Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, February 01, 1882, Image 16

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16 THE SOUTHERN WORLD, FEBRUARY 1,1883. ANNOUNCEMENT. I WE OFFER SG0.00 IN GASH PHIZES for 1882 for the three largest melons grown from our seed l of The Boas Water Melon. This new melon com bines sit the goud qualities. The tlesli la of a deep scar- iT(.'among „ -i.. -tlve.Bnd a good shipper. Do not fall to try It; you will not regret It. Per packet 2Scls.,6 P’k'tsfor 81. — .'7 .£-31 KLOX-.New Superb, early, sugary flavor, oneof the Best, per packet IScta. Cabbage, lam- ti’a Ilnrllest—Ten days earlier than any other variety, per packet Is eta. Celery, New ttolden 11 ' i—Waxyjrolden yellow, per packet 10 cts. lettuce, new Paper White—A line tender sort, per .- t 10cts. E«tture, IlloouiMlnle Itutter-A variety that la lit for table use longer than any other, cket 10 cts. Kquusli, Kaaex Hybrid—One of the richest flavored, finest grained and sweetest of all . taah family,per packet 10 eta. Tornado. Forty Ilybrid—One of the handsomest and best new To il'<-“'S. a good shipper, per packet 10 cts. Bliss’ American Wonder Pen-Extra early, no bushing. e .-quMte flavor, per packet IS eta. Corn, New Eh ** *«a - • New Forcing Carrot, “ *— ” der and crisp, line flavor. , per packet IS eta. Corn, New Egyptian-Very sweet and productive, per packet 10 cts. New Forcing Carrot, Extra Kairfy-Thnearliest, per packet 10 cts. Cunsmber, Bismarck—Ten der and crisp, tine flavor, per packet 10 cut. The above 12 packets, costing at Catalogue rates 81.50, we will send by mall, prepaid, for f I.'ju or seven of the above assortmentsYor |53J||, | For Eight Choico Varieties of Vegetable Seeds, as follows: Beet, Early Yellow Orange. Cahbaje, Improved | Brunswick, Cnrrol, Altrlngham, i'uruni* »»«T,Tallby’HlIylitni, I^cff ucc, the ilutison, J tliibk.nHoit, (bu Hackensack, Ku<I1m!i, ■ Woods' early frame, Tomato. Vick* Crlte- ve make this liberal oiler to Induce any who Now SUPER! V Alt I FT IKS OF IT.OIVKK •SKFON ror only uoCents, coinorisliiK Antlrrbliiiini, balsam. Candytuft, Sweet Mignonette, Zonule Ucrttn- tum, i’etunta. Phlox Drummondtt, and Zloulu. Alt uf thud weds wUlarow and are of the bed quatU v. ■ imtlf fur our handsomely Illustrated liu If Floral Catalogue, 80 Pages, of ,.. lAI.r, Fitt ers aud NF.t’.DS. ft con tains large Hats of tlio llnest Ever Blooming limes, (le- ranlums. Fuchsias, Carnations and hundreds of oilier Choice Plants that wo send Prepaid by Mall at per iloxen. It has also large lists of tlio choicest Veg etable and Flow'er Seeds. $100.00 in 4 Cash Prizes given to the persons sending us the four largestelubs for our Plants ancIHeods. This Is In add:iloii to liberal club jutes undpremiums given to ull wbo order. Address. ______ 1NMSFAI.I.KN tMHEEXIlOUSES, Nurlngfleltl. P’ • GHOULS AND GRAVE ROBBERS DEFIED. I Ateolate Security rOR THE 3DE A.3D. •mmm Je-T., fe-:U - - UTtfer Self-Locking BDR6LAR-PR00F, Boyd’s Patent Burglar Proof, Self-Locking Grave Vault. - sir— respect not even thegrave! an absolute guaraantee that tho bodies of our friends, when committee lieges, and the inhuman rapacity This Invention Ik calculated to furnish an to the tomb, may RK8T IN PEACE. FOR BALE BY UNDERTAKERS. Full Information and prices furnished by the manufacturers. ^ w . 4 .. „ , THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT CO., Springfield, Ohio. Mention this Paper! ^ ENGINES! FOR FARMERS, THRESHER JIEX, SAW* YERfl, GPnnSBS, ETC., ETC. The Eclipse Engines Have been before the public for a number of ears, and have not only taken the Premiums at ^tate and County Fairs, but also at the Centen nial Exhibition. Philadelphia, Cincinnati Exposition, Cincinnati, Ohio, and the Inter- flonal Exposition, at Melbourne City, Aua- PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, Portables Circular Saw Mills, Eto n*_The above Cut represents tho BEST TltACTl N ENGINE In the market-the Ecllpae-and It la soidutidcr rtn.l. uuaiiantkk to give luitlsfactlun. Before you bay, write us or our Agents, for uew Cat* Hue, etc. i i ,, Mention this paper. Wnyncttboro, Frnnklln County, l’n. LARGEST CORN IN THE WORLD GREA T CURIOSITY. CUT IS EXACT SIZE OF A GRAIN OF CORN. W# hare a asw variety of Mammoth Corn of Immsnso .ire, from 4 to 6 time, ms largo as ordinary corn; alngls grain, mrasura over ono inch long, three-quarter inch wld., and one- quarter Inch thick. Every ona la aatonlahod at ita enormoua alto and wondarfnl quality; baa thin whits akin, and la nearly all door or meal. Expert, pronounco it very valuable for fodder, also for atarch, gluooae and that clsaa of product.. Tho Editor of thl. paper has samples. One pitrUiuro sent by mail for 2d cents, or d packages for one dollar. Every former should give this mammoth Corn a trial. Address J. A. 1117El, * CO., Nprlngfleld, Ohio- „ ELEG-A.NT PEAXIIj IIANDIjiEID KNIFE. -Given tut a Prcmliiin Subscriber?.. We offer It for sale for 70 cents. This ologant knife Is a perfect gem. It ts made of the flneet steel, has two blades and an exquisite pearl han- •die, and will meet the wanta of those who have been inquiring for the prettiest and handsomest knife for ladles' use. It Is the very nicest Indies' knife In the market, aud we asaure you It will please all who may obtain It. Equal to those sold In stores at |1.50 aud 12.00. PRICK, Including 1 year’s subscription to Boothkbn Would, |1.2S. Poetage'prepald.ln by us. AN ELEGANT IMPORTED VIOLIN —-FOR ONLY $3.00. HOLIDAY CABINET! 15 Bean- I 6 * tend $1.13 and get your o :« d B5SW»sfe WHAT Go receipt cf 23 cent* in *Ur?r, or 27 c*At* in ktamps. as CENTS WIU DO. A. GRBAT OFFER.. Go receipt cf 25 coni* in Bilver. or 27 ceAt* in »tamps, we Thl* great o.„ «•*. Don't mil* thl* chance. Writ* now | M A. D. PUUTLH ft CO., 70 Milk Su, Loatou, Mtu. GOOD TIME-KEEPER FOR $3.50 YEAR'S SUB- FOR $4 &5i&Y&\,? 0 t°h d e A HANDSOME STEM WINDING WATCH, FINELY FINISHED. highly-polished, silvered metal. It Is thoroughly protected from the dirt and dust to which a key-winding watch la dally exposed. We know this Stem-winding Watch will meet with and grow In favor as Its peculiar merits and good qualities become known. There la now a growing demand for Just such a Watch, and we believe that the vast army of professional men, clerka, mechanics, farmer* anil laborers, will appreciate a oooii Watch at a low price which they can rely upon for accurate time. THE WATCH IS A GOOD TIME-KEEPER. We are now, for the first time In the world's history, able to furnish a low-priced, reliable watch, suitable for use on rail roads, steamers, by the faymer tn the field, tho mechanic at the bench, the boy attending school or working on the rami, ladles and others who make appointments and keep them. HOW THEY ARE MADE AND WHY THEY ARE SO CHEAP. This watch Is less complicated than other watches, contain ing only flfty-slx separate parts, while ordinary watches con tain over one hundred. The parts are made by machinery. THE WATCHES ARE TESTED BY THE MANUFACTURERS, Who have one of the largest and beat watch factories In the world. Among the many rooms of the Immense Watch Factory Is a “Testing Room,'* where the watches are taken when nnlsheil, and where the Inspector keeps them for one week, winding them night and morning, and causing them to be run In different positions. Inspecting and regulating them each day; and only those coming up to the Inspector's stan dard are sent out. THE WATCH IS GIVEN AS A PREMIUM FOR TEN SUBSCRIBERS AT REGULAR RATES. We Guarantee tlie Safe Delivery of the Watch to any Addresses, Postage Paid hy ns. Address, SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta. Goorgin. BDOKWALTER ENGINES. EFFECTIVE, SIMPLE, DDBABI.E AND CIIEAl*. titlAK- EVERY PLANTER Who runs a Cotton Bin or Corn Mill should have one. Steam power la much better and cheaper than horse power. SEE OUR LOW PRICES. : Engine 280 00 355 00 440 00 Address Manufacturers for descriptive pamphlet. JA3II-S LEFFEL «fc CO., Springfield, Ohio. • Mention this Paper, *®“SAVE THE EXPENSE OF BUILDING A BRICK CHIMNEY. Mention thl* paper. Pipe does not runt or crack by heat or crumble from (frost. It has been used 10 years for Dwellings. Schools.'’hurches,Ac. No dnngerf* m Hre.asltdoes not comm nlcate heat to wood. Insurance Com- S anies have decided It to e a safer Chimney than brick. It Is equally as sol id, and no bricks nor brick layer are required —any one can put It un. Kach section is two feet long and rests in the bowl of the next. We show four forms of construction. A complete chimney, to use In two stories, can be furn ished for about tft.OO. JWTtiend for descriptive CHAS. H. TORSCH & Cl. 101 Ilnnover St.,! BALTIMORE. ORIGINAL AND PECULIAR. The ONLY Complete Mineral Fertilizer Made, or That Gan Be Made! Tho Advantages derived from Its use, hoyond those obtained from any other Guano now offered, nro: 1st. The Plants do not shed their bolls during drouth to any thing like the same extent. flil. The Plants resist rust to a much greater degree 3<l. The Fruit forms and matures continuously up to frost. 4IU. The proportion of Lint to seed Cotton Is greater, Dili. The Quality of the Lint Is liner. fltli. The effects are more lasting. Test this by following the Cotton with winter Oats, without any re newed application of Fertiliser, 7tU. Each application improves, Instead of exhausting, the Soil. We state these effects from the observstlon nnd upon the authority of leading Planters throughout the state of Georgia, whose names anil addresses will be furnished to any applicant. * Condition, being dryer, liner and lighter, and containing more bulk. Uetng IlghtTn color, theabsence from any land In sowing can be at once observed, It any rows are missed. It Is entirely free from odor, and aa pleasant to handless meal. Inquired Local Agents,or address Tho Mention this paper. POPPLEIN SILICATED PHOSPHATE CO., [PosT-orncx Box 852,] 90 Kmllk’a Wharf, BALT1MOBE, HD,