Newspaper Page Text
lication on Cassandra Carne
gie dated October 17, 2019,
and entered on the Court’s
Docket on October 18, 2019,
you are hereby notified that on
September 9, 2019, Deutsche
Bank National Trust Company,
as Trustee For, ABFC 2005-
AQ1 Trust Asset-Backed Certi
ficates Series 2005-AQ1, Un
der the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement Dated June 1,
2005, (“Petitioner”) filed a Com
plaint for Reformation and De
claratory Judgment (“Com
plaint”) naming you as a De
fendant. The subject matter of
this Complaint is the real prop
erty more commonly known as
496 Sherwood Oaks Road,
Stone Mountain, GA 30087.
You are required to file with the
Clerk of the Superior Court, and
to serve upon Petitioner’s attor
ney, Kimberly Weber, Aldridge
Pite, LLP, Fifteen Piedmont
Center, 3575 Piedmont Road
NE, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA
30305, an Answer in writing
within sixty (60) days of the
date of the Order For Service
By Publication on Cassandra
WITNESS, the Honorable
Judge Stacey Hydrick of the
Superior Court of Dekalb
This the 22ND day of October,
Debra DeBerry
Prepared and presented by:
Kimberly A. Rizzotti Weber
3575 Piedmont Road NE
Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30305
Phone 404-994-7650
Sheriffs Sale
360-430322 11/7,11/14
State of Georgia
DeKalb County
Under and by virtue of
O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De
claration of Condominium for
Blue Sky Residential Con
dominium, as may be
amended, filed of record in the
DeKalb County, Georgia re
cords, and by virtue of the
Court's Final Order and Judg
ment Order entered July 1,
2019, in Civil Action File No.
2019-CV-316269, Superior
Court of Fulton County, as fur
ther evidenced by Writ of Fieri
Facias filed in Lien Book 4579,
Page 482, Records of Fulton
County, Georgia, and by Writ of
Fieri Facias filed in Lien Book
2211, Page 250, Records of
DeKalb County, Georgia, there
will be sold by the DeKalb
County Sheriffs Office at pub
lic outcry to the highest bidder
for cash before the courthouse
door of DeKalb County, Geor
gia within the legal hours of
sale on the first Tuesday in
December 2019, to wit, Decem
ber 3, 2019, the following de
scribed property:
Tax Parcel ID: 15-202-03-129
All that tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being in Land Lot 202
of the 15th District of DeKalb
County, Georgia, being more
particularly described as fol
Condominium unit Number D-9
(also known as Unit 9 of Build
ing D and as Unit 9 of Compon
ent D) of Blue Sky Residential
Condominium, as more particu
larly described and delineated
in the Declaration of Condomin
ium for Blue Sky Residential
Condominium (the "Declara
tion") recorded in Deed Book
19352, Page 522, et seq.,
DeKalb County, Georgia, Re
cords, as amended in Deed
Book 214781 Page 380, et
seq., aforesaid records, togeth
er with all other and further
amendments thereof, including
all interest in the common ele
ments of said Condominium
appurtenant to said Unit.
This conveyance is made sub
ject to the Declaration and all
matters referenced therein; all
matters shown on the plat re
corded in Plat Book 178, Page
102, aforesaid records, as
amended by the plat recorded
in Plat Book 213, Page 4,
aforesaid records, together with
all other and further amend
ments thereof; and all matters
shown on the floor plans recor
ded in Plat Book 178, Page
1031 et seq., aforesaid records,
as amended by floor plans re
corded in Plat Book 213, Page
5, et seq., aforesaid records,
together with all other and fur
ther amendments thereof.
This conveyance is made sub
ject also to the Declaration of
Condominium of Blue Sky Mas
ter Condominium recorded in
Deed Book 19352, Page 451 et
seq., aforesaid records, togeth
er with all other and further
amendments thereof; all mat
ters shown on the plat recor
ded in Plat Book 178, Page 71,
aforesaid records, together with
all other and further amend
ments thereof; and all matters
shown on the floor plans recor
ded in Plat Book 178, Page 721
et seq., aforesaid records, to
gether with all other and fur
ther amendments thereof.
Being part of the property con
veyed by deed recorded in
Deed Book 18572, Page 354,
aforesaid records.
The judgment debt secured by
the Association's lien, which
totals $4,791.66 plus any ap
plicable advertisement fees,
costs, and interest as of
November 5, 2019, has been
and is hereby declared due be
cause of failure to pay the in
debtedness as and when due
and in the manner provided for
in the Declaration. The debt re
maining in default, this sale will
be made for the purpose of
paying same and all expenses
of the sale, as provided in the
Georgia Condominium Act,
O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq.,
and the Declaration. The ex
cess, if any, will be distributed
to the person or persons leg
ally entitled thereto.
To the best knowledge and be
lief of the undersigned, the
party(ies) in possession of the
Subject Property known as
++3106 Memorial Drive, Unit D-
9, Atlanta, GA 30317,++ is Red
Hair Investment Group, LLC.
Said property will be sold sub
ject to (a) any outstanding ad
valorem taxes (including taxes
which are a lien but not yet due
and payable), (b) any matters
which might be disclosed by an
accurate survey and inspection
of the property, (c) the Declara
tion, as amended, (d) all mat
ters of record superior to the
condominium lien first set out
above, and (e) any encum
brances, zoning ordinances, re
strictions, covenants and mat
ters of record superior to the
condominium lien first set out
Notice is also hereby given of a
special assessment in the
amount $51,052.24 levied by
the Association against the
subject property on August 8,
2019, each which remains un
paid and outstanding and which
is separate and in addition to
the $4,791.66 judgment
amount described above. Sub
ject to applicable law, it is the
intent of the Association that
the property will also be sold
subject to the lien of foregoing
amounts of the special assess
The sale will be conducted sub
ject to (1) confirmation that the
sale is not prohibited under the
United States Bankruptcy
Code, and (2) final confirma
tion and audit of the status of
the lien with the holder of the
Order to foreclose.
The above referenced sale will
proceed unless a timely order
from a court of competent juris
diction is obtained stopping or
enjoining the DeKalb County
Sheriffs Office from conduct
ing the sale. You are hereby
advised to consult with your
personal attorney regarding
any and all options you may
have with regards to this notice.
For information regarding this
foreclosure, please contact:
Blue Sky Residential Con
dominium Association, Inc.
c/o John F. Wood ham
Woodham Law, LLC
2870 Peachtree Road NW,
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Tele: (404) 862-2480
Fax: (404)478-6510
360-430323 11/7,11/14
State of Georgia
DeKalb County
Under and by virtue of
O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De
claration of Condominium for
Blue Sky Residential Con
dominium, as may be
amended, filed of record in the
DeKalb County, Georgia re
cords, and by virtue of the
Court's Final Order and Judg
ment Order entered July 1,
2019 in Civil Action File No.
2019-CV-316194, Superior
Court of Fulton County, as fur
ther evidenced by Writ of Fieri
Facias filed in Lien Book 4579,
Page 484, Records of Fulton
County, Georgia, and by Writ of
Fieri Facias filed in Lien Book
2211, Page 251, Records of
DeKalb County, Georgia, there
will be sold by the DeKalb
County Sheriff’s Office at pub
lic outcry to the highest bidder
for cash before the courthouse
door of DeKalb County, Geor
gia within the legal hours of
sale on the first Tuesday in
December 2019, to wit, Decem
ber 3, 2019, the following de
scribed property:
Tax Parcel ID: 15-202-03-106
All that tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being in Land Lot 202
of the 15th District of DeKalb
County, Georgia, being more
particularly described as fol
Condominium Unit Number B-9
(also known as Unit 9 of Build
ing B and as Unit 9 of Compon
ent B) of Blue Sky Residential
Condominium, as more particu
larly described and delineated
in the Declaration of Condomin
ium for Blue Sky Residential
Condominium (the "Declara
tion") recorded in Deed Book
19352, Page 522, et seq.,
DeKalb County, Georgia, Re
cords, as amended in Deed
Book 21478, Page 380, et seq.,
aforesaid records, together with
all other and further amend
ments thereof, including all in
terest in the common elements
of said Condominium appurten
ant to said Unit.
This conveyance is made sub
ject to the Declaration and all
matters referenced therein; all
matters shown on the plat re
corded in Plat Book 178, Page
102, aforesaid records, as
amended by the plat recorded
in Plat Book 213, Page 4,
aforesaid records, together with
all other and further amend
ments thereof; and all matters
shown on the floor plans recor
ded in Plat Book 178, Page
103, et seq., aforesaid records,
as amended by floor plans re
corded in Plat Book 213, Page
5, et seq., aforesaid records,
together with all other and fur
ther amendments thereof.
This conveyance is made sub
ject also to the Declaration of
Condominium of Blue Sky Mas
ter Condominium recorded in
Deed Book 19352, Page 451 ,
et seq., aforesaid records, to
gether with all other and fur
ther amendments thereof; all
matters shown on the plat re
corded in Plat Book 178, Page
71, aforesaid records, together
with all other and further
amendments thereof; and all
matters shown on the floor
plans recorded in Plat Book
178, Page 721 et seq., afore
said records, together with all
other and further amendments
Being part of the property con
veyed by deed recorded in
Deed Book 18572, Page 354,
aforesaid records.
The judgment debt secured by
the Association's lien, which
totals $4,737.46 plus any ap
plicable advertisement fees,
costs, and interest as of
November 6, 2019, has been
and is hereby declared due be
cause of failure to pay the in
debtedness as and when due
and in the manner provided for
in the Declaration. The debt re
maining in default, this sale will
be made for the purpose of
paying same and all expenses
of the sale, as provided in the
Georgia Condominium Act,
O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq.,
and the Declaration. The ex
cess, if any, will be distributed
to the person or persons leg
ally entitled thereto.
To the best knowledge and be
lief of the undersigned, the
party(ies) in possession of the
Subject Property known as
++3106 Memorial Drive, Unit B-
9, Atlanta, GA 30317,++ is Red
Hair Investment Group, LLC.
Said property will be sold sub
ject to (a) any outstanding ad
valorem taxes (including taxes
which are a lien but not yet due
and payable), (b) any matters
which might be disclosed by an
accurate survey and inspection
of the property, (c) the Declara
tion, as amended, (d) all mat
ters of record superior to the
condominium lien first set out
above, and (e) any encum
brances, zoning ordinances, re
strictions, covenants and mat
ters of record superior to the
condominium lien first set out
Notice is also hereby given of a
special assessment in the
amount $50,037.44 levied by
the Association against the
subject property on August 8,
2019, each which remains un
paid and outstanding and which
is separate and in addition to
the $4,737.45 judgment
amount described above. Sub
ject to applicable law, it is the
intent of the Association that
the property will also be sold
subject to the lien of foregoing
amounts of the special assess
The sale will be conducted sub
ject to (1) confirmation that the
sale is not prohibited under the
United States Bankruptcy
Code, and (2) final confirma
tion and audit of the status of
the lien with the holder of the
Order to foreclose.
The above referenced sale will
proceed unless a timely order
from a court of competent juris
diction is obtained stopping or
enjoining the DeKalb County
Sheriff’s Office from conduct
ing the sale. You are hereby
advised to consult with your
personal attorney regarding
any and all options you may
have with regards to this notice.
For information regarding this
foreclosure, please contact:
Blue Sky Residential Con
dominium Association, Inc.
c/o John F. Woodham
Woodham Law, LLC
2870 Peachtree Road NW,
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Tele: (404) 862-2480
Fax: (404)478-6510
360-430324 11/7,11/14
State of Georgia
DeKalb County
Under and by virtue of
O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De
claration of Condominium for
Blue Sky Residential Con
dominium, as may be
amended, filed of record in the
DeKalb County, Georgia re
cords, and by virtue of the
Court's Final Order and Judg
ment Order entered May 12,
2012 in Civil Action File No.
11CV9275, Superior Court of
DeKalb County, as further evid
enced by Writ of Fieri Facias
filed in Lien Book 1274, Page
496, Records of DeKalb
County, Georgia, there will be
sold by the DeKalb County
Sheriffs Office at public outcry
to the highest bidder for cash
before the courthouse door of
DeKalb County, Georgia within
the legal hours of sale on the
first Tuesday in December
2019, to wit, December 3,
2019, the following described
Tax Parcel ID: 15-202-03-167
All that tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being in Land Lot 202
of the 15th District of DeKalb
County, Georgia, being more
particularly described as fol
Condominium Unit Number N-2
(also known as Unit 2 of Build
ing N and as Unit 2 of Compon
ent N) of Blue Sky Residential
Condominium, as more particu
larly described and delineated
in the Declaration of Condomin
ium for Blue Sky Residential
Condominium (the "Declara
tion") recorded in Deed Book
19352, Page 522, et seq.,
DeKalb County, Georgia, Re
cords, as amended in Deed
Book 21478, Page 380, et seq.,
aforesaid records, together with
all other and further amend
ments thereof, including all in
terest in the common elements
of said Condominium appurten
ant to said Unit.
This conveyance is made sub
ject to the Declaration and all
matters referenced therein; all
matters shown on the plat re
corded in Plat Book 178, Page
102, aforesaid records, as
amended by the plat recorded
in Plat Book 213, Page 4,
aforesaid records, together with
all other and further amend
ments thereof; and all matters
shown on the floor plans recor
ded in Plat Book 178, Page
103, et seq., aforesaid records,
as amended by floor plans re
corded in Plat Book 213, Page
51 et seq., aforesaid records,
together with all other and fur
ther amendments thereof.
This conveyance is made sub
ject also to the Declaration of
Condominium of Blue Sky Mas
ter Condominium recorded in
Deed Book 19352, Page 451,
et seq., aforesaid records, to
gether with all other and fur
ther amendments thereof; all
matters shown on the plat re
corded in Plat Book 178, Page
71 1 aforesaid records, togeth
er with all other and further
amendments thereof; and all
matters shown on the floor
plans recorded in Plat Book
1781 Page 72, et seq., afore
said records, together with all
other and further amendments
Being the same property con
veyed by deeds recorded in
Deed Book 20157, Page 239;
Deed Book 20707, Page 459;
Deed Book 208461 Page 388;
Deed Book 21245, Page 387;
Deed Book 21403, Page 139;
and Deed Book 22136, Page
758, aforesaid records; and the
same property referred to in af
fidavit recorded in Deed Book
20600, Page 453, aforesaid re
The judgment debt secured by
the Association's lien, which
totals $6,077.30 plus any ap
plicable advertisement fees,
costs, and interest as of
November 6, 2019, has been
and is hereby declared due be
cause of failure to pay the in
debtedness as and when due
and in the manner provided for
in the Declaration. The debt re
maining in default, this sale will
be made for the purpose of
paying same and all expenses
of the sale, as provided in the
Georgia Condominium Act,
O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq.,
and the Declaration. The ex
cess, if any, will be distributed
to the person or persons leg
ally entitled thereto.
To the best knowledge and be
lief of the undersigned, the
party(ies) in possession of the
Subject Property known as
++3106 Memorial Drive, Unit N-
2, Atlanta, GA 30317,++ is
B.A.G. (Brothers Against
Said property will be sold sub
ject to (a) any outstanding ad
valorem taxes (including taxes
which are a lien but not yet due
and payable), (b) any matters
which might be disclosed by an
accurate survey and inspection
of the property, (c) the Declara
tion, as amended, (d) all mat
ters of record superior to the
condominium lien first set out
above, and (e) any encum
brances, zoning ordinances, re
strictions, covenants and mat
ters of record superior to the
condominium lien first set out
Notice is also hereby given of
special assessments in the
amount of $1,589.25 levied by
the Association against the
subject property on April 6,
2018, $266.31 levied by the As
sociation against the subject
property on August 8, 2018,
and $41,997.11 levied by the
Association against the subject
property on August 8, 2019,
each which remains unpaid and
outstanding and which is separ
ate and in addition to the
$5,077.30 judgment amount
described above. Subject to ap
plicable law, it is the intent of
the Association that the prop
erty will also be sold subject to
the lien of foregoing amounts of
the special assessments.
The sale will be conducted sub
ject to (1) confirmation that the
sale is not prohibited under the
United States Bankruptcy
Code, and (2) final confirma
tion and audit of the status of
the lien with the holder of the
Order to foreclose.
The above referenced sale will
proceed unless a timely order
from a court of competent juris
diction is obtained stopping or
enjoining the DeKalb County
Sheriffs Office from conduct
ing the sale. You are hereby
advised to consult with your
personal attorney regarding
any and all options you may
have with regards to this notice.
For information regarding this
foreclosure, please contact:
Blue Sky Residential Con
dominium Association, Inc.
c/o John F. Woodham
Woodham Law, LLC
2870 Peachtree Road NW,
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Tele: (404) 862-2480
Fax: (404) 478-6510
360-430325 11/7,11/14
State of Georgia
DeKalb County
Under and by virtue of
O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De
claration of Condominium for
Blue Sky Residential Con
dominium, as may be
amended, filed of record in the
DeKalb County, Georgia re
cords, and by virtue of the
Court's Final Order and Judg
ment Order entered June 26 ;
2019, in Civil Action File No.
19-A-01595-1, Superior Court
of Gwinnett County, as further
evidenced by Writ of Fieri Fa
cias filed in Lien Book 5435,
Page 112, Records of Gwin
nett County, Georgia, as fur
ther evidenced by Writ of Fieri
Facias filed in Lien Book 2218,
Page 50, Records of DeKalb
County, Georgia, there will be
sold by the DeKalb County
Sheriff’s Office at public outcry
to the highest bidder for cash
before the courthouse door of
DeKalb County, Georgia within
the legal hours of sale on the
first Tuesday in December
2019, to wit, December 3,
2019, the following described
Tax Parcel ID: 15-202-03-058
All that tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being in Land Lot 202
of the 15th District of DeKalb
County, Georgia, being more
particularly described as fol
Condominium Unit Number
3106-7 (also known as Unit 7 of
Building 3106 and as Unit 7 of
Component 3106) of Blue Sky
Residential Condominium, as
more particularly described and
delineated in the Declaration of
Condominium for Blue Sky
Residential Condominium (the
"Declaration") recorded in Deed
Book 19352, Page 522, et seq.,
DeKalb County, Georgia, Re
cords, as amended in Deed
Book 21478, Page 380, et seq.,
aforesaid records, together with
all other and further amend
ments thereof, including all in
terest in the common elements
of said Condominium appurten
ant to said unit.
This conveyance is made sub
ject to the Declaration and all
matters referenced therein; all
matters shown on the plat re
corded in Plat Book 178, Page
102, aforesaid records, as
amended by the plat recorded
in Plat Book 2131 Page 4,
aforesaid records, together with
all other and further amend-