The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, July 28, 1881, Image 1

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ft/ * * «. SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST, Z X THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, of Alabama. op Tennessee. ESTABLISHED I 811. Table of Contents. First Page.—Alabama Department: A Rem iniscence of Dr. B. Manty, Sr.; Tbe Ah <• bama Baptist Convention ; Tbe Religious Press. Second Page—Correspondence : To the Re hobotb Association ; General Meeting; Dr. A. T. Holmes; From tbe Field; Macon Items; Light Desired; Jottings By The Way; Foreign Countries; Dr. 8. G. Hill yer; A Fact Worthy ol Note. Missionary Department. Third Page-Children’s Corner: Bible Ex plorations ; Enigmas; Correspondence. The Sunday-school: The Passover—Les son for August 7th. Fourth Psge —A Serious Case; Murder Pro* posed ; Various Things About the Presi dent; Glimpses and Hints; Georgia Bap tistNsws; Sunday-school Convention of the Stone Mountain Baptist Association. Fifth Page—-AwtbctA; New Books; Notes; Georgia Sixth Page—The household: She Hath Done V 1 hat She Could—poetry ; Without V ords; Rag Carpet*, etc. Obituaries. Seventh Page—The Farmers’ Index: The True Policy}- The Legislature; Clement Attachment; Periodicals; Topping Cot ton, etc. Eighth Page.—Floritui Department: Florida Facts, Fancies, ant Figures ; Correspond ence ; Church News; Publishera’ Depart ment. Alabama Department. HY SAMUEL HENDERSON. Thanks.—We thanlt our brother, Bev. T. H. Stout, for the able report of the Alabama Baptist State Convention proceedings which be has furnished for our columns. No better reports of our conventions have ever been furnished to the press. A REMINISCENCE OF DR. B. MANLY, SR. Our brother, Dr. Teague, we know will excuse us foi the use we make' of a private letter he has recently written us, called out by one of our articles, “Habit of Prayer.” It was a topic on which he, in his earlier Christian life, had heard the doctor speak with great unction and power, perhaps more than forty years ago. Referring to some who knew Dr. M. most intimately, he says: “Much as he has been, and is, appreciated by others, but few men knew what were his wonder ful gifts of nature and of grace. His son, B. Manly, jr., once said to me that his unconscious sayings, in incidental conversation, often contained his rich est thoughts, epeapte roouta, (winged words), as he expressed it. A few days after I began to cherish hopes of accep tance with God, he dropped into my ear another advice I shall never forget —‘maintain a devotional spirit. It may be done amid all the engagements of business.’ “ The half that Dr. Manly did,” con tinues Dr. T., “under God for his im mediate acquaintances, was not from the pulpit, how remarkable soever were his sermons. No measure can be put to the bubbling, spontaneous overflow of pious utterances habitual with him. Apropos of praying out of sea son, as well as in season, another emi nent saint has the following words, (the reference is to Dr. Wayland, now deceased): ‘I have found that when I pray as a duty, not being able to do so with hearty interest, the reflex effect upen myself is better than when I seem to have free excess to the throne.’ I give not the exact words, being unable to turn to the passage Who has tried the utmost efficacy of prayer? Finney, the revivalist, was wont to say that ministers failed to win sonls to Christ because they did not pray enough.” But we forbear. We only wanted to extract so much of the letter as related to Dr. Manly, but have ap propriated nearly all of it. We can bear testimony to what Dr. T. says. Dr. M. was habitually great—in the pulpit, in social and family circles, everywhere, one always felt the impress of his grand intellect and pious heart. He had away of saying things that fixed them upon the memory, there to remain through life. A July monthly prints a sermon by a young Southern Baptist minister, and makes him say that the soul will live on in eternity, “sounding the rapturous notes of salvation, or warbling the re quiem of the lost!” Os course, the author of the sermon wrote, “wailing and we are sure that he feels inclined to cast his vote in the affirmative, on the question, Are typographical errors ever properly actionable? The Dunkards, or River Brethren, claim in the United States a ministry of 16,000 and a membership of 200,000. THE ALABAMA BAPTIST CO> VENTION. Troy, Ala., July 15, 1881. FORENOON SESSION. Religious exercises were conducted by Rev. Fred. D. Hale, of North-Port. The evangelization of the colored race was presented in an able report. Judge J. P. Hubbard* of Troy, chairman of the Committee, made the report. The Committee offered a resolution, warmly commending the work to tbe Baptists of Alabama, which was unan imously adopted. Rev. W. U.Wilkes, of Syllacauga, made an excellent address on the subject. Rev. C. O. Booth, a colored brother, was invited to address the body. Brother Booth is laboring among bis people, un der appointment of tbe State Mission Board. He is an educated man, of good address, stands well; is devoted and ear nest in his work; and is doubtless, ac complishing much good among the col ored people. He was formerly under appointment of the Home Mission Board of N. Y. His address gave a detailed account oi the work ke had done in the State. He made a gooi Rev. Pettiford, pastila of the colored Baptist church of UnWusSprings, being present, was also invite- *o address tbe body. He thanked the Convention for their interest and work in behalf of his race, and commended the work of brother Booth. Several brethren made short addresses showing their interest in the work. The report was unanimously adopted. The body wasdismisted with the bene diction by Rev. Wm. Pritchett. FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSION. The Convention had before them, the subject of Education. Pre-. F. B. Moodie, of Eufaula, read the report of the Committee. The report was a long and able docu ment. It presented some interesting statistics, and brought before the body the endowment of Howard College. It also made a plea for the care and edu cation of the orphan. Brother E. 8. Shorter.'of Eufaula, ad dressed the body, on the importance of mental culture. He presented as an ar gument for cultivation of the mind, its good practical results. “Let us also con sider the religious or spiritual advant ages derived from education.” The ad dress was a beautiful one. Rev. L. R. Gwaltney, D.D., President of the Judson Female Institute, Marion, followed with a good speech. He asked the question, “What shall be the educa tion of the sons and daughters of Ala bama?” and addressed himself to an swering the latter half of the question. He thought there were mistakes. There weie two errors to be guarded against. One class thought that all girls should be edu cated In the highest degree. A lull classic course they demanded. This plan floes not receive my approbation. If all our girls were so educated, our south-land would be fllh d with ara«eof feeble, delicate, lank, cadaverouscreatures from whom all the bloom and beauty has faded. Another class think that all the girls should be educated at home, foi merely home duties. But this system overlocks those facts -, these can never be laid aside. 1. The capacity of girls to be more useful and happy. 2. The girl or boy who has been trained can surpass, for usefulness, those not so trained. Ed ucated labor is worth more than uneducated labor. It Is sometimes objected that girls, educat ed at female seminaries, come home and are un able to fry a steak or make a biscuit. But I ven ture to say that, if such a girl comes home edu cated in ary true sense of the term, she will learn more easily than if she had not been trained to battle with difficulties, And I, nor any other young man, would not be afraid to take such a girl for a wife, because she could not fry a steak or make a biscuit. 3. This system oveilookr the farther fact that the youug men of the country are being more and better educated, and they will have educated wives. Let us seek a golden mean. I start out with the declaration that the girl ought to go beyond the home school, the country school, the village school and the town academy. This she needs to refine and cultivate- A gentleman brought a daughter to a lady teacher. ‘What do you wish her taught?” said the teacher. “Dress and ad dress I" was the laconic reply. He carried the idea to extremes. What are the perplexities in this work? Par ents expect too much. If a woman is to be edu cated, there must be time for it. This higher edu cation is the birth ilghtof every one whose par ents are able to give It to them. an impression bad gone out that the Judson was a very expensive school. He would correct the mistake. A statement of the cbaiges for next year showed that the Institution wasaretsonably cheap school. Rev. W. N. Reeves then addressed the Convention. He announced his subject to be “The mutual helpfulness of the Bible and Educa tion.’’ Infidelity and scepticism deny the help given by the Bible toeducation. But whence comes civilization ? Is it born of infidelity or Christian ity ? I will not detain you to reason on it. The old Testament taught through Judaism, the orthography of religion. The New Testament presents Christ saying, "I am come that ye might have life. 1 ’ The help of education to the Bible. It has translated the Bible. I would not exag gerate to say, Luther not only gave a translation, but a new Bible. What Christ did for the disciples on the way to Emmaus, He did for Luther. Luther came to the Bible as the fountain of life. Calvinism was a grand system. It rested en the two foundation stones: Omniscience and Omni potence. From these sprung all the rest—Election, Piesdestlnation, Limited Atonement, etc. Calvin ism did a great work in its day. But the Master said, “the instructed scribe brings out things new and old.’’ 1 he pulpit is no place for cowards. Whatsoever you bring forth new, publish it, if men gnash their teeth upon it. Surely something is wrong tn the system that teaches that before tbe foundation of the world was laid, the roll call of the saved was com pleted. Any system that takes away from thinking men their future destiny will die. The point of order was raised, whether it was in order to discuss doctrines under the general subject of education. The President referred the point to thebody, and brother Reeves was declared to be out of order. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 2*, 1881. Brother Reeves declared his firm belief in the Bible, and expressed his hope of glorious resurrection. Adjourned with the doxology-‘ - Praise God from whom all blessing* flow,” etc., and benediction by Rev. G. D. Benton. NIGHT SESSION. The Convention sung the hymn, “Shall we gather at the river,” etc. Prayer by Rev. G. S. Gresham, of Hayneville. The subject for consideration to-night was, “ministerial education.” Rev. E. T. Winkler, LL.D., addressed the Convention. SYNOPSIS OF DR. WINKLER’S ADDRESS. I would not be here if It were not that the pillar ol cloud and fire had been seen. The importance of ministerial education was strongly presented. ). The great sublimity of the subject commit ted to minister t shows the Importance of minis terial education. 2. The importance of the subject is sh >wn by the dignity of the sphere In which the ministry is placed. I. The sublimity of the subject committed to the ministry. The Bible is the foundation lor us. • Men have studied to find out the meaning of tl is revelation. If the Bible is to be interpretted by the ministry, how important that they be ed ucated. '1 he knowledge of the history is Import ant to shed its light on the word. The Christian can point to the monument of ancient times, as proof of truth of revelation. Then church history i Important. Then the natural sciences. The old argument at Job from God’s works is the foundation of modern natural theology; as Paley and others. The world in which we live is the solemn temple, and Christ stands in the midst. Luther said, three things were necessary to pre pare for the ministry—lst. Prayer. 2d. Temp tation. 3d. Meditation. Better a few prepared than a multitude unpre pared. II The minister ought to be educated in view of the field he occupies. He is a thinker, he is a leader. The beaten oil and not the mere juice of the olive, was ancient ly offered. He is a counselor. No one except he, who has tried in a revival, knows how difficult is this. He is a preacher. He stands up Sabbath after Sabbath to teach men; not to amuse men, but to bring them to submit to God. Should he not educated? He is a leader of men. How quick the educated few resents the mistakes of the uneducated min ister! Then he lays hold on the press. The Cath olics cl* Im the liberty for all men to be Catholics and to persecute; the infidel claims liberty, but it is the liberty to drive God out <4 the universe He made. / - . - The apostles were educated by tbe greatest of all teachers. The reformers precisimeH that ed ucation was their ally. Luther said, “If you lose the knowledge of the dead languages, you lose the Gospel.” Spnrgeon is a student. He reads the Greek Testament fluently, and also the Hebrew Bible. The man who goes into the sanctuary without preparation, enters the Holy of Holies with un hallowed supt, and lays sacrilegious hands upon the ark itself. The address was very fine: United in singing, “Work! for the night is coming,” etc. Rev. E. B. Teague, D.D., followed in a pleasant speech. He congratulated the Convention on its progress. Thitty five years ago there were a few men who would compare with the men of any time; now there are many men who are the peers of those passed away. The responsibilities have fallen iron' the “Old Guard” upon the shoulders of young men,’able and trained. Let us look out those to whom God has given talent, and educate them. Rev. W. N. Reeves spoke of the im portance of benevolence. God is raising up the rich to give for education. Refer ence was made to Vanderbilt and Pea body, and Shorter and Gov. Brown. He commended Howard College in earnest words. On motion, Dr. Winkle- was requested to furnish his address for publication. On motion of Rev. B. F. Riley, a com mittee of three men were appointed, to collect historical data pf the Baptists* of Alabama. Committee: brethren B. F. Riley. B. B. Davis, H. D. Mallory. Adjourned with benediction by Rev. W. 8. Rogers. SATURDAY, JULY 16th. —FORENOON- SESSION. Religious services, led by Rev. J. Faulkner. The next meeting of the Convention was appointed to take place at H untsville, beginning on Wednesday before the third Sabbath in July, 1882. A resolution was unanimously adopted condemning the practice of members traveling on Sabbath in going from the Convention as being opposed to the sac red Scripture. The Alabama Baptist was strongly commended in a resolution, offered by Rev. S. A. Goodwin, D.D. Brother M. G. Hudson, of Mobile, read the report on Foreign Missions. The report expressed gratitude to God for the prosperous condition of our Foreign Missions. Dr. R. H. Graves, missionary at Can ton, China, being present, was invited to address the Convention. Brother Graves began his address by exhibiting a chart, showing the relative numbers of Christians and heathen. The sad and significant showing of this chart was as follows: Protestants in the world number 116 millions Greeks, etc 85 “ Roman Catholics 190 “ Jews —7 “ Moslems „ 170 “ Heathen - 855 “ After some general remarks on the sub ject, brother Graves proceeded topreseat China as a missionary field. It was the grandest field for the Lord’s work on the face of the globe. Look at its iuhabi’a-its, six times as the population oi tbe United States. We have a special interest in China: they are our next door neighbors across the P-clflc. The Lord will hold the churches of the United States re sponsible for China. We nei-d more consecration. We need more self-sacrifice. Let us make progress aa churches and as individuals. Our work is spiritual work; carried forward by the Holy Spirit; and He comes in answer to prayer. If we fail the responsibility falls upon us. Brother Graves begged the brtthren to remember the workers in heathen lands. The congregation united in singing, “From Greenland’s icy mountains,” etc. ReV. T. W. Tobey, D.D., then addres sed the body-.' He said, Inhejtthen lands sometimes one felt an awe. a terror, St the feeling that you werenearer satauic iufluetite. Once I went into a temple in Shane hai, an< into a room, around the walls of which were iWed idols it seemed to me that Satan wss'sclwiing upon me, and saying, “you poor mortal, you come here to take my subjects from me, but you shall not have them.” The idea seems to be more aud more wide spread among the churches that one has not done fels duty u -til he has made aa effort to lead some one to Christ. Rev Z. D. Roby, of the Tuskegee As soclgvon, was invited to address tbe bodk. As a member of the committee appointed at the last session of that As sociation, to present the plan of some special mission field to tbe Alabama Baptists, through the State Board, and through them to the Convention, be pro posed tome arguments in favor of such plan. Extracts were read from a letter of Dr. H. A. Tupper, Corresponding Sec retary,, exhorting the Convention to ac tion. A resolution was adopted, appointing a committee to arrange a piogramm for the negl Convention, of which Commit tee Rev. E. T. Winkler was made chair man. * A resolution was adopted, requesting brothei T. M. Bailey, Corresponding Secretary of the State Mission Board, to report the details of the contributions of the d Vpaination in the State, to the next Gsfivention. Adjourned with benediction by Rev. Jas. Shackelford, D.D. SATURDAY —AFTERNOON- SESSION. Rev. J. G. Thornton led the Conven tion in prayer. The minutes of the session from the beginning were read and confirmed. Judge H- W. Cassey, of Hayneville, read the Report on Aged and Infirm Ministers. The report was discussed briefly by brethren J. O. Hixon, W. Crumpton, J. Faulkner, W. N. Reeves, B. H, C u.rmon, A. Jay,—and was ad opt' . oodwie, D.D., of Union SpisSe/waß preach the in- troductory sermon ; Rev. B. F. Riley, of Opelika alternate; Rev. G.B.Eager, D.D. of Mobile, to preach the missionary ser mon ; Rev. W. C. Cleveland, of Selma, alternate. Adopted the following Report oi Com mittee on Religious Services. SABBATH-SERVICES. FIKT BAPTIST CHURCH. , Sabbath-school at 9.3 C—Rev. H. Graves and M. G. Hudson. 11—Rev E. T. Winkler. 8.30 Rer. L. R. Gwaltney, D.D. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. Sabbath-school at 9.3o—Rev. Z. D. Roby, D.D., and B. F. Riley. 11—Rev. W. C. Cleveland. 8.30 Jas. Shackelford, D.D. M X. CHURCH. Sabbath-school—Rev. H. F. Oliver and Rev. J. S. Paullin. 11—Rev. M. M. Wamboldt. 8.30 Rev. 8, A. Goodwin, Adjourned with the benediction by Rev. H. C. Taul. SATURDAY —NIGHT-SESSION. The Convention was opened with pray er by Rev. D. Rogers. The Committee on Temperance pre sented their report, which was read by Rev. Wash. Crumpton. The subject was discussed with inter est by Rev. A. P. Ashurst, of Columbia. Rev. L. R. Gwaltney. D.D., of Marion, made a grand speech, filled with signific ant statistics. He demonstrated that the liquor traffic was doing untold damage to the country, as well as producing fear ful misery and woe in individuals and families, besides manufacturing hund reds and thousands of criminals; he also showed that the traffic in intoxicating liquor was a legitimate subject for legis lation. The address made a profound impression. Rev. j. 8. Paullin, of Clayton, con ducted the closing services. Several brethren expressed their gratitude to God for the privileges oi tbe present Convention, and solicited an interest in the prayer of the brethren. United in singing, “How firm a found ation, ye saints of the Lord,’’ etc., gave the parting hand, brother L. R. Gwalt ney lead in after which Judge Haralson, the President, pronounced the Convention adjourned, to meet in the city of Huntsville, on Wednesday before the third Sabbath iu July, 1882. Thus has passed away another session oi the Alabama Convention. Peace, harmony and brotherly love seemed to possess all; and an unusual spirit of de votion was manifested. For two sessions the body has tried the plan of having a regular programme; the committees being appointed the year before they are to report, and the speakers being al so appointed sufficiently long before the meeting, to give time for preparation. It works like a charm. We regretted the absence of a large number of brethren, who were expected, among them brethren, Renfroe, Hender son, Tichenor, Eager, Kone, Tupper (of Richmond, Va.), and Chaudoin of Flor ida. (Why didn’t you come, brother Chad ?) We missed the brethren so much. Rev. R. H. Graves, missionary to Can ton, China, was present, and imparted much interest to the session. SABBATH PREACHING. We can only report the preaching at the First Baptist church; though we understand the other pulpits were filled to the delight of tbe various congrega tions. Brother R. H. Graves’ talk to the Sabbath-school, on the Chinese mis sion. was made exceedingly interesting to all present by the objects of curiosity he had from that dark land. The shoe that had been worn by a member of his church, illustrating the smallness of the foot of a Chinese lady, with the model, showing how the foot is compressed, the idol (the goddess of mercy), the family tablet, etc., were things new to almost tbe entire congregation. Rev. E. T. Winkler, D.D., preached at 11 o’clock. His subject « as, “Christ as an Example.” He presented four points; Christ as an example: 1. For Childhood ; 2. For Youth ; 3. For Man hood ; 4. For Old Age. It was a grand sermon. Brother Graves delivered an interes ting address to the sisters on Homan’s Mission to Woman. At night Rev. L. R. Gwaltney, D.D., delivered the bestsermon on temperance we ever heard, founded on 2. Sam. 18:33. The entire services of the day were strikingly interesting, and earnest; and impressions for good were made, which, we trust, may last forever. May the Spirit of God water the good seed sown to-day, so that it niay bring forth an abundant harvest to tbe glory of God, and to the salvation of souls. Amen and Amen! The Religious Press. A Change of Front.—The New York Independent, speaking of Dr. J. R. Graves’ book on Intercommunion, has the following words, which are very significant and striking : Tbe Baptists are ill at ease in regard to the practice of close communion. This is appa rent from a number of indications. The la test of these is a work just issued by the Rev. Dr. Graves, of Tennessee, entitled “In tercommunion Inconsistent, Unscriptural, and Productive of Evil.” The day is now passed by when it will be in order to denounce Open Communion Baptists m fools or hypocrites, since Dr. Graves has nobly come to their relief; and in effect, commended their course. Those who declare in favor of this principle will no longer be, constrained, as hitherto, to seek refuge iw other denominations, and so deplete tneir’own ; but tWey can piearf trie authority of one who is reputed tohe a‘Bap tist of the Baptists, and by this means reso lutely hold their ground, fighting the battle of open-communion within the denomina tion. For Dr. Graves does not content him self with frankly asserting that close com munion as now practiced in “untenable,” and the arguments by which it is sustained “sophistical”; but he sets.himself, and with famous success, we think, to demonstrate the truth of this assertion. As this is tbe view or the case we have always professed, we must beg leave to express our unfeigned thanks to the author for tbe valuable ser vice he has rendered. We trust the agitation now begun by Dr. Graves will be pushed forward with vigor. We foresee that it will contribute very large ly, and as long as it is prosecuted, to unset tle the minds of Close Communion Baptists, particularly in the Southern States, and prepare them for the return to the “Land mark” of open communion. Dr. Graves has builded wiser than he knew, and. quite against his will, no doubt, has become an ally and promoter (and highly effective too) ofthe open communion cause. If the worthy author should not perform another service, he may end his days well satisfied with this, assured that he has not lived in vain ; for tbe Baptists of England never had any prosperity until they began to emerge from the close communion into which they unhappily retrograded a few years after the death of Mr. Bunyan. It weighed upon their energies and their pros pects like an incubus. The Baptists of America have prospered in spite of close communion, and, if it were once fairly cast aside, this would be the signal for their en trance upon a new and glorious age of suc cess and usefulness. It should be a consol ing reflection to Dr. Graves to have done so much to promote this result. The Index is happy in the assurance that it has never uttered one word calculated to produce the result so greatly promoted by Dr. Graves, and so hopefully looked for by the Inde pendent. We have only to say in re gard to the prosperity of the English Baptists who practice open-commu nion, that it is not to be compared to that of the American Baptists, who hold to close communion. We have greatly prospered because of our close communion, and the English Baptists have in a comparatively small degree prospered in spite of their open com munion. We make a grievous mistake if we sup pose that the mischiefs of party politics are confined to a Republican government. A good man said in our hearing not long since: “I am ready for a change of govern ment—a king, or an emperor, or even a dic tator, if we cannot otherwise get rid of these miserable political parties.” We have heard similar sentiments expressed by others. As if tbe form of government were the source of this crying evil, instead of the character of the people. If any one thinks that call ing the chief officer of a government presi dent instead of king or queen begets this miserable lust of office from which we are suffering, let him read the following lan guage of one who has passed through some of the troubles of “boycotting” in Ireland. “I believe party politics are the cause of half our troubles. Men of both sides are thinking of their party and the effect this or that will have on party interests, and for getting the good old honest principle that the interests of England are those of truth and honesty and are immensely above all party considerations.” The character of the people! That is what lies at the bottom of the trouble. What we want is a higher standard of VOL. 59.— NO. 29. morals and religion. We need no king but Jesus. A valuable horse had been lost, and no one could find him. A half witted fellow finally brought him back, and to the ques tion, ‘How did you find him when no one else could?” replied: “Wai, I just 'quired where the horse was seen last, and I went thar, and sot on a rock ; and I just axed ntyselfifl was a horse, whar would Igo, and what would I do? And then I went and found him.” It strikes us that the preacher might learn a valuable lesson from this half-witted boy. If pastors would put themselves in the place of the average h car er in their congregations, and ask themselves how he looks at the Bible and religious truth, and fashion their discourses accord ingly, there would be fewer “great sermons” preached perhaps, but more saints would be edified and more sinners converted than now.—Examiner and Chronicle. Somebody having expressed fears that immigration will ruin the coun try, the National Baptist, with charac teristic humor, says: We confess that we do not share these fears. For one thing, we have so often seen the country absolutely, hopelessly rained, pulverised as it. were, reduced to dust and the dust blown away into the middle of next week, sunk into an abyss and the abyss falls ing down on top of it, that we have come to the conclusion that the country will stand a vast deal of ruining. Yes, every four years we are assured in most alarming terms that unless this or that party succeeds, the coun try will be ruined, but we have seen first one party and then another, in power for twenty years at a time, and after all, the country, though so often ruined, is still getting on pretty well. Still, in our opinion, it is best for the country that no party should remain in power too long. An occasional change is wholesome. We furthermore think that it is best for parties to be nearly equal in strength. This puts each on its good behavior. \ ♦ f / —f __ S- . Enrichment of The Litcrci, The Ep-f iscopal church of this country has a com mittee whose duties are described by the headline of this article. Rev. Morgan Dix, D.D., of Triniiy church, New York, has this to say, that “no light, careless tampering with the Prayer Book can be permitted. No doctrinal statement, no dogma can be touch ed, by adding thereto or taking away. No concession can be made to the evil spirit of the age. Apostolic succession, baptismal re generation, tbe real presence of the Lord i« the sacrament of the altar, the reception of His body and blood in the Holy Commun ion, the office and work of the priest, the mystery of the sacrament,—all these must stand as they now do." We rather like the way that Dr. Dix talks. He expresses himself clearly; there is no doubt as to what he means. He commits himself boldly and like a man to the doctrines of baptismal re generation, and the real presence. We like this much better than we do the course of those who, while they deny those conclusions, yet advocate the principles that lead to them. Infant baptism is a good thing, if it regener ates the soul of the infant; but if not, if indeed it has no effect on the soul of the infant in any way whatever, then those who so believe and yet practice the rite, are in a strange dil emma. They ought either to go with Dr. Dix, who is not afraid of the results of his own logic, or come to us who are equally fearless on the other side. Everybody has heard of tbe Rev. and Hon. J. Hyatt Smith, who walked out of the Bap tist denomination through the door which be himself declared to be “ open ’’ at all times. Most persons, especially Baptists, have heard it said that but for their practice of strict—“ close ” —communion at the Lord’s table, the denomination would increase more rapidly and exert a greater influence. It is evident Mr. Smith ence thought this to be true. He put his idea in practice.. A really eloquent man and an attractive public speak er, he, if any one, could succeed in the effort to establish a “liberal” Baptist church. He undertook it in a densely populated portion of Brooklyn, N. Y. The church erected was a fine building, of iron, in circu lar form, finely arranged, excellent organ, all the “ modern improvements, ” together with a debt—mortgages—to the amount of $28,- 567.80—0n1y a small matter for a liberal church in a great city. But, the other day, the house was sold under the Sheriff's ham mer, and was bid in by a representative of tbe mortgagee, for $25,000, the first, last and only bid. Not a man, or company of men, in all the vast number who admire “liberali ty,” offered to raise a dollar towards helping the church out of its difficulty. The pastor was at home from Congress, and had oppor tunity to stir up any and all of his friends and admirers, but all to no purpose. “ The Lee Avenue Baptist Church, ” of which we have heard so much, has become the proper ty of a savings bank for the small sum of $25,000, probably not more than hall its original cost. There is a lesson in it. When any of our men begin to be what is called (though wrongly called) “liberal,” the sooner we drop them the better. Harvard University received last year gifts amounting to $500,000; Yale, i 250,000; Tufts, $l2O 000; Dartmouth. $110,000; Wes leen, $100,000; Amherst, $75,000. How much has Mercer University ' received in gifts during the last year?