The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, January 27, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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6 The Household. PERFECT THKOLUH BUFFERING. God never would send you the darkness if He felt you could bear the light! Bin you would not cling to His guiding hand If the way were always bright. And you would not care to w alk by faith Could you always walk by sight. •Tie true He has many an anguish For your sorrowful heart to bear, And many a cruel thorn-crown For your tired head to wear. He knows how few would reach heaven at all If palu did not guide them there. So He sends you the blinding darkness, And the furnace of seven-fold heat; ’Tie the only way, bellevi me. To keep you close to His leet; For 'Us always so easy to wander When our lives are glad and sweet Then nestle your hand In your Father's And sing if you can, as you go; Your song may cheer some one behind you Whose courage is sinking low. Abl well, if your lips do quiver, 'Twill but impress them the more. TEA CHING AND TRA INING. Why have so many well taught young persons gone astray? Because they were only well taught; and were not well trained. The precept is not: Teach a child the way he should go— but “Train up a child.” Wide exper ience is showing mankind that, neces sary as teaching is, training is even more essential. Solomon seems to have understood the principle, in the ory, at least, intuitively; whether he put in practice—whether he himself trained as well as taught— may be doubtful. Many modern parents, as siduous, faithful, earnest in teaching, omit training; and, because of this omission, their sons grow up wayward and their daughters idle, yet they themselves cannot understand why their hopes and efforts have been dis appointed. The difference, though not obvious, is great. Teaching communicates ideas. Training forms habits. Teach ing imparts knowledge. Training de velops power. In teaching, the adult explains words. In training,he shows methods. Under teaching, the child hears what is said ; under training, he sees what is done. Teaching is a spur that urges onward. Training is food which gives strength to run. Again, teaching, is apt to beget aversion ; it palls if prolonged, and almost necess arily grows irksome from the repeti tion which it involves. Training wins one’s liking; it whets an appetite for itself. In many branches of tuition this is so well understood that training forms the chief element in the master’s work. What teacher of the voice or of instru ments, what writing-master, what art ist, would instruct wholly, or even chiefly, by explaining the theory? When an art is to be taught all under stand that example and practice are the most essential means of progress; ■lheteacher is “to show the pupil how.” But when the moral training of the young is in question, when family ed ucation is observed, how little is seen, even among the most thoughtful and cultured classes, of systematic, judi cious pains taken to show the children how. Now, it is not enough to pro vide good books, or even to give lucid and repeated explanations about hon esty, courage, gratitude, economy, industry .courtesy, or the like ; training in these things is needful.— Exchange. HOW TO KEEP YOUR IRIENDS. In the first place don’t be too exact ing. If your friend doesn’t come to see you as often as you wish, or if she is dilatory about answering your let ters, don’t make up your mind at once that she has grown cold or indifferent, and above all, don’t overwhelm her with reproaches. Rest assured that there is no more certain way of killing a friendship than by exactions and up braidings. It is quite possible that your friend may have other duties and engage ments whose performance employs the very time you would claim, and instead of being neglected you are only wait ing your turn. Perhaps she comes to I you in her rare intervals of leisure to )be rested and cheered and helped by your affection and sympathy. But is she likely to find cheer or comfort in .your society if you meet her with doubts, with coldness, or with a sense of inquiry, and insist on a full account of how she has spent her time, and Whether she could not possibly have come before? In nine cases out of ten she will go away feeling that she is injured by what you consider affection, and that your friendship is a trouble rather than a help. Dear mothers, at this, the beginning of a tew j ear, how many thoughts crowd upon us? Tbeughts of the yearjust past with all that it Inought us. Its joys, its sorrows, its comforts, it trials, bow the number grows as we sum up the list. TV it h many of us, perhaps, it seems that we have nothing left of the old year ex cept experience. But experience that can be made useful in the future, is far from being despicable. How bas it been with ourc-nildrenduringihelastyear?Are they any nearer to God than they were a year ago? Have we done all that we could for them? Oh, if we have not, let us nsolve by God’s kelp, to bring thsm into his kingde m before this year ends. May 1881 be to all of us a year filled with richest blessings. May we grow nearer to our heavenly Father, and bring with us to his threne all that he has giv en us. Let this be our one resolution for the New Year, our children shall be Christians before this year closes. May God grant it may be so.— Selected. THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1881. The following are some resolutions made by an earnest Christian mother. Would that every mother in the land would copy them, and read and think of them every day: Resolved, That the first duty of the day performed by me shall be prayer to God, especially for strength and wisdom to properly instruct, guide and govern mv child. Resolved that I will never permit my child to wilfully disobey me or treat me with disrespect. Resolved, That I will earnestly strive never to act from an impulse of passion or resentment, but will endeavor to pre serve my judgment cool and my feel ings calm, that I may clearly see and truly perform my duty to my child. Resolved, That I will devote a certain portion of my time each day to self-in struction, in order to be able to propierly instruct my child. Resolved, That I will watch over my own temper at all times cultivate a hab it of cheerfulness, and interest myself in the little matters of my child, that I may thereby gain ills love. Resolved, That I will devote my time especially to those pursuits which will in crease the comfort and happiness of my home and forward the best interest of my child. Resolved, That I will study the health of my child, reading on the 'subject and asking theadvice of those who are more experienced than myself. Resolved, That I will not yield to dis couragements from failure, but will per severe. putting faitli in the promise of God to all those who earnestly and faithfully strive to do their duty. WIIY I KEEP A PRIVATE AC- COUNT BOOK. Men grow rich by saving rather than by earning. With the average man, rigid economy makes success in life’s work certain ; neglect of small sums means failure. One of splendid abilities may, like Daniel Webster, never learn the value of a dollar and still win. But laws cannot be framed for men whose powers make them exceptions to all laws. Experience has taught me that keeping an account of expenses stimu lates to economy. Every reference to it recalls unnecessary and unwise ex penditures of the, past and warns a gainst a repetition. It is a financial friend warning against making the same error twice. Here is an article bought at auction because very cheap. But we did not need it. This account is always re minding me of Franklin’s maxim: “Never buy at any price what you do not need.” And then articles of in ferior quality were bought because the desired quality could not be obtained at the time. This record is a constant reminder of error. It enforces on the mind that I cannot buy, at any price, i what does not suit me. Here are two J presents which are ill-judged because | they are perishable, and a present should be an imperishable reminder of a kindly regard. But most of the un wise purchases were of things that I did not need. I had not considered carefully. Must I have it, and will I use it when I get it? I have given these examples to illustrate what I mean. Let me urge upon every young man, then, the advantages of keeping a full account of expenditures as a means of saving—as a bridle on that careless dis sipation of money, in small sums, which is the source of most men’s poverty. Whatever honorable method adds to a man’s dollars, adds also to his virtue and happiness. Moralizing is generally insipid, but allow me to say here what I have so ofteh thought in this connection. Were our sins capable of record in this way, could we at any time see a list of our short comings, it would be a powerful stimulus to virtue. Nature seems to do all things well, but she has so cre ated us that we forget the past. But the past is our only guide for coming time. Since this is true and since we remember the present chiefly, our progress would be more rapid if we had some way to keep* our sins more vivid ly in mind—if, in the language of Cas sius, “Our faults were all observed and set in a note-book.” M. IF. B. Good Advice.—President Porter, of Yale College, gave the following ad vice to the students of that institution the other day: “Young men, ycu are architects of your own fortunes. Rely upon your own strength of body and soul. Take for your star, self-reliance, faith, hones ty and industry. Inscribe on your banner : ‘Luck is a fool, pluck is a hero.’ Keep at your helm and steer your own ship, and remember that the great art of commanding is to take a fair share of the work. Don’t practice too much humility. Think well of yourself Strike out. Assume your own position. Put potatoes in your cart, over a rough road, and small ones go to the bot tom. Rise above the envious and jeal ous. Fire above the mark you intend to bit. Energy, invincible determina tion, with a right motive, are the levers that move the world. Don’t drink. Don’t chew. Don’t smoke. Don’t swear. Don’t deceive. Don’t read nov els. Don’t marry until you can support a wife. Be in earnest. Be self-reliant. Be generous. Be civil. Read the pap ers. Advertise your business. Make money and do good with it. Love your God and your fellowman. Love truth and virtue. Love your country and obey its laws.” If this advice is implicity followed by the young men of the country, the millennium is near at hand.— Exchange. Ladies' and cliildun’s boots and shoes cannot run over if Lyon’s Patent Heel St if— fenen are used. jsnl3-lxn I CONDEMNED. Alum Hnklng Pointer* <» Court. Inter rottnff Trxtimony of Scientific Men. [New York Times.] Within the past two years, a bitter controversy has been waged between manufacturers, on ac count of the use of alum as a cheap substitute foreream of tartar, by many manufacturers of baking powders. The handsome profits yielded b'' using the substitute have induced dealers as well as manufacturers to push them into the hands of consumers, sometimes under definite brands, frequently by weighing out In bulk with out any distinguishing name. Are such powders wholesome? The Royal Baking Powder Co., who make a Cream of Tar tar baking powder, declared that they are Inju rious to the public health, while others wbo make alum powders claim that they are not. The whole matter as to the effects of these alum powders,has finally been brought Into the courts, and the case was tried In the Superior Court of New York city before Chlcf-Ju-llee Sedgwick, re ported substantially as follows In the "N. Y. Sun:" CONCLUSION OK A LITTLE TROUBLE BKTWKKS A CHEMIST AND AN EDITOR. The suit of Dr. Henry A. Mott against Jabes Burns, has brought to light the fact that this country produces at least forty-two different ,Inds of baking powders. Neither Burns or Mott has been found guilty of making the baking powders, but Burns, who is the editor of a pe riodical called the .-pice Mill, has been severely mulcted for Hoel in his efforts to make his paper spicy. Dr. Mott, it appears is a chemist, and at one time was employed by the United States Gov ernment to analyse different speclmensof baking powder which had been recommended foradon tion to the Indian Bureau. Dr Mott reported In favor of the cream of tar nr baking powders for the Indians, and against the alum baking pow ders The chemist analysed forty-two kinds of baking powders. The jury were out about half an hour. Then they came in with a verdict awarding Dr. Mott js.rx.Ki, to which the Court marie an additional allowance of $ 50 As the public haven large interest In the wholc somenessof whatever it is called upon tonseas food, rhe following extracts are introduced from the testimony of some of the prominent men as to the injurious effects of alum powders. Dr. Mott: Q. Were you employed by the U 8. Govern ment ? A. 1 was, sir; was employed as chemist, tomia lyze all the articles of food ; to express an opin ion as to the analysis of their healthfulness and purity. Q. Please tell the jury the Baking Powders that you examined while in the employ of the Government? A. It would be difficult to remember them nil; I could refer to my books; I examined twenty eight powders; was given sixteen at Hist. By the Court: Give your best recollection. Q. And one of the powders Included was •'Dooley’s Baking Powder? ’ A. Yes, sir. Q. And the “Charm?" A. Yes, sir ; the "Charm” and "Patapsco.” Q. Please state In which powders you found alum? A. I found nlnm In ' Dooley’s," "Patapsco,” “Charm,” "Vienna," "Orient,” “Amazon," "Lake Side," "Twin Sisters,” “Superlative,” "King," "White Lily,” "Monarch,” “One Spoon," “Regal,” "Imperial.” “Honest,” "Eco nomical," "Excelsior, "Chartres,” "Grant’s" "Giant," and the "Queen." Q. Now, these powders mentlonei in your communication in the Scientific American— " Dooley's,” "Standard,” “Patapsco,” "Charm,” —Baking Powder manufactured by G. E. An drews, of Milwaukee, you stated you found burnt alum ; if you will please name the respect live powder that you have examined—was it pot ash or ammonia alum, you found ? A. in the "Patapsco,’' ‘ Charm,” and in the Andrews, it was ammonia alum. Q. What Is the gas usually lurnished by Bak ing Powders? A. The objeci of Baking Powders is to furnish carbonic ar id gas. Q. Will you state to me again what other gas beside carbonic acid gas, is proper so be evolved from a baking powder ? A. A limited amount of ammonia gas. Q. I notice in your article that you ray starch is a proper ingredient to put in a baking powder? A. Starch is a proper ingredient to prevent the decomposition of baking powders. Q. Recurring tojlhe question that has been asked you upon this suit—the result of these ex aminations which you have made—is it your opinion that alum in these various compounds, in Baking Powders such as you have examined, is injurious? A. It is my opinion, based upon actual experi ments on living animals. Charles F. Ch andler, called on behalf of the plaintiff, being duly sworn, testified as follows: Q. Dr. Chandler, you reside in the city of New York? A. I do. Q. Your business is that of a chemist ? A. It is. Q. You are and have been Professor of Chemis try in several colleges. A. I have. Q. Please state how long that employment of yourself has been, and with what colleges you are now connected ? A. I am at present Professor of Chemistry in the Academic Department of Columbia College ; the School of Mines, Columbia College ; the New Tork College of physicians and Surgeons, and the New York College of Pharmacy. Q. You arc President, also, of the Board of Health, are you not? A. lam Q. In your various employments,have you had frequently occasion to examine the question of the wholesomeness of food, and the beneficial or injurious effects of its ingredients ? A. I have. Q I will ask you in regard to the use of alum with soda, in a baking powder, whether or not it is neutralized—is there any injurious constitu ent of alum left? A. There is an injurious constituent left after the mixture of alum and bicarbonate of soda. Q. Without using any nicety of chemical terms, what is your opinion about the use of alum in a baking powder, in combination with bicarbon ate soda and other ingredients, sot raising bread, whether injurious or not? A. I think it is dangerous to the digestive or gans, and liable to produce serious disturbance of the liver ol the individual making use of such powders. • Henry Morton, President, of “Steven’s Insti tute,” called in behalf of the plaintiff, being duly sworn, testiiied as follows: Q. You are President of Stevens Institute? A. I am. Q. And have for many years been a chemist ? a. 1 have. Q. Have you had occasion to examine the sub stances which are used in the composition of Baking Powders? A 1 lIRVt? Q. Did you, some time ago, examine a sample of Dooley’s Baking Powder ? A. 1 did. Q. Is that it, sir? [handing can]. A. Yes, sir; that is it. Q. Well, what kind of alum did It contain ? A. It contained potash alum. Q. Did you make any extract of that alum, to show the kind ? A. 1 did ; 1 extracted a large quantity of it as potash alum, and it Is in that boule which I have now here [showing bottle]; that is potash alum which came out of the alum Baking Powder that was in that can. Plaintiff's Counsel offers said can of Dooley’s Baking Powder in evidence. Q. Now, sir; have you made any exreiiment in the bread made from Baking Powder, to see whether there was any soluble alumina in the bread Itself ? A. 1 have; 1 took a portion of this powder and mixed it with flour in the directed proportions, ami baked a small loaf with it; then I soaked this loal—the fnt rior part of it—in cold water, and made an extract, in which I readily detec ted, by the usual lest, alum—that is alumina in a soluble condition. , Q. Does any Baking Powder in which any alumina salts enters, contain alumina, in your opinion, wi.leh can be absorbed in the processor digestion—are not such objectionable ? A. Very decidedly objectionable in my opin* fol’’ . a A q. Why do you say—from what syskm of rea soning uo you make Hout —that because alum is injurious, alumina is injurious? A. Because the injurious eflecti of alumina, when it gets into the stomach and react! on the organs, aie the same ; this hydrate of alumina meets in the stomach the gastric juices, and re acts with them the same as alum would; it forms, in fact, a kind of alum in the stomach with those acids, and whatever alum would do, it would do. n i Dr. Samuel W. Johnson, Professor of Chemis try in the scientific School, Yale College, being duly sworn, testified as follows: Q. You have had much to do in the examina tion of substances that enter into food, and the adulteration of food? A. More or less; yes, sir. Q. Alter the use of alum with soda, in a bak ing powder, in youi opinion, is there any injuri ous substance left? . , . . A. in my opinion, there is an injurious sub stance left Q. What, sir, two years ago, was the prevailing opinion among scientific men, as to the cf leet of the use oi alum in Baking Powders? A. As far as my acquaintance with scientific men is concerned, my personal opinion is deriv ed from my investigation and from reading ; J should think the opinion was that alum, or any compound ol alumina, would be decidedly In jurious. Q. Ho I understand youto say that any baking powder in which their are aluminous salta, or any resultant from alum which could tie sb eorbed in digestion, is objections! and Injurious? A. extremely so. Professor Joseph 11. RAYMoNDjcalleil, sworn and testified as follows: Q. Would you be good enough] to state your profession ? . „ . -wa. I am a physician, sir, and a Professor of Physiology. ! *Q. You also were, and have been for some time, Sanitary Superintendent in Brooklyn, is not that so? A. I have, sir. Q. Now, sir, I will ask you your opinion, from this experience, whether the use of alum with soda. In a baking powder, Is injurious or not, in its physiological effects? A. 1 consider it to be dangerous. Q You examined th.* question for the Board of Health in Brooklyn, some years ago, did you not? A. Two years ago, sir. In December. Bv the Court: Q. What was the result of your investigation as to the use of alum in Baking Powder? A. The result of my Investigation ntihat time, wasthls. that the changes which took place be tween the time that alum baking powder was put In the bread , and the time the bread was eaten, the chemical changes were so Httic under stood by chemists, that as a physician and phy siologist, I considered it a dangerous experi ment. Dr. Mott, the Government chemist, in his re view of the subject in tlie Scientific American, makes special mention of having analysed the Royal Bilking Powder, ami found it composed of pure and wholesome materials. He also advises the public to avoid purchasing baking powders as sold loose or in bulk as be found by analyses of many samples that the worst adulterations are practiced in this form The label ami trade murk ol a well known and responsible manu facturer. he adds, is the best protection the bpu lie can have. OBITUARIES. Departed this life at the residence of her father, .bison Trueluck, the 27tli day of Octo ber, 1880. sister Savannah H. Wrlgut, in the 21st year of Iler nge. In her death it lias been the will of tlie All wise Providence to remove from Elim church one of her beloved and active members. Sis ter Wright, was baptized by brother Tompkins six or seven years ago. She was an humble Christian, a dutiful ell lid, anil a devoted wife. She leaves an aged father and mother to mourn her loss “She is not dead, but sleep, etli,” hence she walteth over on tile shining shore with that Savior she loved, for those she left behind Father, mother, husband, friends, weep not. Ye sorrow not as others ; ye shall meet ngain. Her Pastor, ♦ : KENDRICK—Mrs. Ann Trussell Kendrick was born March 12th, 1815; professed religion 1828; married Deaeon BenJ. Burks Kendrick July 10th, 1818; died at the residence of her son-in-law, Jos Williams, near Talbotton, October 25th, 1880. Sister Kendrick was one of those whose life leaves a sad yet cherished spot In our memo ry. When we look buck over our association with her In our church at Valley Grove, and remember her sweet Christian life, and how she loved the services of the Hanctuary, how much we could desire that others might arrive to take her place In our midst. As a step-mother she was greatly beloved, and strange would it have been If otherwise. So kind and affectionate ot heart, and so con siderate and attentive In disposition She was an Invalid for several nionlhs before her death, during which time she seemed to en joy the visits of her pastor, and regretted ex ceedingly that she could not engage lu the services of the Sanctuary. Her last end was peaceful and In the assurance of faith : a tit ending for her upright Christian life. Earth has many trials and hardships, yet when we review the life ot this mother in Israel, an 1 sec the love in which she was held by the church, the community, and a largo lamlly of children, ami grancl-clilldren, we are con strained to believe that there Is much la the Christian life that is beautiful and lovely which will goon in its ennobling effects for years to come. How appropriate in her case are the words o! Revelation, “Blissed are the dead that die in the Lord from henceforth : yea. sallll the Spirit, that they may rest irom their labors, and their works do follow them." Pastor, • _ In Memoriam, JONES, Mrs. Ann B.—Th'e subject of this obituary notice was born lu the county of Columbia, In this State, sometime during the year 1844, and departed this life on the7thday of June, 1880 in the 77th year of her age In early life sbereceivid strong religious impressions, but did not act upon them until after her marriage to Mr. Anderson, of Augus ta, when she anil her husband both Joined the First Baptist church in that city, and were baptized on the 25th day of March, 1817, by Rev. Jas. Shannon. She removed with Berlins baud to Hpaita In the year 1811, and was dis missed by letter from the church above named in April 1811. She remained a zealous and faithful member of the church, however, un til the time of her death, with membership In the Baptist church at Augusta, Sparta, Madison, Atlanta and Decatur, whore she was beloved and respected by all. The writer was well acquainted with sister Jones, and knew her to be an Intelligent., consistent mid devoted disciple of the Ixird, mid a kind, affectionate and amiable friend, faithful In the various relations of life. Only a short time before her spirit departed, she desired of a minister that special prayer should be offered in behalf of unerring friend and relative, and stated that, she was submis sive to God’s will; and when the dreaded summons finally ernne, she calmly went to her rest, sleeping sweetly In the Lord after weary years of her earthly service. So fades a summer cloud away. So sinks the gale when storms are o’er ; So gently shuts the eye of day; So dies a wave along the shore. John B. Stbwaiid, Com m fttee. Personal. Extract from a private letter to J. H. Zei lin it Co. —"I write you this note to con gratulate you on being the proprietors of the best Liver Medicine (Simmons Regulator) known to the human race. I have known it for a number of years, and I pronounce it, as prepared by you, pure and genuine; and 1 pray you, for the sake of humanity, to keep it so. You may prepare it and’rec ommend it, but you will never know Hie true value of it unless you have a disordered liver yourself. It unclogs the liver of im purities with which it has been confined for years, and puts the wheels in their original motion. “Simmons’ Liver Regulator, I believe to be one of the best re>i edies for a deranged liver that I have ever tried. It has benefit ted my wife more than any medicine she has taken for that disease. I believe it ‘ne plus ultra.’ J.B. RANDALL, M. D., Bethany Post-office, C. R. R., Ga.” Truth and Honor. Query: What is the best family medi cine in the world to regulate the bowels, purify the blood, remove costiveness and biliousness, aid digestion and tone up the whole, system? Truth and honor compels us toanswer, Hop Bitters; being pure, per fect and harmless. See another column.— Toledo Blade. ADVERTISEMENTS. BENSObES TA capcine POROUS PLASTJER, Over 2000 druggists have voluntarily offered their signatures to the following, which can be seen at our office. Messrs. Seabury & Johnson, Phakmaczotical Chemists. “For the cast few years we have sold various brands of Porous Plasters. Physiciansand the public prefer "Benson’s Cspeinc Porous Plas ter,” to all others. We consider them one of the very few relia ble household remedies worthy of confidence. They are superior to all other Porous Plasters or medicines for external use.” Price 25 cts. ADVERTISEMENTS. READ THIS! NORTH GEORGIANS AND OTHERS. o THE CELEBRaITED LIQUID ENAMEL PAINT; MANUFACTURED BY NEW JERSEY ENAMEL PAINT COMPANY, HAS been so'd in your State EIGHT YEARR—thousands of gallons having been disposed of. In no care has it failed to give SATISFACTION. The Flnut Public Buildings ii> Baltimore are painted with this Elegant Paint: The Carrollton Hotel, The New American Office, Sun Iron Building, The Armstrong, Cat or & Co.’s Building, The Trinity M. E, Church, South, AND MANY PRIVATE RESIDENCES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED BY GEORGIA STATE FAIR, MIXED HEADY FOR USE. ANY ONE CAN APPLY IT. Rumple CARDS sent by mall on application. C. I?. KNIGHT, Sole General Agent, AND MANUFACTURER OF mJII.niNO PAPER, ROOFING PAPER A ROOFING CFMFNT,. 08 W. I.einbnrd St., lIAETIMORE, Ml». NEW FRONT FEED WOOD COOKING STOVR PL.AIN AND EXTENSION TOP. JSTOS. 7 AISTD 7%. 8 A.JNTID JLISTID 9 USTOTT We tnlto pleasure in calling attention toou '.’L—new Front Feed Wook]Cooking Stove, TKAV EI.ER, As will be seen in the engraving, it is . .'.-r-sar entirely new and novel, and has combined in . its construction some very important advan- —tHKes over anything in the line of Wood Cook -1~-x. Ing Stoves. We particularly call your atten lion to till- manner of supidyln'g the lire Chamber with inel. 'I lie entire curved front. / \, as shown in the cut, opens the full width of /nrru. 1 " u ‘ 1,1,0 Ulmmber, mid a stick of wood five JIIJMKo friwtiHillmlßCffililllU inches square can be placed into It without ■Bak?' rMil' possibility of any ashes or coals dropping cither on tiic hearth or floor. The Fire Box is entirely different in con fit "O structlon from any other now made. Thebot- tom part on which the woods rests is solid and fit! the draft la applied to the fuel from the bot- .. zrrr-r tom part of the front Fire-Plate. This pecu- liarly constructed Fire Box is forboiling fai • TRAVELER. superior to those as ordinarily made, as a large body of live coals can be secured for that purpoW. th? gridiron can be placed over them without having to rake them in an Ash-Pit outside of the Fire Chamber. . . .. Broiling es" be done with wind In a better manner with this Stove than by any othe_r now in the market The Gridiron is large mid light. On account Peottli* 1, Pbkjtlon amd form of the Fire-Box. vessels will boil quicker with less fuel than by the old fashioned way of construi tion. The Ash Pan directly under the hearth place is of law capacity and made of heavy sheet-iron, and Is balled for the convenience of removing the ashes. The Mica Light Openings in the front door of the Stove arc so arranged as to be closed by a slide when first starting the fire. . ~ , , ... . The Reservoir Is of large capacity, ami the heat is at once applied to the bottom of the same, nstcad of the front, thereby rendering it more efficacious and durable. The Smoke-Pipe connection back of the Reservoir makes it a more convenient Stove for use than one arranged with the Smoke-Pipe’ll front. .... . ..v-.- The Oven is so constructed that full sized loaves <4 bread can be baked in 'font without the top of the loaf coming in contact with the Fire-Box bottom. The Oven is unnsnnlly high and wide at the top which secures a more perfect equalization of the heat, and consequently a better operation The aheif under the oven doer is ro constructed that the upper surface is on the aame plane at the Oven bottom ; thereby securing a shelf that iw »i Ann and pejmancut fixture for daily use, This improvement of oven shelves will be found to be far superior to any other oven now in use. jy6-tf FULLER, WARREN A CO., Troy, N. Y.; Chicago, 111.; Cleveland, 0. DICKINSON & CO., f*^L S TO»ToR OAIv , 'oS\ FIRST-CLASS \ BpiaNO & ORGANS; \ ' *?*• QwHnnovi d to 8 West 11th Street, Near 1— n/, (Nww 80S Broadway. I’. <>. Box 4SO.N. Y. 1 /i\wvl wlll 1,0 Bpen ' we Eave greatly reduced I JJWffif- jmSMS prices. This we can do, as we ship directly I ..•*"-7Sa kNNM from the manufactory, and pay no commis- 1 >v. E- ¥ Jr /wSSSai slons to agents. By this means the customer 1 V . 8 f ISnSvM gets great advantage. We have nothing to say t “■ ■ ‘ ——- W JwSSmi against any one in tho trade Wo have no bat- I ties to wage. V<e simply wish to do an honor- | JS®/ able business, to have our "AMERICAN I PIANOS," win their way, by the use of the 1 oil-u.LiTDi’L'r OA-Onmnw.v very best materia’, in their construction, the I BW.llthMlii.r,f,nearßo)BßOADWAL IsSsSSI employment of the most skillful wo.kmcn, 1 sksii yon ciiu i to mix tan, k. Y.rwiwil the careful pu chase of stock, attention to \ KSssssj thoroughness in detail and the use of a “per- • 1 Kej.luno Orwin, wnrrnnu-d f»rO Year., fectscnlc.” Vi. u. — 1 As a voucher of such excellencies we sign a VICK'S ILLUSTRATED FLORAL GUIDE For 1881 is an Elegant Book of 120 Pages, One Colored Flower Plate, and 600 Illustrations,with dcscilptlonsof the best Flowers and Vegetables, and directions for growing. Only 10cents. In English or German. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 cent. VIvK'S SEEDS are the best in the world. The Floral Guide will tell how to get and grow them. Vlek’sFlowerand Vegetable Garden. 175 pages, 6 Colored Plates, 500 Engravings. For 60 cents in paper covers; 81 in elegant cloth. In German or English Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine—B2 Pages, n Colored Plate in every number and many fine engravings. Price 81.25 a year: five copies lor 85 Specimen numbers sun for 10 cents; :i trial copies for 25 cents. Address dt JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. NORTHERN TEXAS Offers greater attractions in way of good, cheap lands, healthy country, mild climate, abundance of timber and water than any other section now open to settlement. In It the TEXAS AND PA CIFIC RAILWAY is now being extended west ward over one mile per day, and is now offering for sale at low prices and on easy terms over 4,000,600 acres of land. For descriptive circulars • and maps giving truthful information, address W. H. ABRAMS. Land Commissioner T. & P, Ry., Marshall, Texas. Jy2o-6t WANTED every Invalid to Ijiow that groat relief can bo had by the ns eol Price's Re clining Bed. Marie with or without a commode. It adjusts the back and legs to any given position. It is recommended by the faculty as being the most complete bed evor made for confirmed in valids. A large number sold, and every patient delighted. Would like to have Physicians and Clergymen to act os agents. Trade solicited. Bona for circulars. Address C. B. PRICE. 82 Bth St., Louisville, Ky, Jy2o ts THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMES The Hanner Weekly of the We*t, an elght page only one dollar a your, and a magnificent engraving "two feet wide and almost three feet long” free, add postage paid to every subserlbvr. Address WEEKLY TIMES, jy2o-2t Cincinnati, O. AGENTS WATSTKU FOR Fastest Seiling Book ot the Age I ZSASS ness, valuable tables, social etiquette, parliamentary usiiage. how to conduct public business; in fact it is a complete Guide to Success tor all classes. A family necessity. Address for circulars end special terms, ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., St. Louis, Mo. octH... NEW BOOKS 82.20. Extra profits. Asents wanted. A. GOR TON & CO., Publishers, Phila. declC-4t rt n A ■ II Alt Stope, < Bets Reeds. OHL7 oet27-ly. A BTETQC •WUNrXJIJNTG G-OLZD ’W-A-TCH FOR $36.00. In order to close out a large stock, we are offer ing double cased solid gold American Watches, either Gents' or Ladies' sizes, for 835.00 each. Every watch is accompanied by our special certificate and guarantee. Goods will be sent by express C. O. D., with privilege of examining before purchasing Send in your ordess for Christmas Presents. J. P. STEVENS & CO., WHOMBSALE JKWKI.KRS. 34 Whitehall St.. ATLANTA, GA. Send for Catalogue a;, i Prices. seplGtf SHELDON COLLINS, MANUFACTURBR OF Black and Colored Printing Inks. New York, 26 Frankfort 8L; Philadelphia. 727 Sansom St.; Black Inks Works. Point Breeze Phil adelphia ; Colored Ink Works 26 Frankfort St., New York. jy2o-ly iFWASTHAIffIffiDY ® "iff The Only Sure Remedy for ASTHMA * nd HAY FEVER, Is sold under a F In positive guarantee. Price 11.00 per 1 > . /mH package. Sample package and tes- tknonuils free. Addreia 10118 SMITHNIG HT, Chemist, (Mud,o dec23-tf SOUTH JERSEY INSTITUTE, Bridgeton, N. J. For both sexes. College preparatory. Insti tute, classical, and scientific courses. Building brick. Modem improvements. Climate mild, very hcnlt by. Instruciion thorough. Begins Sept. Bth. Send for catalogue. H. K. Thask, Principal, ept 2-26 t ELEGANT HOLIDAY PRESENT. 48 page Glib bound Floral Autograph Album. Contains birds, scrolls, ferns, etc. 15c. postrioid, (stamps taken,) 47 select quota!fon«(and a 32 column story paper free with each album. Agents wanted. AadreM American Home Journal West Haven. Ct dltU O|*M) A WEEK. 812 a day at home easily made. Costly outfit free. Address Thue A Co., Augusta. Maine n>ay26ly A. ZEESE &CO., Electrotypers, Stereotypers & Wood and Relief Line Engravers, Nos. 155 and 157 Dearborn Street, Chicago. All work entrusted to us executed In the beat manner at reasonable prices. de2B-tf Agent*wanted.a-, y6-ly Boston, Mas . WANTPn A 81TUTION BY A YOUNG. W Ari 1 LADY AB TEACHER of Art* Department Teaches Drawing, OH and China Painting, etc. Satisfactory reference given. Address J„ Box 88, Atlanta, Oa. Jy«Bt