Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, March 15, 1882, Image 16

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16 THE SOUTHERN WORLD, MARCH 16, 1882. I WE OFFER SBG.00 IN CASH PRIZES for IMS forth* three largest melom grown from our seed of The ItoM Water Melon. This new melon com bine* all the good qualities. The tlesh la of a deep near- let, rich In augar.and I* always chiystallne and melting. It Is among toe earliest, la among the heaviest, the moat pio„ Hive, and a good shipper. Do not fall to trylt; you will not regret It. l*er packet 2Scts., 6 P'kn* for,L jiljffA-MKI.Otf—New Superb, early, sugary flavor, one of the bent, per packet 15 eta. Cabbage, Lsa< <:v«.Ui’* Earlleal-Ten days earlier than any other variety, per packetJ» ct*. Celery, Slew Uoldta. ANNOUNCEMENT. t-Wxxyrelden yellow, per packet 10 eta. Lfttucc, mew Paper While-A fine tender sort, pet 110 eta. Mllucr. ItloomMlalc Haller—A variety that Is fit for table uae longer than any other, SUPERB exqnlalle flavor, per packet 16 eta. Corn* Hew Egyptian—Very sweet and productlve^per packet 10eta. N©w Forrlng Carrot, Ext** Eaaly-The earnest, per packet 10 eta. C’ncumber, itUmarrk- Td. der and crisp, one flavor, per packet lOcta. The above 12 packets, costing at Catalogue rates fl.60, we will send by mau. prepaid, for f 1.00 or seven of the above assortments for |5.(J0, I ' K fTIM Fop E| 9 ht Choice Varieties of 3XTot*7* Kill Vcgolablo Seeds, as follows: Beet, IIIIQK-Mri Ml I1MI Early Yellow Orange Vnhbnge, Improved JiJUuA JllLLUJIf — j yiuak-inelon/ the ’Huckensack, KjmIUIi, ‘ * *"* Vick's Crlte- ilce any who _ them a trial. VARIETIES* OF FLOWER ftEEIIM Ibr only OCenla comprlijiiig Antirrhinum. Balsam, Candytuft, Sweet Mignonette,Z«m ilo tienn- itim, Petunia, Phlox Drummondll, ami Zinnia. All of these needs uHUarmo and are of the ben qualify. ] for our handsomely Illustrated Floral Catalogue. 80 Pages, of -TBEITW and NEED*. It eon- tains lirge lists of the finest Ever Blooming IIoh«>m, u<>- runiuins. Fuchsias, Carnations and hundreds of oilier Choice Hants that we send Prepaid by Mall at fkl.RO per dozen. It has also large lists of the choicest Veg etable and Flower Seeds. $100.00 in 4 Cash Prizes given to the persons sending us f lie four largest clubs for our Plants and Heeds. This Is In addition tolihcril club rates and premiums given to all who older. Adi’r***, IXXIh* A Eli EM OBEEIHOlliai, Iprtngilsld, ese seeds wiU grow and are < Absolnte Security FOR THE DB A.D. Self-Locking BURGLAR-PROOF. Boyd’s Patent Bnrglar Proof, Self-Locking Grave Vanlt. The horrible disclosure* of outrages perpetrate.! by grave robbers and l»ody anatehera, within recent years, have created an imperative demand for a aafe guard against the molestation of our dead. Appalling statistics prove the annual desecration of thousands of cemeteries and burying grounds. The demand for subjects by medical colleges, and the fnAuman rapacity of human hyenas, rcs|iccl not even the grave! This Invention la calculated to furnish an nbmlulr. gunrnanlrc that the bodies of our friends, when committee to the tomb, may HKST IX 1‘KAI'K. FOR SALE BY UNDERTAKERS. Full Information and prices furnished by the manufacturers. THE BOYD DRAYE VAULT CO,, Springfield, Ohio. ■W Mention this Pa pert ENGINES! FOB FA It HUltS. Til It EMI HUM i;\, MW- A'KBS, (1INMIKS, etc., ETC. Tho Ecllpso Engines Hhvo been before the public for a number of yearn, and have not only taken the Premium* at State and Comity Falra. but also at the Centen nial exhibition. Philadelphia, Cincinnati Exposition. Cincinnati. Ohio, and the Inter national ExpoKltlon,at Melbourne City, Aus tralia, In I860. ALSO— PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, " Portable Circular Saw Mills, Eto Mention this paper. PRICK tfc GO., W'ny nenhoro, Ernnklln Connly, Pit. carriages and buggies. Jaines Drisool & Sons, MANUKACTURKRM OF THE FAMOUS DRISGOL BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. Sold throughout the Northern and Western States, An of more than thirty years In the manufacture of Road Vehlclea of every deacrlptlon, and he success and popularity with which our products have been received by the trade slid puullc generally wherever uaed. Justify ustn calling the eapcclal attention OUT* mxu SOUTHE^IKT PEOPLE to the mertta of our goods. None but the Hneat workmanship and moat superior materials which money can buy or skill and experience suggest, enter Into the construction of our Buggies and Carriage.. WKC-nltniAl.LV INVITKCORRIMia>NI)KN-CK rROII DKALERS, AND THK PUBLIC OKNKRALLY. PTlC List*. Catalogue., and Information furnished ou application. • Mention this Paper. James Driscol & Sons, Springfield, O. LARGEST CORN IN THE WORLD BREA T CURIOSITY. CUT IS EXACT SIZE OF A OR AIM OF C0RM, We have a new variety of Mammoth Corn of immenae site, bom 4 to 6 times aa large.aa ordinary corn: tingle grain* measure over one inch long, three-quarter Inch wide, and one- Quarter inch thick. Every on# ia astonished at its enormous sise and wonderfh! quality: haa thin white skin, and Is nearly all flour or meal. Kxperta pronounce it very valuable for fodder, alao for starch, gluoose and that clans of products. The Editor of this paper baa aamples. One pitrkner© sent hv mail for 2ft cents, or 6 packages for one dollar. Every farmer should give this Mammoth Corn a trial. Addreaa J. A. It IT I, I. A CO., Springfield, Ohio- 33IiEGAMTT PEARIj IIAUDLiEr) KNIFE, GOOD TIME-KEEPER FOR $3,50 FOR $4 SR.»^o°Th d eY<A\SUe R V d w 8^d y,:abs sob - A HANDSOME STEM WINDING WATCH, FINELY FINISH KI>. The cut nhowe the face of the Welch, giving the exact nire and etvie. The face Is covered with aotld cut crystal, showing the handsome movements, without the necessity of opening the case. The movements are of American make, known the world over for their excellence and fine finish. The case Is made of beautiful, highly-polished, silvered metal. It Is thoroughly protected from the dirt and dust to which a key-winding watch Is dally exposed. We know this Htem-wlndlng Watch will meet with arid grow In favor as Its peculiar merits and good qualities become known. There Is now a growing demand for just such a Watch, and we believe that the vast army of professional men, clerks, mechanics, farmers and laborers, will appreciate a rood Watch at a low price which they can rely upon for accurate time. THE WATCH IS A GOOD TIME-KEEPER. We are now, for the first time In the world’s history, able to furnish a low-priced, reliable watch, suitable for use on rail roads, steamers, by the farmer in the field, the mechanic at the bench, tho boy attending school or working on the fnrm, ladles and others who make appointments and keep them. HOW THEY ARE MADE AND WHY THEY ARE SO CHEAP. Lin over one hundred. parts are made by machinery. only excellence a watch can have, namely, th TIME-KEEPING, AND A LOW PKICE. THE WATCHES ARE TESTED BY THE MANUFACTURERS, Who have one of the largest and best watch factories In the world. Among the many rooms of the Immense Watch Factoiy Is a "Testing Room.” where the watches are taken when finished, and where the Inspector keeps them for one week, winding them night and morning, and causing them to be run In different positions, Inspecting and regulating them each day; and only those coming up to the Inspector's stan dard are sent out. THE WATCH IS GIVEN AS A PREMIUM FOR TEN SUBSCRIBERS AT REGULAR RATES. We Guarantee the Safe Delivery of tho Watch to any Addresses,‘Postage Paid hy ns. Address, SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta, Georgia. BOOKWALTER ENGINES. EFFECTIVE, NIMBLE, BURABLE AMD CHEAP. Ut’.a- EVERY PLANTER SEE OUR LOW PRICES: Horse Power Unglue | 240 no 280 no 855 no 440 «*> Address Manufacturers for descriptive pamphlet. JAMES LKITEL A CO., Springfield, Ohio. ar Mention this Paper. r SAVE THE EXPENSE OF BUILDING A BRICK CHIMNEY. Our Fire Clay Chimney Pipe due. not rust or crack by hent or crumble front Frost. It ha* been used Id- lycara lor Dwellings. Schools. Churches,Ae. No danger ft m Hre, aa it does not comm nlcnte heat to. wood. Insurance fom- panles have decided It to. be a safer ChlntHoy than, brick. It isequally as sol id, and no bricks nor brick layer are required — ant- one can put It up. Karls section Is two feet long and rests In the bowl of the next. We allow four forma of construction. A complete chimney, tn uae in twnstorlea.CHii la- lurn- lsbed for about fS.eo. *W"8end for nest-rlt lire eti. ular with lull inform. • tlon. We are shipping frei ly to all parti of the south. CHAS. H. TOOT & Cl. 101 llannvri* St., BALTinOKU Mention this paper. TH 33— ORIGINAL AND PECULIAR. The ONLY. Complete Mineral Fertilizer Made, or That Can Be Made! Tho Advantages derived from its aso, heyond those obtained front any other Guano now offered, are: 1st. The Plants do not shed their boll, during drouth to any thing Ilk. the same extent. ■id. The Plant, resist rust to a much greater degree 3,1. The Fruit forms and mature, continuously up to frost. 4th. The proportion or Lint to seed Cotton Is greater. 3th. The Quality of the Lint Is finer. 6th. The effects are mare lasting. Test this by following the Cotton with winter Oats, without auy re newed application of Fertiliser. 7th. Each application Improves, instead of exhausting, the Soil. We state these effects from the observation and upon the authority of leading Planters throughout the gtatp of Georgia, whose names and addresses will be furnished to any applicant. * twin addition to the advantages derived from Its uae, as Condition, being dryer, finer and lighter, and containing tr any land fn sowing can be stones observed, If any rows ure plessant to handle an meal. Inquire of Local Agepts.or address The above slated. It Is Superior In Mechanical more bulk. Being light In color, the absence from missed. It la entirely free from odor, and as ¥??«?» qua pppf, POPPLEIN SILICATED PHOSPHATE CO., (fPOT-OFTOO po* 8K.J ’■ 99 WnUth’s Wharf, pAJ.TlMOpE. BiP.