Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 185?-18??, November 25, 1858, Image 4

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itwinimtiif.' be sold before tbe«ty Hall door, la 1 __ Atlanta, ou the - . r _ within tbe nasal boon of sole, the Mkmtaf properly *°mt Of city lot No 4, in bloekll, oejand lot 7T, on corner of Pryor end Hunter streets : levied bn to satisfy e Tex FI Fein favor of tbe msybr end council of Atlanta vs A-CFtolUem, lot: his city Tax. for the yeer 1858. City lot So. 5, land lot 77, on Hunter street, known as McDaniel fc Mitchell's Ware House : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs McDaniel k Mitchell for their city Tax for the yeer 1858. City lot situated on Pryor street, No. not known, re cently occupied by John H Smith : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta vs John H Smith, for hia city Tax fbr the > ear 1858 Citv lot 78, on land lot 61, situated on Collins and Hlto streets: levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in of the mayor and council of tbe city of Atlanta ys George w Sheridan agent for W N Sheridau, for his city Tax Tor tho City lot No. 54, on land lot numbor 52, in Ward num ber 5, situated on Ivey and Forsyth allies : ieviod on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa. in favor of the mayor and council ol the city of Atlanta vs Joseph Thompson, for his city Tax Citv lot No not known, situated on McDonough street, and on land lot No 76, whereon the defendant now lives: levied on to satify a Tax FI Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs R H White, for hi? city Tax for the year 1S58. .... Gty lot, No. 12, in block 3, on land lot No. ;8, lying on Pulliam street: levied on to satiBfy a Tax Fi Fa, in fa vor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs John A Puckett, agent, for bis city Tax for the year 1858. City lot No. 5, in block .Vo. 2, on land lot No51, situat ed on Pryor street: levied on to satisfy two Tax Fi Fas. in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta one vs Reuben Nash, trustee for wife and children, and one vs Reuben Nash, guardian for children. City lot number 192, on land lot numbor 52, Bituated on Hunter and Terry streets : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mnvor and council of the city of Atlanta vs George W Morris, for bis city Tax for the year 185 s - . . , „ . City lot. number not known, on land lot 83, in Ward number 1, situated on Davis street: levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of tbe city of Atlanta vs A B Mitchell, for his city Tax for tbe year 185S. Part of city lots Nos. 1 and 4, on land lot No. 77, situ ated on Mitchell street- and Macon & Western Railroad : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of the mayor and council of tbe'eity of Atlanta vs Richard Peters, for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lots Nos. 3 and 4, on land lot 53, in block No. 1 on McDonough street : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa. in favor of the mayor and council of the citv of Atlanta vs George Robinson, for his city Tax for the year 1S58. City lot No. 67. on land lot No. 78. situated on Walton and Bridge streets : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of (lie mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs George K Smith, for his city Tax for the year 1858 City lot No. 8, in block No. 2, on land lot 51, situated on Prvor and Houston street? *. levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi F^n favor of the mayor and council of the city of At- lacnWrfliomas Kile, for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot. No not known, on land lot No 4a, situated on Decatur street : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of Atlanta vs F Krogg. trustee for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot Soil, block 3. land lot 76, on Collins street levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta-vs James F Scary, for his city Tax for the year 1858. Citv lot, number not known, on land lot 85. on Whit liali street, whereon Elijah Boll now lives : levied on ti satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of Atlanta vs A M Watts, agent for A B Watts, for his city Tax for the vear 1858. Citv lot. No not known, on land lot 53. on Frazier street: levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of Atlanta vs B Inngfor-1, for his city Tax for tbe vear 1858. lot No 46, on laud lot 52, situated on Decatur street: levied on to sat isfy a Tax Fi Fain favor of the mayor and council of Atlanta vs William Shearer, for his eitv Tax for the year 1858 City lot. No not known, on land lot 77, situated on Mitchell and Forsyth street? : to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, i: favor of the mavor and council of the city of Atlanta vi W ft T A Lvon,agents for children, for their city Tax for the vear 1S5S Citv lot No 184. land lot 62, situated on Hunter and Fair streets : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of lie mayor an l council of the e ity of Atlanta vs James 1. Terrv, for his city Tax for ihe year 1S5S. City lot No 82, on laud lot 31, situated on Collins anil Wheat street : levied on to satisfy a fax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor aud council, of the city of Atlanta vs H Williams, for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot No 195. on land lot No 52, situated on Fair street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of the mayor and council, of the city of Alania vs Stephen Ter rv. for IPs eitv Tax for the year 185S. City lot No 12. on land lot No 60, situated onPooehtree street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of the mayor and council of tbe city of Atlanta vs James M Scat for his city Tax for the year 1858. Part of i-ity lot No 162. on laud lot 78, situated on Cain street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of the mayor and council of ihe city of Atlanta vs Sarah J I.yon for her city Tax, for the year 155s. City lot No 9, on laud lot 77, situated On Ixiyd street & Railroad, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of Atlanta vs 1/iyd A Pulliam, for llieir city Tax. for the year 1858. City lot No 9. on land lot No 77, situated on Loyd and Railroad, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa. in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs .lames Loyd, for la- city Tax. lor Ihe year 1858. City lot No ml on laud lot No 51. situated on Cain A Collins st ets. levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa. in fn vor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs O A Cochrane, for his city Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No not known, on land lot No S3, it being the place wheroD the defendant now lives. levied on to sat ist.v a fax Fi la. in fa vor of rue mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs (F-o W McDuffie, for his city Tax for the year JS5S. City iot No si ,i: block No. 4 on the corner of Whitehall an i Alabama at. nets, levied on to satisfy two Tax IT Fas one in favor of the mayor ami council of the city of At - Innta vs T Wand CW Conally aud one in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs 0 W Conally, for their city TaxTor the,}'ear 185S. City lot No 2i on iot 83 in Ward No 1. levied on lo sat isfy a tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council oftiie city of Atlanta \s GJ Foreavre for his city Tax for the year 1865. lily lot No 125 on land iot No 78, situated on Marietta street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of tlie city of Atlanta vs 1. H Griffith aiim’r of the estate of 11 it Delay lor h s city Tax f oi the year 1855 City iot No 91 m block 15, on land lot No 51, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa io favor of the mayor and council of the vdy ol Atlanta vs J T Giles, for his city Iks for the year j>58. City lot No 21. on land lol No 53. situated on McDon ough street, levied on to sus isfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of ihe cilv of Atlanta vs Juchsou Hutchins, for his city fax for the year ls5S. Part of city lol No. 102. on innd lot No. 78, Situated on Hayden Street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Ft Fa in favor of the Mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs W J Alien for hi? city Tax for the year 1855. Tne interest of J K Boswortn in city lot. No not known, on iaun lot No 77. situated on Whitehall street, levied on io satisfy u Tax Fi Fa. in favor of the Mayor aud council of riie cay of Atlanta vs Bosv.-orth at Bussed, for their city Tax for the year 185S. The interest of James F' Alexander in the house aud lot on aim :etta street, known a? the office of .1 F Alexander, to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Bleckley A Alexander, for their city lax for the year 1858. City lot on Whitehall street, whereon Russel Crawford now lives, levied ou to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Russel Craw ford, for his c:ty Tax for the year 1S5S. City iot No 57 on lau i lot No 78. situated on Marietta and Walton streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in fa vor of the mayor mid council of the city of Atlanta vs John W Duncan, lor his city Tax for the year 1858. City iot No 8 ml iand iot No 52, situated ou Collins street levied ou to B.diSiy a ins F'i 1 a in favor of the mayor and council of the city’of Atlanta vs B F Christian, for uisclty Tax for the year 1858. City lot No 25 In Block No 7. on land lot No 51 on Peach- Tree street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of tinnta vs A W Jones, agent for James F Cooper, for his city Tax for the year 1858. Part of city lot No 14 on laud let No 52, situated on Col lins street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor aud council of the city of Atlanta vs John Cobh. Sr., Trustee tor wife, for hi6 city Tax for the year 4858. Gly lot No m.t kuown, on land lot No 44, in Ward No 3 of the city or Atlanta, levied on. to satisfy a Tax Ft Fa in favor oi the mayor aud council of the city of Atlanta vs Thomas .8 Denny, for his citv Tax for the year 1S58. City lot No 41 in Block No 4, on laud lot No 51. situa ted on Peachtree am! Ivev streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs A Alexander, for his citv Tax for the vear 3858. City lot No not known, on land iot No 84. situated on Owen ana Rail Road streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa iu favor of tne mayor and counvii of theciiy of Atlan ta vs A Alexander, agent for E I Moses, for his city Tax for the year 1S5S. City lot No 1 iu block 21, land lot No 77 on Peters street, levied ou to sati fy a Tax FI Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs William Daniel, for his city Tax lor tin-, year 1858. City lot No 12o, on iand lot No 75, situated on Walton street, levied ou io satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor aud council of the city of Atlanta vs J W Dowsing, or uis city tax for tiie year i85S. City lot No 2. on iand lot No 77, Situated on Whitehall and iilaruett streets, lev d i n io satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in fa vor of the mayor and council of the city ol Atlanta vs T D.x>nau. agent for U ni Berry, for his cil v Tax for the year 1858. City lot No 20, :u block No 5. on land lot No 53, situated ou Frazier street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in fa vor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Joshua Gilbert, lor his city Tax tor the year 1858. tine Billiard Table levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Eg in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Hiiburn and Haskith, for t~ir city Tax for the year 186S. City lot No 61, on laud lot No 51, situated on Collins street, levied o:i to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council ol the city of Atlanta vs Stephen Ter ry, agent for C V Hill, for his city lax for tile year 1S58. City let No not known, on land lol No 78. it being the ploci- whereon Moses Holland now lives, levied ou to sat isiv a lax Fi Fa iu favor of the mayor and councii of the city of Atlanta vs Moses Holland, for ins city Tax for the year 185S. City lots No 17 and IS. in block No 5. on land lot 53. situated on McDonough street, levi - i on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor aud councii of the city of At lanta vs Rowland Walker, for his city Tax for the vear 3855. City lot No not known, in block 149, on land lot No 53. situated on Biker mid streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax FI Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs W S McWilliams, for Ins city Tax for the year 1858. City lot No not known, in block 30. on land lot No 77 on For.?} ill street, levied ou to satisfy a Tax FiFa in favor of Ihe mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs C B Woi- bo.irn, for Uis city Tax for the year 1858. Citv lot No not'knowu, on land lot No 85. situated ou Peters and Railroad streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa iu favor of th" mayor and councii of the city of Atlan ta vs J M White, for bis city Tax for the year 1-58. City lot No 116, on blocs 4‘2, on Lind Jot No 76. on Cooper and Jones street?, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs M M Smith, for ii.? city Tax for the year 1S5S. City lot No not known, on land lot No 52, situated on Decatur street, levied ou to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor ol the mayor and c 'Uncil of the city of Atlanta vs John Nel son. for his vity i ix for the year 1S5S. Gty lot No 1. m Wick 9, on land No 77. situated on Whitehall street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa. iu favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs ft H Mangnm. for his. city Tax, for the year lt&s. City lot No not known, on land lot 79, Situated on Ma rietta and Railroad streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlautu vs Solomon I midis, for his city Tax. for tlie year 1858. City lol No 2, in Block 23. on land lot No 77. situated on Garnett and Pryor streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, tn liivor of the mayor and council of the citv of Atlanta vs P Kerby.for Ins city Tax, for the year 1858. pun iif vity lot. No 1C2. on land lot 78, situated on Hay den street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa. in lavorof the mayor ami council of the city of Atlanta vs Newton Kil patrick. for his city Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No not known, on laud iot 50, Bituated on Peachtree street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in fa-* vor of the mayor and council, of the city of Atlanta vg Gardner A Vanloan, for their city Tax. for tlie year 1858. Citv lot No33.inBloek 33.on Land lot No 77. ou Peters street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa. in favor of the mayor aud council of the city of Atlanta vs B P Rogers, for his citv Tax. for the year 1868. City lot No 31. in Block 6, on land lot No 81, Ieviod on to oatiotV a Tax Fi Fs. in favor of the mayor and council ' tftbecKyorAdoaln vaNii«drAM^*rhta city «k* for the yeariMM. Gty lot No not knwwn, on land lot No 47, known as the .part of the Yarborough lot,' tested on to sstMfy a Tax FI ta vsMrGrearTfor his citvMit, for Jha y< GW kit No lio, In Block tt, on Mod iot: , on Houston k Butler streets,.levied an to satiiy a Tax Pi Ffe. in favor of tbe mayorand council of the d' y of Atlan ta vs Ann Hatter, for W city Tax, for the year 1868. Gty lot No 187, on land lot No 78, situated on Hull and Simpson streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of tbe mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Thomas Hays, for his city Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No 10, on land lot No 78, situated on Pryor It White Hall streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in fa vor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Mrs L Combs, for her city Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No hot known, on land lot No 84, situated on Stockton street and Crapes Alley, levied on to satisfy a Tax Cl Fa, in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Mrs Sarah Baker, for her city Tax, for tbe year 1858. City lot No 46, on land lot No 52, Bituated on Butler A Decatur streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Wm H Craft, for his city Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No not known, on land lot 85, situated on White Hall street near Thomas C Howard's residence, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of the mayor A counctl of the city of Atlanta vs Charlo Baker, for his city Tax, for the year 1858. 'MFMjgiiliMr _ of tbe Ordinary of said county - Will be sold before t 23tSi*E!?J-JP '-22 4^*0, -i.. - KSSTiSSittJSSiSKfffif si!V, 930,87 scree of 1010,30 acres of 1026,1028, aud the un divided halfof lot 1066, and a lease on 1025, in the 14th disk,ofthe lst«et.,atan8 Negroes, Jane a Girl about 16 team of ago ; VireagW,about Syear* of age: aud som a boy, about 7 years of age (all sold as the proper ty of John R. Light, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of tbe heir? and creditors of said deceased Terms for the Negroes Cash. Terms for the land on the day of sale. [Nov8..wtds] R. X RICE, Adm’r. /~4 BORGIA, Foksyth Coesn.—RebeccaH Cunningham (j having applied to be appointed Guardian of the per son and property of William T S Parris, a minor under fourtoen years of age, resident of said county. This is to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the second Mon day in January next, and show cause, if any they can, why Rebecca H Cunninglmtn should not bo entrusted with the guardianship of the person and propertyof Wil liam T S Parris. Witness my official signature. Nov 19th. 1858 40d , H BARKER. Ord'y City lot No not known, on land lot No 84, situated on Nelson street, near M T Berry’s h BS Baker’s lots, lev ied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Mrs J M Anderson, for her city Tax, for the year 1868. Part of City lot No 3, in Block 18, on land lot 77, situa ted on Peters and Pryor streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of the mayor and council of Atlanta vs James Craig, for Uis city Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No 11, in Block 4, on land lot 77, situated on corner of Hunter and Pryor streets, known as Harris’s Livery Stable, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of the” mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs R H Dickson, for his city Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No 135, In Block 24. on iand No 61, situated on Houston an Calhoun streets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa. in favor of the mayor and council of city of Atlanta vs William Dickson, for his city Tax, for the year 1868. C-ty lot No 15, in Block 4, on land lot No 53, situated on McDonough street, levied ou to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in fa vor of the mayor aud council of the city of Atlanta vs F M Krvine, for his city Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No 3, iu Block 0, on land lot 77, situated ou Thompson and Peters Rtreets, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa. in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlauta vs John Wilson, for his city Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No not known, in Block 14, on land lot 77, situa ted oil While Hall street, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor oi ihe mayor and council of the of city Atlanta vs John Wheeler, for'his city Tax, for tbe year 1858. City iot. No not known, on land lot No 77, situated on Pryor street, levied ou to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, iu favor of the mavor and council of the city of Atlanta vs 0 D Vai- ontine.'for his oity Tax, for the year 1858. City lot No not known, on iand lot 83, situated on Man- gum stre t, levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, in favor of uie mayor aud council of the city ol Atlauta vs W L Ragsdale, 5or Ins city Tax, for the year 1858. Fart of city lot No 5, iu block 2, on land lot No 53, sit uated on McDonough itrect: levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs E Powell, for his city Tax for the year 1858. Gty lot No 3, in block 19, on land lot No 77, situated on Thompson and Peters streets : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fain favor of the mayorand council of the city of Atlanta vs Charles I-atmier, for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot No S, on land lot No 53, situated on Jones and King streets : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in lavor of the mayor and counci 1 of the city of Atianta vs George Watts, for his city Tux for the year 1858. City lot. No not known, on iand lot No 45, near Mrs White’s residence : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor aud council of the city of Atlanta vs John W Thompson, for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot No 56, on iand lot No 52, situated on Decatur street: levied on to satisfy a Tax F i F'a in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Lewis Dayton for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot No 5, in block 2. on land lot 76, situated on Cain and F'air streets : levied on to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Josiah Church, for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot, No not known, on land iot No 83, situated ou Rock street: levied on to satisfy a fax F'i F'a in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs Johu Carr lor his city lax for the year 1858. City lot No 3, in block 21, on 'and lot 77, situated on Peters street : levied on to satisfy a fax F’i Faiu favor o, tne mayor and council of the city of Atlanta vs West Cook, nir his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot No 189, on land lot 62, Situated on Butler and llames streets : levied on to satisfy a Tax F'i Fa In favor of the mayor and councii of the rity of Atlauta vs Mrs Burnell, for tier city Tax for the year 1858. City lot, No not known, on Iand lot 84, situated on Peters street: levied ou to satisfy a Tax F'i Fa in favor of the mayor and council of tlie city of Atlanta vs George Bryant, for his city Tax for the year 1858. Part of city lot No 2, in block 3U, on land lot No 77, situated on F'orsv th street : levied on to satisfy a Tax F i Fa iu favor of the mayor and council of the city of Atlan ta vs Hiram Bowen, for his city Tax for the year 185b. C:ty lots Nos 38 and 43, in block 14. on land lot 76, sit uated on Crew, Johnson and Henry streets : levied on to satisfy a tax Fi Fa in favor of the mayor and council ol' the city of Atlanta vf Thomas Henderson, for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot No 1, in block No 27, on land lot No 77, situat ed on'Pryor, Garnett- and Loyd streets : levied on to sat isfy a Tax l-i Fa iu favor of the mayor and council of the city of A'lama vs P 8 Enright, for his city Tax for the year 1858. City lot, No not known, situated ou Irwin and Blodgel streets : levied on to satisfy a Tax F'i F'a iu favor of the mayor aud council ot the eity oi Atlanta vs Wm H Da- don, for his city Ta* for the year 1858. City Jot, No not known, in block G, on iand lot No 77, situated on Peters and Garnett streets : levied ou to «at isfy a Tax F'i Fa in favor of the mat or and council of Die city of Atianta rs J 8 Dyer, for his city Tax for the year 1858. ELI T. HDNNICCTT, Marshal. Nov. 18th, 1868.. tds. G EORGIA, Fulyoii Cocwit.—Whereas, William Bate man applies to me for letters of Administration ou the estate ol Thomas McDugle, late of said county de ceased. These, arc therefore, to rite and admonish ali aud sin gular the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to he and appear ai my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show I-*lift!* (if any tl»©v n*->-c I rrb, eaJU letters should not lie granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially at office this 15th day of November 1S5S. Nov. 18th, '68 [30ds JOS. H. MEAD, Oru. F. C. G EORGIA, FoBsrm County.—To all whom it may concern : Zaoliariah D Haygood having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Charles Pearson; late of said coun ty, deceased : This is to cite all and singular the credi tors and next of kin of Charles Pearson, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any thc-y can, why permanent Administration should not be granted to Zakariah 1) Haygood on Chas. Pearson’s Estate. Witness my official Signature. Nov 20. 1858 3ds H. BARKER, Ordinary. G EORGIA, Fobsyth County.—William D Cunningham having applied to be appointed Guardian of the per sons and property of Robert E Parris and Margaret H Parris, minors under fourteen years of age, residents of said county : This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Term of the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the second Monday in January next , and show cause, if anv thev can, why William I> Cunningham should not be entrusted with the Guardianship or the )>er- sons and property of Robert E and Margaret H Parris.— Witness mv official signature. Nov 19th, 1858 40ds H BARKER, Ord'y CAMPBELL COUNTY. MfmYTn ommx- T]mU*bn MM before the court house door in the town TT of Camming, Forsyth county on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property to-wit : Lot of land Jfo. 73 in the 3d district end 1st section of now Forsyth county, containing 40 acres, more or less; levied on as the property of Gilbert L. Box, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Floyd county, hi favor of Charles H. Smith, Adm’r de bonis non on the es tate of James B. Wakefield, dec’d vs. Gilbert L. Box- Property pointed out by Underwood and Smith, Plaintiffs Atty’s. Also, lot of land No. DM, in tbe 2nd diet, of now 1st sec Forsyth county, containing 40 acres more or less ; levied on as the property of John H. Campbell, to satisfy a fi fa from a Justice’s, Court of Forsyth county, in favor of Hudson W. Moulder vs. G. W. Rogers, maker, John Low, John H. CkmpbeU and A. Compton, sec’y on appeal.— Property pointed out by J. H. Campbell, one of the dcPts Levy made and returned to me by a constable. ALSO, 39 acres or lot of land No. 949 in the 14th dis trict and 1st section of now Forsyth county ; levied upon as the propertyof Joel M. Fowler, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a Justice’s court of Forsyth county, in favor or John B. Gravitt, A. M. Light, and others vs. Joel M. Fowler. Property pointed ont by E. G. Riley. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. AIBO, lots of land Nos. 1280 and 1264, in the 14th district and 1st section of now Forsyth county, contain ing 40 acres each more or less; levied ouas the prop erty of William J. Childress, to satisfy two fi fas from a Justices court of Forsyth county, in favor of John E. Brown vs. said.Childress. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. A1B0, 300 fts seed cotton, more or leas ; levied on as the propety of D. M. Durham, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Forsyth County, in favor of R. J. Dooly vs. said Durham. Wm.' P. WILLIAMS, Sh’fT. Gumming, Nov. 1st. 1858. G 1 EURGIA, Fulton Conrrr.—Whereas, Daniel Mur- T pbv of sai d county applies to me for letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Deunis Ryan, late of said county deceased. These, ajo therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin gular tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to uc aud appear at my office, within the time prescribed by iaw, to show cause, (if any they have) why said letter's should not be granted as above. Given under my hand offinialiv at office, this 16th day or November 1868. Nov. 18th, 6b [30dsl JOS. H. MEAD,Ord'y. F. C. g—j. For Philadelphia, \rw Yorlc, ' &c., from Charleston and Sn- vaiinnh. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia, $15 Excursion Tickets good for re turning up to J on. 1, 1859 $25. Tickets from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls furnished by the agents at Charleston or Savannah, $S. Tne well known first class Side-wheel Steamships, KEYSTONE STATE, C.apt. C. P. Marsham. STATE OF GEORGIA. Capt. J. J. Garvin. Now form a weekly lino for the North, leaving (diaries- ton aud Savannah on alternative Saturdays as follows : The Keystone State, from Charleston, August 14th, 20th; September lltii, 25th; October 9th and 23d, leav : ing Philadelphia on the alternative Saturdays. The Slate of Georgia, from Savannah, August 7th. 31st; September 4th, 18th; October 2d, 16th and 30th, leaving Philadelphia Ihe alternate Saturdays. For safety and comfort, having superior State Rooms these ship.? are not surpassed by any on the coast. ODe hundred miles of this route on Dataware riaer and Bay— two nights at sea. For Niagara Falls, the Lakes and Canada the shortest and cheapest route. This line connects at Philadelphia with the great Forth- western Railroad Route through to Niagara Palis or Buf falo in 15 hours from Philadelphia. Through tickets with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia aud inter mediate jKiints, for sale by the agents in Savannah. Face to Niugara or Buffalo, $23; Elmira, $21; to Canan daigua. $22. G. A. GREINER A CO, Agents at Savannah S. &T-G. BTllD, Agents at Charleston. July 29th, '58\v3m. S. B. OATMAN, DEALER IX FTAX.IAK, EGYPl'LiiV AND AMERICAN Statuary, AND EAST TENNESSEE MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOOMBS, URNS AND VASES, MARBLE MANTLES, BAUBLE All orders promptly filled. Waro Roems opposite the Georgia Railroad Depot. Atlanta. Ga. March 8th, 1858 wly ATOkAfTOA Bakery & Confectionery. T HF. subscribers have recently connected with their Confectionary a large siie CRACKER MACHINE. which cnablea them to fnrnish their friends and patrons in tho up-ceuutry with Butter, Boston and Soda Crackers, always fresh, at races fully twenty per cent, lower than tho same can bo laid down from Savrunah or Charles ton. Tho CAND1FS manufactured by them are already well known io deaiers and consumers, a comparison of their manufacture i? challenged with those niado elsewhere North or Fouth. # They keep, also, constantly on hand, a large stock of Nut*. Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Pickles, Sardines Sauces Toys, Ac. ’ ’ Also CIGAR. 5 of all grades, from $6 to $40 per 1,000 Refined and barrel SUGARS—comprising a general suu- ply of Country Confectioners, at as low rates as can lie afforded elsewhere in tho State. Ball, public or private Parties furnished to order at short notk-e with every description of Cake, Fruit, &c?’ of the best quality. Orders from tho city and country respectfully solicited- IMMEL, CUNNINGHAM * Co Atlanta, Feb. 17. '58 wly. Negroes for Sale. W ILT, lie sold on the 1st Tuesday in December, before tiie Court House Door, in Cumming, Forsyth coun ty, the following Negroes, for Cash. Milledge, it Man. 35 years old; Elic, a man, 30 years old: Moca man. 27 years old ;Jolin a man. 25 years old ; Eli a man, 20 years old - Ackiliis a boy, 18 years old: George 14: Clsero’15: Wes* !y 13 : Mack 16 ; Emily a Woman. 37 years old ; Malinda. a Woman, 20 years old and two Children ; Aujajmo a Girl. IS years old and her Child ; Jano a Girl, 13 years old ; Pocahontas a Girl, 12 years old. JOHN J. FORD, 1 newton Harrell, ; Att - VF - For EDWARD HARRELL. Oct. 11,1858. wtds H. L. TIXlKT.] [j. a. SHAPOTK. H. L.TINLEY & fo., Commission and Forwarding Mtrvhaats. EXCHANGE ST, CHARLESTON, S. C. G IVE their prompt personal attention to the selection of all kinds of Produce, and to the purchasing, to order, all articles that may bo desired, for a commission of 2% per cent. Goods received and forwarded at 1C cents per package. No Goods have or will be detains* by na for freight and charge*. fiFt wbul adtaso* mad* on all consignments to ns. ffeb. 28.,,,,.Wlfi ii Campbell Sheriff Sales. O N the first Tuesday in December next, will be so’.d before the Court House door in, the town of Camp- boiiton. in said County, the following properly to-wit: South half of Lit of Lind No. 9 in the 8th Dist,, of orig inally Coweta, now Campbell County, bounded South by J. M. Bond, North by Grant Roberts, containing 100 Acres more or less, place whereon R. S. Bartlett now lives, lev ied on as the property of R. B. Bartlett io satisfy two llfas issued from Campbell" Sttpe'r Court, one iu favor of Bullard & Whitley, and one in favor of T. M. Howard, and oth er fifa in my hauds vs. said Bartlett property jiointed out by Pl’ff. Also one field of Corn, 40 Barrels more or less, on the place where Jones Bishop now lives, levied on by virtue of two Infr Court fii'asofsaid County . iu favor ol Blalock & Camp vs. Jones Bishop and K. Dodson Security, levied on as the property of Saul Bishop, property pointed out bg Deft. Also, ono dark blazed laced horse Some 5 years old. one rather grey blazed face mule 5 or 6 years old levied on by virtuo of a fifa issued from Coweta lufe'r Court in fa vor of Feelings Anderson &Co., vs. R.G. L k. vied on as property of sttid Cook, property pointed out uy Pl'ffs Attorney. Postponodole. NE Bay Mare and Coit, one 2 burse wagon, 17 head Sheep more or less, 2 black Heifers, 1 Milch Cow and jf, 5 head of Hogs, 3 Sows and Pigs, some 8 head of founts, 2 Bedsteads and one Clock, levied on as the prop. ««y of Wm. Glover to satisfy a Ufa issued from Campbell 9upT Court, in favor of E. L. Symons ts. said Glover property pointed out by Dft, other fifas in my hauds Nov? 1st. 1858. A. C. WATKINS, Sh'lf. Nov. 4,1858. Campbell Dep’iy Sheriff's Sale. P ART of Lot of Lind No. 93, East half of said lot con taining 96 Acres more or less, aud 22 Acres of lot No. 94 in the North-East corner of tho 7th District, origi nally Coweta now Campbell County, and one house and town L>l in the town of Palmetto now occupied by E. L. Jackson, ail levied on as the property of FI L. Jackson to satisfy 3 fifas issued from Campbell Sup'r Court, 2 in favor of S. A. R. & C. F. Swann, ono iu favor of James Galaway V3. E. L. Jackson, ami sundry other fifas in my hands, property iiointed out bv Pl’ife Att'y. Nov. 4th, 1858. WM. N. MAGOl'IRK, L>. S’ff. G EORGIA, CAMMSU.CoriiTT.—John P. Watson having applied to be apiiointed Guardian of the person and property of Allene l’ermelia Camp a minor under fourteen vearsofago, resident of said county, this is to cite ail persons concerned to bo and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary to be held next after the expiration of thirtv days from' the first publication of this notice, and showing "cause, if they can, why said Joiin P. Watson should uot iie intrusted with the Guardianship of the per son and property of Allene l’ermolia Camp. Witness mv official signature this Oct. 22, 1868. Oct., 29.1858. R. C. BEAVERS. Ord’y AIJAHMSTK A fOR'S SALE. B Y Virtue of an Order of tho Court of Ordinary of Camp bell County , will be sold on the first Tuesday in De cember, 1858, at the Court House door in said County be- twgen the legal sale hours, the undivided portion of land belonging to Amanda ikluails, Doc’d.. iu the East half of lot No. 2, in the8tli District of originally Coweta now Camp bell Countv. adjoining lands John Cook, Richard Moore and W. H’ Collins, embracing some good bottom land, a portion of which is in cultivation, lying on Pea Crook three miles below Campbellton. Terms made known on day of sale. RICHARD MOORE. Oct6-tds. Adm’r Amanda f-hoats, dec’d. ADJHXISTRAIIOR’S sale. B Y virtue of an Order from the Court of Ordinary of Campbell County, will be sold on the first Tuesday m December, 1858, at tho Court House door in said Comi ty. between tho legal hours of sale, the following lands, to-wit: One fractional lot No. 47. In tbo 9th Dist. of origi nally Coweta now Campbell County, whereon Alfred .1. Camp resided at the time of hia death, containing 168 \ acres morn or less, adjoining lands Addison Riley, the same being one tlnr-1 still m the origi nal woods, with good Dwelling, out houses, &c. About 160 acres of good Bottom land in a state of good repair on the Chattahoochee River, two miles above Campbellton. Also lot of land No. 164 in the 14th Dist.. originally F'ay- etto now Campbell County, containing 2021 acres more or less, still in the orginal woods, about ono milofrom the above described fraction. A credit of twelvo months will be given to purchasers who must give notes well secured for their purchase?. JESSE L. BLALOCK, JAS. M. CAMP, Jd'rs Del mis non eom ttslom^nlo annexo nf A. J. Camp, d’. 0ct6-tds. GEORGIA, Campbell County. W ’HEREA”, Robert J. Tuggle shows to the Court that he has fully aumims erid John A. Hepkin’s 'rertate These are therefore to cito and admonish all persons concerned, to show ou;w if any they have, why aiu admiciatr-tor should no' be discharged from iris ad ministration, and leceive letters of dismission on the 6rst Monda? iu April next, 1S59. this beptem’er 8th 1858. field B. C BEAVFJRS, Ordinary. ABinSlSTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order of tbo Court of Ordinary of Camp bell County will bo sold on the first Tuesday in Do- eember, 1858, :it tbe Court House door in said County be tween the legal saio hours : South half lot of land No. 20 in 8lh Dist. originally Coweta now Campbell County, whereon John Langston resided at the time of his death, containing 101 '-4 acre.? more or less, adjoining lauds P. H. Speer, A. B. Weaver aud J. H. Carrel!, the same being one seventh still in the original woods, with about 15 acres of g<*>d bottom land in a high BUite of cultivation, good dwellings, out houses, Ac., lying about 4 miles from Palmetto, on the middle road leading from Campbellton to Newnan. and ou the headwaters of Cedar Creek. A credit of twelve monibs wiii bo given to purchaser* who must give notes well secured for their purchase. THOB. M. LANGSTON, SAM’L. S. IANGST0N. Oct6—tds. Adm's John Langston Dec’d. Thomas J- Aldridge, 1 Libel for Divorce in Haral- vs. >*011 Superior Court. Nancy Jano Aldridge, j I T appearing to tlie Court, from tho return of the Sher iff that the Defendant resides out of this County. :uiu it further appearing that she resides oat of the limits of this State. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the Defendant appear at the nexf Term of this Court and piead to 6aid action, or that the Plaintiff lie allowed to proceed ; and It is further ordered that the Clork cause this order to be published in the Atlanta Intelligencer, according to the statute in such case made and provided. D. F. HAMMOND, J. i. f T. C. I certify the above to be a true exempi -V .1 >n from the minutes of said Court, this 22nd day of October 1S5S. October, 29.1858. JOHN DUKE, Ci’k. GEORGIA, Campbell County. * W HEREAS, Caleb P. Bowen h-as applied to be up- pointed Gnudis-uof tbe persons ana property of Edmund J. Lowery. Jolm N. E. Lowery, Francis M. I.owery and Absalom J. Lowery, Orphans of Edmund D. Liwery, deceased. This is therefore to cito all persons concerned to be and appear at tbe Term of the Court of Ordinary Inue next, after the expiration of ;h-r' v date from tlie first pnalication of this notice, and show cause if .hey can, why said Caleb P. Bowen should not be intrusted with the Guani.anship ot ihe persons aud properly of the above can-.ed orrh»ns. Witness mv official sigantnro this Sth November 1858 nov'lO RC BEAVERS. Ord’v. Administrator’ll Sale. B Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Campbell county will bo sold ou the first Tuesday in January next, 1853 at the court house door in said county, between tlie legal hours of sale, all the lands except the widow’s dower which Mark McEIwrath was possessed of at the lime of his death. Containing about 355 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of E. Folk. S. H.Mo- I-artv and Wm. Clinton, the same being 4-5 in original wood : cleared land? iu good repair. A credit of one and two years will be given to purchasers who must give notes well secured lor their purchases. Nov. II), 1868. E. POLK. Anm’r. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. B Y VIRTUE of an order of the Oiurt of Ordinary of Campbell county, will bo emu ou tho 1st Tuesday in January next, 1859, ai court house door, in said county, between the legal hours of sale, ail tho Negroes, belong ing to the estate of Alfred J. deceased, to-wit:— Eliza, 32 years old ; and two children, Martha and Fran - eis, David a boy. about 12 years old ; Lucinda a girl about 10 years old : and Samuel about 6 years old : Han nah a girl, about 17 years old : oneline about 15 years old ; 9 in number, all likely Negroes, embracing a good Cook and House Woman. A Credit of Twelve Months, wiii be given to rurchaecrs, who must give notes well secured for iheii- purchases JESSE L. BLALOCK,) Nov 10 JAMFN M. CAMP. / Admr'.i Dc bonis non Cum lestinunlo annexo. Administrators Sale. B Y viatue of a order of the Court or Ordinarv o Campbell county, will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in January 1859 at the court house door in said countv”be tween the legal hours of sale, the following land consist ing of lot No 139 in tlie 9th dist. of originally F'a volte nov. Campbell county. whereon Joseph .Smith resided at the time of his death, containing 202*£ acres less the widows Dower, adjoining lands of G IV Silvey and others tlie same being good farming land with a plantation in good repair and cultivation, lying 011 tiie waters of Deep creek, about 4 miles east of CaiuphoHton, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.— Terms made known 011 dav of sale. BEIEORD DUCK. Adm'r, Nov 20, ’58 tds fo Joeeph Smith, deceased. G eorgia Campbell county—7b ai whom it may concern—Berry IV Yates having ap plied to me for permanent letters of Administration on the estate of William Yates late of said countv deed, this is lo cite all and singular tho creditors and next of kin of William Yates, to be and npjiear at my office within the lime allowed by law,and show cause,'if any thev can why permanent Administration should uot be granted Berry W Yates on William Yates' estate. Witnes my .band and official signature. *ot. 20th, 1858 30d B, C, BKAVKR8, Ord’y Forsyth Postponed Sheriff Sale. W H J. be sold before the Court House door in the town of Camming. Forsyth county, on the first Tuesday in December next within the legal hours of salo the follow ing property to-wit: Litofland No. 1180, in the 3d district and 1st section of now Forsyth county, containing 4b acres more or less ; levied on as the property of John Karr, to satisfy 3 fi fas from a Justice Court of F'orsyth county, in favor of James Wheeler, adm'r on the estate of I>. S. Hammonds, dec’d vs. John Karr and Wm- Fincher. Property pointed out by defendant (Karr.) L-vy made and returned to me by a constable. AL8U, lot of land No. 403, in the first district and 1st section of now Forsyth county containing 40 acres more or less half the mining interest in aud to iot of land No? 426 iu the 1st district aud first section of now Forsyth county, all levied on as the property of Seaborn Cordery to satisfy sundry fi fas issusd from a Justices Court ol F'orsyth county in favor of V. B. Shelton, aud others. Levy made aud returned to me by a constable. Wh. P. WILLIAMS, Sh'lf- Cumming, Nov. 1st, 1858. Foriytli Mortgage Sole. YT7TLL be sold before the Court House door in the town T T of Cumming, For?} th county within the legal hours lol sale, on ihe first Tuesday in January next, the fol- owmg property to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 694, 676, 620, fifteen acres of lot No. 605, fifteen acres of lot No. 604.675, thirty-seven acres of lot No. 603, 621, 622, all lying m tiie 3d district aud 1st section of now F'orsyth county ; all levied on as the property of Jonathan Mclntire, to satisfy a mortgage fi la issued from the Superior Court of F'orsyth count}' in favor of Harrison Suinmerour vs said Mclntire. Property p«mi- ted out in said mortgage li fa. WM. p. WH.i.IaMS ~xh'ff Nov. 1st, 1858. Forsyth Mortgage SheriSale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Cumming, Fors.\ th county. on the first Tuesday in December next, Detween the usual hours of saie, the fol lowing property to-wit : i-ots of ianu,'No. 238,part of lot 269, and half oflot 270, in the 3rd district and 1st section'of now Forsyth county, containing in the aggregate 93 acres: known as the John lekson place ; levied on as the property of Wm. G. Stew art, to satisfy a mortgage 11 fa from the Superior court ol Forsyth county in favor of Harrison Pummerour, vs. said Stewart. Property pointed out iri said mortgage fl fa. ALSO. Lots No. 694,116, 620,15acres oT lot 605,675, 004,, 37 acres of lot No 603,621,622, all lying and being in tlie third district aud first section of F'orsyth county ■ all levied on to satisfy a mortgage fl fa issued from tlie sufierior Court of F'orsyth Countv in favor of Harrison .Suinmerour vs. Jonathan Mclntire; levied on a.= the propert} of Jouatiian Miclniire. Property pointed out in said mortgage ii fa. WM. P. WILLIAMS, Sh'lf. Cumming, Kept. 28th, 1858. tds. . Cherokee Sheriff Sola. or Gan too, Cherokee county, on tbeflrst Tuesday in December text, between die nanalhoura of side, the following property to-wit. Lot of hud, No. 283,.in the 16th district and second section, Cherokee county. Levied eh as the property of John S. Stone, to satisfy a fi fa Crain th* Superior Court of Cherokee county, in favor of Samuel T. McCanless vs John S. Ptone. Sold for the purchase money. Also, lot of land, No. 481, in the 15th district and 2nd section of Cherokee county. levied on as the properly ofBuraeii Hood, to satisfy a Justice Courtfi fa, from Wilkes county, in favor of John Hardeman. Levied and returned to me by a Bailiff. Also, lots of land, No. 1000 and 1017, in the 3d district and 2nd section of Cherokee county. Levied on as (the property of John A. Afancy, to satisfy 2 Justice Court fi fas, in favor of JamlffKnox, bearer,. vs J. J. Hender son, Siutha Henderson and John A. Taney, security., and James W. King, security on stay. Levied and returned to me by a Beiliff Also, lot of land, No. 366, in the 3rd dist., and 2nd sec., of Cherokee eonnty. Levied on as tbo property«of Thom as Nix, to satisfy a Justice Court fi fa., in favor of J R We6t brooks vs. Thomas Nix. Levied and returned to me by a Bailiff. Also, one mettle Clock. Levied on as the property of John W. McCollum, to satisfy a fifa., issued from the Su perior Oiurt of Cherokee county; in favor of William F. Mullins vs., John W. McCollum principal and Jesse Bean, security on Casa Bond. Also, lot of land Nos. 211 and 932, all tn tbe 15th dist., 2nd sec., of Cherokee county, and 500 shares of the capi tal Mock of the Sixes Mining co. levied on as the proper ty of Allen Lanhon, to satisfy a fi fa., from the Inferior Court of Cherokee county, in favor of E. L. Shuford vs. Allen lanhon, principle, James M. Fielder and James Haggerty, security, and M. A. Keith,indorser. Canton, Ga., Mor. 1st., JAMES B. KELLY, Sheriff. yy ILL bet Cherokee Mortgage Sheriffs Sales. W ILL Be sold. before the Court House Door in the town of Canton Cherokee County, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property to wit: LOTS of Land 4 Nos. 325, 644, and 645, and all of that part of Lot No. 656, embracing the dwelling house and kitchen, it being that part of said Lot lying in and near the North FAst Corner thereof purchased by Geo-W. F'lour uoy, of Henry Tedder, containing about 2 acres. All of said laud being in tlie 15th District of the 2d Section ol Cherokee County, levied on as the property of Geo. W. Flournoy, to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa issued from the ciu- perior Court ot said County, in favor of Cicero C. Winn, vs. said Geo. W. Flournoy, property poiuted out by said F'i fa. ALSO Lots of land, Nos. 514, 567,5S4,585, 642, 638, 639, and 640. in the 15th District of tho 2u Section, levied on as the property of Geo. W. i lournoy, to satisfy a Mortgage F ifa issued from the Superior Court of said County in favor of C. C. Winn, for the use of A. V. Brum by, vs. Geo. W. Flournoy, property pointed out in said FT fa. A1X) I/it of land No- 555, in the 3d District of the 2nd •Section, levied on to satisfy a Mortgage Fifa issued from the Sujierior Court of said County, in favor of Martin Gra ham, Administrator of Noah Strong, deceased, vs. Henry Barks, property pointed out in said F'i fa. AIf-u, Lots of laud Nos. 112, and 113, in the 15th Dis trict of tho 2d Section of said County, levied oil as the pro- perty ol Wm. A. McCurdy, to satisfy a Mortgage F'i fa issu ed from me Superior Court of said County in favor of Isaac McConnell, vs. Wm. A. McCurdv, property poiutedoutby said Fi la. ' W. R. D. MUSS, D. sSh’ff. ' Canton, Sept. 27tli, 1858. GEORGIA, Forty h Oouoty. YV HlREAS, Andrew E Bond, suniving admiinistra. ” tor of B-dsoo K E iward?, represent? to the court, in his r?tul<>n, duly fi,ed and entered on record and stales he has fuilv administered Benson H Edward’? Estate Tins :? therefore to cite aii persons concerned kindred and e editors to show cause, if any they can •vhy said administrator eimiiId not be discharged from his adipinislraiion, and icceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April. 1559. sep 16 H. Barker, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Forsyth County. TMVO months after date, application will be mado tc J. Uie Court of Ordinary ot Komytii county, for Uar* to Kell the lands belonging to the Estate of Jefl eisonCook. Kte of F*'rey?h county, deceased, for the benefit ot the heirs *nd creditors of said deceased. d II.LTAU i*IN’CHER, Adurr se!6 Debun is non o f J-ffarson Cook, dec’*!. (xKOlUxil, Forsyth iouniy. I WO in'intli? &rter date, application wil he made to the Court of Ordinary oi FAr-ytii oounly G-urjia a - the first regular Term after expiration of t»o mouth, fiom thi? notice for leave to sell Ihe lands belonging to the Estate of J, e! League, ia e of .aid county de- c ased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of saio deceased. sei6 HENRY O KELLOGG. Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order of tho Honorable Qpurl of Or Ordinary ofForeyth county, will be snldon tlie first luesday in December next before the court house door in the town of Camming, in said county, within the legal hours of saie, the following property, belonging to tlie o-,..,., ,.e wm, i>. iiuwiuns. mu- or ?aiu county deceased: I/>ti of land, numbers Eight hundred and leu, (810) Eight hundred and Eleven. (Sll) Eight huudr:'. and for ty six, f S46) Eight hundred nao eighty-three (c ii) Eight hundred and sixty-one, (861) and one third of Eight hundred and forty-eight, i S4S) all in the 2nd district and 1st section of said county. Also, the following likely negroes : Ellivk, a man about forty-five years old : Beck, a woman about thirty-six years old, aud her female child, named Betsey, about nineteen months old : Meri cus a boy about ten years old ; and Charles a boy about six years old Sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said deceased. Terms made kuown on the day of sale. M. W. SUTTON, Adm’r. Oct 16, l$5S-td» Administrator’s Sale. 1 GREF.ABLE toa:i order of the Court nf Ordinary of Ta. Forsyth county, will be sold before the Court house door in the town of Cumming. within tlie legal hours ol saie, on tha 1st Tuesday iu January next, tiie following Negroes, to wit : Oston. a man,27 years old ; Caroline, 22 : ami her Child 2 years old; Jinne’y, 8 years-old: Ema line 6 , and Mose, 4 vsars old ; All sold as the property of Jas. Harris, lat* of said county, deceased, lor the ben eflt of the heirs aud creditors, of said deceased. Terms Cash. L. D. HARRIS, Adm'r October 7lh, 1858 wtds. GEORGIA, Forsyth County, IX /’HEREAS, AlmonG. Hutchins, administra- VV tor of George Wofford, represents to tbe Court in his petition duly Clod and entered on record that he has fully auministered George Woffords estate This is therefore to cito all persons concerned, Hndred and creditors, to show cause if a”y they have, why said administrator should not be ttis- "barged from bis administration, and receive let- t rs of dismission, on the fi’st Monday in Feb ruary next, 1859. Jy 17, 1858 H. BARKER, Ord’y. G 1 R< r c BORGIA, Forsyth County.—To all whom it may corn, William Bopsr having iu proper form, appiipd to me for permanent letters of administration on the es tate of Elizabeth Masters, late of said county deceased This i3 to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Elizabeth Masters, to he. and appear at my of fice within the time allowed by iaw, and show cause if any they can. why permanent administration should not be granted to William Roper, on Elizabeth Masters es tate. Witness my official signature. Oct 19,1S6S. H. BARKER. Ord’y. NOTICE ! E Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary Forsyth County, will be soid, on the 1st Tuesday in January next, 1859, at the Court House door in said county, between tlie legal hours of sale, the following lots of iand, Nos. 103, 208,209, 242 aud 243, aii in the 14th district and 1st section of said county, containing £00 Acres more or less it being the Plantation, whereon Thomas L. Garrc-t, late of said county deceased, resided at the time of hi? death, joining lands, of John Hammond, Jacob Martin and others. Also, the Negroes, of said deceased. as follows, Fanny a tvomaD. about 38 years of age, and 3 Children—Angelina, a girl about 4 years old : Alonzo, a boy. 2 years old, and a small child 3 months old, a boy ; Alfred, a man 20 years old : Jane, a woman 18 years old: Jamea.aboy 16 yeara old ; Henry a boy 15 years old ; Danie*. * hoy 10 years old. and Ambrose a boy 7 years old. Also, 30 bushels of Wheat and about 2 bushels of Rye. a!1 sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale. cash. GEORGE KELLOGG, Adm'r. November 1st, 1858. (wtds) rilWO months after date application will be made to the X Ordinary of Cherokee County, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of Gray Bar ker, late of said County, deceased, this 13th dav of Sep tember 1858. sep23 ZEBCLOX WILLIAMS, Adm’r. Administrators Sale. O GRE'EABLF. to an order of tho Ordinary of Cherokee County, will be soid before the Court House door iu ino Town of Gqsjtou, 9 tho first Tuesday iu November next, within CIS leg* hour* of saie, Iota of Iand Nos. 1,149, 1,160, l.lfo, and the undivided half of lots Nos. S96, 897 and 832, in the 15th Distrtrict or the 2d section if said County of Cherokee. Also, ou the same day before the Court House door, in the city of Marietta, Cold) county, lots of land Nos. 167. 123, and 10 acres in tho South-west corner of lot No. 122 in the 16th district of the 2d section of Cobb Couutv.— Fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Wiiiiam H. Evans, late of Cherokee couutv, deceased, sep 23, 1858 THUMAb D. EVANS, Adm’r Fnlton Sfcertff Sales. between thelcfaUMursof tale, tb* following property to- wit : Hart oflot of laadNo 36, In the 14th dMt. r of orig inally Henry (now Fulton eotutty, eontaii}ingl77 acres, more or less. Levied,on as the property of Meredith Brown to satisfy sundry justices coart fl fas., from the 530th dist., G. M., in fkvor of E M. Teliafero vs. said Brown. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also, tbe north east half of city lot, No 115, in the city t>t Atlanta, the same being part of land lot, No 78, in the 14th dist., or originally Henry bow Fnlton county. Lev ied on as the property of J. M. Coleman, to satisfy a fi fa from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of Loveless, Bro ft Gholston vs. Martha Carlton and J. M. Colemen. Also, lot of land, No 62, in the 17th diet., of originally Henry, now Fulton county, containing 200acres, more or lees. Levied on as the property of Richard C. Greer, to satisfy 6 fl fas, issued from thejjustices Court for the 1026th dist., G. M. in favor of Thomas Moor vs. said Greer Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also, city lot No not known lying on Crapes Alley in the city of Atlanta, containing one acre more or less. Levied on as the property of Edward Parsons to satisfy a fl fa issued from Fulton Superior Court in favor of J. D Watkins vs. Aaron Gage principal, and Edward Parsons, security on appeal. ALSO, City lot No. 153, in the city of Atianta, fronting on Taylor street 100 feet, and running back 200 feet being one half acre more or less the same being part of iand lot No 53 in the 14th dist., of originally Henry now F'ultou county. Levied ou as the property of Barney Dugan to satisfy a II fa., from Fnlton Inferior Court, in favor of Ca rey W. Berry vs. Deunis Hoyt and Barney Dugan, also to satisfy a Justices Court fl ra. in favor of J. R. ft C. H. Wal- taw, vs. said Dugan. ALSO, the undivided one half of City lot, No. not known lying on Houston street,in the city of Atlanta, fronting on said street 100 feet, and running back 200 feet bounded on tha east by the lot whereon Mrs. Haller recenty lived the same being part of land lot No 51, in the 14th dist., of originally Henry now F'uiton county. Levied on by vir tue of sundry fl fas., issued from the Justices Court for the 487th dist G. M., in favor of Pendley ft Maddux and Jas. T. Hubbard, and one fl fa., from the 1026th dist. G. 51., In favor of John Collier, all vs. Hiram Bowen. Levie made aud returned to me by a Constable. AL8G, City lot in the city of Atlanta, whereon the Shop occupied by Dr. J. Gilbert is situated, adjoining the Wash ington Hall, lot No. uot known being part of land lot. No. 77, in the 14th dist., of originally Henry now Fulton Coun ty. Levied on as the property of J. Gilbert, to satisfy a li fa., issued from DeKalb Superior Court in favor of H. C. Holcomb vs. J. ft L. Gilbert. Levy made by J. S Smith, former Sheriff. Alsu, 2 Negroes viz: Ann. a girl about 11 years of age, of copper complexion, and Candis a girl nine yearsold, of dark complexion, lovied on as the property of George W. Humphries, and 25 acres of land near the corporation line, of tne citv of Atlanta, lying on the west side of the WftARR. with good improvements thereon, whereon Henry (I Dean now resides, the same being part of land Iot No 78 in the 14th District ;of originally Henry now F'uiton county. amt Loyd ft Pulliams interest being the undivided two thirds of 60 acres of land near tho western boundary of the city of Atlanta known as the Race track land the same being part of lot of land No. 84, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county; levied on as the property of Loyd ft Pulliam. All the above property levied on by virtue of a fi fa from Cass Superior Court, in favor of McWhorter ft Brightwell vs Charles Hamilton maker, and George W. Humphries aud Loyd & Pulliam, endorsers. Also, part of City Lot No. 2, of Block No. 33 ou Land Lol No. 77 iu tiie city of Atlanta, fronting on Whitehall street 95 feet, whereon Deft now lives, levied on as the property of liussel Craw lord, to satisfy a lifa issued from Fulton Superior Court, C. H. Mruug aud A. W. Jones vs. said Crawford, the same postponed from last saie day. A1.SC, Four acres of land lying in tiie north eastern part of the city of Atlanta, adjoining lauds of L. J. Gartrell and others, it being part of iand lot No. 46, iu the 14ili dist., of originally Lleiiry now F'ulum county. Levied on as the property of Joseph M. Rautiu, to satisfy a lifu, issued from F'uiton Superior Court, iu favor of Reid, Austin ft saidKantin, the sale of the same postponed from Uiei sale day. S. B. LOVE, Sheriff. 4 w T WO months after dale application will be^made to the Ordinary of Cherokee County, for leave to soil the laud belonging to ihe Estate of A. J. Evans, tate of said County deceased, this 13th dav of September, 1858. s*p 23 JOHN EVANS, Adm’r. G EORGIA, CaEKOKXBCorKTV.—Jolm W. Johnson, hav ing applied to be ap;k>inte<l Guardian of the person and property of Julius C. a. Johnson, Jesse A. Johnson, and Lucy A. Johuson, itinors, resident of said County, tins is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary, to be hald next after the expiration i if thirty days from the first publication of this notice and show cause, why said John W. Johnson should not be intrusted with the Guardian ship of tlie persons and property of said Julius C. A. Johnson. Jesse A. Johnson and Lucy A. Johnson. Wit ness mv official signature. JAMES JORDAN, Ord'y Nov. 10, 1858. G 1 EORGIA, Chekokik CouxTY.—Whereas John liich f ardson. applies to me for letters of Administration upon the estate of Richard ii. Hunt, late of said county dereased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased tosh cause if any they have; why said letters should not be granted the applicant. JAMES JORDAN, Ord,y. Nov. 10. 1S58. Alary Duncan, 1 vs >■ Libel for Divorce in Cherokee Supe- Thomas B Duncan. J rior Court. September Term. 1858 I T appearing to the Court that Ihe defendout does met resiJ ui the limits of this Slate. It is ordered ihat sc it i perfected by publication in one of tiie Public ?e:i of this State agreeable to the Statute iu such ca? t m—.e provided. September Term, 1S5S. D F HAMMOND, J S C T C. A copv taken from the miinutes of Court. J I. KKTU1, Clerk. Administratin'* Sale. I WIIJ. sell pursuant to an order irom the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Cherokee County, to the highest ladder within lawful sale hours, before the Court House door in Canton on the first Tuesday in JanuaTy next . All that portion of lot of land Number It) in the 14th dis trict of the 2d Section which was laid off and assigned to .Mrs. Alary Sater/ieid, (now deceased,) as the property of the Estate of Curtis 8aturfield late of said county, deceased, sold for tiie purpose of distribution and mak ing settlement with the heirs. Nov 15.1S58. J L KEITH. Akm'r. T WO Months aflerdnte application will bo made to tha Ordinary of Cherokee County, for leave to sell ths and and Negroes belonging to the estate of William Bea vers decws*d. JOSEPH McCONNELL, Nov 10 Adm’r with WiU annexed. DeKALB county. GEORGIA, DeKalb County, D A'YD lHFSTNUT. administrator of the estate of James Baxter, deceased, applies tome for letters of dismission from said administration, these are, therefore to neti y ali Persons interested, to file their obj'ctions, (if any they hav ,) within the time pre scribed ty law, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office, this 20 h July,1858, ALEX. JOHNSON, Ordinary, y. 20, ’58 w6m. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court House Door in the Town of Decatur DeKalb County, on the first Tuesday in January next, between tho legal hours of Sale, the following property to-wit: Ono negro boy named Holland nbout 17 years old, of dark complexion, ono girl named Franky about 9 years old of dark complexion, one boy about5 years old named Charles. Said property sold as the property of James Brown, late deceased.' Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on tlie dav of sale W. D.BROWN, Adm'r Oct. 59.1858. with the will annexed. B y virtue of a decree pronounced n this cause at the July term, A. I). 1858, of the Oonrt of Chancery lor the Seventh District iff the Southern Chancery Division of the State of Alabama, l shall proceed to sell before the Coart House door in theoity of Mont gomery, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY next, between the n*na 1 hours of Sheriff sales, the following described Real Estate, or so much ef the same as is subject to the Deed of Trust executed by said Winter Iron Works on the first day of August, 1862, to H W. Watson, A- Shotiyell and N. Barker, and upen tecord ln the office of the Probate Court o' Montgomery county, to-wit : Lots No (1) one, No (2) two, No (3) three, No (4) four, No (5) live, of square No (4)four of said city—said prerai es being the same upon which tbe buildings of said Winter Iron Works are situated—together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong ing. Said lots front one hundred and fifty seven feet, rurning bock five hundred and ten feet. A ground plaD of ssid premises may be seen by appli cation at my office, in the citv of Montgomery lerms of Sale : One-fifth cash—balance in one, two aud three annual instalments, bearing interest irom date. Good »ndapproved bills of exchange required. Certificate of purchase to he given at tbe first pay ment, and titles made when the whole purchase mon ey is paid. I shall also expo*e to public sale, on. tbe premises, on the said find Monday in November next, all the machinery tools, implements and fixtures of every chara.'ter and desrript’on belonging to raid Wir.tor iron ttoiks. The ‘-Works” are fulland complete, and sufficient to employ from three hundred to four hundred bands. They consist of a rteam engine with tubular boilers planers, lathes. ?crew-cuttiug machines gear cutters, drill presses, vices and benches, .cold chisels, drills, reamer’s lathe toils of ail descrip tion. shafting belting, clamps, dogs, &c ; ei eh’ for ges. witl everything complete, including Nesmith’s steam hammer ; aho, • ne of t\e largest stocks of patterns in thefkiuthern country, eonsis'icgofaiarge number of gear wheels, adapted to all kinds of mills and machinery, many of them entirely new and made by the best of workmen ; a genera] assortment of steam engine patterns ; and indeed the establishment in all its departments is complete, and many of its tools and fixtures are of the largest aud most perfect character. Terms of Sale : All sums under one hunlred dol lars, cash ; all sums over one hundred and under five hundred dollrs, on a credit oi six months ; and for all sums over five hundred dollars, twelve months credit, WITHOUT INTEREST. This sale is for the benefit of the creditors of the Winter Iron Works. G. P. KEYES, nov 1 w t I. Master. &c. GEORGIA, DeKalb County, r HERFAS, John Cfcnmblre, administrator on the Y» Estate of Wm Y Poole, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from-aid administration. These are therefore to cite ar.d admonish all person? inter- sted to be and appear at my office within the time pre=cribed by law. to show cause if any they have why said applicant should not bedismissed from sa d administration Given under my hand at office June 22nd, 1858. 6m ALEX JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA DeKalb County. W HEREAS, Rhoda BrowD, idm'ri of the Estate cf Fannin Brown, deceased, applies to me for letters of I israissiun from said Administration. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all pen- sons concerned to file their objections if any they have why sa d letters should not-be granted on or before the first Monday tn December next. Given under my hand officially. May 24th 1858 ALFX JOHNSON, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order passed by tha Court of Ordinary, of Forsyth County, will be sold, before the Court Ho :?.e door fn the town ofCutnming, on the 1st Tuesday in January next, lot of Land No. 139, in the 2nd district and 1st section of now Forsyth County. Sold as the pro perty of James M. Karr, deceased, and for the benefit of the heir* and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. Nov. 3,1S58. [wtds] JOHN EDMONDSON, Adm’r. G EORGIA, Fwsjth County.—Whereas George Kellogg, Executor of Mary Braaeiton, rep resents to the Court in hi.? petition, duly filed and enter ed ou record, that he lias fully adminisierc-d Mary Bras elton'* Estate . This is therefore to cite all person? concerned, kindred mid creditors, to show cause, if any they can why said Executor should not be discharged from his Executor ship, and receive letters of dismission ou the first Alnnday in May 1859. U. BAKKP-, Ordinary. Oct. 4, 1850 w6m G i EORGIA, F'orsyth Covsty.—To all whom it may con r cern ; John W. Holbrook, and William C. Holbrook, having in propicr form applied tome for permanent Let ters of Administration on the Estate of Green B. Holbrook late of said County deceased. This is to cite all and singular the next of kin of Green B. be andappear at my office, withiu the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not he granted to John W. Holbrook :uid William C. Holbook, on Green B. Hol brook’s Estate on the first Monday in December next. Witness my hand and offloa! signature. November 6th, 1858. II. BARKER, Ordinary. EXECUTOR’S SALE. AGREEABLE to the last wil of Edward Jones laic A of DeKalb crunty deceased, will be sold betcre the Court House door in the Town of Decstu>- in said c'unty. on the first Tuesday iu January u?xt. three negro, s to-wit: Miliv a woman. 37 or 38 yearaold, Ra n'y a womau36or37 years old and her child, Marthr flj'years old with a smaillot of bedding. Sold forth benefit of the heir? and creditorscf sai' ! deceased.:hi. 1st day of November 1858 ROBT. JOXE8, Exc’r. Nov i—w Administrator's Hale. G i EORGIA, DsKalb Covsty.—Agreeably to an order r of the Court of Ordinary of said County, will be sold before tiie Court House door in said County, on tlie ffrst Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of saie. part of lot of laud No. 30, in the 15th District of said County, the snm» lyiDg in the North-west corner of said Lot. containing fifteen acres more or less, known as the place whereon Wm. S. Moore now lives; also, at the same time and place, the following negroes to-wit: Yiney, a woman about 26 years old, ai.-i her child Harriett, about 14 months old, and Lucy ten years old. as the property of Johu Bond, late deceased, icokl for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on dav of sale. sop53'58 D. W. PACE, Adm'r. G i EORGIA, DeKjvui CorsTY.—'To all whom it mav r concern : William Ezzard having in proper form applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Wm K Cuewniug, late of said county de ceased : This is to cite ail persons concerned, to lie and apipear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why permanent Adminis tration should not" be granted to William Ezzard on the estate ot Wm F, deceased, on the 2nd Monday in January next. Witness my hand and official signal lire. this Nov 20tb, 1858. 30ds ABNER JOHNSON, Ord’y. G EORGIA. DeKalr County.—To all whom it may con cern : John Clark, liaving in proper form applied to me frr >•' mvneut Letters of Administration on tlie es- G EORGIA, Forsyth Corrmr.—To all whom it may con- j tate of W ins '".ark. late of said county, deceased :— cern : Beqjimau J Rice liaving in proper form ap- This is b -;to >!! persons concerned, to be'and appear at plied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Emanuel Hendrix, Late of said county de ceased. This is to cite and admonish all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Emanuel Hendrix, to he- aod appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent Ad ministration should not be granted Benjamin .1 Rice on Emanuel Hendrix's estate. Witnessmy offlcialsigcature. Nov 19, 1858 30d II BARKER, Or’dy. my offic w’t i the time allowed by law, aud show cause, if..... .uey have, why permanent Letters of Ad ministration should not be granted to John Clark on the . state of Wiiiiam Clark, deceased, on the 2nd Monday in January next. AVitness my band and official signature, this 20th day of Nov. 1858. 39ds ABNER JOHNSON, Ord’y. G EORGIA, Fulton County.—Whereas, Sallie N. Gault applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of FYancis W. Gault, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and sin gular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, If any they have, why said Letters. I improved ; 1 lot No. 586 Bituated in 14lh district, Istsec- shoiild not be granted the applicant. ' ' f turn, each lot containing 40acres more or lees. Sold as Given under my hand officially at office, this 17th day u the property of Thomas J. Mason, late of Forsyth county of Novembar, 1858. f , •ceased. Terms nmda known on the day of sale. Mda JO* H MUD, Ord'y r, 9. f^yiov. 16th, ’68. JAMS8RQBKRTW, Adm’r, Administrator’* gale. B Y virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of For syth county, will be sold within the legal hours of sale, on the first’Tuesday in January next, before tho Court House daor in Forsyth county, the following lota at land to-wit : 1 Lot No. 733, situated in 14th district, 1st section well Fulton Deputy sheriff sales. TTTJLL he sold before the Court House Door, in the City W of Atlanta,, ou the first Tuesday ^u December next, between tho usual hours of Sale, the following property, to wit. City lot in the City of Atlanta, it being part of tho lot whereon tiie first Methodist Church is situated, fronting on Beach Tree street 60 feet and running across said lot. east to Line street so as to intersect Houston street, containing one fourth of an aero more or less the same being part of land iot, No. 78 in tho 14th dist., of originally Henri now Fulton county. Levied on as the property of F. N. Hardman, to satisfy a li fa.. from the Superior Court of F’uiton county, in favor of E. Bayne vs. said Hardman, jor the purchase money of said lot. “ ALSO, that part of land lol No. 190, in the seventeenth (17th.) dist., of originally Henry now Fuiton County, which lies between the Montgomeay Ferry Road and the W. ft A. Railroad, adjoining lands of Peter Huge, Adam ■j-iver and Benjamin Thurmond, containing 23 acres more or less, and also, upon that part of land lot No. 191, in the 17th dist., of originally Henry now Fulton county, adjoining lauds of Adam Oliver, Je6Se AI Cook aud Thom as Fowler, containing 27 acres moro or less, all being the land whoreon defendant formerly lived. Levied on as tho property of Johu H. Guiding to satisfy sundry ti fas.. issued from the Justices Court for tho 469th dist G. M iu favor«fJ. Norcross aud R. A. W. Glower vs. saal Gold ing. IiOvy made and returned to me by a constable. C. C. GREEN, Dep’l Sheriff. POSTPONED BALE. At the samo lime and place will be sold part of the city lot No. 2. in block 33. in the city of Atlanta, the same be ing part of land lot No. 77, in the 14th dist., of originally Henry now Fulton county. Levied on as the property ofT. D. Lynea, to satisfy a fi fa., issued from F'ultou In ferior Court in favor of Sloan ft Caldwell it. said Lvnes Nov. 4 58. C. C. GREEN, Dep't Sheriff CHOICE OF C3r iPl H EREAFTER every purchaser before purehasin his own Choicb of Gifts at Rannei 'a Choice of Gifts at Rannei’s Choice of Gift? at Raxnky's Choice of Gift? at Rannby's Choice of Gifts at Rannhy's Choice of Gifts at Rannky s Choice of Gifts at Ransey’s Choichajf Gifts at Rasskt's Great American Gift Book House. .No_ 298 Broadwey, New Yojk. where the gifts, consisting of .iewi-ir- ftc.. and varyihg in vulue from 76 cents to two hundred dollars, aro always on exhibiion n ample Bhow cases, t: ;r new descriptive Catalogue, containing a large variety of Books in every department of .Science and literature, (all of which ore sold at regular publisher’s prices.) and explaididg our new acd original system of allowing every purchaser his own choice of Gifts, and settidg forth uncjualled induce ments to'agents, will be sent, post paid, lo any individu al, on application. Address A. RANN EY . Agent July 8 w6m No. 293 Broadway. PRIMARY SCHOOL OF MEDicijfp GROTTO,.. .'A .T. .*£.- J.7.« * rpHIS School will be opened on the first 0 f \- n i as announced in a Circular, for tho reception'® The subsriber does not deem it necessarv tn detail respecting his method of teaching or imro r struction to his students, as uny intetlgent per^r predate the advantages a student will have ir a School as contemplated under the present sv«t 81 nlpriflre himself that his time and ern pledge himself that his time and energies snow ’ ; be devoted to the advantage of his pupils aud iT 1 ' 1 ' ing will be wanting to make their studies’ as ' 10 and agreeable as possible. Every branch of the Aledical and Surgical be thorou ghly taught in this School, v,e * i Classes will be formed in accordance with the pupil has been studying. Regular examination 1 " 106 held three times a week on various branches A few of the advantages of this School and u may be briefly enumerated, namely : Tho superior opportunities of studying practin mv, the abundant supply of Material, the being ample for all the classes, and the con dance of tho subserber, or one of the two win ' sist him in demonstrating, to afford all ntcesarv ra tion to the gentlemen who may be dissecting ' ® f ' Dr. Knott wishes it distictly understood ti Sc hooi will, in no wise, interfere with any or tho i 1 ed schools of the country. Students will find J , highly advantageous, and much more agreeabfJ public college, for the purpose of acquiring tbr - struction in Aiedicine and Surgery, Theycan, at all times, have an opportunity of v a knowledge of practical Anotomy, and tiie n?' 1 operative Surgery upon the dead subject. The Dispensary and Infirmary of tlie suLscrj^,. will be opened ,at the same time, will ofiord an r uity to his students of acquiring greai iiUormJS adroitness in the art of prescribing by visiting tw* examining the cases daily, and carrying out * tions under the direction of the proprietor. J They will also have an opportunity whenever nience will admit of visiting in companv with i-« patients of the proprietor iu rotation wherein ft 1 derive great benefit in a practical point of yj cw ing to diagnose and treat various diseases it. apparent to every one that, possessing these an? other advantages for the study of Aiedicine an 1 ? ! this School stands unrivalled in the facilities it m the medical student in the acquisition of a th or( A , practical primary course of instruction in i,j s ur 5’ The subscriber, fully relying upon the coueSr aid and support of tlie medical faculty and na mi., j public, confidently enters upon an enterprise his estimation, by supplying a desideratum in th-4”1 sion will greatly benefit the public, as well a» standard of medical science. ,f i For terms and other particulars, address .fie [r at Griffin, Georgia. E. y g N. B. All Gentlemen of the medical profi-ss^rA . - isit Griffin, aro cordially and most respectful],-,,, will ■ “Oils visti this School, and the proprietor will take V», I sure in showing them around. b al M Griffin October Sth, JS58 wtf RICHARDSON’S Irish Linens. DAMASKS, DIAPERS, <aiC., C ONSUMERS of RICHARDSON S 1.ILNEX3, arid those desirous of obtaining the genuine Goods, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with tho lull name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS &OWDEN, as a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of Inferior and defective Linens are pre pared season after season aud sealed with the name of Richardson, by Irish Houses, who, regardiess of the in jury thus inflicted alike on the American consume and tlie manufacturers of the genuine Goods, wiii net readii} abandod a business so profitable, while purchases esn be imposed ou With Goods of a worthless character. . BUIXOCKK ft J. B. i.ra'KE, Agents. 36 Church Brreet.Xew York. Carriages, Harness, 8. H. MAY & so.. O FFER tlie finest assortment of i's.rr ,uc.-? p-. Harness ftc., ever presented in th , iiarki-i ' slock may he seen by calling at their ritor- s Pl ,, 5 j from the corner of Alabama and Loyd Bir.vtj Nov. 17 1858. wtf G EORGIA. Fciton County.—Two months after date, application will fm made to the Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell tho interest of Clark It. j Woddail, deceased, in the houses aud lots on Alabama Street, in the city of Atlanta, whereon Airs. Woddail now- lives. sep23 1S5S B. F'. BOMAR, Adm’r. G t EORGIA, Ftlton Coto.Tr.—All persons indebted to Tthe Estate nr fin-K it. wonuau, ime ot said County deceased, wiii please cal! and pay the same, and those ha\ ing demands against said Estate will present them in terms of the iaw. B. F'. BOA1AR, September 23d, 1853. Administrator. DAWSON COUNTY. Dawson Sheriff’s Sale. \ETUL be sold before the Court House Door in Daw- W sonvillo on Ihe first Tuesday in December next withiu tlie legal hours of sale. The following property to wit: Ixit of Land No. 1, .South half of the 13th Dist. first sec tion of said County, to satisfy a fifa issued from a Justice Court 931st Dist. G. M., in favor of James Cantrell vs. William Ailavjn as the property of said Ailavin Levy made aud returned to mo by A, Corney I,. C. Also all the Defendant's interest in and to I?it of land. No. 260. in the South half of Thirteenth Dist. and first section, Levied on to satisfy three Justice Court liias, one in favor of R. Sandford ft Son, vs. Harry O’Shee Is, one in favor of William F. Todd vs. Harry O’Bheals, oneiu fa vor of B. G. Thornton, barer, vs. Harry O’Blieals, Lev ied on as the property of Harry O'Shea!?—I-cvy made and returned to me bv F. B, Duncan L. C. Oct. 29, 1858. ' S. R. FINDLEY, Sh'ff. HARALSON COUNTY. Haralson Deputy Sheriff Seles. O N the first Tuesday iu December next wifi be sold be fore the Court House door in Buchanan. between the usual hours of Bale the following Properly to-wit: One Town Lot in the town of Buchanan, No. 2. on the South side of the Public Square, containing fifty feet m front and one hundred feet back, levied on as the prop erty of R. At. Fletcher, to satisfy one Justice Court fifa issued from the 714th Dist. G. At.. Carroll County, at the instance of tha inferior Court of Haralson County vs. J. W. Wood and R. M. Fletcher, property pointed out by Biaintiff, levied and returned to me by Bailiff. Also, fifty- acres of I and. it being tho North-east corner of Lot No. 58. lying in the original Sth Dist. of Carroll now Haral son County, levied on as tlie property of A. F. I<eamng to satisfy one Justice Court lifa Issued from the 653 Diet. G. it. iu favor of Jolm Hurstan vs. said Dearring proper ty, pointed out by Defendant, levied aud returned by a Constable. Postponed Sale. A large Yoke of Oxen, eight or nine yea s old. levied on as the property of Lindsay Holland Jr., lo satisfy one Inferior Court fifa. issued from Haralson County Infe rior Court in fanor of Henry Taylor vs. Lindsay Holland Jr . and Wm. Duko, sc-c.’ ou stays property poiuted outby Defendant Holland. Oct. 29,1S5S. JOHN K. HOLCOMBE, D. Sh’ff. Haralson PostjTosied Dcp’ty ShertffSale. O N tlie first Tuesday in December next, will he sold before the Court House door in Buchanan, Haralson County,three Town Lots, one lying on the South-East corner of ihe Public Square, .Vo. 4. with a small frame House on said Lot. No. 8,13 and 14 lying iiack from the Public Square, ali levied on as the property of Thomas Underworld to satisfy one Justice Court fifa issued from the 1143 Dist. G. At. in favor of Johu F\ Steward as Secu rity rs. Thomas Underwood, property pointed out by Steward, levied on and returned to me bv a Bailiff. Nov. 4th... tds. JOHN K. HOLCOAIBE, I). S’ff Dr. Morse's INDIAN ROOT PILLS ! D R MORSE, the inventor of Alorse's Indian Root Pills. has spent the greater part of his life in traveling, having visited Europe. Asia and Africa, as well as South America-has spent three years among the Indians ot our Western country—it was iu this way that tin* Indian Root Pills were first discovered Hr. Morse was ihe first man to establish tiie fact that ali til?- eascs arise from Impurity of the Blood—that our strength, health and life depends upon the vital fluid. When various passages in come clogged, and do not a*'', in perfect harmony with the different functions ot the body, tlie blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased ; thus causing all pains sickness and dtr- ease of every name : our strength s exhausted, our health we are deprived of. and if nature is not assisted iu throw ing off tho stagnant humors, the blood w;ll become chuck ed and cease to art and thus our light of life wiii foreever be blown out. How important tin-u that we should keen the various passages of the body free aud open. And how pleasant to us that we have it *n our power to put a med icine in your reach, namely, .dorse’.? Indian Kent Iiiis, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mountains dill' in Nature's garden for the healu. and recoverv of diseased man. t file of tin* roots 1 rem w inch these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which opens tiie pore? of tlie skin, and assisis Nature in throwing out the liner parts of the corruption within. The second plant is Expectorant, that opens and uuciogs the passage ef Uie lungs, and thus, in a shooting maun. r. nerfo i? by throwing oil phlegm, and other humors from the in,g.- iiy copious spitting. The third is a Dmrectic, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys ; thus encour aged. they draw large amounts of impuiiivffroni tie.- blood, which has been thrown out bountifully by the uri nary or water passage, and which could not have been, discharged iu any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, arid accompanies the other properties of the Pills whin- engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles ol fin purity which cannot pass ivy tlie other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed off iu great qualities by the bow ls* From the above, it is shown that the Morse Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomache, but become united with the blood, for they find ilioir way to every part, and completelv rout out and cleanse the system from ail ;m- pnritv, and tlie life of the body, which is this blood, be comes perfectly healthy : consequently aii sickness and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why we are so distressed when sick and why so many die. is "because they do not get a passage which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passage for the disease to b- cast out: hence large quantities of food and other mutter is lodged, and »he stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with corrupted mass: thus undergoing disagreeable fermenta tion, constantly mixing with the bioou, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s Piils have added to themselves victory upon victory, by re- stoing millions of the sick to blooming health aud happi ness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tor mented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose fee ble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of raging fever, who have been it were, with in a stop of the siient grave, now stand ready to testify that tlu-v would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses iiad been ta ken, they were astonished, and absolutely surprised in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease aud strength, and take away all sickm-s.? pain and anguish-but they at once go to work a: the foundation of the disease, which is the Mood. Therfore. it will he shown, especially by those who use these Piii-. that thev will ’so cleanse and purify, that disease— that deadly enemy—will lake its flight, ami the flesh oi youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a 'long and happy fife will cherish and brighten your days. Caution.—Beware of a counterfeit signed A. B. AI- * -re. All genuine have the name of A. .1. AYhite ft Co, on eacii box. Also, the signature of A. J. White ft Co. All eth ers are spurious. A. J- vV HITE ft 10, Pole Propr s. 50 Leonard street. New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by ail dealer? :u Aledicnes. Agents wanted in every town, village and hamie: in the laud. Farties desiring the will address a? above for terms. Price 25 cents per box, five i-oi ? •' 31 be sent on re ceipt of $1, postage paid. (:>ec 1. 1857 wly Executor’s Sale. G t EORGIA, Gwisseit Gmxir.—Agreeable toaa« T irom the Court of Ordinary .of said county, 1 sold on the first Tuesday iu January 1859, behreal lawful hours of sale, before the court house door?' county, all the lauds belonging to the estate cf Mails', late of said county deceased, consistiuzcfij ver Plantation, containing (480,) acres more or ie>, siming of the foili wing lots and iraciions, or par.-' Nos. 319,318. 329 and 300, there is about 200 arJ cleared iand on this place, of which there is a bouts'.] oi Bottom land, lying on the Clmttaboochee is also on this place a very public Ferry. which wiiljJ with tho place tho entire interest of said decease;. Ferry, that being one fourth. Also more or less lying on Crooked Creek, being tire lol No. 284, ?ome 50 acres of clearedrame, place thai liemii? Biugieton, has in enmvatio being in Ihe tiih dist., ol Said county. Bold as -, pern of .Mark AVaiis, iate of said county -to-es, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of ?a;-H Tortus made known on thu tiav ofs.iio. Nov. 10.... wtds ’ JOHN C. itron a!! b Alai imla Timmons / Libel for Diroro vs ySuperior Court, N-;,’ William Timmons. ) 1858. TT appearing to. tlie Court, from the mure ef lies i that liefendant does not reside in Ciierc-kw'4 and it further appeal ing. thatDefeadam of the limits of’the .State of Georgia : i: is, .*n m- tiered '.hat said Defendant- appear and . n ’:?w,-ra! Term of this Court, or that the case be ■ o-, fault, mid the Plaintiffbe allowed to procrak I). F. HAMAIOXn j. s t A true extract from the Minutcsof'Cuuri. Ort. 30th, 1858. [w6m] J. 1- KEITH Buy Early Copies.—Xovv Ready.! THE POETICAL WoRKB of EDGAR ALLAN P(J IL Till m Made IfewC At TIFLIJ-Y Illustrated ' dred original Designs, by Daii. v „ ill. Tunniel, Gropsey. Duggan ai engraved in the finest, style of Wood F:. COOPER.LINTON. EVAN-. , Splendidly Loom!—-Price Bix Dollar?. Morocco, Nine Dollars. A1 . THE FIFTEENTH EDU i< ..7 Poe’s Complete Wor| IN FOUR VOLUMES, 12mo. i Containing the Tales of the Grot. ?•; W, nd.-rfnl Btories of the Imagination Th- ,-iorv of Authur Gordon Pym. and ti* .ii of a ft contributions to the Aiac-idn EUs W. GKISWoLD. D. H.. with notin; J. it. Lowell, and X. P. nyto- be ; J. . KE1 w Haralson Deputy Sheriff Sale. iU. be sold before ihe Court Houso door, on the first Tuesday in December, in Buchanan. between the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: The undivided half oflot of land No. 1141 20th district and 3rd suction, it being 2d acres of said 40acre lot ; lev- edon as the property of Elisha Brooks to satisfy 2 Jus tice Court fl fas issued from ihe 1077 Dist., 0. 31., in fa - ivor of Joseyh Hobbs vs. Elestor Brook.? and Wm. Garner endorsers, and Blester Brooks security on stay of execu tion. Property pointed outby deft. levied onaud re turned tome bv a bailiff. Nov. 10,185S. JOHN K. HOLCOMBE, D Sh'ff. Haralson mortgage Sale. O N tho first Tuesday in December next will be sold lie tore the Court House door in Buchanan. Lot of luind No. 246. “tit Dist. originally Carroll now Haralson coun ty, with Thirty Acres in the South-West corner of said Lot excepted,’the balance levied on to satisfy one Mort gage fifa issued from Haralson Bujierior Court in favor of John Reid vs. Oliver I'anmn, the property poiniod out in said Mortgage. JOHN K, HOLCOMBE, D. Sh’ff. Nor. 5ib, 1858... tds. G EORGIA, Habralson Coi-s-rr-Whereas, Duncan Mon roe has applied to be appointed Guardian of the person and property of Wiiham C. Barry aud Judson Bar ry orphans of Walton Barry deceased. ’ These, are therefore to cite a!! persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary held next after tbe expiration of thirty days from tho first publication of this notice and show cause if they can why said Dun can Monroe should not be intrusted with the Ga.rdian- sliip of the person and property of tho above named or phans. Witness mv official signature this 13th nf No vember 1S58. G. R. HAMILTON. Ord'y. Nov. 15th. 1S58. Administrators Sale. B Y virtue of an order cf the Court of Ordin 'ry o Haralson county, WiU be sold on the 1st Tuesday in January 1859, at the court ho use in said county between the legal sale hours the following property to-wit: Betsey a negro woman 29 years old; A valine a girl 14 years old; Jane a girl 12 years old; Sam a boy 7 years old; Mary a girl 5 vearsoid; Dolphasa liov 3 yearsold; the above is as likely family of young negro slaves as can be found In this or any other country. ALSO half of lot of land No 87 contain ing 1011-4 acres more or less aud lot No 53 containing202 l-2acre3 more or less both lot.? lying and being in the 8rh dist of origin ally Carroll now Haralson Cuuuty, with necessary ini provements. Terms made knowu on day of sale, this ISth dav of November, 1868. JOHN McCORKLE, Dec’d. DAVID ST ANSEL, Admr. Buchanan, Ga., Not. 13,1858. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to THOS. A. LYON, deceased, will make immediate payment to me, aud all per sons to whom the said Thus. A. Lyon is indebted to wil present them according to law. W. W. ROARK, October 18.18W.. w40ds Quallted Executor, NEW BOOKS E0K AGENTS SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION*. xir \NTED.—An Agent in every County to engage in Yy ‘in the sale ofthree new works, beautifully illustra ted entitled -‘Afonumenl to the memory of Henry Cay," "iving a complete and reliable Biography of Henry Ctay fiis mast able and important Bpeeches, and also fin-en Euloflies and Orations delivered at Washington and other parts Tof the Union, on the occasion of liis death—sub scritionprice, $2,00: •• The laud we live in: or travels and and adAentufes in North and Boath America,'’ price $3.50 aud ‘-Hsward’s Domestic Medicine," containing over 1.009 largs octavo pages; price 4.00: Circulars, giving full information, with Term to Agents sent on application. Address, DUANE Rl'IJBON, Publisher. No. 33 B. Tliird St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ju!v S worn. Important to Farmers. T HE Subscriber having purchased tlie sole right o making, vending and using I. P. Harris' celebrated Patent Sub-Soil PLOW :n the following counties, viz : Cobh, Campbell,Eulten. DeKalb, Gwinnett. Walton,Hart, Madison, Jackson, Hall, Habersham, Rabun, Unioi.. White, Gilmer, Pickens. Fannin, Cherokee. Forsyth, Miiton. Lumpkin Dawson, Eowns. Murray, Gordon. Ca toosa, ' Whitfield, Walker, Chattooga and Dade, is now [irejiared to soil County, District, Farm, Shop, and indi vidual rights nisui tiie most accommodating terms. Specimens of the above Plow mav he seed at mvshop. WM. J.GRIFF1ES. tta, Ga., June 14lh. 1&5S wtf. T Mark *i- $1,000 a "STear. *=£» VrtE want I/'cal and Travelling AGENTS m all parts of Vv the Southern and Western States, to whom the largest Commissions wiii be paid. Our List includesover 25 Volumes of T. S- ARTHUR’S WORKS. Also, a large and sateable list of Historical and Biographical Books, ftc., Among these will be found lives of JKFEEHSuN and HAMILTON, l'r. E. K. KANE, and other distinguished Explorers and Travelers, ftc. Among our recent publi cations are the Public and private Ufeof Louts Napoleon. History of India, and the India Mutiny; Livingstone's Travels and Explorations for 16 years in the Wikis of Africa, ftc.. ftc. All of these P oksare among ihe most saleable published. 11; LIVIN'14S'I’ONV.'S TU .VV- ELS alone, we have sold over 30,000 cop es, and the saie is increasing. Many of our Agents are making from $5 to $10 a day in selling our Publications; aud we claim that our last includes the most saleable Books offered to Agents and Canvassers. And believing in large sales and small profits, wo furnish our books to Agents for from 10 to 12 per cent, below the usual prices. Fer full particulars of Agencv. Terms, ftc . audreas J. W. BRADLEY. IMbhsher, 48 Nortii Fourth Btreei, sap86..w2m Philadelphia, Pena. TO BENT, F ROM the 1st of Janaary next, three houses on Mitch ell Street. belonging to tho estate of Thomas A. Ly on. Apply to me, corner Whitehall and Mitchell Streets. October 13..wlra W. W. ROARK, Qualified Executor. Town Property for Sale. r [E Subscriber offers for sale a House and Lot ia the City of Atlanta, on Calhoun street, adjoining Wm. Crawford on the North and Mr*. Pierce on the South. For term* apply to Dark! Crawford, Atlanta, Ga, WELYINA CRAWFORD O LJDI XCH EAP E S TI COX CEEX SOCTEJ MASBLE ! MARBLE ! MALI Buxnmey & Hurlicij Dealers! i> every description oOfo.iikl O UR Quarries are well opened. We ta prohts, ship or Ka:i: o.-id freights, an-.; good ami durable us any in the Uu.»*d elite we can and do sell according to Tmtorti! t than the cheapest. Monuments from $20,ioi| 31,. 4.4. 5. 5!,. and 6 feet. Pliir. Box T at 25, 35’45, 50, 79. 80 and 85 dollars aa4 6 foot. Head and Foot 'tunes, [K-r - it. at T 25 dollar.?. Four cents each for cuttiug !«ias delivered at Marietta Georgia Raiir-.-ii Dept, wishing TOMBS. MONVMl'.NTS or any kind of Marble v, ork ol'Italian or F'utfl bie by giving in their (irder and specifying ti;- i desired,we will order it and put it up f- r : it costs North- Fliip and Railroad ev. rraa our putting up. which will save them fr- n: 31 cm. in cost. Address all letters to us. Msij Post Office. Pick, as county, Georgia. J. T. SUMMERS ft JOSEPH A BEA>| Sept. 2, '68 wly. fle'ral Tra -.iK HE GOLDEN PHI THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOI-DEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE I. L U S T R A T ED! 1 L i. U >1 RAI| ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK SPECIMEN C< HTESSEN11 BEE. SPECIMEN COPIESSE KTF1 EE TlrOI t^-Ba FOR Illustrated. 1S5S. Musts The New York Golden Priz _ best litrarv paper? of tiie day. An Inner A -I mining eight pages, or forty ce'umw iginal matter ; and elegantly "lustra A gift worth from 50 cents to $6,tk sented to each subscriber immeila subscription money. TERMS; One copy for one year, One Copy for two year? One Copy for three year? One Copy for five years AND TO C LUBS Three Copies, one year. Five Copies, one year, Teu Copies, one year Twenty one t el - - ?. 1} ear The .1.:.;■'•■? to* be distributed are i lowing 2 Packages of Gold, containing.... 5 do' do do 10 do do do lo Patent lever Hunting Cased Watches 20 Gold Watches 50 do 100 do 306 ladies Gold Watches 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watodes. oiH) Sliver Watches 1000 Gold Guard, Vest, and Fo>' Ciev Gold Lockets. Broaches, Ear Drop?, Bn? Pius. Sleeve Buttons. Rings, Shirt Studs, gold and silver thimbles, aud a varu;y ol worth from 50 cents to $15 oOeaci:. Immediately on receipt of the subscript subscribers name will bo entered upeni'tf a number, and the g it corresponding srifl" wiii be forwarded, within one w* by mail or express, pesi paid. AS* All communications should be - ;;: pX Free | 48 and 49 Moffat Building, S3a ***Specimon copies sort free. Acsse t Feb. 13, 1858.... wv. Notice to Contract times Aii.. ft FioRtnx. R. K Moutgomery. Novemb P ROPOSALS are invited for tbeGra ry on Sections 51 to 68:ac! - in*? iu Butler county, commencing' Greenville, to which point tin- K and extending 18 L miles to Sop ces ati the unlet portion of the to Pensacola. A seporate bid will be requi Company reserving to itself t h ? t none prove satisfactory. Tlie payments allured are. n progresses, and in the Cap i which latter will be reserved i? ny till the completion of the w faithful performance of contract- A profile of the work, and all reference thereto, may be had s ny in tho city of Montgomery. fi dav, December 9th. when the let SAMUEL G. JONI Not. 13-dlwftwtd . is - sug*t -| A Tthds. New Orleans 5 |; P X\_f Sugar; 10 barrels Crut Clanuad Sugar, various qualifi* tala 1«m, by fruarefc '-‘t?