefs at l g c 10c Ladies Hose at — - - - 6 l-2c $ 1.00 Corsets at * - - * * * • - 69c 50c Corsets at - ‘3.5c Best Cirade Calicos * - 4 3-4 10c White Lawn at 7 3 4 20c White Lawn at 13 1-2 25c White Lawn at > - * * - * * - 19c 25 and 35 Linen Lawn at 21 and 27c 10c Percals at 7 3-4 12c Perc ds at 10c 5c Japanese Silk at * 37 1-2 $1.00 Taffeta Silk at 82c 35c Silk Mull at 25c $100 Dress Goods at * 80c 50c 1 )ress Goods at.. ....................... — * - * 39c Yard wide Sheefing at * 4 l-2c Good Plad Homespun at -4 3-4 the reason we sell j n The Furniture Department. SO MUCH CHEAPER THAN ANY ONE ELSE IS BECAUSE WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A- GREAT DEAL LESS PROFIT. Mason Fruit jars pint 56c doz. A Mason Fruit Jars 1 quart.. _ 64c doz. ^7 Mason Fruit Jars 2 quarts 84c doz- A Tumblers 9c set. A Jelly Tumblers 17c set. A 25c Window Shades 19c- £7 50c Window Shades : .. 39c. $1.00 Rugs for.... 85c. $1.25 Rugs for.. $1.05 $1.50 Rugs for $1.20 20 Table Oil Cloth ,15c $10.50 Art Square at $8.75 $12.50 Art Squares at $10.25 40c Dinner Plates at.. 33c set 45c Cups and Saucers at__ ,36c set $13.50 Side Boards at ...$10.75 $14.00 Side Boards at $11.25 $17.50 Side Boards at $13.75 $23.50 Side Boards at $19.00 $27.50 Side Boards at $23.75 | MCCOMMONS-BUSH-BOSWELL COMPANY, Ma ?hS, G , .!L. ! OUR PRICES'ON Building Material . . . Will Save You :From .. . 10 TO 20 PER CENT Lime, Cement, Plaster, Doors, Sash, B 1 i n d s, Screen Doors, Screen Sash and etc. Mantels, Grates, Tile, Paints, Var nish, Glass. Building material of all kinds .. .. Ovr services areprompt. Write For Prices. Our material is the best. R. J. HORNE & CO. 657 Broad St. Augusta, Ga. Long Distance Phone 473. Piling on Heavier Burdens. Servants of the Beef Trust. Eight month* ago it was admitted j The senate has done Just « lint wa> bp Republican newspapers and He pub- expected of it with regard to the tnrifl IlCan speakers that the Dlngiey turitr duty on hides— re-enacted the Dingley rate* Were too high; that under them tax. There was no reason to expect the cost of living had become an Intol- the senate to do otherwise because efnble burden for all persons who There Is no reason to expect the sen- work for the tr bread at average rates ate to do anything that would he of of recompense. The Republican plat- value to the great mass of humanity, form declared for tariff “revision". The senate has not In ' recent years and “revision" It was conveyed to the given the slightest indication of l>eing minds of the public meant reduction, u body responsive to ttie. will of the Mr. Taft, the candidate for president public. elected on that glatfurm, in his public | * rve bides would have been a boon speeches repeatedly asserted that tm lo«»wt of every 1,000 inhabitants Dingley rates on many articles of gen-1 ,,f the United States, ernl consumption were too high, and tic specifically pledged the Republi can party to a reduction of those rates. Hut what a spectacle is now pn seated by the triumphant Republican party at Its work of tariff “revision!" j Careful analysis shows that in the Payne-Aldrich measure 75 per cent of the Dingley rates stand unchanged, the multitude were as naught, and the while 16 per cent of the remainder are increased, home of these increases nr c frank and o|a‘i»: some are not easily detected, but they are there. j For example, the average tariff tax It would have meant cheaper harness fur the farmer, cheaper shoes for everybody. It would have lamented and .stimulated 1 the manufacturers of harness, of shoes, and of all othej leather pro ducts. who, as it is. arc at the mercy of the beef trust. Hut as against the Interests of tlie trust the interests of Valuable Busi- • ness Property For Sale. The Warehouse property or the Thomson Warehouse Supply Co., located or. Railroad street, In Thomson, tia., is for sale. This property is cen trally located, on one of the best busi ness streets, has railroad side track, and is bounded as follows: North, by Railroad street,: East by the lot of the Ttaiulari Oil Co.; Booth by the Ga. r R. R. ; and West by the gin house lot <of J. G. Cross. The Secretary of tlie Company witi receive sealed bids for same until 111 o’clock a. m. July 15th, 19K0 1 . ]-\»r further information apply to fS* E. KAHjWK, Secretary, Thomson Warehouse dc Supply C<>. Horses For Safa Two extra good bar bo sfci, in lira class condition, C and d yp^rt old, weigh about 1000 lbs. each Di»- B. F- R't-Fy, T4®9?? >n iGa. Maxims for the Married. Never troth tic angry at once. Never taunt with a past mistake. Never allow a request to ue repeated. Never meet without a loving wel come. Never forget the happy hours of early love. Never talk at one another either alenc or in company. Neglect the whole world besides rather than one another. Never let the sun go down upon an ger or griev ances. Never speak loudly to one another unless the house is on tire. Let each other strive to yield often- est to the wishes o'the other. Never make a remark at theexpense of e«h other; it is a meanness. Never sigh over what might have tieen, hut make the most ot what is.— McCafW Magazine. Lincoln County Barbecue. I want to call the attention of the peonte of McDuffie county to mjr bar becue August the 4th and 6th at (Jraiw- fords Park Leverett, Ga. Every hoby come, and let us show yor a good time. Come o\ er and let us shake youj hand. A.S. Blit*. on cott»n goods, figured in ad valorem duties, stands at 44.S4 per cent fit the Dingley bill and at 47.14 j>er cent in the Aldrich hilt. On silks the average increase is H per cent. On Woolens tlie average tax proposed is 68.19 per cent. This is almost it per cent high er than the proposed average duties on “luxuries." The llax and jute schedules,.embracing all linens, lino leum, burlap and other ordinary neces sities, are similarly increased. The agricultural schedules are increased lies cent- The“8undiies" schedule is so contrived that its total shows a decrease of .3£! per cent., hut the tables shows that the tax on many impor tant itenws in the list is raised. Thus is the cost of living increased. Thus is the tariff revised upward in the interest of tlie trusts instead of downward In the Uiterets of the con sumers. Thus are the pledges of the Republican party and of its candidate for president flouted when the time comes to make good. . Wanted• A young ruan from the country who is willing to WORK. Cigarette smok er need not apply, see us at once. Thomson Hardwakk Go. Life 100,000 Years Ago. Hcientists have found in a cave in Bwlrzerland bones of mep, who lived 100,000 years ago, when life was In c«n stant danger front wild beasts. Today the danger, as shown by A. W. Brown of Alexander, Me., is largely from dead ly disease. “If it hud not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery, which cored me I could not have lived," he writes,“suf fering as I did front a severe lung trouble and stubborn cough." To cure More Lungs, Colds, obstinate Coughs, and prevent Pneumonia, its tlie best med icine on earth. 60c and 11.00. Guaran yeed by Gibson Drug Co., Dr. A. J. Mathews. Trial bottle free. Dingley tax on hides Is to stand. A few renegade Democratic snators assisted in this betrayal of the people, as they have in other outrages of tlie Aldrich tariff kill. They will have to answer for their apostasy to tkeir con stituents some time. The day of reck ing cannot lie evaded and opportunities to disgrace their purty and do violence to its cardinal principles will not last long. From The Styx. Faitii, Hope ami Charity. Well I guess you all think we have forgotten the dear old Prog ress, but v^e havn’t. Miss Carrie Morris will leave for Jefforsou, Wednesday wliero she will speu,d some time with Iter siBter Mrs, Studivant. Mrs. Mitchell aid little son from Uandersvillo has been visit ing her siatet; Mrs A. M.. Bailey for the last few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. H. D, Studivant visited the latter* parents Sunday lgHt. Mr, Reuben Antfrenton from Nor wood js visitipg Lis cousiji Mr. Fred Reardon thi^ week.. Ml C. W. H. Smith has been on the sick list for the last few days hope he W‘11 6e out/ again soon. Mr! and Mrs. Henry Styclivant ligve moved to Jefferson to the re gret of tip-ir imply friends. Messrs Konyie. and band and kind Editor. Willis AgMTtWH Y-iBityd Augusta, recently. Tbpre was. i\ negro, drowned i,n Mr, Smith’s mill pond last Satur day gfinrnao.p. The tppmbm o.f tlie $n.?ii?WI Union at Fqir Mount wmit on, Tatham Mines. Hannah. Hello! jolly Progress band how are you all navigating this time. All O. K. I hope. This hot weather surely gets next to Han nah. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Griffin and childrin Annie Laurie and Marion attended preaching at Pine Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davoy were pleasant visitors at the home of Mr. W. J. Wynn’s family Wed nesday afternoon of last week. Mr. Murray Wynn and sister Willie, spent Sunday afternoon very pleasantly with friends in in Wilkes, they report a nice time. Mr. Walter Davcy has returned to Ins horns in Charlotte N. C., after a weeks stay with his many friends and relatives at this place. Mr. Davoy is an old MnDuflio boy who lias many friends to give him a cordial welcome when ever he comes to Georgia. Misses Glennie and Nellie Mor ris two of Wilkes’ fair young I ladies were the guests of Misses Lois and Louise Kendrick Satur-j day night and Sunday. j Messrs Milbar and Otis Smith visited Washington Wednesday of last week. Mrs. W. J. \Vynn spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Almodia Sis- trunk. Mrs. Walter Duvey was the guest of Mr. W. J. Wynn’s fami ly Sunday night. Mr. .J. W. Johnson anp son Mr. Walter, of near Cobbham visited relatives ut tlie Parks Mine Fri day of last week. Misses Glennie andNelle Mor ris of Wilkes was the guests of Mrs. Will Arnotte at the Mine Saturday. Mr. J. S. Banks visitid Wash ington Saturday last. Mr, D. P. Wilson visited friends and relatives at Amity Saturday night and Sunday. With best to the fciitiro Thomson Mercantile Co. Announce to the people of McDuffie and adjoining counties that they have recently greatly enlarged their business and are now better prepared than ever before to furnish their customers, friends and the public generally with every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. At our store on Railroad Street vou can al ways find a large stock of Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Tobacco, Bag- ging and Ties. And nijtny other Farm Supplies. The buantities in which we will purchase these goods will make us buy and sell at the LOWEST market prices. We solicit the patronage of the trading public. Thomson Mercantile Co. Meagre. Deadwyley * Bush Mana ger*, want a good hustling man t<> write insurance in IkU county for the JEFFKRHON HTANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMP A NR, Raleigh, M. C. The strongest iii the South- dress 413 Southern fluiidtng., Athens, Georgia, 3»j. Sees Mother Grow Young. “It; would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in rny mother since she began to use Epctric Bitters, 4 4 writes Mrs. ‘w. I.. GUpatrichof Danforth, Me “Although past 70 she seems really to be r > u grooving young again. She suffered un- W“dpP8»'ay to help. Mr. D|Ud,iey, tQ j^ Misery from dyspepsia for 20 years, who lias been qu.te sick. work out At last she could neither eat, drink uor , . • sleep. Doctors gave her up and all re in? crop. i medles failed till ElectricBitters worked Such wonders for her health," They in- Well ufl news i$ $.carcy iu this vigonite all vital organs, cure Liver and , •,i iudnet tronbles, induce sleep, impart part of the country, Mtt W.t-l. (Strength and appetite. Only 60c at with love to nil, ' Gibson Drug Co., Dr. A. J. Mathow*. j 1 908 BANNER YEAR.i Not-witl>standing the panic and other business drawbacks, our sales were larger than any previous year. We are better prepared than ever to serve you and can giye yoti your money’s worth every time. Agents for Sucrene Food. Arrington Bros. & Company, LEADING GROCERS, 863 BROAD, ST., AUGUSTA, GA. 4 - New Store - G. W. & G. F. Granade announce to the public that they have opened a Grocery Store on Railroad Street in .the building recently occupied by J. P. J,ones, where they will constantly keep on hand a complete stock of * Fancy and Family Groceries. IT. <l» , iii ffl They solicit a fair share of the patronage of the fa ^ public, and guarantee fair prices, correct weights and first-class goads. # G. W- & G. F. GRANADE. f ^ Railroad Street, - THOMSON, GA. «*«*;*; *«•*«»* iS \to \b \l> to to to to to to