The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 14, 1893, Image 1

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tUE ROME TRIBUNE. cation for se- W® l7ife End fixes the in prison. or ganized, *W le An Over Central gnggmElMafflgMHßLvrieii. 18.—It is said here g| . ■ derive <lt>ri.'.'tl-’..nspi ’ *’ * fc liberal governments in exist - Ir is farther quarters of the con ■~-‘a Rica, with active tlle clef gy throughout K ®~ ica - K^^^B' sanova who arri ved last Unite! Stales, where he being sent from Guate (orted to beat the head of the emmont has proposed to or ganize Indians into regular forces on the pretext that their religion and country are in danger. The clericals, it is be lieved are abundantly supplied with money. Sa toll) Will Not Be Elevated. Rome, Nov. 18. —The report circulated by the Volks Zeitung, of Cologne, to the effect that Mgr. Satolli, the papal dele- to the United States, is to be ele vated to the cardinalate at the next pa pal consistory, undoubtedly' originated in reports which were circulated in the United States some months ago. The Associated Press is authorized to state that the announcement of the Volks Zeitung is quite premature and that the pope desires Mgr. Satolli to remain in the United States until his mission is completely ended, t They Found the Governor** Body. Santander, Nov. 13. —Along the coast numbers of bodies of the victims of the terrible dynamite explosion which a week ago cost fearful loss of life and im mense destruction to property here, have been found floating or stranded upon the jshore. Among the bodies just recovered is that of the civil governor, whose re mains were erroneously reported as hav ing been secured some time ago. U There Is No Copper Combine. London, Nov. 18.—The Rothschilds of this city have authorized the Associated Press to emphatically deny the reported formation of a copper syndicate here. They say there is not a word of truth in ithe story so far as the Rothschilds are Concerned. | Honduras May IMclare W»». Guatemala. Nov. iJflt is believed here that i Honduras is preparing to de clare war lon Nicaragua, on the pretext that Nicaragua is abetting a revolution ary moveijnent against President Vas quez, but ijn reality to distract attention from domestic affairs. Torpedo Boats Bought iu Prussia. Berlin, Nov. 13.—President Peixoto has bought jat the Schiehan shipyards in Elbing, Weist Prussia, five twin-screw torpedo boats, capable of steaming 25 knots an They will leave for Bra zil soon in charge of Captain Rodiger. Will Be Good to Him. London, Nov. 18.—The government has sent a message to Lobengula, king of the Matabelas, asking him to submit to the British, in order to end the war, and guaranteeing his safety and good treatment if he will surrender. Giving the Sureties More Time. Jackson, Miss., Nov. 13.—After a conference with the governor, the attor- Iney general has ordered the execution | against the bondsmen of ex-Treasurer Hemingway so? the balance of the $15,- 000 yet due, be withdrawn 1 for the pres ent. This bas been done on aedbunt of the extreme scarcity of money. The state is amply secured, and the sureties are paying interest on the amount due, ajnd to force executions at this time would result in great sacrifice to the [sureties, as property cannot be sold now £ any price. Confessed to Burning a Barn. Ga., Nov. 13.—W. J. Elder, ax receiver of Spalding county, lost his >arn and contents by fire. Suspicion ointed to Will Davis, Reuben Jacltson nd Sid Jackson, ’ three young negroes who had boasted that they were going to raise h—ll in tliis county. They Were arrested and tried before Justice HarnJ mond, of Union district, and placed un ler bonds of SSOO each. Failing to give he bonds, they were brought to Griflin nd placed in jail. They have confessed ) the crime. More Hands Will Get Work. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 13.—The Ten lessee Coal, Iron and Railway company s having plans for two washers to be onstructed at John’s in the near future, yhen these washers are completed the zens will again be started. They have g|Mhbanked since rhe last of August. 300 ovens at this place. The of the two washers is the washers and ovens will givo em Plov negroes. ' grand ROME* GAt* TUESDAY MORNING. LNOVEMBER 14 t 1893. STANDSTOGRESHAH The President Will Carry Out the Program Arranged. LILIOUKALANI AND HER Throne—Cleveland is Less San guine than Gresham as to Minisister Willis. Washington, Nov. J 3. —The sensation caused by the publication of Secretary Gresham’s letter to the president recom mending the restoration of Queen Lilioukalani is gradually wearing away and public men here are beginning to discuss its various phases in cool blood. The question which is now on every tongue is whether Minister Willis has been instructed to restore the queen to hex throne by tue use of the United States naval force now stationed at Hono lulu. This inquiry the officials of the state and navy departments are dumb. Aside from a semi-official inti/nation that the cabinet had approved the recom mendation of Secretary Gresham and had authorized the publication of his letter to the president, nothing cAuld be learned. Secretary Gresham declined to add anything to his published letter. Secretary Herbert politely refused to discuss any phase of the Hawaiian af fair, but stated that it was not the in tention of the department at this time to send any more vessels to Honolulu. The Philadelphia and the Adams, which are now at that port, are regarded as pow erful enough to protect the American interests, and to assist Minister Willis in carrying out his instructions, what ever they may be. The agitation in business communities having relations with Hawaii is reflected in the following dipatch, which was re ceived by Congressman O’Neil, of Massa chusetts: Boston, Mass., Nov. 11.—Please call on proper officials and request on behalf of your constituents holding property in Honolulu and throughout the kingdom that instructions besent to the United States minister there to protect the same. We believe there is great danger of blood shed and destruction of property. Have telegraphed Senator Hoar these facts. _/" Charles Brewer & Co. Brewer & Co. have branches in tbp Hawaiian Islands. Congressman O’Neil promptly called on Secretary Gresham, and after a conference sent the follow ing dispatch: Careful and positive instructions have been sent to protect life and property. The fear that bloodshed may follow an attempt to restore the queen by force causes much anxiety as to whether the president has instructed Minister to call on the marines to aid him in the event the provisional government resists his attempt to restore the monarchy. There is good autliority for the statement that Sec retary Gresham is confident that the provisional government will surren der as soon as Minister Willis presents his credentials and explains the nature of his mission. The secretary of state is inclined to hold the provisional loaders to their word expressed in their original procla mation in which they declared that the government was organized “until terms of union with the government of the United States of America have been ne gotiated and agreed upon.” He thinks that the fact that Hawaii has had an application for annexation pending before this government has pre vented any attempt at counter revolu tionamong the queen’s followers. Witn the removal of this sole prop he thinks the provisional government will tumble to the ground and the restoration of the queen can be peaceably accomplished. The president is said to be less san guine than Secretary Gresham as to the peaceful outcome of Minister Willis’s mission, but having accepted Commis sioner Blount’s report and Secretary Gresham’s recommendations, he is de termined to see the affair through at all costs. . New* From Hawaii. San Francisco, Nov. 13.—The steamer China, which left Honolulu Nov. 7, has arrived in port here. Her officers report that all was quiet when they left. Min ister Albert S. Willis was to present his credentials to President Dale the day the vessel left. His intended address had already been submitted to the president in order to enable him to prepare ids reply. Its contents were kept strictly secret. Mr. Willis’ special communication to the provisional government would follow later—possibly in time to be reported by the mail of the 11th. The government party is confident that Washington policy is to maintain a white man’s government, with no possi bility of reviving a native monarchy. The royalists betray great depression, but are circulating among the native populace the boast that the queen is to fie immediately restored by Willis. A General Gets a Medal.. BMmugton, Nov. 13, — A gold medal K|||||||Mgented by the war depart- Stahl, of Now commanded the -'.‘vpuPotomac ano also tne xufeventn army corps, tor distin guished gallantry displayed at the battle of Piedmont June 5, 1864. * TWO VERDICTS ~FOUND. A Murder Case That Took a Sudden and Serious Turn. Elberton, Ga., Nov. 18.—The body of Richard Kornaghal, master ma chinist of the Elberton oil mills, was found Friday night in a ditch with seven bullet holes in it and the head badly bat tered. Will Mayfield, an employe of the mill, had a difficulty with Kornaghal some weeks weeks before and he stated to the coroner’s jury it was himself who had done the killing and he was com pelled to do it to preserve his own life. He stated that he had met Kornaghal and Kornaghal began to taunt him about a beating Kornaghal had given him, and that he replied that if Kornaghal was an honorable man he world not make allusions .to this. Kornaghal re plied that he' would cut Mayfield’s threat. Mayfield said that Kornaghal slapped at him with a knife, and he showed to the jury his cut scratch on his aim where Kofl&SnH knife had cut him. Upon this statement, and tiM||m||l| nothing to contradict it, the juHHHH ed a verdict of justifiable Mayfield was allowed to go. Everything was serence then, until about 12 o'cIockMHSRBH mors of foul play spread li A negro, Ed Teaely, had information never before tbj||||||||| He swore that he was an eyMMg|||l|||| the killing, and his gain credence. He claimed that the by Will and LuU. r and that both were engaged culty. He testified that he was standing on the railroad embankment, near the mills, when the shooting began, and that lie saw both the May fields shoot Kornaghal, and after killing him he saw them roll his body into the ditch and strike it sev eral times in the head. This testimony was affirmed and denied by different whit® men, and although the testimony was questioned it had an effect upon the jurors, and they returned the following verdict: We, the coroner’s jury, impanelled to hold an inquest over the body of Richard Kpruaghal, who lies dead before us, find that he came to his death from pistol wounds inflicted by W. J. Mayfield and wounds inflicted on the head with some unknown weapon in the hands of Luther Mayfield. The killing was, in our opinion, murder. The jury was the same as the one which acquitted the Mayfields in the morning, with the exception of one man, who was on the first jury, but absent when the second was impanelled. MR. WHITNEY’S VIEWS. The Causes Which Led to the Recent Elec tion Results. New* .York, Nov. 13.—The World prints a letter from ex-Secretary of the Navy Whitney, giving his views of the recent elections. He says: “Last Tuesday’s voting was, in my opinion, negative, not positive. The re sult was a Democratic defeat, but not a Republican triumph. The people had no intention of rescinding their emphatic and well-considered repudiation of vi cious Republican policies. They could not, however, refrain from, and cannot be blamed for, expressing their dissatis faction for existing conditions, so they voted against the party in power. It is true that the Democratic party was not responsible for the conditions, but they existed nevertheless. The party to suf fer was necessarily the p irty in power. It had had no opportunity’ to put in force a new policy’ and show a beneficial es- I feet, but discontent from whatever cause | is visited naturally upon the party in; power. ‘•The check in view should be, and I believe will be beneficial in result. Af ter such a period of distrust as we have just experienced, the stability and con ditions of trade are the first essential evi dences of a return to prosperity. Con gress owes it to the country, not only to reform the tariff but to reform it at once, in a conservative and capable spir it, and at once the redemption of all party pledges is necessary. But quick i-edemption of this greatest of party pledges is more than necessary—more than sound policy, more than wise par tisanship. It is a patriotic duty. In ac cordance with speed and wisdom with which this duty will be discharged, will, in my view, be the future of the Demo cratic party.” WILL NOT FUSE. Alabama Populists Determine to Play a Lone Hand. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 13.—The chances are that the Populists will not fuse with the Jeffersonian Democrats, or Kold men, in this state in the coming elections. The platformsof the two par ties are rather close together and both are working to a common end to de feat the organized Democ* .tic party in the state. It has been a foregone conclusion here that the two parties would fuse. This impression was dispelled, however, when the Populists announced that at a county convention held here Saturday night the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the delegates from thi* convention be instructed to support ua man from another political organization for any state office save that ot People’* party. Must H»ng tor His Crime. Knoxville, Nov. 13. —Allen Cousins, a negro who most brutally murdered his wife, a hard-working, deserving woman, must hang here Dec. 21 for Ms crime. He appealed his case to the supreme court and that tribunal has conJtamed the finding of the lower court r-i i-> '<■ „’ I 1 ■ QUEEN OF THE SEA. Columbia, the New Warship, Launched. HER SPEED, POWER AND Endurance Were Looked After. She Promises to Win This Distinction. Philadelphia, Nov. 13.—The depart ure of the cruiser Columbia from Cramps’ ship yard Saturday morning was an event of more than passing inter est to the American people. As the great vessel cast loose her moorings and slipped quietly down the Delaware few realized that another world’s record was to be broken by Yankee brains and that this great mass of steel through the wai ship h n;inn\vrT KO n ' s ia ’ r attain a speed of at S’ ■ -. ” aßFknots an hour. The con- of the New York a speed of 20 knots for four hours, with a premium >i $50,000 for every quarter knot in excess. The government demands a speed of 21 knots in the Columbia. On the official trial of the former her builders re ceived a bonus of $200,000, and if the Columbia sustains the reputation achieved by the Cramps in other vessels they will doubtlccs earn a premium of fully SIOO,OOO with their new creation. The Columbia is unique among our war vessels. Besides being the first triple screw steamer, she combines speed, endurance and power to a marvelous degree. In designing this vessel, the de partment evidently had in view our only available method of warfare—the de struction of the enemy’s commeroec—and she was created with the intention of being able to capture and sink such*hips as the City of Paris and the Teutonic should they ever fall into the hands of an enemy. Since her design, the Cunar ders Luciana and Campania have be< n constructed, both of which are enrolled in the naval reserve of Great Britain. If our new cruiser does all that experts believes she will, both of these fast mer chant ships would find her a dangerous adversary to encounter upon the high seas. FOR LOVE’S SAKE. JH Seriou» Charges Against a Man Wanted a Wife. Chicago, Noy. 13.—Six months aM William Doidge watched by the death bed of his lifelong friend, Louis Bur rows, and when the dying man breathed his last comforted his widow and seven children. Now Doidge is charged with arson and murder in setting fire to Mrs. Burrows’ home and causing thd death of : her youngest child. This deed, it is claimed, was done be- I cause the widow had refused to many Doidge. The prisoner protests his inno cence, but the witnesses before the coro ner’s jury told a remarkable story of love and jealousy. Swindled the Dealers. Malone, N. Y., Nov. 13.—Two stran gers called upon liquor dealers with a sample of sherry and sold a large quan tity at $1.25 a gallon. Then they pur chased a number of five gallon jugs and a quantity of burned sugar and coloring matter, repaired to a livery stable and mixed the decoction in a barrel where the horses were accustomed to drink. This they delivered to their customers and collected the money. They would have escaped detection but their meas urements were short, and warrants were issued to compel reimbursement. The men learned in some way of their in tended arrest and fled before an officer could apprehend them. Tried to Wreck a Train. Lebanon, Ky., Nov. 13.—A rail was removed from the track of the Knox ville division of the Louisville and Nash ville railway, near Altamont, and a pas senger train was derailed. The passen gers escaped serious injury, but the en gineer and fireman were severely hurt. The motive of the man who removed the rail can only be conjectured, as no at tempt at robbery followed. BIG RAILROAD DEAL. How the Louisville and Nash villa Got tho New Outlet. Louisville, Nov. 13.—The terms of the recent deal by which the Louisville and Nashville secures control of the Chesapeake and Ohio have just been • lisviilo and 000,0ini in < lores! ofi th/S ris mu !■> irance into mempms, ana me uouiavme ! i and Nashville has given it running i privileges over the line from Fulton to ! Memphis, together with the use of term- i , inals at Memphis. The money consideration for this has I not been made public, but one of the I considerations is that the Hlinois Central i shall become indorser for the Louisville i and Nashville on the $6,000,000 deben- i tures to be issued by the Louisville and , Nashville. Suit* Against a Sporting Man. Knoxville, Nov. 13. Mrs. Isaac Weiss has sued Arthur Wright, a well known sporting man, for $20,000 dama ages for the death of her aged husband, who was struck by a vehicle which Wright was driving, dyipg soon after wards. Mrs. James Jackson, daughter ! of Sam Small, the evangelist, has a suit against Wright for several thousand . dollars, which she claims Wright un lawfully took from her husband. Ragan Will Return. Birmingham, Ala.. Nov. 13.—W. D. ' arrested here Hie I'.iief of police 1 He is charged with re mortgagt 1 property. Ragan horses in his possession on which he owes $lB5. He says he left P Enough cotton in Rome to cover the debt. He will return without a requisi i tion. ' Another Preacher Turns Politician. Columbus, Ind., Nov. 13.—Z. T. Swee- J ney, ex-consul general to Constantinople under President Harrison, has made known to his friends that he is a candi : date for congress against Congressman ■ George W. (looper, the present incum : bent. The ex-consul general is at the . present time pastor of one of the largest , Christian churches in the state. THE CONVENTION. What Uic Delegate* Saw in their Rounds _ Sunday. Atlanta, Nov. 13.—After devotional 1 exercises, conducted by Rev. William 1 Colson, of Evansville, Indiana, the con ’ vention held a of experience meet ing, participated by all who appeared at the different churches in the city Sunday. A large number of the delegates took ; part in this service, and some very in teresting tatks were made, tor it was , quite a reve.® tion to the delegates to see the religions fervor manifested at the meetings, at some of which there was some regular old time shouting. At every Protestant church in the city the delegates conducted services,and some went in lhe jail, the convict camp and to churches outside the city. Many reported the results of these meetings to be glorious in ths extreme and God's blessing was ask"d in a num ber of short prayers. After these reports the time of the convention was given up to some of the women delegates. They made short talks about the work in which they were engaged in the great cities. The first one of these speakers was Mrs. Prindle, superintendent of the Florence lUritteudon home in New , Bhe was followed by Miss C. E. Cos- Resigned. y li* • — ‘ ss <. : they *, ' has resigned. .Y-t worth said he and theKnMRWMHiI do not look with favor on snSßwlfflllßjiwti punishment. Not a Good Time to Strike. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 13.—The strik ing printers here, who asked for 9 hours' work and 10- hours’ pay and were backed in their demands by the State Federation of Labor, were decided against by the board of mediation, “in view of the de pressed condition of business and the very large number of workingmen who are now out of employment.” Vote Buying in West Virginia. Parkersburg, Nov. 13.—Judge Bore man, of this circuit, has discharged Jus tice of the Peace R. B. Graham, of Eliz abeth, ami a number of others who were indicted for bribery in the recent elec tion in Wirt county. Judge Boreman held that the West Virginia statute makes it an offense to take a bribe but not to give a bribe. The Next to Cross the Roekies. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 13. —Private dispatches received here from New York say the Chicago, Burlington and Quicy railroad will be the next to cross the Rocky mountains. It is an open se cret that the company now has engineers working in the Rocky and Bitter Creek mountains seeking favorable passes. Must I’ay for Saying He Courted Iler. Providence, Nov. 13.—Alfred H. Ol •en, a marketman, was given a verdict of $250 in his case against Mrs. Joseph ine Colsen for defamation of character. The defendant reported that Olsen at tempted to make love to her during his visits for orders. Olsen claimed these reports injured his business. For Stealing Her Sister’* Money. Morristown, Pa., Nov. )3.—Miss Sylvia Atlee, of this city, was to have been but her sister, the money witlui^^^^H^^^^K’' o bought herJ PRICE FIVE C THE That May be Fam i I HIS HOME DES Fire—His Family Be Found and a Mob Bardstown. Ky.. Phil Evans’home the ground and hijfl perished or been JH/** Hated crowd. is unknown. Alm| ' , ~ . tin- f,ti. i*. a p ; pt ~ t-w ! urn.-b Su nd a y nig 11 ing like an expM|. I ■' . : ' ■ bell-l 1 -.VrijK eiflß wifi' :ind his -heard of anywhere. are advanced. Either the angered mob there blew up their home with dynamite, killing all within, or drove them off and then de stroyed the house. The authorities will make a thorough investigation. A ROME BOY To Be Wedded in Florida—lnvitations Received Here. Invitations, reading as follows, have been received in Rome: “Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Ferguson desire the honor of j our presence at the mar riage of their daughter, Lillie, to Henry S. Forsyth, Thursday evening, November 23, at 8 o’clock, at the First Methodist church, Bartow, Florida, 1893.” Mr. Forsyth is an old Rome boy, with a great many friends. They are extending their ccngratulations. THE COMING AND Os the People You lint.w and You Don't Know. Mr. W. P. Foster, of the city yesterday. Floyd Encampment No. 18, meets tonight at. 7:39. Mr. Gordon Biles returned yesterday after a pleasant visiK|||gK parents. W. W. Hudson, who shot ming Saturday, has not. yet Lemming is doing well. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Saott left yesterday for Atlanta where Mr. Scott has accepted a more luc a' ive position in the telegraph office. The Confederate veterans will meet this morning at 11 o’clock in the city hall. AR veterans are earnestly invited to attend. Mies Flora Shaw, a charming young lady of Atlanta with many friends here, arrived yesterday on a visit to Miss An* | Ti-8 will be called ’ rti ■ . . .{Htafcljufiiiiorning at 10 1 ‘ uust musE row or they will be ' cannot be hold beyond Thursi'lsy Sam Beard was somewhat bruised auM and received a slight scratch from al knife Saturday night, as the result of al fight with Bud Mooney. No serious! damage was done. ■ Mrs. J. W. McCaffrey, ot Anniatonfl and Miss Lottie McCaffrey, who bafl been on a visit to friends and relatives isl Anninton and Birmingham, the city yesterday. MflKnH Oidi-ia:y Davis received from LUrkei’a district yesterdM&SjflsO for an election un the stock It is claimed that “no through with no trouble. A sister of Mr. Homy Sunday night in Memphis, and be left for | hat place. She will be brought here for burial. The family has the sin cere sympathy of their many friends. Mrs. E. W\. Nix, of New York, ia in correspondence with Rome parties about moving here. « She writes that she wants to come south, and that she has heard of Rome as onja of the beat points. A delightful german will be danced at the club this evening, given compliment ary to Miss Mass>n, of New Orleans, who is visiting Miss Fouche. Mies Mason has made beraelf extremely popular during her stay in u n an