The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, July 28, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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6 The Household. SHE HATH DONE WHAT SHE COULD. BY M E. K. In many an honr. with many a winged prayer, Os lire’s brief, busy days, I lift mv heart with anxious, wandering care, "Shalll win the Master’spraliet I dare not hope that he will say •’ well done; ” I know that cannot be, I case aghast on murdered years all gone, And cry, “ Oh, woe to me I” But still, I know life’s early morn I gave To God, with faith all true; And. oh ! e’en I did proudly crave Some noble work to do. That work he gave, and, Martha like, was I Intent on my own way 7 Thon tempteat not, vet other power* defy And oft our fond hop< s slay. Will he excuse omissions that do blot The record of my time? I know his Justice ne’er can tie forgot. But mercy lives sublime! Oh, will he say, "She hath done what she eould ? ” Oh. comfort me. his saints; Soul, higher look to Him who understood, He hears all thy complaints. What if he should commend me in this praise 1 I’d sink into a sea of bliss. Or rise exhaled in heaven’s own air of praise To a higher sphere than this. Thus we disciples our experience tell < In some sueh strains as this; To look within, In sooth, it must be well, But friends, let us not miss The golden mean 'twixt contemplative mooda And some unguided seal. Faith, working faith, in all thine altitudes Teach thou us how to feel So much for Marys that in heathen lands Misplace affections rare. And live devoted, neath inhuman bands And wrongs beyond compare; So much of Marahs that in heathen lands Do quench some loving souls Who would be Mary’s if. with busy hands We gather up the doles. We quaff the crystal waters from the founts Os free salvation’s wells ; Our faith, by work, o’er ocean barriers mounts And this same story tells, Os Mary—grateful Mary’s loving tears, And of her jeweled hair, Her jeweled crown she’s worn for years on years, And shall forever wear. That perfume rare still lives, an emblem true Os love pervading all, The nations sprinkling o’er like Hermons dew, Love rescues from the fall. Wil HOUT WORDS. Two little Italian children f.ccojnpani ed a man with a harp, out of the city, along the country roads, skirted by fields and woods, and here and there a farm house by the way. He played and they sang at every door. Their voices were sweet, and the words in an unknown tongue. The old ladies came out to the door, and held their hands above their eyes to see what it all meant; and from behind them peered the flaxen heads of timid children. Here they were given an apple, there a generous slice of bread and butter, and sometimes a cup of milk, or a handful of plums. There was something beside this they were obliged to get and take out to the swat thy man by the roadside, or else he frowned and scolded them — that was money. Not knowing how to make themselves understood, the little children when they had finished singing, slyly held out their little brown hands or their aprons to get anything that might be given them, and take it to the dark man out at the gate, who stood ready to receive it. One day the dark harper went to sleep, and the little boy and girl becoming tired of waiting for him, went off to a cottage under the hill, and beg’an to sing under the window. They sang as sweetly as the voices of birds. Presently the blinds were opened wide, and they saw by the window a fair lady on a sick-bed regarding them. Her eyes shone with a feverish light, and the color of her cheeks was like a beauti ful peach in the sun. She smiled as an angel might, and asked them if their feet were tired. They said a few words softly in their own tongue. She said, “ Are the green fields not bet ter than your city ? ” They snook their heads. She asked them, “ Have you a moth er?” . they looked perplexed. She said, “ What do you think while you walk along the country roads?” They thought she asked for another song, so eager was the face; and they sang at once a song full of sweetness and pity ; so sweet the tears came into her eyes. That was a language they had learned. So they sang <ne sweeter still. At this she kissed her hand and waved it to them. Their beautiful faces kindled, and, like a tlash, the timid hands waved back a kiss. She pointed upward to the sky, and sent a kiss up thither. At this they sank upon their knees, and also pointed thither, as much ns ask ing, “ Do you also know the good God ? ” A lady leaning by the window said, “ So tears and kisses belt the earth, and make the whole w’Oi Id kin.” And the sick one added, “ And God is over all. ” —By Emma Burt, in 8. 8. Times. Rbmovai. of Spots and Stains.— Ben zine is undoul tedly by far the best and cheapest substance for removing grease, resin, stearine, naratline, tar, wagon grease, etc., the purest kind to be applied to the most delicate fabrics. Such spots are very often complicated by the adhe sion of dust or other matters, which, even if insoluble in themselves, readily fall off when the substance w th which they are combined is removed. For spots of oil it is best to add a litt>e alcoholic ether. Silver spots and indelible ink can be removed, even after a long time, by means of cyanide of potassium or iodide of potassium applied in a concentrated so lution. Rust spots can be made to disap pear by treatment with a weak solution composed of one part nitric acid and twentv-five of water, and afterwards rins ing with water and ammonia; copper spots by diluted sulphuric acid and am monia, and subsequently with water and ammonia. Spots of paint, when not sol uble tn water and alcohol, can almost always be removed by oil of turpentine. For complete removal it is necessary to wash the spot afterward in a good deal oof turpentine. Fruit, wine, and similar apots are to be treated by sulphuric acid, but not always, by chlorine. The acid may be applied in the form of gas or dissolved in water; in the first case the substance to be treated is to be stretched at the proper height over burning sul phur, and in the latter moistened with the solution and then washed with pure water. For fine white table cloths the diluted acid is preferable. THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1881 RAG CARPETS. My new one—new two years ego—is almost worn out now. And yet, though this one has not done very good service I think more of rag carpets than I used to. It is not because they are especially fashionable, for I have seen only one rag carpet besides mine since I put it upon the floor. That other one, in the sitting room of a near neighbor, has since given place to a cotton carpet of gay colors and pattern, costing half a dollar a yard. When I “run in” to see my neighbor’s, I usually sit with my feet upon an In grain or a Brussels carpet. It is very pleasant,and I admire the neat carpet and the flowering plants, and all the dainty trifles on shelves and brackets. But when I go home and find my “hit-or-miss” rag carpet strewn with the little girls' dolly work, and the little boys’ and the baby’s crumbs and playthings, I am glad it is only a rag carpet, and that I am not obliged to worry about the in jury which would daily happen to a nice carpet w here five children spend a good part of their waking hours. Besides, I think it is more “Eaitlakey” than the very gay carpets of some of my neighbors! Anyhow, it harmonizes better with my very plain sitting room furniture than food Ingrain or Brussels carpeting would. like nice things, and if ever Fortune gives them to me, I shall be thankful I hope, as I am now for babies and for the companionship of childhood, and for the exj erience of a mother. I believe I will make one more rag carpet at least. 1 think it will be “hit-or-miss,” instead of striped, and I think I will put it down as I did this,without sewing the breadths but simply lapping them, one a few in ches over the next, stretching each one well, and tacking them very little except at the ends. It is easy then to take up and shake or beat the carpet and put it down again, so that the worn places may be less exposed. It is easy to wash out the most soiled portions. 1 will have a stronger warp next time, and think I will have it in two colors, so that there will be stripes running lengthwise of the breadths. 1 will be particular in catting and tearing the rags to have them so that they will be even sized threads in the filling, for I have never liked to see the places in this old carpet where thick woolen rags have sometimes joined on to finer cotton strings, making the tex ture of the carpet uneven, and causing it to wear out more easily. The little girls must sew them neatly, so as not to give a bunchy look when woven. I think I will have the rags divided into three kinds for sewing—a basket of dark rags, one of light, and one of gay colors. The first may include the black and dark browns and grays. The second will con tain the light nondescript grays, browns and old calico stuff; the third anything at all bright. The one who sews can go round and round with these three lots, and so make a tolerably even “hit or miss.” lam not swe that this will pay, but I am sure that I know of no carpet ing for 50 cents a yard that will do so good service as a good rag carpet made as above. — American Handy Hints. Cotton wool wet with sweet oil and lauda num relieves the ear-ache very soon. To obtain a glossy skin : Pour upon a pint of bran sufficient boiling water to cover it. Let it stand until cold and then bathe the face with it, only patting the skin with a soft towel to dry it. You can get a bottle or a barrel of oil off of any carpet or woolen stuff by applying dry buckwheat plentifully and faithfully. Never put water or liquid of any kind to such a grease spot. To take iron stains out of marble: An equal quantity of fresh spirit of vitriol and lemon juice being mixed in a bottle, shake well, wet the spots and in a few minutes rub with soft linen till they disappear. If your tongue is coaled and you are suf fering from biliousness, liver troubles, or any difficulty of the kidneys, bladder, or urinary organs, take Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure without delay. All troubles of the kidneys or liver, however slight, are danger ous, but this remedy is a certain protection against them all. Questicn.— How can we free curdomes tic animals from fleas ? AwMier.—Keep thtm well washed with caiboliceosp and scatter “Insect” or “ Persian powder ’’overthe animelsand round on the carpets or mats where they are most likely to lie down when in the house. A small rubber belle ws usually comes with all insect powder and is an excellent thing to send the powder through the hair or into the meshes of the carpet. The powder is perfectly harmless, but fleas, bugs and mosquitoes do not fancy it. It is largely used in all bird stores to keep the birds and cages free from insects, and is very eflective. Warts.—ls they give you no special inconvenience, let them alone. But if it is of essential importance to get rid of them, purchase an ounce muriatic acid, put it in a broad bottom vial, so that it will not easily turn over; take a stick as large as a knitting-needle, dip it into the acid, and touch the top of the wart with whatever adheres to the stick; then, with the end of the stick, rub the acid into the top of the wart, without allowing the acid to touch the well skin. Do this night and morning, a safe, painless, and effectual cure is the result. “Mother has recovered,” wrote an Illinois girl to her Eastern relatives. “She took bit ters for a long time but without any good. So when she heard of the virtues of Kidney- Wort she got a box, and it has completely cured her, so that she can do as much work now as she could before we moved West. Since she has got well everyone about here is taking it.” See adv. Hydrophobia.— A Canada correspon dent writes io the Chicago Tribune: “ Take oyster shells, and burn then.' to the consistency that they may be readily pulverized in a mortar. Mix the powder thus obtained with white of eggs, and make into cakes. Fry them in lard. The patient to eat them ad libitum, fast ing six hours, for three alternate davs. ” Another correspondent says: “take white beans and boil them down to a poultice, water and all, full strength, and apply. It will draw out the poison and cure the worst case of mad-dog bites. ” Druggists say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the best remdy for female weakness that they ever heard of, for it gives universal satisfaction. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Wash-day is a holiday, thanks to Dobbins’ Electric Soap, (made by Cragin & Co., Phila delphia), which is rapidly coming into gen eral use. It acts like magic, and bleaches clothing without injuring the fabric. Try it. Mrs. Caroline M. Cutts. Died of consumption In Americus, Ga.. fif teen minutes past six in the evening of June 24th, Mrs. Caroline M. Cutts, wife oi Claude 8. Cutts, and daughter of the late David W. Mor gan, ol LaGrange, Ga. The familiar adage, “Those whom God loves die early, ” finds an apt illustration in the death ot this lovely and pious young woman. Her sun went down belore its noon, leaving many hearts in deep darkness and sorrow. Hers was one of the purest and most per fect of human characters. Highly cultured in heart, mind, and manners she was the charm of every circle in which she moved, and shed a happy and beuefleient Influence everywhere around her. By a magnetism peculiarly her own, she drew to liersell the hearts oi all with whom she came in contact. She seemed born to create love and happiness, and people of every age and rank yielded the homage exacted, not by an imperious spirit, but by a warm and loving heart. Never, perhaps, did the double injunction of love to God and man meet a heartier response than In her breast. Hence duty to her was not a stern and rigorous task-master, but an object oi reverent loyalty. In every sphere—home, society, the Sunday-school, the church—she served, with a Joyful spirit, her generation and her God. blie was the solace and stay ol a tender mother, the idol of a loud husband, the pride oi a loving sister and devoted broth ers. the light ot a bright circle of friends, and an ornament to the church. Her rich and cultivated voice, “Sweeter than all Instruments,’’ was never so sweet as when hymning the praise of her Redeemer. Her death created a sad vacuum in the choir In the Americus Baptist church, and when her voice was hushed a flood of richest melody passed away Irom earth. Her end was the fitting crown ol so pure and beautilula life. Al nearly the hour when the eye of day was shut, and as gently, did her eyes close upon the scenes of earth. After months of weary languishing, rest came to her—s rest gladly welcomed—the rest ol heaven. “ Almost to the pearly gates, mamma,” she said on the day beiore her death to the fond and loving mother, who had kept so long, a watch by her bedside. Then with a tendei message to each member of the family to meet her in heaven, she bade the sad watch ers farewell. But she was not to pass away then. On the next day, she remarked that she thought she was in heaven, “she was so happy.” Often during that day would she turn her eyes to the clock and ask the time, 11 it was not twelve o’clock—as she thought that this was the hour lor her spirit to take its flight. Twoorthree tlmissbesald, “1 am so tired waiting, 1 am so anxious to go to heaven!” Her remains were taken to the church where she had so often chanted hei Redeemer’s praise, then borne to their last resting place In Oak Grove cemetery by the side ol her Inlant who had preceded her but three weeks. A pall of gloom settled over the church and community when her death became known; but upon no heart was a deeper shadow cast than that of the young husband who guard ed her frail life so tenderly, and watched with such ceaseless devotion at her bedside May God ccmlort him and the sadly bereaved mother, sister and brotheis, is the prayer of the writer wl o loved her with a father's ten derness. A. J. Baitlb. Marlon, Ga., July 15tb, 1881. Tribute of Respect. [Resolutions passed by the Sabbath-school of Way’s church, Jtflerson county, Ga., June 26th, 1881.] Whereas, Our Heavenly Father was pleased to r< move Horn our midst by death on the 21st of May, 1881—in the pi lire ol life, our much beloved sister, Elizabeth Hmltb, wife of our brother Herschel E. Smith, and whereas she had endeared heiself toall who Knew her, by her Christian walk, and especially to this Sabbath-school, by her prompt attendance, and the great Interest she manifested in the same, be It therefore,resolved by theSabbatli school of Way's church. Ist. That we bow with humble resignation to the will of our Heavenly Father, In this afflicting dispensation of His Providence, believing that this our loss is her eternal gain, 2d. That In the death of our sister Smith, this entire community have been bereaved, and the Sabbath school ol Way’s church has lost one of its most zealous and faithful mem bers lid. That we extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sj mpathies, In this there sore affliction. 4th. That these resolutions be recorded on our roll book, and that the secretary be re quested to furnish the bereaved family a copy of the same, and that he forward a copy to The Cheistiab Index for publication. C. H. 8. Jackson, R. 8. Rorigers, Miss Sallie A. Jordan, Miss Nelle Lester, Mrs. M. E- Pitcher, Committee. Tribute of Respect. [As ordered spread upon the rniru’es of Shiloh Sabbath-school at flreenville, Madi son, Co., Fla., July 3d, 1881.) Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God in His inscrutable wisdom, to remove from our Sabbath-school by death, on the 22d day ol June, 1881, our beloved young friend Eugenia L. Vandiver. Called away, altera brief Illness in her fifteenth year, so young, yet having passed a useful life, deprived of a mother's love and counsel at the age of ten years, the careoftwo little brothers devolved upon her, and a sorrowing rather looking to her for comfort. Well did she fulfill her mission, caring tenderly for the little ones, and ever sympathising with the father In bis trials Thoughtful, gentle and loving, 'twas difficult to realize, that one so young could assume such responsibilities. It is therefore resolved. Ist. That we bow in bumble submission to the will of God, feeling assured that though heavy thetilals, and dark the dispensations of his providence. He doeth all things well. 2d. That the pain ol parting, Is greatly alle viated by the hope that our beloved friend Is Safe In the arms of Jesus,” while she had not made a public profession of religion her diligent study of the Bible, and daily walk led us to believe she bad given her heart to Jesus and would, if life bad been granted, haveopcnly acknowledged her faltb in Him. 3d That we sympathise most deeply with the bereaved family, and trust they may look for comfort, wber alone It can be found, real izing that He alone M ho inflicts the blow,can heal, and comfort those afflicted by it. 4th. That a copy of these resolutions be given the family of our dear young friend, and a copy be sent to The Ci ristian Index and A't'nd Words for publication, also that they be spread upon the minutes oftblsPab bath-school. J.W. Hapmuuy, Supt. Mrs. A. D. Tatum, Miss IdaL. Haiby,»Mlss Leila Griffin, Committee. Obituary. MRS. ELIZABETH RUCKER GAINS, died at the residence of her son-in-law’s, deacon 8. B. Gli zner, in Talladega county, Ala., on the 25tb of April, 1881, in the eigbty-eighth year ol her age. A native of Virginia, she was reared in Elbert county, Georgia, from her sixth year, anel spent most of Tier mar ried life in Ala. About the year 1835. she con nected herself with the Baptist church in the town of Talladega, of which she continued a worthy member for many years. In her latter years sbe was a me mber ol the Tallas sabatchie church. Truly she was a mother in Israel. We have known her from the time 1 he professeei religion and united with the church, and have never known any Christian who lived a more blameless life. So long as she could endure the fatigue, she was never absent from her church at its meetings. Her last IJlness.reaching through several months, she endured with ca'm and holy resignation, and died in the Lord. 8. H. Best Medicine ever Made. AcolmhinaUon of Hops, Buchu, Mart drakle and Dandelion, »dth mi tnebat and most o \ uratlvo properties of all other Bitters, malt os\the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Sag u l\ator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent earth. No disease o\.an possibly long exist where Hop moyrivoMw!\fe»i Ti £ ortothsl E l!i “ aillfirm - To all whose eVunhO ments cause IrregnUrl tvof nriiwry organs, or who re- Tonic and mild Stimulant, without intox- Icating. No matter whatyoarfe%ellngs or pymptoms are what the disease or all is use Hop Bit ters. Don’t wait until you a>r® sfck but if you only feel bad or niiserable.B IXBO them at once. It may save your hasß a av e d hundreds. *soo Ixs p a,d toT a ctneorhclp. Do not aulTcrJiut use and urge tham% 10 nop B Ketnember, Hop Bitters Is drugged drunken nostrum, but the Purrat^^^ E u nest Modh'ine ever maile; the and HOFK- and no person or shout 1 bo without them. D.I.C.Fan ahsotnte and Irresistible curelM tor Circular. Bop Bitter. Mtr- Co., >MH ADVERTISEMENTS. HOLMAN’S PAD cures Q Simply Without /".y A by MEDICINE I J Absorption TRADE MARK. The Only True Malarial Antidote. Dr. Holman's Pad is no guess-work remedy no feeble imitative experiment —no purloined kodge podge of some other inventor’s idea ; it is the original and only genuine cur ative Pad, the only remedy that has an hon estly-acquired right to use the title-word “Pad” in connection with a treatment for chronic diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Spleen. By a recently perfected improvement Dr. Hol man has greatly increased the scope of the Pad’s usefulness, and appreciably augmented its active curative power. This great improvement gives Holman's Pad (with its Adjuvants) such complete and unfailing control over the most persistent and unyielding forms of Chronic Disease of the Stomach and IRiver, as well as Mala rial Blood-Poisoning, as to amply justify the eminent Professor Loomin' high en comium: “It is nearer a Universal Panacea THAN ANYTHING IN MEDICINE!” jTThe success of Holman’s Pads has inspired im itators who offer Pads similar in form and odor to the genuine HOLM AN PAD. Beware of these Bogus and Imi tation Pads, gotten up to sell on the reputation of the GEBiUCNE HOLMAN PAD. Each Genuine Holman Pad bears the Private Revenue Stamp of the HOLMAN PAD COMPANY with the above Trade-Mark printed in green. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Or sent by mail, post-paid on receipt of $2,00. 4 HOLMAN PAD CO., IP. 0. Bo» till.) 93 William St., Ni. V. JeblO alt ts Health is Wealth I Dr. E. l. West’s Nct.vb and Brain Treatment a specific lor Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous. Headache. Menial Depression, Lossoi Memory, etc., which leads to misery, decay and death One box will cure recent eases. Each box contains one month’s treatment. One dollar a box, ori six boxes for five dollars; si nt by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case- With each order received by us for six boxes accompanied with live dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees i sued by LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMAR, wholesale and retail agents, Atlanta and Macon, Ga. Oidirs by mail will re ceive prompt attention gB, ap2B ts COLLINS AXES. I- ' The manufaettu rersof the justly colebrat <• <1 Mk brand of SAM’I, “ Mk w - <° ll 1 v ' ' . \ \«• s to inf < nti lit ■ |> 11 hI i < t 1.. i . li II ! in a n n fa c 1 u : ’the same < iiy so favorably O_ known for more thai| fifty years. be ob tained from any leading whole sale dealer in your sect i <>n. Ask for them— an d take no other. Prices as low as any good axes. Manufacturers address : COLLINS & CO., 212 Water St., New York City. my 26 3m AGENTS WANTED 1 COMPARATIVE EDITION’ REVISED NEW TESTAMENT. Every reader of the Bible Is inquiring for an edition of the New Testament containing the VERSIONS ’&.* As this is the only edition published on this plan, agents will miss a grand opportunity if they do not at once take an agency for this the most popular and best selling edi tion. containing 1000 pages, price by mail. f 1.50. Now ready for delivery. Act quick,—send for sample pages and terms to FORBHKE A McMAKIN, 188 W. sthSt.. Cincinnati. O. J uu amt. c [ c v Simmons’ Sash Supporters! Hi Substltute.for Cords and Weights On nil common size New or Old Windows, at less than quarter the price. It has a recoid of many years in ti eU. 8. and six in England- Mr. bim nrons has been a contractorand builder for thirty years, and lies given nia attention to improving this Supporter. His last improvtmeut is war ranted or no pay. Windows always locked. Can not let the windrws fall. High wind, wsworn with a pole. Address BASH SUPPORTER CO., 290 West Lake St., Chicago, Ul.’.fc, fc jun3o Im BTWWIIIkFL W. KIP, jt Manufacturing JEWELER Medals and Badges for Schools, Colleges and So- VBEa' cietlea. Badges of every known order on hand, Prize Me' als for Yacht ing, Rowing, etc. R- W. KIP, Send stamp for catalogue. 62 Fulton St., N.Y. june23-3m GEORGIA REPORTS, We can furnish full set of “Georgia Reports,” or any single volume. Price ss.f 0 per volume. JAS. P. HARRISON & CO., Atlanta. Ga., Publishers and Blank Book Manufacturers, IO ELEGANT CHROMO Cards, New Styles, 4v joe. Agents wanted. L. JONES & CO., Nas sau. New York. my!2l3t EDUCATIONAL Wesleyan Female Institute, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Opens September 20fb, 1881. One of the Fisst Schools fob Young Ladies in the United States. Surroundings beautiful. Climate un surpassed. Pupils from seventeen States. TERMS AMONG THE BEST IN THE I'NION. Board, Washing, English Course, Latin. French, German, Instrumental Music, Ac , for Scholastic year, from September to June, 8338. For Catalogues write to Rev WM. A. HARRIS, D. D., President, July 14 8t Staunton, Virginia. EDUCATIONAL. HELLMUTH LADIES’ COLLEGE. Patroness. H. It. H PRINCEfS LOUISE. Founder and President, The Eight Bev. I HELLMUTH; D.D., D. C. L„ LORD BIEHOP OF HURON. Fall Term opens Wednesday, Sept. 21st. Handsome and spacious buildings,beautifully situated lu a most heal'hy totality, al out lour hours by rail from Niagara Falls, and on one of the principal through routes between the East and West. The GROUNDS comprise 140 acres. The aim of the Founder of this college is to provide.the highest intellectual and practically useful education. The whole system is bated upon ihe kOundestFBO TKsTANT prlne ipies. as the only solid basis for the right fol mation of character, FRINCH is the language spoken in the college. MUSIC a specialty. . „ . Board, Laundry and Tuition Fees, including the whole course of English, the Ancient aid Mod ern Languages, Calisthenics, Drawing and Painting, use oi Piano aid Library, Medical Attendance and Medicine, *3OO per aiiiiuin. A reduction of one-half for the daughti rs of clergymen. For “circulars” and full particulars address Mltb CLINTON, Lady Principal Hellmuth Ladise’ College, London, Ontario Canada. jy!4eo 4t HTTSBUBGH FEM ALE COLLEGE! AND PITTSBUGH CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. One Hundred full Music Lessons for Eighteen Dollars. Seven distinct schools. Twenty-four teachers. Attendance past year 3*B. Fuperior advantages in I ibetal Arts Music, Drawing and Painting, Elocution, Modern I angtages,Needle Work e.nd Wax Work. Charges less itan any equal school lr the United states. Twenty-seventh rear.opens September 6th. Send for new Catalogue to REV •I- C. PERbHING, D.D., Pittsburgh, Pa. july2l 6t PEEKSKILL (N.Y) Military Academy.-For cirulars address Col. C. J. M sight, A. M., Princi pal. july2l2m VASSAR COLLEGE I OUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK. FOR THE LIBERAL EDUCATION OF WOMEN. Examinations for entrance, Sept. 14th. Catalogues sent on application to W. L. DEAN, Registrar. Jy2l 2m RIVERVIEW ACADEMY, POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. With U. 8 Military Df.i-’t. A thorough-going, wideawake school for boys, c<mbiningStudy. Military Drill and Recreation in due proportion. Catalogue, with Chart of College Requisitions, sent on application OTIS BISBEF, A. M., july2lßl Principal. wesleyan female college? MACON, GEORGIA. Will begin Fcrty-fourth Annual Session Sept 21st. A full Faculty of experienced teachers. Advanced course of study. The best advantages in Music, Art, Literature arid Scleuoe Careful atten tion to all the wants of pupils. Prices moderate. Apply for Catalogue to jyzl 2m BEV. W. C. BASS, President. ““SCHOOL DIRECTORY. PARENTS in search of schools for their chil dren will find pros; ectuses of the beat in the reiuntry in rinckirey’s School and College Directory At i fflee free; by mail, Oc. Special Catalogues of the best schools furnished gratis. T. COTES WORTH PINCKNEY’S Agency for Schools and Teechers, Broadway and 14lh St., New York. jy2l Im BETHEL Classical Military Academy Near Warrenton, Fauquier Co , Va. Prepares for College, University or Business Recommended for Location, Health, Morality, Scholarship and Discipline. Board, Tuition and Medical Attendance, (Hali Session,) $96 00. Address for Catalogue, Maj. a. G. Smith, Supt. Bethel Academy P. 0,, Fauquier Co., Va. jy 21 4t The Southern Female College, ~ LA GRANGE, GEORGIA, With a large, efficient faculty, fine buildings and a crmplete outfit for Literary, Music and Art Departments, OPENS THE 21ST OF SEFTIMBIR. Musicend Art rdvsntage- rar 1y equaled. Last catalogue iiiimtered 101 in music. Annual exrense for board and tuition. $207.00; seme with music. f 267 00- DRAWING, VOCAL MUSIC AND’l HENKE FREE. For j articulate, write for Catalogue. july-21 ts I- F. COX, President. ~MERCER UNIVERSITY, ’ iiU. MACON, GEORGIA. The Fall Term of this old and well-known In stitution will open on the last Wednesday in September next, (28th). A SUB-FRESHMAN CLASS, To be prepared by the Faculty for the Freshman Class, and consist) ng of youths not under fourteen years of age, will be formed. The law School, at the heed of which is the Hon. Clifford Anderson, offers unusually fine advantages to students of law. For Catalogues and other information, address JNO. J. BRANILY, See’y Faculty, july2l eow4t KIRKWOOD HIGH SCHOOL. A Boarding School for Boys with Military System. THE NEXT SESSION BEGINS AUGUST If TH, and continues 16 weeks. The Board of Trustees of University of Georgia rfler tree tuition to the boy whostandshigbestin thlsschool. The Faculty of Emory College, atOxfoid, have recently offered the same prize. Charges for Fall Term, SIOO IN ADVANCE. Applications should be made at once to jy2l Im CHAS. M. NEEL, Atlanta, Ga. AUSTIN FEMALE SEMINARY. A HOME SCHOOL IN THE COUNTRY. Near Plainville, Gordon County, Ga. Instruction thorough. A full corps of compe tent teachers Besides the usual course of study, a Domestic Department. Terms reasonable. Session opens first Monday in September. For Catalogue address COL. J. L. AUSTIN, Principal. july2l Im Plainville, Ga. HEARN MALE SCHOOL, At CAVE SPRING, GA. The exercises of tnis Institution will be resumed August 29, 1881, and the Fall Term will close De cember 16. The Spring Term opens lanury 8, and closes June 23,1882. A Gold Medal will be awarded to the pupil who excels in three differ ent studies. Tuition free to ten studious and steady young men of limited means. Tuition in the higher classes, $4 per month. Board with the Principal, sl6 per month. Special attention is given to the preparation of students for the higher classes in college. PALEMON J. KING, A.M. REV. D. B. HAMILTON, Pres, B. T. MR. T. W. ASBURRY, Sec B. T. July2l 3m GEORGIA STATE FAIR At Macon, October 17th to 22d, 1881. The most Magnificent and Best-appointed Grounds in the South. Liberal Premiums for Stock, Poultry, Field Crops, Home Industry, Fine Arts, Manufactures, Machinery, etc. Large Purses for Trotting and Running Races, and will be contested for by some of the best horses on the Turf. Music by an Excellent Military Band. Reduced Rates for freights and passengers on all the Railroads. Every citizen is invited to attend and exhibit something at our exposition. Write to the Secretary for Premium List and other information. THOS. HARDEMAN, Jr., Pres. H. H. CARY; Gen’l Supt. jy2l 3m E. C. GRIEB, Secretary. YOUNG MEN ey but valuable time in the future by attending the GRAND RAPIDS (Mich.) BUSINESS COLLEGE, where they will receive a thorough, quickening practical education. Send for College Journal. We recommend a Northern education to Southern young men. Jun 2 eowti Steubenville, (Ohio) Female S.mlnary. 53 Yean Successful Experience. First-class School. Terms low. Send for Catalogue. A. M.IiBID.Ph.D., Principal, je23 8t MR. KINNE'S SCHOOL, ITHACA, JST. T. Address WM. KINNE, W. A. jun 2 6m Albany law school.' Fall Term Begins September 6th, 1881. For Circulars, address HORACE E. SMITH, LL.D.. Dean, . >c2B toseptl Albany, N. Y READ VILLA SEMINAR Y, BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA, A home school for girls. Thorough training In all departments. Full corps of efficient Teach ers. Expenses moderate. Numbers limited. For particulars address MRS. MARY W. READ, Principal. mr24 ts Albemarle Female Institute, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Twenty fifth session begins September 21st. Full faculty. Equipment complete. Advantages un surpassed. Terms reduced. For Catalogue apply to Principals, Rev. A EUBANK, A. M. JunSO 4t W. P. DICKINSON. REIDVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE (A SELECT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES,) Healthy location in Upper South Carolina; Full course of study; First class Teachers; Uniform dress. Terms moderate. For Catalogue, etc., address ROBT. P. SMITH, A. M., Principal, jy 14 7t Reidville, S. C. Washington and Lee University I GEN. G W. C. LEE, President. Thorough instruction in LANGUAGES, LITER ATURE and SCIENCE, and in the< Professional Schools of LAW and ENGINEERING. Healthful location in the valley of Virginia. Expenses for nine months need not exceed $225. Session opens September 15th, 1881. For Catalogue address J. L. CAMPBELL, Jr., Clerk, jun3o 3m Lexington, Va. SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Louisville, Kentucky. Full Theological course, and complete English course, or a partial courre,at the option of the student. For catalogues i ddress E. N. Woodruff, Wuverley House, Louisville, Ky. If pecuniary aid iswanted.sddrefsat cnee Rev. John A. Broadus, Louisville, Ky. Session opens September Ist, with an introductory lecture by Professor Boyce. my 26 4m POUGHKEEPSIE FEMALE ACADEMY WEIGHT, S.T. D., Rector, Assisted by ten (10) Teachers. 1 he 45th year com mences Septcmtcr 14lh, 1881. Patrons are assured home comforts, parental disciple and thea-ough woik for their daughters. For circulars, address the Rector, Poughkeepsie, N, Y. july!4 Bt. THE GEORGIA SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES. The Fall Term will open on Monday, the 29th day of August, 1881, with the best corps of teach ers we have ever had. The Sciences, Musfc, Let ters and Arts are taught. Boaid, JiCOayear; Tuition, S4O; Music, 840. No headhier place in Georgia than Gainesville. Special terms to pas tors’ daughters and ladies wishing to become teachers. Send for Catalogue. W. C. WILKES, President. Gainesville, Ga., July 7,1881. June9-tf. WORCESTER ACADEMY, WORCESTER, MASS. A liberally endowed Preparatory School. Pat ronized the last year from sixleen different States and countries. The Classical Department fits for the best Colleges and Universities. The English Depaitment prepares for Technical Schools or for business. Expenses lew,—excellent board only $2.50 per week—and assistence given to indigent students ‘‘The Worcester Academy has earned for itself a place among the foremost institutions of the kind in the country."—Pro/. Harkness, Brown University. “I heartily commend it to the confidence of the people.”— Pres. Hovey,Newton Theological Seminary The Fall Term begins August 30. ForCata logues or other information address jyl4 13t N. LEAVENWORTH, Principal. RICHMOND COLLEGE, RICHMOND, VA- The next session begins 22d September, 1881, and continues nine months. FACULTY. Edmund Harrison, A M.. Professor of Latin. H. H. Harris, M. A., Professor of Greek. Rodes Massie, A. M., D. L., Professor of Modern Languages. A. B. Brown, D.D., Professor of English. Edward B. Smith, M.A., Professor of Mathematics. Chas H. V inston, M. A., Professor of Physics. B Puryear, A M., LL.D., Professor of Chemistry. Wm. D. Thomas M.A., D.D , Prof, of Philosophy. Sam'l D. Davies, Professor es Law. Expenses ot a Resident Student. One hundred and ninety-six dollars, per nine months' session,cover all the expenses of entrance lees, tuition, board, fuel, lights and. washing. Eighty-seven dollars and fif'y cents will meet the expenses of a non-resident student. For Catalogues apply at the book stores, or address july2l toseplO B. PURYEAR, Chairman. AUGUSTA FEMALE SEMINARY, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Miss MARY J. BALDWIN, Principal. Opens Sept. Ist and Closes June Ist, 1883. IT HIS INSTITUTION CONTINUES TO IN- I crease in prosperity from year to year. It offers superior advantages in location; in its buildingsand grounds; in its general appoint ments and sanitary arrangements; its full corps of superior and experienced teachers, its unsur passed advantages in Music, Modern Languages, Elocution. Fine Arts, Physical Culture and In struction in the Theory and Practice of Cooking; the successful efforts made to secure health, com fort and happiness; its opposition to extrava gance ; its standard of solid scholarship. For full particulars, apply to the Principal for Cata logues. my 19 3m