The champion newspaper. (Decatur, GA) 19??-current, December 19, 2019, Image 16

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A boy plays with a dreidel at Marcus Jewish Community Center Atlanta.
Hanukkah is a festive time
in the Jewish community when
families gather to commemorate a
time long ago of strife, conflict and
triumph. Hanukkah, also known
as Chanukah, commemorates the
rededication of the Second Temple
in Jerusalem during the 2nd Century
B.C. Jews rose up again Greek-
Syrian rules and drove them out of
Jerusalem, according to the History
Channel’s website.
Commonly known as the
“Festival of Lights,” Hanukkah
activities include blessings, games,
festive foods and lighting of eight-
candle menorahs, which symbolize
oil lasting for eight days when
there was only enough for one day
after the purification of a temple.
Hanukkah begins the evening of
Dec. 22 and ends on the evening of
Dec. 30.
While Hanukkah is a Jewish
holiday, members of the Jewish
community welcome those of the
Jewish faith and those who are not
to attend their commemorative and
celebratory events for fellowship
and as a learning opportunity.
“We are so pleased to provide
these inclusive Hanukkah events
and programs,” said Jana Kogon,
Marcus Jewish Community Center
Atlanta’s Shalom Baby coordinator.
“The MJCCA is welcoming to
people of all faiths, ages, and
backgrounds. We are committed to
strengthening the quality of life in
Atlanta by engaging and connecting
the community.”
MJCCA in Dunwoody routinely
hosts a variety of events and
encourages the public to attend
regardless of their specific faith. The
center was recently the site of a
Sunday Suppers with Chef Howard:
Hanukkah Party at which families
were guided through the preparation
of a meal including latkes prepared
three ways. After the cooking
portion of the class was finished,
participants sat down together and
ate as “one big family.” On Dec. 15
Srochi Sunday—Hanukkah Edition
was held at the center and included
music, arts and crafts and themed
activities. The public was also
welcomed at both events.
Here in DeKalb County and
metro Atlanta, there are several
Hanukkah events and activities
planned throughout December
at which Jews and non-Jews are
welcome. Here is a roundup of
some of these events:
Hanukkah with the Hawks at
7:30 p.m. Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at
State Farm Arena in Atlanta. Tickets
$30, open to the community. Tickets
include a $10 food voucher. For
more information, contact Carissa
Mindt, (678) 812-4034 or carissa.
mindt@atlantaj cc. org.
Hanukkah Hoops 3v3
Tournament (For teens in grades
11-12, and college freshmen &
sophomores) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Dec. 21 at MJCCA. Team fee $150,
open to the commmuity. For more
information, contact Carissa Mindt,
See HANUKKAH on page 17