Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, May 01, 1885, Image 16

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203 THE SOUTHERN WORLD, 1 MAY 1,1886. W1FTS* SPECIFICS S. S. S. is entirely Vegetable. Beware of Im itations, which contain Mercury, Potash and other Poisonous Minerals. Old Age Seeking Kcliel. We call attention to the correspondence given below, which we h»TO the liberty topublleh. Prob- ably no physician la better known In Atlanta than Dr. John M. Johnion. He haa been identlfled with the city alnce It waa a smoking rain, and haa had one of the larges', and moat ancceaaful careers aa apractltlouerof medicine In thewhole country' HaBTaroBD, Ky., March 24,1885. Dr. John M. Johnaon : Dear Old Fr -Puffs similar to the Inclosed (B«v. J. H mpbell'a “Two More Important Cases”)c . .Imost weekly in our paper In rela tion to Swift's Specific. I presume upon our frlen«htp to Inquire of yon In relation to It—Its cnratlve qualities, price, and manner of procuring It. Having lived eighty-three years through the moat Important part of the world's history, the prospect of dying from cancer on the face Is not very consoling. let me hear from you at earliest convenience. Very truly, yonr old friend, , Harrison D. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga., March 26,1885. Harrison D. Taylor, Bsq., Hartsford, Ky.: My Dear Friend—Your very btgnly esteemed favor of the 24th Inst, reached me on the 2Sth. Bo we are not so far apart after all. But I must not forget the object of your letter. You want Information In regard to the celebrated medicine manufa' tbred here, known as 8. S. 8 I have wa'ched, with much or*, the effect of this medicine upon those who have used it, and bear willing testimony to its good results In a great majority of instances. The firm engaged In Its manufacture are gentlemen and capitalists, and are far above falsehood or deception as any men In yourcommunlly You may confide Implicitly in any of their statements touching Its utility. You cau get It at the drug stores In Louisville, Evans ville, or even at Owensboro, Ky. I am sorry for your affliction, but I believe this medicine will cure you If persisted In. I wouldmot stop under one doseu or more large sire bottles, which can be secured at a reasonable cost. I shall always be glad to In ar from you. In con clusion. I greet you with my old-fashioned friend ship and fellowship. Very truly, John M. Johnbon. 72 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. PINKEYE SWIFTS SPECIFIC The Great Vegetable Blood Purifier This medicine is nature’ own remedy .prepared from the roots of the forest of Georgia, and nothing In Its composition comes from the apothecary or chemist's shop. We offer this, the only vegetable, re liable and safe remedy to suffering humanity,is a boon more precious to them than gold, because It wll 1 eliminate poison from the system and give tone to the vital powers, Imparting vigor and energy to the whole men. • Wefeel that we would bewanUnglnthedutyweowotosuffbrlng humanity If we did not-sound a note of warning In regard to the use of mercury and other poisonous minerals in the treatment of blood and akin diseases. If the reader could see the horrible suffering, the awfnl wreck of human health and happiness, shown by onr correspondence with those who have been dosed with these mineral poisons, be would shadder with horror. Arsenic, Mercury and Iodide of Potassium are some of the remedies moat ordinarily used for these diseases, and they are almost all poisons. They might dry up your dis ease for a few days, and with It you will have mercurial rheumatism, which may bring you years o torture. The mercury seema to sink Into the bones, and the potash dnvdh the poison Into the system only to llrk there and attack the tender organs of the body, as the lungs, the throat, the nasal organ s and the stomach. Hundreds of people have been made dear, and a great many blind by the use of mercury and potash. Beware of mercury and potash mixtures gotten up In Imitation of our specific. A few grains of sugar of lead dropped Into a glass of these Imitations will cause the poisonous drugs to fal to the bottom, and show the danger of using them. Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable, and Is the best tonic for delicate ladles and children and old people In the world. Uie an<I Ilealih lo Me. Some seven or eight years ago my right thigh was covered by a skin eruption, causing Intense itching. In a short time It extended down the entire leg, which became Inflamed and finally broke out In small sores between the knee and ankle. Swelling of the limb ensued and I could not walk or put my foot'to the ground. The pain ran me almost distracted. I tested the medical profession thoroughly .having tried all the systems. Some of them brought me temporary relief. I paid out hundreds of dollars but found no permanent benefit. The whole poison seemed to concentrate in an ulcer near my ankle, some three Inches In length, and the remedies used being largely min eral, did not seem to reach the source of the dis ease at all. For three years I was unable to do anything. The ulcer bad already eaten down to the bone. Two of the physicians recommended amputation of the limb aa the only means of pre serving life. I was almost In despair when a friend suggested to me to try Swift’s t'peclflc. I hesitated, but finally secured six bottles. The effect of the first bottle was to stop the eating process; and the six bottles made a cure of a disease that had baffled the best medical skill in the country. My case Is well known in Gainesville, the desperate character of the disease as well aa tho wonderful cure effec ted. There are no signs of the return of the dis ease. I have Just taken two more bottles to make the matter doubly sure and keep my blood In good condition for the spring. Others are as much as tonished as I am. I am In better health to-day than I was before I was taken with this disease. I weigh forty pounds more than I ever weighed be fore In my life. Bwlft’s Specific has proven life and health both to me; and I never can be grateful enough for the benefits which I have received from Us use. M. D. WILSON. Oainetville, Ga February 5*. 1885. YIELDS TO_TREATMENT. Testimony of Messrs. Redd & Cox, tlie Well-Known Horse men of Atlanta. About the first day of April, 1886, four or five horses In ourstable were taken with that dreaded disease, Pinkeye. Wcdld everything that we could to relieve them, using all the remedies laid down In the horse books, but without any appreciable benefit. The sufferings of the poor animals were terrible, as they wasted away under this disease. At last one of the best of them died. Having read, a statement from Col. James L, Fleming, of Au gusta, about the cure uf a valuable horse of Pink eye with swift's Specific, we determined to give It a trial, and secured a supply. We followed Ool. Fleming’s directions, and gave each animal four ounces of S. S. s. with equal quantity of water three times a day. Some of the cases were more obstinate than others, but all yielded In time to the Influence of the medicine. The first symptoms of Improvement were a disposition to move about and a gradual Increase of appetite. Wearebappy to say that Hwltfi Specific has made a perfect cure of the remaining four horses, and they are In splendid condition to-day. From our experience, we be.levs Swift's Specific Is one of tbe best tonics for the animal aa well aa for the human race. It Invigorates the system and Improves tbe appetite of the horse as well as of the man, and will no doubt make the horse shed off more readily bis wlntercoatof hair. We most cordially recom mend It. Bum A Cox, Livery and Sale Stable, Pryor street. Atlanta. Oa., April 24, 1885. Kcliel irom Catarrh. Prof, W. P. Johnson, Principal of the Public Schools In Benton, Arkansas, nnder date of March 17, writes: This certifies that I have been asnfferer from Catarrh for nearly 18 years, being a portion of the time Incapacitated from attending to my business. Tried a number of most eminent physicians North and South; spent over 1506. I was partially deaf,a quantity of bones resembling fish scales came out of my nose and head, and I was at one time reduced to 70 pounds. Ten bottles of 8. 8. 8. cured me sound and well, and I am so to-day. It Is the best blood purifier I have ever used. W. P. Johnson. Two Friends Meet. Hello! old fellow; whither bound? You move very slowly on those crutches.’’ ■'I am hunting relief from disease, but It appears that the more medicine I take the worse I feel,"re plied tbe old'man In a squeaking voice. “The trouble 1s. my friend, you have got In at the wrong door. Those mercury and potash mix tures yon are taking are killing you outright.” “Yes; hut they are cheap. I get thelrblg bottle for a dollar,” said tbe man on crutches. “And t.-'sald tbe man on the right,“pay (1.75 for the genuine Swift’s Specific, which eliminates all the poison from my system, and which has made a now man of me. Come and try It, old fellow; I am sure It will cure yon. It Is purely vegetable and Is tbe only genuine blood purifier on tbe market to day. A Fright!al Case ol a Colored Map. I contracted a fearful case of blood poison 1u 1881. I was treated by several of the best physlclups In Atlauta. They used the old remedies of Mercury and Potash,which brought on rheumatism and Im paired my digestive powers. Every joint iu m» was.swollen and full of pain. I was In a liorrlnle condition. When 1 had been given up to die my physiciansi who had seen the workings of tbe med- icine In other cases, thought It would be a splen did time to teat the virtu's of Swtffa Specific 8.8. the physicians Mid I could not live two weeka under the ordinary treatment. He commenced to give me the medi cine strictly according to directions, which I con tinued for several months. I took nothing else, and commenced to Improve from the first. Occa sionally I would have a Backset from Imprudence, Soon the rheumatism left me, my appetite became allrlgnt.and the ulcers, which the doctors said were the most frightful he had ever seen, began to heal, and by the first of October, 18J4.1 was a well man again. I nm stronger now than 1 ever waa before, and weigh more. I havo not failed to re port for duty since that time, being engaged In tbe oil warehouse of the chess rarley company. I have been, and still am, doing some of tho nardest work any man ever did. and am ready lo answer any question that maybe asked concerning this case. 8w ft ■ Specific has saved me from an early grave. Lkk Mculindok. Atlanta. Oa., April 18,1885. „Lem McClendon has been In the employ of the Chess flarley l ompany forsomeyeara.aodl know the above statement to be true. At the time be be gan takings. H. n he whs In a horrible condition, and at my solicitation his treatment with B. 8. 8. was undertaken by a physician after several others ssanewdollarforseveral months. I regard his cure almo<t miraculous. W B. Citoaar. tinng’r. Chess Curley Company, Atlanta Division. Atlanta, Ga., April 18. It&i. Send for treatise on Blood nnd Skin Diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , Drawer 8, Atlanta, Qa. Eczema lor Seventeen Years Cured I suffered Intense agony from Eczema on my hands nnd arms for 17 years. At times was unnMe to use them even to dress myself. During tho time I tried evetv known remedy without benefit. 81* weeks ago t began usings S.S. (Swift's Specific) ana have thus far taken seven bottles. To-day thereto hard'- - * - Mid doing i medicine or ever, so that my euro to entirely due to Rwift'sSpe The Flower o! Health. The brother on tho left took the wrong way and foil among thieves. He got sarsapniills, potash and mercury mixtures and other imitations which drove the poison Into; his system, uud which has wrought hfsruin. The fortunate Individual on the right found tho right way. He got the genuine Swift’s Speclfio which forced out the poison and built up his health from tho very first dose. •Another Cancer. right breast several I most Intolerable pain, -iney conunueu to grow, and finally developed Into what the doctora called cancer ol the breast. In a slmrttlrae I found my strength gone ami my constitution a total wreck. Prom a robust woman 1 wasreduoed tOa helpless Invalid. Several of thebest physicians of Atlanta treated me for cancer, but wnliout Improving my condition In tUp least, and finally agreeing that they could do nothing more for me. The cancer by this time was eating outmy very life, and for five months I was a help’ess, bed-r'rtden creature. About one yearago,atthe|ogges:lo i ol u fr>, tad, i commenced the use of Swift's Bpewfic. The first Influence of the medicine was to Increase tho dis charge, butafter n month or more I began loins prove, and this wonderful medicine has brought hack my health again. I now do all my own house* work, 1 am perfectly free from pain, and feel like anew person altogether. I cau never feel grateful for this wonderful recovery, for I nm satisfied If It had not been for swift's Specific I w-ou'd havo been In my grave to day. I mostchoerfully recom mend It to all those who are suffering with this fearful disease. Mrs. Jane Clkvons. Atlanta, Ga., April 18,1885. Send for Treatise on Blood and .Skin Diseases, FREE. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga-