The champion newspaper. (Decatur, GA) 19??-current, December 26, 2019, Image 41
PAGE 40 THE CHAMPION LEGAL SECTION, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2019 - JANUARY 1, 2020 ++January 09, 2020 BEGIN NING AT APPROXIMATELY 10:00 am AND CONCLUDING ON January 13, 2020++ AT APPROXIMATELY 10:00 am. THIS PUBLIC SALE WILL RESULT IN THE GOODS BE ING SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY. Unit # 2610 - Latrina Strader- Household & Misc. Items Unit # 4307 - Brie Sterling - Household & Misc. Items Unit #4610 - Ivory Parks - Household Items & Misc. Items 340-431356 12/26,1/2jb AMENDED Notice is hereby given that pur suant to the State’s Self-Stor age Facility Act on ++January 9th 2020 at 2:00 Pm++ at Site # 0364, 13831 Redwing Circle, Decatur, GA 30032, Georgia, State the undersigned, CubeSmart Store General Man ager will sell at public sale the following stored property (All items in storage units contain household items unless other wise mentioned): Anothoni Shanard-Wright 53 Reginald L Parks 69 Stephania Thomas 179 Jonathan Heard 235 Karl Fleming 257 Carolyn Goolsby 328 Mark Anthony Donald 334 Delandra Lue 337 Megan Bennett 396 Demarcus McCarthy 407 Eugene Johnson 453 Vachelle Bailey 462 Bonnie Wade 503 Taurean Williams 514 Tildon White 558 Christopher Fleming 589 Corlette Holmes 635 Phillis Lackey 702 Kenado Parks 758 Mehdin Osmanbasic 775 Melodie Lonesome 787 Katrina Otto 821 Warren F Mosby 906 Gail Clarke 997 Raeshawn Washington 1063 Anita Price 1085 Curtis Horne 1102 Keith Long 1110 John Houston 1139 Brittany Summers 1218 Kendall Smith 1227 Emmet M Putnam 1402 Gwendolyn Bennett 1027-1028 Tameka Truitt 1362-1363 340-431357 12/26,1/2jb NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The following self-storage Cube contents containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart - 4931 Ashford Dunwoody Road Dun- woody, GA 30338 to satisfy a li en on ++January 21, 2020 at approximately 11:00 AM++ at 1016 L'Desteney Barton 1043 Mary Workman 3029 Jamylah Arif 3032 Jamylah Arif 3034 Jazymne Williams 3037 Christopher Kempa 6013 Gary Lawrence 6043 Warrick Johnson 6052 Brittney Vinson 6025 JaToriana King 340-431358 12/26,1/2jb NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The following self-storage Cube contents containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart at 2232 Mountain Industrial Boulevard to satisfy a lien on ++January 21st, 2020 at 11:30 AM++ at Cube #1708, Lisa Hlavacek 340-431359 12/26,1/2jb Brandi Williams 340-431363 12/26,1/2jb 340-431364 12/26,1/2jb 10:00AM and end on NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Household Goods /Furniture II Notice of Public Sale PUBLIC SALE January 23, 2020 at The following self-storage unit TV/Stereo Equipment In accordance with the provi- In accordance with the provi- 1 0:00AM + + contents containing household sions of State law, there being sions of State law, there being Space and other goods will be sold for 2126 due and unpaid charges for due and unpaid charges for Name cash by CubeSmart 3549 Shantell I Fall which the undersigned is en- which the undersigned is en- Inventory Church St., Clarkston, GA. Salon Furniture titled to satisfy an owner and/or titled to satisfy an owner and/or 3150 30021 manager’s lien of the goods manager's lien of the goods Denson, Rickey 404-835-2801 to satisfy a lien 4064 hereinafter described and hereinafter described and Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip on ++January 9th 2020 at ap- Aaron Perry stored at the Life Storage loca- stored at the Life Storage loca- prox. 2:00PM++ at Household Goods/Furniture tion(s) listed below. tions(s) listed below. 4095 1890 Briarwood RD, Atlanta GA 2595 Candler Rd. Decatur, Ga. Neal, Sylvia 8004 30329. (404)425-5010. 30032 404-212-1125 Hsld gds/Furn Cube# 105 Linda Hayne And, due notice having been And, due notice having been Dacia Milan s Household Goods/Furniture given, to the owner of said given, to the owner of said 1020 Household Items property and all parties known property and all parties known Thomas, Lester 9003 to claim an interest therein, and to claim an interest therein, and Hsld gds/Furn Cube# 166 Rickie Smith the time specified in such no- the time specified in such no- Michael Nickerson Household Goods /Furniture tice for payment of such hav- tice for payment of such hav- 2082 Household Items /Tools/Appliances/Car rims ing expired, the goods will be ing expired, the goods will be McKinney, Deborah sold to the highest bidder or sold to the highest bidder or Hsld gds/Furn Cube# 184 4014 otherwise disposed of at a pub- otherwise disposed of at a pub- Roosevelt Williams Parese Carter lie auction to be held online at lie Auction to be held online at 3009 Household Items Household Goods/Furniture, Darling, Shanina which will end on ++Thursday which will begin on Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Cube# 1015 And, due notice having been January 23rd 2020 at 10:00 Monday, ++January 13th at 10: Equip, Off Furn/Mach/Equip Ralph Ashworth given, to the owner of said AM++. 00 AM 340-431366 12/26,1/2jb Household Items property and all parties known Please see attached for list of and end on Thursday January PUBLIC SALE to claim an interest therein, and names, space numbers and in- 23rd at 10:00 AM++ In accordance with the provi- the time specified in such no- ventory. Space No. sions of State law, there being Cube #2007 tice for payment of such hav- Space No. Customer's Name due and unpaid charges for Amanda Locher ing expired, the goods will be Customer Name Inventory which the undersigned is en- Household Items sold to the highest bidder or Inventory titled to satisfy an owner and/or otherwise disposed of at a pub- B238 manager's lien of the goods Cube #3019 lie auction to be held online at 13 Courtney Everett hereinafter described and Shatireyia Allen Terance Harmon Hsld gds/Furniture stored at the Life Storage loca- Household Items which will end on ++Thursday, Household Goods/Furniture, tion(s) listed below. January 23, 2020 at 10:00 Office A101 4561 Covington Highway, Dec- Cube #3148 AM. + + Furniture/Machines/Equipment, Connie Glover atur, GA 30035. Phone: 678- Jacquelyn Wiley 340-431362 12/26,1/2jb Account Records/Sales Hsld gd s/Furniture/TV/Stereo 705-1700 Household Items NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION Samples F205 Kenneth Richardson Hsld gds/Furniture 254 Ladavian Howe Hsld gds/Furniture Space No. 340-431360 12/26,1/2jb NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The following self-storage Cube contents containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart 1801 Sa- In accordance with the provi sions of State law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is en titled to satisfy an owner and/or manager's lien of the goods hereinafter described and 1204 Richard Caines Household Goods/Furniture 2145 Claudia M Pavon Customer Name Inventory 1128 Tammy Starks Hsld Gds/Furn voy Drive, Chamblee, GA. 30341 to satisfy a lien on ++01/21/2020 at approx. 12:00 PM++ at stored at the Life Storage loca tions) listed below. 2910 North Decatur Rd., Dec- Household Goods/Furniture 2151 H134 Andre Ramey 1186 Roderick Lee Tools/Applnces atur, GA 30030. Phone: 404- Jessica Goldsberry Hsld gds/Furniture 292-0666 Household Goods/Furniture 267 Brian James Kariuki Other 1205 Cube #2006 Trenasha Hudson Cube #2009 Kaitlan Parker Cube #2051 Oderrie Under wood Cube #2069 Bermira Gates Cube #2115 Kinsey Manno Cube #4008 Jumarie Flores Space No. Customer Name Inventory 2156 Whitney Debeer Household Goods/Furniture Rhonda Hall Hsld Gds/Furn, Boxes, Tools 1232 1A06 Randy Smith Household Goods/Furniture 2207 Glenn LAVeau Household Goods/Furniture. 841 Tobias Hambrick Hsld gds/Furniture Tanya Lemon Hsld Gds/Furn 1261 Cube #4160 Ashton Fearring- ton Cube #5026 Delane Clark Cube #5034 Brenston Bryant Cube #5063 Jasmine Heard Cube #5101 Lakeysa Tinch 3D15 TV/Stereo Equipment 995 Barbie Seyoum Abbas Sabur Household Goods/Furniture 4B15 Frances Randall 2269 Noble Akaxsha Ali El Bey Office Furniture/ Machines/ Equipment Freda Bailey Hsld gds/Furniture A202 Shedrick Thedford Hsld Gds/Furn 1283 Melia Allen Hsld Gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces Cube #5199 Tiffany Amos Household Goods/Furniture 3056 Hsld gds/Furniture 1321 340-431361 12/26,1/2jb And, due notice having been Ashley Cook B131 Juan Smith PUBLIC SALE given, to the owner of said Household Goods/Furniture Twanna Jarrett Hsld Gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces In accordance with the provi- property and all parties known 3163 Hsld gds/Furniture sions of State law, there being to claim an interest therein, and 1360 due and unpaid charges for the time specified in such no- Brianna Jackson C109 Dionna Simpson which the undersigned is en- tice for payment of such hav- Household Goods/Furniture, Cashana Meadows Hsld Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo titled to satisfy an owner and/or ing expired, the goods will be TV/Stereo Equipment, Hsld gds/Furniture Equip, Tools/Applnces manager’s lien of the goods sold at public auction at the be- Tools/Appliances, Office Fur- hereinafter described and low stated location(s) to the niture/Machines/Equipment 1367 stored at the Life Storage loca- highest bidder or otherwise dis- 3175 340-431365 12/26,1/2jb Stephen Boswell tion(s) listed below. posed of at public auction to be Notice of Public Sale Hsld Gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces 4427 Tilly Mill Road Doraville, held online at www.Stor- Sean Fender In accordance with the provi- GA 30360 770-455-3104 which will Household Goods/Furniture sions of State law, there being 1378 Space No begin at + + 10:00AM on 3215 due and unpaid charges for Andrea Ghani Customer Name Thursday January 13th, 2019 which the undersigned is en- Hsld Gds/Furn Inventory and ends on Thursday January Sheila Quaye titled to satisfy an owner and/or 23rd, at 10 AM.++ Household Goods/ Furniture, manager’s lien of the goods 1409 2122 TV/Stereo Equipment, Tools/ hereinafter described and Taneisha Scott Janelle Browne Appliances, Office Furniture/ stored at the Life Storage loca- Hsld Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Office Furn/Machines/Equip. Machines/Equipment, Boxes, tion(s) listed below. Equip, Sporting Goods 1274 Crown Pointe Parkway Off Furn/Mach/Equip 2044 4228 Dunwoody, GA 30338 Kiana Smith And, due notice having been 1416 Household Goods/Furniture Tricia Jones given, to the owner of said Victor Mcnair Household Goods/Furniture property and all parties known Hsld Gds/Furn 1229 to claim an interest therein, and James D Love II the time specified in such no- 1417 Household Goods/ Furniture tice for payment of such hav- Victor Mcnair /Tools /Appliances ing expired, the goods will be sold to the highest bidder or Hsld Gds/Furn 1276 otherwise disposed of at a pub- 1419 Nia Martin lie auction to be held online at Gayla Farmer Household Goods/Furniture Hsld Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo which will begin on: Equip, Tools/Applnces 2028 ++January 13, 2020 at 1421 Staci Moore Hsld Gds/Furn 1579 Timothy Jenkins Hsld Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip 1591 Jermaine Allen Hsld Gds/Furn 1612 Crystal Hunter Hsld Gds/Furn 1618 Ashley Clark Hsld Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip 1703 Joy Washington Hsld Gds/Furn 1781 Gabrella Hill Hsld Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip And, due notice having been given, to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such no tice for payment of such hav ing expired, the goods will be sold at public auction at the be low stated location(s) to the highest bidder or otherwise dis posed of at public auction to be held online at http://www.Stor- which will begin on Monday++January 13, 2020 at 10:00AM and end on Thursday January 23, 2020 at 10:00AM++. 340-431425 12/26,1/2jb PUBLIC SALE In accordance with the provi sions of State law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is en titled to satisfy an owner and/or manager's lien of the goods hereinafter described and stored at the Life Storage loca tion^) listed below. 5208 Peachtree Blvd Chamblee, GA 30341. 470- 282-6818. And, due notice having been given, to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such no tice for payment of such hav ing expired, the goods will be sold at public auction at the be low stated location(s) to the highest bidder or otherwise dis posed of at public auction to be held online at www.Stor- which will begin at 10:00AM on Monday, ++January 13th 2020 and ends on Thursday, January 23rd 2020++. Space No. Customer Name Inventory 1030 William Massenburg Household Goods/Furn. 1031 Kevin White Household Goods/Furn. 3108 Denise King Household Goods/Furn, Office Furn/Machines/Equip. 4009 Jeanette Cody Household Goods/Furn. 4021 Shykira Williams Household Goods/Furn.