The Atlanta weekly intelligencer and Cherokee advocate. (Atlanta and Marietta, Ga.) 1855-18??, June 14, 1855, Image 3

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% . ---.w ... - min n wiiiHTMPfTi r nft" Trrr* , ^ ,3MK We are authorized to ««»“" io« --— of C..I. JOSEPH E. BROWN i- . ~ t: iid.l« for Jed*- f tlio Superior Court of the Blue Ridge Circuit. at tb* . iwtiot. to txj held > u the first Monday in Ort. 'wr next. muy H. We are requested to announce nws of Judge PAi ID IRWIN st it Oandt- j.i. f„r so-eloetioo, on the first vonday in Octo ber nasi. MarrhlC Votiee to Travelers. Western a Atlantic Kail-Goad. Deitn/ion.^jja OS aiw. after 11*v 20’I). 1*56, the r*«*eDger Trains <.* this Rood wiU run a. follow* : arrive at Chsttste ire Atlanta b. A. “ . fl^r. r* 12.*^. .15. A. 3d. ; Arrive at Alkntfi. **.30 r. M. : « • «. « ? a. m. ##*The I»yTn*n will run everr diy in the week — Tte Night Train will run evrry night except Sunday. By thi» arrangement Traveler* will have the benefit / a dme camectiun with at! Train'' running to and rom Atlanta and Chattanooga. May 19. *55. d&3m JAMES Y. COOPER. Sup*t. 1.0. ___ CKKTSil. LOHGE. NO- 28, I. O. O. T. meet, for the tUpetch of bu.iuew on every Tuesday Evening, at 7* oclocl. *t their Hall, on Peach Tree Street— and, on the Jiccood and fourth Friday Evenings in each month, -a trada**. pertainiDS t. C. R. HaNLEITER . C. ft S Atlanta. April ITtb. 1655. (dawly.J For .Vlacbinery. WE hare just received ASHCROFT S PATENT STEAM til* AGE. the safest and ino.-t reliable forUtCOMOTlVES r STATIONARY EXtilM>- Also, a fine lot of Vt'L- CANISBD RE*BHER MACHINE BELTING, STEAM PACK ING ft HYDRANT HOSE from the BOSTON BELTING UU W* are agent *. for the sale .of the above goods, Ol'ARANTEF them in the m,^t r.atiefactory manner, .ad offer them at mauufocturet’. pricer, with the '-eight added. GILBERT 8: CLARKE, Apr25.’56dk«tr. Hardware Dealer., Atlanta, Ua. H. 0. Farrell's Arabian Liniment Tri umphant over Disease. WE DAILV ilaAK of the rao.t astoui.lilng cure, being effected by that great and popular medicine, the genuine H (i. J ARRELL’S ARABIAN LINIMENT, and we can truly *ay, irem our o»u knoaledge, that no medicine ever dUcovered ha. ;*rforme<i the .amt- won derful cure.. that it ha- both in rnau and beast. aud it equally good for both, which make, it no truly val uable It i* therefore baited by the suffering an the g^ut.-l ble*«ing of the age, aud no one would ever al low him-.elf to be without this sovereign balm, who had oooc witneseed it. magic power over disease, and It* wonderful potency in relieving pain, however severe. In a few minute.* time. We earnestly desire you to -all upon the agent. »in> will furnish you. free of chargi a smell bsok containing, besides other valuable infor mation, a Urge liat of certificate, from many of the mo,l respectable person*. of cure, effected by till, cel ebrated medicine, which turely are enough to convince the most sceptical of its transcendent virtues. Weno- tlco several certificates of rheumatism cured af'er the patient had suffered every thing but death for five to 20 years. Also cases of paralysis, or losa of use of the limbs, where the flesh had withered, leaving nothing apparently but dried skin and lame, presenting mi hor rid, a spectacle that their FKIENDto L**tiKED ETON THEM A PALLED While physician* prouounced them BEYuNP ANY HUMAN EFMJRT to relieve. It Is the most efficacious remedy known for burns, sprains, wounds, bruise-, chilblain., neuralgia, toothache, bite. rd insects and reputes, sore tlnoat. sore nr weak eyes, tomurs. sun pain, etc.; etc.: and is used with unbound ed ewceess in mo»t of the ailment, ol horses and cattle, suclf A* sweeny, tarcy. sprains, bruh-es, wounds, stlfi U eck »nd joints, lameness, swellings, galls or chafes aore ere*.- partial bliudues.. etc. If used in tbo begin ning of flptula, poll-evil, ringbone and sjaviu, it will in variably »t<f>*> their further progress. Every family should keep this valuable medicine on hand, ready for any emergency. . ... . Look out for Counterfeit*! The pnblic are cautioned against another counter feit, which bn. lately made its appearance, call- d « . B Farrell'* Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous ol all the counterfeits, because his having the nauie ol Jarrell maov will boy It in good railh, without tin knowledge that a counleitiiil exists, aud they will per hap* o3y discover their error when the spurious mix tore has wrought its evil etleetn. The genuine article Is manufactured only by It G Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist. No. 17 Main street, ! eoria, lUtnuis, to when ail application, foi Agencle. must be addressed. Hi sure you get it with the letters H. G. before Farrell* thus—H. G FARRELL*.-—and his signature on tin wrapper, all others are counterfeits. Sold by A. Alex lJ. M. Kantin. Wholesale and Ketailngent. Atlanta; Hanes, Laseter & Co., JoneAboro’; Hutchisoi X lleadden. Pahnettn; (Vmp ft Cliristiun, Fairborn Wm. A. Powell. Decatur—and by regularly autboriiei agents throughout the Lnited status. Price 2b and 60 cent., and $1 per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and hsm- leff in the United Mates, in which one is not already es tabMiehed. Address H. G. Farrell as above, accompli nied frith grant reference as to character, rexponsibili tv. Ac. Atlanta. June 7. 1*66 f-—**) LOTTEB-Il 8. [By Authority of the Stu/*°J Georgia.) FORT gaines aca7»*;wf «s* flgfr •30* S3 Stta J SP ® GRAND SCHEMc FOR JUi'tf. Class s 1\» bE PRAWN JULY 3P, 1855, IN THR CITY OP ATLANTA^ OBoRGIA, WHEN VV.IZSX AMOUNTING TO a*** ooo “f©* Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme! 3£fi,And remember every Prise l* drawn at each drawing, and paid when due ur.tjiout deduction! OB1TVAKY DIED—Of Paralyalt, it home mu Um Stone MsrM.l*. TleKnlb eonntjr, on the 234 of May, IK..-. Mr.. Mart Ev aks. i :1b- (!*.■> rwne of b cr a-.'-. . In th dontli of tints escolieir. wotuun, her hui- l>mid lias ioil an excellent wife: her i -dy dxngh- wr an niTectionate mother; the chttrcli a worthy and exemplary member, and society generally a devoted friend. For 45 years she maintained a cou.-iftant profession of the Christian religion, and for the last 27 years a respected and belov ed member of the Christian Church. During the last five years she suffered greatly from the dread disease of which she died; but even without murmuring* or complainings. Praise to Ood was upon her tongue, submission to His holy will in heart- As she lived piously, she died religiously. Her life was—praise Ood to her death, trust in Christ. Death to her was gain; and well may her frionda find consolation in the fact, that to her death had lost its sting und the grave iu victory, aa she gave them full assurance, in her last momenta, by signifying that all was peace. E. B. R. COMMERCIAL. Atlanta, June. 14 Cotton.—9@U, extreme*. Exchange, on New York ia selling at A per cent premium. On Charleston and Savannah J per cent Bacon.—We quote hog round 11 to 111. Hams IIJ to 12} cents. Sides Ribs Hull} cts. Sides clear 11} to 12}. Sboolders 9} to 10 cents. Laku by the bbl. 10(8* 11 cts. leaf. Iron, Swedes 5} to 6jc; English 5 to cents; Nails faavu advanced to 6 a 6} cts. Cohn is selling at $130 to $13. Corn Meal, $1,40 to $1,45 cents. Pork, Ilog round, 6}@7 cents. Beep, By the quarter, 7 8 cents. Sweet Potatoes, 60 to 75 per bushel. Irish Potatoes, $2} to 3 per busheL Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, $2,@$,2, , 5 Liquors.—French Brandy, $2,50 to $3,60 per gallon: Domestic 50 to 75c. Peach do. 60 a 75 vents. Whiskey 45 & 50 cents. Gin 50 to 60. Rum 45 to 60 cent*. Wheat.—Goodwill bring $1,70 to $1,80 per readily. Flour.—Plenty at $5 to 5j per hundred. Butter, Country, 20 to 25 cts. Goshen, 35 cts. per pouud. Tenn. Butter, 12} a 20 by the Keg. Fair N. 0. Sugar, by hhd. 6. Primo “ “ “ 7. Choice “ “ “ 8 to 8}. Syrup, N 0. by bbl. 40 to 45 cts. gal. Extra Whiskey “ 45 “ “ Star Candles per box 26} 28 “ lb. No. 1 Rio Coffee by sack 11 to 12c., “ “ Gunny Bagging 16 to 17 eta. Rope 12 to 13 cents. Chickens, 15 to 20 cent*. Egos, lOto 12} cents. Fodder. $125, to per hundred. Peis. $1.50 to $1.75 Feathers.—30 to 35. Candles.—Sperm 37 o 45e. Tallow 20 22 cts The Markets. CINCINNATI, June 12—noon—The river has risen fivo feet. Weather oool. Flour ia firm at $9,40@9,50. Wbiaky 31.— Provisions Sim, but no sales this morning. Bal ed Hay $18 to 20 per ton. Groceries are quiet.— Linhiwl oil $1,10. NEW YORK, June 12— noon. Cotton 1* unchanged, aud but a limited buxine** do ing. Floor ha* declined 12 J^c; good Ohio 99 50a9.75; fOO bbl* Southern * >W at $11.25*11.62. Wheat i* a •rifle lower- G rn 1* firm, with sales of 70,000 at 91.01 H tl.03. l’ork is a trifle higher—old me** 917.12K; new ■fl7.62al7.75. Beef is firm. There I* an active *pecu- lative demvnd for Lard, with sales of4,000 bbl* atlOJt ufllH' Whiskey 1* dull. SAVANNAH, Juno 13. Cotton.—There were no sales yesterday. AUGUSTA, June 13, p m. Cotton—The market ie as previously quoted —quiet without change in prices. CHARLESTON, June 13, 1 p m Cotton—There ie a want of buyers, and sales to-day are only 70 bales at Hi to 12 oents. 1 Prize of $12,500 I Prize of 1 PrUe of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of .. 1 Prize of .... $6,000 3,000 2.01)0 1,500 1,200 1,100 Pri 2 ** of 1 00U 10 Prized of.. 10 Prizes of,... 12 Prizes of.... 20 Friz®*of.... 00 Prizek of.... 256 PrizeK of.... 40f 150 ♦06 Prize* iu all amounting to $50,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets $8 Halves $4 Qtarters $fs. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All eominunit'itlions strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, d&wly Atlanta, Georgia. [By Authority of the State oj Alabama.J SOUTHERN MILITtRV tfADENI. LOTTERY. Conducted on the Havana plan. C4 K A N D SC II E -Ml IS 1 Class Q. TO bfc PRAWN THE 23d Or JUNE 1666. 1 Prize of in ... 512.000 I Prize ....3,000 is 3,00 1 Prize U.OOo in . .. 2,00i' t Prize ... .1.500 U 1.500 1 Prize 1,200 U 1.200 S» Prixei' 1.000 I* 6.000 10 Prize. 400 l« 4 000 10 Prizes 150 U 1,600 J2 Prize* 120 1* 1,440 20 Prize* 100 is •60 60 i- 3.000 555 Tme# .. 26 if* . 6.400 2* A?j>roximati< •n Prizeu ammiotiUg to*... goo 106 !*Tiz«*w amounting to $50.<KK' ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. £9* Ticket* $S—Halve'* $1—Quarter $2 0<*. livery prize drawu at each drawing Bilb< on bolvcnt bauk$ taken at par. All coumiuica- tion* atrictlv confidential. SAM’L SWAN. Agent, At the Brouzp Lion a, Montgomery. Ala. tS^Order* for tickets received by the agent of the FortGainee Academy Lottery, Atlanta, Ga. GREEN ft PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY.* {By Authority of the State of Georgia.) MANAGED, drawn and prises paid by the well-known and responsible firm of GREGORY h MAURY. ^g^Offico in Concert Hall—oppos to Postoffice Delivery. CLASS 143. 7b be drawn Friday, June 15th. Prizes $9,000, $3,000, $1,500, $1,295, $1,000 Ac JS£T Tickets only $3.00 shares in proportion. Extra CLASS 18. 7b be drawn Saturday, June 16fA. Prizes 2 of $37,500, $15,000, $6,000, $4,000, Ac. Tickets $10 shares in proportion. CLASS NO. 145. 7b be drawn Monday, June 18<A. Capital prizes, 3 of $6,666, 3 of $2,668. Ac. Tickets $2,50 halves and quarters in pro portion. Sales close a? 2 o’clock on the day of each draw ing. All communications strictly confidential. Or- lets by mail will receive prompt attention, and copies of the drawn numbers forwarded to pur- ■Lxasers when desired. GEO. L. BOOTH. -March 17. dawly. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C'ohnttah Springs! I N the county of Murray, 21 miles from Dalton, celebrated for their medical qualities, visited by the native red man, annually for 40 years before the white man got among them, they regarded it as a valuable gift by the great Spirit and revered it as such. For many diseases the water has been found to he sovereign. Comfortable coaches and hacks will he found ready at Dalton to convey pas sengers to that place at $2 for each, and every ef fort will be made by the proprietor, to make his guests comfortable. All things are now ready.— Come on. JAMES EDMONDSON. Spring Plaoe. Ga., June 14. (waugl) ■JEH, Augusta Constitutionalist and Savannah Republican, copy weekly until first of August. Send bills to the subscriber. WARRANTED PIANO FORTES FOR SALE ON TRIAL. Piiymeut not desired until sufficient ly tested. Good second hand Pianos for sale or hire. Old Piatios taken in exchange lor new ones. Pleaso address June 14. 0. F. BARTH. ~ athenjsum] Mr Malone Raymond, Lecturer, Humorist, and Athor of’‘An Hour in Ireland and Other Lands,” h*s the honor to announce tbit be has engaged the valuable hervicen of the great MAGICIAN, niAOAIiZjZSTBXl, the wonder of the age. to appear at the Theatre, Atlan ta. Tlinriday t Friday and Saturday* June 14tli, 15th and 16th* This famed and unapproachable Necroiuuncer will give an entire change of programme each evening, and exhibit wonders in the Cabalistic art never before wltnepard in thi* city. (See handbill* for particular*.) Madame Macallister, will appear in her great feat of SLEEPING IN THE AIR, and an the Wizard's Page. Mr. J. M. IVESTON. Secretary to the great Magician. I>oor« open at 7 ** o’clock the Wizard oppearn at 8. Admission, 50 cent*; children aud ten ant * half price. June12. ’55. d5t. 49"Examiner and Republican ple&re copy tf. ADAIR At EZZARD, Dealers in Havana Flan Lottary. JINFER COUNTY ACADEMY [By Authority of the State of Georgia.) T HE subscriber having been appointed Mans- | />/j j- GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS’ FUR gor ol U* Jnsper County Academy Lottery, , NtSUING GOODS, HATS, BOOTS, '.nt«nds conducting the rnme on the Havana plan | SHOES, &c. of sinrlo numbers, and luu- located his Office iu ! A new lot of White Duck Coat* aud Vests, Marsailles . j* n r\ . - -j ti*. . , a - si ; Coat*, A eat* and Pants. Will sell at reduced prices a the City of Macon, Gcor^t*. 110 »fters tbe » beautiful asMortment of figured Organdai. gwisa and following* • Jackonet Muslin* Some fresh fashionable Summer GRAND HCHEME FOR JULY 1855. ! Sil ? t8 \. Bare ^ an .l Leghon^ MantUlaa, &c. Call and , , .. . ! price them. No. 50. Whitehall st. When Prize* will be distributed aa follow* a mounting to j G> w i Juuo 1*2, 1855. *30,000! I IASS B. C A PIT ALS. $12,0<!9.1 I’rireof.. ‘"".*.*.“..,8.000 j 1 “ ,1.500 I 1 [JOHN T. EZZXKt. d&wlm. Land Warrants Wanted! . 2.000 I ....1,200 i F OK which the highest market Price wiU be gl Appplication through letter, or ia person made Atlanta, Georgia June Btb, 1055. ( veu. a to Z. A. RICE. (4tw3n.) STATE OF GEORGIA, Cost) County. Court or Orm.yakt, June Term, 1*55. 1 Prite of I i.'iriOO! 5Prize*of 1,000 10 Prize* of 1.00] ft.’., fcc.. Ac. 405 Prizes, amounting to 550,000. Agent* wanted iu every town au-t city iu the Union. Oa application the Terms will be forwarded. Remember every .- rize drawn at each drawing, under the superintendence uf Col. Geo. M. l»gan and Jar. A Nisbet, Esq., gentlemen who are sworn to a faithful performance of their duty. Prizes paid, when due, without discount. ff»*All orders rely on it. -tr'ctly j II K...W i.Oa,, — l litlei w KaH Lot. of Und, or in a»y_way providing I T appearing to the Court, by the petition of Eugene B. Foote, that John Freeny, of said county, dee’d, did, in his life time, execute to said Eugene B. Foote his bond, conditioned to execute titles in fee simple to said Eugene B. Foote for Lots of Land numbers forty- cnnfideotiiiL Bills ou all solvent Bauks, taken at per. Whi le Tickets Js : Halves *4 ; Quarters $2. Address JAMBS r. WINTER, Manager. Macon, Ga. Atlanta, May 23d, 1 A5. To Wheat Grower*, Millers aud Merchants, tI7"E have on hand and are daily making for «aj» all V v descriptions of 8AG8, whiih we have done up in neat packages for shippiui;. Orders promptly filled. THOS. f*. STOVALL * CO., General Commission Merchants. Augusta, Ga., June 7 dftwlm. — CASP1E9. ’ therefor : And it appearing that said Eugene B. Foote - has paid the fullamount of the purchase price of aaid i Loti- of Land ; and said Eng> ne B. Foote having peti- I tioned this Court io direct Arthur T. Camp, Adminis trator upon the estate of said John Freeny, deceased, to execute to him titles to said lota of land, m confor mity with said bead. It is therefore hereby ordered, that notioe be given at three or more public pjaces In said county, and in the Cherokee Advocate, of such applica tion, that al' persons concerned may file objections in the Ordinary’s office, (If any they have,) why aaid Ar- tbur T. Camp, Administrator aa aforaeaid, ahoold not | execute titles to said lou of land, in eonformity with ’ aaid bond. Granted. June 9 B- TOLLEHOX, BOXES etaace refined Oaodie* for sate aMfi^jUky 26 51V O. CHASTAIN, CITY AUCTIONEER—J. W, MURPHY. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HorsF, J MARIETTA, GEORGIA. Tme undersigned, having upwiert the above j konaei, will sell all articles consigneil t« their 'are at the naiial rates of eotnmission. « ' CHASTAIN ft MURPHY. Referenoe*—R. A. Johnson, W. Root, Marietta: W. Kay, Atlanta; C. H. Johnson, Griffin, jaa 16 S. LAWRENCE, Attorney at Law, MARIETTA, GEO. JAMES JORDAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Canton, Cherokee County, Georgia. jan 16 J. H. WEAVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dullas, Paulding County, Georgia. jan 1—ly W. J. CHASTAIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia. jan 1—ly HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO., SUCCESSORS TO CRANE ft HOLCOMBE, Wholesale Grocers, 189,190 and 191, Bay Street, Savannah. Ga. ~ 3a!MB®OAt~OA3i3Su D R. N. H. CAMPBELL, Botonic and Eclectic Medical Reform Practitioner.—His success ful practice the past six years is a sufficient re commendation. The practical operations of Dent istry performed: Plugging Teeth with gold, $1.50 i each; extracting ditto, 25 to 50 cents; inserting, $3. All operations warranted. Office and residence, Cherokee street, at Dr. Bollenger’s old stand. Marietta, May 11; 1855. O CHASTAIN has moved back to bis old stand ■ on Cherokee street, four .doors irom corner of Plioli? c T*.--- 5AD DLES, BRIDLES \N1> H U \ r '”. r BUG GIES TRIM if ED. would d« well t« tf 1 ex amine hi- work. XV wdera pr**:nptV iA-cut.-d iu the neate-t -tyii-. He 5ms employed the hest Saddle M:.W this lonntra and ail work war ranted. teh 16—ly. DRS. CONNELL & CLELEND, Hvae this day formed a copartnership for the practice of Medicine in its various branches. All calls will be promptly attended to. Office at the old stand, where one or both may be found when not professionally engaged. Marietta, Feb. 20th, 1855. DR. E. T. SETZE, A GRADUATE of the the Medical College of Georgia, having attended the Hospitals of Paris for upwards of two years, tenders his pro fessional services to the citizen* of Marietta aud vicinity. Office, south side of the Square, two doors from the Marietta Hotel. 6m mar 28 A CAM). * D R. A. M. SABAL, respectfully tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of Marietta and its vicinity. He may be found at ail hours, when not professionally engaged, at his office, over E. P. Webster’s Drug Store. Cm mar 28 HOWARDUHOUSE, Marietta, Georgia, T. STEPHENS, ----- Proprietor. & wisri ATTORNEY AT LAW, CANTON, oeo. R EFERENCE—Golonel J. E. Brown, Canton; Gen. A. J. Hansell, C. J. McDonald. Judge Irwin, Col. D. Rice, Marietta; W. T. Wofford, Cassville. ap 18—ly D R. G. TENNENT offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of .Marietta and vicinity. Office on the southeast side of Square, in the old Post Office building,—Reference—Drs. M. G. Slaughter, and Hardy ft Base. mar 14 Sbda Water, Soda Water. We are now drawing Soda Water, with a large variety of the choicest Syrups, some of which are new aDd of delightful flavor, ap 11 E. P. WEBSTER, Drug’st ft Ap’y. Watches and Jewelry. A. D. Ruede, west side of the Square, Mariet ta, Ga., respectfully offers his well selected stock, consisting of Gold and Silver Watches, and a gen eral assortment of articles usually kept in his line, at the lowest possible prices for cash. He gives his own personal attention to repair ing all kinds of Watches and Jewelry. All kinds of Hair Work made to order. MRS. C. REMINGTON, MILLINER, And Dealer in Bonnets, Ribbons, de Flowers. Also, Manufacturer of Dresses, Cloaks and Man tillas, of the most approved styles, MARIETTA, GEORGIA, Cassville st.,-opposite the Howard House, nov 16— ly Carriage Trimming & Harness Making. J R. SANGES offers his services in the business • of Carriage Trimming and Harnett Making, at bis shop at Boswell street. Ail work done by him will be executed prompt ly and in a neat and satisfactory stylo. He respect fully solicits the custom of his friends and all who have any thing to be done in his line. He will keep constantly on hand a good supply of materials. Bepairing done at short notice and on favorable terms. inar 10 H. B. WALLACE, R ESPECTFULLY gives notice to the citizens of Marietta and the public, that he us prepar ed to undertake Brick Work. Stone Mutonry and Plattering. His contracts wiU be filled with dis patch, in a workman-like manner, and on reason able terms. A supply of good brick kept constant ly on hand. Persons at a distance may address him as above at Marietta, Ga. jan 19—ly FARMERS 1 SUPPLIES. E A. DOBliS is now receiving aud opening a • large stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goodt. Also a larger lot of Boott and Shoet, than is usu- aUy kept in this market. - A great varieiy of La dies’, MiBses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes. A fine stock of Hatt and Cape, Hardicare, Cutlerg, <kc. Also a handsome stock of Saddlery, with an extensive stock of Family Groceriet, consisting of Sugar, Coffee, Salt, M<>la.«Bes, Cheese, Tobacco, ftc., Ac., which I offer at unusually low prices for cash or barter. Say- Be sure and call at the second door from the northeast eorner of the public square, whore I will take pleasure in exhibiting my stock of goods, and feel assured that I will gain your confidence, and have your custom. [uo3] E. A. DOBBS. 8TA&2 LIXT3, FROM MARIETTA TO CANTON, Via Noonday and Woodstock; The Stages on this route leave Marietta for Canton on Mondaya, Wednesdays and Fridays,soon after the arrival of the passenger train from At lanta in the morning. Returning, leave Canton at 7 o’clock A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays, arriving in Marietta at 2 o’clock. The traveUing public will find on this line good Stages, good Teams and careful drivers. Being wholly a oold water line, passengers may rely up on every care being taken to insure their safety and comfort. Any article by Express will be carefully and promptly conveyed from either end of the line. Public patronage is most respectful ly solicited.—Stage office in Marietta at the Fletch er House, and at the Moutery House, Canton. A. R. WHITE. J. M. Watson, Agent. jan 1, 1855. jan 24 Bargain*, Bargains! The subscribers having an unnecessarily large stock of DRY GOODS on hand comprised in part of Merinoes, Delaines, Flannels, Calicoes, Husery, bleached and unbleached Shirtings, Blankets, ftc., ftc., Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes; also a very large lot Gents L lothing: such as Overcoats,Dress T Business coats, Vests, Pants, ftc. Being de termined to make it decidedly to the interest of all cash buyers, we are offering to sell at very low pri ces. Call and see. HAMMETT ft SIMPSON, jan 24 No. 4, Howard Row. F LOUR—At Denmead’t Ware-Houtc.—Den- mead’s Family Floor, Denmead’t Superfine Flour, Oakley superfine Flour, and fine Flour, al so Shorts. may 15 L ARD—By the package: also, a small lot of good Hams at DENMEAD’S Warehouse, may 15 Adminiairator’s Sale. Agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Coweta county, will be sold, before the Court House door in Spring Place, Murray county, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land No. 259, in the 8th district of 3d section, sold as the property of Ja cob S. Abraham, late of Coweta county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.— Terms liberal to purchasers, je 7 W VI. R. BOWEN, Administrator. HANSELL k SIMPSON, Attorneys, Counsellor* and Solicitors, MARIETTA, GEORGIA, Will practice in the District Court of the United States, at Marietta, the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the Superior Coarts of the following counties: Cobb, ~ Forsyth, Jolton, Lumpkiu, Cass, Cherokee, Pickens, Gilmer, Especial attention bestowed in the securing aud jIIocHbm of diinis ANDREW HftVSELL.) (ABCA’P N SOtWQK. JMisBiO - Fannin, Paulding, Fjoyd, Whitefield, Spring and Summer Goods. T HE zubscribers take thi.-> method of inf- rul ing their friend* and customers that they, are now receiving a fu iutiful assortment oi Spriug and Summer Goods, .coinristingot the following, viz: HOOTS AND SHOES. Crockeryware and Hardware. SADDLERY AND CUTLERY. HATS CAPS Ac., 4-4. 5-4. 6-1, 10-4 and 11-4 bleached c.nd brown cotton Sheetings, and linen ditto Cotton aud linen pillow case Goods Bleached and brown Homespuns English Long Cloths, a superior article Fancy linen Drills, Farmers' Drills, and ■ i-«mi- ful assortment for little boys French, English aud American Calico*-*-, the <'oi- ors of every piece warranted French, Euglish and Scotch printed Cambrics. French printed Organdies White, black, pink and blue plain Crape de Paris Plain white, bine, pink aud black Sballys A few patterns of handsome Grenadines —also— A beautiful assortment of Summer Silk*, Ribbons, Bonnets, Brest Trimmings, Side* and Jaconet Trimmings. All of which will bo sold low for cash, and prompt to paying customers, who pay once n year which will be required in every case, except under circum stances of misfortune. We find the long credit system not only destroying the credit of the mer chants, but ruinous to the farmers. Such being the case, how much better off would we all now be, ii the long credit system was done away with, and a shorter one adopted. Had this system been gone into ton years ago, what a difference would there be in poiut of pecuniary matters in this section of country. Very respectfully. April 4 J. J. NORTHCUTT ft CO. E. M. & A. W. ALLEN. BESIDEHT DENTISTS, MARIETTA GEORGIA. P ERSONS requiring the aid of Dental art and skill, either for the preservation of the natu ral teeth, the removal of them when necessary, or their replacement with beautiful artificial substi tutes, are iuvited to call at our Dental office, where we are prepared to furnish ocular demonstration of our ability to perforin all that is expected of the Dentist. A superior quality of Tooth powder, Brushes, and detergent washes for diseased gums, always on hand. Professional advice gratis, and al! operations warranted. Office in Snider’s building, up stairs, op posite the Howard House. may 2 Uon. C. J. McDonald. Maj. A. Y. Brumby, lir. N. L. Chester, Wm. P. Young. Esq. Col. T. R. Bu*on, T. 11. Moore. Keq. JCr. WM. TklL.Lt SKELTON, Resident Dental Surgeon R ESIDENCE and office on Caanville at., near the Pub lic i?qr. ; opposite the Howard House. By their re quest anu permission he ie authorized to refer to the following gentlemen: ” *' J. B. Blackwell, Esq. Maj. R. Latimer, Rev. C. A. Fulwood. Rev*. <». F. Pierce, D. D. Hon John Branch, X. C. Hon. J. R J. Daniel. •* I keep at my office a fine tooth powder and toothache drops of my own make, with a selection of English brushes. &c. The following charges for operations will be strictly adbeired io: Plugging teeth with gold. each. $150 • fc ‘ tinfoil, 75 Extracting 4 1 00 <% 14 for children, (first teeth) 50 li *• servants. 50 Separating by filing, or the India Rubber process, 50 Inserting 5 00 Cleaning and treatment, from $1 00 to $5 00. Operation* for the poor, gratis. Examinations and advice for all gratis. AU operations warranted. Marietta, June 2. WM. TELL SKELTON. TO THE PUBLIC. THE subscriber is just receiving from New York, & new and complete stock, consisting ol Cooking, Parlor, and office stoves 1 Bright Japan- edand plaiu Tin Ware, wooden and Hollow ware, House Furnishing Goods ftc., consisting in part of the following: Steak and Hash dishes, Dish and Piate Covers, Jelly moulds, Coffee Filters, Coffee Urns, Water and Molasses Pitchers, Fluid Lamps, Tea and Coffee Pots, Egg Boilers, Nursery Lamps, Candle Stick, Cake B ixe3, Spice Boxes, Sugar Boxes, Bonnet Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canisters, Molasses Cups, Cake Pans, Lard and Oil Lamps, Lanterns. Dust Pans, Spittoons, Waiters and Tea Trays. Shovoi and Tongs, Brass and Wire Fenders, Din ner Bells, Coffee Mills, Brass and Maslin Kettles, Water and Well Buckets, Shell Dippers, Brooms, Brushes. Baskets, Tubs, Mats, Bread Trays, Rat Traps, Meat Knives, Flesh Forks, and many other articles useful to housekeepers. A fine assortment of Pistols, ftc.. such as Colt’s Repeater, Allen’s self-cocking and Revolt ing Pis- tois, Allen’s self-cocking Rifles, Pouches and shot belts, Powder flasks, Caps, Powder, shot Ac. &tL* Tiu, Copper aud Sheet Iron Work, Roof ing, Guttering, and all Job work, in our line done at short notice and warranted. W. L. WADSWORTH. No. 2, Howard Row, Marietta. jan 24-tf. BUILDING HARDWARE! Tools, ftc. ftc, I HAVE constantly ou hand a large stock of Building au-l other Hardware, consisting in part of HINGE-S of nearly all kinds, wrought and cast, such as Butts, Book and Eve-strap, blind, gate and other Hinges. LOCKS—Knob Locks; stock, mortice, barn door, stonr door, desk, trunk, pad, drawer, chest, cupboard, ward robe, and other Locks. Also, extra Keys. LATCHES—Knob Latches, thumb, "gate and other Latches, Bolts, ftc. NAILS—Wrought and cut Nails, 3d to 20d, such as hinge Nails, lathing, flooring, ceiling, shoe and other Nails. GLASS—Window Glass, from 6 by 8 to 24 by 30 inches, and can cut to fit any intermediate size wanted, for pic ture frames, show cases, ftc. PAINTS—White Lead, chrome green and yellow, blue, red, black, brown aud other colors, also, the snow white Zinc Paint now so much used and giving universal sat isfaction. TOOLS—t'lanes, Augurs. Chisels. Squares. Draw Knives. Hammers, Braces aud Hitts. Plumbs and Levels, Rules. Bench Screws, ftc. F iRMERH TOOL-—Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks, Hoes, Chains, Wagon Boxes, ftc. IRON—A large assortment of Tyre, Horse-shoe, Band, Round, Square, and other Iron, and mauy other arti cles too tedious to mention, mar 14 WILLIAM ROOT. G50KGE D. RICE, Attorney at Xiaw, Marietta, Georgia, TTTILL practice in the following counties: Cobb, VV Paulding, Cherokee, DeKalb, Campbell, and Forsyth. Also, in the Supreme Court of Georgia, and in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. jan ltf J.E,SKJELTON, Attorney at Xjaw, Marietta, Georgia. jan 1 NATHAN E. BENTON, Attorney at Law. MARIETTA, CEO.. K EFERS to Baker ft Wilcox, Barrett 4 Carter, Augusta—James H. farter ft Co., Savannah —Perry Spencer, Columbus, Ga. jan 1-ly JOSEPH E. BROWN, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, CANTON, CEO., Will practice in the counties of Cass, t'herokee, Cobb, Forsyth, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Paulding and Whitefield. j an 1-IS55. Georgia Militarv Institute. MARIETTA. 3 I HE Academic year i* divided into two sessions of five months each, the fir.-^t commencing on the 20th of July, and ending on the 20th of December; the ^e- cond commencing the 20th of February and ending on the 13th of July. The Cadets are divided into four College classes. The Annual commencement takes place on the Wednesday before the 20th of Julv. ACADEMIC STAFF. Col. A. V. BR MBY”, A. M.. Superintendent and Profes sor of .Mathematics. Capt. SAMO.L JuXES, U. S. A., Commander of Cadets. and Prof«s>o»' of Engineering. Mr. V. H. MANGET, Professor of French, Historv, Ac. Mr. W. H. HUNT, A. M., Professor of Chemistry and English Literature. Mr. J. B. GOODWIN, Professor of Drawing. Capt. W. T. BLACK. Assistant Prof, of Mathematics. Cadet R. S. CAMP, Assistant Teacher. A. COX NELL M. D., Surgeon. The Institution is under the direction and manage ment of a Board of Trustees in conjunction with a Board of Visitors appointed by the Gov. of the State. By an act of the Legislature of this State the Insti tute has received from the Geneiai Government 140 Ca det Muskets and accoutrements, and a field Battery consisting of four six pounder Brass pieces and two twelve qounder Howitzers. The Superintendent and the Commandant are Gradu ates of West Point, and as both of them have had long experience as Officers and Teachers, the public may be assured that the <-overument, discipline and course of studies of the Institution will be »*trictly enforced. TERMS.—Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, lights, Mu sic and all other contingent expenses, per session, of five months, in advance^ $112.50. Surgeon’s fee per annum. $5,00. Persons desiring further information, can obtain a copy of the Regulations by addressing the Superinten dent. or any member of the Board of Trustees. ANDREW J. HANSELL, Secretary. Marietta, Georgia, April, 1855. apl8 To ttoe Public- 'I'HE subscriber, thankful for past favors, is happy to * inform his trienils anil the public generally, that he is stiil at the old stand on Kcswell street, where he is prepared to make and repair Carriages, Wagons, ftc.— Blacksmi’hing done in all its branches with neatness and dispatch. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Always .on hand a few choice Buggies. O'* Strict attention paid to Horse-shoeing. Jen 26—ly HUMPHREY REID. ItJQTiCK 7Q DEKTPRS.—All persons indebted to Edge 1 ” ft Wright, Patinfc ft Haggle, Irwin ft Bo.o&gft*, John Stidham, or the estate of M. S Irwin, deceased, will plena# call on WJI- T. WINN, Collecting Lawyer, luNi—«» »mm P. WEBSTER, " DR. G. TENNENT,) carhoUMk- a-tr Scud Dll UOG1ST. No. 1 Oolonade Place, Marietta, Geo. fV’UULD respectfully eall the attention of the citi- teas of Marietta, Physicians and Planters to his extensive and carefully selected stock uf Freih Drags, Msdielacs and Chemicals. rsimuo, supplied with the purest French, English and Assert cap chemicals, flnrgical, Dissecting and Amputating instruments, Lancets, Forceps, Cupping Instruments, Medical Bags. Trusses, Supporters, ftc.. fte. KANTBXS Supplied with Paints, lire Stuffs. Fresh Garden Seeds, Me.ijcine cheats, Sc., ftc. COCXTKT MERCHANTS Supplied with genuine Drugs at as low re tes a? can he bought itrany city South. Great care will be taken in filling Phrsicians’ orders. Every article sold warranted pace, fresh and genuine. Physicians' prescriptions carelnUv compounded from drags of warranted parity, at any hoar «f the day or night. The attention of THE l ATHSA Is ie-peett ally solicited to his extensive assortment of Toilet articles, consisting in part of French and Amer ican Colognes, Eubin’e and Pfver's Extract*, Moognet's and Coudray’a Toilette Powders, Powder boxes, puffs, hair, tooth, nail and cloth brushes ; also a fine tot of flesh brushes, all of which will be sold at reduced pri ces. French Bandolines for arranging the hair beau- tifuliy ; genuine Macassar and Bari Oil, hair tonic, hair dye, court plaster, tooth powder, tooth wash, tri- copherous,, together with a great quantity of fancy goods too numerous to mention. Please give me a call end examine for yourselves. N. B. Pare old Brandies and Wines for Medical pur- poses. Iced Soda Water, with a variety of Syrups. A* we confine ourselves strictly to the drug business alone, we shall always keep everything in our line of business, and of the'very best qualities. Persons pur chasing any article of us can depend upon it being pure and genuine. We prepare ail our medicines, and ’hereforqyan warrant them as being prepared accord ing to the’’!* S. Pharmacopeia. Our stock is large and well assorted. We shall al ways keep a good supply of White Lead pure, ,Copal Varnish No. 1, do No. 1, White Zinc No. 1, Window Glass, do do Coach do 8X10—10X12 and all other Japan do Leather do I lemur do (white) Sand Paper.assorted. Putty and Glue, Pumice Stone, Blue Smalts, Brown do <lo do 3, sizes. Linseed Oil, Train do -perm do Neats foot Oil, Turpentine Spirits. Campbene, Burning Fluid. Paint Brushes, (all sizes) Varnish do do Whitewash Brushee, (all sizes) Sweeping, dusting, scrubbing, horse, blackleg brushes ftc. Marking brushes, Sash tool, Camel hair pencils. Gold Leaf. Silver do Bine Stone, Copperas. Madder, Logwood. Spanish Indigo, Chalk, Alnzn Turpentine Soap, White soap. Adamantine Candies, Olive Oil best '.‘q Bottles, Starch, white and bine. Fluid Lamps and Wicks, Cream Tartar, Supercarbonate Soda, Tartaric Acid, Yeast Powder, Otd Castile Soap, *., ftc. Bed Lead. Litharge, Pruss. Blue, Vermillion Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow. Spanish Brown. Venecian Red, Yellow Ochre, Whiting, ftc. jy 20 Drugs and Medicines. L J AVING a very Urge assortment of Drugs and Medi- ' * cine* on hand. 1 would eail the attention of the public to a few leading articles. My stock in this line includes almost every article usually kept ia the up- country. and many patent medicine* not generally found out of the Urger cities. PATENT MEDICINES. Townsend's Sarpariila ;Dr. Jayne’s Medicines, sand’s do jf)r. Rose's do John Bull’s do iLoudenftCo’s. do Ri.-ley’s do Mustang Liniment, Arabian Liniment, Radway’* K-ady Relief, Oxvgenated Bitters, Cherry Pectoral, Carter’s Spanish Mixture, Dysentery Cordial Perry Davis genuine Pain Itch Ointment, Killer, Pryor’e Pile Ointment. Hebrew Piaster, Hay’s Linment. Graffenburg Medicines, ,,o.t many others too tedious to mention, most of which I sell to dealers at Charleston prices by the dozen, for CASH. Physicians’ Prescriptions caret ally prepared. All kind of Kami ly Motets es of the best quality con stantly on hand. Perfumery and Fancy Soaps, a good assortment • also, Cooking Extracts, and Essences of superior quality; Yeast Powders; super. Carbonate of Soda ; su perior SaUratus, Tartaric Acid. Hope, ftc.; superior Spices, pure ground Cinna mon, Clove*, Ginger. Musta-d, Pepper. STARCH AND CANDLES, Yellow Soap, Starch Polish. Bine Starch, Fig Bine, Sal Soda, and Potash, CAMPHEXE AND BURNING KLUXD, PAINTS AND OILS, Blue, bUck, red, green, yellow, and other colored Paint, dry or ground In oil, and neatly put up in tin cases, so as to carry safe. Particular attention paid to the paint business WINDOW GLASS. I keep a very large stock of Glass on baud, from the smallest size to 24 by 36 inches, and will cut to suit picture frames, show cases, ftc. Remember this. Orders from a distance will be promptly attended to, and the goods put np so as to go safe, either by rail road. stage or wagon, provided the cash is sent with the order. ap 25 WILLIAM ROOT. Welch & York, West Side of the Public Square and next door to Northcut’s Old Stand, t tFFER to-their old friends, customers and others, a ’ ’ good assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goode, on their usual accommodating terms and rea sonable prices. Jau. 31, 1856— ly GEORGIA, DeKalb County, \Aj HKRKAS William Jordon Administrator of the Es- ' ' tate of Ephriam Salmond late of said county ap plies to me for letters of dismisi-ion from the adminis tration of said Estate, aad it appearing that the said Administrative has fully administered said Estate, this is therefore, to cite and admonish all porsons interested to be and appear at the Court of ordinary of sail co., to be held on the second Monday in January next, to show cause ii any they have why the said Administrator should not be discharged from his said Administration. Given under my hand at office, June 12th 1855. -ILEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y GEORGIA, DeKalb county. A LL person* are hereby notified that I will apply at the September Term of the court of Ordinary next, in and for said county for leave to sell the real Estate belonging to the Estate of Henry Goddard, late of De Kalb co.. deceased, June 13th 1855. R. M. BROWN, Adm’r. Dr. McCurdy’s Arithmetic Class WILL commence in Atlania on Monday the 9th of July next. The terms are $15 for 40 days.— Ladies and gentlemen from a distance, who wish to become qualified to teach McCurdy’s Mental and Practical Arithmetic, will do well to call and take lessons. Books will be prepared for sale about the 1st of September next at Mr. Kay's Book Store, Atlanta, Georgia. (Jun7d3t) Dissolution. THE partnership heretofore existing under the name of West ft Glover. >8 this day dissolved by mutual conseut. The Business will be conducted by T. W. West, at the same place one door below H. Strong’s. TO RENT. O S Alabama street, a good store room in rear of which is several rooms, with kitchen in the Basement, sufficient to accommodate a small family. Any one desiring a business house and stand, will do well to call immediately. A Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES can be had also at a fair rate. Apply to S. J. SHACKELFORD, Vendue Master. Atlanta, June 4, 1855. (dlw) midwife ary. HORT( Midwife. Having had more than twenty years’ex perience in private practice, she feels confi dent of giving general satisfaction to all who may favor her with a cal], Mrs. H. can always be found at her residence on the corner Collins and Taylor sts. mar21dtf. Cheapest Musical Work IN THE WORLD, Price One Dollar. BEAUTY’8 ALBUM, Of Musical Buds and Blossoms* A Collection of new and admired POLKAS, MAZURKAS, and SCH0TTISHES, FOR THE PIANO FORTE. Beautifully Illustryted with six Elegant and Appropriate Designs, Lithograph by D’Avignon, of the following subjects: No. 1. Magic Sounds, “ 2. Beauty’s Mirror, “ 3. Devotion, “ 4. Remembrance, “ S. Melody, “ 6. Consolation. Published and For Sale by SAMUEL C. JOL LIB, 519 Broadway, (St. Nicholas Hotel.) N.Y. JST’ The above work will be sent by mail to any part of the country on receipt of ONE DOL LAR, addressed to S. C. JOLLIE. 519 Broadway, (St. Nicholas Hotel,) New-York. May 29, 1855. (dim) o.-TrvW'ir. COMMISSION ME >ree, TS AND ’or the pureh*Re'ah<r*ale of Georgia aud Tennessee' Produce. Cnquc4tionabIexnt1 indBpftfKieut facilities—ceeesnurj reference^. Pirflculav ritu. “ouaI attention to al! buafrsejM entru<tfe1 - iU mt* % : -.ylth !.*atfan, persever ance an*t promptitude. Remittance or gmnli advttocoi* made <»n all ‘{ydofifl CondigmM to our order at consignee*}} orut i Corner of Hill and Broadwav and next dc-or to M. C- William* teCo., W. ilill street. 'Gr%, Ga. Griffin. Jan. H. 1855 dSSfcw33tf. Instruments for Sunreons* and Physi cians’ use. C ONSISTING of Speuiiiuais «>• various kinds, Eye Cup-. Porcvlaiu iPU Glass, Abdominal Supporters, IVrsarita. Glass, Silver. Wood and Ivory, ftc., Irueses, French, Euglish. American, Sc.. Shoulder Braces, as sorted kinds. Breast Bags. Saddle Bags, Pocket Cases, Syrenges in great variety. Electro Magnetic Machines, late styles. Steelund Metal Sounds, assorted sizes. Silver, Metal "aud Bone Eye Syrenges, cases of Eye Instru ments, neiv style*. Phrsicians' Pocket Cases in great variety,8tethescope-. Elastic. Meta],ftc., EarTrumpets. Glass Lrincils. Bed Pans, Worn b Syreng- s, Midwifery Instrument*, Amputating Instruments, Trcphening In struments. Trocars and Canulsis instruments, Evans’ Istocete, Cases, Gold, Silvfer Scots, Wood. Leather, ftc., Stomach Pumps, Cupping Cases, improved Probangs; Cretha Instruments, in and nut of cascs. And many etaer instruments not enumerated, with an extensive stock of Drugs. Medicines. Paints. Oils, Perfumery, Faaey Articles, ftc., for-ale. on accommodating terras, • NDER. Atlanta, Feb. 14, 1865. A. A LEX AND! Sign Negro and Mortar dftwly. Marshal Sale. \1JTLL be sold before the City Hall door in the VV oity of Atlanta, ou the third Monday in May next, Robert Harden, a free pirson of color levied on by virtue of a fieri facias i favor of the May or ft Couucil of the city of \tluuta, vs : Robert Harden for a fine iuii>osed iu ho Mayor’s Court on said Robert Harden. B. S'. WILLIFORD. April 9, 1865. Marshal. tilacksmitliing. T HE subscriber has opened a Shop in front of the Atlanta Livery and Sale Stable, of Mr. Pettis, where he is prepared to execute with neat ness and desputeh all work by which ho may be favored by the public. Persons from the country will find it to their advantage to call upon him as his arrangements for doing all kinds of repairing, ftc., are perfect in every department. Call at the sign of the “Peoples Shop.” T. J. CAMPBELL. February 13,1S55. [dly.] GHEiOCSRIES AT WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, [ Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets.] Atlanta, Ga. W. ROARK would nil the attention of the • public to his large and well selected stock of Groceries which he will sell at tbo Very Isowost iE*rioes, at Wholesale and Retail. As he intends doing r. cash busiuesbexclusively, those wishing to buy for cash would do well to call and examine his stock, consisting of every articlo in the way of Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Padlery, Ac. Those who call at hi3 establishment will not fail to be satisfied both in respect to thequalitv of articles and crice. Atlanta. Oct. 14, 1854. (17-dtf) FEVER AND AZ3UE CURE, f Remittent Fever*. Fever aad Agoe, Chills apd Fever, Dumb Ague, General Debility, Night Sweats, and ail other forms of disease which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. The sub tle atmospheric poteen which at certain seasons is unavoidably inhaled at every breath, is the same in character wherever it exists,—North, South, East or West,—and will every where yield to this newly discovered antidote, which is claimed to be the greatest discovery in medicine ever made. This specific is so harmless that it may be taken by persons of every age, sex or condition and it will not substitute for one disease others still worse, as is too often the result in the treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, and other poisonous or deleterious drugs, not a panicle of any of which is admitted into this preparation. The proprietor distinctly claims these extraoidi- nary results from the use of this natural antidote to Malaria, It will entirely protect any resident or traveler even in the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague, or Bilious disease whatever, or any in jury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check tbo Ague in persons who have suffered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have another chill, by continuing its use according to directions. It will immediately relieve all distressing results of Billioua or Agne disease, such as general debil ity, night sweats, ftc. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continnes until a permanent and radical cure is effected. Finally, its use will banish Fever and Ague from families and all classes. Farmers and all laboring men by adopting it as a preventive will be free from Ague or Billious attacks in that sea son of the year which, whiio it is the most sickly, Is tho most valuable one to them. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cas es, some may require more. Directions printed in German,French and Spau- ish, accompany each bottle. Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. Trade circulars fowardod on application, and the article will be consigned on liberal terms to re sponsible parties in every section of the country. For sale by dealers generally. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor, March 23. [dftwCtn.] Providence, R. I." if£ Notice. I HAVE engaged the services of Mr. G. Krause, a practical Chemist from Berlin, Prussia, and as the dispensing department of the establishment will be entirely under his control, the public are assured that all prescriptions will be accurately prepared—as a more accomplished Pharmaceutist cannot be found either North or South, if an ex- fperience of over fifteen years in the first Drug Houses of Berlin ami Paris be a guarantee. Tes timonial in proof of t he above assertion will be ex hibited to any one familiar with French or German. Mr, Krause will make any preparation desired by Physicians, or make Chemienl tests with Minerals, I at ray store. A. ALEXANDER. Febl91y For Sale, at the Georgia DRTTO WHITEHUX STR: Pure Burning Fluid. 11 Sp«nn Oil, Chrome Yellow, Peep, 41 44 Light, * 4 Green, Deep. Paris 44 Rotten Stone. Pure Medicinal Brandies. 4k 4k Wines, %t Gin, (Holland,) 3 • 4 Croam Tartar, 1 ATLANTA, OA. Pure Cam phene, * 4 Machinery Oil, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochroe. (French Spanish Whiting, Tripoli, 3 qualities of Glue, 2 “ Shellac, Copal Varulah Japan Sulph. Quinine. Potash for making soap, (Prof Zimmer’s) PureSulph. Morphine, “ Saturated Tinct. of “ Ace’t. “ Veratrum Yeride, Pure Soluble Citrate Iron ' 4 Valerianate of Mor* 4 * Oil of Ergot. phine, 14 Veratrine, “ Veratrum Yeride Root, 44 Oil Croton, 44 Oxide of Silver, Chloride of Zinc, * 4 Pipeline, Acetate Potaaa, Black Oxide of Mercury, Citrate “ Dento Iodide “ ' Cyanuret •- Iodide I’otaftft, Pure white wine Vinegar. Lampblack 44 cider do Common marking Chain. 44 Ground black Pepper. Sweet Oil. 44 do cayenne do Abnominal Supporters. dz Ginger Shoulder Bracee. 44 uo Cinnamon. Alcohol, 80 and 90 per ct. “ do Mustard. Wine Bitters. 4 ‘ Jamaica Ginger-root. Stoughton’s do 44 Cinnamon do do Porcelain m«»rtarr>, allsi2ea 44 Cinnamon bark. Glass do do 14 White Mustard-eeed. ' 1111 Tiles. Perfumery, fancy articles aud pa.tent medicines of all kind*. Also, Tooth, Nail, Hair. Clothe, Hat, Comb, Varnish, Graining and Paint and Whitewash Brut-lies. NEW GOODS. | Mon rib Boys Oloktixxg. Clothes New and Fresh. Cassimerea. i The Richest ever brought to this Market. Vestings. Come soon, or they will all be 90IA. Uloves—-Extra Fine l Heck Fixing, the very latest etyle* enJ richest material*. Also, ■ Tailor’s Trimmings—Tape*. Crayons, and almost any- j. thing kept In a Merchant Tailoring establishment, can bo bought from the subscriber. | Atlanta, Nov 2. dftwtf LEWIS LAWSHE. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. ~ • .4n Agreeable Refrigerant and LAXATIVE. fT'mS Preparation has beou introduced exten- jL -lively on tho continent of Europe, aud in this country ns on agreeable Substitute for Epson Salts, it is destitute of bitterness, and by its pleas ant acidity of taste, and its effervescing character, is rendered a very agreeable and refreshing drink directions for use accompany each bottle. Pre pared and for sale by A. ALEXANDER, Druggist. .KOl- . - .. . 2iuMYtarteB«9«frari W na.*-’ liM of bn fix***, ssA it fig* | the octets, wholi or singls, fte. SstisiketlOB gives in svsry instance or no charge. All work’wammst-■ Tsalagby tes Yswisat si EsSawi Orders anywhere from the country, addressed t< G. F. Barth, Atlanta, Ga., will meet withpremr ' attention. For Kent* alton THREE HOUSES on Walton Street, which have been just completed, having, ail conveniences requisite for Voardfaig-honMs, or private residen ces. To approved tenants the teems will be mode rate. Apply to A. ALEXANDER. March 27th,’55. dftwtf . Notice. est in their late business as Druggists, together with the books of accounts, notes, &«., due them. payment of the same must be mode alone to us. SMITH ft EZZARD. March 23, 1855. dftwly. REMOVAL NOTICE. ~ Dr. nr- a H AVING removed his residence and office, to Marietta Street above Esq. Psyn’s, hopes tc receive a continuance of the liberal patronage ol his good customers. Patients for Surgical operations can be accom modated with board. Ladies wishing dental attendance, by git ing a timely notice, even through the Post Office, will be furnished with a conveyance free of charge. Atlanta, Feb. 2,1865. nlOO-dtf. W. Herring & Co., K EEP in connection with their large Stock of Cloth ing a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest styles, also. Boots and Shoes, Trunk*, Carpet Bags and Valises. 4—dtf Atlanta, Sept. 28.1864. Wanted. A T the LaGrange Steam Variety Works a man of sober and industrious habits, tc make sash, blinds and doors by machinery. CARLTON, KENER ft MEID. April 12, 1855. w4t. For the Ladies. VIJ E have a large variety of Fancy articles for vt Toilet: Combs, Brushes, Pomatums, Soapa, Colognes, Hankerchief Extract. Many patterns of fancy bottles, ftc, for the Table. Cooper’s Isinglass, White and Pink Galatine, Galatine in packages, common Starch, ftc,—All kinds of flavoring Extracts, to wit: Peach, Al monds, Vanilla, Rose, Piminto, ftc, Ac. Will the ladies call and see? SMITH ft EZZARD. May 10, Wood Wanted! P ROPOSALS will be received until tbo 1st ol Juno, for the delivery of 300 to 400 cords of Oak wood, no contracts will bo made for less that; 50 cords. W. G. PETERS, ft Co, Atlanta Mills. State Tax. B OOKS are open for receiving the returns of State Tax. Persons are therefore notified to call at my office in tho old Stand of Caldwell ft Griffin, on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week, and Thursday of each week at the City Hall, commencing the 8th day of May, and will be con tinued until tho 10th of June. Office hours S to 12, A. M.—2 to 5 P. M. JA3IES CALDWELL, R, T. R. May 1, 1855. dftw t july 1 Fine Clothin *&> SCOTT’S PATENT LITTLE GIANT JUST HBOBIVED! Wo beg leave to cr!1 tho attention of the pnblic to our Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING ! which, we flatter oursolvc3 is the Largest and Neatest Stock in the City/ Gentlemen in want of CLOTHING, are assured that in our stock they can be fitted—no matter how lurgc, or how small, or how TALL! they may be. Our Stock of BOY’S CLOTHING is also extensive and tastey. Those visiting us will at once cco the superiority of our Stock in Make and Style. We also keep a thorough assortment uf Gentle men’s Furnishing Goods—all of which wo will sell low. Tortus Cash. mar 30 W. HERRING ft CO. CJ> Patented May 16, 1854.—Copyright secured March 1, 1855. No. 2, at $56, with one horse, grinds 10 bushels per hour- No3, at $65, with one horse, 15 bushels; No 4, at $75, with 2 horses. 20 bushels. Messrs. Brown ft Anderson, who lire advertising this Mill, have now no reason to do so, as they have none here, aud I ajlonk have the patent right for this section of Georgia. The Mills may be seen iu operation at Parr ft McKenzie's Warehouse. Marietta »t- Apply alone to tne. or to my ugeuts, Gilbert ft Clarke Hardware Dealers. ISAAC McKIM COOKE. Atlanta, Mayl6,’55. dftwem. Notice. J. M. Kantin returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally, for the very kind J and liberal patronage, they have heretofore be- | stowed upon him and trusts bo may merit a con- ! uanee of tho sumo. The following are some of the I leading articles, kept constantly bn hand anu at I reduced prices viz : 3 qualities of gum Shellac, 3 do “ Glue. 3 do “ Copal Varnish. 1 do “ Japan do 2 do ’• Alcohol. Biscuit or baking Soda, 10 cents, or 8 cents by tbo quantity. Varuish, Paint, Sash, Tooth, Hair, Nail, Hat and Cloth Brushes, and a fine variety of Fancy articles. Also, Dye Stuffs, and pure Alodi- cinal liquors, for sale at both of his Drug Stores. Feb 8—dtf J. M. RANTIN, Druggist. Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Fresh Arrivals! 300 sacks choice Superfino Flour. 30,000 lbs prime Hog Round Bacon. 50 Sacke good Superfine Flour 100 Boxes star and adamantine candies at greatly reduced prices. 50 Kegs extra refined family lard. 20 bbls Sugar 100 sacks Prime Rio Coffeo. 5 “ Old Got. Java. 10 Boxes “ Bar soap, at 6J oents. per fti. 100 Bbls and half bbls New andold Lard. 300 pounds Live Geese Feathers. Also, a good supply of Corn, corn-Menl, Rice, Dried Fruit, Domestic Shirting, (very low) Osnu- burgs, Factory-Yarns, *c. Atlanta, ;Vlay 29th 1855. tf. Atlauta Cigar (store. T HE subscriber haB just received a fine lot or CHEWING TOBACCO and CIGARS, which j he offers for sale, by wholesale and retail, at the [ lowest market prices. He respectfully informs his I friends, the public and country merchants that they ; would do well to call and examine his stock, and : he feels assured in saying that he will not fail in | giving satisfaction, both in quality and prioe. All orders well and promptly executed by JOHN FICKEN, Next door to C Koutz, boot-maker, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga Atlanta, May 19, 1865. upr26,dftw6m. Call and See Us! VITE are receiving our SPRING GOODS, anti V v most respectfully invito the citizens of At lanta to call und examine our Stock—as we keep a general assortment of every Lino of Goods us ually kept in this market. We think we have never bo’t Goods on more favorable Terms, and intend making it to tho interest of our patrons to purchase of us, as we are anxiour f.o build up a substantial business in this place. H. W. C0ZART ft 80N. Atlauta, April 4, 1855-—diw2w To Hotel Keepers- O PliN to au engagement, a first-rate BREAD and CAKE BAKER, and PASTRY COOK, A note addressed to tho Intelligencer, stating terms, will meet with prompt attention. rd*w3t*) W. S. SIC0T. Atlauta, May 9, 1855. Negroes. THE subscriber will purchase for his own use. nut on spocnlation, about 20 likely negroes. Call at Simpson’s Law Office, or at the Atlanta Hotel- .4. It. Me A PEE. May25,’55. d«w3m. M. Tomlin sou, Plain, House, Sign, | Passenger Car, Fresco, Coach, T t Orna- MENTAL AND DECORATIVE 3E» LA. X NT T E R . ! Opposite Jacob Haas Co.. Whitehall st., Atlanta, Ga ! Dec- 20, 1854 dlj JUST RECEIVED, AT VVJ. W B . ROARK, Comer Whitehall and Mitchell streets. NOTICE. THE Atlanta Mills will bo closed the 1st ol Jnne, to undergo a thorough repairing in readi ness, to open on tho new crop by the 1st of July. W. G. PETERS. Atlanta, May 26, 1855. (dlw) 5 AAA LBS. fresh live Geese Feathers just receiv ft ed from Tennessee and for side at 37 J*' cts per ft. by CLARKE ft GRPRB. J UST Received 50 boxes and 10 casks of fin i 1 diarv eheeso. W. W. ROARK Tobacco. \ PPRECIATING chewers are invited to call. ± SMITH ft EZZARD May 10th, 1856. tf 25,000 Bacon! Bacon! LBS. new Bacon just received from Ten nessee aud for sale by CLARKE ft GRUBB. A / ft* New Bacon, Jnst Received froi 4r\JwVJTenncssse and for Sale by Feb 27. CLARKE ft GRUBB. New Goods! 1 HAVE now in store a large stock of DRY GOODS, adapted to the Spring and Summer trade, that 1 will sell at prices corresponding with the times. A call and an examination is solicited. I can and will sell as low as any one for the same pay. J. T. DOANE. May 10, 1855. (wtf. NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby forewarned from trad ing for two promissory notes, given by the subscriber to Marcus A. Bell, dated 20th Decem ber, 1854, for one hundred aad forty-seven dollars and twenty-eight cents., each, with interest from the 10th December, 1854; one payable on 10th June, 1855, with a credit of twenty-five dollars on the 21st December, 1854; the other doe on the 10th December, 1855—ae tee consideration has entirely failed for which said notes was given, and I do not intend to pay only at the end of the law. JOHN 4. PUCKETT. May 22/55, dlw. T.R. RIPLEY H AS jnst received a few bbls. of 95 per cent. ALCOHOL, and is again prepared to manu facture of a No. 1 article of BURN I NO FLUID, which he will offer for sale at $1.10 per gallon •CAMPHENE, 90 cents per gallon—for cosh only. Atlanta, Jane 11, 1856. 1 A Bbls.'Mackerel Jnst Received and for i USale by CLARKE A GRUBB- ’Mi $7- d tf. Hew Bookstore, THE subscriber having recently re- plenised his large and well selected stock of BOOKS AND ST A TIGN- ER Y, would respectfully invite all who wish to purchase to be sure and call at the new Bookstore, cn Whitehall street, two doors above the Post Office, as his terms cannot fail to please. His stock having been bought principally for cash, and se lected mostly by himself in the Northorn cities.— He has also a fresh supply of of Fancy Articles, Watohes, Jewelry. Toys, Ac., at the lowest prices. Teachers and Merchants supplied on the most lib eral terms. GEORGE DUNHAM. Atlanta, February 7, 1855. [wly.] LAWSHE & B E 0., •Next door to J. Taylors Hats-stwe: Havealway* on hand a fine stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES AND _ iruwuxstiY, and are prepared to have watch-work of every desorip ticn done tip in Fitter Kara style and warranted. Atlanta, may 24. 1854, 1—dwly SKY AND BIDE LIGHT DAGUERREAN ROOMS, (Over Alexander’s Drug Store, ffhitehall st., Atlanta, Ga.) APPASATVS§ES Apd « JJ t&e Materials used in the Arty Wo* *s|e si te« Leweif Prices. 0. W. DILL,) * (w. t. MCDAJUSL, Atioafot Aofbst 61* 1864> (4.4—wtf) Notice to Debtors aud Creditors. A LL persons indebted to Lewis H. Dad in. late I ,,,,, 7,, of Fulton County deceased, are required to bbI ? fi ? e Whisky at 45 make payment to William Barnes, of Atlanta, I 50 sacks best Rio Coffee at114c, who is my authorised agent, and those haring claims against said deceased, will present them to him in terms of the law or they will be barred. May 9, 1855. H. E. DADIN, Ad'm. NOTICE! Free Reading and Commercial Rooms P ERSONS will find at the office of the subscri ber in Atlanta, Newspapers on file from all tho principal points in tho Union. Also Prices Current, Rail-Road and Steamboat Schednles. They can also dispose of their unenrrent money on the best terms. Office under tho Trout House. S. SWAN. Atlanta, May 31,1855. (dim) Salt. Sacks Liverpool Salt just received and for sale by W. W. ROARK. December 28. 79dtf WILLIAM TASKER, "I A Park Place, New York, invites the attention IU of Southern and Western Merchants, to his new stock of Fans, Combs, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Ladies Reticules, Perfumery, Soaps, Porte Monies, Jet aud Bead Bracelets, Pocket Books, Dress Buttons, Pins and Needlos, Hooks ft Eyes, Watch Guards, Wax, Coal and Glass Beads, Necklaces, ftc. India Rubber Combs, Canes, Balls and Toys of every description. Scissors, Razors and Cutlery, Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Ac- cordeons and Violins, including a general and very large stock ofEnglish, French, and German Fancy Goods, which will be sold at the very lowest prices foreash or approved paper. Orders by letter selected and put up in the best manner. WM. TASKER, may 1—dftwCm 10 Park Place, N. Y. Winships Iron Works. THE subscriber is now prepared to receive and execute orders for all kinds of Castings and Machine Works. and all persons favoring him with orders may rely upon having their work executed in tho best man ner and at short notice. Orders for SASH, BLINDS and DOORS, promptly attended to at his Car Establishment. ^0g.. Cash paid for Old Copper, Brass and Cast Iron. JOSEPH WINSHIP. Junel4/54. 3-wly. 50 boxes Adamantine Candles. 26c by the box, 20 bbls Gin, (American.) 20 “ Brandy, “ 30 “ Rum’ “ 1 “ fine Brandy, extra, 1 pipe “ “ “ 50 boxes Tobacco, vnrions qualities, eome very 30 “ Cheese. [fine Feb 21,1855. For Rent. TWO or three SMALL HOUSES, situated on Peach Tree, Ivy and Crawford Streets. For term* apply to A. ALEXANDER. To the Ladies. & Mr*. BORINO R ESPECTFULLY announces to the Ladies that she is now receiving one of the most desirable stocks of MILLINERY GOODS ever opened in this market, carefully selected by herself from the most fashionable houses in New York. She would call the attention of the Ladios particularly to her stock of BONNETS, as she is confident she can suit tho most fastidious in style and price. Her stock of Ribbons, Flowers, Wreuths, Collars, Un dersleeves Gloves, ftc., will compare with any in the martft* Please call and examine her stock and pri St. And she pledges herself to sell on as reasonable terms as the same article can be sold in the markets by cheap milliner merchants. Corner Whitehall and Hunter sts. Terms cash AprlO/55. d3m. . WHITE & DEAN, BUTCHERS, r U HE’undersigned have this day formed a part- -L norship for the purposo of doing a general Slaughtering businoss in tho city of Atlanta, they occupy stall No. 3 in the Market House, and will furnish the best the county affords, and use their best endeavors to give general satisfaction, and in so doing hopes to receive a share of the public pat ronage. A. R. WHITE. L. DEAN. Atlanta, March 5, 1855. [dim | w3m.J Practice of Surgery. Drs. Smith & Ramsay B EG leave to inform the public that they wil attend strictly to all Surgical Cases sent to their care, and ample preparation will be made for all transient patienis. The centrality of Atlanta, and its re irkablo facilities for living, point to is as a mos’ irabh place for the invalid. Person* wishing - -iciil can always find comfortabl- quartors. ' V’e dev ote especial attention to diaeaset of the Ejv and Ear, also, te the usual surgical ails ments, such as stone in the bladder and all injue ries requiring surgical aid. Feb 22, 1855. wly, COLUMBUS HUGHES ~ Practical Architect aad Builder, O-eorglA. May 30, 1855. (dtwtf. „ ~ BOOTS I BOOTS!! 10CASES Hen and boys’ Boots now in store and for 4 — **1* by w. W. ROARK _ _ TOBACCO. QrvBODfl Tobacco, some very superior, now in store An fund tor nat» by W. W ROARK. LEECHES! LEECHES!! J UST received a supply of fine large Swedi Leeches. A. ALEXAND- Leeebes. Maroh 1,1855. E>ER. Notice. ROOMS to rent—over the Crockery and Glass Store. Apply tt> T. IklUJ>LEY MsyMm dtf ^ SCOTT’S PATENT XiXTTXiB CORN AND COR MILL. BROWN & ANDERSON, Proprietor, of Geor gia, Alabama, Middle and Eastern Tennessee. Manufactured at Anderson’s old established i Foundry, Nashville, Tenn. kFor Brown ft Anderson. And by J. Winship, Atlanta, Ga.) Orders addressed to us will be promptly sup- plied, and we will fill all orders addressed to J. Winship, Atlanta, Ga., until be can supply them from his well known Foundry. These Mills have been thoroughly tested, are portable, can beset up in half an hour’s time without expense or meohan- ioal aid. The most convenient Mills for team use ever invented. Its mechanical construction in sures durability. No. 2 is offered at $65 complete, ready for at- taohing the team, and warranted to grind from 8 to 12 bushels of feed per hour with one horse. No, 3, at $75, will grind 15 bushels per hour. No. 4, at $85, will grind 26 bushels per hour with two horses. BROWN A ANDERSON, No. 40, Market st., Nashville, Tenn. April,'55. dStwtf. Colors, Paints and Oils. W E have on hand and are receiving the largest assortment of Colony Paints end Oils ever offered in this city, which we will sell at the lowest Pn«». SMITH ft EZZARD. May 19,1855. Diaaaond Light!! Sylvie Oil. W E ore also sole agents in this city for the sale of the Diamond Light, which for safety cheapness and quality, excels any thing eTar 0 f- fered to the public. In tasking the - above aster- - tiw we mean what we say. Call at our store and 8MITH * £ zzard.