The champion newspaper. (Decatur, GA) 19??-current, November 14, 2019, Image 7
LOCAL THE CHAMPION, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 - 20, 2019 • Page 7 WEEK ^ PICTURES... As seen on DCTV Guest Spea General Rona Scenes from DeKalb County government’s Veterans Day Program which featured keynote speaker Maj. Gen. Ronald L. Johnson. The Lou Walker Senior Center Drill Team participated in the center’s annual Veteran’s Day Program where seniors reflected on their years of service. Chief Judge Berryl Anderson, DeKalb County Magistrate Court, held The People's Law School Class of 2019 graduation. CHRISISO. LjfetgviiS DCTV Reporter Kristal Thomas will present a great story about Chris 180 for an upcoming episode of Inside DeKalb. 1030 FAYETTEVILLE road 1 ■■ f! *j||j aasa^^g .,KT T ■’HOT ■ ill: 40 mart a > 1? J 7 / XT f - V'— """ ^ 1 'wjttm— ~ ^ nm * *14 ' 1 I Si I j \l * - i DCTV was there as MARTA recently celebrated 40 years of service. In 1979, MARTA’s first train ran from Avondale Station to Georgia State Station