The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, January 06, 1909, Image 2

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THE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH Comprising THE CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN, Richmond, Va., Vol. XLIV., No. 1. Editors: Jas. P. Smith, D.D., E. B. j McCluer, D.D. THE SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN, Atlanta, Ga., Vol. LVIII., No. 1. Editor: Thos. E. Converse, D.D. THE SOUTHWESTERN PRESBYTERIAN, New Orleans, La., Vol. XLL, No. 1. Editor: George Summey, D.D., LL.D. Published weekly, by Ihe Presbyterian | Company, at 104 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Managing Editor: Thornton S. Wilson, D.D. Associate Editors: J. G. Snedecor, LL. D., J. R. Anderson, D.D., Alabama; R. B. Willis, D.D., Arkansas; W. L. Lingle, D.D., Theron H. Rice, D.D., Georgia; Rev. Liouis Voss, T. M. Hunter, D.D., Rev. Geo. | D. Booth, Louisiana; C. W. Grafton, D.D., | C. E. Cunningham, D.D., W. D. Hedle- I ston, D.D., Mississippi; N. L. Anderson, ; D.D., North Carolina; Robert Hill, D.D., j Rev. J. D. I^eslle, R. E. Vinson, D.D., Tex- ) as; Walter W. Moore, D.D., Virginia. Subscription Terms. (Two dollars a year if paid in advance; if payment is deferred three months, $2.50. Remittances should be made by money order or by draft on some of tne large cities; if check on local bank is sent add 10 cents for collection. Remittances are acknowledged by change of date following the subscriber's name on the paper. Change of Address: Kindly send the former as well as the new address. Discontinuance. In accordance with the almost univer sal wish or our subscribers, papers are continued until there is a specific order to (Stop. In connection with such an order all arrearages must be paid. An or/der of discontinuance can be given at ' any time, to take effect at the expiration of the subscription. Announcements of Marriages and Deaths. Without cost for fifty words. For obituary notices in excess o? JHty wdrd$ send with Mss. one cent.&Vofd to.eoVea-. co$t of publication. ? ? \: Advertising ratds'Yprtiished on application. * .. 0^2 Communications for publteatib&'^igijt present to either the Richmond, Va., or l$ew* Orleans, La., office. All business letters should be addressed to The Presbyterian of the 8outh, 104 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. / Washington an LAW, ENGINEERING, CC Students drawn from thirty. Statei religious tone. Address Pre Hampden-S 134th Session Be A JJ ? * * " " nuuiess lur ^aiaiogue or otner inh REV. HENRY TUCKER GRAI Westminster Scho< A School for Girls.?Special attenti and Physical Development, as well as t( you a catalogue. M Cluster Spr] CLUSTER OWING TO UNEXPECTED VAC MO If your boy is not doing just what chance for you to get excellent advant Let us send you our cataloe. J" V BOOKScfB Peloubet's Notes on Sunday Schoo TarbelPs Guide for Sunday School Practical Commentary for 1909.... Gist of the Lesson for 1909 Old Events and Modern Meanings. The Web of Time. R. E. Knowles A Year in Europe. W. W. Moore, Scientific Faith. H. A. Johnson, C Mind and Work. Luther Rulirlr I Reliaior. -?nd Medicine. Dr. Worc< The Virgin . ' *u of Christ. Jas. C The Ideal Ministry, derrick John An Introduction to the 0f Foi Theology for the People. A. a. si Th? Resurrection of Christ. Ja.":* TIJo Mkster of the Heart. Robert W< FURNISH BOOKS OF A CATALOGUES FREE. AM ORE WORK OF THE CHURCH. PRESBYTERIAN COM Richmond. Va. j cr'?r HICKORY KING I w W V id Lee University! )M M ERCE, SCIENCE, LETTER8. s. Expenses very moderate. High moral am H s. GEO. H. DENNY, LL.D., Lexington, Va. m idney College igins September 8, 1909. urination, i HAM, President, Hampden-Sidney, Va. ol, - Richmond, Va, on through entire school to Music, Art, HealtM 3 the Academic work. A postal card will brinfaf ISS CARRIE LEE CAMPBELL, Principal. ^ ings Academy rj, SPRINGS, VA. T" FANCIES, WE HAVE ROOM FOR TWO | RE BOYS. t he ought to do in the local school, this fa a ages for him. HAMPDEN WKkSOT^^Iiado^^U LEAL VALH vo-.m I Lessons for 1909 Teachers for 1909 <* v, ?? 1.25 Chas. F. AkecL^U ~ 1 / '.'.1.25 DO " i.00 'D V 1 2Q n:::: -> ? s?ter 1.50 )rr' ^ 175 M son. D.O "'JL 7c reign Missions. T. C. Johns<!n' 1Q0 law 1'50 *&DD {;;; 1.00 E. apeer IMITTEE OF PUBlifi^ON T exarkanaj^ rk.-Tex OP ( Dealer'* Price / II iUGGY 175.00 ,4* 85 Don't par two price* for i you^^^fe^aj!>ftLl)rofl* dire ct from our factor/ and Qet bet ter quality and lower Kin*" vehicle* are the best th^H delivery guaranteed. PromptH Our 48-Page Catalogue! Don't tuy nntil you ret our^| tory prices and explaining ho^B will save you <20.00 to <30.00^| I brio* our free catalogue by r?H ADDRKSel Monarch Bui i j