The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 09, 1893, Image 3

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HERLS A KICK From the Fifth Ward About Fire Protection. A COMMITTEE APPOINTED By Fire Company No. 4 to Complain to the Next Meeting of Council. At a meeting of No. 4. Fire Company in the Fifth ward the other night, a com mittee was appointed to go before the city council and ask that a certain fire plug in that ward be fixed. It is claimed that no attention has beeu paid their past requests, and they want to know why protection is net given them. The following card on the subject ex plains the matter as they view it: Editor Tribune. During ths big snow last winter the fire plug at No. 4 reel house froze, and at the same time the residence of T. S. Cot ton caught on fire and burned down. When the alarm of fire was sounded the department responded promptly, made their connections at the above named plug, but failed, on account of the plug being frozen,to got water. The boys were forced to disconnect and drag the hose through the deep snow 660 feet to the next plug before they could get water. In the meantime the fire had gained such headway it was impossible to save the building, and it looked for a time as if the adj fining buildings would be swal lowed up by the flames. Since the above mentioned fire the plug has been in a wrecked condition when the hoso is connected and the water turned on. There is so much waste of water th it it is impossible to get full pressure. The matter has been reported to the water works committee of the council and to the superintendent of water works, and still it remains in the same condition. Perhaps it is all right as long as we have no fires, but if a fire should break out in that section and all burn up on account of the bad condition of the plug, the fire department will not be in fault. But in case they should be criticised, I will quote you a few lines of the city code, which read as follows: “It shall be the duty of the superin tendent of water works to have genera supervision of the engine house, engine, reservoir, pipes, hydrants, wrenches, stop gates, fire plugs, machinery, struc tures and property connected with the water works, subject always, however, to the supeivision of the jyoard of commis sioners, and t* such regulations and di- I radioes and restrictions as the board or council may from time to time prescribe. He shall attend to the sufficiency of the supp’y of water in the reservoir. He shall be required te do all repairing to the engine, boiler,(pipes, mains, etc. with the help of the assistant, as can be done consistently with his other duties. He shall b iduly sworn to diecha-ge his du ties faithfully. “He shall be required to make weekly trips of inspect! m, to notice the breaks and waste of water, arid sbail report ar y and all violations of this ordin met) as required by section 24. He shall dili gently attend to all duties and make all repairs to the rrgine, boiler, reservoir, pipes, ec., at Lis own cost.” This is a serious matter,and it is hoped that somebody will take it in hand an I attend to it once, as the weather is get ting cold and we are likely to have a fire at any time. The people pay taxes for fire protection, and feel that itis an im position on them to have to run around and report matters to city cffioials that are paid good salaries to look after them. Citizen. ai IHEY-M-C-A- A Pleasant livening at the Rooms.-The Program. Tuesday night the rooms of the Young Men’s Cbristiau association piesented a lively seme, it being the occasion of the regular monthly social meeting. At 8:15 the meeting was called to order in the lecture room, by Mr. Fred Govan, and Rev. George Duvall offered prayer. Secretary Eberhardt gavj a report cf the work for October, the figures show ing a fine work accomplished. State Secretary Lowis made a few re marks on the necessity of each commit teeman faithfully carrying out the work assigned him. After a few words from Mr. Duvall ai d others, those present were invited into the parlor, where the members of the •Ladies’ Auxiliary had prepared an ele gant revast. AU par took with a relish < f ' TWO KINDS OF WOMEN need Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion — those who wnnt to be made strong, and those who want to be made well. It builds up, invigor ates, regulates, anfl cures. It’s for young i girls just entering 1 womanhood; for " women who have reached the critical -/■ ® sp “change of life”; for women expect ing to become mothers; for mothers who are nursing and exhausted; for every woman who is run-down, delicate, or overworked. For all the disorders, diseases, and weaknesses of women, “Favorite Pre scription” is the only remedy so unfail ing that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, the money will be returned. these tempting delicacies, and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the ladies for their great kindness. All present . seemed to have a pleasant time, and went away feeling that sure the Y. M. C. A. is doing good among the young men of Rome. I LEMON ELIXIR- A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For billiousness, constipation, malaria, colds and the grip. For indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart disease. For fever, chills, debility and kidney - disease, take Lemon Elixir. i Ladies, Tor natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mczley’s Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of lemons, combined i with other vegetable liver tonics, and r will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c. and $1 bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At ■ lanta. At the Capitol. , I have just taken the last of two bot . ties of Dr. H. Mczley’s Lemon Elixir for ' nervous headache, indigestion, with dis ' eased liver and kidneys. The Elixir cured me. I found it the greatest medi- , cine I ever used. J. H. Mennich, Attorney, 1225 F. St., Washington, D. C. From a Prominent Lady. ’ I have not been able in two years to 1 walk or stand without suffering great > pain. Since taking Dr. Mozley’s Lemon i Elixir I can walk half a mile without suffering the least inconvenience. Mrs. R. H. Bloodworth, 1 Griffin, Ga. i ► f J 1 Crouch & Watson are the sole agents for the sale of the celebrated Huyler Candies, and is the only flrm in Rome that buy them i direct from the factory. To insure that you get it fresh buy from us. Price 60c to 80c ' per pound. 10-22-dlm. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. A shrewd st-’ t dealer sold University and Princeto peanuts fiom the same bag. \ / Don’i bo talked into having an opera tion performed, as it may cost you yoUr life. Japanese Pile cure is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by D. W. Curry. Iu the old school days it was an offense to trace a map. Nowadays it is one of the approved methods of teaching map drawing. Buckien’s ArmcaSalve. The Best Salve in the world for Cute, P.rarnOK Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tatter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re -1 quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by D. W. Curry, druggist. No, “Anxious Inquirer,” when a cow goes dry it isn’t always an indication that she is going to be dried beef. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King’s New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co , Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills, free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House nold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing at D. W. Curry’s drug store. As the cold weather approaches ladies must lay out their decollete dresses for ball rooms. Shiloh’s Vitaiizer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 73 cents per bottle. For sale by D. W. Currv. ZEKE TREADAWAY FOR MAYOR. Tae Kesult of a Mass Meeting in North Rome. The North Rome mass meeting night before last was a lively and interesting affair, and the citizens of that prosper ous suburb who were present enjoyed it immensely. The meeting was held to nominate a miyor and four councilmen. When a name was proposed the gentleman had to give his platform, and in consequence of some difference of opinion, he had to submit to volleys of questions, all ending in an interesting attempt to satisfy all factions. One feature was the ccnfirming of the water works contract wiih the city of Rome. Some wented the incoming council to confirm the action of the pres ent council, and others did not. The re sult was the nomina ion of a ticket favor able to the contract Here is the ticket nominated: For mayor, E. P. Treadaway. For councilman, George Trammel), Barry Broach, Chas. Jenkins’and Andrew Crocker. Archbishop Kain, of S’. Louis, de clares bimself a fiier.d to the public schools. Boston Police have been watching at night for a threatened dynamite explo sion. Arrested for drunkenness, John Fell man, of Senoia, Ga , shot Marshal T. C. Ilandby dead ana escaped. Unknown assassins, probably negroes, shot Derrall Haviston, a Laurens county, S. C., farmer, while at supper. All broke up—the World’s Fair. THE ROME TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORN ING NOVEMBER 9, 1893. I MARRIED YESTERDAY. > The Quiet Wedding of Mr. J. T. Bartie son and Miss Wessle Kincaid. A beautiful wedding was that yestei ‘ day morning when Mr. J. T. Barileson, of Gainesville, Fla., and Miss Wessie Kincaid were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. It occurred yesterday morn ing a little after 8:30 o’clock at the resi , dence of the bride’s parents on Fourth avenue. Owing to a recent death in the family I the marriage was of the quietest kind, only the members of the family and a ’ few of the most intimate friends being present. The parlors were pretily deco rated and banked and festooned with I flowers of brilliant hue and exquisite 1 odor. There were gorgeous crysanthe ’ mums of varied hue and sizj, magnifl t cent roses galore, modest vioietsof sweet est perfume, and scarlet berries an.: ■ g.een vines and seres were twined in easy gracefu’ness. Such a profusion of beautiful and odorous blossoms has sel . dom so charmingly adorned an apart r ment. ‘ At one window, where the drooping ’ lace curtains half covered with the fair est flowers formed a pretty back ground, . the bride and groom met, she leaning on the arm of Miss Willie Kincaid her twin sister, and he with Mr. M. D. Barileson, J his brother. Before the windo w the ' young couple stood while Dr. Geo. T. ; Goetchius impressively performed the ceremony that bound each to the other through life. Immediately aflerwards they left for Gainesville, Fla., where they will make their home. They arc followed by hearty and sincere congratulations and well withes. The bride has hosts of friends here and in all this section, and is one of Rome’s most charming daughters. The groom is a prominent merchant in Gaines ville. Large Sale for Faust. A very largo marking of seats before 1 oven the coming of the advance agent, shows plainly how popular Morrison’s , Faust is. We look for the largest at tendance on the 17th inst. of not alone this, but many previous seasons. Call at once for seats, and the manage ment requests all those who ba*, e taken 1 seats to call this week for them. By filing her husband’s will at Provi dence, the wife of T. Thatcher Gravies, he murderer, may get the 525,000 be. quest of the murdered Mrs. Barnaby. Magnetic Nervine quickly restores lost 1 manhood and youthiul vigor. For sale by D. W. Curry. Ingleside Retreat.—For diseases of Women. Scientific treatment and cures guaranteed. Elegant apartments for la dies before and during confinement. Ad dress The Resident Physician 71 72 Baxter Court. Nashville, Tenn. i 8-22-d& v the guar antee it Looi? out for their wagon. 10 29 2 w Isn’t it about time that money should ; get a hump on itself? Johnson’s Orieutental Soap is far supe rior to all other so-cailed medicinal soaps for beautifying tie complexion. Sold by D. W. Curry. i -■ ■ e Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria* School Tickets Good only for school childran to or from school on sale at Rome Street Rail way office. Price $2.50 per hundred. Joseph Severell.a medical student, and Mrs. Charles S, Campbell, of Windsor, Ont, eloped, and the Lusband is iu cha-e with a gun. South Dakota divorce will Vo obtained by W. H. Ne\ of Brooklyn, composer of love songs, who accuses his wife of desertion. Mrs. L. Townsend Wsing Sun, Delaware. Good Family Medicines Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills. “I regard Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills, the very best family medicines, and wo are never without them. I have always been A Delicate Woman and began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla three years ago for that tired feeling. It built me up so quickly and so well that I feel like a different i woman and have always had great faith in it. I give it to my children whenever there seems any trouble with their blood, and it does them good. My little boy likes it so well he cries for it I , cannot find words to tell how highly I prize it "We use Hood’s Pills in the family and they Act Like a Charm I take pleasure In recommending these medi cines to all my friends, for I believe If people Hood’s x Cures would only keep Hood' a Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills at hand as we do, much sickness and suf fering would be prevented.” Mrs. 1. Towns end, Rising Sun, Delaware. Hood’s Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 26c. 785958 lam seventy-seven years oic ff and have had my age i enewer E at least twenty years by the usi E of Swift’s Specific. My foe ■ and leg to my knee was i inning sore for two years, and physicians saic could not be cured. After taking fifteen smal otiles S. S.S. there is not a sore on my limbs, and I ; YEARS OLD f. f your wonderful remedy. Ira F. Stilfs, , Palmer, Kansas City. i IS A WONDERFUL REMEDY—especially for IS old people. It builds up the general health. Treat on the ulood mailed free. SWIFT SPCIFJC COMPANY, ’ Atlanta. Ga. FOR A_CASE_IT WILL NOT CuSTg An agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent«by mall. 25c.. 50c., and SI.OO per package. Samples free. WA XA . The Favorite TOOTH POWDIS JBLv JKVfortheT„.Aandßre»th,«6o. For sale by D. W. Curry. Backache! This trouble arises from some ktdney or rheumatic inflection. In either case nothing is so effective as Stuart’s Gin and Buchu It purifies the blood and gives a good, healthy flow of mine, and imparts vigor and tone to the kidneys and bladder. If you feel unwell, have a don’t-care kind of feeling, and are generally out of sorts, your kidneys, liver or blood needs stim ulating. Stuart’s Gia and Buchu is a remedy. It will not disappoint you. For all kidney, bladder and other urinary troubles STUART’S GIN AND BUCHU is a remedy of established merit. Atlanta, Ga.—l take pleasure in cer tyfying that S IUART’S GIN AND BU CHU has mada a cure of me. I find it the best kidney remedy I have ever used. P. W. Merett. Cincinnati, O.—After a thorough and careful tria', I find STUART’S GIN AND BUCHU to be a reliable diuretic and kidney tonic. D- R. Stauffacher. Sold by all druggists. WHISIEVsssss g ticularsßentFKEE. ■EMWEESSSSSE3B.M. WOOLLEY,M.D. Atlan a.Ga- UfficeiUliiWluteiiuUSL Are Ton Going to the World's FalrT If so call on L. C. Matthews or W. E. Huff, agents Central Railroad of Georgia for particulars as to best route. Domesticus—“After ail, there is noth ing like marriage.” Cinicus—“Yes, after al’.” Cures Dys (■> i gc s t i on & Deb A local football enthusiast is inconsola ble becaugamobody was killed. Shiloh’s Cure is Bold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It in the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts ,50 cts. and SI.OO. For sale by D. N. Curiy. ~ AT COST FOR CASH. Don’t buy Carpets, Rugs or Furniture until you price at McDonald Furniture Co. The town has recovered from its an nual attack of football parrsis. Karl’s Clover Root, the great Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 25c , 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. An infernal mschim —the barrel organ that plays “After the Ball.” When Baby was siek, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Hoax—“Do you know I think all crows are females?” Joax —“Why?” Hoax — “For the simple reason that when you speak to them they always give a wo man’s answer, ‘Caws.’ ” Good Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep depending upon a healthy condition o all the vital organs. If the liver be inact ive, you have a bilious look, if your stom ach be disordered you have a dyspeptic look and if your Kidneys be affected you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great alterative and Tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives U good complexion. Sold at D. W. Curry’s dnw store, 50c. per bottle. Extra dry—the average chap next morning. LADIES Needing a tonic, or children who want build ing up, should take BROW.VS iron bitters. It is pleasant; cures Malaria, Indigestion, Biliousness, Liver Complaints and Neuralgia. A Ba siness Opp ortJnity. Wanted—The address of some respon sible business firm to represent the E. L. Martin Pavemsnt in Rome. Our su perior process for making Portland ce ment sidewalks is unsurpassed. E. L. Martin Paving Co., 4-11-65 Decatur, 111. NEW ' eB ffl The same old cry. «•;/ j YORK COST.” to Third. Mm I nd| houses that sell out aj| and the other half t« notAHMM But we will sell »T’;' \' f Z^ T\d . 'T<'* emi main i [ li Dress Good Calico Indigo Pi ints, - - 5c Fine Factory Sheeting, - 4 l-2c Good Woolen Jeans, - 12 l-2c Heavy Wool Jeans, 18, 20, 25c Flannels, 10, 12 1-2, 15 and 20c Can’t match them for the cash. 3 4 Wool Cashmere, 812 and 10c Fine Wool Dress Goods, in Bro, Tans and Gray, 8 1 2e, worth 15c Pretty line of Double-Width Cashmere, 15, 20 and 25c Novelty Suits, $1.75, $2.25 and $2.75 These are great bargains. 98c SHOES. 98c Women’s Button Glov.i Grain Shoes, only - - 98e Women’s Home-Made Shoes, 98c Men’s Veal Calf Shors, -98 c Men’s Full Stock Brogans, 98c Misses’ School Shoes, -98 c These Shoes cannot be .equalled for the money in Rome. i Great Bargains in Every Department! Come and see, and you will buy money at any other house in Rome. 1 H. B, PARKS & GO. Fine Satin Calf, made and fin ished by the best workmen, in Bals and Congress, for- $1.50 Men’s Custom - Made Fine Shoes, in Button, Bals and Congress - $2.00, worth $3.00 Examine our Shoes before you buy. LADIES’ CLOAKS. i Here is where you get style and low prices combined, A pretty Jot of Jackets, only $1.25 Larger, fuller and heavier Jackets, - - - $1.75 Lovely Jackets, at $2.25, 2.75, 3 25, 4 00 and 5.00 These goods are all new and the latest style?. x JOB LOT. One Job Lot Ladies. Misses’ and Children’s Long Wraps at 50 cents on the dollar. 11-4 White Blanket, per pair, $2.00 Full Large Blankets, per pair, $2.50 Western Wool Blankets, per pair - - - $3.50 Extra Fine Wool Blankets, per pair - - - 4.50 Good Gray Blankets, per pair, 75c Extra Heavy Blankets, per pair, - - - 2.00 Crib Blankets, per pair $1.25, 1.75 and 2.25 LADIES’ HATS, Straw Sailors . - 25 and soc Felt Hats - - 25 and soc Ladies’ Trimmed Hats at 50, 75c, and sl.oo. Pretty styles. ~ Misses’ and Children’s Caps, in all the best styles, 25,35,40, 5o and 75c.