The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 15, 1893, Image 4

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— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. KfeJ Baking ■£££ Powder HK>LUTELY PURE CUT TO THE CORE. < Some Newsy Items Without Any Dressing. ( STATEMENTS OF J FACTS. < Some of Which Will Be Sure to Interest the Hasty ' Readers. f’" "* l an<lus— new, they tell vs, BMKsSggHtlie bud . ’ shuns correction. £■■■ tight, complexion t Sgjj&slftjjßli ths gas. HmSRHB B Light Guards held an er- , last nie,bt. the weather w « bad, yre -h- , receipts hero were the next , season. Auxiliary t 0 tiie Keeley , will meet this afternoon at 3 , ‘ >*. Kt the residence of Mrs. A. B. S. K A set of false teeth. O wner ; K property by calling at No. 14 hotel, and paying for this ||gW - i Rounsavillo has sent out invita- Ko an “At Home” Thursday evet- te her visitors, the Cleghorn and White. ■B^Euted—',l vi to m inage bran :h office a year. Must furnish best J ■HKces aud SSOO Boom SB . i' 'Wtsading i H ' '' ! S BB^^Mpresinee ai " «'■ and Mrs. ?'• West, Monday evening.. o’clock. The Oaks, East Rome,.Ga. • Sund y evening last forty-nine young I men greeted the Rev. Dr. R. B. Headden at the 3 o’clock Y. M. C. A. meeting, and { the service was a rousing one. The sub- ( ject, *'A Young Man’s Business Sue- , oms,” was well argued. Dr. Headden,in | his nsnal entertaining way, greatly in terested the audience, and many were the excellent points brought out by the : ■peaker. 1 I offer my entire stock of boots and , ■hoes at cost. I have to raise roomy and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for brood shoes for some time. * R. T. Connally, ■ffl-dqgffm 216 Broad street Rome, Ga, coa ' Answer i; -,'J Gt£?S<y-£®They will trea z :K•wtd-f ii-s u n. 1 £&’43KgH^^H, ce < bright fire. , 8 scarcely n , Jellied coal. 1 <,-' ; 'Kviß court ! THE COMINQ’AND GOING Of.the People You Know and Some That You Don’t Know. Miss Minnie Watters is visiting Mrs. C. A. Trevi tt. Mr. Edgar Morton, of Coosa, was in city yesterday. Mr. J. D. Kirkpatrick went down to Atlanta yesterday. Mr. James E. Cothran is back from a business trip to Atlanta. Mr. W. H. Ennis left yesterday for Alabama on legal business. Yesterday was disagreeable, but the people were g’ad to see the rain. Capt. Ben Elliot is in the city for a few days from his Missiasippi'to me. Mr. H. M. Malone, of Atlanta, was in the city yesterday on a business trip. Lee Andrews and Miss Mabel Crane will be married in New.irk, N. J., today. Col. D. B. Hamilton has returned from the convention of Christian workers in Atlanta. Mr. C. W. Langworth, of Huntsville, Ala., is here shaking hands with his old friends. Mrs. H. W. Inman and Miss Lee Free man, of New York, are visiting at Mrs. D. W. Curry’s. Mr. Elgin Locbraue was in the city yesterday, and was warmly greeted by his many friends. Mr.jßobert Gunn and Miss Ota Fletcher will be married tonight at the home of the bride in East Rome. Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hicks, of Knoxville, bkve friends in the city and will make their home here. SbmHL D. Cothran left yesterday on a aud pleasure trip to N w York cities. •’ ' ■ 1 t- u.i; MH^M^^oreiativ- s in South Carolina, furniture for the supe rior aud city court rooms has been shipped from Chicago, and will be in place in a few days. Miss Sarah Carter, of Dalton, arrived yesterday on a visit to Miss Eva Camp. She has many friends here who are de lighted to know of her arrival. Mr., no. Coker, chief clerk at the Arm strong, went over to Cedar Bluff, Ala., yesterday to attend the marriage of his sister, which was to have taken place last night. Col. J. W. Harris, er., cf Cartersville received a sudden attack last Saturday, and has been prostrated since. He has many friends all over this section who regret to hear of his condition. General Superintendent W. A. Vaughn, Superintendeut Thomas aud Superin tendent Beauprie, of the E. T. V. <fc G. R. R., passed through yesterday in pri vate car No. 97 en route south. AN OLD ROMAN Comes Back on a Visit—Mr. C. W. Lang worthy In the City. Mr. C. W. Lang worthy, formerly a pop ulai Reman, came up from Huntsville, Ala, yesterday through the country. Ho lived here for along time, but now makes his home in Huntsville. His friends here were glad to see him, and listened with interest to his stories of his new home. In talking of Hunts ville he said: “We are doing very well indeed, over there. Our new s'oo,ooo cotton factory employs from 600 ro 800 bands, and our other run the number up to about 5,000. It is one of the best little cities in the country.” \ A PRETTY GERMAN \ Danced at the Cherokee Club Last Night. e »i n g at the Chero- THE ROME TH J NE WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15 1593. LITTLE CHANGE Reported in the Cotton Market Yesterday. FUTURES DULL—STEADY. Wheat Lower Than It Has Been for Fifty Years, and it is Still Dropping. [Reported by Cothran Bros. | Bomb, Ga., Nov. 14, 1893. Liverpool cotton opened and closed about the same as yesterday. New York has been very quiet, opening at about yesterday’s close and finally advancing two points. The pressure of heavy port receipts prevents the market from ad vancing. If receipts fall off the market will advance rapidly. In the grain and provision markets wheat has declined nearly ono cent, coin a half cent, and both ribs and lard are lower. Although wheat is lower than for fifty years it looks as if the bottom had not been reached yet. Rome Cotton Market. Rome, Nov. 13 —Middling7 n g. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, b’ov. 14.—Spots 4 7-16; tone, quiet market; futures dill and steady. sales, 8,u0». » Yesterday’s Today's Close. Opening. close - January and Feb’ary. 4.23 4.24 23 4.24 Feburary.nd March.. 4.24 25 4.26 4.'<5 March and April 4.25 26 4.-2 T-26 4.26-27 Apr'iand May 4.27 4 29 4.28 May and June 4.29 4.30-211 430 June and July 4.39-31 4.31 32 July and august 4 32 33 4.33-84 October ana Noveu>... 423 4.24 Novem. and Decern... 4.22-23 4.23-23 4.23 24 Decern, and January.. 4.2-2-23 4.24-23 4.23-24 New York Cotton Markets. New York, Nov. 14. Yesterday’s Today’s Close. Opening, VlOae - January 8.12-13 8.10-11 8.12-13 February 8.19-20 8.0-18 8.19-20 March 8.27 8.25-26 8.27-28 April 8.34-35 8.-2 33 8.34-35 May 8.41 42 8.38-40 8.41-42 June 8.47-49 8.4 -39 November 8.15-05 8.04-06 December 811 12 8.10-11 8.10-12 Spots—Middlings 8 3-16. Tone, quiet and unchanged. Chicago Produce Markets. Chicago, Nov. 14. Yesterday’s Today’s Close. O; cuing. “ 10fe - Wheat- Cash 60% 60 December 61 62 61 Corn— V Cash 37' December », ' 16% Janu-rv 11 10 14 15 13 83 Lard- Cash 9 15 9 05 January 8 '5-27 8 30 8 10 Ribs— Cash 8 75 8 75 January 7 30 73) 7 I'2 Hog receipts today 19,000. Estimates for to morrow '7,00 ’. Port receipts teday, 53,963; port receipts last year, 55,455. : • Leave Your Orders for • : —and— • \ W O O 33 • —with : ( O’NEILL M’F’C COMPANY, j : Telephone 76. AUCTION SALES. Our resident New York buyer sends us : $750 worth Chenille Cur tains. SSOO worth Lace Cur tains. Bought at 40 cents on the dollar. 3 yard Chenille Curtains, wide dado fringe both ends $2 75 per pair, worth $6,00. Elegant Chenille curtains $4.00 per pair, worth $8 00. Lace curtains $1.50 perpair worth $3.50. Lace Ourtains $2.50 per pair, worth $6.00. Chenille Table Covers 4 ft 6 inches square for 90 cents, worth $2.50. We have sol'd this fall near ly $3000.00 worth of Smyrna Rugs. Other dealers keep theirs—we sell ours. A good Smyrna Rug 3x6 for $1.25, worth $2,50. The best and the cheapest. Our furniture sells all the time. Get our prices before buying. The M. G. McDonald Furniture Company. "'• 1 • ./ British Warship for Hawaii, San Francisco, Nov. 14.-—lt is report |gd here that the British warship EsquL day ■ Billin', J’'' 'V'-j/': /’• ’"G T -- y ' '■■'fl' I ' B '* ■in CASTOR IA Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. “ Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children.” Db. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. •* Castoria is the best remedy for children of which lam acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.” Db. J. F. Kinchkloe, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 I THE BEST IS THECHEAPEST. 500 Tons Jellico Coal In Stock WBrtlrt And to Arrive. jf / MaW (|(| . IBi ROB’T. W. SHAVES & CO., 12 5 snnwf lm E T. V. & G. COAL YARD. JOHN H. REYNOLDS, President. B. I. HUGHES, Cashier. P. H. HARDIN, Vice Piesident. First National Bank OF HOME, OKA.. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS: $300,000. All lite Accommodations Consistent with Sate Banking Ex tended to onr customers. Samuel Funkhouser. mi \\ SKm ■Cj / < \/S> \\ UJUHU . ../ / \ - BA KHKn vt- SK liw wsSWMR IMPBagyilt I'lß -JrWB ■ v< » * > Ji>.iii-jpgl hi® J < ; £& x. C mJtv 0 tjerjEJ Wl 7>A M ' ft 1/ - -V ‘ J -~ * x •**r^Tg~i» , ~O'>.' .' :i *** t -*= C,' C'*~ * ~*~ "*. £*s7'rtJ ':X"Z: •*. Real Estate Agent, - 315 { Broad Stxeet What is Castoria. “ Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as supotM&oauy prescription known to me.” H. A. Archer, M. D., 11l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “ Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although wo only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres., [■array Street, New York City. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY! A Magazine Free With The I Daily Tribune. We have made arrangements to furnish McClure’s Magazine free to subscribers of The Daily Tribune who pay $6 in advance for a year’s subscription. I Here is a prospectus of the magazine for the coming* year. Where will you find a better one ? McClures Magazine For'lß93-194 100^MEN'ANb~WOMEN FAMOUS IN LITER- 1 (in jit | ATURE AND ACHIEVEMENT will be represented /.In McClure’s Magazine, either rs authors of art- Ides or as participants In dialogues and Inter- JKHnfl views?, or, as. subjects of articles/ rfFX > . ■- K b“ P re P* red *" autobiographical article et ran Interest on how | he wrot * “ Tf *—re laland.’’- ~ 'JjlZ'i William Dean'Howells 'ffiSgSSfvka peclally for youthful readers), and. In addition, will contribute one of the « tdlalosuea whfch are m famous a feature of the Magaiine. 1 V \ atistaln ono «Ue of a dialogue for the Magarino, and will alao write abort' atortea.' - “ Alphonse Daudet?Emile Zola, Pierre Loti and Jules Verne (rated article., three of which are AutoHotraplilcal Interview.., " ~~ Ps. i«m< run v, . Vx/IT, “ Othar interview, of thia fudnaUng kind will toll, In aatoMotreMv Ical lorm, the careen of pauas’, X VOUU p ’“ teur i Thoma. A. Edison XT'TTX John J. Ingalls Henry George ' F V Edward Bdlbuny. Edward Everett Hale .( ' Camille Flammarlon Gaston Tlssandier I and scores,el other world famous personalities. Or. Kotaea ’ ’ 5 X X ' by D - «> W “-CS. RUDYARD KIPLING. L. H ‘ CONAN DOVLB, WALTER' 01-il, - \\Vl \ M I H ? nAS HARDV - CLARK RUSSELL, OCTAVE TUANBT, BRET X Kv ■’ - NDLER HARRIS. SARAH .ORNB JEWETT,! , "\W 1 HARRIET-PRESCOTT-SPOFFORD and othen. '■ sarty i I Real' Converenf inns «» actml dialogues between ' *** WUVCTMIUUnS famous peraonHlties. and are ' L , ' unique in this Magailne. f y Biaaarck - - S Portraits of Distinguished People at different ages of their Ilves Is a striking feature of the Magazine, and gJjTw during the next year fully fifty of the moat famous living celebrities will be shown from childhood up. sometimes a dozen pictures of a single being given. ~ ~ . Professor Henry Drummond v ( per, of extraordinary Merest which will appear In the Magazine during \ J&I the year. • ' t StcvcnM. 1 The Edge of the Future 2 giv«s the latest and most laterestlng knowledge In all fields of activities.! I 1 K, P n >>r] T R ea £ Adventure J - Magazine. ' Charles A nfln« v HE ORQE w -'cable. Elizabeth, V/V A Wllarl <» Mana STUART PHELRS_and„MADAM .ADAM.wW,q|»^c W Mb<MJpjtb» Merailw f~ Qooaa Deyto To Make Wheat GrOw USZE —- Dissolved Bone and Potash. The Rome Chemical Co. Makes the Best. E. T. McGrHEE, Manager. 1012 eunwed wlm ———I——■———M—————M—— ? I Queen & Crescent Route | ..Finest - I? i Through Cars toChica<ro^^K )( c i K . rr : . f r . a , a New Orleans, Meridian^^Mi ll ,v i ai ! ‘’ Cha*- A txnooga. Jacksonville, 71-con > Lexington and ' ffit 9 of routes via Cincmna^^^L,; a l,orjnvills. 0 Ujp-overs allowed j.•^j r^c ~ st * A Chattanooga, Louis-,^^K lc ji an ’.,', ) ‘ J ]jCor J, ncinnati. P For further informati^^^^ o a t cs Car $ rvice, Sleeping Car R^^B on5 ‘ ctc ' ca! i A or address any age^^K t , c Queen & 19 escent Route or E. q Ry w. c. Rinearson, G.^m Jinci? ;; ati o . 2 H CARsHp CHICAGO. J -I<- --1 n i New Coats Yard. ~” J. F. McCLußi & SON; Telephone 27 We have opened a new Coal Yard at RonK^® l; , wheffl we w|)l han(Jle DOMESTIC COAL. We make a specialty of the quality t be eqnalta^e_b<isLonrwm|^H^^^^^^^^^W unt t i!n Cosl *. p : n(i Wl “ cuarante the tocall’aud luw th ”' k TOH