The champion newspaper. (Decatur, GA) 19??-current, December 26, 2019, Image 48
THE CHAMPION LEGAL SECTION, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2019 - JANUARY 1, 2020 Page 47 Zoning Matters 380-431374 12/26jj CITY OF BROOKHAVEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY OF BROOKHAVEN COUNCIL CHAMBER ADDRESS: 4362 PEACHTREE ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, GA 30319 THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE APPLICATION INVOLVING PROPERTY LOCATED WITH- IN THE CITY OF BROOKHAVEN IS SCHED ULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AS STATED ABOVE. ++CASE #: VAR19-0Q0S0++ APPLICANT: BLAKE NEWTON PROPERTY LOCATION: 1080 CLUB TRACE REQUEST: VARIANCE FROM SECTION 27-68(B) TO RE DUCE REAR YARD SET BACK. 380-431375 12/26jj CITY OF BROOKHAVEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY OF BROOKHAVEN COUNCIL CHAMBER ADDRESS: 4362 PEACHTREE ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, GA 30319 THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE APPLICATION INVOLVING PROPERTY LOCATED WITH- IN THE CITY OF BROOKHAVEN IS SCHED ULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AS STATED ABOVE. ++CASE #: VAR19-00051++ APPLICANT: APRIL INGRA HAM PROPERTY LOCATION: 2623 DREW VALLEY ROAD REQUEST: VARIANCE FROM SECTION 27-67(B) TO RE DUCE INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK. 380-431376 12/26jj CITY OF BROOKHAVEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY OF BROOKHAVEN COUNCIL CHAMBER ADDRESS: 4362 PEACHTREE ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, GA 30319 THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE APPLICATION INVOLVING PROPERTY LOCATED WITH- IN THE CITY OF BROOKHAVEN IS SCHED ULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AS STATED ABOVE. ++CASE #: VAR19-00052++ APPLICANT: DREW CLOUGH - WATERFORD HOMES PROPERTY LOCATION: 3624 WOODSTREAM CIRCLE REQUEST: 1) VARIANCE FROM SECTION 14.153(A) TO REDUCE STREAM BUFFER: 2) VARIANCE FROM SEC TION 27.957(B) TO IN CREASE RETAINING WALL HEIGHT 380-431377 12/26jj CITY OF BROOKHAVEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY OF BROOKHAVEN COUNCIL CHAMBER ADDRESS: 4362 PEACHTREE ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, GA 30319 THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE APPLICATION INVOLVING PROPERTY LOCATED WITH- IN THE CITY OF BROOKHAVEN IS SCHED ULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AS STATED ABOVE. ++CASE #: VAR19-00053-t-t- APPLICANT: BARRY HOL- BERT PROPERTY LOCATION: 1393 RAGLEY HALL ROAD REQUEST: VARIANCE FROM SECTION 14.153(A) TO RE DUCE STREAM BUFFER 380-431378 12/26jj CITY OF BROOKHAVEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY OF BROOKHAVEN COUNCIL CHAMBER ADDRESS: 4362 PEACHTREE ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, GA 30319 THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE APPLICATION INVOLVING PROPERTY LOCATED WITH- IN THE CITY OF BROOKHAVEN IS SCHED ULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AS STATED ABOVE. ++CASE #: VAR19-00054++ APPLICANT: RODRIGO PER ALTA PROPERTY LOCATION: 2028 DREW VALLEY ROAD REQUEST: VARIANCE FROM SECTION 14.153(A) TO RE DUCE STREAM BUFFER 380-431379 12/26jj CITY OF BROOKHAVEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY OF BROOKHAVEN COUNCIL CHAMBER ADDRESS: 4362 PEACHTREE ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, GA 30319 THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE APPLICATION INVOLVING PROPERTY LOCATED WITH- IN THE CITY OF BROOKHAVEN IS SCHED ULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AS STATED ABOVE. ++CASE #: VAR19-00055++ APPLICANT: ALLISON BIBLE PROPERTY LOCATION: 2328 COLONIAL DRIVE REQUEST: 1) VARIANCE FROM SECTION 27-67(A) TO INCREASE IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE; 2) VARIANCE FROM SECTION 27-67(B)(3) TO REDUCE FRONT STREET SETBACK; 3) VARIANCE FROM SECTION 27-67(B)(6) TO REDUCE REAR SETBACK 380-431438 12/26,1/2jb Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Commission Meeting Room Decatur City Hall 509 North McDonough Street Monday, ++January 13, 2020 + + 7:30 P.M. I. Call to Order by Board Chair. II. Approval of the Minutes. A. Approval of the Meeting Minutes for December 9, 2019. III. Applications. A. Brad and Laura Dawson, ap plicants and owners have ap plied for a variance from side yard setback requirements for the property located at 127 Cambridge Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030. IV. Other Business. Consistent with the require ments of O.C.G. A. 50-14-1. (e) (l)a an agenda was posted on Wednesday, December 18, 2019. Foreclosures: Residential 420-429420 10/24/,10/31,11/07 11/14,11/21,11/28,12/05 12/12,12/19,12/26,01/02jj NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF DEKALB Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained with that certain Security Deed dated September 20, 2002, from Latelce R. Bumpers to Sun America Mortgage Corpor ation., recorded on October 15, 2002 in Deed Book 13750 at Page 37 Dekalb County, Geor gia records, having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to U.S. Bank Trust National Association, not in its individual capacity but solely as Delaware trustee and U.S. Bank National Association, not in its individual capacity but solely as Co-Trustee for Gov ernment Loan Securitization Trust 2011-FV1 by Assignment and said Security Deed having been given to secure a note dated September 20, 2002, in the amount of $177,900.00 said note being modified by Loan Modification agreement and re corded on November 27, 2006 in Book 19402 Page 712 and modified by that Loan Modifica tion Agreement recorded Au gust 14, 2017 in Book 26430 at page 443, Instrument Number 2017122967 in the real prop erty records of Dekalb County, Georgia, and said Note and Loan Modification Agreements being in default, the under signed will sell at public outcry during the legal hours of sale before the door of the court house of Dekalb County, Geor gia, on January 7, 2020 the fol lowing described real property (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"): ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 158 OF THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BEING LOT 17, BLOCK A, ROGERS CROSSING, PHASE ONE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 122, PAGES 42-43, HAVING BEEN RE-RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 123, PAGE 107, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH RECOR DED PLAT IS INCORPOR ATED HEREIN BY REFER ENCE FOR A MORE COM PLETE DESCRIPTION OF SAID PROPERTY. The debt secured by the Security Deed and evidenced by the Note and has been, and is hereby, de clared due and payable be cause of, among other pos sible events of default, failure to make the payments as re quired by the terms of the Note. The debt remaining is in de fault and this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the Security Deed, accrued in terest, and all expenses of the sale, including attorneys' fees. Notice of intention to collect at torneys' fees has been given as provided by law. To the best of the undersigned's knowledge, the person(s) in possession of the property is Lateice R. Bumpers. The property, being commonly known as 1823 Spring Hill Cove, Lithonia, GA, 30058 in Dekalb County, will be sold as the property of Lateice R. Bumpers, subject to any out standing ad valorem taxes (in cluding taxes which are a lien and not yet due and payable), any matters affecting title to the property which would be dis closed by accurate survey and inspection thereof, and all as sessments, liens, encum brances, restrictions, coven ants, and matters of record to the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2, the name, address and tele phone number of the individual or entity who shall have the full authority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the above described mortgage is as fol lows: Specialized Loan Servi cing, LLC, 8742 Lucent Blvd Suite 300, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129, 720-241-7251 . The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44- 14-162.2 shall require the se cured creditor to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under U.S. Bankruptcy code and (2) to fi nal confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Al- bertelli Law Attorney for U.S. Bank Trust National Associ ation, not in its individual capa city but solely as Delaware trustee and U.S. Bank National Association, not in its individu al capacity but solely as Co- Trustee for Government Loan Securitization Trust 2011-FV1 as Attorney in Fact for Lateice R. Bumpers 100 Galleria Park way, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: (770) 373-4242 By: Cory Sims For the Firm THIS FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ++wc - 19-021329 A-4707600/BUMP- ERS++ 420-430287 11/7,11/14,11/21, 11/28,12/5,12/12,12/19,12/26 1/2jj STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF DEKALB NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default under the terms of the Security Deed ex ecuted by LaTonya Y. Mills to Mortgage Electronic Registra tion Systems, Inc., as grantee, as nominee for Homestar Fin ancial Corp., its successors and assigns dated May 1, 2017, and recorded in Deed Book 26230, Page 22, DeKalb County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, as signed, transferred and con veyed to Wells Fargo Bank N.A. securing a Note in the ori ginal principal amount of $96,224.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has de clared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, Janu ary 7, 2020, during the legal hours of sale, before the Court house door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in Land Lot 32 of the 16th District of DeKalb County, Georgia, being Lot 1, Block B, Phase III, Martins Crossing, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 68, pages 133 and 150, DeKalb County, Georgia Records, which plat is incorpor ated herein and made a part hereof by reference. Said property is known as 5130 Martins Crossing Road, Stone Mountain, GA 30088, to gether with all fixtures and per sonal property attached to and constituting a part of said prop erty, if any. Said property will be sold sub ject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing au thority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, li ens, encumbrances, zoning or dinances, restrictions, coven ants, and matters of record su perior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all ex penses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted sub ject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Latonya Y. Mills, successor in interest or tenant(s). Wells Fargo Bank, NA as Attor- ney-in-Fact for LaTonya Y. Mills File no. ++18-071585/MILLS++ SHAPIRO PENDERGAST & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 211 Perimeter Center Parkway. N.E., Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30346 770-220-2535/J P *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OB TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 420-430295 11/7,12/12,12/19, 12/26,1/2jb STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF DeKalb NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Pursuant to the power of sale contained in the Security Deed executed by LAMAR A. BROWN to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR REAL ES TATE MORTGAGE NET WORK, INC., its successors and assigns, in the original principal amount of $105,262.00 dated April 22, 2011 and recorded in Deed Book 22458, Page 768, DeKalb County records, said Security Deed being last transferred to NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL- POINT MORTGAGE SERVI CING in Deed Book 27466, Page 585, DeKalb County re cords, the undersigned will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, before the Courthouse door in said County, or at such other place as lawfully designated, within the legal hours of sale, on January 07, 2020, the property in said Security Deed and de scribed as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR CEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 24 OF THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 20, BLOCK B, RAVEN SPRINGS SUBDIVISION, UNIT IV, AS PER PLAT RECOR DED IN PLAT BOOK 69, PAGE 22, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR GIA RECORDS, WHICH RE CORDED PLAT IS INCOR PORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE AND MADE A PART OF THIS DESCRIP TION. BEING IMPROVED PROP ERTY MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 677 RAVEN SPRINGS TRAIL, STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30087; AND BEING THE SAME PROP ERTY CONVEYED VIA DEED RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 22120 PAGE 424 DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS, TAX ID: 18 024 02 139 Said property being known as: 677 RAVEN SPRINGS TRAIL, STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30087 To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge, the party or parties in possession of said property is/are LAMAR A. BROWN or tenant(s). The debt secured by said Se curity Deed has been and is hereby declared due and pay able because of, among other possible events of default, fail ure to pay the indebtedness as provided for in the Note and said Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all ex penses of sale, including attor ney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold sub ject to the following: (1) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a li en, whether or not yet due and payable); (2) the right of re demption of any taxing authority; (3) any matters which might be dis closed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property; and (4) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordin ances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Said sale will be conducted subject to the following: (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bank ruptcy Code; and (2) final con firmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. The name, address, and tele phone number of the individual or entity who has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modi fy all terms of the mortgage is as follows: New Penn Financial, LLC dba Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing 75 Beattie Place, Suite 300 , Greenville , SC, 29601 866- 825-2174 Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, the above indi vidual or entity is not required by law to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the mort gage- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL- POINT MORTGAGE SERVI CING, as Attorney-in-Fact for LAMAR A. BROWN RAS Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth. GA 30097 Phone: 470.321.7112 Firm File No. ++19-379283 - AmE /BROWN++ 420-430436 11/14,12/12,12/19 12/26,1/2jj STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF DeKalb NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Pursuant to the power of sale contained in the Security Deed executed by SHAWN ISA COL TER to MORTGAGE ELEC TRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC, AS NOMIN EE FOR FREEDOM MORT GAGE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGN in the original principal amount of $185,200.00 dated May 19, 2016 and recorded in Deed Book 25618, Page 357, DeKalb County records, said Security Deed being last transferred to FREEDOM MORTGAGE COR- PORATION in Deed Book 27551, Page 412, DeKalb County records, the under signed will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, before the Courthouse door in said County, or at such other place as lawfully designated, within the legal hours of sale, on January 07, 2020, the prop erty in said Security Deed and described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR CEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 9 OF THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 9, LONGVIEW POINTE. AS PER PLAT RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 190, PAGES 47- 55, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA (THE "PLAT"), WHICH PLAT IS IN CORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE. Said property being known as: 4932 LONGVIEW RUN, DEC-