The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, January 27, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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8 The Christian Index. A Religious and Family Journal. gg.6o Per Annum In Advance. *B.OO U not paid strictly in advance. Tn Ihdu and Pomurt Gallxmy, 68.60. Florida Department. V. I. OHIO DOIM OorrMpondlng Editor and Agent JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. PRINCIPLE AND HABIT. That principle lies at the base of all the permanent habits of mankind, is a proposition which no sensible man will contest. Indeed, the acts and doings of our every-day lives, that we call habits, are nothing more than princi ples matured. To suppose that it mat ters not what a man’s principles are, provided his conduct is upright, is to suppose that we can “gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles.’’ As we have had occasion heretofore to say, in another connection, there can be no purity of character and conduct with out purity of principle. Poetry never gave to the world, in its charming dic tion, a more absurd and dangerous sentiment than that embraced in the well-known and often-quoted couplet of Pope: "For modes of faith let graceless bigots fight, "lie can't be wrong whose life is In the right.” As if the body was not the servant of the soul! As if it was capable of pursuing an independent line of moral uprightness, when its master was “filled with all deceivableness of unrighteous ness!'’ As if there was norelation be tween the tree and its fruits the foun tain and its streams! No, reader: set it down as an eternal, inflexible truth, that no good conduct can flow from corrupt principles—that bad trees do not produce good fruit—that bitter fountains do not send forth sweet wa ters. That law that unites cause and effect is not more immutable than is that which unites doctrine and duty, principle and conduct. Suppose a young man, in the open ing career of life, adopts it as a great truth never thereafter to be questioned, that the Bible is the word of God; that its doctrines are to be believed, and its prescriptions obeyed ; that its promises are all “yea and amen,” and its threat enings fixed and certain as the revolu tions of day and night Suppose all this intelligently perceived and cordial ly accepted, could give it to his Maker, or to his fellow-men, a bond that would guarantee a course of well-doing that would at all compare with that which this Divine Book inspires? There is a point somewhere in the development of our moral nature, in which the law of righteousness becomes its own guarantee of the obedience it demands. It is that point in which it ceases to be a law of prescription and becomes a service of love; in which the slave goaded to duty by fear, be comes the child “delighting in the law of the I.ord after the inward man.” When this point is reached, there is a moral emancipation of the man from the rigidity of legal exactions “into the glorious liberty of tbechildren of God.” Thenceforth, that law which is “holy, just and good,’ 7 maintains a perpetual jurisdiction over the heart, inspiring holy pleasure in the service it demands, thus enabling us to realize that “in keeping His commandments there is great reward.” This is the only sense in which we “are not under the law, but under grace.” This is the only an tinomianism which the gospel pro claims. And in this sense we could wish that every Christian on earth was an antinomian —that he would rise to that moral plane in which duty would no longer be a drudge to be endured, but a privilege to be enjoyed, where his heart would be so enlarged as that the service enjoined would be the joy of his soul. For it is only as this can be said of any man, that he is, in the proper sense of the term, “partaker of the divine nature.” God is under no law to do right. He is a law unto himself. It is his nature to do right; and, as we approximate this standard, we are to that extent “con formed to his good and acceptable will.” Since, then, habits originate in prin ciple, how much depends upon having the young, especially, “rooted and grounded in the truth.” We all know that every time an action, whether right or wrong, is repeated, it becomes easier. When a pure and holy princi ple finds expression in action, it be comes strengthened ; and when action becomes the prompt and cheerful ex pression of such principle, it gathers momentum for every subsequent ser vice. Thus it has grown into a prov erb that “habit is a second nature.” Those habits of religion and virtue, formed in early life, follow the man through his career with the tenacity of his shadow. They are a part of himself. To destroy them, you must destroy him. It is a wise saying of a profound writer, that every stage of human life is in order to the next stage —youth is in order to manhood —man- hood to old age. In a moral sense, this is peculiarly true. As is the youth, so will be the man ; and as is the man, such will be the destiny of the spirit forever. We offer two reflections: Ist. How vast and far-reaching the responsibili ties that attach to the early training of THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1881. the young I Seed sown in the virgin soil of their youthful hearts, whether good or bad, wheat or tares, will yield its inevitable harvest myriads of ages hence, either in bliss or woe. The solemn refrain that follows the very name of an ancient king, whenever that name is mentioned in sacred his tory, “Jereboam, the son of Nebat, that earned Israel to sin!" we may well sup pose follows him yet in the world of perdition, to augment his woe. Had he “remembered his Creator in the days of his youth” how different had been his fate and the fate of Israel. We cannot begin too soon to instill right principles in the minds of our children ; for, begin as soon as we may, we shall find that an “enemy” has pre ceded us with seed that will produce a noxious growth. 2d. We may do much at this forma tive period of life by inspiring correct habits, both by precept and example. And, as children are more imitative than inclined to advices, example is more potent with them than precept. Show them the way of safety—the way of life —by walking in it, and you throw around their young hearts “the chords of a man” that will do more to incline them to walk therein, than the contents of a library in the way of advice. To see a thing done is worth more than all the volumes that can be written to describe it. “Two great works are necessary,” says a well informed correspondent, ‘to put this State fairly on the path to material progress and prosperity. The heads of the men who originally devised the railroad system in this State were, essentially, level. Had it not been for the war and its attendant evils their original conceptions might have been carried by this time into effect, and Jacksonville been linked to Pensacola Fernandina to Tampa. These two trunk lines, with branches to all points when demanded by trade and population, would long since have solved the problem of immigration and expedited the settlement of our vacant public lands. If the property of the State, at present a mass of inert strength, could be relieved of the in cubus that presses down its mighty force and fetters its powerful limbs, the blockade would give way, and the ships now lying outside, with their cargoes of men, money, brains and energy would enter our harbors and discharge their valuable cargoes.” The Orange county Reporter asks: “If a man can ship two crates of tom atoes from one of the northern counties of the State to New York, in the month of December, and realize ten dollars per crate for them, why can he not ship a hundred crates? If a man can ship two or a hundred crates from one of the northern counties,why cannot a hundred men in Orange county, where it is four degrees warmer, ship a hundred crates each? The Spanish Florida claim is being pressed upon the attention of Congress. Counsel for the claiments have argued the matter before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, and it is believed a favorable report will be made. The principal was paid many years ago, but interest withheld. Now the interest amounts to four millions, which the President and Secretary Evarts recom mend shall be discharged. Sanford Journal: Mrs. Nancy Beck placed half a dozen sweet oranges on our table last Saturday, grown on her place, a mile and a half south of San ford, that were wonders to behold. The six weighed just seven pounds. The largest weighed 22 ounces, and mea sured 15Ji inches in circumference.” The Jacksonville Dispatch says: The clippings in this issue .from the press throughout the State indicate that very little damage was occasioned by the extraordinary cold weather, for this section, in the last week of December, 1880. We desire to call especial attention to the advertise went of D. M. Ferry &Co., Detroit, Mich., which appears in our columns. They ate one oftbe largestand most reliable firms engaged in the Seed business in the United States, and tbeir Seeds have justly earned great popularity by always being fresh and just as represented. Our readers will do well to avail themselves of their offer to send their beautiful Seed Annual free to all wish ing to purchase Seeds. We invite attention to the advertisement of James M. Hardaway,Milner,Pike county, Ga., who proposes to cure Cancers. He is perfectly reliable, and is recommended by the best men in the country. AN ONLY DAUGHTER CURED OF CON SUMPTION. When death was hourly expected, all reme dies having failed, and Dr. H. .fames was ex- Iterlmenting with the many herbs of Calcutta, io accidentally made a preparation which cured bls only child ofConsuiupllon. His child is now in this country and enjoying the best of health. Be has proved to the world that Consumption can be positively and per tnant ntly cuicd. The Doctor now gives this Keclpe free,only asking two green stamps to pay expenses. This Herb also cures nlghj, sweats, nausea at the stomach, and will break a fresh cold up in twenty-four hours. Address, CRADDOCK A CO., 1082 Race Street, Philadelphia, naming this paper. oct2B-18t Mayor’s Orncß 1 Leesburg, Va., April 19, 18791 Messrs. Hutchison & Bro.:—lt affords me pleasure to testify to the great virtues of your ‘‘Neuralgine” for the cure of neuralgia and sick headache. It is the best remedy for these roost distressing complaints I have ever used. It should be in every family in the country. Gbo. R. Head, Mayor of Leesburg, Va. Bob', by all druggists. apr29 ts KENDALL'S HORSE BOOK, so valuable to every farmer who has a horse. Sent to all new or old subscriber who have asked for it at time ol renewal. cts JAS. P. HARRISON A CO., Atlanta, Ga. A Song for the South. From Ludden <t Bates’ Southern Music House Savannah, Ga., we receive * splendid Bong and Chorus entitled "The Southern boldier Boy," with words by Father svan.and Music by W. Ludden, which we can commend as a grand •eng that wid be welcomed wherever the South ern Soldier boys’ memory Is held dear The Poet- Priest’s touching words are here set by a master hand to a tender melody, and fittingly dedicated to the Southern mothers whose soldier boys sleep in graves. •'Unmarked by a name, unmarked by a atone, And only the voice of the wind makeih moan. O’er the mound where neveraflowtr is strown." The superb engraving on title page, illustra ting—the Soldier Boys in Confederate uniform— agrtve in the woods with the mosso'ergrown—a grave in the heart of his mother—in itself elo quently tells the story. Can be sung by voiceaof medium range, with either Piano or Reed . rgan accompaniments. For Bale by all Music Dealers. Price 40 cents. dt TEACHERS WANTED. September engagements. Baptists preferred. "Lsuv principal'' to teach Latin and Mathemat ics, *7OO and board ; the "best po>slble" vocalist, very liberal salary ; lady music teachers for de sirable t osltlon in Missouri and Mississippi; pro fessor of commercial branches. We shall need many good candidates whose records will bear investigation Now is the time to correspond with us. All competent teachers should send stamp for circulars of Central School Agency W. 8. &S. A. STEVENSON, Managers. It 514 Pine Street, st. Louis. Mo. THE FARMING WORLD, 16 Pages. 64 Columns Elegantly Illustrated. A record of experiences, not of Impoaslb'e thcor ies A Journal of to day A Photograph of the Sreat FARMING WORLD as it Is, not as it is reamed of. Free for 1881 to every Minister and every Widow who sends 25 cent- to pay postage. 12 months, 80 cents; 6months, 40 cents; 3 months, 20 cents. UNUSUALLY LIBERAL OFFERS TO CLUB RAISERS Specimen and terms for 3-cent stamp to all who read for knowledge, orwork for mcney, we guar an tee Satisfaction Address. THE FARMING WORLD, South Bend, Ind. jy27.eow*t BY THE AUTHORS OF THE POPULAR Kp OLDEN ftn(i “HEAVENLVJJ U SONGS” anfl CAROLS. I This book is considered superior to any of their other books in adaptation to all the wants of the Sabbath-school. “ Never before were the authors so successful and happy in their music.” 1&9 pages, board cover. Single copy. cents; per doz., $3.4i0 bv express, not prepaid; $-1.00 by mail, post-pairs. Sample copy, paper cover, 95 cents. Send for it. Specimen pages free. Address. W. J. SHUEY, Dayton, Ohio. jy27-eow)Bt ESTABLISHED IN 1820. BANKING-HOUSE OF GEO. R SISTARE’S SONS, 17 Nassau Street, N. Y. We transact a general hanking buslneM and deal in first class investment securities. Government, State, County, City and Miscel laneous Bonds We allow interest on dally balances at the rate of Scents per annum, and render accounts cur rent and credft intereat on the last day of each month. For parties keeping regular deposit accounts with us we collect and credit United States, Rail road and other Coupons and dividends payable In this city without charge; make careful inqui ries and give the best information we can obtain respecting Investments or other matter of finan cial Interest to them ; and in general serve their Interests In any way in which we can be of use to them in our line of business. All deposits are snbject to Check at Sight with out notice. One of our firm is a member of the New York Stock Exchange, and we give particular attention to orders by mail, tclcgpsph or in person, for the purchase or sale, on Commission, of Bonds and Stocks. portion of your business is respectfully solici ted. GEO. K. SISTARE’S SONS. jy27 3m o j. rhodbs n»owNF.,rrcs't. lambert srENCEß.sec'y A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. Strong ! Promptl Reliable I Liberal! Agents at nil Cities, Towns and Villages in tae Southern States. W. P. & W. F. PATTILLO, Agents, jy27-4m Atlanta, Ga PAYNE’S FARM ENGINES. Wr co • Vertical and Spark-Arresting Engines from 2 to 12 horse-power, mounted or unmounted. Best and cheapest Engines made. Jiso up wards, Send for Illustrated catalogue (•■s' 16) for information and prices to nr & s Box 1218. Corning, N.Y. Jy27-ly HOUSTON FEMALE COLLEGE, P. W. JOHNSON, A. M. President, With competent assistants. Instruction thorough. Charges reasonable. Locality liealtful. Society and religions advantages un surpassed. Board Ten Dollars per month. Spring term opens January 10. For particulars addressthe President. Perry, Ga., January 1, 1881. Jy27-lm CANCERS CURED! TWENTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE. For circulars, address with stamps, JAMES M. HARDAWAY, Jy27-8m Milner, Pike county, Ga. Church, fiphool,Fire-alarm, Fine-toned,low-priced, warranir en. 1500te«timonlalj,prioea,eu.. rotta. 41/myer Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, u jy27-2Gt GREAT REDUCTION! GREAT REDUCTION! I HAVE REDUCED THE PRICES ON MY ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS, FOR 30 DAYS! TO MAKE ROOM FOR AN IMMENSE SZPZRJJSTG- 7VTSTZD STOCK. I have from SEVENTY-FIVE TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF GOODS which will be sold lower thaa they ever were offered in Atlanta. I mean just what I say. CALL AND GET PRICKS. "W. TZ. BROTHERTON, Cor. "Whitehall and Mitchell Sts., -A.TL.A.ISrT-A., GEORGIA. no hcßitation in placing thia new I ■ ! a 00-ji I book beside anythin* in the market. Its Hymns I Mfl iA J? u?? L rTC r ßlackb m rd / are "the finest of the wheat.” its Tunes .re 1 ("b’. d -V‘” use.lllusir.tmg W sweet and tender. " TA. Ai/mss or. far abort, ‘1 v • K.,- S ' id n..'. As ■ the average."— Methodist. "It has fewer pieces b « Rt v n » d IM | as little or no merit than any other S.S. Rookwith W I ™ J m " r K et FM I which we are acquainted "-VuMc (hr. A.lvo- ■MI li . ;tL7 | Sf ° r6mO in tb . f ’ : I cate “It eicteds tn merit what its publishers I ■ •l«00 for 3 months, sample copy, 10 ct« I Claim for it."— National 8. 8. Teacher. $3.«0 ■ M ■ 1 r .Y, * , /. or3 ”i° nt ■ per dozen; 325ner hundred. Sample copy 15cU. ■WJ X. ’. e YOST, L Lauer a YOST, Cleveland. O. |k Cleveland, Ohio. jail 27 eo 41 My Annual Catalogue of I'egeta/ile and Flower Seed for 1831, rich in engraving* from photographs of the originals, will be sent FREE to all who apply My old customers need not write for it. I offer one of the argest collections of vegetable seed ever sen', out by any seed House in America a large portion of which were grown on my six seed farms. Full direction* for cultiva tion on each package. All seed warranted to be both fresh and true to name; so far, that should it prove otherwise. I will refill the order gratis ’’ he origi nal introduc r of the Hubbard Squash, Phinney s Melon, Marblehead Cabbages, Mexican Corn, and scores of other vegetables, I invite the va«ronage of all who arc anxious to have their seed direct from the grower fresh, true, and of the very best strain. NEW VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY. JAMES J. H GREGORY, Marblehead, Mass. jan27 feblO marchS 8p A SEEDS, •<l© BULBS. PLANTS. BEAUTIFUL trated CATALOGUE FREE. My list of new. rare « and beautiful floweri W '• belt in the country. <; Ghdiolui, Tuberoiei, Amaryllit. Rotes. Carna- A choice Flower and Vegetable Seeds, Seeds of flßwVW'l House Plants, Ac. The VVI | greatest collection of Lilies, W f WO rare kinds. All seeds except Greenhouse, are sold in ' ,VB (:,NT PAftnb’ ; the best system ever adopt 117X1 ed. Everything warranted ■U K true to name. See Cat a - logue; prices are low. following sent by mail postpaid; 10 Gladiolus, 10 sorts named,6oc.; 9 Lilies, 9 sorts named, II; 12 double Tuberoses. 75c. All fine sorts and flowering Bulbs. Remit currency or postage stamps. My roods have an established reputation and co toall parts of the world. J. LEWIS CHILDS, QUEENS, N. Y. It THE MARSHALL HOUSE With its spacious vestibule, extensive and ele gant verandah, affording adiet a fine view of the promenade. Airy and well'Ventilated rooms, and unrivaled table, is par excellence the leading hotel of Savannah. Our motto still will be, “a full house at mod erate rates,” which means the best of everything at the LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES The increased patronage received by this house under its present management, has necessitated the <.t what was formerly known as the ‘‘Florida House,” has been supplied with elegant furniture, cirpets, etc., and forms a grand combination under one management, which will be appreciated by the traveling public. JOHN BREBNAN, jan27 ts Manager. ■/xWa Seeds, Plants and Bulbs are IhbA Grown, Wholesale and Retail in quantities, at the Mohawk VQfIH Valley Seed Gardens. Seeds Dealers, Market Gardeners, and Kpgfl Florists, a specialty,—trade list free. / Floral Instructor, an J,—J| .M elegant, Ilust rated Quarterly, devot- ■■■ cd to gardening in all its branches. Subscription pi ice 20 cts. per year. B MgS Sample copy and Prised Catalogue, E with packet of choice flower seed, MRS for 3 cents. Nellis’. Perpetual Let- Ef3 tiu c one sowing lliw remain fit for 8088 eating i; weeks, the best ever>>- duced; pkt. cents. Address [►M A.C, NELLIS.CanMOHAMB,N.Y. | Jau27 4m lAimdrthtft and Fuiete 9 finest Cabbage and Fortra Farly Peas and other Garden and Field and Flower Seeds, JONES’ IMPROVED COTTON SEEDS, best va riety known. Finest Seed Corn. Farm implements ofiill sorts Steam Engines and Guano, Bone Dust, etc. Send for prices MARK W. JOHNSON & CO., j ,27-8 m 27 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. STEBLINGJSUSIO BOOKS. A'ew England Conservatory Method for the Eianoforte. In 3 parts; each 81 50 or complete, 88.25. This is a method of established reputation, which has been in constant use in the great Conser vatory, and ‘is getting to be everywhere known and valued Has received decided commendations from the best teachers. DICTIONARY- OF MUSICAL INFORMA TION . (81 25.) Very convenient book of re feUR>JVE’S DICTIONARY OF MUSIC AND MUSIC .ANS. Vol. I. (J 6.00. A grand encycio p STAIN ER AND BARRETT’S DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL TERMS. (Complete 85.00.) A famous and useful work. RICHTER'S COUNTERPOINT. (82 00.) RICH TER’S FUGUE. (Sf.OO)JTwo standard works on C Tn?? S WELCOME CHORUS. (SI.) for High Schools, and SONG BELLS (50 cts.) for com mon Schools, should be in the mind of every teacher in need of new JOHNSON’S NEW METHOD FOR HAR MONY. (81) ByA.N Johnson. Is unexcel led lor ease, simplicity, and thoroughness. TEMPERANCE LIGHT (12 cts ), TEMPER ANCE JEWELS (35 cts.), and HULL’S TEM PERHNCE GLEE BOOK (40 cts.), are our three best Temperance Books. Try them I Any book mailed .post-free, for above prices. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. C. H. DITSON & CO., j-DITSON & CO., 843 B’dway, N. Y. 1228 Chestnut st., Phlla. my29-tf RECONCILATION I SPECIAL EXCURSION WILL LEAVE ATLANTA Tuesday, March Ist, Wednesday, March 2d. at 2:45 F. ISZE. FOR WALSHINGfTOISr, Arriving there next evening. THREE ROUTES- No. I—Via Knoxville, Bristol, Lynchburg, and Alexandria. Return same route. No. 2—Via Cincinnati, B. and 0., Parkersburg. Return same route. No. B—Via Cincinnati, Pan Handle, Pittsburg, Harrisburg, Baltimore. Return same route. Pullman Cars, to accommodate any number, will leave March Ist and 2d at 2:45 p. m. WJVSHINGTOISr Without change, via KNOXVILLE AND LYNCHBURG. ALSO FOR CINCINNATI, Making close connections with solid trains for WASHINGTON. FARE FOR ROUND TRIP FOR CITIZENS, FOR MEMBERS MILITARY~IN UNIFORM, TICKETS ARE GOOD TO RETURN UNTIL MARCH 10 INCLUSIVE. The National Capital City will be illuminated by electric colored lights every evening. Prom ises to be the most enchanting sight witnessed on the continent. | iThe Inauguration Ceremonies will be unusu ally interesting You can stop over in Cincinnati if desired. It you want Reliable Connections and SAFETY, Buy your Tickets by the Old Reliable KENNESAW ROUTE. For information as to schedule, etc., apply to R. D. MANN, Agent, No. 4 Kimball House, or to J. A. ADAIR, Agent, Union Depot, Atlanta, Ga. B. W. WRENN, General Passenger Agent. Special INotice On and after February 1,1881, the following rates will be adopted : Local tic ets will be sold by the agents of the AT THREE CENTS PER MILE. Conductors will, in all cases, charge FOUR CENTS per mile where Tickets arc not purchased. Excursion Tickets, good only on the Kingston accommodation train, will be sold by the agents at Five cents per mile for the round trip. Thousand-mile Tickets will be sold at |25. Baggage will not be checked unless tickets arc presented to baggage agent. By order General Manager, B. W. WRENN, Gen’l Pass. Agent ~SELECT SCHOOL Minti Sergeant and Prather Teaehert. The object method of teaching used. All the usual English branches taught, Latin, French and German without extra charge. Terms, from 12 to per month. Location, 29 Luckle street Exercises resumed January 3d, 1881. A CHEMICAL MARVEL. Though a thousand leagues away Seltzer’s Tonic fountain foams, We can drink the same to day, In our far-off Western homes. Thanks to Chemistry’s Spell in an instant—presto I pass t Fresh as irom the living well Seitz r bubbles in the glass 1 Tarrant’s pure aperient Gives the rare elixir birth, Healthful as the fluid sent Flashing, from the breast of Earth. Time and distance, what are they ? When Ait thus can reproduce Springs a thousand leagues away, For the sick man’s instant use ’ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. CENTRAL & SOUTHWESTERN RAILROADS. ON and after SUNDAY’, December 14th, 1879, passenger trains on the Centre 1 and South wee tern Railroads aud branches will run as follow!: TRAIN NO. I.—GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leaves savannah ..........9 28 a m " Augusta 9 80 a m Arrives at Augusta 445 p m “ Macon 6 45pm Leaves Macon for Atlanta 815 p m Arrives at Atb nta 8 50 a m Making close connections at Atlanta with We»- tern and Atlantic and Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line for all points West and North. COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlanta 1140 p m Arrives atMacon 600 am Leaves Macon 7 00 a m Arrives at Milledgeville 9 44 a m “ Eatonton H 80 a m “ Augusta 4 45 p m «’ Savannah 3 45 p m Leaves Augusta 9 30 a m Making connections at Savannah with the At lantic and Gulf Railroad for all points In Florida. TRAIN NO. 2.—GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leaves Savannah 7 80 pm Arrives at Augusta 5 40 a m Leaves Augusta 8 80 pm Arrives at Milledgeville 9 44 am " Eatonton 11 30 a m “ Macon 8 00am Leaves Macon for Atlanta 8 40 a m Arrives at Atlanta 115 p m Leaves Macon for Albany and Eufaula... 8 85 a Arrives at Eufaula 8 42 p “ Albany 843 p Leaves Macon for Columbus.....» 9 00 am Arrivesat Coiumbui. 8 00pm Trains on this schedule for Macon, Atlanta, olumbns, Eufaula, Albany and Augusta dally, makinii close connection at Atlanta with Western and Atlantic and Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line. At Eufaula with Montgomery and Eufaula Rail way ; At Columbus with Western Railroad; at Augusta with the Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta Railroad and South Carolina Railroad tor allpointsNorth and East. Eufaula train connects at Fort Valley for Perry daily (except Sunday), aud at Cuthbert for Fort Gaines daily (except Sunday). Train on Blakely extension leaves Albany Mon days, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. OMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leaves Atlanta 215 pm Arrives at M"con from Atlanta 6 55 p m leaves Albany H 23 a m “ Eufaula ....1127 a m Arrives at Macon from Eufaula and Al- bany 6,38 pm Leaves Columbus 11 20 a m Arrives at Macon from Columbus 5 16 p m Leaves Macon 785 pm Arrives at Augusta 5 40 a m Leaves Augusta 8 30 p m Arrives at Savannah 715 nin Passengers tor Milledgeville aud Eatonton will take train No. 2 from Savannah and train No. 1 from Macon, wnlth trains connect dally, except Monday, for those points. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS to Bos ton, via Augusta, Columbia, Charlotte and Rich mond, on 7 30 p m train. Passengers from Southwestern Georgia take Bleeper Macon to Augasta on 785 p m, connecting with Pullman Sleeper to Boston without change. Berths in Pul man Palace Sleeper can be secur ed at SCHREINER'S, 127 Congress street. E. H. Smith, WILLIAM ROGERS, Gen. Ticket Agt. Gen. Supt. C. R. R. Savannah J. ?taw. W. G. RAOUL. Gen. Trav. Agt. Supt. S. W. R. R. Macon. In Construction, Epulpment and Man • agement THE PAN HANDLE —AND— PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE —IS— Unapproachable by any Railroad in the World. TIME TABLE EASTWARD. Cincinnati to Pittsburg in 11 hours; to Bal timore in 22 hours; to 'Washington in 23 hours ; to Philadelphia in 22 hours; to New York in 25 hours; to Boston in 85 hours. Through sleepers to Pittsburg, Washington, Philadelphia and New York. Trains leave little Miami Depot, Cincin nati, via Pan-Haddle & Pennsylvania Route, as follows: Over the Alle- SoutL’n Co’um- ghaney Mts. Express Fast Day b’s mall Around the fa- Daily Line Express Dally, mous Holte Shoe Exe nt Daily. Daily. Except Bend. Sund'y. Sund’y. Lv Cincinnati— 4 20 am 8 t'Oam 8 30pm 4 10 pm Ar Morrow .... 585 857 951 605 Xenia 6 32 10 27 10 50 7 15 Springfield 8 40 12 Bnpm 8 25 London 727 11 28am 11 53 885 Columbus... 8 20 12 20pm 12 50am 9 30 Mt. Vernon! 2 17 Akron 5 54 Cleveland... 7 30 „.... Zanesville 2 57 ............ Steubenvl.. I 40 pm 5 40 6 COam _...... Wheeling... 820 710 1180 .... - Pittsburg ... 3 40 7 35 7 50 Altoona 8 50 12 15am 12 05pm Harrisburg. 1 00 4 00 8 25 Baltimore... 7 40 6 55 .... Wash'ton fl 02 8 17 Phlla 4 15 am 7 40 6 45 New York... 6 55 10 85 9 3o Boston 4 2 pm 8 80 8 00am For through titkels, sleeping car acccm modatlons and Infotmatien apply tojrlncl pal agents throughout the South and Fouth * SIDNEY B. JONES, Gen’l f>. W. Pass. Agt. N E. cor.4th and Vine Sts. Clnclnt atl, O. D. W. CALDWELL, W. L. O’BRIEN, Gen. Manager. Gen Pass. & Ticket Agt.