The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, March 03, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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The Farmers’ Index. All letters Intended for the Editor of this De portment ahouid be add reHeed, "Fabmkiu' Index, Drawer 84, Atlanta, Ga." FARM WORK FOR MARCH. The excessive rains and cold of the past four months have so interfered with the usual current of farm operations that very little in the way of plowing land for spring and summer crops had been done up to the 20th February. The area in wheat and fall sown oats was cat short for want of suitable weath er for putting in those crops; and south of 32 degrees most of the oats sown there were killed by cold. A considerable quantity of cotton was left to be picked as late as the first of February. Georgia farmers are at least one month behind in ths work of preparation for planting. The occasion calls for the dis play of the most active energy and skill ful management to make up for lost time. It will not do to postpone the planting of corn and cotton one month. On the other hand it is not wise to plant without due preparation of at least the seed bed for the corn. Under such cir cumstances it is wine to prepare a part of the land and plant it at the usual time; then prepare otherland and plant, ar.d so on until all is done. By good management and by defeiring to a more convenient season everything that is not necessary to the success of the next crop, the lost time may be recovered and the corn and cotton planted in good season. In the southern parts of our ter ritory where the planting season is at hand, the soil is generally light and eas ily worked, and the land for the corn crop may be prepared by throwing five, or even three furrows together, and planting on the bed thus formed, break ing out the middles afterward. This is rather a risky business, however, *espe cially on soils that become hard in dry weather; and dry weather in April may be reasonably expected, after so much rain during tne winter. We have long advocated the propriety of planting corn on beds thrown up with the plow, rather than in the water fur row, or even on flushed surface. The opening furrow should be made in the centre of the bed and as deep as a broad and long shovel will make it at two trips, and the corn planted at the bottom of this farrow and covered lightly by a small double too'hed harrow without disturbing the edges of the furrow. Plan ted in this way the plants will be pro tected from frost by the walls of the fur row. We have seen fields planted in this way, where the plants were scarcely touched by frost and yet the general sur face of the ground was frozen. Potatoes fir draws or slips, should be bedded during the first warm spell. For this purpose the small potatoes are more convenient, and go much further, and the plants from them produce as good potatoes as from large tubers. Po tatoes are uot seeds except in the sense that they are used for propagating a new crop, and we may not expect to produce large potatoes by merely planting large roots. They are analogous to cuttings, and we may'as well expect to secure a large tree or bush, by propagating from a large cutting, as to get large potatoes because we have used large ones for planting. This’is true also of Irish po tatoes and other tubers. For the potato bed select a location on the south side of a fence or building so that the bed may get the full benefit of the warm sun, and at the same time be protected from cold winds. Cover the space marked out, with a thick coat of fine, well rotted stable manure and spade in deeply with a fork, mixing all tho r ougly and making all fine and smooth. Lay the potatoes as close as the thickeness of the finger apart, press them evenly into the mellow soil by means of a board, and cover with sandy loam or other light soil which is free from seeds of weeds. Tne covering should be about two inches thick. If too shallow, the plants will not throw out rootlets readily. Leached ashes is an ex cellent top dressing for a potato bed, and there is nothing better than soap suds from the wash-place for watering. CORK STALK SUGAR. At the recent meeting of the American Agricultural Association m New York, Dr. Peter Collier made some interesting remarks concerning the valuable process of extracting sugar from corn stalks and sorghum. He said: “During the past year there have been examinations made of 38 varities of sorg hum grown in, and received from 14 dif ferent States, and from 9 varieties of In dian corn. The results from analyses made, 1,318 in all, of the sorghums, show ed them to yield on an average 1,682 pounds of available sugar. From four of these varieties the sugar was extracted in quantity and at a rate of fully 2,000 pounds per acre. As to the corn stalks the results were most satisfactory, but the experiments were not so numberous as with soaghum. An average of 26 an alyses of the 9 varieties examined show edthem to contain in their juice an amount of sugar greater in quantity than the average of the best 30 specimens of 60 specimens of sugar-beets grown in different parts of the country. After a large crop of ripe corn had been gather ed the stalks yielded at the rate of over <XW pounds of sugar to the acre, and there appears no reason to doubt that this re sult could be obtained upon a large scale. In view of these results! feel justified in saying that there appears no reason to justify us in importing sugar which would - not justify our Importation of corn and wheat. In view also of the gradual but ■decided improvement of our Western lands, which a carefully compiled result of the acreage yield for the past 18 years establishes, it seems most wise that we -turn our earnest attention to this question of sugar production. You are also aware that the ash of corn is composed of mat ter derived from the earth, and unfor tunately consists of those two substances least abundant and most valuable, viz, phosphoric acid and potash. Indeed, so great is our corn crop—occupying 37 per cent.of our cultivated landsin the United States as it does—that at the prices we pay for these two substances the amount present in our corn crop aggregates the enormous sum of over $100,000,000, while the entire value of our com crop is about $500,000,000, so that when the time comes, as come it may, that to keep up the fertility of our Western lands we must return what we take from the ground, it will require, as will be seen, a sum equal to 20 per cent of the entire , value of a crop." • THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1881. BARLE Y-RICE -PEAS. A correspondent writing from Medi na, Tennessee, enquires as follows: I want to know the time and mode of planting or sowing barley and what kind of land is best suited to it. Also, the time it is harvested and if it is threshed like wheat, and the average yield. I want also the same information con cerning upland rice. If there are any whippoorwill peas in the market and the price per bushel. BARLEY. As most of our realers know, barley is grown to a very limited extent in the South. We do not remember to have seen more than five acres in a patch, (and that during the war) in Georgia. It i-t grown chiefly on rich grazing lots near the house and is rarely harvested for the seed. In the North and West and par ticularly in Canada, it is largely grown for malting purposes—tint is, making lager, and other kinds of beer. it is usually sown about the same time, era little latter than wheat; ar.d where wheat does better sown in spring (as is the case in the case in the North west) barley is also sown in spring—as early as the ground can be worked after the winter freezes are oyer. Barley delights in a rich soil, a me dium between heavy clay and light san dy, and should be seeded at the rate of from one and a half to two and a naif bushels per acre when grown for harvest ing as grain. But for grazing purposes, orgreensoiiing, the quantity per acre, should be not less than four bushels, on very rich land. When sown at the same as wheat, it ripens a little earlier, and should be promptly harvested in precisely the same way as other grain, and is thresh ed in the same manner. The yield per acre is somewhat great er than that of wheat. UPLAND RICE. Rice is now grown to a limited, but annually increasing extent on the up lands of Georgia. There is no special skill required in its cultivation, and fair crops may be made on high, dry lands. The seed are sown late in spring, or about the usual time of planting cotton and tender vegetables, in drills two or three feet apart The seed may be sown continuously and the plants chopped out so as to leave a bunch every twelve or eighteen inches, or dropped at first in bunches of ten to twelve grains. The cultivation is simple, the object being to keep clear of grass and weeds. The rice will be ripe in about four to five months and must then be cut with a sickle. After it is thoroughly dry it is hauled up and threshed like wheat. The most troublesome and inconvenient ope ration connected with rice culture, is cleaning the rough rice, or removing the husks. Several efforts have been made to perfect a small, cheap rice huller, for domestic use, but hitherto, without sub stantial success. Most of the rice grown in the lower parts of the States of Geor gia and South Carolina, goes to market ia Charleston and Savannah ia its rough state and is cleaned in the large steam rice mills in those cities. There are, however, several small custom mills in different parts of Georgia, that do satis factory work—cleaning at the rate of a hundred bushels or more a day. There is no reason why rice may not be successfully grown in Middle and West Tennessee. It grows well in White County, Georgia. The yield of upland rice in Georgia may be safely stated as twice that of corn on the same land and with same seasons, or from twenty to seventy bush els (rough rice) per acre. PEAS. The market in Atlanta is almost bare of seed ccw peas. Merchants are asking $1.50 per b'tshel for the whippoorwill peas. The last fall season was exceed ingly wet, and unfavorable for saving anything —especially cow peas. Seed will be very scarce and dear in Spring —in Georgia at least—unless Tennessee can supply the demand. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE is prepared according to the directions of Prof. E. N. Horsford, of Cambridge, Mass., the well-known authority on nutritious bread and the cereals. Useful in Dyspepsia, Nervous Diseases, Mental and Physical Ex haustion, etc. “Home, sweet home” is much sweeter where Dobbins’ Electric Soap, (made by Cras gin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.) is used labor, clothes and temper are preserved by its use. Trial shows its merit. Have your grocer get ATLANTA MAIIKETS. Atlanta, February 24,1881. COTTON. Very little cotton in market. Prices are merely nominal. Ordinary 707% Good Ordinary 9% Low Middling 1° Good Middling 1° Middling 19% GRAIN WHEAT—Fancy 1 24 ©1 27 Choice 90@ Medium 1 000 Low Grades - 75080 CORN—Pure white, sacked in depot. 47© Yellow, sacked in depot @45 Mixed, sacked in depot 45 @ Bulk, shelled white - @45 Bulk, shelled mixed - @3B OATS- white, sacked, in depot 085 Mixed @29 BRAN, per ton, loose - 13 00@14 Sacked 15 00@16 BACON cC C Hams @lO% Clear sides.. 9% @ Clear rib side 9 @ Shoulders... 8 @BX BULK MEATS—CIear rib—loose 9 @ Clear Sides 9%@ Country Shoulders.. 6 @ Bides 7%@ Hams 9 @ Lard 8 0 BJ4 LARD—Snow flake,tierce 9X@ Anchor, tierce 9 @ Buckets 10 @ Kegs Dried beef 13%@ . SEEDS Timothy 4 000 Herds-grass 1 25@ Orchard-grass.. 2 00@ Clover, red.....7 50@ Sapling...- - @ Blue-grass, strip’d2 50 Clean Bluegrass 175 Bluegrass, fancy 0 Hungarian 2 25@ Mo., millet @ German Millet 1 75 @ LIVE STOCK. Extra smooth fat steers -....- B%@ 4?4 Good butchers’ cattle 3%@ 4>J Common 1 @2% OXEN, Choice 1%@2 Common 2 @ 2 % Grazing cattle, extra grades... @2}4 Second grade .... 203 Scrubs. 1%@2 HOGS—Weighing from 200 to 800 lbs. 85 00@5 80 EJht. 4X04% Shoats @ Sheep—Fat, 190 pounds or more 4%@5 gheared......— Spring Lambs (gross) .4%@5 < MXFLIB Mules stiff at the figures quoted. 14 hands S7o@Bu 14 1-2 hands -8900100 14 8-4 hands...-|loo@llo 15 hands- 81100125 IB 1-2 hands 1200140 16 hands,No. 1 214008160 Extra Heavy - 1650200 HORSES Plugs 250075 Good 1000150 WOOL Burry and cotted fleeces 20025 Unwashed lambs' wocl - 28080 Tub washed .00000••••••OSO»••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 88048 COUNTRY PRODUCE (From Wagons.] BUTTER, prime - 20025 Good - 12X0*5 Common- - - —■ 0 EGGS...Per dos - - i' ol 2% HENS 0 CHICKENS -.12015 Spring chickens 10015 CORN...Loose, per bushel - 70© Corn in shuck, per barrel - 2 5003 50 Ix>ose In oar, per bbl 2 450 2 75 OATS...Tennessee, per bushel— ... 600 POTATOES—Peachblow —... 1 OCO Bruce red...— 1 °°o Southern Queen, eating size 1 2*o New Potatoes, per bbl.,- Ol 60 HAY...Tlmothy@l 85 Hungarian ©75 Clover 1 500 Straw, per 100 1b.©35 PEAS.-Black and gray eye 100© STOCK PEAS - - Ko© PEANUTS.-Per bushel, choice 125@ DRIED FRUITS...X peaches 5%@ 6 X peaches - 4XO 5% Dried apples - 3 0 8% Rags ■— 2 @ 2 % Ginsing - ....... 1 15@1 3q LEATHERS...StrictIy choice— 40 @55 BEESWAX-... 20021 Tallow-Choice - •• 4 X@ HIDES.. Dry Flint - o'< Green Salted - - 6S© 7 Green 40 8 Dry Salt 11%@1 2 % Scrap iron, cast 4o@ Wrought iron —— 60© GROCERIES. SUGAR—N O Clarified white, hhds... 9%@9X N O Clarified ••yellow”--—............ BJ4@9X 1-4 additional in bbl - Cut Loaflloll% Powdered ~ ............. 11@ Granulated 10© Standard A—... 9%@9% N O Molasses... 35 @55 Syrups 80 @45 ■ COFFEES, (Green.) Mocha 27 Old Gov. Java 24076 Marlcaibo 16318 Ceylon 16018 Rio 12@17 COFFEES, (Roasted.) Mocha —. 83 Old Gov. Java - 81 Marlcaibo 20@22 Ceylon 20@22 Rio - 16@20 TEAS. Choice Gunpowder 85080 Choiee Young Hy50n....... 80070 Extra Oolong 35@70 Finest English Breakfast y 40075 Uncolored Japan 40075 Best Mixed Tea - 25@65 MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Pearl Barley 4 % Oat Meal 4>s@s« Green Peas 4% Earina 6 Navy Beans 4% Leutells - - 8 % Gr. Kern .......... 18 Poppy Seed 15 Caraway Seed 14 Vermacelll - 9 ®l4 Nndles. .............. 9 @l4 Macaroni 9 @l4 Waselng Soda 2% Baking Soda 4 Prunes, (French) 14 @lB Prunes, (Turkish) —7 @lO Figs 10 @l4 Citron 18 @2O Valencia Raisins . 10% London Layer, Raisins 13 Currants 7X Mince Meat, (in 515 buckets) 19 Wax Candles 22 Adamantine Candles- - ..... 13 White Castile Soap a.._ .14 @l7 Mottled •■ •• 12 @ls Prepared French Mustard, (per gall) 75 Pickles, (Gallons) 60075 Olive Oil 2000300 Olllev - 1250175 Tomato Catsup, (per gall) 175 Worcester Sauce, •’ 150 Flavoring Extracts, (per d0z).... • • ••• •• • 100 Coffee Essence - 40 Stove Polish 30 @6) Baker's Chocolate 39 ©4l German Sweet Chocolate 27 @29 Cocoa 89 @4l Smoked Tongues 50 “ Sausage,—‘. 9 @25 Goshen Butter 87 <e4o Swiss Cheese, (imp.) - 30 Limberger cheese 18 Cream Cheese 15 Dutch Herrings 140 Grits..... 400 Rice - - 6 @7% CANNED GO3DS. Sardians 1500175 Lobsters .._ - 185 Wilson’s Corn Beef •lOHml*»»*w«M«»>s<OWMM-« 850 Tomatoes (2) - 120@125 Peoches - 1700'200 Pineapples 1700200 Alderdey Condensed Milk 210 Eag '• 215 SALT—Ohio river 7 bu. bls, car 10t5... 1 75@2 00 Ohio river, 280 lbs. bls, car lots -1 7502 00 Michigan, 280 lb bls, car lots-..-. 1 7502 00 New York Dairy, 200 lb bags 1 50@l 75 Rock salt, per ton- - • @lB 00 •• •• •• 100 @1 25 X)AP—Common bar - B%@ 5 Blacking—Large, per dozen 50 @6O Brooms, per dozen 1 85 @2 50 LIQUORS—Com. rectified whiskey.... 1 00@l 20 Robertson County. 1 25 @3 50 Lincoln County - 180 @3 50 Hlghwlnes - —• 0 1 I 0 TOBACCO Spencer’s Calhoun 1 15 Peyton Granly -1 00 Nine inch, four plug, Berta Jackson 50 “ '• “ “ Morning Glory... 50 Tomby’s Natural Leaf - 9j Plug, Brown’s Log Cabin, lb 75@ Navy 50©60 Twelve inch plug, Virginia 45@70 Six “ “ “ 42@65 Bright Va, six inch twist— 40@60 Smoking, twist 16’s, Va - 40@45 “ “ 15, Tenn .. - 38@40 “ packs, 1-8 ....„ 30@55 Cigars, imp. Havana —7 0001500 •■ domestic ........... 1 5002 00 “ plantation, 9 inch -1 50@ SNUFF...I oz. Un, Garrett’s, pr gr— 8 50@ •• 2oz tin, ” ■••.•••• 13 60© •• 1 oz. pack, “ - 14 60© •• 1 oz. Un, Ralph's....— 4 00© •• 2 os Un, '• 6 50© ■■ 1 os. pack, 11 „ - 8 760 “ 1-2 oc Un, 11 oae gross... 6 000 j LEATHER Oak sole _...._ 86040 Hemlock sole - 23©28 Harness. 37@40 Bridle, dosen sides 48 ou@t>u 00 Upper, dozen sides 22 00@27 00 BOSTON WOOL MARKET. Free of burs Burry. Fine 32034 25028 Medium 85@38 25030 Coarse 80@32 25028 Tub washed 50055 40@45 MISCELLANEOUS IRON...Merchants bar, Kentucky 3 35@ Regular advance for smaller sizes... Nalls.-Perkeg, 10ds 8 25© Additional for each dimlni’ng grade 25© Horse shoe nails 13@20 Horse Shoes 5 00© Mule Shoes 6 00© - 80001150 BAR LEAD © 7% POWDER... Rifle ©6 40 Blasting @3 40 Fuse, per 100 feet - 50 ©6O SHOT—Patent 2 10 @ Buck 2 35 0 BAGGING...FIax io@ Cotton baling twine @l4 Cotton ties per bundle @2 50 FERTILIZERS— per ton 30 00 @SO 00 Raw Bone 30 00 © Land plaster n 00 @ Pacific Guano Phosphate 650 00 @ Northern Russetts 1500 Northern Peerless •„... 2 00© Lemons, per box 5 50© Oranges, per box 6 5006 00 HAY...Balod per cwt 13 0O©!4 00 ONIONS...New, per bbl _...... 5 00@5 50 VINEGAR.-Pure apple, per gallon.— 160 20 Neatsfoot 0i1... 1 00© COD LIVER OIL.. Newfoundland- 80© Gabrador 75© Bank & Straits 50060 BREADSTUFF. Hominy 4 00 @ ’fils - 4 00 0 FLOUR—Patent— 8 00 © Fancy 6 75 0 700 Choice Family 6 2506 50 Family 600 © Superfine 4 75 @5 50 CORN-MEAL...Bolted „„.... 55 @ 70 Unbolted, loose © 70 CON FECTIONERIES. Candies—Stick 13© Fancy Nuts... Pecans - ©ls Almonds 22%©23 Brazil nuts 11%@12 English walnuts ©l6 Filberts - 14@16 PROVISIONS. Clear rib sides at 909%; bacon, sugar cured hams 10@10%c; sides shoulders 6c; lard, in Uerces, leaf, 9X010; refined 9%©9>£c; kegs, cans and buckets, 9c. FLOUR, GRAIN AND MEAL. Fancy, 67 50; extra family, 67 25: family 67 00 Wheat, choice Tennessee 61 30al 35; Georgia 61 25, scarce. Com, white 70c; oats, feed 53a55; no de mand for feed. Meal 70@72c; grits, 84 00. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Eggs, 11012 - Butter, choice 20@25; low er grades 12@15. Poultry, hens, 25028: Sweet potatoes 90a|l per bushel, Irish, 83 00© 3 50; old, 1 75082. Dried fruit, peeled peaches 20 unpeelcd s@6c, dried apples 7©loc. Wax, 21c; cabbage good sound heads s©"<c; onions, 85@66 Feathers, choice white geese 50055 c, prime 45c; common mixed 35@40c. Cheese,choice cream 16% ADVERTISEMENTS. WARNER’S SAFE KIDNEY & LIVER CURE The leading Scientists of to-day agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys cr Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Li ver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the result. This truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to find relief. The discovery of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era in the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value, it con tains just the elements necessary to nourish and invigorate both of these great organs, and safely restore and keep them In order. It is a POSITIVE Remedy forab the diseases that cause palus in ihe lower part of the body—for Torpid Liver. Headache, Jaundice, Dlzz ness, Gravel, Fever, Ague, Malarial Fever, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent aud safe remedy for females during Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and is invaluable for Leucorrhcea or Falling of the Womb. As a Blood Purifier it is unequalled, for it cures the organs that make the blood. READ THE RECORD: ‘•lt saved my life.”—E. B. Lakely,Belma,Ala “It is the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women .’’—Mothers’Mag azine. “It has passed severe tests and won en dorsements from some of the highest medical talent in the country."—New York World. “No remedy heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in comparison with it.” —C. A. Harvey, D.D., Washington, D. C. This Remedy, which has done such wonders, is put up in the largest sized bottle of anymedl c Ine upon the market, and is sold by druggists and all dealers at $1 25 per bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for Warner's Bale Diabetes Cure. It Is a positive remedy. H. H. WARNER A CO.. janßotf Rochester. N. Y. Bookwaiter Engine. 4k Compact, substantial, eoo nomical and easily managed -MtiMyOr Guaranteed to work wel and give full power claimed Engine and boiler oom- Pl ete > Including governor, feed-pump drive-pully,etc., sj fiHEkStOr &t low P rice ol 8 Horse Power 8240 4% “ 280 6% •• “ 870 Send for descriptive pamplet JAMESLEFFELL A CO., mart ts Springfield, O. STOVE PIPE SHELF AND UTENSIL STAND. AGENTS WANTED for tbe moat convenient Article ever oflbred to housekeepers. Agents meet with greater success than ever. Oue igent made BIOS in 15 days, another >BB ta S days, another >27 in 1 day. Hosing and Freight Free to Agent*. Bend for circulars to Dearest address. JI. F. SIIEPARD & Cincinnati, 0., or St. Louis, Mgb augl eow39t Second Hand Instruments at BARGAINS. AGENTS WANTED. Illustrated CATA LOGUE FREE. HOBACK WATERS A Co., 820 Broadway, N. Y. aug26ti It nay. Agents to Sell th. Standard Arrlcoltural Book Farming for Profit New, Accurate, Comprehensive. A Complete Fane Library in itself. A sure guide to successful farming. TELLS HOW TD Make Money I Ssnrea many time* Ita eoat every Season. Mo pages. 140 lUnstr*tTnns so" Ci r c’ilar«i anrt terms to J. O. McCURDY, Philadelphia, Pa, Jy27.eow4t A GENTS WANTED for the Best and Fastest /A Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 88 per cent. National Publishing Co.. febld-ly Philadelphia, ftu ADV E RTISEMENTS. PERFECTLY SAFE IN THE MOST INEXPERIENCED HANDSI For Dlurrhcea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, No Remedy known to the Medical Profession has been in use so long and with such uniformly suthifaetory resulte as PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER It has been used with such wonderful success in all ]>arte of the world in the treatment of these diflieulties, that it has come to be considered AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS. and such it really is when taken in tljne and according to the very plain directions inclosing each txitXle. In such diseases, the attack Is usually sudden and frequently very acute; but with m safe remedy nt hand lor immediate use, there Lt seldom danger of the lutnl result which so often follows a few days’ neglect. The inclination to wait and see if the morrow does not bring a better feeling, not infrequently occasions a vast amount of needless sufli riug, and aometimes coats a life. A timely dose of Pain Killer will almost invariably save both, and with them the attendant doctor's fee. It lima .stood the test of forty years* constant use in all countries and climates, and is perfectly safe in any person’s hands. • It is recommended by Physicians. Nurses In Hospitals, and fYcrsons of all classes and professions who have had opportunity for observing the wonderful results which have always followed its use. I have h»n« umd the medicine known an PERRY DAVkS’VEG ETABLE PAIN KILI.ERin my family and would not on nnv account be without it. When Oholura wae hurt epidemic here, I used no medicine of any Fort but the Pain Killer, and although myself and Noveral membcrH of my family were attacked Mveruly, l am happy to buj that tho Pain Killer wan equal to every emergency. I consider I should not l>e doing my duty to the community did I not say tbi« much If I were attacked by the Oholera to-day. Pain Killer would be the only remedy I should use. I have thoroughly toeted it, and know it cau be relied on. F. E. BERG INSEND, Galena, Illinois. No family can afford to be without it, aud its price brings it within the reach of all. The use of one bottle will go further to convince you of its merits than columns of news* paner advertising. Try it, and you will never do without it. Price 50c. and SI.OO per bottle. You can obtain it at any drug-store or from PERRY DAVIS A SON. Proprietors, Providence, R. I. may 6 e ow26t Tenth] CHURCH’S [Year MUSICAL VISITOR - IS THE MOST POPULAR MUSICAL MAGAZINE, BECAUSE It appeals to all Musical People, Amateur and Professional, whether Singer, Pianist, or Student. Its 32 large pages are filled montblv with the practical suggestions of prominent musical writers-music lessons, hints for singers, and discussions of methods of teaching. The lighter sketches, stories, poems and cor respondence are bright aud original, aud the musical news full and fresh. Tile music pages give live to ten pieces, vocal and In strumental. alone worth a year's subscrip tion. In addition every subscriber receives free the choice of 11 Elegant Premium Volumes. The cost. In sheet form, of the music in the VISITOR and Premium would be about 820. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 ONLY. Mention grade of mnslc preferred, and whether vocal or Instrumental, and we will know which premium to send. Send stamp for specimen VISITOR, and particulars of premiums. JOHN CHURCH & CO., 66 Weot Fourth St, I 5 Union Square, Cincinnati, O- | New York. dec9 4t IF YOU WISH TO BUY, SELL, OR PROCURE PATENTS, Apply to F. E. ZERBE, Manager of the AMERICAN PATENT AGENCY, 50 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. Pub- lishers of the AMERICAN INVENTOR. Al 6 page Illustrated mechanical and scientific Journal. Subscription 81 per year. feb3-6t OIL PAINTING CHROMO & FRAME COMPANY 76 Poplar St., Macon, Ga. DEALER IN ALL KINDS WORKS OF ARTS. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Landscape Paintings in fine gilt frames, also a large assortment of Oil Chromos,size 22 ana 24 x3O, insheet or three inch gilt lined walnut frames as cheap as the cheapest wholesale or retail. Portraits copied from photographs and painted on canvass any size. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for prices. Goods sent C. O. D. with privi lege examining, feblO-lm •BESE AT your CHUBS. The Fibre Chair Seat, . leather finish (brown, green or maroon), may be S fastened to any chair with 3 carpet tacks or brass bead 3 nails. Price, up to 16 in. El 30c. 17 or 18 in. 42c. Sent M by mail, fitted, on receipt “of paper pattern with price and 6c. postage per seat. Small sample for Bc. stamp strong and handsome. ““ HARWOOD CHAIR SEAT CO., febl7-tf 24 Washington St., Boston. JBABY BOOKS. ihoicest of 81 to 81.75 Sunday t books, sold at a uniform price h. Books will last three times e ordinary. Specimen copy 5 >gue of 80 books now published, DAVID C. COOK, 137 Madison St., Chicago ESTABLISHED 1841. "DT?T I Q Os Lake Cop- II Jry LjLLo per aud Pure MRU i Tin lor churches, Schools, Fao- JHF WK torles, Plantations, etc. KAYE UEE33W - A C0.,32 Water St., Louisville, Ky feb!7 ts WANTED. LECTURERS and ORGANIZERS for the Sous of Temperance, in every Province, State and Territory. Ouly efficient workers, who can come well recommended need apply. For particulars, address H. S. MCCOLLUM, Most Worthy Scribe. feb!7-7t St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. a " aft Ik Jw M - on Com and ** W I J 20c.0u Wheat w BM ■■ can porUitvl!/ be saved. For Illustrated Pamphlet, giving foil par ticulars, address The Thomas narrow Co.,Geneva,fi.i., fobl7« ______ BEST WASHER AND JWRINGER in the world. Guaranteed to do perfect work o.’ money refunded. Warranted for 6 years. Price of Washer, 88. Sample to agents, 83.50. Price U Wringer, 87.50. Sample, 84.25. Circulars free ERIK WASHER CO., ERIE, PA. nov 4-26 t /ft>BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY 1 Bolls of Pure Copper and Tin for Cherchea Friehoole, Fire Alarms, Farms, etc. FULL! WARRANTED. Catalogue sent Free. VANDUZEN & TIFT, Cincinnati. O. apl 1 Q OUTH JERSEY INSTITUTE, Bridgeton, N. J. O For both sexes. College preparatory. Insti tute. classical, and scientific courses. Building brick. Modern improvement!. Climate mild, very healthy. Instruction thorough. Btxins Sept. Bth. Send forcatalogue. H. K. Txamx, Principal. ept2-26t Mmotb. PERRY DAVIS A BON: I know you noed no Uwtimonial to convince you that your medicine in all that you claim for it, but I cannot restrain the impulxe to communicate to you the fcct that in my family it haa truly done wondera. I uilmiuitrter it to my children (one eighteen months, and the other three yean old) with perfect ■uoceaa. It regulatea their bowel*, and stope all diarrhoea. Myself and wife rewirt to it in all caees, both for internal and external use. I’ve used it in my family for five yean, and will not be without it. Feeling mywlf under much obligation to you, in many timea being relieved from pain. I am very truly yours, L. F. MOORE, 8.u5.11, DuUUom Co-Nhw York. AULT & WIBORG, MANUFACTURERS OF Superior Printing Inks, VARNISHES, Etc. Foot of New St. - - Cincinnati, 0. Every grade of Black and Colored ink* furnished to order. OUR 50 CENT BOOK INK Unequalled by any in the market. SOUTHERN CORRESPONDENCE SOLIOITKD yebl7-3m iMmdrehta and BulaW flnett Cabbuf and Brtra Early l‘eaa and other Garden and Eield and Elower Beede. JONES’ IMPROVED COTTON SEEDS, Lest va riety known. Finest Seed Corn. Farm Implements ofall Engines and Guano, Bone Dust, etc. Send for prices. MARK W. JOHNSON & CO., jy27-8m 27 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. KwerCURES HUMPHBEYB’ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS In use twenty years. The most safe, simple, eco nomical and efficient medicine known. Dr. Hum phreys’ Book on Disease and its Cure (144 pp.)also Illustrated Catalogue sent free. Hum ph reyn’ Homeopathic Medicine Co., 109 Fulton* Street, New York. New and Powerful Cotton Press. Make money by writing to rufub p. DAVIS, of Monroe. N. C., for a description of hte Cotton Press, lately patented. Warranted to pack 800 pounds into the size of an ordinary bale. Cotton thus packed is shlppeu for nearly htlf the freight, and enables merchants to give much more for It The Press is very simple and durable, and will pay for itself in difference of the price of cot ton packed by it over all other pressca in packing fifty bales. nov2s 8m IHENDERSOJTsI COMBINED C ATALOGUE OF ~ [ ■ Will be Mailed Free to all v>hc apply by ■ Letter. ■ Our Experimental Grounds in B ■ which wo test our Vegetable and B ■ Flower Seeds are most complete} B ■ and our Greenhouses for Flants B ■ (covering 3 acres in glass), are B ■ the largest in America. ■PETER HENDERSON & CO. I 33 Cortlandt Street, New York, g febiu-18c mnhmimM Rn S. S. SONG BOOK. UUi The Internstloaal Sunday-School Lesson Hymnal.—l4o original lesson hymns, with music, covering the lesions of the whole year, 82 choice old pieces, 8 opening and closing— 18'1 pieces in all. Arranged for both old and new tunes. Price. 85 per 100 copies (postage extra). Sample copy, postpaid, Be. DAVID C. COOK, feblO4t 137 Madison St, Chicago. AGENTS! 11l * Choice territory is being W AA lw I rapidly taken tor our NEW BOOK. Now is the tme to secure territory before all is taken. QUICK SALES and BIG PROFITS. Address, JOHN BURNS, Publisher, 717 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. febl7-ejw3t K W Bai i d y Shrubbery, Oatalognetraa J.T.Pmu.n-e 1 feb!7-3te3w Church, School, rtrealarm, Klue-loued, • uatalosoowtlh ItWtatlinonlalj.prtoM.oOh.oeßtbrM. Rlymyer Manufacturing Co., ciaobutat*.©. Jy27-26t Varieties French Chromo Satin, Pearl tin. tIVJ ished, etc., cards name in gold, 10c. Card MllS; Northiord, Ct * 7