The champion newspaper. (Decatur, GA) 19??-current, October 17, 2019, Image 9
THE CHAMPION, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17-23, 2019 • Page 9 WEEK* PICTURES [jMiriown Of*cr ***** M * fWK ^ > Edit Am* 0 C ,° ffect ^ .. —— 1 ... . , » *rtu«r I«J*» U^P : O Youtube Se arch ’Jf' 5 ® DUNWOODY POUCt DEPARTMENT LIP-SYNC BAT sftciai thank) TO pkooucir Al G. SHIAH MU ELITE ENTERT/^ / .T ’ )AH )EANNOEl ANO |M0 PACT TOR VOIUNTHRINC THEIR TIMf T fIlM AN ion THIS VIDEO WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO SEND SPECIAL THANKS TO V- UKI NCI * WITH KTIANTXDANCI EXCHANGI. LIC FOR VOLUNTEERING HER TIME TO PRO CHOREOGRAPHVfOR OUR OFFICERS AND COMMUNITY MEMBER VOLUNTEEI I This VIOTO I) OTOICATtD TO AU THE CITIZENSi OfDUNWOODY, CIORGI Wi " Wl COUID NOT HAVl MAPI THIS rOSSlIll WITHOUT THE SUPPORT OF Tl ^ FOLLOWING! ANDY FRAIN SERVICES CHATCOMM 911 / IXP CORPORATION Chick ml A. Perimeter mail Food Court ^ City oi Dunwoody mayor. Denis shortai Dunwoooy Prisirvation Trust 1 I >n iFooo Truck lice Department #LipSyncBattle tf Q Mix - Official Vid Dunwoody Polio |> bronze Win° <f /"J'OchU Police DC Lip Sync < Public Rclatio® 5 Dunwoody Police Department received its bronze 2019 Telly Award Oct. 8 for a participation in the Police Lip Sync Battle Challenge. The department’s music video can be found on its Youtube page. Photo provided by Dunwoody Police Department Twitter. ^rspectives Center For Holistic Therapy firefighter Gary Menard showa a young boy how to operate a fire hose during a junior firefighter challenge. gj.r^Pl P.'ji Decatur Fire and Rescue Department hosted a junior firefighter challenge at Station No. 2. during Oakhurst Porchfest & - * 1 n 1 Tucker Mayor Frank Auman, right, attends a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the opening of Perspectives Center for Holistic Therapy in Tucker. Photo from City of Tucker’s Facebook page An obstacle course set up during the junior firefighter challenge Oct. 12. Have you created programming you'd like to air on TV? Do you have an interest in Public Access TV in DeKalb County? Submit your show to DeKalb County's Public Access channel, DeKalb 25. Drop off DVD or USB copies to the Manuel J. Maloof Center at 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, GA 30030, or upload your content via the internet. (404) 371-2325 I s @1 EjT