The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 07, 1893, Image 4

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thecabinet are mefflrers also of the house of commons. One fea ture of the English legislative body might be introduced with advantage into our legislatures—state and national. This is what is called “question time.” Any member of the house can publicly ask a cabinet minister any question he wants answered that pertains,to the minister’s department, and the minister is obliged to answer. The questions are printed and the eyes of every mem -1 her. The ministers are thus subjected pto cross examinations that must have a wholesome effect on the government at times. Unlike our representativesagain, mem bers of the British house have no desks before them. Mr. O’Connor thinks this makes them pay more attention to busi ness, and perhaps it does. and Electric Bitters and Tonic acts di on these vital organs. Cures Pim ples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good com plexion. Sold at Mr. D. W. Curry & Co., Wholsale and Retail Druggists, 50c per bottle. National Union. At a regular meeting of Rome Council, No. 411, National Union, held December 5,1893, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: M. F. Allen, president. hW. T. White, vice-president. HMfaaWoodruif, speaker. * secretary. ■HBMrnidsey, financial secretary. Edmundson, treasurer. PBT. G. Stofiregen, usher. G J. Walker, sergeant. N. J. Jenkins, door-keeper. C. M. Harper, M. G. McDonald, W. L. Graves, trustees. Children Cry for ditcher’s Castoria. U. S. Gov’t Report. rfßaking SI Powder OUUTEiy PURE ninons. I ke descrip- I |>B in Har- I I house of I ■t we have I own na- Baster all. Bent from there Mons and THIS AND IHA l. I The stock law election for Barker’s dis iot has been set for December 27. Considerable cotton of good quality ime in yesterday. The price is down. Mr. Wilbur Brown, one of the best nown traveling men on the road, is he city. Hill City Council, No. 535, will hole election of officers at 7 o clod attendance is desired. 'C|B|teed in many nickles o com MtaUe. as to try the advertised Druggist i’rial Bottle Free. Send your address toH. E. Bucklen, & Co., and get a sample box of Dr. Life Pills Free, as well as a ■■mßU Guide to Health acd Household In- Free. All of which iff guaranteed good and costs you nothing. 10,000 TAX PAYERS Will receive the big holi day edition of the Tribure to be issued December 12. Ad vertisers who want space should apply at once. Several pages already sold. Royal Arcanum. Regular meeting of Hill City Council No. 535, Royal Arcanum, at 7 o’clock to night. Election of officers. Brethren cordially invited. Max Meyerhabdt, Regent. J. E. Mullen, Secretary. Ingleside Retreat.—For diseases of Women. Scientific treatment and cures guaranteed. Elegant apartments for la dies before and during confinement. Ad dress The Resident Physician 71 72 Baxter Court. Nashville, Tenn. 8-22-d&wSm Bad Boy, this play is this season, each seclected for his individ ual atniity to portray properly the role assigned him. The music, which is a bright particular feature of this excel lent entertainment is all new, melodious and “catchy.” A constellation of artists of well-known ability will j resent a pleasing divertissement by the presenta tion of specialties of a refined nature. At Nevin’s Wednesday, December 13th. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria And now comes Dr. Crochley Clapham and overturns all our preconceived no tions of the intellectual head. He says that crazy folk have larger heads than people of sound mind have, and that the small head, with back head proportion ately large, is apt to belong to the person of sound, level mind. The unprofessional person will begin to conclude there is nothing in heads anyway, especially learned scientists’ heads. ftTHE ROME THE MARKETS. Liverpool was very disappe heffiulls today, instead of res pi eW York’s Bdvance of yea opened 2 64 lower, and at the I 3-64 below yesterday for future lower on spots. Tone easy. I New York closes 8 points 1 terdas for futures and 1-16 spots. J Our Rome market seems to ■ prominent cotton market that i Both Liverpool and New YJ lower and easy, but our std claim that cotton on the street still brings top prices. I I Wheat up a cent a bushel. I ind meat 10 points. [Reported by Cothran Bn Rome, Ga., Di Rome Cotton BiarKS Bomb. Deo. 6.— Middling 7 I Liverpool Cotton Mail Liverpool, Dec. 4.—Spots J easy. Sales, 12,000. 1 Yesterday a Tcj Close. Opj January and Feb’ary. 4.17-18 I Keburaryand March.. 4-1 I March and April 4.«® I April and May lit, I I May aud June 4 26-27 I June and July.. I I July and August " I I August and hept. ■■ ■•’.a I ISovem. andDecem... 4.17 W I ■■teem, and January.. 4.1.-18 j :rk Cotton® nb' Next year the use of 'be dec mal sys tem of weights and measures in all phai maceutical matters will become common to protect it from the weather. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria* The Chicago Borad of Trade Buildinp is sa dto be settling, and in dauger of collapse. Architects say it will cost $ 50,- 000 to make it secure. Don’t fail to see the Johnson Jewelry Go’s novelties in Sterling Silver. There is an eiectro-hydrogen cigar lighter. If you feel weafc and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Denmark has an old maids’ insurance company. Benefi s are paid at 40 years. VELVETS Os Every Description at - 'Cost. 500 Yards Choice Vel , vets. All the latest colors will be sold at sure enough first cost at the Rome Millinery Bazaar. 12-3 6t An English gasometer holds 12,000,009 cubic feet. Bostm may lay pneumatic tubes for suburban mail. Children Cryfo? Pitcher’s Castoria. For Sale. Large Herring’s safe for sale or birr. 12 5 3c M. F. Govan, 238 Broad St. A Buffalo-Niagara Falls trolly is pro jected. Don’t fail to see the Johnson Jewelry Co’s novelties in Sterling Silver. The annual match output is worth $105,000,000. Karl’s Clover Root will purify yom blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as as a bell. 25c. and 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. rnCRSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7. IBWJ, ■Actuary for desperadoes. _B.I of Romance Found In the Little City of Key West. [Special Correspondence.] |Bwest, Die. I—An American Baed- read as follows: "Key West is of 5,01.) people, Cubans, negroes sprinkling of Americans. The a little wider than those in Ha- some of the inhabitants speak 'Die post..dice is a nice building. occupations are sponging, to- tiring and diving for pen- West from April to October is place in the world. Its mos- BH are very famous. Tourists would to take a Spanish interpreter along the city.” a misnomer to call Key West, an city. It is not. It has all the characteristics, and I doubt if one- HMf the populril ion is naturalized. Tim persons 1 met after landing and the wharf were unable to under- BMEnglisb. The seventh man was a but had acquired our tongue. ' Brr are hundreds of hot blooded Cu this city who never forgot their 'fancied grievances. They plot, of and form a clan bound by ties that anarchists together. They are in communication w ith their beloved HHtnd if the moment is ever ripe Key ye, nlll ye, sends its quota to aid ■'i-gents against the Spanish govern- BBuried in the Cuban quarters of are many old men who could stories of deeds that are writ ■BSpanish blood. They are looked ■ patriots. When they rehearse the ■ doneto them or their countrymen eloquence of the south burns in and we feel our own cheeks I sat in the dark room of a and heard how 19 Cuban shot by the Spanish soldiers, be- careless boy had slightly the monument erected to a dead official; how this man's wife had been subjected todread y, his plantation confiscated and BMKelf forced into exile, because he to guide a party of soldiers to of his brother; how that woman HoB a-widow because she had called in t oaid her in repulsing a drunk- advances. BMMgreat, black bearded Cuban to me. |||||Mt this island for our own, and we I met him at Bahia Honda, Cuban coast about 35 miles BHraMavana. It is in this bay that the ’k^C-H 13 fr °m Key West will land, it HMHditions are ever sent out. The re- itlC CIVI BVllt UAL. lilt; I the revolutions, asl thelittle insurrections that constantly spring up in the majority of the cases orig inate here —a desolate enough place too. Mangrove swamps encompass the bay and are infested with herons. The tide falling discloses the black mud and oysters cling ing to the roots of the trees. Alligators are found in the depths, and during the rainy season mosquitoes swarm by millions. Eight miles inland is a range of mountains very thickly wooded. At the entrance to the bay, crowning a hill, are the remains of a fort which is rarely occupied. But at the lower end of the bay, squatting, as it may be, on the edge of the swamp in the midst of buzzing mosquitoes and squawking herons, is a dock and shed where military can always be seen. Five miles inland are some bar racks where the officers live. A more dis agreeable place to be sent to is hard to imagine. The poor, ignorant people who eke out an existence in the region seem incapable of mischief. No one would think that this is the most dangerous locality in all Cuba. In the mountains, whose out line can be plainly seen, is many a rebel, who is perfectly secure from the authori ties. There is a world of romance locked up in these woody heights. Cubans look to the United States for aid. They trust that some time they will be in a position to offer themselves and land to our nation. But the day is as yet far off. Aside from the political character that attends thg, Crfban majority in Key West there is a mercantile phase to the question. Everybody knows about the excellence of Key West) cigars. Now this tobacco is sent over from’ Cuba. The only reason that the Key West cigar has claims to superiority over New York productions is that better tobacco is obtained cheaper by the Key West manufacturers. This of course ap plies'-in a general way, and Cubans assent to the truth rrfit. I inferred from a ciiance remark made to me by an American resident ~ef~J£ey West that Cubans must have facilities Toroid taining the tobacco in Key W’est that are not available farther north. Despite the watchfulness of the United States officials there is an enormous amount of the weed smuggled into Key West. This is done in various ways, by tricks well known to the customs officers. 1 was instructed by a stranger whom I met at Key West to go into a coffee house th buy my cigarettes, and to be sure to ask for some “without stamps.” He told me that I could obtain them at 80 cents a real, while the usual price was $1.20. I did as he suggested. I entered a dirty little shanty, asked for cig arettes “without stamps.” But unfortu nately three companions greedily followed me in, and the proprietor, a villainous look ing scamp, assured me he had none of the articles such as I wanted. A comrade of mine, however, later went to a coffee house, and following the in structions that 1 had received, soon pos sessed a real of cigarettes on which there was no government stamp. They were manufactured in Havana (the number and street have escaped my memory) and'were smuggW into America. Strangers, and natives, too, are frequently approached on the street by a negro or a Cuban, who has his pockets stuffed full of cigars. He offers them to you at two for a nickle. I assure you if you buy them you will never regret it. They ace equal to the best you can ob tain at reputable establishments.. Postal cards use 720 B tons of card board yearly. Complexion Preserved - OR. HEBRA'S /IOLA CREAM lemoves Freckles, Pimples. .iver • Moles Blackheads, y» Sunburn and Tan, and re* \ itores the skin to Its origl tai freshness, producing a KES -/ > dear and healthy com-fij&p. plexion. Superior to all face ■ • preparations and perfectly harmless. At all Iruggists, or mailed for sOcts. Send for Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP is simply incomparable as a I Ekin purifying Soap, unequaled for the toilet, and without a . rival for the nursery. Absolutely pure and delicately medi* J cated. Aa druggists, price 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. zaisvxjxr m OPERA ■ HOUSEI-ri M. A NEVIN ft SON. MANAGBRS. Wednesday, Dec. 13. Atkinson Comedy Company IN Peck’s Bad Boy Under the Management of fueid r. wiijSokt A brand new version. More fun, larger com >any, better dancers »nd singers. The Funniest Dutch Commetlian,Harry West Sparkling Music. New Songs, Med leys and Specialties, Witty Comedians, Pretty Women, Bewitch - ng Dancers. Special engagement of the charming Scu irette. Mies May Eddyson. Our Governor’s Quartette. Everything new, bright and cheerful, Prices, SI.CO, 75c, 25c. Box sheet open at i'eisers. ELECTION NOTICE. For Fence or Stock Law. 3EORGIA, Floyd County. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the Court Ground in tbe;924>h. (Bar ker’s) District, G. M . said county, on the 27th iav of December, 1893, in which the question will be submitted to the qualified voters of eaid District, “For Fence” or “Stock Law.” as by law provided, Petition having been Hied and notice given as required by law. Given under my hand and official signature, this 4th day of December. 1893. JOHN P DAVI3, 12-7-d w -Od Ordinary Floyd Points About Boiling Me,'ll lx>i! dtpiieklv - til-tl-l. v.-’.u ti.u i| ■ 1 111- 1I ' I- 111 - only .-.-ifNc-i, u:ly !:>■._■ !-■ eerily -li'iul'l lie u- d. and meat with ivatcr. The ti n ijBHHmHBM !>-.■ fmui a quarter <>(■■■■ Ca)!||sSra produced pouWI I mmpkir. Plasters. If yon are thinking about buying a ilaster, remi mber that you wi 1 place it tpon your body and cannot get a plaster hat will be too good for you. Allcock’s Porous Piaster is the best faster made. Your druggist may nave otne < ther piaster on bis shelves which ie is anxious to get rid of, or else some forthless imitation purchased at a low irice for the purp se of substitution. )<> not acc pt bis * Just as good” plea, ' sist upon having the genuine. Allcock’s ’orous Plaster has no equal. Brandretu’s Pills can always be relied ipOD. Coal is dearest in Africa: cheapest in Jhina. Shiloh’d Cure, the great cough d roup cure, is in great demand. Pocket ize contains twenty five ooses, only io ente. Children love it. Sold by drug ;ists. For sale by I). W. Curry. China’s exports reach $100,000,000 a ear, Don’t fail to see the Johnsen Fewelry Go’s novelties in Sterling Silver. HUYLER’S CANDIES. tomans, Lend Us Your Ear Just For Moment. Our weekly orders for Huyler’s Candy ;o direct to the factory. We have a buyer mployed, who sees that they are properly lied and promptly forwarded to us. We hallenge comparison as to their freshness rith any one. We claim the latest arrival. !all and see for yourself,and we wil I please No pills or castor oil for sale. A. M. ANTOGNOLI & CO., Star Gand t Works. 11-11-dlm CHEAPER YET. Millinery Goods at a Mere Song, We now offer our entire stock of Milii ery and Fancy goods at 25 per cent less ran first cost , FOR CASH ONLY We are compelled to raise a large amout f money at once. If you want bargains oto the Rome Millinery Bazaar, the lead rs of fashions and fine goods 333 Broad S < 12-3-(it ]Englisbmeu have $500,000,000 in cur ailroads. Buckien’a armcadalva. The Best Salve in the world for Cute, ruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, jver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, hilblaits Corns, and all Skin Eruptions ad positively cures Piles, or no pay re uired. It is guaranteed to give perfect itisfaction, or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box. For sale by D. W. Curry, druggist. 11-11-dlm THE NOVELTY STORE, G. EE. RAWLINS. TOYS. TOYS. _ TOYS. New Toys just in. No old goods. Can please you. Our Prices TALK. SAVING HOUSEKEEPERS Buy Glass, Crockery, China and Tinware, Fancy Goods, Lamps, Notions, Etc,, at the “NOVELTY STORE.” 5, 10 and 25c. Goods a Specialty. 318,Broad st. • ♦ " Hotel, * Rome, Ga, REYNOLDS, resident. B. I. HUGHES, Ca«h*er., 818 P. n. HARDIN, Via* Piesldent. rdrst National Bank \ OZE 1 EOJVLEI. Q-A.. \ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS: $300,000. AL the AccoXn:ao<lali«»ns Consistent with Sate. Hanfcmg Be tended to our ctirtlomerL. ! 1. l‘>. 1 111.1 .. Real Estate Agent, 230 BROAD STREET; ROME. GA. a Specialty, and Prompt Settlement the Rulo. mch3-dtf THE NOVELTY STORE, A FINE BOOK FREE. FOR OUR CASH-IN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIBERS The Tribune has delighted a number of Weekly subscribers re cently by presenting to those who SKSsSW paid in advance a handsomely li printed and bound book. A sec- I H ond shipment of one hundred w books was received and they are I ff 0 * 11 # like hot cakes. Now for the M Daily. When a subscriber pays I $ fi * x Inon ths in advance for The U® Daily Tribune and has a handsome I book banded him, he is delighted II These are not cheap, shoddy lg| books printed on dingy paper and' loosely bound. They are clean,, bright and handsomely and strongly bound, and may be kept for years and handed down to the next generation. The accompanying cut gives a good idea of the style of binding. A We have on hand the follcwing attractive titles : m f- . f ws- _ 3 Wis • - Ufl a■«« a ■-» £ VKT n nwr True Stories from Modern History. Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Cook’s Voyages Around the World. Life of Henry Clay. Life of George Washington. Life of Andrew Jackson. Robinson Crusoe. Swiss Family Robinson. I Patrick Henry. j Arabian Nights. Life of Napoleon. 1 Emerson’s Essays. j Life of Daniel Webster. I G* EE. RAWLINS. Irhaddeus of Warsaw, life of Joan of Arc. Life of David Crockett. Itories from History. School Days at Rugby. Little Dorritr. Nicholas Nickleby. Parnaby Rudge. Pickwick Papers. Dombey & Son. Hood’s Own. Old Curiosity Shop. Bleak House.