The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, August 04, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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4 HJECNKV H- TUCKER, Editor NOT A DOG I ‘•Bat against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast; that ye may know how that the Lord doth put a difference bet ween the Kgyptiana and Israel. 11 Exodus xi:7. Doge are plenty in Egypt. They are a nuisance by day and a terror by night, and so we suppose they have been for many centuries. On one oc casion there was a commotion in Egypt, such ae the world never saw before nor since. Three millions of people, chief ly herdsmen by profession, suddenly arose at midnight and left the country! They took with them their flocks and herds, a mixed multitude it was, and the vast army simultaneously made the etart in the middle of the night. Children of all ages, babes in their cradles, and excitable youths, were suddenly roused from their sleep; there were no infirm nor sick among them; •each except the young children was a potent energy. Cattle were quickly loosed from their stalls or hurried in from the fields; household goods, such as could be carried, were gathered up in hottest haste; doubtless what was left was destroyed; as the maelstrom of living millions, whirled madly around previous to its plunge, the con ■fusion wae supreme, the uproar terrific ; the shouts of command, the cries of the little ones, the screams of terror, and the outbursts of triumph and of joy, all mixed together rent the heavens as never before nor since, while the tread of the huge army, organized by superhuman engineering, shook the •very earth. All this while the dogs stood mirac ulously mute. Not one of them moved hie tongue. The only stillness in Egypt was among the dogs, by nature the noisiest of creatures. The time of their banquet was nigh ; but half fam ished and starving, they interrupted neither man nor beast; the stray ox or the lost lambkin walked through packs of the hungry brutes unmolested. Not a bark nor growl was heard. The ca nine instinct was for once in the his tory of the race repressed, and the dogs looked on in inspired silence. Not one, of the myriads there, so much as moved his tongue. In all the conster nation of-that tremendous hour, every time an Israelite met a dog, he felt en couraged, for by the quietness of the brute he knew that God was nigh, and that he was in the very act of fulfilling his promises to his people. It was as if God had said, “By this sign ye shall know that I am God, and that I will surely perform.” The dogs were God’s witnesses, and preachers, and exhorters. Their dumbness made doubly dumb was eloquent. And to this day, the very sight of a dog may be a minister to remind us of God’s dealings with his people then, and now. We look on the miraculous plagues that were sent on Pharaoh, and on the miraculous deliverance of Israel, with wonder. The passage of the Red Sea, when the waves were built up like walls on either side astounds us, but there may have been many a miracle quite ae astonishing which yet we have ■jverlooked. The forth-putting of om nipotence was quite as needful to check —to reverse —the instincts of living animals as to alter the laws of inani mate nature. The sea, in a sense, was a unit, and one miracle would stay its flow, but on every dog a special mira cle was wrought, and each one suc cumbed to the power that made him. Many times have we read the record from early childhood to this day, but never until now have we discovered this evidence of the power of the Al mighty. The record is thousands of years old, yet the fact, we doubt not, will come to most of our readers, if not lo all of them, as news. How many will say, “I never thought of it before!” Possibly we may have misstated the facts. The record informs us that against Israel no dog should move his tongue. It may be, that the dogs set on the Egyptians with unwonted fe rocity.ln either case the wonder would be equally great; or perhaps in the last named case the wonder would be a double one; but as we have no right to assume as a fact what is not stated, we rest on our first view that the dogs were silent. In either case the essential character of the miracle was the same; and the object of it, as stated in the re cord, was to show “how that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel;” though we may suppose that another object ( not stat ed) was, to facilitate the exode. The Lord always "puts a difference” between his people and others. Not in these latter days by cognizable miracles but we know not how many miracles the Lord may perform in secret. In early days the object of making the miracles known was to give evidence of .divine authority, and power, and pre sence. We need no such evidence now, lor it is superseded by the “more sure word of prophecy, whereunto we do well that we take heed.” But the ob ject of the miracle itself (aside from its being made manifest) was, in former days, to convey benefit. The saints of God need his care and protection now as much as in the days of Moses and Aaron, and it may be that there are daily and hourly miracles taking place all around us, which we do not see. To THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1881. do is one thing; to manifest the doing is another. God compasses his ends without letting us know the means, and it may be that oftentimes he sends blessings and deliverance to his people, by means, which, if we could see them, we should discover to be quite as mirac ulous as any that are spoken of in Holy Writ. Perhaps in the other world God may lift the veil from his now hid den miracles, and we shall look back, and see that many results which we attributed to natural causes, or for which we could see no cause, were brought about by an omnipotent God in contravention of the ordinary laws of nature, and thus we shall be inspir ed with new songs of praise. Some times in this life we have a kind of suspicion that strange events have taken place in answer to prayer, made by ourselves, or perhaps by our fore fathers, or perhaps as the result of good ness unsolicited as unmerited, which could not have taken place without the direct interposition of the Ruling Power outside of providence. It may be that the suspicion is right, and that the glorious power, though invisible, makes itself felt. It was only on one occasion that the miracle on dogs was wrought. The purpose for the time was subserved. Tne saints are often barked at now and sometimes bitten; and innumerable tnisfoi tunes befall them, as was the case with Israel in their journeyings; but God has power to muzzle the dogs— not merely their mouths, but their na ture —putting the muzzle on the inside. “When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Prov. 16 -7. He dis arms not merely the hands, but the hearts of enemies. He has power to turn disaster into blessing, and will be sure to exert that power under the promptings of infinite love, and under the guid ance of infinite wisdom. This he may do in the common operations of prov idence, or by direct though unseen in terference, or by a mingling of both ; but he will be sure to do it. It is right to ask him to do it; our nature prompts us to ask, his promises invite the ask ing, and his word commands it. We may ask for generic blessing; with equal propriety our petitions may be as specific as we choose to make them. We need not trouble ourselves as to how God can accomplish what we wish ; his secrets are his own; we have only two objects to regard—the result des ired, and the Power that can effect it. Things intermediate, we have nothing to do with; they are God’s ministers, and he can use them as he will. One thing we know ; He that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps; he pre serveth the souls of his saints, and whether by miracle, seen or unseen, or without, each one of them is secure in the care of a personal God. Ransey Sniffle Again.—A person, we shall not say of which sex, from one of the Northern States, while re cently on a brief visit to the South, exclaimed, while in conversation with a newly formed acquaintance, “Oh, 1 don’t think you Southerners are suffi ciently humbled yet.” It is not like ly that what we write will ever reach the eyes of the author of this speech ; it is just possible that we may have some far off reader of the same ilk. We beg to say, 1. That as before God, it is true that we are not becomingly humble, and this we confess with sor row ; but in the sense in which the word was used by the speaker, we avow with emphasis that the Southern people have not begun to be humbled at all. 2. That no person of any worth would desire to witness the hu miliation of a dozen millions of his (or her) fellow citizens. 3. That the spir it of the remark is as un-Christlike as it is uncourteous, ill-bred, unwise and unpatriotic. 4. That we do not believe that the speaker represents any of the people among whom he (or she) lives, except those of the baser sort, and of these we think there are not many. 5. If, indeed, the remark represents what may fairly be called “Northern senti ment,” there is no prospect for lasting peace on this continent. One half of the people of the United States will never submit in quiet, to be kept in a state of chronic humiliation by the other half. It is just such silly and wicked pra ting as this that keeps up a little dis turbance on the surface of American society. There are a miserable few, both North and South, who indulge in it. Small politicians and Ransey Sniffle newspapers foment it, but so ber-minded, peace-loving and patriotic people everywhere, mark it with the stamp of their disapprobation. According to an article on Atlanta, in the Methodist Advocate, by J. S. Peterson, “the First Baptist church is so situated that of the rain falling on its roof one portion flows through the Chattahoochee to the Gulf of Mexico and the other through the Altamaha to the Atlantic ocean.” But something far more wonderful is true of that church, and of all churches. The word of God comes down there as the rain from heaven, and parts into two streams, —one bearing souls along the channel of faith to the kingdom of glory, and the other bearing them along the channel of unbelief to the region of everlasting punishment. The Baptists of Scotland have built more chapels and paid off more old debts in the last five years than in the preceding forty. THAT KISS. The sin of the ages, the sin which seems to loom up above other sins like a pyramid above the sands, meaner, viler, baser by far, than the sin of those who cried, “his blood be on us and on our children,” the sin which language fails and faints in attempting to describe, the sin of the traitor, the sin of Iscariot, was committed under the guise of an act of love; it found its expression in a kiss! The greatest of sins was em bodied in an act of the greatest affec tion. The eleven saw it, but saw nothing amiss. The outward act was becoming; the motive that prompted to it was invisible to mortal eyes. Why did the traitor select this sign as the one by which he should make his mas ter known? Might he not have de signated him as well by other means less deeply disgraceful and damning? Doubtless he could, but perhaps he thought he could conceal his crime by an outward show of devotion and love. It may be that this case is a repre sentative one. Perhaps the greatest gui’t is not that which is most out breaking and openly defiant. It may be that many a one who says “Hail, Master!” with his lips is saying in his lieart, consciously or unconsciously, “Take him and hold him fast.” It may be that many who are doing what seem to be acts of love to God, and to his people, and to his Son Jesus Christ, are traitors at heart, kissing! They point to their deeds as evidence of fidelity, and use them as a means to subserve purposes not those of the Savior. Their pay is not in thirty pieces of silver; perhaps it is in personal popularity, in influence, or in position, or in we know not what. But whatever shape the bribe may take, the profession of reli gion is made to conceal the motive which, like that of Judas, is selfish. Does it seem incredible that we should have such men among us? Far more incredible would it seem that there should have been one among the apos tles. Our Lord would not have told us to beware of evils of which we are in no danger; yet these words are his: “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inward ly they are ravening wolves.” We suppose there has never been a period in the history of the church in which there have not been wolves in the fold; and they may have lived and died un suspected. Thus it will probably always be. Why it should be allowed we do not know. But we should not suppose that our day is exceptional, or that we are free from the evils that have beset all other times; we should try the spirits; we should not always take genuine piety for granted because of outward devotion ; and each one would do well to make the inquiry, “Lord, is it I? ’ One thing we believe, and that is that the most frightful guilt of our age, or of any age, is found not in the world but in the church! In each case where the crime of Judas is mentioned in the New Version, the marginal reading is “kissed him much." His tory repeats itself; it may be that some who are most lavish in expressions of love, and many of whose deeds seem to confirm their profession, are traitors of the deepest dye. Beloved, try the spirits; your own and others’. OUR MISSION CONTRIBUTIONS. We have been looking through the Minutes of the Southern Baptist Con vention for the piesent year,—(which, by the way, might possibly have found a printer without travelling in quest of one beyond the territory represented by that body). One or two results reached by our examination may not be unworthy of the space required for their recital. A hasty glance at the Reports of the Treasurers creates the impression, that the income of the Convention, from current contributions, amounted to $83,190.17. But a closer inspection shows that this impression iserroneous. The balances from the previous year, the appropriation by the Indian Terri tory, the receipts from sale of land in Kansas, interest on bonds, settlement with the estates of legators, etc., foot up the sum of $24,637.85. That sum, of course, must be deducted from the to tal—leaving $58,552.32 as the income from current contributions. Making a further deduction of funds received from parties not residing within the territory of the Convention, we find that the income of the body from its own constituency was $58,181.37. Now, as the statistical tables of the American Baptist Year-Book credit our churches in this territory with 1,641,845 members, the average of missionary contributions per member would seem to be a little less than three and a half cents a year. It is true that these statistics include a number of churches and associations which are hostile to mission work; that a part of this territory belongs to us only nominally, or at least, divided ly; and that the large colored element of the denomination in all parts of the territory stands aloof from the Con vention. Strike,then, for these reasons, half of the membership from our esti mate, and the annual missionary contributions from the remainder would average not quite seven cents. But there is home mission work performed by the State Conventions within their own limits; and the funds expended in this way probably equal the funds which pass through the treasuries of the Convention. Double the average on thia ground, as is just and right; and still it falls below fourteen cents. And is the paltry pittance of four teen cents for each of us, all that our faith, and love, and zeal, and sense of obligation prompt us to lay on the al tar of the Lord, for the furtherance of the gospel beyond the narrow limits of our own neighborhood? Does looking at the cross and at the crown of Christ —at ourselves and our fellow mortals, first as lost, and then as saved —at what the world is as lying in wickedness and at what it might be as renewed in righteousness—inspire no more abund ant an offering than this? Surely it can not be unwise to fear lest we need to inquire whether we have not “left our first love,” and whether it is not im perative with us to “do the first works?” The following table will show what has been contributed to both Boards of the Convention from the several States, and will also show the reader how eas ily our rate of giving might be doubled, and trebled, in each State, if our “peo ple” only “had a mind to work” in this department: Georgiasß,9o3 26 Kentucky 8,73180 South Carolina 8.343 50 Virginia 6,240 24 North Carolina 4 496 05 Mlssisslfpl. 3 928 11 Alabama.... 3,771 73 Missouri 3,754 87 Maryland 3,308 18 Texas. . 3,100 61 Tennessee 1,753 35 Louisiana 831 48 Florida.. 398 80 Arkansas 397 90 District of Columbia 130 36 West Virginia 89 13 Total-$58,181,37 If we live to see the time when such a sum as stand as the total in this ta ble, shall follow the name of Georgia, as her annual contribution to the evangelization of our own and other lands, we shall feel that the brother hood is beginning to awake to the greatness of the work and the precious ness of the privilege. COMPLETE SURRENDER. The Christian at Work thinks that if the suggestions of the American revisers had been adopted, the New Testament, as revised, would have been a Baptist book; and this, too, although only one of the American revisers (Dr. Kendrick) was a Baptist; there were, indeed, two Baptists appointed, but one of these ( Dr. Hackett) died long before the completion of the work. So, if the version approved by thirteen of the best scholars in the United States, only one of whom was a Baptist, had been accepted, the publication of the New Testament in this form would have been regarded as “unwise and uncalled for,” and the book itself as a “sectarian Bible,” and nothing more than an ex pression of “Baptist opinion.” It may be thought that we have not fairly represented our esteemed contempo rary, the Christian at Work. Whether we have or not will appear from the following extract: The Baptist Publication Society intends bringing out early in September an edition of the Canterbury revision of the Ne.v Tes tament, with all the rejected American sug gestions incorporated in the text. The work is proceeding under the supervision of the Rev. Henry Weston, D.D., President of Cro zer Baptist Seminary, and is nearly ready for the press. The favor with which the enterprise is regarded in certain quarters is evidenced by the fact that the necessary funds for the undertaking was raised in a few minutes. In this new version the spell ing will be modernized, and every day forms of speech used, —for instance, “who” or “that” for “which,” where it refers to per sons, and “knew” or “know” for “wot' 1 or “wist.” About the only change to the ad vantage of Baptists particularly will be the substitution of “in” after “baptize” for “with,” so that passages will read “baptize in water” instead of “baptize with water.” Whatever may be thought of the “American suggestions” which were not adopted, there can be but one opinion as to this new edition and that is that it is entirely uncalled for, unwise, and entirely at the suggestion and in the interest of private beliefs. We might with just as much reason have a Presbyte rian, a Methodistand a Congregational edi tion, and so on through the whole denomi national gamut. This is no work for any one particular society to perform, and it shows a marvelous disregard for everything like modesty for any particular one to at tempt it. Such an edition could have no real value, for it would be, after all, nothing more than a Baptist opinion, however weighty that might be on other and more appropriate matters. When the Old Testa ment revision has been completed, and the two, New and Old, are ready to be bound together, if it shall appear good to the re viewers to make any further changes, or adopt finally any of the American sugges tions, it can be done in a very brief space of time, and we shall then have a finished and duly authorized book, But let us be spared everyting like a sectarian Bible, whether it be of Baptist, Presbyterian, or of whatever denominational form There is far more of zeal than wisdom in all such undertakings. We have always thought, and have often said, that our Pedobaptist friends would not dare to trust their own best scholars to translate the New Testa ment into plain English; it seems that now that it has been translated by such men, after a fashion—that is, under severe restrictions it has been revised— they, so far at least as they are repre sented by the Christian at Work, are not willing to accept the result, and denounce the work of their own chosen and most learned men as a “sectarian Bible,” “unwise and uncalled for,” as a mere expression of “Baptist opinion,” prepared “entirely at the suggestion, and in the interest of private beliefs,” and of “no real value.” A surrender so complete and total we have never seen before. The writer of the quoted paragraph did not see the force of his own admissions; if he had he would not have made them. But, in an un guarded moment, he dropped expres sions which shows the uneasy state of his mind; and he represents many others. GEORGIA BAPTIST NEWS. —Columbus Enquirer-Sun: In Wynnton Hill African Baptist church a revival began on the 11th instant, and up to date twenty-eight converts have been received into the church. On the fifth Sunday in this month the converts will be baptized. Rev. Jack son Losen was in charge of the meet ing. —A correspondent writing to Savan nah from Athens says that the com mencement exercises at Mercer eclipsed those of Emory, and that Mercer is the banner college in the state. —Newnan Herald: “Mrs. Lydia Beavers, of this county, aged eighty nine years, has about one hundred and eighty living descendants—children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was one of the constituent mem bers of Providence Baptist church about fifty years ago, and, with one exception, is the only survivor among the original membership.” —Butler Herald: There are now being conducted at the Missionary Baptist church, religious services by Rev. Mr. Montcrief, the pastor of that church. Our citizens should all unite and assist in the divine worship. —Warrenton Clipper: Rev. L. R. L. Jennings the Baptist pastor preach ed one of the finest sermons last Sab bath night we ever listened to. It was truly a sermon of “Christ and Him Crucified.” It is quite remarkable how seldom such sermons are preached. It is no wonder that the religion of to day has no heart in it—is an unfeeling theory of mechanical performance. The sermon brought back the “story of the cross” as we used to hear it in our boyhood from the gracious lips of Rev. W. H. Stokes and Radford Gunn. —Cochran Enterprise: The two Bap tist Sunday-schools were united last Sabbath. Mr. J. A. Thomas was elected Superintendent. —Berrien correspondent Albany News and Advertiser: The Baptist church, which is in a very dilapidated and unsafe condition, we are glad to know is to be repaired. A building committee has been appointed, which meets next Saturday to make arrange ments for the speedy execution of the work. —Blakely, Early County News: Next Saturday and Sunday are the reg ular preaching days at the Baptist church. The Pastor, Rev. J. H. Corley, at his last Sunday appointments, gave his hearers two of the best sermons we have heard, in along time. He always gives his congregations something to do them good, and we can confidently promise those who may hear him next Sunday that they will hear something well worthy of their attention. —Eatonton Messenger: Last Sun day morning Dr. Branham preached a fine sermon at the Union church, upon the personality of Satan. —Darien Gazette: The colored Bap tist Convention which was in session in our city all of last week passed strong temperance resolutions, we are glad to know. —The Baptist Sabbath-school in Harmony Grove has 141 members, and is in a flourishing condition. —Speaking of Dr. S. G. Hillyer, the Washington Gazette says: We are glad to know that this eminent divine is now located in our midst and here after will preach regularly at the Bap tist church in this place every Sunday. Our Baptist friends are to be congratu lated in securing the services of this man of God. —Savannah News: The Poplar Grove Zion Baptist church, located on the line of the Savannah, Skidaway and Seaboard railroad, about two miles from the city, is now nearly completed, and regular meetings will be held in it on the second and fourth Sundays of every month. The church is in charge of Rev. W. L. P. Preston. —Cuthbert Enterprise: The very interesting meeting that has been in progress at New Bethel church for some time, closed on last Sunday, with nine additions. —Eastman Times: The four days meeting at Bethlehem church in this county resulted in the accession of seven members. The services were conducted by Rev. Jno. T. Rogers, the pastor, assisted by Rev. E. L. Vaughan, and were highly interesting. We learn that the church is greatly revived. The meetings were well attended and congregations orderly and attentive. —Fairburn News Letter: There is a very interesting protracted meeting in progress at the Baptist church in Fairburn. It is conducted by Rev. W. A. Lane, assisted by Rev. Spencer Harvey and Prof. T. N. Rhodes. —Jonesboro News: The meetings at the Jonesboro Baptist church con tinue day and night. On Sunday morning the congregation met for di vine service at the river-side, a mile and a half from the church, and engag ed in prayer and songs of praise and in reading and expounding the Script ures; after which Miss S. F. Gantt, Elisha Hanes and Henry Cloud, "went do wninto the water” and were baptized in Flint river by the pastor, A. E. Cloud. The meeting was spiritual and solemn and pleasant, as was manifest by many tears of joy. —Jonesboro News: The colored people had quite an interesting Sun day-school celebration here last Satur day. Several schools were represented and the large assembly deported them selves in an orderly and commendable manner. We heard the opening ex ercises of the Jonesboro school, of which C. Goddard is Superintendent, and A. O. Lockhart, Secretary, and were truly gratified to observe the system, discip line and attainments of the colored folks of this school. Rev. Berry Austin, the pastor of the colored Baptist church, has charge of an interesting congrega tion, which appears to be growing in grace and knowledge, and both pastor and church seem grateful for the visits and instructions of their white breth ren. —Sandersville Herald: The Baptist church has enjoyed a very interesting meeting at Smyrna this week, conduct ed by Rev. James Hall, pastor and Rev. L. A. Patillo. —LaGrange Reporter: Services will be held in the basement of the Baptist church the remainder of the hot season. —Macon Telegraph and Messenger: Eighteen persons were baptized last night at the First Baptist church, three of them from one family. The candi dates for immersion were the converts of a revival that has been going on for the past few weeks at Warren Chapel, in East Macon. —Rev. T. C. Boykin, our devoted State Sunday-school Evangelist, has just published, through the Franklin Printing House, a neat and valuable pamphlet entitled “Words To Workers About Sunday-School Work.” It is an excellent little tract from which Sunday-school workers will gain much profit and advantage. We heartily commend it to all interested in Sun day-school work. —The Second Baptist church, Atlanta, is expending some S6OO in refitting and refurnishing the Sunday school room. The school is growing in numbers and efficiency. —The quarterly reunion of the Atlanta Baptist Sunday-schools came off Sabbath afternoon, in the Central church. Pastor Daniell presided. The house was well filled, and the music was conducted by Prof. Kruger and Dr. Crenshaw. The reports of the Superintendents were hopeful in tone and freighted with riiatter of encourage ment; but they justified the unwel come conclusion that the average at tendance on the schools scarcely reaches a thousand. Interesting ad dresses were made by Deacon J. T. Pendleton, Prof. G. F. Howard, and Dr. D. W. Gwin. When the last speak er requested all who were possessors of copies of the Revised New Testament to indicate the fact, we were both sur prised and pained to find only sixteen responding. GLIMPSES AND HINTS. Dr. Daniel Curry, in the Methodist, says—as we think,correctly—that “the preaching of the gospel is not confined to the ministerial order,” and that “it is the pastoral office, ‘the cure of souls,’ which belongs exclusively to that order.” Dr. H. F. Buckner “expects to start two moie Indian young men, August 28th, to our Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky.” Are there not some white young men,who will unwisely de cide to rank below these red brethren, in training for ministerial work? There are entire counties in Penn sylvania without a Baptist church, and more than a hundred towns, varying in population from one thousand to ten thousand, where the voice of a Baptist minister is not heard. The Baptists of Oregon, less than 3,000 in number, have raised $37,000 for their College building and $20,000 for its endowment. A question worthy of consideration by certain young men among us: Does inspiration inspire? Rev. T. W. Medhurst, in Portsmouth, Eng., said recently that 2,565 churches in connection with the British Baptist Union have 288,091 members, with 1,902 pastors and 3,039 evangelists. We presume that the name evangelist is extended to all ministers not engaged in regular pastoral service. The Baptist Record says: “No body of Baptists has grown as the Louisiai a Convention has in four years.” We are glad to hear of its progress; and yet at its recent session, Rev. S. C. Lee alleged that “not ten per cent of the Baptists of Louisiana give any thing to missions.” The Baptist Convention of the North Pacific Coast, whose headquarters are at Salem, Oregon, supports, with aid from the Home Mission Society, New York, fourteen laborers in an area of 250,000 square miles, now rapidly filling up through the impetus given to settlement by new railroad lines. A missionary of the Irish Presbyte rian Church writes from the East: “All the members, seven in number, of another Kholi family in Borsad, quiet, decent, and industrious people, are anxious to join us.” Hadn’t he better be on his guard, lest he should furnish a case of household baptism without the baptism of any infante? The (English) Association of General Baptists has created a “Ministerial Settlement Board,” to assist vacant churches in securing pastors and un employed ministers in securing churches. There are some grains of good sense in the conception of this movement.