The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 15, 1893, Image 2

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IBU N E Published daily except Monday by ■SHB BOMB TRI BUN • CO, W. G. CooPBB. Gen’l Man'gr. Office No. 327 Broad Street, Up Stairs. Telephone 73. SATBSOV SUBSOBIPTIOB. (Daily, except Monday. ajne year 96.00 I Three m0nth5....91.60 px months 3.00 I One month BO I TO ADVKBTIHXBS. I Tn Bon Taimen is the official organ st Floyd County and the City of Rome. It has la large and increasing subscription list, and ks an advertising medium is unexcelled. Rates jrery rersonable. THK WKATHEB - - - [Official Forecast.] Atlxbta. Ga., November 14—For Georgia: Clearing and colder; decidedly colder in south ■ east. Mobbill, Local Forecast Official. A GEORGIA IDEA. contemporary, the justly claims fair as a Georgia idea. too exclusive to call it idea, for John Root was |||||||Hc>rgia at large: Our con- says: well known to every ■Bß that the world’s fair Hfi|Bicago was planned by the jffiHuohn W. Root, of -Atlan- that a 1 ! the beauty and Iggßior of the White City origi in the brain of the great archl ■Sß although the details were work- SBBut by the hands of others. statement is now made by New York World that the man |Ho first suggested the fair is Will- Hm Euclid Young, a New York stock Woker. Mr. Young formerly resided S Atlanta and was atone time one Wour prominent business men. “It will be seen that the world’s fair was wholly an Atlanta idea, suggested and plannecQy Atlanta ■re I - y f the Pied the latter ’*>'"> BL on ot ’ Wai J * latest is a dar- SRffifSlSS®’ l bsolutely startling It is entitled ancl tiie aP fair i ( l ea °f its trouble: bubble. ■mheMUWHHBMkc, nil,i !jake ’ of fr " K ' of dog, worm's sting, ■MHMHWWHMowIBt's wing, verlji trouble, tronble: bble. °f Kew f” ne bangs '<•■' ■ J ’~X -.’'N 8 tbe “hunt .’■>vG >. , :7^’Vry-‘ , .*'x,yas given last / . ”, .* v-'*V 4 HMrs. William members of ' 1 Itb at the en t, the r - Kock J as a lowering temperature induces a shortening of the wires extending over the whole of the conductor. A considerable amount of friction is produced on the supporting bell thus inducing sounds both on the wires and poles. When this hum ming has been going on birds have mistaken the sounds for insects in side the poles, and have been seen to peck with their bills on the out side as they do upon the apple and other trees. The story is told of a bear that mistook the humming noise as coming from a nest of bees, and clawed at the pole and tore away the stones at its base in the hope of finding the much-coveted honey. Senator John Sherman attributes the unprecedented Republican vic tory in Ohio to the inactivity ofCon gress and the fear of a change in the tariff laws. Speaking of the result he said the other day: “The victo ry was brought about partly by the long inactivity of Congress and the delay in dealing with the financial question. The chief cause, however, was the fear among the thousands of idle men that the tariff was to be changed.” Gen. William Mahone, the Con federate renegade, broke forth at Washington last Wednesday in one of his characteristic talks, in which he gloated over the Republican vic tories and made the usual fling at the South by declaring that results in this section are fixed in advance through manipulation of the ballot boxes by Democrats. Now all the state pipers are claiming that they blazed the way for ballot reform in Georgia.—Savan to claim it until t° 1)6 three months be IglglaEe head ofthe procession, and ■Rn it got tired. The above para Fgraph sounds like sour grapes. L The Carnegie Steel Company have fcut the price of steel rails $5 a ton. It is expected that one good effect of the reduction will be to boom railroad building, and that it will also induce Congress to reduce ths ■uriff on steel rails at least $5 a ton. EBIt was thought when he was kill- Wthat Carter Harrison was worth $3,000,000. By his will it has been found out that he was worth only about $950,000, all of which goes to his children except one public be quest of SIO,OOO. The Rev. Dr. John R. Paxton, pas tor of the West Presbyterian Church, Jay Gould’s church, in New York, has sent in his resignation to the church session. His health is so bad that he cannot continue his pas toral work. A decidedly new wrinkle in the highway robbery line has been in troduced by Chicago professionals. Before going through the of the victim they render less by squeezing eyes. THE ROME TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 15. 1893. cans will have a majority of six in the Senate and twenty in t he House on joint ballot. ODDS AND ENDS. “Its a Wise Child.”—Hicks—l’ll say one thing for Dick; he never disobeys me. Dix—How do you manaage that? Hicks—When he wants to do a thin?, he takes the precaution not to ask me.—Puck. ’Tis now the prudent mother Lets her children wildly rove, Lest they hear their fatheritalking When he’s putting up the stove. —Chicago Inter-Ocean. He—l should think it would be very hard work to write a modern society novel. She—What can there be so hard about it? He—To restrain the impulse to kill off New York Her ald. Mrs. Faddleby—What a rude woman Mrs. Heftier is! She always looks back at people who pass her. Mr. Faddleby—How do you know? Mrs. Faddleby—Why I caught her at it several times myself. Wiie (severely)—John you have wasted a great deal in your life. Husband (meekly)—l know it my dear. “Well, don’t you regret it?” “There is a certain $5 bill I gave the minister I shall never cease to regret, my love.”—Texas Siftings. fOOR HEALTH Ei May depend upon the way yo t treat <he warn E1 in "5 v.liicli natare gives. A few bottles of 5. S. S. aken at the proper time may insure good teal'll iora yearortwo Ihereforeactat,forit /S IMPORTANT hat nature be assisted at the right time. jevr fails to relieve the system of i ..unties, and is an excellent tonic also.““"“ —, "“ ria Wants to Add His Name. “ Permit me to add my name to you, many other :ertincatesin commendation of the great curative jr.rperties contained in Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) It s certainly one of the best tonics I ever used. ‘ John W. Daniel, Anderson,S. C.” Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga. Backache I This trouble arises from some kt4ney or rheumatic affection. In either case nothing is so effective as Stuart’s Gin and Buchu It purifies the blood and gives a good, healthy flow of urine, and imparts vigor and tone to the kidneys and bladder. If you feel unwell, have a don’t-care kind of feeling, and are generally out of sorts, yoiir kidacys, liver or blood needs stim ulating. Stuart’s Gi** and Buchu is a remedy. It will not disappoint you. For all kidney, bladder and other urinary troubles STUART’S GIN AND BUCHU is a remedy of established merit. Atlanta, Ga. —I take pleasure in oer tyfying that S IUARI’S GIN AND BIT CHU has made a cure of me, I find it the best kidney remedy I have ever used. P. W. Merett. Cincinnati, O. — After a thorough and careful tria 1 , I find STUART’S GIN AND BUCHU to be a reliable diuretic and kidney tonic. D- R. Stauffacher. Sold by all druggists. 60cts.,and IB M r»M aoM SI.OO per Bottle?«uE Q ■ - dB One cent a dose. This Great Cocoh Cube promptly eurea where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, whoopi.ig Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival: Bas cured thousands, and Will CURB taken in time. Sold by Druggists ar.tee. For a Lame SHILOH'S BELA x AjOQM«fe?-,'J--, r Don’t Mince Matters, but take aU the help you can get. And you A • J can ? et more of h. with Pearline, than with anything else that’s safe to use. Everybody / knows about Pearline for washing clothes. We A\ VS talk more about that, because of all the wear an d * ear and labor it saves, by doing I "fJ/Ls aw ay with that ruinous rub, rub, rub. W d° n t let it’s help stop there, r With anything that will wash at all, / - Pearline will save you something * n t h e washing. Dishes, paint, woodwork, marble, windows, carpets (without taking up), milk cans, silver, 1 jewelry, etc.—these are only some of the things that are washed best with Pearline. Peddler* end some unscrupulous grocers will tell vou, KAtTrO " this {s “ Rood «•*«’* th« sam « os Pearline.” IT’S W wVA FALSE—Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer sends you an imitation, be honest— ftitd it back. 856 JAMBS PYLE, New York, afsdafdfasfsdf COTHRAN & CO, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses Insured. Office Corner Armstrong Hotel, Rome, 6a, More Furniture at Oost- ffl OPERA- HOUSEfI} M. A NEVIN a SON. Managers. fWaTlWoeOth. ENGAGEMENT OF MR, LEWIS MORRISON AS “MEPHISTO” In his famous Dramatic, Scenic and Electric , Production of FAUST A performance celebrated throughout the entire 'English speaking world, with MISS FLORENCE ROBERTS, AS MARGUERITE. MR. EDWARD ELSNER, AS FaUST. And a Magnificent Cast. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. XZN/X/X.rx/XZN/NZXZXZX-V .'■X^/SZX/X/VXZXZVX/X/VXZX/X/X/XA HOWARD E. FELTON, M. 0., Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hammack, Lucas & Co.’s Drug Storfe. Entrance on Broad Street. lESp-At office d..y and nigLt. Telephone 62. 8-1)5 dL L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence No 408 West First Street. Office CROUCH & WATSONS DRUGSTORI Residence telephone ■ ■ ■ No as. Office • - - * 13. C. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence No. 115, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St Residence Telephone No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. ATTOKNErYB-AT-DAW. J. BRANHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rome, Georgia. D. v. Kiobmokd & Danvillb Railboad. My employment by the above company will not interfere with my general practice, which will be attended to as heretofore. mch4-dly J. R. F. LUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, Room 12, Poatofflce Building. Promp attention to collections. dfiml maß J. H. SANDERS- W. B. Campbell The Only Genuine I PLUMBER? No. 8, Third Ave., Next to Postoffice, ROME, GA. Pipe Fittings, Sewer Pipe, £ Pumps & Hose |i| Bath Tubs and l||. Water Closets, Gas Fixtures 5 and Globes Steam and Hot Water Heating. Prompt attention given repair work. Estimates cheerfully given. 11 9-dlm Endorsed UT the Hiohe.t Medical Authorities. a Inhaler win euro you. A <, J 99 x. wonderful boon to sufferers fIP ’BL from Colds, Sore Throat, ✓7 Influenza, Bronchitis, /A or HAY FEVER. Afford? ''xx immediate relief. An efficient ’ remedy, convenient to carryi m pocket, ready to uro on first indication of cola. 1 Continued Use Effect® Permanent Cure. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price* 50 cts. Trial free nt Druggists. Registered mall, 60 cents. H. D. CUSHMAN, Mfr., Three Rivers, Mich., U. S. L CUfHM AW T 8 MFNTMni surest and safest remedy for mun IrIUL all skin diseases. Eczema, itch. Salt Sores, Burns, (hits. Wonderful rem edy for Pl LES. Price, £5 cts. at Drug- DAI BA gists or by mail prepaid. Address as above. DHLIJ a JOHNSON'* MAGNETIC OIL! Instant Killer of Pain. Internal and External. Curse RHEUMATISM. NEURAL. GIA, Laine Back, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings? stiff Joints, COLIC an<L ICRAMPSdnstantly. feus, C> oup, Biptheriu. ’"SS iIIEADACHE, «S it THE HORSE BRAND, the most Powerful mid Penetrating Li or Beast in exMence. Large fl size JOHNSON’S ORIENTAL wMBF Medicated and Toilet. The Great Skin Cura afcd Face Beautifler. Ladies will find it the most delicate and highly perfumed Toilet Soap on the market. It Is absolutely pure. Makes the skin soft and velvety and restores the lost com. plexion; is a luxury for the Bath for Infante. It alays itching, cleanses the scalp and pretuotet the growth of hair. Brice 25c. For sale by I For ea><- b» 1) W cu' <v. .ii. ' ' ■ . JACKSON OFFICE FURNITURE COJffiAjL JACKSON, TENN. B|j|||g| Manufacturers ol— ;:?. School, Church and Office QCROOLS AND CHURCHES O the best manner Offices Rond for Catalogue. Rome Railroa] .. .J The following schedule will Obtober 3, 1893, at 9:OU a nj. JMSSsSwSgg