Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, November 15, 1882, Image 15

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THE SOUTHERN WORLD.NOVSiMBER 16, 1882. 31 Every Jinn Voted for Himself. In Huron, Dakota Ter ritory, not long since the citizens assembled to bear the result of the election They wereall impatient to learn the vote on judge of probate. The clerk read the returns for county commissioner. “ Bother the county commission er! We don’t care any thing about that. Go on to the next.” “For reg ister of deeds.” “ Go on ! go on I” “ For sheriff—” “ No matter about the sheriff. Go on to the pro bate j udge I probate j udge! probate judge 1” cried sco res of voices. “ I am sor ry to announce that the vote for probate judge is a tic, and that therefore there is no election to that office.” Fierce cries of fraud and treachery arose, and the figures were de manded. “Gentlemen,” said the clerk, “there were 2,878 votes cast. There are 2,878 names. Each received o» vote. Every man votedAr him self."—Detroit (Mich.) Free Prett. “ I hate to see a woman with rings in her ears,” • exclaimed the good dea con ; “ they ain’t natural; if it was intended for a woman to wear them, she would have been born with holes in her ears. The first woman didn't wear earrings, I’ll be bound 1” “ Mo,” remarked the quiet little man in the corner, “ nor nothing else.” The discussion was brought to an abrupt Close and the house adjourned without delay. — Boston Transcript. A gentleman who was fixing a water-pipe which was leaking, became very much annoyed by his colored body-guard, a youtli of about ten years of age, and drew the wrench back as if to strike him. The body-guard stood his ground and con temptuously remarked: “I ain’t afraid of you ; I’se worked for a heap sight meaner men dan you is." To this the gentleman in dignantly replied: “You lie, you little rascal; you never did.” LADIES’ SOLID GOLD WATCHES. A PERFECT “Why,” said the New .York burglar, “do I hang round the police station all the time? Because I am wanted fora burglary, and as long as I keep right before the face and eyes of the police they will never be able to find An Elegant Present For Your Lady Friends.' mi,nuheut nuiuuMiwvu vs « uiuaui wutcu, pivtiuuu Ik u luuiracupur, AUUl imiilcn I nrotlie same pride about carrying a watcli, andtako the tamo pleasure In doing so that Gentleman do, the grout majority of Ladies do not carry watchos. There are two reasons for their not doing so. First it la not ■Idercdqultothoproperthlngforaladytocarryany buto Gold Watch, and socond Gold Watches have heretofore boon bo high In prlcothat tho majority of young ladles could not afford to own ono. Realizing this condition of things, wo havo alter much time spent In Experimenting, and at great Expense perfected A ladies’ Beautiful Watcli, With Solid Gold Hunting Cases, which wnarocnablod to sellatths extremely oflowprlco of Fifteen Dollars, making It tho cheapest havo boon prevented by tho high prlco of Watchca from doing so, can now purchase for a present, ait Elegant Gold Wntctt without feeling lmprovorlshod a whole year afterward by so doing. Wemakotho caseof our Now Ladles’ Watch of Solid Gold, with beveled edges after the nowrat patterns, and they are Elegantly Engraved, and In very truth they are ••Xhlucs of ForfoctLcauty.” They havo flno Nickel Movement, and are fully guaranteed for time. Every watch Is put up in a beautiful Bilk-Lined Rosewood or Slorooco Csso. Wo send them to any part of the country, by Registered mail, on receipt of Fifteen Dollars, We send n Double Extra Fine Fold Fluted Opera or I,onfr Clinlfl with tho Watch.onrocolpt of $3.00 additional. Send money by Registered mall, I*. 0. Money Order, or Draft on Now Fork. World Manufacturing Co., 122 Nassau Street, New York. Tho above Watch sent free to any Person who will send us an order for 30 Neiv American Dlctionarys. Send $1.00 for Sample Copy and try it. CHEAPEST BOOK IN THE WORLDS The New American Dictionary Price only tains 1,000 EnRravInRB^qnd 100 pages than any other book of tho, kind ovor pub- Rml olognut volumo Is a Library and Encyclopedia Ofgen- ... __ ----- *- »*- Superbly bound la _jlsh language, with Its trus moaning, derivation Spelling and pronunciation, and a vast amount of absolutely noccssary Information upon Science, Mythology, Biography, American nittory, Insolvent land and In- •* We havo cxamRof tls'Nevr A%or{e[n %fct?u?i»nr"an<l find It Is a very valuable book. Bouts 4 Borne. “ Ws have never seen Its equal, either In prlco finish, or contents." Tun ADVOCATE. *• Worth ten times tho monsv.” Tai- bunk and Farmer. •* A perfect dictionary Rnd library of reference.’; Lrsub Illustrated News. Wa bava frequent occasion to use the New American ' office and regard It well worth the prlco. CnnisruM Unioic. “Ictlom ‘ Dictionary In our off! m fur i worth than In most books at ion times the'eott. N. T. World. Note tho price, ’Extraordinary Offer. .SOlMKS ForaClubof 30 weeendfree, a Lady’s Bolld Gold punting Cas* Watch. i lib of 3 Owe will send free. Gents* Solid Gold Bunting caso Watch._ Ton can easily secure ono of these at fence for a sample copy. You can easily se< r or two or daring your Iclsuro time ovenlngs. tllabUlty, we can refer to the publishers of tnle n* *ia, la this ‘ A GREAT OFFER. $1.00 FRENCH nrcsKr OSCOPE for Tavpiity-llvo coni.- This Is the Cheapest end Best Mlcroscopo ever constructed for the examln- atlon of Rank Notes, Lace, Silk and Linen, reading Ini perfect and faded writing oi small printing. All kinds oi small anlroale.fosects Ac.are magnified many times larger than their usual site. This Mleroseope Is made of the clearest crystal with a transparent tube, so the light la admited without any obstruction. No Micro- S&&& ty or perfectness. The former retail S ice has always been 1,00 but we have -made arrangements i to supply thusubscrl- jbers of this paper at price of ts Webby mallor 5 for $ I .00 ; We know that every family will want one or more and If you wish to take advantage of this offer f ilease do so at once as the offer will bo withdrawn Nov. ■till!. Fctac. World Monufoc- turlng Co, 122 Nassau Stroot, New York. THE STUDENT’S PHOTOGRAPH OUTFIT This Scientific production cannot fall to Interest, amnso and Instruct every person who sees it. With It any one by following tho directions. Can Make Tholr Own Photographs. It contains all of the needed Chemical* for working; Printing Framei ■ ’liver, Toning and Fixing baths, Albumen Paper, llountlng Cards, Ac., Ac. Evorybody wants ono. It Is something now, and not only does U furnish amusement but by Its use tho operator bocomos familiar with many inter esting chemical experiments, racked socuroly In a neat case with fall directions which are so almplo that any Boy or Girl can, with a little stndy and patience make a good photograph. Prlco by mall. Fifty Cents. Foil- age stamp* taken. World Manuf'ff Co., I 22 Nassau Street, Now Yorks The Horse Shoe Diamond Ring 1 , Ortho Emblem of Coodtuokond tho Cuard ognlnafovll Who has not heard of the mystics virtu..o!th« Horse Shop! or who does not know Tho wonderful B evert .... . ine cutj Is a combination of the two mys teries; the number Seven In Dia monds forming the nails In a Gold*, an llorse Shoe. The two tallatuar lo Incarnations of virtue j counteract, but assist« In tbalr effect. The ha been worn has an o generations who havl_, passed away, but novel jeweler or artist bit upon suchx happy design. Beauty Is tha mi ul art *udH>eauty can be at tained with any material as a _ groui dwork but It Is only attained rarest products, such as time can- perfection whsn stamped on esrt.. -- — ----- «.4assail, norover abundance depreciate In value. Such materials, ws have made use of and our succesa Is gratifying In the extreme. Ladles and Gentlemen alike may wear them. Rich and poor may take equal pleasure In their possession, tor their price brings them within the repch of Oil and their beauty commends them to the wealthiest. Before CbrTslmas thousands of theso rings will bo glittering through the land delighting the eye and gratifying tho correct tasto of tho refined, and many another Christmas the earns rings will bo glittering on other fingers, perhaps In other far off lands, when all this generation Is no more. Rend for one or other far offlands, when all this generation!- v - — — more and yon will find you have made the best Investment of your lifetime. Do not take the Uorso Shoe fro “ not take the Horse 8hoe from t lessors of this ting, and so 1* from tho Door, says the popular song, and “Do m tho finger,” will betbo song of alt the poe- It should be, for when a man or woman dons m ring;’**Until death'do us part” should be tho feeling. The rings are of spirit of the time and at a price much lowtr than ordinary commercial cal culation would allow We are wise enough to know however, that this rlntf will be good seed sown, and we hope and expect to map a rich harvest la tbo connection It will bring us. Price by mall $|.50* World Mannfac’g Co. 122 Nassau Street, New York. LADIES’ COMBINATION KNIFE. —■ - m.nltlM*!iclMor .n/.xprn, Oa, Inthl.cltv. . Xdd™M WOULD MANUFACT Ultimo CO. 122 Nassau Street New York. one that combines t— —™.. _—, - - which we now offer la made of the best material and well made In every way—It has an elegant Inlaid Pearl Handle, TI ??v lwo ' blades of the finest steel, and a glove buttoner and a button hook, and fora Ladles* Knife I tilths beet In tbe market. It will prove a very acceptable present to an 7 •••larlf to yonr young lady friends. Try It and sea. Price by malllM|9riy Cents. Two for Ninety Cents, Five for Two Dollars* World Manufacturing Co. 122 Nassau Stroot Now York* THE MILLER CO. Manufacturers of TH* TORRENT AND UNIQUE IN DEPENDENT BOILER FEED STEAM PUMPS, CANTON, OHIO. For Boilers of from 8 to ISO H. 1., with Base, or Bracket on amaller sites I Price *0 and up- warts. Small sites IndlspenabTe for Farm and Traction Engines. Also make a specialty of all JtJndgof castings. Send for new 1882 Catalogue. MANY ADVERTISERS HAVE DIF- FEREXT ARTICLES ADVERTISED IN DIFFERENT PAPERS, AND TO GET A PROPER ANSWER TO YOUR LETTERN, IN WRITING BE SURE TO SAY THAT YOU SAW TIIE ADVERTISEMENT IN THE SOUTHERN WORLD. BY SO DO ING, YOU FREQUENTLY BENEFIT YOURSELVES AND OUR PAPER, * '• Best House ok Steam Power WELL AUGER AND DRILLS. Rust’s Eagle Machine, complete, with linrse-powcr, SOU lb. drill, two 0-Inch '/. bits, ami 200 ft. rope, (1.10. Every machine guaranteed, and men sent to sot up and tcit before payment. saTOrder machines direct, or send for circulars Jfea/ioaUfipaper. 0. RUST, St, Joseph, Mo. CONSUMPTION. 1 ham a positive remedy for the above disease; by Its u*o thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been eured^ndeBd^srtstroa^UmrJaUhlnmrefflesejr. that l will send TWi UA BLK Til K AT I HE c_. press A F, 0. address. 1 r LILIPUTiAN BAZAAR. EVERY CHILD should wear our “ Perftet” Waists. They support tho clothing directly from tbe shoulders, and far surpass .11 others in comfort, perfection in fit and beauty of shape. H r e fur- si ish everything for children's trear, Bovs’, Girls’ and Babies’ Clothing, including every ar ticle required for complete outfits for all age. up to It C ars. Better stylet ttermade, heller trf fltllsr.lhuncanbo v Gif ■ ' ■XasW.iLj had elsewhere, and \ lower price*. Mail orders hate cartful affenffon. Catalogues free. BEST & GO. SS.»;l?6»f.T;. , N. Y. M SOUTHDOWN RIIEEP. CASSIUS M. CLAY, breeder ol pure SOUTH; DOWN SHEEP, White Hall, Kentucky. Ktcffer Pear. Jap. Buy these Pears, only see catalogue, sent free, W. W. JNO. D. CUNNINGHAM, Attorney at Iiaw, ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA. —ovricE— Over Atlanta National Bank, 15 Alabama street...