The herald. (Waynesboro, Burke County, Ga.) 187?-18??, August 18, 1880, Image 1

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N il-.Z''. \ ym—lH SDlflRCL] STRwarxv fkoffssicaal and S«satcs8. j za zc zsr TibT ri ~sr: Gt3. PATERSGH, D. D. S.,| WA rXKSBORd. (7A. OGce, Hp s*.%£rs, Ttoutx*ha*» EuilJiric. nev.&-iy (Written for tfce Herat*} Words Jkr.t Cannot Die, mn mw cwm *• ' !QaES "” 8lra03T "•«' ~ ’ -re—MT-rv«;«■ Trrrrr.•TgTfr.-vpg LETT£R FROM 8EW YOSK. ©•nrlnEicZ A., tfnooci, ATTORKmr AT LAW, MTDYIU.F. BTTRKK COVXTY % GA. :at MpmtW. fty «j. ii-nra-ti Ccxr^cnUr. Mvn v’.h* V w5 >• )»' iln irurruiii. !* i» l>> a ■•tM.i vl slain /\ 1 > < l* I 5\y. 1T!< h iv,. an-! T'aalne *r* Told i'o; to-- mv. I :l O h< must nlc— From eartti musi a.rxy. His Vaivlr, tMt * «obr5T?*iy bora© *■•.■-: r-; .n<J i.r^' WUcIi m* aetocn, • Unwn r.vlK bn* i 0. . , The sKilttiv.t <:.» 1 -‘-l.: fcirrrtT As sliuieh i: vr»Iay uX.ra the. G r ^P XU • vuily hoy ul ic l. . |j*{!t£2 sf*TES IjTf^L REV 9 £. 'orJ.trmn's Orticr.. 8*? I' 1 * ? -Ga. TVpt pmer r-c »r :».*• r . Krr - r •. 1 v.t.'t. ' a.*- 1 * >i 3TC"j*pfr - boslsro mt :. c • • - j-onw cr. s-3 ' ■ ATTORNEY V ’..\YJ. TfXT.Vr.'MSKO, (5A Air.!;! !’.*• tnw.i’t and !>.’* ?tr1fp ; In -VI lie X* pr*t .5 .1 •, ct niS*. j \TO!*-Txrr!rt» in V: the Courts rT :>c* Avrr.-ia ar.4 n M«- < rcritvtfc* -*rpT*:r.e Cowl qf c«w- jv.a.-and '.N* D!5trlCl CcvrU it :hv L uiL u toritHSiv.e. ArA *.*1 lu.* he lr. Ar.d .. VS il! • X-J'.cv:::; . IV. r.Yittot irVh • on. :• M'uV IJ^CKIS, ., i ii >; i-rk; '. -ii > U.ysca, t • cr ’inn lrct, ;a lie «iailc- novlMy oT^cr 33 *1? *1? X=L, Q. X.’ ATTORNEY AT LAW. —.ow/otoko, ox. , !Vni7'-*' , Mfclnt v r**n *~-r•!»»* An- jr.<r.x XidA.v and ’vy--. fVrvitv Ppcciaiat- lentlra clNcr. to Trs!!c? <*«nrt prartli'f*. 33. <3 XjrX V j33RU ATTORNEY •'’ r LAW. j cis.ti;n, burk:: c.usTr, oa. . at?i*nl ; nn rtvon" to*r?T;ct*on» xH t*> Jvu^cc 4-ra/':!w. f'cclwn 7om<wo - x-ixr-. ATTORSF.Y AT LAW, J itur.-'^CK >'■< TT;”-.rar^’rv *.r *. v >'' - ronr't '•? ’V < v- r.>*r'’Ti >:>-i i": .ri h*.* Tar',-', a jCoarta • r A • : > ’.r.ty. ',c vlVlv n' r T?'OTST < ATTOPvNKY AT LAW, ^*/1 yx:^’ nr : o. GA. *Te l*coj - ho Trcnm - *, ai d oVr l»Is Ihr-.T- :ia >nv!:- which uclil aoar I!.ul *lL r "i nud ri^idhc- n. Tor Fxuc :i! Im*4 I-ury c\r !*&•; cijr.* i -M:u *% n and war To V« ii'. lit »shttn. W'i::. V»v.- -(I arrf>w n*.yt ho Jtapa, Alid chrvi> iho inouxitrJn Bleeps j . a ...if tdi'ijr hare. tVi i '.-. «:•- ■» au -• vi at non, I«y yniliii'! »ust*::'3 tcuu, h i -v-v For 1 vr,•,:.*» -*v ihKjr. J: knom not Nc.r >: ■;»>U Iliin** ..TJa^oio sjic^ To Vnjvl.l ‘.1 !n.*ni »h- roc*. •IV! a li liuw !t ;.pirs , And .-Si-! ;h - it rely cues— A •• jviim thecliav* ^ And a*»w ui-mipl.tni r v T “ " TTiiv OCi J.U-I* .tj* v J s , • • i.r> '••.’•.A. V- } ... . i - ■ • .. ■ -rY. -i K\ck ; . : Ij ■ - . rer % A dvi;, lh<.h Head The vhtV. A A ;•■<; : imr the ntcund-r L, •• »ch ward i it. -I- ' \r Y-v •» ■ ’hiiM mote- Tti.': ••■ ■ • :i >vh nod liumdcr*5 roar— An.; an . iu r«.&r. :.drn!»— "7\nT^ of iVv An- •vlis. and «'• ■ lr. , !iOCl A' ’1 in’ Wi!Y n-r.r'«cc lr t'-« r -n^Hr- —I*:-., rvro-n .". l • rir t>.o * .'Toni -lu. i'.-'O'A'.ir. - i ccr.nttci XX- “T. T3 -27T 2TX 2". ATroRN'EY AT LAW, v~a vyK'+rono, a a. xrcart *r pnrtsAy 23:. o. G-x.~s5sorr, ATTORNEY AT LAW xsn SOLICITOR I?: EQUITY. la trroxvillr, ga. novlO-ly •_ ZS/Z» RODO'EH &, attouxey at law, WAYXKSnOHO. GA. OfHno— Court Honr.o B&ncmcot. ooTlS-ly iTOitn D. iTHbtnsl, IT^l r.VJL£B0/.*0, f?,<. SooctAl attention rrfven to F/j»tl*f hnd Criminal Frictlf e. alvo. to nraetjee In c T’nir<v! States Plat rli t snd Circuit Courts at Savannah, nuftt-ly :'. m Lc d Ll*n f?-*.:— v*y Gcd! TMl y X3^2=£LX3i£33?8. SHOP SAMUEL TROWBRIDGE, FASGIONABT.E DA1R DRESSER 17A YXCSBOHO, GA. Hnlr Cv'tlnr:, Shavln.-. Fhatapacnlnt; *\nd Pvo- Inc In the hcv: itv>of thv art. .uid nt rt;isonab , »* raica. SaU^actlon cuarantccd. novlM* 57* -S. 3cL ’ & VARIETY Oppobito the Fountain, Is tbe place to yet your money's wortli. (C^rpirh. in n h o & L ATo. I Kcroxenv* 15c. a gallon. CroeVery and Ola-swaro, Tin and Hollow Iron Ware, Cullerv, GO AP, EOD /V. HEADLIGHT or Astral Oil, 30c. n 5*1.: LAMBS end I.mdo Futures of all Liuds. and hundreds-of other Goods, needed by everybody. £57*' Not* Bt-no.—No Shoddy 5c. Bait* offered, nor jmod* tnisreprotonted. Scissor^ ground sharp f««r 5 to 10c. X72/. JT. JP 143 Broad Street, Augbstn, Ga. ®ovS-*ia , 1 S8t>'.' ■1 Savakxah* Ga., • TJic pntclice i*f «ip6r»l^ su’»!.-; illicit- \y has \xistid tor aoino w :r « in various (CorrespoodeBee ul TLe llcrajd.} New A*or.K. Angm& 13. 1580. Editors Bisrke County EeralJ: Wd’!, here we are in New A’ork, a bixttier^ oClb*; Sl.tU\ ;*.*» J <HS proven a | city of wlr.:b no aac lias the slighted source of gTeat \ ' the officers ! conception till he has “bin It i>» cf the G .veinmint, mid f ° the good cil* } bard enough to ihc initiated to picture | streets from twenty to thirty miles long. | wih houses touching one on other as in ! m:t Southern cities. But to find them j Lite rally building, wedged a* if the ihi-s vfd J^isliffation of space had been brated, and then when izuis of the porii'-u of x| - country in fested by tbem l and ofv'» caused great trouble and expense to «>i"se engaged in il. ^ The law pr spirit* in anv form sn-'T. r i; a .. All itii> lo \ i :i\ ■! i.. .mtl suite— .: :c-r ■: ImiUan H.Y-— : i.v v iii, o. - ,i.dr fi I?. . Y.: I 5cf»' a* Wv‘D T 0W TliM will lay mo xk-oXu the aoC? •*0. tell uvV—an t lb evollil* close; He’s ta*ilnc n»»? thnt s'v*vi rp.-coe That u -v-r kn.»r,*\ rmakluR TTntli t!-e fjvty o» ili« Sou, Upou Uir ivsumtetlou morn, Over Ills breaking;. He died! but. Uvinc ; *aYo to li f e, The truth that till-, unholy sitifo •' ;i< wapvl by tyranny— That be tnrj n:tf ?.•.*.*« fiKhlinp far A CAU'-e unkrmiYu to hint a war Cnparalled iu Lis*.t‘ry. His name (thoonh brave) may ever be Kuclouitrrt in ubienrltv— hi • words Will r.e er; Nutlftnvmav rlie' .ml p.ruaw.»y, Honor and Vxtnr lai*. l>ul a day. But they shall Hvo fur ever. Another lvinc n«sr Upon tfcb tmt t»nW i>Ulniy bchr ■ - .Thr cannon's nwr. . And ;:new with each hcat»;il breath, SoftJeeuniraifi- wr.1 laid low in deblli— - And wounded many ionic. Yet still he s-iiUci-the loud hl’rfss Of those xrhh t-oar tho “.'tart aud Bara” Mnkr mnsioiin h'snar. And, carliur la the uli MuesVy. He says; “‘Tls sweet. il« sweet to die, J^pr country that's ao clear.” He. tce», perchance. In fanny** dream Wanders br-Urie tl:»- llmtild stream of hH ».KYvhooil'!» dear home, And one*' aimln with r.tster fair, Cathors flowers to deck her h ilr. Ah through thu \wod> they roan. And now they cliare the lltCo Dah— ^■or have they any dourer wlih Than tliu.t to spend ihelr life, 'Mid seere-s of suen Mlcltv, lit nature's sweet simplicity— No care, no p -.iu, no stilfe. 8:III ones again In boylah e’eo. OUmblu’i upon hl.v father’s knee, LlSV'-n* to Id i si -ry Of Itrvolutlunary slt-i-i \sho 'alndied pulrlbHe Aros Thai e'en now burn in clory. Hut he la waklms—er?*n norr Ho Iwl»* di*atn*9 damp upon hla brovr And tivter Uiu bltn-r cun; Iiut With !il-«lau-st breath cries he “Onward, boys! th»-y have killed me, But cover Give It up!” lie died—but tilth Ms dying ftToaa He built a monument ufaiimo . To l atiioiSiu'v name. Which leiteii-o with Ins own heart’s b’cod, Like oUn-is wlu» before It stood, ShaU have a wurl i.wldo lame. Ills otfin-' and rank wo knew full well, lYr Ue-.ipta sh -ok tvuen itsrtu t fell, A vieriuce for 'Hlxle,” Ar.d Ms words shall never dlo As kiug at start a*lo» a the sky Or naUuiiv cherish bUtotyl OiJbfand rm i, ,[\:.ruA 10, Ikso conducted under ccrt.titi 'd'-xed ^‘ffition-s and j Tinccs it mV dutv k u 1 ' lector of In- tonikl B -vor.-e, to these icpiln- j lion?, and to suppress, hr rA pnsiible, I nil iiliril op<Tuti< «•' ”‘ ;, hin the Third Ctiffcction Dtsiricl ofGu'igia. Cotise- cicnlly, property is seized cud Jillz ui hi rested ni.d tomiuiltotl to prison, many of vbom ,'lcsve helpless "vomcn and child fen i'-| the chari-’y of their fritsndri «r.d ne’ijiibors. The.>c circimi v l:»no* i art* paini J luoiBcers, but the demands of law mot be complied with ncvef.hrlo'S. and the only remedy which *n«jw«sts i*.' •’.* * f t nffebdera to desist from ihc pni-:vc«|M coufortn to li.w. ^ Many h.-;r * hercscf i^ffored r.s an I’jcca' fjr il!*v.’.l. J: Id i;ig, ihat they could not comply with Jurv, but this ' is a ureal mihluUe. l't yhw never, (jr.iros ui.vlbing tb..t i.' J»n»?Nisiblc, and upon tin- subject. *d spirits, it i> t-xce.-d-ng'y fl..i^y:id simple; so muclx so if the eoliwvxpcoso of fti- line op a ui^lillery rt;> to conform to ;ihu !r’v, need not exettie^) fitly dollars j more than i' would cl?' b* fix np one it-* inn illicitly. Thu* wul bo > that Uio Icxcum* i< iii-t *'•»•;! ‘unded, and be* jvjdcs ii:i-, In vnpljinl the hnv n mao : lus the sat ' ! in hi.' k '0 1 »’ '•*: ins'. I cob^l.ii?' ul i -- j pmiishcli- f'-r h“ iff" " : v t-» nl 1 , tu.«l I filled, tightening ns it colled off, till like a self-sealing cun there whs no room fur air even. To see pavements, street win* dorrs and roofs covered with a surging | mass ot human beings, reminding one of Ives aronnd n hive about to swarm, IV0U1S1E U—BUSSES 33. <nly for bedding, but as life preserver.*. Hu y were thrown inio the water, and men Unnched npon them. They rr- icaiced in ihe water till their floating qualities were fully tested, or about an hour. It is said an ordinary sired pil low will sustain a man without any cx- erlion on hi■*. part. The felt is subject ed to a high degree of heat and other wise prepared to resist water. It will n. t dampen and consequents floats. I aru enjoying everything bugely,hot there are two tilings I would like to import from .home, sleep aud a corn pone. It Amuses me to hear the boys who are as thoroughly green as myself, iu this S 'Cond Babel, making out that noise is nothing. I don't beliorc a two ounce vial of uxorphciie would quiet me till just before morning, when there is a little , ‘cee^ation. r, I am not going to tell you ofanyofruy Jauxpos~ % forthn very man who would laugh loudevt would como hero and do exactly tbo and hurrying as if they were behind j saniu thing*. They are not going to time and every breath was of the ul- j profit bv my burned fingers. I point to most ijnnorUncc, is something more. We slopped at Fifth Avenue Hotel, j registered, and boagbt a package of 1 tilings ou the bill of faro, that hare names in French I can’t pronounce, and ta<te cautiously, as if my appeiite was delicate, till l find out whether the i' i plvMMiro la giving odi tb" instrubuohs ncces^iry to' ti* carrv on the bedue*.* ng protected -••i of being in V arrested aud J; and 1 would p take evp. cinl Jbiding citiz uis 'w. •».!.«. : -Ji liable them ucr.cssfully, hotel envelopes and are supposed, at j darned things are fit for a gentleman, home, to be there still. We fchnll drew An oid man at our tabic the other day, our whereabouts 1 ' T ^° enjoyed particularly the devil ed meat*, forgetting the name, ordere*! a discreet veil over and tell you some things wc there. 1 ^ ^ PJ . J b , , ! the waiter to wring him some h—1 fired Bilt if twenty-foar hejurs didn’t hurt oar r \: r i.„ n Biit purses, yoh may "smlch me bald-hevl- ] chicken. Next week I am going to write my e‘V It wna like aa excursion ticket; j letter expressly to Jadies. Tlien I ahull the fare was nothing—it was the extras, i Lave visited some noted Fashion Em- The man who wants anything to cat, ! poriurn?, so tell the girls to bo on the must fee the xvniier. But it is well qy*i vive. worth the admission fee to look at the j I enme near forgetting to say that I ravishing toilets of the superbly dressed ; saw Ii , and J., before they left, looking women, who sail into the dining saloon, us happy is if they had no dcsiro to bo as if iho world hud tipped aside and all angels at present. I am told that one of the young ladies of Cnstillian name, confesses- **to havo >cs this mean wedding ring? JPas encore. I must confess to a littlo home sick its precious things had clustered to j them. 1 shall dererehe hut one, and that through the help of a lady friend, just begun to live.” Do A violet silk, court trained, and finished orange* blossoms and a with velvet, and an over-dress of linen • lace, .^o go,*samer like that the only j xvouder was, that it could support the , feeling as I go on iho streets. So massive embroidery with which it was crowded, au3 yet so intensely lonely, decorated. Her jewels were Ninathysts, ; that among the myriad* jostling one as clear and sparkling as diamonds, her ' another, it is the rarest p«issihle thing. ■lfvion pink mil while, like shell, aqd her yellow' hair shone a?; if; voiio tout. powdered with gold dust. Old Solo mon in all his glory, would have been nowhere beside her. A thorough traveler advised me to first day looking on secured a Broadway front j and followxd bin Rilvice. L saw enough i that one over .meets .* familiar face. But *Morti anon. • Bex. aud in giving them the benefit uf experi enced men as storekeepers,Who will I look carefully to their intV.rV'i, while J protecting those of iho Govynuuent. j spend, my fir^ nnd I therefore urge all who ihpure to i window. I s engage in the bnsinoss of distilling ! and followed . r. j ipiribs to register their stills according ■ to last a life time. I learned iu my ; greo, the delegates seem to he o law, and’conduct their business The Romo paper remarked' recently that n few worms were being brought n f a ; into the city with peaches attached. However otherwise they may disa- WMiTEOS J A I.rM'Tr.OJJUM’U-ROF p*ctlv>,< | nen:i i;i-caiiv.i3»tr« ujrazo In a plc.v.iui .md prufliahTo busJQKis. (iuud rodi will 2ud UUi a rare cltAuco to. make money. Pu-h win vl» v** an in* or XM'* Wy lever cnclM»K stamp lor lYp.y,-lailutf Kmiw hive b,..a .UK.,: 4 Iu. N‘4«« hul -iJLshSv. SCO.’ • W|>M-1 AllhM*. CX Has. eoi 4 802 UitOAC OTUffieT, AUGUSTA^ GEORGIA. ' ! always on huud t.w t' Usnd, ol CH NMi-A'.XKH, CLlSUBT, MADKi- KA, SIllLiRY, I! 11 INK AND native winks. Sqhscriho to Tim IUralp. 1 —also— j ALE8, PORTERS, CIOARS A: TOBACCO. igbt principles, laying, it down rule that it does lint pay to do wrong. If then there are people> will con tinne to carry on their illicit irafiu in di.fiance of law nnd good order, to them I wih say,that I am nntherized by Iho I>.pHrlmont to employ muu' and to use iponey iic.ceKsnry to detect and bring them to puui^r ment, nud put a final stop to ali illicit- operations, nn*d those incans I md in 'duty hound to employ with the most determined persistence to accomplish this result; and therefore they may rest assured that soouer or later they will be caught, nud as the. davs iff grace, for these '‘(Tcnces are post, guilty persons must expect nothing less than the severest penalties inflicted by law, which are heavy fines, nnd long terms of imprisonment in Northern pen* ileotiftrios. In conclusion, I again nrgo all often dots, to conform to all the requirements of law as the surest means of bringing peace and hnrmonv; and I urgently, but respectfully, invite the co-operation of all good citizens in my efforts to put down » baneful nnd p^AliciOllR pMOttCO, anil to enforce and mainihin the dignity of the law; and I would inform thorn that I nni authorized td p.»y the most liberal rewards to any one who will write or bring tnc any information of violation of the Internal Revenue laws, which will load to the reirenre of any illicit distillery, illicit spirits, or teams removing,illicit spirits or tobacco. 1 will make special agreements with ; those who c.«n give information of nu merous violations of law, by which their R**r\iccs w» 1 he amply rewarded. All rewards will he pawl in cash im- niRd'Hlely after thu seizures are rondo. Information, can bo given t*» any dup uiv Collector, or other ^ovowtiuont olb- cer convenient, or *t may bo Riven di- ,.. c t to tills .wd 1 liwi'by I»'««lg« iho honor of mvs..:ir at I ,^'“0' P««''n connected with my office, ili.'tt the iiMttiva «jf those who ^ivo infoflimlion shall mver be mudo kiitj . ^ any p«*r« »o,. through ,0_v offleo, u,ilo.s' by iho couavnt of ttro t»furmoli,|,oiiiwlvus. V.ry Uo?p«c!f„ii v EDWARD <j. wade, Collector. I vcliuol geography* that there were but; moiis in their belief that tho Convention a ' five distinct race* on the globe, but 1 1 hill very ?nfe I saw at least five hundred , that wording. Every shmlo from ubouy j j 1 -dement, to snow', every nalionhlity,' every cos tume—aud incidents quough to fill a volume. ; . Sunday, the next was presided over with great skill and The Canton Advance says that tho crops are in fine condition throughout dav, I wont to j Cherokee county- Tho corn looks lux- church ; first to Trinity. » splendid p,!e ’ nrif , nt aiul wi l| ' mh ); 0 „ rjootl crop if of arrhit^etnro, but botwoon ftuddviug i . ,, f _ , .. . , f ^ i seasons are favorahio from now on. the artistic arratigeuienl <>i the st»m»Hl : , , g!^ in the windows with its prismatic j Cotton is in a very promising condition, hues, lisleulng to t ruined choir and me!- and tho chances for a good crop arc al low oijptn, aud watching the people most beyond question, passing in and out, I hoard very little of the sermon. In the afternoon I crossed over to Brooklyn, to hear Beecher. hut being something of u The Americas Recorder thinks tho incoming cotton crop will he the largest I am prejudiced against him, | which has been made since the war, pricos will bo rc« inunemlivo to tho majority of tho . - . . sportsman that the ruling myself, l wanted to hour a, man that could bring down an argument pop. I fi nud his church severely prim-! planters. Experience nnd necessity itivo, but ho was away. 1 passed on to liavo tnnglit them economy, nnd pro Tidmagi ’s church, and lm hud followed : : duction cost them much leas now than suit. All Uiu big preachers were off i f6rmcrly. like the larks to the country—mind I say like lurks not ou. Monday 1 wont down to sco the ship ping. And hero again words fail me, tor it scorned to me there were vessels enough lying idle to »orvq the cominurco of the globe. Tiny littlo yachts, things of real bounty, like humming bird.s' nests, and staunch giaat crafu llmt could 60t ut defiance tho most boisterous waves of the Atlantic. An old sea captain informed me that most of this work had boon acooiupli»hod in tho last twenty years. ‘‘Twouty yearn ago,” said lie, in a tone of commendable pride, “thoro worn but two regular linus of stOrttnorA, the Curnnd and lnumnu, and now there are six weekly lines to Liverpool. Then il n man was going to Europe, he made his will and took hU leave of family aud friends us if about to bo ferried across the Styx. Now l»o poU a clean eollur in bin Mitcbil, lignth a cigur, and vrhizKCH to Europtt and homo again, very much a^ he goes to his office or dinner. Why, «ir, 1 didu’t oveu kiss the old Indy good bye, ou my l:\bi voyag*. Tbo tremen dous strides iu navigation havo narrow ed tho world uiiglitly.” There had just boon u very successful trial of “patent eiasiio felt maiiressca”—intended not Gins! Gins! We cull attention to tho advertise ment of Messrs. Sibloy, Wbelesa is Co., Colton Factors, Augusta, Oa. They havo a very largo supply of various makes of gins for planters to select from, and they warrant them all first- gIa&s in every respect. White for cir- culare. “Private stock.” Atlanta, Ga., July 37th, 1879. Mr. W a, a Rian B, Lovltt: Dkmi Sim—I have made a ripjd, and am happy to add, a most satistactoiy analysis of tho sample of “Viuvatk Stock” Whisky you sent to me, and cheerfully supply the certificate you du sire. Yours respectfully, W, J. Land. This is to cKKTirr, That I havo care fully analyzed tho sample of War roll J\ Lovett’s “Puivate -Stock’ 1 Whisky, and found the sumo to bo chemically pure and unadulterated. W. J. Land, Analytic*! Chemist. Tho “Tan Way n o*l ot o myl t Stopk” is sold ic i»ly by S. &. Gnat.