Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, October 15, 1882, Image 9

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THE SOUTHERN "WORLD, OCTOBER 15, 1881 9 It is surprising how much can be learned from a face. Physiognomy seldom lies. This lady with the diamonds in her ears is not a person of position. Her dress is faultless, her movement elegant; she is very hand some, but "somehow you know." It is that peculiar, half-doubtful, half-supercilious ex pression of hers that tells its own story. She is at once defiant and ashamed. Yonder sits an ill-dressed man, near a fair and tidy, mid dle-aged woman, but there is a gracious, matronly look upon her face. You place her at once as honest wife and careful mother. You have no doubt of her, nor of the girl at her side, her daughter. The lan guage of the face is very plainly written, if one will only learn to read it. I think if girls knew this—if they took it to heart and believed it—it would be well for them. This wish to look well is strong in all feminine hearts; with this end in view they will starve or take bitter medicine, rub bismuth or arsenic upon their faces, cover their hands and foreheads witli sticky pastes on retir ing, and forbid themselves fresh, breezy walks or pleasant sails for fear of tanning. Yet, at the same time, they will think and do many things which stamp on expression not to be coveted upon their young faces, and quite forget that, after all, the face is but as a vace which the lamp of the soul illuminates, and that the best beauty comes from within. The Art Amateur for October is especially rich in practical hirts and directions for art work and home decoration. The supple ment of designs contains, beside those for flower and figure painting, a notable one for an embroidered panel of "Birds and Wild Roses,” the first of a series from the Royal School of Art Needlework at South Kensing ton. The frontispiece is a fine drawing by Piton of a superb portrait plaque from the famous Deck factory. A spirited sketch of the "Genius of Music” by the French deco rator, Galland, forms another striking full page illustration; a decorative ceiling by Faivre, and two of the Vanderbilt painted windows, are also given. The recent Ham- ilton sale receives much attention, and many of the most noteworthy paintings and other objects sold are illustrated. There is a vigorous article on the artists Courbet and Baudry, and a very interesting account of the new art of "Lustra Painting,” lately taken up by the British “upper ten.” If any of our readers are still unacquainted with The Art Amateur it will pay them to send for the October issue. Price, $4 a j ear; single numbers, 35 cents. Montague Marks, pub lisher, 23 Union Square, New York. The numbers of Living Age for the weeks ending September 23d and 30th contain Mrs. Fanny Kemble’s Records of her Life, and Medieval Hymns, Quarterly, Comets, Nine teenth Century; A Voice from the Nile, Fort nightly; The Palace of Urbino, Cornhill; Snake Anecdotes, Chambers’ Journal; Cete wayo’s Meditations?, The Vegetariun Ani malcules of the Deep Sea, and On Reading Shakespeare through, Spectator; Two Ital ian Geographers, Saturday Review; The For eign Trade of the United States, their Influ ence on the Money Market, and the Immi gration which they receive, Economist-, Death not Universal, Journal of Science; Adventurers, Globe; with instalments of “The Ladies Lindores,” "A Cats Paw," and "No New Thing.” Women in the habit of talking in loud and forcible language to their husbands should profit by the following: ••The human lungs reverberate sometimes with great velocity, When windy Individuals Indulge In much ver- boslty. They have to twirl the glottis sixty thousand times a minute, And push and punch the diaphragm as though the deuce were in It. Chorus-The pharynx now goes up; The larynx, with a slam, Ejects a note From out the throat, Pushed by the diaphragm." The dimensions of. the tunnels of the Northern Pacific Railroad, as given by Chief Engineer Anderson, are as follows : At the Big Horn, 1,100 feet, now completed; through Bozeman Pass, 3,000 feet; at the Mullan Pass, near Helena, 3,050 feet; at the Mullan grade, 600 feet, and at the Blackfoot, 300 feet—in all, 9,360 feet. The heaviest work is at the Bozeman and Mullan Passes. The raising of lavender in England has be come an important industry. The harvest is gathered in August. The flowers are then cut and taken to the distillery followed by immense numbers of bees which are partic ularly fond of the odor. About 30,000 gal lons of spirltsof lavender are annually made. State and County Fairs. Raleigh, North Carolina, (State) October 16th, six days. Little Rock, Arkansas, (State)October 10th, five days. Austin, Texas, (State) October 17th, five days. Purdy, Tennessee, October 17th, four days- Anderson, South Curollna, October 18th> three days. Union, South Carolina. October 24th, three days. Rocky Mount, North Carolina, October 24th, five days. Sumter, South Carolina, October 24th, four days. Meridian, Mississippi, October 30th, six days. Aberdeen, Mississippi, October 30tb, six days. Camden, Alabama, October 31st, six days. Richmond, Virginia, (State) November 1st, three days, Wadesboro', North Carolina, November 8th, three days. Weldon, North Carolina, November 13th five days. Mongomery, Alabama, (State) November 13th, five days. Columbia, South Carolina, (State) Novem’ her 14th, six days. Autiiok’s wife at Long Branch to iier Irish maid—“I say Honora, where can Mr. Ink- slasher be? It is past lunch time. What can be keeping him so long!” Maid—“Och! sure! don’t worry ma’am; he’s only down beyant there, at the baitcli, decomposin’.” Wonted. Any one having a copy of The Southern World of July first, will confer a favor by sending it to us. In return we will mail them a copy of a handsome steel engraving “Sunshine and Shadow.” PREMIUM NO. 8. (Order by number.) NOTED AND POPULAR ItOOHN FIS EE ! We will send any one of the books described below which you may select, postpaid to any address, and Include a year’s subscription to Tlic Southern World Tot One Dollur. These books are all the latest revised editions, and contain many pleasing Illustrations. Clearly and neatly printed on heavy and beautiful white paper, and hound In heavy paper. A copy of any book In the list will be sent by m all postpaid for 25 cents. Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. The Pilgrim's Progress. Gulliver's Travels. The Arablnn Nights' Entertainment. Bread and Cheese and Kisses. -Esop’s Fables. Noble Deeds of Men and Women. John Ploughman's Pictures. Saved at Last from Among the Mormons. Album Writer's Friend. Blunders of a Bashful Man. Money should be sent by Post-ofllce Money Order or Registered Letter. Address SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta, Us. PREMIUM NO. 22. (Order by number.) HARMONICAS, German make, Richter Concert with bell attachment, and ten holes In box; will delight the boys. THE SOUTHERN WORM) forone year, and the Harmonica for ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS. We will sell the Harmon ica separate at 75 cents. Address SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta, Us, FULLSET OF ELEGANT IMITA- T*DPP T TION CORAL JEWELRY SENT £ Mill J The above lllaatrxtlons represent, upon a small seal# and Im perfectly, a complete ett of Fine Imitation C’ornt Jewelry, as follows: On* Ilandeoma Lodi**’ Pin, new deaicn; On* I*air Ladle*' Ear Drop*, to match; On* Pair Sleeve Button*, new stvlt, verv prettv; On* Beautiful Croee, for attaching to necklace, and On* Very UanJion* Necklace. All these goods are of the finest Imitation Coral, which Is so largely worn throughout the 4 very handsome. There is noth- • wear oat, and they are perfect .J. Iu order to obtain for our welt- and popular Literary, Agricultural and Family paper, Thb Rural Home Jot as al, 100,000 new trial autt- aeribers, we make the following txtraordinmri *f*r: Upon rtetipt of only Twenty‘Five Crate in pot a** etamne tee will tend The Rural noma Journal for Three Mouths, and fe K ir eubecriber w will also tend th* entire collection ot Vine I tut Ion Coral Jewelry above described, Freer Thb Rural Hons Journal te a splendid eight-page, 3'2-column IUu*. trated paper, devoted to charming stories, sketches and poems, the Farm, Garden and Household, Ladies’ Fancy Work, Health Hints, reading for the young, wit and humor, news, espoeures of frauds, etc. It Is one of the moot Interesting end valuable family papers published. You will be delighted with It, as well as with the splendid collection of Jewelry. This great offer Is made simply to Introduce the paper Into new homo*. Take advantage ef ft now—atenot. For fl.00 we will send five subscriptions loth# paper and fire complete sets of the Jewelry; therefore, by getting four of your friends to send with you, you will secure Tour own paper and Jewelry free. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. As te ear reliability we refer te the publisher cf any first latreiused U1178, sad dm 1.0JG ms( Is uss by Um test farmers ia tttrt State, aadf •veryalters tetllsglM •waster? •fth* em mbJ •f labor and Um better aw of Maura. Head-* las all Uad ot manure feuad «a the farm, frowtl tbs sesrsest te the A seat, lactudlsf lias, ashes,_ musk, atari, As., la asy condition, w*t or dry; Dieting aay amount doetred per sere, front twent fash ef ground with Sasly pulverised manure, is quality of work sunset be approached hy head I Many farmers write: m' It saves its twH ever actual wstcfct sf hav. w of which we rive th KEMP A 1WHPEE MF«. VALUABLE POCKET KNIFE FREE TO EVERY NEW SUBSCRIBER TO THE SOUTHERN WORLD FOR SIXTY DAYS FROM SEPTEMBER 15TH, we make the liberal ofTer of the Southern World fora year and a valuable two-blade Pocket Knife. ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR! Thin knife ts better made and more nubntantlal than Is represented In the cut. It Is not a cheap Imported knife, but was purchased by us In a large order from a Connecticut manufactory. The blades nre of the best American steel, the large one extra strong for heavy work. The corners are round and of polished steel, and ti Is altogether a serviceable knife, that retails everywhere from 75 cents to $1. We warrant them strong and perfect. OUR PRICK FOR THE KNIFE SEPARATELY, IS 75 CENTS. To new subscribers who send us ft we give the knife as a present. Old subscribers may take advantage of this great nfTer by renewing at once and hnving their suhslirlptlon forwarded one year from expiration of their present subscription. RKMEMHER THIS OFFER IS GOOD ONLY FOR SIXTY DAYS FROM SEPTEMBER 15TII, 1882. We assume no risk upon knives sent out without being registered. SEND FOUR THREE-GENT STAMPS FOR POSTAL REGISTRY, In addition to the fl, and wo guarantee the safe delivery of the knife. Address: SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta, On. THE SOLAR WATCH. PERFECT TIME KEEPER, ONLY 50 Cts- Tho 8oliu* Watch Is tho latest wondor. It will denote the tlmo M accurately ns a lino chronometer watch and can nkvkr Okt OUT or oitDKH. It consists of a compass (worth alone more chan 60cents), a dliil ami Indicator. Tho instrument being pointed duo north, the exact tlmo Is Infallibly given. For Boys it Is Just as good hs a $16 watch; for Travelore It Is in some respects better, as it always gives the exact time of tho place they arelnjIorSportsiueu it is Invaluable and Indispensable; tor School Teachers It Is a valuable addition to their scientific Instruments, and It will have tho largost sale of any Invention of the age. The Solar Watch can bo carried In tho vest pocket, ts Instantly adjusted, and will denote the exact time as ac curately as a tine watch. Moya Juat think of It. A Wnich for GO Cents* Krory statement guaranteed ormonoy re funded. This Is no httmhug, and iho Solar Watch will do Just what wosay. It is not a tot : it is a Wonderful Instru ment, MADK ON SCIENTIFIC rRINCirUCt, ACCUKATK AND RE LIABLE. Tho Compass Is absolutely correct. 1 he u ntch It enclosed In a beautiful nickel cose, and altogether Is a ^mark- able Invention. It must not be confounded with the so called magnetic tlmo-pleces, which have been exclusively advertised. Agents will find this a remarkably good selling article Post age stamps received In payment, Just the lamo as cash. sample sent by mall, postpaid, with Chain, im recolptof CO centa, orThree. for fet.OO. Address, C. F. LIN8COTT & Co-, BOX 10, 21 Park Row. New York. nIuiim only I.» c 3 Tidies, Rugs, Mat. .... . 9 ers, Animals Ac. for Cross-stItch and nllc»nn*n , !TITTTTTTniFry7TTTii imvii^, ,y 1 Burlap. Folt, Silk Ac. with diagrams showing how to muko all tho stitch- £ os for Kmbroldory and Laco-work. Those designs aro now and boautl- ?> ful; every lady should havo them. Wo send tho entire lot for 13c Cat-f* alogue of1000 useful articles free. PATTEN A Co., 47 narclay 8t, N. Y, [ GENUINE RUSSIAN WHITE OATS I pound by mall, 30com.,. 4 pounds by mall,|t.(ju. 1 bushel by freight, |2.U0. J. A. III LL .V CO., Nlirlngfleld, Ohio. PREMIUM NO. 5. (Order by number.) SPECIAL_OFFER. THU SOUTHERN WORLD FOIl NIX MONTHS and a handsome steel engraving entitled, “NUNNHINK AND SHADOW, ” FOR Fifty cents, (and a tbree cent stamp to pay postage on picture.) In order to leave no opportunity unimproved, we make Ibis unexumplcd offer to thosowho may wish to take the Southkrn Worm, on trial. This picture Is very handsome, and is IV by 24 in. In site. II repre sentsa young farmer Juat putting uslde his work to enjoy noon refreshments. On tho ground, near u tall atone fence, aro Ills canteen, coat and spade. Ills wife has Just come with his dinner, and the two chil dren, all looking happy and contented with life. Who Is turned with her back to the looker-on, holding In one hand the basket of dinner, while with the other, she Is transferring the Infant child to Its father's arms. He is taking It with tender care.wlille an expres sion of happy pride mingles with that ot fatigue and almost overcomes It, so great seems to be Ills admira tion for the Utile one. Un the other side of her moth er a little girl, apparently about four years of age, stands with her dolly and a long bunch of grass in one hand, and with the other pretends to assist mam ma with the.baaket, looking saucily up Into pupa’s face, as If to say, “You dou't know what's In hero for you!" Around them .are growing wild llowers and tall grass, while the scene Is Hooded with the bright beams ot the noon-day sunlight. In the dark background Is n grove or wood, where a silent, lonely figure, draped In widow's weeds, stands amid the shadows, and with a sad, downcast countenance, gases upon the happy group before her with a far-away look, as If recalling the days when ahe. too, was huppy.or viewing the contrast between this family and her owu blighted life. It can but touch the hearts ot both sides—the happy and the unhappy. Addresa SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta, On. Lni-gost Oprn. Ureal Curtosity-Cut f> Exact RUe of A Oraln ot Corn. We have a new varlclv of 3Iai»- ■nolli Corn of Ininieuse size, from 4 to u times as large ns the ordinary corn ; single grains measure over 1 Inch long, h inch wide and 'i Inch thick, llus thin, while skin, and Is nearly all Hour ur meal. One pack age sent by mall for 25c. or Hvefor It. Hood for seed catalogue. Address J. A. BULL, A CO., Nprltigllrld, Ohio. THE MILLER CO, Manufacturers of T1IIC TOIlltKNT AND UNIQUK IN- DKl'KNDKNT BOILKR VKKU STEAM DUMPS, CANTON, OHIO. For Boilers of from 5 to ISO H. I., with Base, or Bracket on! Price (10 and up wards. small sizes Indisnenable fur Farm und Traction Engines. Also make a s|>eclalty of all kinds of custlugs. Send for new I8S2 Catalogue. PREMIUM NO. 23. (Order by number.) HERMAN ACCOHDKON, Elglit-key with bass box. one stop, two seta reeds, Unely Unbilled, with sweet tone. Itetalled In New York at 12.25. We will send THU .SOUTHDUN WOULD for one year, and the German Accordeon, tor |2JS0. Accordeon separately, postpaid, for (MU. Address SOUTHERN WOULD, Atlanta, Un,