Every evening. (Savannah, GA.) 18??-18??, December 27, 1873, Image 1

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ISSUED EVERY EVENING) M ver U §vming. OFFICE 11l BAY STREET, MORNING NEWS BUILDING. No Clique! No Combination! No Monopoly! JOHN R. DILLON, General Insurance Agent No, 6£ Bull Street, Savannah. Williamsburgh City Fire Ins. Cos., N.Y. $599,755 00 Westchester Fire Ins. Cos. of N. Y. 657,683 00 Potomac Fire Ins. Cos. of Baltimore, 400,000 00 Insurance at Old and Reasonable Rates. if _ Just the Tiling tor the Theatre. A BOX OF WHITEMAN’S CONFECTIONERIES. For sale by 0. BUTLER & CO., f <lec23ml Corner Congress and Bull Streets. To the Ladies ! Having just returned from New York, I am now prepared to exhibit to the Ladies of Savannah all the latest novelties in French Flowers, Eibbons, Fancy -AND— MILLINERY GOODS. KID GLOVES, all new and fashionable shades, and best brands, for Ladies, Children and Gents. FURS at greatly reduced prices, at H. C. HOUSTON’S, dec23ml Bull St., under Masonic Hall. CHRISTMAS. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS! —AT— -33 A-TESOIST ’ S, Cor, Congress and Drayton St’s, All interested in the purchase of CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES, For the rising generation, is called to the extensive assortment I am now offering in the above line. . ALSO ]F>XIP, BW ORKS, of every description. GC ) NFECTIONERIES, &c. Country merchants, visiting the City, should drop in and ex'.’•mine my st> ek. dec-9’ 1 A. L. Desbouillons, Watch-Maker & Jeweler, s*l Bull. Street. A'fine assortment of Jewelry and Fancy Goods for C>stnvis and the Holidays. Also a mil line 0i r.o cable Jet Jew lry. irVatc Jewelry esireiutty repaired. OHitOALOS i 1 ;. i EN GEA\ jNGS at cost. tiec23ml . jfc c 7 Hent. Two Dwelling Rouses, (2 '4 stories,) situated on t-iu corner or Montgomery and Huntingdon •streets. Aunly to W.M. W. REMSTIART, . 1 eel) Ua at a. H. EF.MStIART. (fiwjrjr (footing. SAVANNAH: SATURDAY, DEC. 27, 1873. Theatre To-Night Hi .A. S T MIG- II T ~ OF THE VIOLETS OF THE AMERICAN STAGE, THE FAMOUS (Will S IST I AS! Blanche, Ella, and Belle, SUPPORTED BY THEIR RENOWNED Comic Opera Company, Denham’s Bell-Ringers, and the Clodoche Dancers. To-Night, at Eight O’clock, the Performance will commence with the extremely Laughable Com mediette, entitled y&e Wrog iftaaf Edwin Oscer Bruce, the Wrong Man E. Chapman Rob. Rattles, known as the Chicken, ex-Member of Prize Ring G. W. Denham Squire Greenfield, an Old Boxer A. Glassford Joe E. C. Coyle Mrs. Puncham Nellie Linton Dorothy, .Mrs. A. Glassford To be followed by the great Musical Burlesque of THE FORTY THIEVES! GANIM Mias BLANCHE CHAPMAN MORGTANNA Mias ELLA CHAPMAN ABDALLA Miss BELLE CHAPMAN Hassarac * Ed. Chapman Ali Baba Geo. W Denham Cassim, A. Glaasford Cogia, C. Coyle Amber Mrs. Glaasford Ocrobraudt, Mias Nellie Linton Judge, * C. T. Loon Thieves, Ruffians, and other Vagabonds. ADMISSION: Dress Circle and Parquette $1 00 | Family Circle 75 cent* Gallery 50 cents | Quadroon Boxes 75 cefits Reserved Seats can be secured at Schreiner’s Music Store, without extra charge. Doors open at seven o’clock Curtain rises at eight. T. N. THEUS&CQ, Southwest Cor. of 801 l and Broughton Streets, Call the attention of the public to the large and elegant stock of Christinas am! New Year’s Hits, just received, and now open for inspection, con sisting in part of Fine Jewel and Work 1; " ■ lA’essing Case. a. Card Receivers, Vases, Odor Stands and other rich and novel articles in the hue of fancy goods. Also a superb stock of fmo Watches, Jewelry, cilv r and Ihat-.i ware. Ali in nc'.t- and elegant designs. A call is solicited. do..a3iul F. D. JORDAN, DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, ETC,, 135 Congress Street, Opposite MasLi Sloiise, SAVANNAH, HA. tl Watches and Jewelry repaired. declT-lm COME AND SEE THE FINEST DISPLAY OF "'iwYY* Y! * * v- - 5 AND poitqty I: ;rj II A/ U KJI -It V J j.l j j ID V.A . / N -A \ "T“"Y § -a- u b•- j ;* & v "“--'S A T i, .i A . V : V I. ■> jL V A ’h. Til l ' n’C'-' ■ t aslv Crooker> Establishment in J. W. WINN, City Bill Poster ani Distrilmtor. Orders left at McCounell’a. for City or County work, will meet with prompt attention. iTU {CIRCITLATBO GRATUITOUSLY THE BEST OF ALL! IS THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. deo6-tf 0 A WPA CLAUS Ik 11 IM Hasn’t his Headquarters at Unll 1 INA’S! . Nevertbeloaa, he • Will offer his beautiful stock of Ladi<* and Gcnta Furnishing Goods at 40 per cent, less than over offered before. Call and see for ' ourself at the BALTIMORE STORE, 136 Broughton street. Awful butchery of Gents SCARFS, TIES. BOWH. SHIRTS. L HOSE, COLLARS, CUFFS, &c. KID and CASTOR GLOVES, below cost, at SANTINA’S BALTIMORE STORE 136 Hroug-hton titreet. doc4-tf Bhell Boxes, fancy articles for the Holidays, at Frank A Eckotscn's. Opera Kid Gloves, at Frank & FiCjarHN’a. Best Black Kid Gloves, at Frank & Eciwnmt'a. Gents best Kid Gloves, at Frank k Eokstbxn's- French Kid Gloves, every pair warranted, at Frank k EcKSTSiN’i. 500 dozen Handkerchiefs for Holiday Preeenta. at Frank k Ecssmx’a. For choice Dress Goods, go to Frank & RcKSTKor'a Gents Furnishing Goods at a sacrifice, to doss. at Frank & EcKsmH's. Black Bilks, 25 per oent. under value, at Frank A KcrxaTVrM's. Black Bilk Cloaking Velvet, $6 to sls per yard, at Frank A Eckstein's. Every article In oar lino at smallest advance, at Frank A Eokntkin’s. Black Guipure Laces, Black Choice Fringes, new lot, at Frank A Eckstein's. Satins and Velours, all shades, at dec24-tf Frank A Eckstein'a. V *• * *-4 The Sc 'tch Chief on * : i e > make.-' bin bow to fot'O’ b: < S;v;i:. i: .i Out nu partieu laity to tee hulk a, who we all e.in ov 1 ike a :ood “SCOTCH WH33KEY PUNCH” hef:.vc tor- .oi bid oo a c*Ul wint r's n rlit. a:d ! titd*■ ■ e . ' ■’ ■ :• ■ :l I he •• t NU! -it !••:! .... \\ !i I. t its bit ,:t> w i';:, •> i hand t 1 Kupply my old cm.h-sm s ..u, nm:iy u< i:es as w;,l ta•. rmo Jc!a m St., between St. Jubua and C-ougn-.ss. t -td2 iv t _ _ MJ, . J* a a.-. ' V titis 'oE YY • A PHOTOGRAPHIC and STER SOSOOPIO GALLEUY, ('intZ rrM S-) rt ff . The LARGEST and HANDSOMEST Gallery iu the South, with every couve-nience for ttret-i hias Pietun-rt. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, Albums, Chromos. * .-ames, &c. oot’ilmS