The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 09, 1893, Image 4

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' WITH i O’NEILL M’F’C COMPANY, \ Telephone 76. : Notice to Public School Teachers. The following will be the manner hi which the teachers will be paid fur the year 1893. Van’s Valley, Barker’s, Chulio and Howell’s on December 20: Cave Spring, Foster’s Mill and Livingston on Decem ber 21; North Carolina, Flat woods, Texas Valley and Floyd Springs on December 22; Everett Springs, Watters, Etowah and other districts on December 23 and Borne district on December 24. 12 9-dlt-w2t W. M. Bmdges, C. S. C. Governor Gltgeld issued two requisi tions, yesterday for the extiadition of prisoners wanted in Chicago. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When shf had Children, she gave them Castoria A man who was converted at a reviva in West Virgina fire to a barn and rfeICET EISTN E W GOODS AT LLOYD’S FAIR. Seedless Raisins, new, 10c lb. Best Citron only 25c lb. Currants, recleaned, 10c. i Loose Raisins, only 10c lb. I Fancy Raisins 15c to 20c. k Finest new crop Nuts 20b. ■ All our goods are J’The Best Bnlv ” from Thurber Whyland, and ■her first-class houses in New York. x-' - • 'if & almost as the old WlamSh’macliWis. Wilf. P. Pond. “Peck’s Bad Boy” Served to draw to the grand opera house last evening, one of the largest au diences ever gathered there. The large audience laughed uproariously for two hours and-a-half. The company is an exceedingly versatile one.—Brooklyn Union. At Nevin’s Wednesday, December 13. CHRISTMAS OODS Should be advertised in the Tribune’s holiday edition to be issued next Tuesday. Papers will be sent to 10,000 tax payers in six or eight counties. Several pages al ready sold. Come early tor space. We have one invention in this country which the slower nations of Europe have not devised. That is the railway wreck ing car. The reason it is not in use in Europe is that there is no need of it. They do not have railroad wrecks there often enough to warrant its construc tion. It would simply rust out. But in America it will wear out before it rusts. Railway companies do not like to have the passengers on the train next follow ing a wreck see the ghastly remains of it, so they endeavor to hustle tne old iron and splintered wood’out of sight as quickly as possible. Tj® wood is set fire to; the iron is carried <fff. The wrecking car is a powerful piece of machinery. By means of a crane and derrick it can pick up a load of 40,000 pounds 24 feet ahead and swing it off the track. The truck at t?B*?ront end, on which the crane rests, will sustain a load of 90,000 pounds. The American who has served longest in congress is Senator Justin Morrill of Vermont. He entered the house of rep resentatives 39 years ago and has been in continuous service in the house and senate ever since. Senator Dawes, be fore his retirement a year ago, had been in congress 36 years—lß in the house and 18 in the senate. A learned scientist has been writing a fine essay on "Man and the Age of Rea- Ion.” Have men reached the age of rea »n? THE ROME TRIUUNE, SATURDAY MOHMNG. DECEMBER 9. 1893, THIS AND THAT. A. f. T. will please come and get an swers to his ad. No services at the Catholic church to morrow. N. J. Clifford. A New York custom tailoring house, doing an agency business exclusive, and offering the best paying line in the mar ket, desires to secure an agent, who can furnish a bond, to handle their line in the cty of Rome. For further particu lars addres. S. J. B. 633 Brod way, New York City. 12 9-eod-2t Wanted—To trade a good house and lot in Rome, centrally located,for a small improved farm of 40 or 50acres Nothing but good land wantod. Address A. T. T., office. L Don’t fail to see the sterling sllve Novelties at the Johnson Jewelery Com- Kny. 12 5 3'. Wright for good stenog with Judge Meye - house, up stairs. W»rnr room cottage to rent on Avenu ward. Apply to J. S. May, Second avenue. 11-17-lm. ■geMur my entire stock of boots and ■Hnßat cost. I have to raise money sell now. This is your best bargains offered in Rome for for some time. R - T- CoNNALLT > 216 Broad street Rome Ga. masked men who brutally tor .l robb ’d °'d Mrs. Logan at Pa., were sentenced to an ag ", ’ ■y-niiio years in the peniten- MMJ^pin ilia, the king of medicines . % catarrh, and all Hood’s and only Hood’s. to see the Johnson jWMBwMyo’ B novelties in bitters spe p3i a, I:? - jR&HNNK&A.'i A D :-a- Ij. L-r . crowded Holliday niu’hr, and kept 'lie u■«' roar of 1- u 'brer. £ •*' Mu red a 11®.•ss. B,i!ti- 15 I’-mbcr 111. fc ren I ■ e ’’ •■ ■ u ’■* '> n‘«h A j ■ v >'■ r *• * > ( • hll , s - ill r> ‘' v ». i‘ l ••ih w. ■-1 t h that lies of the road rrnnn g through said Jot, also ifiac part of lot No 182 de scribed aft fellows: Beginning at a t errain *a nut bush or e>take runniLg no* h 44 roas t > El lie line thencu east io th* 1. T. V <fc G. rail road 22 ruds, thence south u. wn said railroad 44 rods- the «ce west to the >ng poii t Also 13% acres of lai d more or less, b< unu d as follows: Be. inning at the southea t corner of lot No. I'9, 24ih district. 3rd section, Ho\d county, Georgia, thence west 24 30-10 ) char s to a make, thence north 19U, east 6 v 5 10.) chans to a ► take thenc* east 2 85 100 chains to the original east line; thence south to the beginning point, for the purpose of securii £the payment of lour certain promissory notes, all of even date, each for the num ot §136.) 5, and aggregating the sum of $ 84.2«>made by the said W. C. Gi e* on the 17th day of March, 1893, and payable to Baid Jnn M Vandner or ordei.the flr-t dm Nov. 1, 1893. the second due Nov. 1 1*94, the third due November 1, 1595. and the fourih and la t due Nov. 1. 1896, after date, with interest at the ra*e ot 7 per cent per annum from the date of each of said notes; and it further appearing that said W. C. Giles fails and refuses to pay the first of sa 4 d for the sum us $136 05, with the interest due thereon. It is therefore ordered and decreed by the court that the said W. U. Giles pay into thir court on or before the next term thereof the principal and interest dm on the first of said notes and the cos-ts of this suit or in default thereof the court will proceed to such or der and d cree lor the tale of said property as to it shall seem equitable and just, and it is fur ther ordered tha r ihis rule be published in The Home Tribune, a newspaper published in the county of Floyd, once a month for 4 months, or served on the said W. C. Giles, or bis specie' agent or attorney, three months previous to the next term of this court. This Nov. 11th, 1893. W. M. HENRY, J. S. C , R. C. W. W. Vandiver, Petitioner’s Attorney. GEORGIA—FIoyd A true copy from min te- of F oyd Superior Court No. 27, page 5j2. This Nov 13. 1893. WM. E. BKYSIEGFL. Clerk Superior Court Floyd Co., Ga. 11-15 1-m 4m. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Floyd County. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE COURT of Ordinary of said county, «iil be sold at auction at the court house do >r of said count,, on the first Tuetda- in December next. wttbi . tbe legal hours ot sale the following real estate towit: Ail of those tw > tracts of land In the 22nd district and 3rd section < f said county, on.- tract consisting of whole lots Nos. 135, IM, 11 and 190 of ISO acres each, and 60 acres off ti e south side of lot No. 134, and 60 acr-soff th south side lot No If 3, both said parts of lola cut < ff by a straight line running east and we.t; the other tract known as the Abe Atkins p sc , consists of 60 acres cut off he south part of h t No. 99, and 40 acre, in the southwest c uner of lot No. 118, the two last named portions of 1 is Ivlng together and bounded on the north by Up lands of W. A. Chafin, Ji’es Kyle, and Meyer hairtt land, east by W. A. Chitin.south by W, A. Chafin and Lemaster and wese by D j cr<.ek. All of said real estate so das the prop erty of the estate of W. C. Howell, late of sai 1 county, deceased. Terms cash. C. H. HOWELL. Alni’x. J. S. HOWELL, Auni’r. ELECTION NOTICE. For Fence or Stock Law. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the Court Grout din the, 924 h (Bar ker’e) District, <4. M. said county, on tbe 2’th dav of December, 1893, in which tbe qitestio will be submitted to lhaqual find voters of ear Kistncc. ‘ For Fence” or •‘.'took Caw " as l y law provided. Petition having been filed an notice given as required by law Given under my hand and ■ fliclal signature this 4th day of Dece-über. 1893. JOHN P DIVtS, 12-T-d-w 20d Ordinary Floyd County. L>rt Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA’S VIOLA CREAM ft® Removes Freckles, Pimplee, C r J Liver • Moles, Blackheads, V-* Sunburn and Tan, and re- \ stores the skin to its origi nal freshness, producing clear and healthy com plexioa. Superior to all ' prepiratiouß and ,perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for 50cts. Send for Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP G limply inwmjwwMe m a ■Mn purifying Soap, imequaled for thn toilet, and without a rival Bn lie nunary. Ahaohitely jsiro rad delicately Dedi cated. Av dragging Price 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. BUGGIES! / . Buggies! Buggies 1* jez * Mi. i -Innes’ Bugcy, we have got them. If you want a Columbae.. Buggy, we have got them. w If you want a.Clncinnatl Buggy, we have got them. In fact we have got anything'you want In the Carriage, Buggy, Wagon and Road Cart line, all styles and prices, from a $55 Top Buggy to i ,500 Carriage. We have marked our work down to rock bottom prices, lower than they have ever been sold before. If you contemplate buying t Carriage, Buggy, Wagon or Road Cart this fall give us a call, and vt e will guarantee that we wil sell you as cheap, If not cheaper, than yon can buy anywhere else of same quality. We guaran tee every piece of work we sell. Besides our own make of one and two-horse wagons, we sell thr Jackson wagon,.which has a national reputation L H. Jous: It Sou M’a’f Ca. 406, 4OB.and 410 Broad Street, OMB, - - • GEORGIA. ]an3l-tf GEORGIA, Floyd County. , To a 1 whom it may concern: Samuel Funk houser, having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration de bonis non. on the estate of James G. Dailey, late of Slid county, this is to cite all and singu lar the creditorsand next of kin of Jau e* G. Dailey to be and appear at diy office within the time .flowed by law, and show cause,if any they can, why permanent Administration should not be granted to Samuel Funkh .user on James G. Dailey’s e.-tate. w itness my hand and official signature, this Sth day of Novemoer 1893. oaw4w JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Floyd County. To all whom it may concern: Samuel Funk hl user, having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration de bent, non with the will annexed, on the estate of Sira 8. A. Dailey, laie of said c unty this 1 to cte a'l "nd singular the creditors and next oi kin of Mrs. S. A Dalles to b- and ap,ear at my office within the time allowed by 1 w, and show cau-e. if an> they an. why p-imaneut dmln istraiion thould not I e eianted to rsamuel Fui k h< user bn Mrs. S A Dailej’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this Bth d-y of Novemb r 18C3 oaw4w JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary. u 111<• *>d Superior court, ! September Teim, 1893. it aopearing to 'h-court by th“ return of the sheriff In the above stated Caß“, that tbe defend ants do not reside in said county, aod it fui ther appetrlng that th-y do not r side in tl is state anti that, it is n- cessa-y to perfect service on s»iil di f- udaut by publication, it is hen by or dered ihut service on sal t » efer dante be per fected by i üblicatlon in the K me Tribune twice a month for two months. !■ ov. 15. 1 93. W. M. HENRY, 11 J. S. C. R. C. GEORGIA—FIoyd County: • G. W. Witcher > ‘ Petition for reforma ts [ tion and par ition in Mrs M. F. Caldwell, ) Floyd superior Court. Lenora Rainwater. I September Term, 1893. Mailha Ellen l aldwell, v Wm. Albert Caidwell ) To the def. ndan sin the above stated ca®e: You a:e. hereby notified and commanded to bo and appear at rhe next term of the Superb r court robe held in and fur said county of Flo d on tbe fourih Mom ay in March, 18e4. then and there to answer the plaintiff’s petition fol r< f • innation ano partiti'n. Asin default thereof said court will p oceed > s to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Honorable W. M. Henry, fudge of said Court, this November 15.1893 WM E. BEYSIbGEL, Clk S. C. F. C. Ga. Year’s Support. GEOBGIA—FIoyd County: To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support t > Mrs. F. R. Vai • mine, the wid. w and minor child of A. R Val entine, deceased hava filed their award, and un less good and sufficient cause is shown,the sa e will be made th judgment of the court a'ihe January term. 18»4 of the court of ordinary. This December 4,1893. JOHN P. D4VI3. 12 6w4w Ordinary. Letters of Administratio’u GEORGIA, Floyd County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Jane L Lendium having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters ofauministration on the estate of Henjamin Landrum, late of said coun ty This is to cite all and singular th« creditors and next of kin of Benjamin Landrum tube and appear at my office within the tine allowed by law. and show cause if any they can. why per manent administration should not be granted to Mrs Landrum on B- njamin Landrum's estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 6tb day of November, 1893. JOHN P. DAVIS, 11-8-law-dOd Ordinary. Central R, R. & Banking Co. of Ga H. M. COMER and P. J. HOWRY, Receivers. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 19, 1893, SOUTHBOUND. Tbain No. 4. Lv Chat’anooga 4 00 pm Lv.Rome 7 13 pm gv Cedartown 8 CO pm Tbain No. 2. Lv. Cedartown 5 10 am Ar Griffin 8 55 am Ar Macon 1’ 00 am Ar Savannah 6 20 pm NORTHBOUND. Tbain No. 1. Lv Savannah 8 4' pm Lv Macon 4 25 am Lv Griffin 5 85 pm Ar Cedartown 6 24 pm ■ Tbain No. 3. Lv Cedartown 6 20 am Lv Rome 7 08 am \r Chattanooga ..10 25 am Parties wishing to spend the day in Chatta nooga, should taqe the Centrol rai'road train at 7.t'B am. re un lug at 713 pm Iraln to and from Griffin lays over all night st Cedartown. W. F. SHELL »lAv, Traffic Mog. J ti. HAILK, Gen. Paes. Agt. A. B. WEBB, T. P A. Sav.nnah. Ga. D. G HALL, Lily P. and T. Agt .Avanta, Ga. C. 8. PBUDCN, W. E. HUFF Gen. Agt. T. A., Rams, Ga Sheriff’s Sales for January, 18! 4, GEORGIA. Floyd Count* . < * ill be sold be tore the court house door in the city of Rome. Floyd countv, Ga.. between tne lesal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January. 1891. the following described prop erty to wit: <>n all that tract or pare*! of 1 nd situated, lying and bJng in Floyd county. Ga , being a part of land I*»t No. 3t5 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county, and more particu larly de cribed as being lot r-o. 1, accoidingto map or plot of said lands, this bring of Lumpkin's addition to hast Rome, record dm “N. N.” of oeeds, pagei3Bu and 381. said lot be ginning at a corner of Ea»-t and Howard Ave nue, running along -Howard Avenue south eai-t 61 feet. and running along East Avenue 235 feet to Hi 1 street. Levied ou by virtue of two fl. fa-, issued from the Floyd J slice court of the 919th district G. M., one in fav<«r of J B Porter & Son vs W 11 Howdl and Emma Ho*ell, the other in favor.of J N Ch-neyva Mrs Emma Howel and W H Howell and sold subject to a mortgage given by Mi'S Emma Howell to atla* Saving-* & Ixian Asso ciation for S2OO, dated th- 18th day of February, 1893. and recoded in book ‘ UL™ of dee< s and due 5 years after date as the property ot the de fendants. Alsu at the same time and place, all that tract or parcel of land Ivtng in Floyd county, Ga., just beyond the limits of the town ot East Rome, knovnand distinguished as lot r*o. twenty-four (24) according to the map of the Hicks survey of the Co ley farm; ss id map being of record in book ‘ X” page 66 in the clerk’s office. Levied on by virtue of afi. fa. issued from ihe Floyd Superior court in favor of John N Kiker vs D C Campbell, as the proi erty of the defendant Also at the same time and place, that tract of land lying and being in the 23rd district ar d 3rd section of Flvyd county. Ga., and being a part of land lot No 346, described as follows • bey in ning at a point in Ayer’s Mill road 300 feet from the center of Dean street, thence running southwesterly 1384 feet to a point, thence east 758 feet to a stake, thence northeasterly 1121 feet to the cen ter of said Ayer’s Mill road opposite a s’ake set upon the edge of said road bi J G Barnwell, sur veyor, < pence along said road 10 chains to the beginning point, containing 18% acres more or less, and being known as part oi lot • E’’ in plat of survey made by said Bainwell, said lot “E” <•t said Barnwell tun ey, original'y containing 28% acres, and being the tract oi land conveyed by deed on the 19m of Ma-ch, 18H7, fr -m w E Glauton to J D Gwaltney and recorded in book •*J J,” page 675, of deeds of said cou» ty of Flo>d with all ’he rights, members and appurtenances in anywise appei tail,ing. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl ;a issued from Floyd superior court in fav >r of W W Brooks vs J D Gwaltney as the property of the defendant. Abo at the tame time and place, an undivided two sixths interest in 283 acres of land in the 4th district and 4th see n n us Floyd co nty, Ga.. same being pans of land lots Nos 16, >147. 178. 179 and R 3 and known as the W K Vann home place, a plat and survey wber of as made by J II R. ynoldf, county surveyor, being of record in the clerk’s < slice of Floyd superior court in b i ok “A” of hom*hteads. page 326, said undivided two-sixths inteii st b* ii g levi- d on a’ the prop erty of the defendants. J D Vai n and M A Vann, an undivided one six h intere-t |bdunging to each of said defend mt a and tho said ML a Vann residing on sain levied property. Levied on by a viriue of aft fa issued Horn Floyd superior court in favor of 8 1* smith vs J D Vann «»nd Mrs. M A Vann, as the property of the defend ant. Also at the same time and place lots Nos 1 and 2 in the town of North Rome, Ga., formerly Fore stville, near Rome, Ga., containing one-half acie each more or less, accoiding to the survey of said tewn bounded on the north bv the Kingston road or avenue, on the east bv Cham bers street, on the south by lot No 3. on the west by property owned bt the M Dwinell est te, also the South halt of lot No 230, in the 23rd dis trict and 3rd section of Fl**yd county, Ga ex cept 15 acres in’he northeast corner of said half of said lot. the 1 *t coutMinifig 180 acres, more < r less Also lot 146 known as the Parton lot, in North Rome, bounued on the north* ast by chuich street, on the southeast by school hou-e lot, and containing one-half acre, more or less, also on the w st half oi lot No 163 in No« th Home, fronting on Kingston street. h 2% feet, running due South 210 feet and bounded on the west bt another street Levied on oy virtue of a fl fa issued from the Floyd city c ur. in f Vur of E P Tread .way vs W J Hall as the property us the deiei daat. Also at the same lime and place, one black horse mule abo» t five years old. about sixteen hands high, named Bill. b« ught of Bro . & Go. Levied on by vi tue ot a mortgage fl fa is sued f < m ’h • Floyd c»t\ court in favoi of Bass Hr- s <S Go vs T Mize ot the defendant AJso the (1 a vr. -.inu.i teen acres, moie 'Deining f rtv aces, more or legs. N“TO2, c-ntainiog thirty acres, more or 'e-ts No 463, conta’uing ihir een acres, more or less. a r d No 3.-3. containing forty acres, m«»re or less in alt c nt-iin’ng one hun dred a< d forty acr-s, more or lehs and all lying in the 16 h di tdet and 4 h section «»f Flovd county, Ga. Levi* d ou bv virtue oi a mortgage fl fa is urd from the Fh yd eu erb r cour in fa vor of J H Wborron ’8 agent vs Je-si Mannas agent, as the property of me deftnciant Also at tne same tiin« and place, that tract of land bituaied. hing d being in r he <3rd dis trict and : r<l section of Fioyac »un'.y. Ga . and being part of lot No z()« fronting on Hoss a tree 11’4 i>et and 2 inches and ruining bek same width 412 feet and 6 inches to J II Keece’s laud; bounded on the north by Sba irock Floyd, on the south by < ne Lay, and being the balance of said lot deeded bv S A Harris to sat'i Lay a* d Pei kins on thel’h day ot January, 1890. Levied ou by virtue of a fl fa issued fro >’he Floyd justice court of the 9i9th district GM,infav«.r us W P McLeod vs Thornton Pe kins, as rhe i roper* yof the defend mt. Levy made by W M Byais, LC. Also at rhe same time and place, one undi vided one-half interest in that portion of lor No 4 in the village ot Timbuct«>o, near Forestville, being a part of lot of land No 238, in the 23ru district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga. Bounded on thenortaby the Calboun road, on the east by Anderson Miller’s lot No 6. on the south by lot No 4, ow ned i»y Jeff * right, and on the west by lot No 3, also owned by Jeff Wright. Levied on bv virtue of a fl la issued irom the Floyd ju-tice court of the 9U>th district, G M, in favor of W H Coker Cfc Co vs Lewis Thurman, as the property of the defendant Also at the same time and place, on all that tract and parcel of land lying and being in West Rome, Floyd county, Ga , and known as lot No 283 in plat of V' est Rome by the West Rome Land Co. Levied on by virtue of all fa issued from the Floyd j istice court of the 9l9tn dis trict, g M in favor of Win Dougherty & Co vs Henry L Earp, and Mrs Heu«y L Earp as the property oi the defendant. Levy made by H Beard, L C. Also at the same time and place, one four horse power €ngin« mounted on sills, made bv Flick & Co and known as an Eclipse engine: also 1 40 saw cotton gin,No— gin feeder, No- all fortv saw and made by Gullett Gin Co; also one No 14 Dixie cotton fan with suction pipe, n etai elbows and wooden attachments of every kiud; also one iron pullev 18x10 inc ties, one iron pulley 36x8 ircheß* Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa Issued from the Floy d city court in favor of Gen M Batt y vs Wa B Formbyjas the proi erty of tie defendant. Also at the same time and place, one black hor-e mule named Henry, h vied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa issued from the Floyd city court in favor of Bass Bros «& Co vs Guo Hine man, as the property of tbo defendant, Also at the same time and place ail that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the county of F.loyd and state of Georgia and Described as lot No 9 in block ‘ B” of the Flow ers addition to Forestville, according to a map ot Said addition, said lot fr< ntiug on Orchard street 50 feet and running back to Sheibley Bt., on the south line 117 feet, and on the north side *r line 130; said lui bei gapart of the Aymck place and formerly ki own a* a part of Timbuc too. Said p operty point* d cut by pla miff’s attorneys, Levied on by virtue of afl fa issued from the Flo'd justice court of the9l9th dis trict, G M, in favor of the New Home Hewing Machine Co vs Ben F Clark, as the property us the defendant. Also at the sametime and place, a cuytain lot in the town of DeSoto, now the 4th ward of Rome, in Floyd county, lying aid beir gon the north side of which street runs westward from the Summerville <»r street and leaves said road or stiver at the southeast corner of the lot now owned by G M O’Bryan and sister, on the north side of said Pine street, ea’d lot frenting on said s'reet one hundred feet and running bae»> north one hundi-ed and twen ty five teet. Levied on b’ virtue us a mort c age fl fa issued froni the Floyd superior court in favor of K W Berryni l vs asa Trammell, as the property of the deteadent. Also at the same time and place, lot of land No SB7 situated in the 3d disti iot and 4rh section of said county, containing «(» acres. Levied on hy virtue of afl tn is?u< d from >he Fb*yd j is tice court of the 924th di*tri< t. G M . in favor of K B Beeves for the se of k m Ririck and vs J F Russell, as the property of the defendant. Levy made by J H Whitton LC Also at the sane time and place, two bouses and th« int, up< n wh'Ch the defendants nr»w re side. situated In tie fltth ward of the «ity of Rome Flo d county, Ga, tr nting on Goosa street 77 feet, more or le“8. and running baca 85 fe**t to the property of Miranda Daniel, bou d ♦*d on tbe west bv the property of Mrs M m Co rn* r. Levied on by virtue of afl fa issued from Floyd Superior Court in favor us Mrs Mary K COTHRAN & CO., Fire life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses Insured. Office Corner Armstrong Hotel, H. D. HILL, Real Estate Agent, 230 BROAD STREET; ROME, GA. Renting’ a Specialty, and Prompt Settlement the Rule. mchß-dtf v Comer for use of officers of Floyd superior court v 8 Jas Richardson, Thos Biebar ison and Warren Richardson, as the property of the de fendants. Also at the same time and place, a parcel of land situated in that portion of Floyd county Ga, kuown as “New R- me,” being part of land lot No 357, in the 23d district and 3» section of said county and described as follows' B gin ning at the intersection aud southwest corm r of Tennessee A venue and Seventh street and run ning along said Tennessee avenue s 6 deg and 45 min, w,a distance of 2<6 feet thence due west 152 feet thence s 5 deg w 202 feet, thence south 84 dug 30 mins wB6 teet, thence s 3 deg w 237 se t, thence nB3 deg 30 mi. s. w7O feet thence a 5 deg 3 min. w 786 feet thvnce w 1 deg s 660 feet, thence n 26 deg 30 min e 1782 feet with the line of the furnace company’s property to a white 02k t»ee, thence s 68 deg 40 min e 340 feet alone "th street to the beginning corner, con taining 17 acres, more or lees, also that part of land in lot N<> 357 Described as f Hows: Begin ning at a point feet due south from tie n e corner of lot No 357 toence running due *outh along the land line between lot No 357 and 356 a distance ot 1100 thence due west a distance of lUUO leet tu Tennessee ave ue. thencu along said avenue n 6 deg 45min east a distance of BH> feet to Holder’s c< rner thence e 83 deg 15 min e 159% feet to a 15 foot alley thence along said alley n 6deg 45 min ea?-t a distance of 350 leer, to Gedar street, thence a ong said str< et n 44 d. g 15 min ea distance 01 27u teet, thence 575 deg «-'ast a distance ot 570 feet to theiegi ning corner, c mtaining 22 1-2 acres more or less rurerved in thi* parcel of laud is the righo of way of th-’ G R A C R R Biding 10 furnace and the right of way of the Rome bt kR running across <»necorner. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa issued frcni the Floyd Superior court in favor of J King vs New Rome Land Co as the property of the defendant. Alsu at tbe same time and place, alt that tract or parcel of laud si uated ana being in the 4th ward of tbe citv <*f K mu, Floyd county, Ga. fo>merly the town of DeSoto, and deaented as fullowi*. to-w.t; being a lot on which a new framed b’i ding is erected near the city bridge on tbe oostanaula ijver on sth uve auh and 12 feet in addition fro tne wail us the sa d build ing on the river Bide of said lot, making tn« lot in ail about 33 feet tiont ou nth aveuu , ormer ly Alabama road, a id running back lOu feet par allel with tbe line of lot adjoining owneo by A»a Trammell aiid boU”deil an tuiluas: on he iiorih w tt by iot wntd by Asa Tran intli and in tbe rear and eide toward tbe river by land uwu* d by D B. Hamilton and d ecnb.fl JTde 'y abh Trammell Lu D B' Hamilton, elated D< c 11, 1889, sold-4or purchase m ney «>1 sain lor. deed been fl leu m the c erk 5 s office o the su ueiioi c<>urt in accordance with tne statute by viitue of euperi r court fl fa in f v»r ur D B Hamil on vs M A Wiuipee and Nat Harris, ad iniDißtracora of tbe estate of Mary A Wiiupce, *b the pro eity of tbe defend .nt. Also at tue same time and place, being lot No 30 “a’’ in Smith subdivision near Ease Kou.e itue bounded m the north by Ea*t Rome line 01 boundary street, west by lot No z 9 ••A” and th east by iot No i ••!.”, front! gon Eaet Rome line str<et 50 feet and running back i-outh same width GO fnet »auw oei >g u». the West ti «e 01 the house ow.iei by ih eaid Mis E J vVitume; all in the 23d distnet and 3o section 01 Fluyo couuiy, Ga Levieu on by virtue us amm tgage ii fa issued trom th Floyu superior court in fa vor ot Hamilton & Co vs Mrs E J Wimpee, tne property of the neiei.d *i»t. Aibo at the 81.n1.' time and place, all that tr. c* or parcel us land i»ing and being in the city of R me Flo*dCo,Ga. an . bring part of I>t uune <>undred an nin ty-two (192) in ooaa division 01 sa d city and oe enbeu a iodows: Fronting ••n 2nd avenu- ninety-live (9a) ieet and running back same width, one hundred and eighty turee (183) feet ana bounded on the Duren uy tne are Brooks lot, on the west by U N Fe .th rstone lot, on s uih by J W R unsavillu lot on east by 2nd avenue, formally Howard stieeu Levied on by virtue of | three 11 fas issued from tne Floy justice court of the 919th district, G M, all in lavor us G h Redmon vs J J O’ eili & Son, as the property of J J O’Neill, one of the defendants aso at the same time and place, one blick hor!>e mu e about 9 years old, medium size, named John; also one black ho*se mul abuut 4 years old, about 16 -2 hands high and nameu George. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa issued from the Fl*«yd city court iu lav r oi The Farmers’ Alliance Co Operative Co va W B lUgan, as the property us ihe ueicrdant Also at > he same time and place, one furniture wagon, one oval glass nickel-plaud 6-foot show case, one flat nlukd-plated 6 foot sho* c*se, one 6 toot walnut frame show case, one 4 loot walnut frame show < ase, one iron Bate, made by Muster Saie aud Lick Co. Levied on by virtue us a mortgage fi fa issued from the Fiuyd city Court in invor of Hirsuerg Bros H diander vs B F Clark as the property of tnedeienuant. Also at the time and place, tbe following described pr perty, towit: An undivided halt interest in lot** Nos 260, 261, k 62. 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268. 2*>9, 270, 271, 27z. 273. 274 and 2.5 in ihe plat f West Rome made by Hie Rome Land Company, bounded on ihe north and east by Rai’ioxd street, on tbe south by Allen street, on the - est by Armstrong avenue, the said tract or parcel of land forming a triangle according to said p at; and ais ' part of lot Nu 208, the same being a porti »n of th** 3< acres euld by J A Stansbury to Ledbetter Bvgan and others, and known by th m as Faavi w property, a map < f wh*ch is us rtcoid iu the office oi the clerk of the superior court of Floyd county, Ga, bo jk K K of deeds, page 186, the property h» re adwr ised being according to said map, No 7, 8 and w eacn fronting 5u feet on Khudy stieet and tunning back tame width in northeasterly di rection 150 feet to an alley, and lots N s 54, 55, 56, 5i a* d 58, each fronting fifty <so f f et on Stansbury str et and running back same width in a suutnwisterly direction 159 feet to an a ley and lots Nos 122 and 123 each fronting 50 feet on Stansoury street and running back in a north easterly direction same width 150 >eet to an alley. All ot said parcels us lands being in the 23d ai-trict and 3d section of Floyd coun*y. Ga., by virtue of two ju tice court fl fas issu d by the juitice court ot the 919th district G M of Fi »yd county, Ga , in favor of the Cashier Merchants' National Hank vs J F Dupree as tne propei ty ot l tbe dufeudr t Also at the same time and place, 200 empty one gallon jugs, one lot of canned goods, a >bs tobacco, more or less, une ihuw case, 14 decant ers, 2vaß«B. 18 glasses, 1 water cooler, 1 piece box cigars 3 bottles whisky, 1 iron safe, 1 u ul ab e and fixtures, 11 emuty kegs, 2 empty bar rels. 100 gallons waisky, more or less, 10 gallons wine, mure or lut-s, 2 12 gallons gin more or less, 2 bun el* empty beer bo ties, one hall b.ix crackers. Levied on by viriue ot a mortgage fl fa issued from Floyd city comt t * favor of D C Leoii vs E L Melton, as the property ot the de fendant Also at tbe ss'i e time and place, one twen’y horse power engine ami b iler, Nagle make, o e saw mill, Hagle make, said m,w mill con-ists of carriage, saw frame one 43-inch cir u ar *aw and anout 70 feet of 12-in<*li juh her beltjig Levied on by virtue of a mo tgage fi fa issu d tr»m Floyd ci tv court in favor oi G M Rediuai and Bro vs u P MuL* od for p irchaie money of a i*i machinery; said engine aim saw mulls now located aid can be seen on who th known as thn Tiiu ole 1 luce seven and a half n lies north of R -me. near Jones’ mill. Also at the same time and place, all that *ract or parcel or land.situated in the Coosa Division ot h*<ityoi Rom?, rioyd enunrt, Ga , md bring par-a of city l* t 9 Kid Coo a Devi-lon. of said < itv ot Bi n e and bounded and desoiibed as follows; Commence ing at the North corner of Second avenue and East First street and running along second ave nue towards Broad street (46) forty-six feet; thence at right angler from East First street across lots Nos. 99, 100 and 101, a distance of ninety feet to tbe property of John T. War ick; rhence at right angb s with the last mentioned Une, and ou the line Dividing lots Nos. lot 102 and running to East Firs* street and thence in a straight line along East First street to the Stirling point: being tne intersection of East F.rat street and Second avenue, tbe same being known as the express office corner, with all tbe improvements the*eon, by virtue of an execu tion issued bv the Superior court, of FL yd county, in favor of H. J Johnson for the use of Mrs. Mary Weber and her five minor chil dren, vs. J. King, principal and S. S. King, security, on administrator’s bond as the prop erty us J. King. JAKE C. MOi »RE, Sheriff. Application for Letters of Dis mission, GEORGIA, Floyd County: Wh°reas. Mr-* RAP White, gr<rdian of Charles G Deason. lepresems o the court m her petition Duh filed that she has administered said Wa d s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindied and creditors to show cause, ifanvthey can, why said guar< ian should not be discharged from "her guardian hi • and re letters of dismission on tbe first Monday in March, 1«94 This Dec Bth. 1893. JOHN P. DAVIS. 12-10 9Cd Ordinary Floyd County. MAGNETIC NERVINE. ,s 80,d written guarantee to cure 423 wS® N ervou n P rostra- « tlon, Fstc, Dizzi nesß,TL?a(iachoand v- Neuralgia and Wak- fulness,caused bvez censi v euse of Opium, Tobacco and Alco hoi; Mental Depres- • BEFORE AFTER* Bion, Softening of the Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Doath ; Barreness, Lo<t Power in either sw.. Premature vid Age, lavohmtexirLei ses, caused by over-indulgence, over-exertion or the Brain ftnl Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their Natural Vigor and doubles the joys of life; cure* Lucorrhoea and Female Weakness. A month’s treat ment, in plain package, by mail, to any address, $1 per box, 6 boxes $5. With every 15 order we give u Written Guarantee to cure or refund th# money. Circulars free. Guarantee issued only by our ex clusive agent. For Rale bv D. W. Currv, R*w. Ga. JACKSON OFFICE FURNITURE COMPANY, JAI KSON. TENN. M inafae'urors of— School, Church and Office Furniture. qCHOOLS AND CFUR HKB SEATED IN 0 thr best manner Offices furnished. Send for Catalogue H-H-d6m THE STTU. The first 01 American Newspapers, CHARLES A DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. There first, last and all the time, forever ' The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspsper in the World Price, sc. a copy, By mall *2 a year Daily, by mail gli a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Weekly SI s year Address THE SUN. New York. 12-ISw Rome Railroad. The following schedule will go Into effect Ncvebmer 14 1893, at 8 .SO a m. bomb to Kingston. No. 1. No. 8 Lt Rome 8.50 am 2.50 pm Ar Second Avenue 8.53 am 253 pm “ Brick Yard 9.0 >am 3.00 pm Freeman’s 905 am 3<5 pm "Dykes’ 9.11 am 3.1 ipa “ Bass’ Ferry 920 am 3.20 pm " Eves’ 9.25 am 3.25 pm Murchison’s 9.3 S am 3.38 pm *• Woolley’s 9v am 346 pm Ar Kingston 9.50 am 3.50 pm Ar Atlanta W& A 12.15 pm 6 25'pm KINGSTON TO BOMB. No. 2. No. 4. Lv Atlants B.ot> am 500 pm Lv Kingston 10.M’ am 6.12 pm Ar Woolley’s 10.27 am 5.17 pm •• Murchison's 10.31 am 5 21pm •• Evas’ 10.30 am 5.29 pm •• Pass’ Ferry 1033 am 5 :13 pra ■' Dykes' • l°.4a am 5.38 pm •• Freeman's. 10.51 am 5.41 pm Brick Yard 10.5 -am 548 pm "Second Avenue 11.(5 am 5 56vm ar Homo. ILIO »“* O-'W pm Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Kingston, with Western & Atlantl; trains going North to Chattanooga, and Honth to Atlanta. Connections at A linta and Cb.ttanooga In Unioi' Dspo a with all trains diverging. All trains airue and depart from Rome Rail road d-pot, foot of Hro.d street, less than one block from heart of citv. use- so cnaogeuf cars at Kingston. Through coaches on aU trains between Rome and Atlanta. *. F. AYER, Bupt and Tragic Manager.