The champion newspaper. (Decatur, GA) 19??-current, January 10, 2019, Image 34
THE CHAMPION LEGAL SECTION, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 - 16, 2019 PAGE 6C call 404-687-7181, email or visit our website at www.dekalb- IT IS SO ORDERED. This 24th day of December, 2018. Wayne M. Purdom, Judge State Court of DeKalb County (1) 15A57315E3 Grace Carpenter vs. Naim Abdus Rushdan, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Com pany Andrew J. Gebhardt, plff.; Jason B. Schwartz, dft. (2) 16A59346 Charles Canty vs. Lawrence E. Carter Sean R. Camp bell, plff.; Richard B. Eason, Jr., dft. (3) 16A60194 Amela Saric vs. Shant- anika Washington, Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company Eliza beth Hennig, plff.; Alfredo Rosa, II, dft. (4) 16A62168 Arthur H. Boccuti vs. Robert J. Alpern Christopher D. Gun nels, plff.; Amanda Coop, dft. (5) 16A62190 Keely Blair-Howard vs. Dorett R. Henry Frank A. Ilardi, plff.; Jason Barrett Green, dft. (6) 16A62340 Seland Adams vs. The Tomal Corporation John M. Hyatt, plff.; Chad Brock, Jason D. Dameille, dft. (7) 17A62821 Schantal Watts vs. Austin G. Munger Roger W. Oriando, plff.; Kristin L. Hall, dft. (8) 17A63139 Kayden K. Ton vs. Matthew W. Sitter, Travelers Prop erty and Casualty Insurance Com pany Randal E. Fry, plff.; Hemanth Digumarthi, dft. (9) 17A63528 Niya Solomon vs. Mi chael Jackson S. Carlton Rouse, plff.; Evan R. Mermelstein, dft. (10) 17A63637 Ashley Lewis vs. Tashika T. McKnight Michael P. Carestia, plff.; Thomas P. Mitchell, McLaine Merrick, dft. (11) 17A64415 Anthony Jolivette vs. Georga Andre Axam Pro Se, plff.; Al exandria G. Veasley, DeKalb County Tax Assessors, dft. (12) 17A64728 Heather L. Woods vs. Eloise J. Davis, GEICO General In surance Company Joseph W. Weeks, plff.; Samuel H. Sabulis, dft. (13) 17A64765 American Express National Bank vs. Joycelyn Edwards Madge R. Buckle, plff.; Lawrence Morton, dft. (14) 17A64835 State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. vs. Emmanuel Abua Keisha N. Townsend, plff.; Irby Allen Meadors, dft. (15) 17A65806 Deanna Varner vs. Micael Mesmer David T Dorer, plff.; Michael J. Lober, dft. 020-419202 1/1 Oad STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY JUDGE STACEY K. HYDRICK DIVISION II CIVIL JURY CALENDAR CALL FEBRUARY 26,2019 9:30 A.M. 2ND FLOOR, COURTROOM A CALENDAR CLERK WENDY VIDEKI 404-371-7025 IN THE STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA ORDER The following cases will be placed on a (1) one-week ++Civil Jury Trial Cal- endar++ beginning Monday, Febru ary 25th, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. Calendar call will be on Monday, February 25th, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. (All parties are required to attend the calendar call.) PLEASE NOTE YOU MAY RE CEIVE NOTICE FOR THE FOLLOW ING MONTH’S CIVIL JURY TRIAL CALENDAR; HOWEVER, THAT DOES NOT REMOVE THE CASE FROM THE CURRENT MONTH’S TRIAL CALENDAR. CASES WILL CARRY OVER EACH MONTH UN TIL TRIED, SETTLED OR DIS MISSED. The removal of any case from the tri al calendar shall be only by order of the Court. Continuances will not be granted except for legal cause. In the event you have a legal cause, please advise the Calendar Clerk in writing no later than one week prior to the calendar. All conflicts shall be handled as required by Georgia Uni form Court Rule 17.1. For any information regarding this calendar, please contact Wendy Videki, Division II Case Manager, 404-371-7025, ore-mail at visit our website at www.dekalbstate- JUDGE STACEY K. HYDRICK State Court of DeKalb County (1) 16A61427 Brandy Irene Baxter vs. Dexter Page, M.D. Katherine L. McArthur, plff.; Paul Weathington, dft. (2) 16A58318 Diamond Butler vs. Brandon Graham Sean Campbell, plff.; Natalya Price, dft. (3) 16A61264 W. Ehrenclou vs. An dre Parr Matthew Carlton, plff.; Jason Graham, dft. (4) 16A62577 Stephanie Hutchinson vs. Jimmy Trotter Dwight L. Thomas, plff.; Ashley S. Howard, dft. (5) 16A62666 Cutis Cameron Coffee vs. Teresa L. Di Gregorio Nicholas W. Wariick, plff.; LaShawn W. Terry, dft. (6) 17A62979 Joycelyn Suanders- Fields vs. Yorusalem Ghergish H. Lee Pruett, plff.; Raquel C. Stokes, dft. (7) 17A63930 Kimberly Anthony vs. Lillie Lopez James A. Rice, Jr., plff.; Janice M. Wallace, dft. (8) 17A64072 Tara Burroughs vs. Or ganic Realty, LLC Adam Princenthal, plff.; Megan Prince-Miller, dft. (9) 17A64162 Leona M. Allen vs. Mark E. Armstrong Leonard T. Math is, Jr., plff.; Jabari C. Rollins, dft. (10) 17A64185 Samara Williamson vs. Kelly A. Landry Timothy J. San- telli, plff.; W. Dale Ellis, Jr., dft. (11) 17A64321 Olive Barry vs. Susan Kennedy C. Benjamin Avery, plff.; Alina A. Krivitsky, dft. (12) 17A64640 Anthony Williamson vs. Constance King Michael C. Cher- of, plff.; David W. Wallace, dft. (13) 17A64920 Benjamin Middlebrooks vs. William Hancock Dylan J. Hooper, plff.; Kevin W. Burkhart, dft. (14) 17A65034 Rich Robinson vs. Ray P. Lewis, Jr. Christopher R. Ab- rego, plff.; Charis L. Johnson, dft (15) 17A65065 Deborah Edmonds vs. Jacquelin Desronvil Francis 0. Kadlri, plff.; E. Blake Durham, dft. (16) 17A65080 Frederick R. Barias vs. Gilberto B. Hernandez Matthew R. Hagen, plff.; Timothy J. Gardner, dft. (17) 17A65496 Annette Stewart vs. Anna Phillips Turner Brendan Flanagan, plff.; Rebecca L. Gabel- man, dft. (18) 17A65685 Chance Francis vs. Dustin Davis Adam H. Long, plff.; Jennifer W. DeBaun, dft. (19) 17A65831 Wanda Atkinson vs. Zerea D. Carroll Dylan J. Hooper, plff.; Janki Patel, dft. (20) 17A65947 Anthony Lemieux vs. Anne M. Hatch John A. Ernst, plff.; Janki Patel, dft. (21) 17A66010 Andrea Tarver-Ryans vs. Latessa Williams Andrew J. Brandt, plff.; Marcus A. Blackwell, Karsten Bicknese, dft. (22) 17A66048 Keri Jefferson vs. Teresa Williams Kevin C. Patrick, plff.; Lauren R. Boone, dft. (23) 17A66796 Lindon Bruce vs. Ben jamin Awoniyi Riah Winston Great- house, plff.; Raqketa D. Williams, dft. (24) 17A66901 Lynn D. Hesse vs. Darrell A. Brathwaite Stephen M. Oz- comert, plff.; Hilliard V. Castilla, dft. (25) 17A67084 Casey Ellerby vs. Chammal L. Pledger Noah S. Ros- ner, plff.; Roosevelt Hamb, dft. (26) 17A67202 Radell Ward vs. Melvin El C. Dan Wyatt, plff.; John Calhoun Harris, Jr., dft. (27) 17A67372 Fru Chifen vs. Silver Dollar City Stone Mountain Park, LLC Talal P. Ghosheh, plff.; Scott C. Com mander, dft. (28) 17A67489 Chelsea Newby vs. Robert McGhee Jason R. Carnell, plff.; Reid R. Parker, dft. (29) 18A67882 Tyneka Scott vs. Ji had Salahuddin Quinton G. Washing ton, plff.; Jonathan M. Adelman, dft. (30) 18A67952 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co vs. Mah- mudi Hussein Candace M. Boutwell, plff.; Michael J. Lober, dft. 020-419203 1/1 Oad STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY JUDGE STACEY K. HYDRICK DIVISION II CIVIL MOTIONS CALENDAR FEBRUARY 6,2019 9:30 A.M. 2nd FLOOR, COURTROOM A CALENDAR CLERK WENDY VIDEKI 404-371-7025 State Court Civil Calendar JUDGE STACEY K. HYDRICK ++Civil Motions Calendars (1) 03A02665 Merchants Financial Services, Inc. vs. Bessie M. Logan Emmett L. Goodman, Jr., plff.; No Atty., dft. (2) 10A33824 Discover Bank vs. Joseph R. Martin Madge R. Buckle, plff.; No Atty., dft. (3) 16A59758 Sandra Towns vs. Joseph Isaac Lisa E. McNary, plff.; Kristin P. Killeen, dft. (4) 17A62979 Joycelyn Suanders- Fields vs. Yorusalem Ghergish H. Lee Pruett, plff.; Raquel C. Stokes, dft. (5) 17A63245 Adrian Santiago, Jr. vs. Breanne Benedict Tucker Clark R. Karell, Jr., plff.; Jonathan M. Adel man, dft. (6) 17A64920 Benjamin Middlebrooks vs. William Hancock Dylan J. Hooper, plff.; Kevin W. Burkhart, dft. (7) 17A65598 Carol Dye vs. A Better Way Services, Inc. & State Farm Mu tual Automobile Insurance Company Michael L. Goldberg, plff.; Russell Dunn Waldon, dft. (8) 17A65831 Wanda Atkinson vs. Zerea D. Carroll Dylan J. Hooper, plff.; Janki Patel, dft. (9) 17A66949 Zhanqiang Yang vs. Woodrow W. Colbert Jimmy Hwang, plff.; Jennifer W. DeBaun, dft. (10) 17A67202 Radell Ward vs. Melvin El C. Dan Wyatt, plff.; John Calhoun Harris, Jr., dft. (11) 17A67372 Fru Chifen vs. Silver Dollar City Stone Mountain Park, LLC Talal P. Ghosheh, plff.; Scott C. Com mander, dft. (12) 17A67401 Tiffany Currie vs. Green Logistics, LLC, et al Eric J. D. Rogers, plff.; Thomas Eugene Bren nan, dft. (13) 18A67882 Tyneka Scott vs. Ji had Salahuddin Quinton G. Washing ton, plff.; Jonathan M. Adelman, dft. (14) 18A68407 Neil Feathers vs. Jeannette Esco-Hayden John D. Hadden, plff.; No Atty., dft. (15) 18A68503 Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC vs. Donald Harris Chantel C. Espaillat, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (16) 18A70232 Stacy Melvin vs. Chil dren’s Healthcare of Atlanta Daryl Von Yokely, plff.; R. Page Powell, Jr., dft. (17) 18A70278 Worldwide Asset Pur chasing, LLC vs. Andrea Whittington Mark A. Moore, plff.; Pro Se, dft. 020-419204 1/1 Oad STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY JUDGE STACEY K. HYDRICK DIVISION II CIVIL NON-JURY CALENDAR FEBRUARY 21,2019 1:30 P.M. 2ND FLOOR, COURTROOM A CALENDAR CLERK WENDY VIDEKI 404-371-7025 TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR PRACTICING IN THE STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY The following case numbers 17A66516-2 through 18A71066-2 will be called by Judge Stacey K. Hy- drick February 21st, 2019 at 1:30 P.M. These cases are hereby placed on the ++Civil Non-Jury Trial Calen dar. All attorneys and Pro-Se parties hav ing matters on the calendar are re quired to be in the Courtroom at the call of the calendar and to remain un til otherwise directed by the Court. All cases should expect to be reached and ready to go to trial. No Continuances will be granted except on the prior order of the Court for leg al cause shown. All Conflicts shall be handled as required by Georgia uni form Court Rule 17.1. All Motions or Demands for A Jury Trial shall be made in writing as a separate pleading, filed with the clerk and a copy served on the opposing parties on or before Ten (10) Days prior to the trial date listed herein. For any information regarding this calendar, please contact Wendy Videki, Division II Calendar Clerk, 404-371 -7025, or e-mail to visit our website at www.dekalbstate- JUDGE STACEY K HYDRICK STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY (1) 17A66516 Gwinnett Hospital Sys tem, Inc. vs. Cambe Dunkley Car men Vincent Porreca, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (2) 18A68787 Capital One Bank USA NA vs. Jeffery T. Coleman J. Curtis Tootle, Jr., plff.; J. Max Davis, dft. (3) 18A69954 Navient Credit Fin ance Corp. vs. Anthony Reddick Dori an Woolaston, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (4) 18A69997 JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC vs. Betty Wattsreeves Richard A. Russell, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (5) 18A70200 Future Management Corp vs. Jake-22 Management Com pany Jeremy A. Moulton, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (6) 18A71000 Gwinnett Hospital Sys tem, Inc. vs. Jeffrey Lynn Jones Car men Vincent Porreca, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (7) 18A71066 Perimeter Mall, LLC vs. United LC Capital, LLC Luke A. Kill, plff.; Pro Se, dft. 020-419205 1/1 Oad STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY JUDGE STACEY K. HYDRICK DIVISION II CIVIL PEREMPTORY CALENDAR FEBRUARY 6,2019 9:00 A.M. 2ND FLOOR, COURTROOM A CALENDAR CLERK WENDY VIDEKI (404)371-7025 TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR PRACTICING IN THE STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY PEREMPTORY CALENDAR DIVISION II JUDGE STACEY K. HYDRICK ORDER The following actions have been pending for more than twelve months and compose the ++Peremptory Cal- endar++ which will be called on Feb ruary 6, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. in Courtroom A, 2nd Floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse. All parties must appear in court to an nounce the status of their case. Fail ure of the plaintiff to appear will res ult in the complaint being dismissed without prejudice. Failure of the de fendant to appear will result in any counterclaim being dismissed without prejudice and the answer being stricken. No Continuances will be granted ex cept on prior order of the court for legal cause shown. All conflicts shall be handled as required by Georgia uniform Court Rule 17.1 For any information regarding this calendar, please contact Wendy Videki, Civil Calendar Clerk, (404) 371-7025 or e-mail to visit our website at www.dekalbstate- Judge Stacey K. Hydrick State Court of DeKalb County (1) 14A53827 Regina Ehteridge vs. Wondimagegn Meharu David A. Cox, plff.; Henrietta G. Brown, dft. (2) 16A58686E2 Igor Golub vs. Ida Pellow 0. Mark Zamora, plff.; No Atty., dft. (3) 17A63465 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company vs. Michael May Ronald W. Parnell, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (4) 17A64743 Steve Chambers vs. Shalonda Harris Pro Se, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (5) 17A64822 Whaley Landscape Services, Inc. vs. Wes Hansen Nor man H. Cuadra, plff.; Hayes Michael Dever, dft. (6) 17A65042 Thelma Bell vs. Carla Chandler John T. Dufour, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (7) 17A65158 Monique Faulkner vs. Pamela Lucas Pro Se, plff.; Thedore A. Speaker, dft. (8) 17A66493 CACH, LLC vs. Mi chael Banks Darya A. Callaway, plff.; No Atty., dft. (9) 17A66702 Navy Federal Credit Union vs. Irving Bowman John A. Swann, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (10) 17A67098 Stevan Segura vs. Chanfreshkumar Patel Stephen G. Carlson, plff.; Nanette L. Wesley, dft. (11) 17A67240 Betty Jean Scott vs. Samuel Wessena Derek M. Wright, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (12) 17A67269 Christopher Pless vs. Desmond Kajim Pro Se, plff.; Denor- ris A. Heard, dft. (13) 17A67386 Citibank, N.A. vs. Faye E. Brown Martin D. Marshall, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (14) 17A67407 Citibank, N.A. vs. Will Milling Martin D. Marshall, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (15) 17A67463 One Main Financial Group, LLC vs. Muhammad A. Lateef Flynn La Vrar, plff.; No Atty., dft. 020-419206 1/1 Oad STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY JUDGE STACEY K HYDRICK DIVISION II CIVIL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE CALENDAR FEBRUARY 21,2019 9:30 A.M. 2ND FLOOR, COURTROOM A CALENDAR CLERK WENDY VIDEKI 404-371-7025 STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY DIVISION II ORDER The within listed case numbers 15A55416-2 through 18A69265-2 comprise the Division II ++Civil Pre trial Conference Calendar** for Feb ruary 21, 2019. The attorney or the party who will be trying the case must appear for the pre-trial conference at the time as signed unless specifically excused by the court. Failure to appear at the pre-trial conference shall subject the offending party to sanction including dismissing of the complaint, counter claim or cross-claim for want of pro secution or striking of defensive pleadings. If the attorney or party wishes to ap pear by video/audio conference In lieu of personal appearance, he or she must contact Court Call at 888- 882-6878 no later than 3:60 p.m. (EST) 3 court days prior to the sched uled hearing to make arrangements. Court call charges each participant a fee for the appearance. A scheduling order will be issued by the court at the conclusion of the pre trial conference setting forth all dead lines for the remainder of the litiga tion, including the deadline of the fil ing of the consolidated pre-trial order. Conflict letters must be filed in ac cordance with Uniform Rule 17.1. All inquiries shall be directed to Wendy Videki, Civil Calendar Clerk, at 404-371-7025 or e-mail to Calen dars may be viewed at www.dekalb- SO ORDERED, this 10th day of January, 2019. JUDGE STACEY K. HYDRICK STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY (1) 15A55416 Kaye Waldrop vs. Rus sell Xavier Gillon George Pen- nebaker, plff.; Thomas Eugene Bren nan, dft. (2) 16A58331E2 Lorin Sise vs. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Trent B. Speckhals, plff.; William M. Dallas, III, Thomas W. Curvin, dft. (3) 17A64907 Maria Martinez vs. Star Child Learning and Development In corporation Rita Tucker Williams, plff.; Isaac O. Babalola, dft. (4) 17A66433 Jessica Britt vs. Ja maica Abernathy David J. Hungeling, plff.; Todd M. Ladouceur, Russell Dunn Waldon, dft. (5) 18A68201 Vashtine Halliman vs. Kayla Owens Russell Deutschman, plff.; Rakhi D. McNeill, dft. (6) 18A68309 Abdishakur Haji vs. Joshua Baron W. Calvin Smith, II, plff.; Adam R. Schmidt, dft. (7) 18A68374 Desire Mills vs. Ant- wan Jackson Stephen Douglas Apol- insky, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (8) 18A68485 Trevor Black vs. Sherry Storey Riah Winston Greathouse, plff.; Trevor G. Hiestand, dft. (9) 18A68549 Stephanie Smith vs. Carolyn McCoy John F. Pascua, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (10) 18A68863 Fatima Williams vs. William Henry Garcia Michael K. Wat son, plff.; Albert J. DeCusati, Jen nifer C. Adair, dft. (11) 18A68941 Anthony Raleigh vs. John Doe A. Jack Hinton, plff.; No Atty., dft. (12) 18A69031 Yvonne Stanley vs. Sharmir A. Millien J. Blair Craig, II, plff.; Tonya Boykin, dft. (13) 18A69080 Fiorina Navarrete Genchis vs. City Farmers Market 2, Inc Claudia B. Caycho-Acosta, plff.; Rebecca E. Strickland, dft (14) 18A69128 Bri'Anna Warren vs. Erica McRae Sonali Garg, plff.; Allis on McDonald, dft. (15) 18A69182 William David Duni- van vs. Northside Hospital, Inc. Jed D. Manton, plff.; John E. Hall, Jr., Jonathan C. Peters, Terrance C. Sul livan, dft. (16) 18A69199 Joanna Dede vs. Ian Laurie Michael C. Cherof, plff.; Christine Forsythe, dft. (17) 18A69200 Reco L. Jones vs. Raghunandan Dahagam Noah S. Rosner, plff.; Jonathan M. Adelman, dft. (18) 18A69223 Lisa Johnston vs. Jacqueline Green Steven J. Jackson, plff.; David Byrd, dft. (19) 18A69245 Ebony Stratton vs. Wallace Mahoney Jennifer Hunter, plff.; Allison McDonald, dft. (20) 18A69265 Jerry Gross vs. Vivi an Perdomo Tricia Solomon, plff.; LaShawn W. Terry, dft 020-419207 1/1 Oad CIVIL PRETRIAL CALENDAR STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY FEBRUARY 7,2019 DIVISION I JUDGE ALVIN T.WONG COURTROOM D - 2ND FLOOR JUDICIAL TOWER CALENDAR CLERK DEBBIE CALDWELL (404)371-2271 STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY DIVISION I ORDER The following cases are on the ++pre-trial conference calendar** on the 7th day of February, 2019. A consolidated pre-trial order in com pliance with Uniform Rule 7.2 shall be filed in the Clerk's Office by February 1, 2019. Electronic filing by e-mail at is permissible and encouraged. If a consolidated pre-trial order is not possible for any reason, each party must file that party’s portion of the pre-trial order by the due date. The attorney or the party who will be trying the case must appear for the pre-trial conference at the time as signed unless specifically excused by the court. If the attorney or party wishes to ap pear by video/audio conference in lieu of personal appearance, he or she must contact CourtCall at 888- 882-6878 no later than 3:00 p.m. (EST) 3 court days prior to the sched uled hearing to make arrangements. CourtCall charges each participant a fee for the appearance. Failure to file the party's portion of the pre-trial order or failure to appear at the pre-trial conference shall sub ject the offending party to sanction, including dismissing of the complaint, counterclaim or cross-claim for want of prosecution or striking of defens ive pleadings. Conflict letters must be filed in ac cordance with Uniform Rule 17.1. All inquires shall be directed to Debbie Caldwell, Calendar Clerk, at 404.371.2271. Calendars may be viewed at SO ORDERED, this 28th day of December, 2018. ALVIN T. WONG, Judge State Court of DeKalb County 1:30 p.m. (1) 18A70419 Jalika Warren vs. Cabot Fairchild Brett A. Miller, plff.; Ramona D. Terry, dft. 1:45 p.m. (1) 17A63244 Tae-Sun Esselburn vs. Robert Joseph Johnson, Liberty Mu tual Fire Insurance Company Jed W. Hill, plff.; Hermanth Digumarthi, dft. 2:00 p.m. (1) 17A63494 Stephanie Sherrervs. Rosalind Howard, First Acceptance Insurance Company Theresa A. Hood, plff.; Jonathan M. Adelman, dft. 2:15 p.m. (1) 17A63701 Jason A. Gervais vs. Michael Morrison Eric Scott Fortas, plff.; Donald Franklin Samuel, dft. 2:30 p.m. (1) 17A63715 Jill Siler vs. Andre Braitwaite, United Services Auto mobile Association Kamau K. Mason, plff; Samantha Feinberg, dft. 2:45 p.m. (1) 17A63887 Hodgson Molin vs. Kwame Sam Shone L. Broadnax, plff.; Charles W. Rutter, Jr., dft. 3:00 p.m. (1) 17A64156 Nicola Dalgetty vs. Bruce Sampson James O. Greason, plff.; David R. Hughes, dft. 3:15 p.m. (1) 17A64502 Thelma Wallace vs. Tenneil A. Blanks John W. Greer, III, plff.; Jason B. Schwartz, dft. 3:30 p.m. (1) 17A64670 Cathy Gardenhire vs. Michael Meeks O. Mark Zamora, plff.; Christine Forsythe, dft.