The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, April 28, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. 1 V»» Powder ABSOUUTEIX PURE DEATH OF HENBY M. HOLTZOLAW. It is with heart-felt sorrow that we note the death of this dear brother. We were together as boys in the early days of Mercer Institute, at Penfield. In maturer life we were associated ' as teachers in the Georgia Female College, located at Madison. He was a man of splendid intellect, a scholar <tf broad and Solid attain- j meats, and a teacher of rare ability. I He was an able lawyer, a successful man Os business, a friend true as steel, a Baptist sound in the faith, a 1 Christian outspoken and consistent, a 1 husband loving and tender, a father gentle but firm. < To the. bereaved wife and children 1 the editor tenders his sincere sympa thy. Ed. WOMEN TRIALS. WHI EADIES FLOCK TO COURT. A Clear Definition of the Causes Which Make Women so Susceptible to Emo tion. The New York Sun has an able editorial in which it seeks to show why some women love to attend sensational or murder trials. It says: “Women are not stirred at all by many of the occurrences which agi tate men, but when a cade involving life and death comes up, a tragic case, and more especially when it has about it a mystery in which a woman is concerned, and a woman of tho more refined society, they follow its course with an intensity of interest greater than men feel. It is akin to the fascination which a fictitious tragedy on the stage has for women, and women more than men. It is a luxury for many good women to have their tenderest feelings of sym pathy aroused. They enjoy going to funerals and wiping away tears shed in unison with those of sorrow ing relatives. The plays that wring the hearts are more attractive for them than the comedies which pro voke merriment. They delight in having their feelings roused to tho highest pitch.” t This is all undoubtedly true, but there is a cause far back of all this. It is a cause which has its origin in the life and condition of tho women themselves. Most women are weak and not in good health. When a woman is sickly, her feelings are quickly aroused and she suffers keen ly. Thus is the real actual cause of it all. Women should not suffer. They are designed by nature for hap piness, not misery. And yet, too of ten, it is continual suffering, when th ore is a certain relief. Bead the experience of a New York lady. Mrs. J. F. Beale, residing at 868 Lexington avenue, says: “Alynit six years ago I suffered from a severe attack of peritonitis and general kid ney troubles. Despite the atten dance of skilled physicians my ail ments increased. I finally decided to try Warner's Safe Cure and pur chased a bottle. This step was tak en upon the advice of several friends who had been benefit'd by' its use. At this time the physicians stated that another attack of my malady would moat assuredly prove fatal. I took four bottles of tho Safe Cure, which entirely cured me. Whenever I feel as though any of the symptoms were returning 1 take a dose and immedi ately feel better. 1 now feel as well as in ray girlhood—and it is entirely due to this remedy.” Is this an isolated experience ? By no means. It is precisely what hundreds of other ladies have found true in their experience. It shows that if women continue to suffer, if the .trials of life weigh them down when they should be joyful, they have themselves only to blame. There is a means of relief of restoration. It >6 pure, it is safe, it is a woman’s best friend. By its use she can be en abled to withstand the ills of life and secure bothjiealtb and happing#*. LIFE OF SPURGEON. A NEW PREMIUM. By as arrangement with the publisher, in Boston, the Chkutmn Indfx is to use as a premium the new Life of Spunrvon, the great Loudon preacher, as written by another (treat preacher, the Rev. George C. Lorimor, £>. D., of Boston. Dr. Lorimer enjoyed special opportunities to become personally acquainted with Mr. Rpunreon, having met him many times, dur ing twenty years, visiting him at bls home cm Beulah Hill, observing hi# manner of life. Manning to hia happy saying* and hia devout utterances, becoming acquainted with his habits of thought and his modes of work, with hia home life, as well as with his pulpit min latmtiona. his college, his orphanage, his pas U»raJ cares. Dr. Lorimer rocoutly (.pent months in London, and made the most of his constrained leisure; and hia well known abili tr ass preacher and writer makes it quitecer min that bis Life of Spurgeon will be one of the most readable and discriminatingly ap preciative books hastened from the proas since the translation of the servant of God. We propose to send the book to any olti sub scriber sending us a new subscriber and 62.00. This is to us the most expensive premium offered ; but we hope for great things from its **CW*—All Fit. Mopped free by Dr Kline’s Or.ri •rwe ■sstorsr. No Fit.after fir« day *■ u.e. M.r ellous cure.,»e and poo tri nt bottle free to ’Beases. »sadtoPr.lMlnc, sl jiArckSt.,Phils.,Ps. ATLANTA AND VIOINITY. Pastor J. B. Hawthorne, of the First Church, preached to his people in the morning. One received by letter. Pastor If. McDonald, of the Sec ond church, preached to his flock morning and evening. Pastor A. If. Mitchell, of the Third Church, preached in his own pulpit monqng and evening, and in the af ternoon at Air. I’rinnoll’s. One re ceived by letter. Dr. Wm. 11. Robert preached at the Central in the morning and pas tor J. Al. Brittain in the evening. Pastor V. C. Norcross, of the Fifth Church, preached to his people at both services. Rev. 11. Hatcher preached at the Sixth Church in the morning and Prof. Charles Lane at night. Rev. E. L. Sisk has accepted the call ex tended to him by the Sixth Church, and will commence his pastoral work at once. Pastor E. L. Sisk, of the Seventh Church, preached to his people morn ing and night. He tendered his res ignation and the night sermon was a farewell to the people to whom he had ministered. All hearts were saddened. Two were received by letter. Pastor R. A. Sublett, of the Capi tol Avenue Mission closed a meeting i of three weeks, in which twelve have been received-—six baptized. Pastor S. Y. Jameson, of West End Church, preached in his pulpit morn ing and evening. Rev. W. I. Patrick preached at Howell’s Station in the afternoon. Pastor W. J. Spcairs preached at Sharon Saturday, and Bro. Baber miliistored to that people on Sunday. Rev. T. N. Rhodes is selling the Life of Spurgeon and is meeting with fine success and hopes to place one thousand copies of the book in the families of Atlanta. The Baptist Sunday-school Mass Meeting occurred at the East Atlan ta Church, anil brethren Sisk, Teas dale, Hill and Robert made interest ing addresses., Kv., April 21 1892. Please announce the following program of the meeting of the repre sentatives of our colleges to be held sometime during tho session of the Southern Baptist Convention. 1. “To what extent may students share in the discipline of tho Col lege?”—Dr. E. E. Taylor, President Wake-Forest. College, N. C, 2. “How may Colleges boos ser- vice to each other?”—Dr. G. A. Nunnally, President Alerter Univer sity, Ga. ♦ 8. “Colleges and Affiliation.”—Dr. R. Al. Dudley, President George town College, Ry. 4. “The Bible as a College Text, book.”—Dr. Chas. Manly, President Furman University, S. C. 5. “Examinations as tests of schol arship.”—Professor J. 11. Fuqua, A. M., Bethel College Ky. 6. “Secondary Schools.”—Dr. B. F. Riley, President Howard College, Ala. 7. “College Athletics.”—Dr. W. R. Rothw ell, President William Jew ell College, Mo. 8. “Co-education in Colleges.”— Dr. W. A. Montgomery, President Carson and Newman College, Tenn. The two last have not been heard from but it is to be hoped that they will be on hand to discuss tho sub jects assigned them. W. S. Ryland, 11. 11. Harris, A. J. Emerson, Committee, DO YOU BUY IN ATLANTA ? If so read the advertisement of Chamberlin Johnson «t Co. They are reliable prompt and will give you first-class goods. They desire tho patronage of tho readers of the In dex, and we hope they will be libcr lly patronized. It Will be Dollars to You. Bear in mind that the Western & Atlantic and Nashville Chattanooga & St. Louis Rys., are the shortest, quickest ' and best equipped lines to tho North, West and Southwest. Through car on train No. 2, Atlanta to Memphis, requiring only one change for Ar kansas and Texas. Through Sleep ing Car Atlanta to St. Lotus on No. 4 making many hours quickest time between these points. Through trains to Nashville connecting in Union Depot with Vestibule Train for Chicago* Call on or address, 0. B. Walker, Ticket Agent, Union Depot, R. D. Mann, Ticket Agent, Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga., W. T. Rogers, Pans. Agent, Chattanooga. nil Hf| Remedy Free. Instant Relief. |e|| ■■ cure in indays. Never rc- I IlLUturn,. u<> purge; no aalvy; no ■ A victim tried in vain ever remedy haedisoovereil a hjiuple cure, which he will mail free to Ida fellow suffer- YarkClty N ? Y KEEVKb ' lsui THE CHRISTIAN INDEX: THURSDAY APRIL 28. 1892. v ENJOYABLE CONGEST. It was the pleasure of the writer last Tuesday evening to enjoy the concert given by the ladies Auxiliary at the hall of the Y. M. C. A. in Atlanta. It was a most pleasant and enjoya ble entertainment. The artists consisted of four people who did am ple justice to the occasion and dis played considerable talent. We would especially mention the Whist ling Soloist, Mr. W. R. Trickey. His talent is unique and perfect in culti vation. 'The rendition of Flotow’s beautiful air (Ah ! so pnre) was as sweetly rendered as the learned composer could have wished. The Valse song given immediately after, being spirited and difficult showed that his repertoire is as varied as music itself. Such talent is rarely met with and can only lie heard to be fully appreciated. Air. Trickey’s stay in Atlanta is limited, but it is to be hoped that his music will delight the public many times before his engagements else where will call his superb art into active use. If you have not heard him, and should get an opportunity to do so you should not fail, An Introduction o tho through car service of Wis consin Central Lines and Northern Pacific Railroad is unnecessary. Its advantages and conveniencies have been fully established. It is the only route to the Pacific coast over which both I’ulnjan Vestibuled first class and Pullman Tourist Cars are oper ated from Chicago via St. Paul with out change. Through trains leave Chicago every day at 10:45 p. m. The traveler via this route passes through the most picturesque, inter esting and prosperous belt of country in the Western World. There is scenery with most striking contrasts that range from the rolling prairie and the pine forests level to tho wildest mountains in the w'orld. There is a series of the noblest cities, towns and villages of every variety and size, from the hamlet or the tiny farm, upward, the richest mines in the world, the greenest and most lasting pasturage; the wildest scenery on the continent; hills, can ons as weird ns a nightmare; hills, snows and peaks startling in the magnificence of their beauty, and a perfection of comfort in traveling that has never been surpassed. Fast train via the Wisconsin Cen tral Lines for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Ashland and Duluth leaves Chicago at 5 p. m. daily with Pullman Vesti buled Sleepers and Centrals’ famous dining cars attached. marlTtf Simon & Frohsin.—-If you need ladies and gent’s furnishing goods call on Simon <t Frohsin 43 White hall Street. They carry a full lino of these goods at most reasonable prices. It will be to your interest to call on them. A. Rosenfield & Son.—When you need a splendid article of gents or boy’s clothing, or anything in the gent’s furnishing line, call on these gentlemen and get it. Their goods are first-class and their prices are very reasonable. , Tho minutes of the State Conven tion are printed and being distrib uted. Pteo r Remedy fbr . atarrh In the IL PJ v asieß to Use, and ChrapeM. £a3 bid ;y dri gteis or sent y n „ M| UH Me. F T Hi •’lttnc, Wnrre. Ve are Show a superb lino of CLOTHING THIS SPRING. Replete pith such Suite as satisfy the most exacting. And as for Hats s Furnishings, thorn is is everything in our stock requisite to the needs of nu n. Woslinll be glad to have the delegates call onus. We will give them such prices as can not fail to bo pleasing. A. ROSENFELD & SON 24 Whitehall St., Cor. Alabama. ErayllM Id Men's Attire. Only For 21 Days. • ■ Ladies and gentlemen subscribers to the Christian Index, we have pledged our word to the proprietor of this paper, to send a sample box of our most wonderful blood purifier and enricher upon receipt of 10 cents silver to pay packing and postage foncc I>«sleoiiCk> ATLANTA, GA. St I A. COLLUM. Ridge Spring. H. C.. soils ” • eggs from his prize-winning Silver Lnccd Wyandottes. #3.00 for 13; #3.00 for 20. Circu lars froe. to I CURE FITS! W h«n I say our. I do not moan tnerdy to .top llwan lor . tun. sad then bar. them return again. I moan a radical earn. I han. niul. th. d.sasa. of FtTS, KPI LKPSY or FALLING SICKuN KSS a hMong study. I warrant a, nmody Io oar. tbs wont cam. Bmain. Olh.ri bar. failed Is ao rooaoa for not nr* ncairing a euro. for a trw.tmaad.Fw.Botu.ol au infallible renwdy. Giro Kspreaa and Pool OBoe. B. G. ROOT. M. C« XBS foarlttuN. X. MANLY PURITY To cleanse the blood, ektn, end ecalp of every eruption, Imparity, and disease, whether simple, ecroftilous, hereditaiy, or ul- Xf cerative, no agency hi the 1 v ’ crl d !• ’P® e(l y> econom -1 bid, ““<1 unfailing as the /TM/CUTICURA l Remedies constottor of L ¥ Cuticura , tho great skin cure, Cuticura Soap, an exquisite shin purifier and beautifier, and CUTtOYHttA Rbbolv2NT, tho new blood purifier and greatest of humor remedies. In a word, they are the greatest skin cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times, and may be used in t!ie treatment of every humor and disease, from eczema to scrofula, with tho most gratifying and unfailing success. Sold everywhere. Pottze Drug and Chemical Con?., Boston. ** How to Cure Blood Humors ” mailed free. DIM PTEff ’ blackhead?, red, rough hands and fall* || Hi ing hair cured by Cuticura Soap. rheumatic pains ctSJ In one minutetbcCutlcura Antl fni Pain Planter rviievM rheumatic, aci / attc, hip, kidney, chest, and muscular / \ pain* sad weaknesses. Price, 2ie. ORGANIZERS WANTED? Profitable Ti-rma to Good Men. A BENEFICIAL SOCIETY with 10,000 mem berg and 57.vt.000 in Kttlief Fnnds. 28 Year Plan. Benefits Payable every 3 l-zyears. The Beet managed Order in Existence. FRATERNAL GUARDIANS, 1305 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MUSIC. Sabbath Day Music. A superb book, full sheet size, heavy paper, engraved plates Very comprehensive. 30 pieces for piano or organ. Choice Sacred Solos. . 39 songs tor aoprano, Mezzo, Soprano and Tenor. Choice Sacred Solos for Low Voices. <0 songs for Coutralto, Baritone and Bass Choice Sacred Duets. 30 Iteautlfnl duett by standard authors. Song Classics, Vols. I and 2. Two volumes, each with about 40 classical songs, of acknowledged retaliation, Piano Classics, Vols. I and 2. Two large relumes, full music size, con taining Hand3l nieces respectively. Only the best composers are represented. Young People's Classics, Vols. I and 2. £ach volume contains about B 0 pieces of easy but effective music. Anyvolume, postpaid, in narw>rj*l: boards *I M Cloth Gilt *2. OLIVER DITBON CO., Boston. 0. H. DITSON & CO, 1. UITSOS ICO 8«7 Vcradway.N. Y.jruCaqat « A a tB nS'M J ourqal Por People. fl ItTaIkstoADVERTISERS, > Herchnnt.,, and everybody ’ o whoso life tk busy and use- 1"- fXFI Abif tul. it is no use todesd peo vfAwJ pie. Subscription joc. per a-vv year, gc. per copy. POINTS PUSLISHBR9, Baltimore, AVI. S, F E SMS SHE CANHOT BEF HOW il t YOU DO IT EDR THE MONEY. Qnuyp n 403.00 laramM Oifora sin.rer psthb-t workißg, rvHaoi*, l»*ly A«tsb»d, h<M Md b»ary wvrk, •lilt ***r.aWi<- set itnpniv*! a(uuAtuet.>> KE Meft max hiM l» faartatterd fnr o yatrs. B-rv •etfrm* *t<r fartory, m< m'« 4mkr* an\ a**>nu 4L I'-mt FHF.B CATAUIGUI MesS.u M-et, LFUKD IW, IXk, 9wk M. CH It AGO. ttL. HATCH CHICKENS BY STEAM? Excelsior INCUBATOR I.oweMf.nrlcrd Jffntcher made. Simple, Pea tr VkJ fhnwarh in A* >. FJ <’<•«•<«I operalUku. ■ . Fl to h»t«h|| HH-a rj perotatnurcW , ■ r» of P|ns« at ten ■ f » c.£ uJ p!« -rt than any other incubator< W u "*' —<2 H Bo,jd tlateiotue. ■aaaMctararj SCEO.H. STAHL, Quincy, IIU I iEy[RY=i Iks V M M Library ♦ S’H,"O-U k L»O 11 Own a Dictionary. J ' * Care should be taken to .-..-. J J .•• .’. GET THE BEST. J l-o / WEBSTER'S | I INTERNATIONAL / \ DICTIONARY / ♦ O N V A ♦ THE INTERNATIONAL, ♦ O NEW FROM COVER TO COVER, ♦ ♦ IS THE ONE TO BUY. ♦ * SUCCESSOR OF THE UNABRIDGED. X Ten years spent in revising. 100 edi- X e tors employed, over $300,000 expended. Z ♦ Sold by all Booksellers. ♦ A G. & C. MERRIAM & CO.. Publishers, * ♦ Sprlr.gffeld, Mass., U. S. A. < *V' Do not buy reprints of obsolete £ + editions. O'Send for free pamphlet containing X .4, specimen pagos ana full particulars. X Atlanta and Florida R. R. Traffic Department. Atlanta. Ga., Oct. 16, isn. Change of Schedule—Effective Oct. 18th, 1831, SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. IpMly Ex. Daily. I Sunday. Leave Atlantal3oopxn 720 am Anive - Yard 315 pin Selina, .... Sfitipm 838 am bayetteyi lo 415 pm 0 17 a m •i XNillinmson 505 pm 11 12 am Zobulon 524 p iu 11 42 am June tpson Co. KR.. euo p ink 1 1G p m latt’svillv.., 6 u p ni| 1 4G p m Arrive Culloden 6 43pm 250 pm hnoxvillo 710 pm 4 (15 pm rort \alley. 756pm15 40 p m NORTH BOUND. N 0.2. IdmUtEx. Daily I Sunday. I/'avn Fort Valley r> 43a m 5 55 am Arrive Knoxville o 24anil 7 4r> a >n Culloden 655a in 8 52 it in ' XntoHvillu 7twain #w am Leave “ 725atn10 00 am '! u, !O- Upson Co. RR. 740 a m 10 32 a m Z'‘biilou 8 Ma ni 11 40 a in „ Yilliainson 8 33am 12 19 pm JuncS- G. & N. A. RR. 8«2 a m 12 86 p m Fayetteville #27am; 2 0# pin * Selina 646 am, 2 4<i pm ‘ Atlanta Yard am;4 25 yin Atlanta 1040 a tnl Nos I and 2 make connection with G. M. t G. RR„ at Williamson for Columbus, with Junctions for stntiwis on 8. G. & N, A. RR. and I pson County RR, and at Fort \ alley to and from pointe in Southwest G.-mnriit via C RR Departs and arrive# nt K. T., V. A- G. RR. passenger depot, 99 Mitchell Street, Atlanta. Noe. Rand 0 departs and arrives at Atlanta neared of WIRE RAILING AND CBN AMEN I ALWORKS DUFUR & CO 5 & 115 N. Howard St., BALTIMORE. MD„ J t* Manufacture Wire Railing for Cemeteries. Bal couies.ctc,, Stoves, Fenders, engee. Sand and Coal Screua. Woven Wire, etc. Also, iron Bedstead#, Chairs, Settees, etc., etc. iilebly Royal Candy Everybody buys it, and continues to use it. It pleases the palate and pocket book. It contains two of the leading specifics for INDI GESTION. HEALTH CANDY Is what many call it, so greatly doesit help di gestion. Price 25 and 50 cents per box by mail or express, prepaid to any address. Absolute ly pure. Try one box and prove it. ROYAL COUGH CURE (Medicated Candy Drops.) Is a Matchless Remedy for the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Horseness and Sore Throat, used by Singers and speakers to Clear the Voice, 10 cents per box mailed to any address ou receipt of price. GRACE&CO. 7 Bankiaf, Aetas! Borineas, X/) /y / • Penißan»hlp,cto.,bj expsrt / I Court Baponer*. Expaaws (y/l/t.'ty C/(/S low. Graduates awi‘ted ta j // position!. For catalogue address HOME BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, HOME, GA. So. SraNT FOR PoaTAOt NA¥ SAVK YOU MANY DOUARSa •TRY US!” H. DUDLEY COLEMAN MACHINERY CO.. UMIT&D. NEW ORLEANS, LA., U. S. A. DELIVER STEAM ENGINE® ANO BOILER® StXTO TWO MUNO RED HORSE ROWER AT ANY RAIL HOAD OEFOT IN THE UNITED • TATE®. SHIRRNQ EITHER FPOM RfW ORLEANS, LA. OS j UMCT FROM OTHER WELL KNOWM FAGTOftIU. I r~O~ SELECTIONS FOR WOMEN'S VOICES" 160 P” 1 CkolcTßuilc. st.oo postpaid. NEW MUSICAL CURRICULUM \ 1/Leading Pianolnstructor. postpaid. CAN YOU- 1 i Q CHILDREN OF THE YEAR ~|] I For Ch I Idren't Day. 5 ct». postpaid. POPULAR COLLEGE SONGS J \l/ 130 pp. Latest and Best Songs, 50c, postp. Read Between r Q „ THE THOROUGH banjoist ~~T Best Banjo Instructor. SI,OO postpaid. 1 f/TS ~ GOODRICH'S MUSICAL ANALYSIS \ |Z Tor Analyzing Music, etc.~ 52.~00 postpaid. THE LINES? [J THE JOHN CHURCH CO# 74 W. Fourth Street, 13Xait16th Cincinnati, N e w York, 1/ Root Sons Music Co. t Chicago, lebeTnpulver (LIFE POWDER.) Th a Great German Remedy for the Cure of Liver, Stoihach and Nerve Diseases, such as Billioutnnss. Jaundice, Fever and Ague, Uldlis, Fevers, and Malaria in its various types. It cures Constipation and Headache, and all forms of Nervous Prostration and Weakness, and is an INCOMPARABLE TONIC and NERVE SUPPORT. Pleasant to take, quick and efficacious in action. 56 cents per box, by mail, to any ad dress. KELLER CHEMICAL CO., . 15 S. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. I a a occurfinz everv <Liy. K .zinration fee Mn 1 stamp blank AMEKICAM TH »EA(T OF 'KDIWATI' MU;. CARTER. Praetor. <?4»>c liM«. NASHVILLKr ‘ Parsonage Poultry Yards. REV. H. W. BROADSTONE, PARIS, ILL. Barred and W. P. Rocks, and B. Lanslian#. Ev-,:s for hatching a specialty. Fair hatch. bUiuip for circular!. 3marCt IgentslvanTed on salary ’ or coinmisbloS. to handle tho New Patent < hemical Ink Erasing Pencil. Agents making »50 par week. Monroe Eraser JU'g Co., La Crow ,i, Wis. No. 38<>. 7aprlm THE LATEST INVENTION IN Swiss Music Boxes. They are the sweetest, must complete, tone sustaining, durable and perfect Music Boxes made (warranted in every respect), and any number of tunes can lie obtained for them, any sirs made to order. (Patented iu Switzerland and United States.) We manufiictiue especially fordirect family trade, and wo guarantee our instruments far superior to the Music Boxes ususally made for the wliolt sale trade and sold by general mer chandise, dry goodsor music stores. Headquar tars only. Sabsroomafor tho celbrated Gem and concert Roller Organs. Price 66 and sl2. Extra Kollers only 25c. each. Lowest prices. Cid Music Bexcs carefullj Repaired and Improved. H. (UUTSCHI A SONS, M’f’rt. Salesrooms, 1030 Chestnut St., Phil’a. 7 apr it HOLTGK STOCK i FARM, ROBERT E. PARK, pr ° prietor » Holton, Bibb County, Ga. On E. T. V. & G. RAILROAD—Eight miles from Macon. Imported Md Ponies REGISTERED Berkshire Pigs ; Registered Jersey Cattle OF BEST BUTTER FAMILIES. Several handsome JERSEY BULL I CALVES, nnd pure bred and graded JERSEY HEIFERS for sale. Address, for catalogues, prices, etc. ROBERT E. PARK, MACON, GEORGIA. 1 -- SIMON & FROHSIN. • OUR SPECIALTIES ARE ‘ Ladies’ and Ms’ Mims! i /\nd we offer great inducements to purchasers of Kid and Silk Gloves, Silk Mitts, Hosiery for men, ladies and children. Corsets, Fans, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs and Neckwear. Special bargains in ] Summer Underwear For Men and iwaclies. We are sole agents for CENSIMERI’S CELEBRATED K KID - GLOVES, The Best Glove in the Market. All goods warranted as represented. SIMON & FROHSIN, 43 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. Premiums For New Subscribers TO THE Christian Index Premiums are given only to old subscribers for obtaining new ones. To any old subscriber whose subscription is paid in advance sending us the name of one new subscriber with $2.00 we will give any one of the fol lowing books: FOR ONE NEW SUBSCRIBER. Spurgeon’s Life—by Geo. C. Lorimer D. D., (Postage paid.) Spurgeon’sLife by Russell 11. Conwell, (Postage paid.) Drummond’s Addresses, Cloth, (Postage paid) My Point of View. The Gospel In Enoch—by Dr. H. H. Tucher (Postage paid.) , For 10 newsubscribers and S2O will send the works of Charles Dickens— | 15 Volumes handsomely bound in cloth and gold. Address, diristiein Index, s 57|- South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. ■i I, i . ■■ , , ( P-^irfr.rgrf rgltf er r3 2*r r f-nr*r l rlddijl WILL COST YOU IWTHINC. I ’ SEND rs VO UK ADDRESS on a postal and you I I ViU DECEIVE THE FINEST CATAEOGVE OF 1 1 f° u haw ,a wA Vsi i * guaranteed before yon ray. Cl'T THUS OCT I 1 ,Dajl lc ,o You will be surprised at the result. But you 1 h ■' is t doit NOW. Write to ' UMMWcobhish & co., i i i-rtc g.rSSrX , W# sell the belt makes of Piano, and Organa L y-y*'***— "j**” nt the lowest poeaible price, for eaah or easy bFV tfqX. fl L: *U«W.i. ■ payment#. Full line of Fheet Music. Write ua tor catalognes and pricea before buying. Dliot’s Parclmient Butter Paper 11 FREE ’ To Dairymen and othera who will nseit. we will send half a ream, Bxll, free, if they will forward 30 c«”te to pay postage. Try tho BEST BUTTBB WRAPPER Avoid imitation*. smar3ni A. O. ELLIOT & CO.. Paper Mat ufacturers Philadelphia, Pa. The leading Southern school of bnainen training. Open all tho year. Student# may enter at' anytime Fall term begins September 1 and Spring term Januarv 1. ’OO students last year from six different States. Thorough course of study. Full corps of well-trained roo'-he-g. Handset -ly Illustrated Catalogue mailed free. Students in businras maklnz S6OO Ji.non. »t 200, Ji too. 5i.600, >I,BOO and |2,000 per annum. Address J, T. JOHNSON, President. Knoxville, Tenn.