The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 09, 1893, Image 2

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■Hies of State '; ’ ‘ ‘ _V ,K brethren to ■p. we ■■ 1 to the by Slate ■ably take beiore w h i i ■| i - pre for of Ms I'onds.l?Sß|?"/ ‘-> ‘.y the proceed fM'/V."/-' only be the public debUwJp-<.' <. -. to be done can be had for the property. The State has no business to own a rail road. It is socialistic and not dem ocratic, and there is no good in it. But the road could not be sold if there was a State bank currency of eight millions in circulation, based on -Georgia bonds. It would create a local panic to retire the bonds. It is true the eight millions paid for the road would go to the holders of the bonds and would be used in redeeming the bills, but nevertheless there would be eight mil Pons less currency in cir oulation. A contraction of that amount would affect the money mar ket of the entire country and the blow would fall with greatest vio lence on the State affected. Suppose a series of bank issues in •very State, based on state, county or municipal bonds. The census . statietica show periodic changes in the. amount of such debts. The fluctuations of local debt are as ceaseless as the tides of the and have nothing like the even in reduction, that we bJffseen in the commit couhtry to such a shifting basis would be folly analo gous to that of the man who built his house upon the sand. The rains came and the floods beat upon that house and great was the fall thereof. So will it be with this financial patch work palace, when the storms come and the booms beat upon it. We want something better than a debt te base our currency on. The principle is unsound and unpholo •ophic. We are by no means depead- ; live is ■Lt is al. Mn . pla (' - out as re is K : s it in t :- distinct HMRne tariff, that any ordinary increase or decrease of duties will not affect them’ ? The illustration Mr. North uses is the price of flannels for a term of years. Nothing was more confident ly expected by the champions of the present tariff than an advance in the prices of domestic wool and a large falling off in the importation. One very prominent business man who carried his politics into his business or his business into his politics, was driven into insolvency by the refu sal of wool to advance; there was a fall in the price of domestic wool, and an increase in the quantity of Australian wool imported. Ik “There are many instances, says ■he Journal of Commerce, when ■rices have responded quickly to a in the duties. There have times when the price of Ameri ’■ig iron was pretty constantly '•■i ice of the English iron with added. In other cases and prices and duties have vary in the most dis- Fashion has a over the classes of therefore upon the rP q ues<: - With i^BL Q S e vai ’h‘tions iron '' one P^ ace ' - • .' ' /,&• .wye for that ■ t the domes tic manufacturers to control the market and fix their own prices, and sometimes it results in such an in crease of the domestic product as to make the prices much lower than they were before.” The editor adds that these vaga ries of prices usually occur in fin ished products, and so they do. The effect of the tariff upon the great mass of the necessaries of lite is only too plain. We all remember how the price of sugar fell when the duty was taken off, though the com binations of the sugar trusts have partially restored it. Washington Post: Now that the chrysanthemum is blooming like the cabbage, in size, at least, while sim ularity in color must sometimes be confessed, a new name has been coined for the correctly dressed gen tlemen who adorn their button-holes with blossoms the size of a dinner plats. They are called the “cold slaw chappies,” of course only by Ithe common herd, who have no ■aesthetic tastes or perhaps no credit with the florist. Still the phrase sticks, and lest anyone should seek escape by wearing a yellow blossom, they are termed “cold slaw with mustard.” Later, it is to be pre sumed, we will have Halford, Wor cestershire, and Tobasco sauces to suit the varities, for nothing can escape the sidewalk wits. » Chicago Herald: After wasting three months in doing three day’s work the Congress of the United Stales has adjourned. And we ought to be thankful for that. We ought THE ROME TRIBONE. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1893. to be thankful that the statesmen don’t take three years instead of three months. As it is, we shall have a respite of a month. A month is not much, it is true, but it is time enough in which to make prep arations for the infliction of the regular session, which will begin in December and end heavens knows when. The present joy is that con gress has adjourned. That is per fect happiness for one day. (It is to hoped that Messrs. Corput will perfect their registration bill and not forsake it. It is a good child and only needs a little combing of the kinks. By all means preserve the feature which purges the registration list of tax defaulters. That is the merit of the bill and its raison its parents—witt~ stand <by their Tbanttfng. I Boston Herald : A weather prophet calls attention to the thick husks, the jagged way in which h|og melt runs, the large white spots oil goose bones, the immense stores of nuts which squirrels are laying in, the flight of ducks in U shaped flocks, and the fact that the green frogs are charming their skins, as indubitable signs of a very cold winter. The press all over the State is coming out on the side of ballot re form. \ The Tribune blazed the way. ———• AMONG THE PINES. From thejir still cloister, whose light Falls like a spell upon the heart, Wherein all sound and scent and eight Has left each but its spirit’s part; Back to to the workday world we turn, As those who strive to face the sun— The wear ai4l jar, the noons that burn, The dee<* that herald deeds undone. But tread we.softer lor that shrine, And smill at care’s stern unrelease; For thought * one lone, wind-tossed pine Bringeth its courage and its peace. —Virginia Woodward Cloud iwthe Cosmopolitan IsPECTACLES * —4—THE BEST —Vat womL the is s , clea n, Arid, ftfu.L . JjYsPEPTics and other invalids Can. eat food QooKed CoT<Q_L<Hg Without unpleasant eJfect. j&r /tLLCooking purposes it <B?UjfrWEElEej Xcf-r, than any other t€ fort j us«. C.OTTOLENS. Made only by s N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. TAKE THE EVANSVILLE ROUTE, —The favorite line to— CHICAGO And all Points n the North and Northwest. Remember this line has two elegant trains daily between Atlanta and Chicago. No 6 No 8 Lt Atlanta, W& A 10 80 am 820 pm Lv Chattanooga."N C&St L. 3 tOpm 107 am Lv Nashville, L& N 720 pm 620 am Lt Evansville, EACH 120 am 100 pm Lv Terre Haute, C& E 1 435 am 427 pm Ar Chicago C&EI 947 am 940 pm Train No 0 "Chicago and Atlanta Limited" is a solid vestibuled train with Pullman sleepers and day coaches. A dining car is attatched to the train a* Danville, enabling the passengers to get their breakfast en route. This train also has through sleepers from Jaoksmville, Fla., and MeTuiihis. Tenn., to Chicago. Tiain No 8, "World’s Fair Special,’’ runs solid between Atlanta and Chicago and is equipped with elegant Pullman Pallor Buffet cars. A. G. PALMER, 8. L ROGERS. G. P. A. E. AT. H. R. R. Son. Pass. Agt. Evansville. Ind. Chattanooga, Tenn. 4/ 1 COTHRAN & CO., ; Fire,. Life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses Insured. Offlce ComeT irmstrong Hotel, Rome, Ga, H. D. HILL, Real Estate Agent, 230 BROAD STREET; ROME, GA. Renting 1 a Specialty, and Prompt Settlement the Rule. mch3-dtf FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR. Hearn Male School and Female Seminary at Cave Spring, 6a. The exercises of these Schools will be resumed September 4, 1893, the Fall Term closing December 22 with a Juvenile Prize Declamation. The Spring Term commences January 8, 1894, and closes June 22, with Senior Prize Declamation and Examination. HATES OF TUITIOItf. Primary, per month 81.5* Intermediate, per month 2 09 Common School, per month... 2 BO Collegiate, per month 3 00 Phonography, (extra) per month 1.00 Incidentals, per term 50 The hoarding department will be under the management of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Childers, with whom board can be obtained at 810 per scholastic month, Miss Fannie Culbertson, a pupil of Shorter, will have a Music Class in the village, giving superior advantages in ibis department. Rev. J. W. Pullen will be connected with the school. Dally practice in English composition by all the pupils of the school. Students will be thoroughly prepared for the Junior Class in the University and for entering the United States Military and Naval Academies. Special attention will be given to the Colieriate studies by the Principal. For circulars or other information ad ess th- Principal PArjEMON «T. SLXXO*G- A.. TVX. John H. REYNOLDS, President. B. I. HUGHES, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL AND SIHPLIS: $300,000. DIRECTOR 1 i SmMßiontikhikkv . HSn 11. lIEYKOLUS, MMWk TIME L, By FROM THE ’WSOUTH" CHICAGO V vvv l,v. JACKSONVILLE, S. F. * W. « 20 p.m. I.V. BRUNSWICK, - E. T. V. &G. . - - - 810 p.m. I.V. JEBVP, ... " io 25 p.m. Uv. MACON, - - - - ix 15 a.m. - 3 20 a.m. !,▼. ATLANTA, . - “ - 2io p.m. > 635 a.m. Lv. ROME, ... " 455 p.m. ■ 910a.m. X,v. DALTON, - - - “ - ■ 602 p.m. a 10 17 a.m. Lv. CHATTANOOGA, Q.&C. . 725 p.m. ■ XX 40a.m. Ar. CINCINNATI, . . 7 20 a.m. - 10 40 p.m. I. CINCINNATI, ■ > BIG FOUR . 802 a.m. C. H. &D.IO 50 p.m. Ar. CHICAGO, . . “ • 515 P»“*. “ Bo® a.m. F/W LIMITED” Pullman Buffet JKJBL Sleeping Car to Chicago, without change. An elegant vestibuled observation coach is attached at Alanta, which goes to Bristol, becoming a part of the famous u WASHINGTON Ind CHATTANOOGA VESTIBULE” at 11:20 a.m. No ex- ■‘OUlfiAßfll IHITFII” trafare for the observation car or on the LIMITEDS. Izlllu AUU LbIIRI IEU leaving Macon at 1-1:15 a.m., carries Pullman sleeping cars to Chicago without change, connec tions at Chattanooga for Memphis and the West, Knoxville, Virginia Springs, and the East. WHITE OR CALE ON any ticket agent of the E. T. V. A G. Ry., or address, B. W, WRENN, G. P. A-, KNOXVILLE, TENN. i; Queen & Crescent Route ;i ]» « Finest Trains in the South.* ] v Through Cars toChicago without change.froß ( | New Orleans, Meridian, Birmingham, Chat. . | I ’ tanooga, Jacksonville, Fla., Atlanta, Macon, , I > Lexington and Georgetown, Ky. Choice • I 1 of routes via Cincinnati or via Louisville, ( 1 . ) Stop-overs allowed on all World’s Fair tickets, ( I . at Chattanooga, Louisville, Indianapolis or . | ’ , Cincinnati. . 1 I ’ For further information as to Rates, Car ’ I I Service, Sleeping Car Reservations, etc., call < I ) on or address any agent of the Queen & ( I . 1 '** Crescent Route or E. T. V. & G. Ry. 11 W. C. Rinearson, G. P. A., Cincinnati,O. ] | ;• THROUGH CARS TO CHICAGO. New Coal Yard. J. F. McCLURE & SON, - Telephone No. 27 We have opened a new Coal Yard at Rome City MiUa, where we will handle DOMESTIC AND STEAM COAL. We make a specialty of the celebratedTjellico and Mingo Mountain Coals, and we guarantee the quality to be equal to thejbest, our weights correct, and prices as low as the lowest, and ask you to call and see us and be convinced of what we say. 10-8-dtf • PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYSICIANS AND BURGEONS. HOWARD LlELfoMirO., Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hammack, Lucas & Co.'s Drug Store. Entrance on Broad Street. EV~At office day and night. Telephone 62. 8-15 DR. L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence No 403 West First Street, Office CROUCH & WATSONS DRUGSTORI Residence telephone - - . no <e. Office ... ‘ ia. C. HAMILTON, M. 0., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence No. 115, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St. Residence Telephone No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. ATTORBItyS-AT-LAW. HOSKINSON & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW OFFICE OVEB First National Bank, ROME, OA ty immediate attention given all bueinest 9-10 6m J. bkamiam, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rome, Georgia. D. <;. Richmond <& Danville railboad. My employment by the above company will tot interfere with my general practice, which will bo attended to aa heretofore. mcb4-dly J. B. F. LUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, Room 12, Poatofflce Building. Pronip attention to collections. d6ml ma 3 J. h. sandersT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDARTOWN, GA. Collections a Specialty. W. W. Vandiver, ATTORNEY AT LAW IN— — - Rome, Ga. GATTIS & HAMILTON, Architects, Conti actors, Builders. Flans drawn and contracts made at lowest prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. Postals addressed to us at Rome, Ga., will receive prowot attention. feb'zfidtf W. L. DOUGLAS S 3 SHOE •». Do you wear them? When next In need try a pair. Best In the world. M.OOjfl 13.50 O , 152.00 #2.50 $2.00 S2.2SW SI.7S aa aa 11 fob boys If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made In the latest styles, don’t pay $6 to SB, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear, well. If you wish to economize In your footwear, dosr j wchaslng W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brocktou, Maas. Sold by CANTRELL & OWENS, -With Happiest Results. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 3, ’93. Some years ago I had an attack of grip, which produced catarrh in my head, and general prostration. I used King's Royal Germetuer and it wrought a wonderful cure in my case. I had in digestion, and it cured that also. I have recommended it to several persons who were afflicted with different diseases, and always with the happiest results. Rev. J. W. Howard, Baptist City Missionary. For Catarrh, Rheumatism, LaGrippe, Indigestion and General Debilty, Germ etuer is unequaled. King's Royal Germetuer Co., Atlanta,Ga. Germetupi Pills for Constipation, 60 in a vial for 25 cents. SCHEDULE Bile Star Lie Meal Co. Steamers Clifford B, Seay and Resaca. Boats leave Rome for Gadsden and In termediate landings Tuesdays and Fridays 8:3? For Greensport and Locks 1, 2 and 8, Fiidays 8:30 a.m. RETURNING. Arrive Rome Thursdays • nd Sundays.. 4 I'M) p.m Rome Railroad. The following schedule will go Into effect Obtober 3, 1893, at 9:00 n m. bomb to Kingston. No. 1. No. 3 Lv Rome 9.00 am 3.00 pm Ar Second Avenue 9.03 am 3.03 pm “ Brick Yard 9.10 am 3.30 pm •‘Freeman’s 9.17 am 3.17 pm “Dykes' i».2oam 3.20 pm "Bass’Ferry 9.25 am 3.25 pm •• Eves’., 9.30 am 830 pm •• Murchison’s 9.40 am 3.40 pm •‘Woolley’s 9.43 am 3 43pm Ar Kingston 9.50 am 3.50 pm Ar Atlanta W& A 12.15 pm 0.251 pm KINGSTON TO BOMB. No. 2. No. 4. Lv Atlants 8.00 am 8.00 pm Lv Kingston 10.20 am 5,10 pm Ar Woolley’s 10.27 am 5.17 pm “ Murchison’s 10.31 am 5.21 pm •• Eves’ 10 39 am 5.29 pm “ Bsss’ Ferry 10.43 am 5.33 pm ••' Dykes’ 10.48 am 5.38 pm •• Freeman's 10.51 am 5.41 pm “ Brick Yard 10.58 am 5.48 pm •‘Second Avenue 11.65 am 5.56 pm Ar Rome 11.10 am 6.00 pm Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Kingston, with Western & Atlantic trains going North to Chattanooga, and South to Atlanta, Connections at A'l-.nta and Chattanooga In Union Depo's with all trains diverging. All trains arrive and depart from Rome Rail road depot, loot of Broad street, less than ona Iffock front heart of city. JS— No change of n.ira at. Kingston. Through coaches on till trains between Rome and Atlanta. w.F. AYER, Bupt| Tax Levy. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Office of Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Floyd County, Georgia, Rome, Ga., ('Ct. 18tb, 180 J.—The Board having taken into consideration the levj ing of the tax for the present fiscal year, the taxable property of the county bf ing found from t he tax digest to be for the present year, *8,3.8,495 The State general tax being 461-100 mills on the St CO on the foregoing, making the sum of? 38,394 36 The following tax is hereby levied: SPECIFIC TAX. Topay principal and interest on bonds, 19 per cent on State tax $ 7,294 93 To run chaingang,42 percent on State tax 16,125 83 To oiidge fund, FOB COUNTY PURPOSES. To General fund, 26 6-10 per cent on State tlx 9,951 55 To Jury fund, 11 par cent on State tax 4,223 37 To Jail fund, 11 per canton State tax 4,223 37 To Poor fund, 8 per cent on State tax 3,071 54 $14,890 59 The same being 5 39-101 mills on the SI.OO of the taxable property of the County, making in all for State and County purposes, one cent on the dollar. Ordered, further that such legal notice be given of this levy as required by statute. John C. Fostfb. Chairman, Max MeybßHAbdt, Clerk. 10 26 dw3od Complexion Preserved DR. HEERA’S VIOLA CREAM _ Removes Frcc.k'ea, Pimples, Liver • Moina, Bhckbesds, v Sunburn and Ten, and re- \ .jN-jr-i stores tho skin to Its o.igl- I nal freshness, producing a clear and healthy com- i®Er< plexion. Superior to e.llfaca prepurations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for SOcta. Send for Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP is etaply IncompwMile m • ekia purifying Soap, unequaled for the and without a rival for the nursery. Absolutely pure and delicately modi* cated. At druggists, Price 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. • Endorsed bt the Hiqhest Medical Authorities. • K i — XI . Inhaler will euro you. A < } wonderful boon to sufferers Spr roiu Colds, Sore Throat, >7 Influenza, Hronchltla, /A or HAYFEVER. Affords 'xx immediate relief. An efficient v remedy, convenient to carry In pocKCt, ready to uro on flint indication of cold. Continued Use ICif’ecla Permanent Cure. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price, 50 cts. Trial free at Druggists. Registered mail. 60 cents. H. D. CUSHMAN, Mfr., Three Rivers, Mich., U. S. L cvtssixm: s MfiUMTUfil The surest and ba fest remedy for Klkii ! nUL all skin diseases. Eczema, Itch. Salt Rhcum,old Sores, Burns, Cuts. Wonderful rem edy forPILES. Price, 2ft ct«. at Drug- DAI Bl gists or by mail prepaid. Address as above. laGNET!C NERVINE; f ,s s -' s,<l with written niiarantea to euro J We. vouaProstra tfon, Fits, Dizzi >•** >i2l r. op 8, Head ache and V* Neuralgia and Wak- / fulness,caused by ex- cos* ivuuseofOpium, Tobacco and Alco- i X hoi; Mental Depres- , I ‘BEFORE AFTER* sion, Softening of the Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death; Barrenesa, Impotency, Lost Power in either sox. Premature Old Ai*e, Involuntary Lueses, caused by over-indulgence, over-exertion Gs the Brain and Errorsof Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their ’ Natural Vigor and doubles the joys of life; cures , , Lucorrhcea and Female Weakness. A month’s treat ment, in plain package, by mail, to any address, £1 per box, 6 boxes $5. With every $5 order we give a Written Guarantee to care or refund the money. Circulars free. Guarantors sued only by our ex clusive agent. For sale bv D. W. Cu-rv. TO NEWm PROPRIETORS. ' f The Tribune Company has on sale a large lot of good second-hand material ( that will be sold cheap on most favorable terms consisting of One Minerva Paper Cutter, : One Proof Press, Imposing Stones, Card Cutter, News and Job Cases, Be quick, for these ars going to be sold cheap: ROME TRIBUNE CO., Rome, Ga.